
121 On the Evening of the Comey Letter, Michael Flynn Received an Email From a Rogue FBI Agent

May 4, 2021

Not clear this  belongs in this part of the book-it could be used as another chapter or to augment another chapter. It does touch on a number of angles-notably Mike Flynn’s role during the campaign regarding communications with Russia.

He was that the infamous dinner with Russia in late 2015-with Jill Stein-and Max Blumenthal-where the topics of Ukraine and Syria likely came up. Here in June 2016 he was discussing a meeting with Putin where Syria and Ukraine were an important topic.

You get why?

Pg 48: Email June 28, 2016 regarding prospective Mike Flynn meeting regarding Russia’s campaign in Israel





But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.