
The activities of each LIP are overseen by a local LIP lead. Details of the roles and responsibilities for the LIP Lead, the project coordinator, LIP Core Team members, the LIP Management Committee, and LIP Network members should be clearly outlined in a Charter (see Appendix B) that provides a basic guideline for each of the roles knowing there will need to be some contextual variation.

In some contexts, both the lead researcher and the LIP Lead will be members of the LIP Core Team. There may also be the need, in some contexts, for a LIP Management Committee that bridges the gap between the LIP Core Team and the larger LIP Network.

LIP Lead

The LIP Lead is responsible for:

  • hiring and overseeing the LIP coordinator;
  • organising a LIP Core Team;
  • facilitating LIP Core Team member understanding of the process;
  • developing the LIP Charter and MOU;
  • forming a LIP Management Committee (if needed);
  • developing a local communication plan;
  • assisting the LIP Core Team, if appropriate, in establishing a representative stakeholder group or LIP Network; and,
  • organizing and facilitating a developmental approach to evaluation.

LIP Coordinator

The LIP coordinator supports the LIP Core Team to achieve the LIP’s objectives. For example, the LIP coordinator, with support from the LIP Lead, is responsible for organising deliberative forums, liaising with the evaluation team, and collating relevant data on access-related need.