73 Dewey Beats Truman 2.0: Annoy the Media-and the Vichy Democrats-Reelect Joe Biden


This week I’ve been thinking a lot about the 1948 election which inspired me to begin reading an excellent book   about it by A.I. Baime.

Amazon.com: Dewey Defeats Truman: The 1948 Election and the Battle for America’s Soul (Audible Audio Edition): A. J. Baime, Scott Aiello, Audible Studios: Books

The similarities are striking-including the battle for America’s soul.

FN: If there was ever any doubt that is what 2024 is the recent ruling of the Republican Supreme Court that Trump has absolute immunity-for “official acts” though it’s not clear what the Trump-W Bush Court would agree was unofficial at least if Trump did it. Essentially IF Trump wins-God help us if he does and at least now he’s at least marginally ahead according to the polls-our democracy is basically DOA as unlike his first term Trump now knows he simply can’t be held accountable for anything.

Indeed, as I get through it it’s striking how many of the dynamics in 1948 are present in 2024-including things like Russian interference and the Israel-Palestine conflict-Truman had some very tough and consequential decisions to make regarding the formation of Israel

FN: -It’s certainly debatable if Truman all the decisions he there were the right ones with benefit of a lot of hindsight in what would be such a pivotal moment in the Middle East as we continue to reap the consequences of it post October 7.CF book on Truman and the formation of Israel.

And Truman was battling McCarythism which is clearly the direct ascendant of Maga. Here on the morning of Saturday, July 13-after over two weeks of an absolutely hysterical moral panic over Biden being 81 and why he-but not Trump of course who’s a whole 3 years younger AND a felon-needed to drop out of the election despite having won the primary-there are a lot of bad takes that have been made these last few weeks which have already “not aged well.”

Just yesterday morning, MSNBC had the following headline:



(2) Seth Abramson on X: “I’d say that this MSNBC report DIDN’T AGE WELL but it actually came out AFTER the “A+”-rated national poll (NPR/PBS) that put President Biden over Donald Trump By 2% So I will repeat what I have said before: major media is *beclowning itself daily* and losing support and viewers https://t.co/e0bSzxeVud” / X

Indeed, Abramson had earlier tweeted info that showed MSNBC had a tough week seeing a notable drop in viewers. But there have been a LOT of bad takes the last few weeks and, honestly, the media flacks who purveyed them should NEVER be allowed to live them down. The media has been unmasked in a way that won’t be forgotten. One favorite media pundit canard the last two weeks post President Biden’s allegedly campaign ending debate-is that ‘Sorry we can’t unsee what we saw that night.’

Many regular Americans agree with the sentiment  not regarding Biden’s debate but the absolutely unhinged freakout response from the legacy media-with the NY “But Her Emails” Times and CNN–where the CEO of its parent company Warner Bros says he is fine with whoever wins an election as long as it’s not Joe Biden-leading the way.

Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav would like a new president, too (msn.com)


Regarding Zaslav it’s not exactly well-kept secret that:

“Media and tech bosses hate Joe Biden’s antitrust policies, which they think are holding them back from buying and selling each other. But they tend to be careful about how they express that stuff out loud. What with the upcoming election and all.”

Zaslav is considerably less cautious:

“Not WBD CEO David Zaslav, though.”

Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav has no opinion about who should win the US presidential election this fall. Except he doesn’t want Joe Biden to win.

And no, he didn’t come out and use those exact words.

But he got plenty close Tuesday at Sun Valley, the annual media and tech mogul conference:

Via Bloomberg:

Asked about the upcoming presidential election, Zaslav said it mattered less to him which party wins, as long as the next president was friendly to business .”We just need an opportunity for deregulation, so companies can consolidate and do what we need to to be even better,” he said.

FN: The point that he is fine with whichever party wins so long as the next president is friendly to business is worth keeping in mind in this moment-12:07 am on Sunday 7/21!-as at the moment many senior elite Democrats in Congress are demanding President Biden leave the race-and a number of these same senior elite Democrats are also arguing that it might be better to skip VP Harris too, notably Nancy Pelosi.


