Capacity development was a core commitment of the IMPACT program of research. IMPACT supported general capacity development for:

  • designing and implementing innovations;
  • engaging in collaboration and partnerships;
  • designing and implementing deliberative processes;
  • conducting policy- and practice-relevant research;
  • embedding research findings regarding access-to-care for vulnerable populations into practice and policy; and,
  • participating in a developmental approach to evaluation.

Capacity development activities targeted members of the:

  • research team;
  • LIP Core and Management Teams.

Some of these capacity building activities also involved members of the LIP community consultations.

Capacity development activities focusing on each of these areas may include:

  • sharing of published and grey literature related to leading practices in each of the areas listed above;
  • opportunities for sharing lessons learned and developing more in-depth understanding of core concepts (e.g., blogs, wikis, discussion groups, webinars and mentoring relationships);
  • targeted training opportunities during face-to-face sessions (within LIPs and amongst the research team);
  • secondments between policy, practice, and research environments; and
  • student mentoring, training, and exchange opportunities.

Through these activities, participants (i.e., researchers, decision-makers, clinical practitioners, and community members) across health care and service organisations develop:

  • a common understanding about access to CBPHC for vulnerable populations;
  • ability to improve access to CBPHC at the local level;
  • local capacity to engage in deliberative processes for public consultation and collective decision-making.

What is LIP capacity?

The success of the LIP is dependent on the development of capacity in core areas (i.e., evaluation, implementation, partnership, and community building). Through capacity building components, strategies are implemented to support development and evaluation of capacity in these core areas. The intent is not that all stakeholders will develop capacity in all areas but that the LIP will be able to demonstrate increased capacity in relevant areas in order to support design and implementation of innovations.

Core area Specific components of this capacity area
  • Speak openly and challenge assumptions
  • Process facilitation
  • Pattern recognition
  • Listening & communicating
  • Tolerance for ambiguity
  • Reflective skills
  • Mixed methods skills
  • Change management
  • Stakeholder analysis/management
  • Project management
  • Deliberative process skills
  • Meeting skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Negotiation skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Motivational skills
  • Performance improvement skills
  • Data management skills
  • Action/reflection cycle skills
  • Facilitation/coaching/mentoring skills
  • Psychological safety & healthy difficult conversations
  • Group facilitation skills
Community building
  • Networking & network mapping
  • Community engagement  skills


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