

The SciTech BBS had been through four major iterations of BBS applications and three different operating systems (Mac OS 7, PC DOS 6, and Windows NT4). Although the SciTech BBS was connected to the Internet in 1994, there are no surviving web page screen captures from the computing system. The terminal and client based interfaces are exemplified on the SciTech BBS User Interfaces page.

However, the Internet Archive WayBackMachine (http://web.archive.org/) has 51 captures of the URL http://scitech.mtroyal.ab.ca between December 26, 1996 to March 23, 2004 (http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://scitech.mtroyal.ab.ca/). Unfortunately not all the website captures are complete, but these records do provide further external historical evidence to support our story. According to the Internet Archive WayBackMachine, the Alexa Crawls started in 1996, thereby missing the SciTech BBS online activity between 1994 to 1995. Although shutdown of the SciTech BBS was officially done on July 1, 1999 in compliance with an order by the administration, there were continued website captures until 2004. Based on the Internet Archive WayBackMachine captures after July 1, 1999 to 2004, the SciTech BBS content appears to have mysteriously been active without our knowledge or consent. We can’t explain this phenomenon, but we appreciate the virtual life after death of our educational BBS innovation.

The following web pages were more recent samples from our system archives:

1998 – Home Page

1999 – Home Page

1998 – Our vision page


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Pioneers of Online Learning in Alberta Copyright © 2020 by Steve Swettenham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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