


  • What is the role of action research in professional learning and leadership?
  • What are the educational contexts that action research takes place?
  • What are the critiques of action research as a methodology?
  • What are the basic stages of an action research project?

In the previous chapter, we were able to explore the idea of action research, the purpose of action research, and the theoretical underpinnings of action research. Hopefully, you now have a good understanding of the landscape of action research and the contours in which it can take shape in educational contexts. It is important to emphasize that the primary aim of conducting action research in an educational context is to study and improve upon an educator’s, or group of educators’, practice. This chapter will explore some of the practical aspects of action research, in particular, the forethought and planning required to engage in a successful action research experience.

As we begin to transition from the theoretical to the more practical aspects of action research, we want to provide a few questions to consider:

  • How does the epistemological, ontological, and theoretical basis of action research fit with your pedagogical philosophy? Will using action research require any paradigmatic shifts in how you approach your pedagogy?
  • What are the pedagogical benefits of using action research in your educational context?
  • What are the most significant affordances and challenges of using action research in your educational context?

After considering the questions above, we think it is important from a practical standpoint to consider and situate action research as part of an educator’s responsibility to professional learning and leadership.

Action Research as Professional Learning and Leadership 

Thus far, we have made the case that action research is a useful methodology for educators because it formalizes a process you already use to improve your pedagogy; but how does it benefit you as a professional and your professional identity? In Becoming Critical Carr and Kemmis (2003) list characteristics of action research that make it integral to critical professional learning for educators. We have summarized their five characteristics of action research as a methodology for educators:

Five Characteristics of Action Research as a Methodology for Educators

  • action research rejects positivist notions of rationality, objectivity, and truth and instead has an openness to competing possibilities for effective pedagogical practice in educational contexts;
  • action research employs educators’ reflective and interpretive categories, and uses the language of educators as a basis for educators to explore and develop their own pedagogical theorizing;
  • action research allows educators’ unrealized self-understandings to be discerned by analyzing their own practices and understandings;
  • action research connects reflection to action, enabling educators to overcome barriers to pedagogical change through awareness of social and systemic factors influencing their educational context;
  • action research involves deep consideration of theory and practice and to demonstrate this critically self-reflective action, researchers develop and organize knowledge in which truth is evidenced through its relation to practice.

To synthesize these five characteristics in terms of practical knowledge, we think it is important to now consider a “so what?” type of question. After learning these characteristics, why would an educator engage in action research for the purpose of professional learning or leadership? The following five principles correspond to the five characteristics above:

Why an Educator would Engage in Action Research

  • the development of an educator’s pedagogy is not about developing a set of “surefire” technical competencies; it is concerned with finding the most effective practices for the learners in their educational context;
  • one way for educators to be consistently informed on pedagogy and increase their skills is through actively being involved in a culture of inquiry that dually relies on the latest educational research and their own learning environment to spark new inquiry;
  • by doing action research, educators are engaged in the process of hypothesizing, theorizing, and developing self-knowledge related specifically to their practice;
  • when educators engage in action research, they develop agency and gain control of knowledge, and address questions for themselves, instead of being subservient to the knowledge enacted on their educational context;
  • when educators are engaged in research, educators are naturally engaged in educational theorizing because they are reflecting on practice systematically and critically, to close the distance between educational theory practice, which many educators feel (Hopkins, 2003).

Professional learning in education takes many forms. Action research is unique in the realm of professional learning because it is tailored to the educator’s real time pedagogical foci, issues, or needs. Professional learning opportunities often fail to meet the expectations of educators because they are meant for large groups of educators, either based on a school, topic, subject, or course. Even at the course level of professional learning, while the content may be the same for each educator, the learners and educational context are different for each educator – which creates unique challenges that educators want to address through their professional learning. One advantage of traditional professional learning sessions is the group aspect, or collaborative thinking that takes place. Action research is flexible enough that collaborative inquiry could be part of the process, and educators could include colleagues as part of their research. In many ways, action research not only contributes to professional learning, but also provides professional leadership to colleagues.

