
194 Mike Johnson and the Ukraine Funding Fight: “They’d Rather be Pure Than Govern

Jake Sherman put this very succinctly on the morning of 4/17/2024 regarding the state of play in the fight to finally send Ukraine more weapons.

Rather be pure than govern however, sums up not just the Trumpian Far Right but the Bernie or Bust Tankie Left. Both would rather be pure than govern. This was drawn out in Ryan Grim’s book on the Squad. The Far Left seemed to become disillusioned with AOC and Friends precisely because they were TOO constructive and interested in governing.

The idea is to make a point not legislation!

No wonder in the Trump Era the Left and Right get along so well-they have the same enemy-Center Left liberal Democrats

☀️ AM: Johnson seeks a way out on foreign aid (punchbowl.news)


(4) The Neutering of the GOP House (thebulwark.com)


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