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1. Prologue: Didn't Mueller Prove No Collusion?
2. 2014: Chuck Todd and Friends Have Hillary Fatigue 1.0
3. I Knew They'd Never Allow me to be President.- Hillary November 9, 2016
4. Ruth Marcus isn't a Feminist She Just Hates the Clintons
5. Charles McGonigal: an FBI Link to Russia
6. Reference Link? The Cental Issue: Those Who Think Government Can Work and Those Who Hope it Will Fail
7. Is 2024 Like 1948?
8. Not a Fair Fight: Here in March 2024 it's Hard to be Optimistic Trump Will EVER Face Accountability
9. An American Dream Worth Fighting For: Multi Racial Democracy
10. Book Sketch
11. "I Knew They'd Never Let Me be President": The Bad Candidate Canard
12. President Joe's First Mistake
13. The Mueller Proved No Colllusion Canard
15. The Israeli Vladimar Putin and Israeli Collusion
16. Hillary's Accurate Criticism of the Democrats' Failure to See Dobbs Coming: Augment Link?
17. Angela Davis on the 2024 Election: Right Message and Messenger
18. The Israeli Vladimar Putin or the Russian Netanyahu?
19. If He Loses in November Blame Joe Biden's Suicidal Belief in Respectability Politics CF Links?
20. But What did Putin get out of Electing Trump?
21. Crackas With Attitude Fanboy Hasan Stumbles on Missing Piece of Russiagate
22. The Latest on the Merrick Garland Wars
23. Hamas Leader Osama Hamdan to China and Russia: Our Power is at Their Service
24. The Russian Putin, the Israeli Netanyahu and October 7
25. Nate Silver's 'The Polls Can't be Wrong" Narrative not Holding up Great Lately
26. Cenk Ugyur's Biden Derangement Syndrome: Don't Know Much About Politics
27. Not Smart Peope Wait-Jim Himes is on the Intelligence Committe?
28. At First Night of RNC Ana Kasparian and Cenk Ughur Compete for Who Can be More Objectively pro Trump
29. The Supreme Court is ALSO Pretty Weird Augment?
30. Harry Truman 2.0? Give 'Em Hell Biden 1.0
31. Ok They got What They Wanted Now They Better Win
32. Is it Me or is LITERALLY EVERYTHING Kamala Harris does is Awesome, Amazing, and Totally Based?
33. 2.0 Is it Me or is LITERALLY EVERYTHING Kamala Harris does Awesome, Amazing, and Totally Based?
34. 1.0 Yes We Kam! Is it Me or is Everything Kamala Harris Does Amazing, Awesome, Amazingly Awesome or Awesomely Amazing?
35. Yes We Kam: Is it Me or is Everything Kamala Harris Does Amazing, Awesome, Amazingly Awesome or Awesomely Amazing?
36. Hillary Clinton was Right Again: Project Silver Lake Edition
37. Julian Assange: Journalist or Russian Asset? Augment
38. Bush v Gore 2.0 How Roberts Prejudged Absollute Immunity Augment
39. Augment: Once Again For Trump all Roads Always Lead to Russia
40. How do You Parody Anna Kasparian?
41. 1.0 What Happened? 2.0: In Real Life Sometimes the Bad Guys Win
42. "We Have Won: Now More Than Ever all Roads Lead to Russia"