Pelosi voiced support for an open nomination process if Biden drops out – POLITICO

(1) Benjy Sarlin on X: “Don’t know the former, but the argument I’m hearing in private is the same people here are making in public: They get a clean break with the Biden admin and run as an outsider trying to move past this entire era.” / X

Seeing as much of the impetus for driving out Biden is coming from donors-AOC in her very important and provocative IG video revealed many of the elite Dems in these #DumpBiden conversations are saying “my donors, my donors, my donors, not my voters, my voters, my voters”-it’s worth at least keeping in mind that many among the wealthy CEO set see Biden as a drag on business which begs the question we’ll consider in greater depth below of wether the real reason all these big donors are paying the Democrats calling for President Biden to exit the race isfear of Biden losing or of him winning-as it’s self evident that Biden is the most progressive President since LBJ. The larger point AOC made in her IG stream was that many of these Vichy Dem elites want not just Biden but Kamala off the ticket and, indeed, besides being the first Black, female VP-the first female VP period-she is also likely even more progressive than Biden-who again, himself is the most progressive since LBJ. Again, more below.

End FN

Basically, Zaslav said the quite part out loud-a lot of business moguls, particularly in media and tech-say quietly.

To be clear: What Zaslav is saying is what many business leaders — particularly in media and tech — say all the time, but relatively quietly: They don’t like Joe Biden’s antitrust regime, which has led the US government to question and in many cases try to block all kinds of mergers and acquisitions — from Microsoft’s $69 billion deal to buy Activision (which eventually went through) to Adobe’s $20 billion deal to buy Figma (which didn’t go through) to Meta’s $400 million deal for Within, a VR company (which eventually went through, too).”

There’s a pretty plausible theory that Trump will be much more “business friendly”

And Zaslav’s primary benefactor — billionaire investor John Malone, who put Zaslav in the position to run WBD and sits on its board — has been banging the consolidation drum for years.

FN: Regarding Malone, when he took over the he was described as “the Fox News admiring billionaire” who wanted to remake CNN.

“Why billionaire John Malone’s shadow looms over CNN”

“One of the world’s most powerful news outlets has a new mandate.”

Why Fox News-loving billionaire John Malone wants to remake CNN – Vox

End FN

The two men frequently bring up the idea that WBD would like to buy something and trial-ballooned a Paramount deal last year. Though lots of people see WBD, whose stock is hovering near an all-time low, as a sale target itself. Comcast is usually floated as the potential acquirer in that scenario.

And it’s conventional wisdom that if Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, he’ll usher in an era where just about any M&A deal you can dream up can go through (as long as Trump doesn’t have a problem with one of those companies — ask AT&T and Time Warner, whose deal was held up in court for years during Trump’s first administration.)”

HIs comments at Sun Valley were reported on July 10. So Zaslav-who as we first saw in the Chris Litcht era is the opposite of a hands off CEO of the parent company of CNN-wants Trump to win this election. Which correlates in an interesting way with the frenzied CNN coverage of the post debate moral panic over Biden’s age and the demand that he end his campaign-despite the trivial fact that he won the primary with over 14 million votes.

FN: One zombie argument you’ve heard a lot during this time as it’s ok to throw out these 14 million+ votes because the primary wasn’t competitive. That’s true though not relevant-it’s normal for an incumbent party to not have a competitive primary and as we’ll look into more below it’s usually not a good omen when an incumbent party DOES have an open primary.

End FN

Indeed, during what many call The Frenzy-regarding the breadth and scale of the MSM’s moral panic post June 27, one of the biggest Twitter scourges for us in the Democratic base has been Brian Stelter-which is pretty interesting on a few levels-as he has figured somewhat prominently in a number of the recent CNN wars.