Professional leadership in education also takes many forms. Danielson (2007) lists teacher leadership in her framework for teaching, as one of several professional responsibilities for educators. Educators who engage in action research and share their findings, are working to impact professional learning, and subsequently learning, beyond their classrooms and organizations. Engaged educators who attain and continue to receive recognition in the learning profession invest a lot of time and energy to stay informed and further develop their skills. Danielson (2007) notes that these educators are in a prime position to exercise leadership among their colleagues. Often times educators view conferences and professional learning sessions as the only opportunities to further develop their skills and become leaders among their colleagues. However, Danielson (2007) goes on to describe a distinguished educator as someone who engages in a combination of seeking “out opportunities for professional development and makes a systematic effort to conduct action research” (105). In this way, professional learning is a part of the action research process that engages educators in reflection and conversations outside of their educational context, while also potentially providing an alternative lens to analyze their data.

Collaborative inquiry provides vital contextual data to improve learning in educational contexts and throughout organizations. Teams, using a group inquiry process, can become a means for collaboratively engaging in action research and developing data that is relevant to educational departments or whole organizations. Data is most valuable to an educational context when it is deeply relatable and relevant to the specific educational context. Data specifically related to the educational context can increase an organization’s capacity to focus on design and instructional strategies with the greatest potential to support learning. In an effort to spark professional leadership, and as we discuss the process of action research in future chapters, please discuss with colleagues the potential action research projects in your own learning context and think about how to leverage those toward your organization’s professional learning or development initiatives. Thinking about your action research in this way adds another layer of purpose and makes action research a truly valuable process for improvement throughout your educational context.

What Will Action Look Like in My Learning Environment?

Now that we have discussed the relevance of action research for professional learning and leadership, it may be a little easier to conceptualize an action research project, or perhaps you already have an idea ready to start. O’Leary (2004) provides a useful list of processes related to action research that could help you think about your initial plans. Here are some questions to think about related to the processes of an action research project:

  • Does it address a practical problems(s)? Educators typically identify a practical problem in their educational context that has multiple possible ways to be addressed. The impetus to improve professional practice prioritizes change.
  • Does it generate knowledge? Generating knowledge promotes change. By addressing this practical problem, you will generate knowledge.
  • Does it enact changes in your pedagogy/learning environment/organization? The changes generated by the knowledge will be useful to enact change relatively close to the conclusion of the research project.
  • Is it participatory? Action research is participatory, and the primary researcher is involved in the action, potentially along with other researchers and stakeholders.
  • Could it be a cyclical process? Action research is a cyclical process that results from emerging knowledge. Once better situational understanding is gained through research, a change can be implemented and researched again, resulting in an evaluative practice that reciprocates between informed action and critical reflection.

I want to emphasize that this is one of interpretations of the processes involved in the action research process, and you should adapt these basic processes to fit your needs as an educator and researcher. These processes will also become clearer in purpose as we discuss the contexts for action research.

The Contexts for Considering Action Research

Action research can take place in many professional settings and contexts. As we think about some of those contexts we will focus on the most common in educational settings. I have also provided some examples for research in each context.

Improving Educational Practice

These projects are conducted by educators in their educational context and focus on pedagogical, curricular, or instructional aspects of their practice. Examples could include:

      • How can Socratic questioning improve engagement in discussion forums?
      • Who participates more in an online course?
      • Does using a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework improve course completion?
      • How do instructional design models influence collaboration among project teams?
      • How can Flipgrid help connect learner interests to learning outcomes?

Examining an Educational Theme

These projects allow educators to examine new ideas or themes that they have encountered in professional learning opportunities. Examples could include:

      • How can I implement a gamified structure in my online course?
      • Can I integrate a problem-based learning approach within a training module?
      • In what ways do inclusion of social media tools help learners engage with content?
      • Does microlearning help learners retain material longer?

Educational Context Focus

These projects focus on interaction between humans and the ecological space of the context. Examples could include:

      • How can a training on workplace inclusion impact the personal perspectives and actions of individual learners beyond the workplace?
      • What is the effect of flipping the classroom on academic work outside of a classroom setting?
      • Does presenting to community members, outside the learning environment, improve engagement or motivation for group projects?