43. I'm the Expert on Driving Negatives Up: Steve Bannon 2020
44. America is Still not Man Enough-Augment?
45. Left-Liberal Alliance: The Enemy of Donald Trump is My Friend
46. Resistance 2.0, My Mitch McConnell Envy and the Left-Liberal Alliance: The Enemy of Donald Trump is My Friend
47. It Must be Said Can't be Said Enough the System Failed to Protect Us From This
48. Yes Donald Trump is a Sociopath and Some Early Trump 2.0 Resistance Heroes to Inspire Us
49. The "Russia Russia Russia Hoax" and the "October Surprise Hoax"
50. A Confirmed Hillary Clinton Man asks: AOC 2028?
51. Kash Patel Will fit Right in at Trumpland and Christopher Wray Still Sucks
52. Brian Schatz: Is Everything Going to be Alright? It's a Little Soon to Say Augment
53. What Ro Kihanna Gets Wrong About the Dems' Elon Musk Problem
54. Just When You Thought Legacy Media Couldn't Get WORSE
55. Some Thoughts on Ken Martin Being Names the New DNC Chair
56. The NY FBI Which Elected Trump is Now Resisting Him?!
57. Where the F are the Democrats Augment
58. The Trump-Musk Coup Upends The MAGA Illusion as Well as the Sensible Centrist Canard About DOGE
59. Oh Keith Ellison You had Me at "We Will be Looking into Potential Crimes by Elon Musk"
60. This is all the FBI's Fault-but Could This Offer a Shot at Redemption?
61. The Ro Kihanna Paradox: Is He a Double Agent for Elon's Nerd Reich?
62. "Ya'll Miss Joe Biden." Roland Martin 2/8/25
63. We Were Promised Low Egg Prices
64. #InMaddowWeTrust: Yes MSNBC is Coming Back, CNN Still Sucks
65. Augment: Quiet Part out Loud: Why People Vote for Fascism OR Against Stupidity We are Powerless
66. Roland Martin: America Will Have to Hit Rock Bottom Before it Quits Donald Trump
67. Jon Stewart is the Wrong Answer Even More so is Stephen A Smith
68. The Trump Files Augment
69. Why I Can ALMOST Forgive Zizke but Will NEVER Forgive Noam Chomsky Augment?
70. The TaskForce Butler Files
71. In Maddow We Trust: The Trump 2.0 Years
72. Jeff Bezos Makes it Official: Washington Post is Now Just His Personal Substack
73. Useful Idiot: Even NOW Katie Halper is Still Funneling Russian Disinformation-Augment?
74. Chapter 1: 2014: The MSM has Hillary Clinton Fatigue
75. The Chris Cillizza Media: It Just Looks Bad
76. The Abnormalization of Hillary Clinton
77. Feminist anti Feminism: Ruth Marcus' Long History of Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome
78. Amy Choznick's Confessions: Yes the Media in 2016 Were Unwitting Agents of Russian Intelligence
79. Media False Equivalence: is the Democratic Party a Girl?
80. Rachel Maddow Rules While Breaking all the MSM Rules
81. The Stenography of the MSM, Jay Rosen's 'View From Nowhere' and Why Rachel Maddow Rules
82. The NY Times has Done it Again
83. The Many Questions Ari Melber Didn't Ask George Papadopoulos
84. Michael Avenatti, Michael Wolff, and What the Mainstream Media gets Wrong
85. The MSM Sat on Story of Trump's $130K Payment to Porn Star on Eve of Election
86. The Strange Regression of the Media During the Kavanaugh Nomination
87. Despite Beltway MSM Spin Collusion Remains an Open Question
88. Katty Kay Goes Full Cokie Roberts: It Doesn't Matter What the Mueller Report Says the MSM Has Already Decided
89. The Comey Press Conference 2.0: Neither the DOJ or the NY Times has Learned Anything
90. But He's 81! Et Tu Ezra Klein?
91. But Who Will Tell Erik Wemple?
92. Paul Manafort and "all Those Years of Shitty Coverage of the Russia Investigation"
93. The Jeff Gerth Mainstream Media's 'Mueller Found no Collusion' Canard
94. Et Tu the Washington Post? The Mainstream Media Keeps Going From Bad to Worse
95. Once the Media Has a Bad Narrative Hunter Biden Fiasco Edition
96. But NYT Refuses to be Outdone: Still Not Having Fun and Still the Worst
97. The MSM's No Collusion Canard: Phillip Bump's Fittingly Savvy Piece on Alpha Server
98. Erik Wemple's Steele Dossier Derangement Syndrome; also See Jason Leopold
99. What Happened to Manafort-Assange? Why the NYT Repudiated its own Reporting?
100. The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton the Election.- Nate Silver 2017
101. How the Biden WH Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate the NY Times Like the Rest of Us
102. NY Post no one Has Moved on From 2016 Least of all You
103. List of Chapters to Add to Media Part
104. Astonishingly the NYT (and CNN) Still Don't Think They've Done Enough Harm
105. Dewey Beats Truman 2.0 Annoy the Media-and the Cut and Run Democrats-and Reelect Joe Biden
106. Dewey Beats Truman 2.0: Annoy the Media-and the Vichy Democrats-Reelect Joe Biden
107. Not Owned By Anyone: Jennifer Rubin Leaves Washington Post as Liberals Rediscover Class Analysis
108. From the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Treason: a Post New Deal History of the GOP 1.0
109. The Party of Lincoln Becomes the Party of Treason: a Post New Deal History of the GOP 2.0
110. LBJ on Nixon 1968: 'This is Treason'
111. Roger Stone: Don Segretti, Creep, and how He Avoided Prison in the First Watergate
112. Collusion With a Hostile Foreign Power 2.0 Reagan and the Ayatollah Delay Release of the Iranian Hostages
113. Another Rigged Election: Was Gary Hart set Up?
114. Bush v. Gore: Bringing a Knife to a Gun Fight While the GOP Supreme Court Appoints George W. Bush
115. Party of Treason: Paul Ryan Keeps it in the Family
116. Another Trump-Reagan Parallel: Reagan's Staff Also Discussed the 25th Amendment
117. KT McFarland Cites Nixon 1968 and Reagan 1980 as Justification for Violating the Hatch Act 2016
118. "Putin is Running the House of Representatives"
119. Yes Collusion: Like a Serial Killer Who has to Leave Clues for the Investigator
120. Augment: Roger Stone, Lyndon Larouche, Vladimir Putin, and the Queen of England Walk into a Bar
121. On the Evening of the Comey Letter, Michael Flynn Received an Email From a Rogue FBI Agent
122. 1.0 The Steele Dossier and its Enemies: Michael Cohen's Derangement Syndrome Gives it New Life
123. All Roads Lead to Russia: Baseless Hunter Biden Investigation Edition
124. The 9/11 Families, the Saudis, George Dubyah's Pet Goat and Dick Cheney's Shootdown Order
125. "The Republican Party is Like Fungus-You can Never get Rid of it"