On July 2, Stelter posted and pinned this tweet to his profile-as of today-7/21-it’s still pinned.

Brian Stelter on X: “My humble message for everyone enraged at the news media right now: This crisis of faith in Biden’s capabilities is not a media creation; Democratic party officials are the ones driving this conversation https://t.co/aqBUZYkTmm” / X

Stelter was no doubt responding to the fact that for many liberals and Dems he became the face of The Frenzy. Stelter and some of his colleagues on Twitter dismissed us as ‘Blue Maga” a nice example of false equivalence on steroids. The point was that as liberals were criticizing the media they were no different than Trump calling them the “Enemy of the People” because they accurately point out his lies or something.

The criticism of many liberals the last three weeks has been entirely substantive not calling accurate stories “fake news” while fomenting violence but this point is too subtle for the Savvy.


Why CNN is booting all the Trump critics who work there. (slate.com)

Inside the Meltdown at CNN – The Atlantic


President Zelensky may argue very eloquently that “Evil must never lose” but CNN disagrees-they, like the NY Times prefer to be seen as neutral in the war between fascism and democracy.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: ‘Evil must always, always lose,’ Ukrainian president says in Utah (msn.com)

Let’s start the Bad Take Express:


Wajahat Ali on X: “If Biden praised brutal, authoritarian dictators in a speech and fumbled the word Pennsylvania, it would be non-stop news for a week. Trump did that today, and a bunch of other unhinged stuff, and it’s not news. This is how our institutions have normalized Trump & a future” / X

CNN’s Brianna Keilar Stunned Over Glenn Ivey’s Biden Support (mediaite.com)

Maybe place below? As this is recent

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is the mainstream media’s brain on polls as CNN reporter’s brain explodes after hearing truth: Biden has support of voters: CNN’s Brianna Keilar Stunned Over Glenn Ivey’s Biden Support (https://t.co/WRiYUVFSGE)” / X

Does this belong here or in Nate Silver section?

‘No President Has Won With 37% Approval’: Dem Rep Joins Growing Calls For Biden To Withdraw, Fears Loss To Trump (msn.com)

Aaron Sorkin says Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney, not Joe Biden (usatoday.com)

Christopher Bouzy on Spoutible

B. The Vichy Democrats

Aaron Sorkin says Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney, not Joe Biden (usatoday.com)r

Maine Democratic Lawmaker Says Trump Will Win In November And ‘Democracy Will Be Just Fine’ (msn.com)

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “3. In Truman’s 1948 State of the Union not only did the GOP hate everything he said but his own party sat on its hands-dead silence in the Capitol. BUT Harry talked over the heads of these elites to the American people who knew he had their back just like Joe has ours” / X

Bennie G. Thompson on X: “I want to express that regardless of who calls on the President to withdraw, as long as the majority of us continue to support Biden, we will win this in November! Stay focused, my fellow Democrats. #BidenHarrisToSaveDemocracy #RidingWithBiden” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Yet the Dem elite claim he “CAN’T WIN’ and that he will drag down all House and Senate races. It’s not a party it’s a death wish” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Yes no public polling is remotely consistent with these doomsday scenarios” / X

(1) Chris D. Jackson on X: “Literally a toss up and Democrats are self sabotaging. Unbelievable.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “How can you say Pelosi has great political acumen if it leads to another 1968? That was a disaster for the Democrats” / X

(1) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is from Ronald Brownstein at The Atlantic. But here’s a dorky question perhaps: If he’s not going to drop out why continue to do this? Assuming you’re REAL fear is a second Trump Presidency and not some far less noble motivations https://t.co/GwIZb9OGO4” / X

