Book Title: In A Strange Way Vol. 1

Author: Bernadette Cooper

Cover image for In A Strange Way Vol. 1

Book Description: 'In A Strange Way,' Vol 1. 2. & 3. is a provocative trans-cending series conveying sisterhood, straddling the lines of sexual exploration and self-discovery on so many levels. Erotica.

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Book Information

Book Description

Vol.1 ‘In A Strange Way.’ erotica.
I am Introducing Julia La Fontaine, A Harlem native, Howard University, Magnum business school graduate’s self-discovery journey. The corporate executive aims to escape her mundane life and her mother’s jaded expectations. Julia discovers her purpose and invents a happiness plan to achieve it.

Practicing what her life has taught her, that one must accept change, Julia launches a goddess movement. She signs a luxurious job offer, uproots her life, and heads west.

On her path to reinvention, she stumbles and dramatically falls for a handsome, all-American white boy star quarterback, who methodically sabotages her common-sensical life plan. Everything she worked for is now in legal limbo. Julia must now reclaim her life. During her reinvention, she uncovers the mystery of her quarterback beau. She discovers his web of lies, sexual transgressions, a clandestine Trans-inspired lover, and soon his purpose for deceiving her—all hidden on flash drives.

Betrayal reignites the sexually fluid Julia’s freedom of choice, and she transitions into a woman-to-woman dalliance: diving into the dominitrix world of eroticism, role-playing, worship, and desire on another level. All while her mother whispers the constant theme, Your life is not valuable without a man.

Choosing between pleasing herself or satisfying her mother, Julia must dig deep and embrace her self-discovery journey. She falls into the supporting arms of the rock star diva and experiences surrender.

This synopsis would not be complete without a metaphorical crime scene or character assassination. As a result of the collaboration between the two women, a plan is devised to destroy him.

In volumes 1, 2, and 3, Julia will guide you through an expedition exploring the theory of happiness—furthermore, the magic of how, when working together, women are a force.

Vol.1 ‘In A Strange Way’ erotica.


Bernadette Cooper


In A Strange Way Vol. 1 Copyright © by Bernadette Cooper. All Rights Reserved.


In A Strange Way Vol. 1
Bernadette Cooper

In a strange way Vol. one copyright © 2016 by Bernadette Cooper.

Foreword by Bernadette Cooper Copyright 2016

Text and compilation Copyright 2016 by Bernadette Cooper,

Copyright Library of Congress index #: TXu 2-010-535

Printed in the United States of America.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Book and Cover design by Bernadette Cooper


First Edition: December 2016