126. On Ukraine Aid Putin's Party Vows: Never Again
127. The Paradox of Michael Cohen's Steele Dossier Derangement Syndrome
128. How Michael Cohen Inspired Me to Reread the Steele Dossier
129. Trump's Espionage is About 2016 not 2020
130. Like John Mearsheimer, Roger Stone Calls Russia's Invasion of Ukraine "Defensive"
131. Was There Probable Cause for Comeygate? The Criminal Investigation Without a Subject
132. Extreme Carelessness: Why did it Take James Comey a Year to Clear Hillary Clinton?
133. Extreme Carelessness: Did Comey Give His Press Conference Based on a Fake Russian Document?
134. Weinergate: Chuck Johnson Paid Sydney Leathers to Catfish Anthony Weiner Again Like She did in 2013
135. Weinergate: The Almost Totally Unknown Story of How the Girl in Weiner's Sexting Case Lied to Hurt Hillary Clinton
136. True Pundit October 2016: NYPD Chief Threatens to Leak Huma Abedin's Emails to Wikileaks
137. Roger Stone on "The Previously Unreported Background' of the Comey Letter"
138. Louise Mensch: Comeygate and Russian Collusion One Operation
139. The Leeden Manifesto: The GOP's 2016 Hunt for Her Emails and Bannon's Unknown Role
140. Comey's October Surprise Wasn't a Surprise for Devin Nunes
141. Three Months Before His Death Wayne Barrett Interviewed Arch Rogue FBI Agent James Kallstrom
142. 25 Years of Lock Her Up Politics: the FBI is a Very Republican Place
143. How to Work the Refs: What the Dems Should Learn From the GOP
144. Has the IG Report on Emailgate Been Compromised?
145. On Rogue FBI Agent Collusion, Michael Horowitz does a Bill Barr
146. Trumpland: The FBI Which Elected Trump Supported His Insurrection
147. Keeping Chris Christie's Bridgegate Lawyer as FBI Director Was President Joe's First Mistake
148. Keeping Chris Christie's Bridgegate Lawyer as FBI Director Was President Joe's First Mistake
149. The No Collusion Myth: Chris Cuomo, Adam Schiff, and the Dems Prevent Defense
150. The Barr-Durham Fiasco: The Return of Comey's Fake Russian Document
151. The Bill E Buckner of American Politics of American Politics: Comey IS the 500 Year Flood
152. Could Andy McCabe Have Prevented the Comey Letter?
153. The Making of a Conspiracy Theorist: The Fallacy of "Vote Harder" and Why There's no Moving on From 2016
154. FOIA Memo Shows Once Again the FBI is a Very Republican Place
155. Revisiting the Steele Dossier: Did Michael Cohen go to Prague? John Schindler Version
156. Russia if You're Listening 2.0: The Hunter Biden Fiasco
157. Apparently, James Comey Thinks He Still Hasn't Done Enough
158. Finally a Little Justice for Peter Strozk-Augment Previous FBI Chapter?
159. Ground Zero of the Authoritarian Assault on Democracy has Been Against LGBT Women
160. Putin on DNC Hacked Emails: Don't Worry Who Stole Them Just Read
161. Russia if You're Listening
162. The Israel Lobby: Israeli Inteference is not the Exception but the Rule
163. A Russian Speaking Ukrainian of Color on Neo Nazism in Ukraine
164. Useful Idiots: Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange
165. Ray McGovern: All Roads Lead to Russia Trump's First Impeachment Edition
166. Russia Running Away with the Propaganda War
167. The Israeli Putin and the Russian Netanyahu: The Complicated Relationship Between Russia and Israel
168. Putin and the Return of History and Russia After Navalny
169. Trump Discussed Presidential Election With Putin-According to Putin