Chris D. Jackson on X: “🚨 BREAKING: Rep. Don Beyer just posted this video reaffirming his support for President Biden! This is how it is done. Well done! 👏 👏 👏 https://t.co/ULnNh1ubiY” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @IlhanMN: I can’t tell you all how shameful it feels to hear all these leaks about what Democratic leaders are staying and not to have a…” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I disagree. We have to defeat the fascist threat and Joe remains the best candidate to do it. If in Obama’s opinion Biden should step out Obama’s has a right to his opinion. But his opinion is irrelevant at this point. I didn’t vote for Biden on the understanding Obama approved” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “So glad she’s the one Dem elite not to drink this Coolaid” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “4. I think the key is Hillary and Bill have been here-they were Joe Bidened 1998-people forget now but then many Dem elites considered impeaching him then the base-voters, Black churches, etc-let them know” / X

File this under why Dump Biden is an idea not just wrong but terrible

Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “I told y’all Mark Halperin was full of shit and to ignore him. This is 2016 all over again, but this time, it’s “journalists” spreading disinformation instead of Russian trolls. https://t.co/Y5X2TNVixK” / X

Bakari Sellers on X: “So for all the geniuses out there who have never run a campaign or worked on a campaign, question….lets say Biden bows out in 48hrs (he won’t)…what the hell you do for the next month with no nominee? Just not campaign? You can’t fan fiction your way to an outcome…” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Ezra have you ever asked yourself why the Black, Brown, and progressive Dems in Congress support Biden-ie those who really have something to fear in a 2nd Trump term-but privileged white males like yourself who have nothing personal to fear from it claim Biden can’t win?” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean I’m sorry for being upset about this but our democracy is imperiled and these elite insider Dems admit there’s no evidence dropping Biden gives them a better chance. https://t.co/DUua6xBF5r” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This completely validates @AOC ‘s argument” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This has the inconvenience of being true: Clyburn predicts election loss if Democrats have contested convention (https://t.co/xVeIldz7JN)” / X

C, Does Nate Silver get his own section? Refuting the Dump Biden arguments

Sarlin uses the Blue Maga canard-a favorite of the Savvy press:

We weren’t the only ones to notice the parallels. “It very much reminded me of Trump,” said one Democratic strategist after Biden’s call-in to Morning Joe (once a favorite Trump venue, by the way). “Tactically, Biden’s phoner was stealing a page out of the Trump playbook,” a Republican strategist said.

Over the last decade, Trump repeatedly used threats against party leaders as leverage in case they ever tried to turn on him. He threatened to run with a third party in 2016 if he felt he wasn’t treated fairly, and reportedly made a similar threat during his impeachment trial after January 6. When he announced his latest run this cycle, prominent Republicans openly worried he would deliberately destroy the party’s nominee if it was anyone but him. And, of course, anyone who opposed him could expect a nasty primary challenge.

Biden’s threat is similar in effect, but functionally different. He doesn’t command a rabid army of supporters to weaponize against opponents like Trump (though Democrats are watching for signs of pro-Biden backlash), and he’s the definition of an institutionalist and insider, not an anti-establishment rebel who could leave his party behind if he wanted to.

Biden’s last line of defense: Mutually assured destruction | Semafor

Wrong that Biden doesn’t have rabid supporters-they’re not fascists like Trump’s Deplorables but they are all in for Joe and furious at the elites in the media as well as in the Vichy Dems trying to take him down

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean I’m sorry for being upset about this but our democracy is imperiled and these elite insider Dems admit there’s no evidence dropping Biden gives them a better chance. https://t.co/DUua6xBF5r” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Interesting most of t people steadfast 4 Biden-Harris are Black folks and the progressives-like AOC & even Bernie-ie those most under threat from a 2nd Trump term-while those who think a chaotic brokered convention is a swell idea R privileged white males like Yglesias & @Silver” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @SymoneDSanders: Whew. Some heavy hitting local and national names on this list —> 1,400 Black women sign letter of support for Biden, c…” / X

Tab – A Lot of Shark on X: “@dancluchey @sydrasmith So what you’re saying in that we should trust the polls – black box models which are not peer reviewed, which are proprietary, i.e. which cannot be vetted by objective experts – instead of actual elections where people voted? AND then what you’re suggesting is that we should” / X

