
About this Anthology

This book provides both practical tools and applicable theories, as well as personal reflections on the topic of Indigenizing education broadly as well as methods for engaging youth in climate action projects. Additionally, the book aims to challenge deficit-mindsets that the educational and scientific communities often hold of Indigenous and other minoritized groups.

We argue for holistic approaches to science education and new Indigenous methodologies for incorporating cutting-edge space technologies with local traditional knowledges to solve some of the most pressing socio-environmental challenges humanity faces.

Indigenizing Education for Climate Action: Strategies, Case Studies, and Testimonios is the result of collaborative efforts by the members of the GEO-Indigenous Alliance, Space4Innovation, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the Namunyak Community Conservation, and Educreative.

In particular, we honor the Indigenous knowledge keepers, scholars, and advocates who guided this work as part of our editorial board:

Titus Letaapo, Sarara Foundation

James Rattling Leaf, Sr.

Mario Vargas Shakaim, Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)

Their voices enlightened the editorial process and uplifted the stories on these pages.

Additionally, we are grateful to all of our authors and to you, the reader, who has found your way here.