170. Roger Stone's Russia Colluison Files
171. Putin Reading List
172. The History of US-Israeli Relations: Just How Powerful IS the Israel Lobby?
173. Lev Parnas: A Larger Conspiracy to Help Russia Crush Ukraine by Infiltrating the US
174. Blowing Up Ukraine: The Russian 9/11
175. Rashid Khalidi Files-Reference Only
176. Zbigniew Brzeznski Files
177. But What Did Putin Gain From Electing Trump?
178. But What Could Israel Have Done After October 7?
179. Slomo Ben Ami on the Future of Gaza
180. The Helena Cobban Files
181. Christopher Steele: Brexit Has Marginalized Us as Intended
182. Useful Idiots: Max Blumenthal and the Fallacy of a Left-Right Alliance
183. Caleb Maupin: Keeping the World Safe for Autocracy
184. Against Caleb Maupin: Is There a Marxist Case for Ukraine?
185. Matt Tabbi: Don't Know Much about US Politics, Don't Know Much Foreign Policy...
186. Briahna Joy Gray: Bernie's Old Campaign Manager Heightens the Contradictions
187. Norman Fincklestein: Russia has a RIGHT to Invade Ukraine Because of 27 Million WWII Deaths
188. Why Edward Snowden is not a Hero but the Opposite of a Hero
189. The Snowden Myth: He's no Hero, He's the Opposite of a Hero Augment
190. Glenn Greenwald: White Supremacy's Defense Attorney
191. Why the Left Never Stops Talking About the Iraq War
192. Fools for Assad: How the Syrian Civil War Became Ground Zero for Putin's Proxy War Against the Truth
193. WTF Happened to Scott Ritter? (Probably Same That Happened to Ed Snowden)
194. Tucker Carlsen aka Glenn Greenwald's Favorite Socialist
195. After Navalny's Murder There's a Special Place in Hell for Aaron Mate
196. Julian Assange: Donald Trump's Unpaid Super Pac Cum Putin's Favorite "Journalist"
197. Elon Musk
198. Norman Finklestein: Russia was RIGHT to Invade Ukraine
199. The Truth About the Maiden Revolution
200. Why Noam Chomsky is Garbage
201. The Julian Assange-Paul Manafort Files
202. Piers Morgan's Interview of Assange's Father, John Shipton, Didn't Have to be a Bust
203. Emptywheel's Outed Source, November 9, 2016: Mike Flynn Visits Assad Within 48 Hours
204. Jackson Hinkle's National Socialism With American Characteristics
205. Useful Idiots: Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Glenn Greenwald
206. From Maidan to Russian Collusion 3.0: Full Circle as Manafort Returns to the Scene of the Crime
207. American vs Russian Values: False Equivalence on Steroids
208. Roger Stone-Margaret Kunstler-Bannon Transcript
209. All the Worst Humans: Bridge Burning Book on all the Worst People in Politics
210. The War at Stanford?
211. America Last: The Far Right's 100 Year Love Affair With Foreign Dictators
212. Unless You're Name is Vladimir Putin: Julian Assange is no Hero He's the Opposite of a Hero
213. Ana Kasparian's Back Door Endorsement of Trump
214. Brianna Wu and the Real Threat of the Online Left
215. Newly Released 11,000 Twitter DM Messages Confirms Wikileaks Served as the GOP's Glorified Super PAC in 2016
216. Iranians Clap Back at Western "anti Imperialists"
217. Fascism Rising: Krystal Ball Plays the Limbaugh "Club Gitmo" Card
218. Mike Johnson and the Ukraine Funding Fight: "They'd Rather be Pure Than Govern
219. On John Mearshemeir's Unrealistic Realism
220. HA Goodman: Mr. Bernie or Bust Endorses Trump
221. 2016: Sam Seder and Jimmy Dore Debate "Bernie or Bust"