Adam Carlson on X: “Very very very bad use of polling” / Xk

Ezra Klein on X: “One reason I doubt there’ll be a “mini primary” now is that I don’t think the other major candidates would run. There’s not enough time for them to win support. The process would be too unclear. Party is too exhausted. Harris looks too strong. (People shouldn’t underestimate how” / X

(1) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Right-just pretty funny how hacks like Ezra assume the Trumpists always tell the truth-rather than just trolling the hacks” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. I mean @ellaportman1 I assume the Trump people know dumping Biden is a terrible strategy for the Dems and play reverse psychology knowing how stupid the leadership is” / X

Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “Biden has made it clear he isn’t stepping aside. Despite this, you still push to replace him using junk polls and unreliable focus groups. There was a fucking primary where millions of people voted, and Biden won. So shut the fuck up about replacing Biden and move on already.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Sure throw the rules out and make new rules after the game is over and 14 million voted. Sounds fair” / X

Ronald Klain on X: “But I thought he had “ no path” according to donors and the electeds following the donors?” / X

(2) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “The President digs in @princessmom122 @sandralhanlon @LindaSt85442136 @MyrnaGoldstein -he’s in it to win it. O’Malley says the people Biden are hearing from say “stay in” and “we need you” he hears right he hears us @ellaportman1 @daralebrun https://t.co/9FEXNRyhno” / X

(2) Andrew Bates on X: “Keep the faith. “1 big thing: Biden digs in” “Biden officials are telling Democratic critics that President Biden is eager to prove them wrong — and plans to hit the campaign trail once he recovers from COVID” https://t.co/fIrxXSsrXv” / X

(3) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “According to you the only relevant key is he’s 3 years older than Trump though Pelosi at 84 is fine as she’s down with nullifying 14 million voters” / X

This anxious caller is so many of us in the Dem voter base currently.

Tea Pain on X: “Wow. This could be the most impactful clip you see this election cycle. The Democratic base wants Biden.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean think about it-she must have known this might be the last day of her life yet this was still top of her mind. If it’s possible to die a hero her name is Congresswoman Lee. Honor her memory” / X

DCPetterson on X: “This is ridiculous. Obama and Clinton wouldn’t do it. and there is no mechanism (and no money) to do a “mini-primary” (no time, either), and there are no possible candidates who are nationally known, and the legal challenges will be endless, and… Biden is the nominee.” / X

My fairly viral tweet-for me

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@RepZoeLofgren Read the room-you’ve betrayed your voters and nobody wants to hear it. Congresswoman Lee’s last public words were to support our nominee. As you don’t want to do that please stay out of the way” / X

I Smoked #DropOutDon on X: “Fighting for Biden until the very end. Never stopped to think about herself 😭” / X

LOTS of breathless predictions

Bad Faith ✝️🐴🇺🇲🌻🇺🇦 on X: “So we are going to keep pretending like we didn’t just have an actual primary?” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “IF true then congratulations. YOu have just thrown the votes of over 14 million Democratic voters in the trash can in favor of a 1968 brokered convention fiasco. No one seems to know any history: the Democrats LOST 1968 and were out of the WH next 25 years” / X

(4) Contented Independent on X: “I figured out which poll they’re citing and it’s even more stupid than you can possibly imagine. It’s Emerson. The polling house Democrats are citing is Emerson, with 12% undecided and commissioned by a PAC with the express purpose of replacing him.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Have you noticed that big media elites are useless-even the liberals end up on the side of the Vichy Democrats? They can’t resist the Coolaid because they have to follow the pack. If Pelosi/Schumer say something you CAN’T resist it. They CAN’T be wrong https://t.co/jmhJTpiMdr” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is what a party looks like? It’s a suicide pact. Forcing a 1968 style chaotic convention is not what a party looks like” / Xtt



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