Implementing a New Initiative Based on Policy or Research

These projects are sparked by new policy or research data or are related to organizational, district or state-wide initiatives. These are often group or collaborative projects. Examples could include:

      • What are the best methods to prepare trainers for the new rollout of a learning management system?
      • Does adopting a quality online learning rubric at an institutional level impact the development cycle of online courses?
      • Adopting the new formative assessment framework for inquiry-based learning.

Critiques of Action Research

Action research is a fairly new form of acceptable educational research; therefore, educators should be aware of some of the common critiques you may hear when presenting or sharing your research. These critiques can also be easily dealt with in the planning and development of your action research project. The following are three of the most common critiques of action research.

Critique #1: Action research lacks rigor and trustworthiness in comparison to other methodologies…

The rigor of a research project is shaped by the manner in which data collection and analysis are conducted in the research process. For example, rigor can develop in data collection by using a variety of research methods to collect data (discussed further in Chapter 6). Sharing data with critical friends and colleagues, or triangulating the data (multiple sources of data), would demonstrate rigor in the data analysis process. Issues of trustworthiness are raised around the question: Can you be/maintain objectivity when you are conducting research on your own practice? Trustworthiness can be viewed as the strength of the inference made possible by the given research study. Trustworthiness can be achieved primarily through triangulation of data and a clear description of context, participants, processes, and analysis which allows for transferability as a reader. Maintaining a rigorous data collection and analysis process will help with trustworthiness, but also being clear in your epistemological stance and positionality from the beginning of the project also contributes to trustworthiness. Rigor and trustworthiness can easily be addressed through developing a research plan and sticking to it. Adherence to ethical research (IRB) will also add to trustworthiness, we will discuss this in a later chapter.

Critique #2: Action research findings are not generalizable to other educational contexts…

Generalizability is often a concern for quantitative researchers who are trying to solve problems across large portions of the population. Simply put, the action researcher is not concerned with generalizable data that can provide answers to other educators in different contexts (However, it is great if this happens!). The action researcher is primarily concerned with generating knowledge based on the actions within their own situated context. Action research findings are generalizable only within specific situations and within that specific educational context, which is described and considered as part of the research process. Sharing findings could be applicable to educators who are interested or who are in similar circumstances, either locally, nationally, or globally.

Critique #3: Action research is based on a deficit model…

The problem-solving nature of action research may give an appearance that it is based on a deficit model. This is not necessarily the case; however, if researchers are not conscious of deficit thinking or deficit models of thinking, it is possible to engage in action research based on perceived student deficits. From my perspective, developing strategies for solving a problem within a situation with the sole purpose of improving practice is not rooted in deficit thinking, especially if they really generate knowledge. Regardless, researchers need to be aware of deficit thinking and make sure their research questions do not rely on assumptions about students’ weaknesses based on demographic groupings.

What’s Ahead? Thinking about the Stages of Action Research

The models of action research presented in Chapter 1 all described action research as a cyclical process. It is exciting to think about a cyclical process of professional learning to improve your practice; however, it can also be overwhelming to think about the process. We think it is helpful to have some awareness of what may happen during the project, represented in distinct stages, to provide an overview of the whole process. This will help you plan more efficiently, but we think it is also important to be flexible and understand that your project does not always need to follow that order. Here is what to expect:

  • Identifying a topic in the educational context
  • Reviewing related literature
  • Revising the topic
  • Developing a research question
  • Plan research activities
  • Collect data
  • Analyze data
  • Action implementation
  • Reflection on action
  • Report, share, or document.

Each of these steps has some brief considerations, yet I would like to discuss these steps in three broad areas of focus due to the overlap of these considerations.