222. The HA Goodman Files: Mr. Bernie or Bust Endorses Trump
223. "We're Celebrating Brexit" Julian Assange to Guccifer 2.0 July, 2016
224. Oops Trump is Colluding With Russia Again-Augment?
225. Ken Starr, Brett Kavanaugh and all That
226. The Left to Far Right Pipeline Augment Chapter in Useful Idiots?
227. How Crackas With Attitude Fanboy Hasan Provides a Missing Piece on Russiagate
228. Crackas With Attitude Fanboy Hasan Provides Missing Piece on Russiagate
229. A Libertarian Fascist Adopts the Multiparity Canard
230. Cheryl the Israeli Dominatrix Chick
231. Andrew Tate: Too Bad I Don't Live in a Culture I can be Proud of Like Russia
232. Hasan Piker: "For an Antiwar Guy He Sounds Very ProWar"
233. The Aaron Mate Files
234. Tim Poole Received $100 Grand in Russian Money to Declare Ukraine America's Greatest Enemy
235. What Happened? 2.0: In Real Life Sometimes the Bad Guys Win
236. Greg Palast, Why Trump is STILL Illegitimate and Should the Democrats Hire Charles Johnson?
237. The Liberal-Left Alliance, Mitch McConnell Envy, and a Universal Basic Income for Democratic Party Organizers?
238. Trump-Netanyahu Collusion 2024: 56 Years After Nixon's Treason and Nobody Has Learned Anything
239. Trump 2.0 Absolute Immunity Edition Returns as Farce: We are all Nietzscheans Now
240. The #Resistance Worked Actually and Now More Than Ever We Must Resist Trump
241. "It's Very Possible Trump Takes the US out of NATO." Lex Fridman to Zelensky
242. The Roger Stone Files: The Playbook Never Changes CF Link
243. #MakeCovidGreatAgain: RFK Jr and Trump Don't Think 1 Million Covid Dead are Enough
244. Roger Stone's Legacy vs the Left-Liberal Alliance and Mitch McConnell vs Adam Jentleson on Political Strategy
245. Augment for Reference Links: Some Thoughts on ICC Ruling; "Anyone but Biden 2024" vs the Constructive Engagement of Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib
246. Why Adam Schiff is the Best Candidate for CA Senate Seat-Augment Filibuster Link
247. The End of Pax Americana and the De-Baathification of America Quote Anne Applebaum?
248. The Case for Cautious Optimism for Biden 2024 Reference Link?
249. 'Say You're Sorry' She the People Demand Bernie Apologize to Hillary Clinton
250. Is Israel-Gaza Yet Another Republican October Surprise?
251. Biden Campaign Brain Trust
252. Elon Musk: This is What Access Looks Like Augment Link Libs of TikTok
253. On Nation Building Old and New
254. You Can Panic Now-Elie Mystla's correct Prophecy
255. The Benefit of Working the Refs: At Facebook Everyone in Power is a Republican Augment?
256. Russian Interference Eight Years Later: The CIA Analyst Who Confirmed Looks Back-Link Augment
257. The Vichy Washington Post: What Nate Silver Doesn't get About the "Indigo Blob"
258. Nate Silver's Indigo Blob Fallacy
259. The Laken-Riley Fiasco and Why the Truth About Immigration is the Opposite of the Conventional Wisdom
260. Elon Musk has also Been in Regular Contact With Vladimir Putin Since 2022
261. American Psycho Part 2: How do I Subscribe to Germany's Wochen Taz? Media Section?
262. This First Two Articles in Trump's Third Impeachment
263. Russia, Russia, Russia the Kash Patel Edition
264. Corey Booker 2028? Augment?
265. Objective Truth: Richard Rorty vs Orwell, Liberalism vs Populism and Donald O'Brien Trump
266. The Ro Kihanna Canard: In the Middle of the Musk Coup Hakeem Jeffries is Still Sucking up to Silicon Valley
267. Elon Musk's Nerd Reich
268. Nerd Reich 2.0: The Plot Against America
269. All the Worst People Won 11/5 Stay Mad and Fight; Resist or Perish
270. 1.0 Make Russia Great Again: Putin Has Won: The Crowning Achievement of Putin's Career
271. Elon Musk's High Tech Infiltration of the US Government
272. Orwellian: Chuck Todd and Why the Fight Over "Gulf of Mexico" IS a Hill Worth Dying on AND Why the MSM Isn't Dying on it
273. #Resist or Perish
274. Craig Unger: Reagan-Iranian-Likud Collusion 45 Years Later-Augment? Where Does This Belong?
275. Make Russia Great Again: The Crowning Achievement of Putin's Career
Ana Kasparian on X: “Thank you again for the free publicity! Yes, the bipartisan bill that DeSantis just signed protecting homeowners from thieves and squatters should be commended.” / X (
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But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.