  • Topic Development
  • Researching in Action
  • Action Implications

Topic Development

Identifying and developing a topic that is important and relevant to your practice is vitally essential. Your topic not only shapes the area of educational knowledge you will contribute to, but it will also shape your research question. It is usually helpful to identify and write down three to five potential topics. In addition to writing the topic down, describe why each topic is important or relevant to you, your practice, your learners, and/or your educational context. Then, if you are still having a hard time deciding on a topic, write down the intended benefits for you, your practice, your learners, and/or your educational context. It may also be helpful to discuss your ideas with others, to help focus your thoughts and provide another perspective on the feasibility of completing a study on a particular topic, its relevance and implications for practice.

Once you have identified a topic, it is important to conduct a literature review (discussed fully in Chapter 3) to find out what the field of education has researched in regards to your topic. This will help you understand what we know and don’t know about your topic. Once you have conducted a thorough literature review you will feel capable of potentially revising your topic to reflect the knowledge base, and possibly narrow the scope of your project for your own purposes.

Lastly, you will be able to develop a research question (discussed fully in Chapter 4) based on your topic, the reviewed literature, and your intended outcomes.

Researching Action

After you have thoroughly vetted a topic and developed a research question, you will be ready to begin the process of researching your topic in your educational context. In consideration of your research question, you can begin to plan your research activities—when  and how you will conduct the research in your educational context (Chapter 4). This will include a timeline of activities. You will then begin planning your data collection (Chapter 5) methods and fit those into your timeline. You will also need to think about a proposed process, or order for analyzing your data. This may seem strange; however, it helps contribute to the rigor and validity of your study to have a plan that fits within your epistemological stance.

Once your plan is set, you can begin the data collection process. After data collection, you can begin the analysis of the data (Chapter 6).

Action Implications

After you have analyzed your data, you should have some indication as to implications for your research question. You will have the opportunity to reflect on the research, take action, and eventually share or report your findings. Many of you will have reason to change an action in your educational context, whether it is the following week, the next semester, or next school year. This is where the cyclical process of action research can take shape.

Action Research in Action: A Vignette

As an instructional designer, I was often engaged in action research without realizing it, and typically this process began from reflection. Working within a higher education institution, fellow faculty and I would craft learning experiences that we hoped would engage students. However, some of these processes, while I could find some evidence for impact in existing literature, were us toying with ideas that few had tried and certainly no one had studied systematically. Particularly with emerging technologies, we often hear about the impact of the technology on student achievement or engagement (often from the vendor themselves), but is there empirical research that confirms this messaging? In working with another instructional designer, we employed YellowDig as an alternative way of generating student-driven topics for our discussions each week. YellowDig, using gamified approaches, encouraged students to post and like each others’ contributions and was tied to course participation. While we could anecdotally observe that students were more engaged through topics that they had selected, we wanted to know to what degree YellowDig played a role in this engagement. This type of pondering could easily lead to a form of action research. We had established a driving question – Does using YellowDig’s interface increase engagement through peer generated topics?

The next step in this process would be to find research that already existed and use that information as a catalyst for our own research. We knew of research that indicated the benefits of student generated and facilitated discussions. There was also emerging research on the subject of gamification and its benefits. However, the specific elements that factored into our own teaching practice were not something that could be accounted for in the literature. This was good news! It meant, on a large scale, that our action research would have a place in the broad educational context by filling an existing void in the information available to other instructional designers and educators. On a small scale, this meant others in our department could investigate the benefits of our design and also it could help inform purchasing decisions for our department.

From this driving question, we could take several approaches to measure the impact of Yellowdig in our classroom. This could be done through surveys, individual interviews or focus groups, as well as using learning analytics from Yellowdig and the learning management system. These data points can serve as key indicators of the impact of the tool. Working with a partner faculty member, we may even be able to have an experimental and control group in comparing the impact of Yellowdig in one section of a course compared to another course with regular approaches.

Though this example of action research does not reflect a formalized project, it speaks to how instructional designers and those working with instructional technologies naturally engage in the process of questioning and problem-solving to create change for their learners. It also demonstrates the value in what educators discover in their own learning environments. Researchers are often criticized for being too far removed from learning practice to really understand what educators need; but those working in the field have the opportunity to be their own guide and to potentially influence the research agendas in positive and practical ways.


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Action Research for Instructional Designers Copyright © 2021 by Tyler Watts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.