
104 Astonishingly the NYT (and CNN) Still Don’t Think They’ve Done Enough Harm

In 2016, David Brock declared: “There’s a special place in hell for the New York Times.”

Cheri Jacobus on X: “Media putting Trump in the White House for clicks and ratings in 2016 was the first airplane hitting the Twin Towers. What media is doing now is the 2nd plane hitting the other tower.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Because you’re bad faith. You just want to take him down so NOTHING he does that’s good matters-‘well it’s just purgatory” NO you are causing this. You could make it stop NOW if you’d just SHUT UP already” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @GeorgeTakei: The fall of legacy media is now painfully inevitable. They are simply not up to the task in this dire moment. After the la…” / X

Christopher Bouzy on Spoutible

(1) Seth Abramson on X: “So media can keep claiming President Biden is behind by 6 and has dropped in post-debate polls, but voters aren’t *stupid*—we see him gaining in Wisconsin and Michigan and gaining (if still slightly behind) in Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina. *And* taking a *lead* nationally.” / X

(1) Seth Abramson on X: “So media can keep claiming President Biden is behind by 6 and has dropped in post-debate polls, but voters aren’t *stupid*—we see him gaining in Wisconsin and Michigan and gaining (if still slightly behind) in Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina. *And* taking a *lead* nationally.” / X

Domenico Montanaro on X: “NEW: @NPR @NewsHour @maristpoll shows Biden up 50%-48% in head to head. Down 43%-42% when third parties introduced. All within margin of error. Bottom line: the race doesn’t appear to have changed much, if at all. More here, including why: https://t.co/vGYox28sfM” / X

Candidly Tiff on X: “A lot of Dem politicians have horrible instincts. No comment is better than saying something that will piss voters off. My goodness I am seeing some real stupid shit said.” / X

Jo on X: “There are a million things Democratic lawmakers could be doing right now to help Biden win — going on tv every day saying Biden can’t win sure as shit ain’t one of them.” / X

Top newspapers fixate on Biden’s age | Media Matters for America

Chris Matthews: Biden critics are ‘going to pay for it’ (msn.com)

In the eight years since the truth of this is as self evident now as then only considerably more so. Talk about DOUBLE DOWN,

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Wah! @brianstelter and Chris “But Her Emails” The Savvy anti Biden media who are doing everything to elect Trump just like in 2016 think they’re the victims” / X

James Fallows on X: “Correct. I have been around to see a lot more of US history and of administrations’ management of the macro-economy than @ChrislHayes has. And nothing has been remotely as successful as this.” / X

Seth Abramson on X: “The damage that major media, mega-donors, and a small cadre of whimpering Democrats have done to the Democratic Party, the 2024 Biden campaign, and the United States over the last two weeks of breathless journalistic malpractice and billionaire tantrum-throwing is *incalculable*.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Exactly this admits he had an agenda-to make the President look bad to shame him into dropping out” / X

Jasmine Crockett on X: “We are out of session, again. THANK YOU, JESUS! If I’m honest, this was the worst week we’ve had on the hill during the 118th Congress, as Dems. The fact that we’ve backstabbed & leaked to the media as well as failed to talk about the really bad guy on the other side is 🤯. https://t.co/HxcL8A9fwm” / X

(2) Mark Mellman on X: “By calling for his withdrawal Democrats did more damage to the president than he did to himself Media decided an aging & inarticulate Biden deserved vastly more attention than a dishonest Trump who is dangerously detached from reality & more in my column https://t.co/bB16PEItwd” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “That doesn’t even pass the laugh test. Wether or not it’s a good idea or not-spoiler it is-there are certainly very good arguments for it starting with a little word called incumbency. History shows Not repudiating your own party’s incumbent is a VERY GOOD IDEA” / X

scary lawyerguy on X: “Dan Rather got bounced from CBS for running a lightly sourced story about W getting into the national guard yet every news outlet spent yesterday speculating that Biden might have Parkinson’s b/c a neurologist visited the WH and no retractions, no apologies. Just … nothing?” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @Zac_Petkanas: Psst. Joe Biden can win if we all start focusing on Donald Trump.” / X

greg the menace on X: “Jasmine Crockett breaks it down and tells her Democratic colleagues to get their shit together and support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. https://t.co/2h2RdPAeHR” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@brianstelter Which is why: Biden shouldn’t resign. But in our current media environment o total mass hysteria over one debate some pretty relevant facts don’t matter-even though this is allegedly all about electability. If Harris wins by 3 and loses EV while Biden wins it with 2” / X

Darryn M. Briggs on X: “Ignore the will of your own primary voters if you want to. Run away from the successful record of YOUR President and VP if you want to. Roll those dice. When you crap out, you’ll have no one but yourselves to blame. But I won’t be surprised. (end)” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2 I mean serious question: do they not consider that journalistic rights may well be rolled back considerably? Rhetorical question as the answer is they don’t care-100 years ago they were giving puff pieces on Hitler himself. They assume nothing can touch them” / X

Darryn M. Briggs on X: “Many of you politicians, celebrities, thought leaders and ESPECIALLY media figures have made MAJOR miscalculations in the last week. You are making fools of yourselves and endangering us all. There are 4 months left to save the American experiment & you want to play games. (7)” / X

@ijbailey on X: “She looked at me and said this: “But everyone is talking about them.” That was literally the reason I wrote what was, I believe, a front-page news story about the non-existence of shark attacks. I kid you not. The narrative had to be adhered to no matter the facts. 4/” / X

William Richards on X: “@mistergeezy @craigwk8 Absolutely brilliant take on the race! Kamala Harris is on the ticket; Joe Biden is not the problem or the enemy. The whole Cabinet is on the ticket. Don’t get distracted by the “performance” at a nonessential event. Pay attention to how President Biden does day to day. Thanks https://t.co/VPnkUD16yq” / X

Important list:

Candidly Tiff on X: “There were a lot of people who were fighting the good fight the last 11 days but these folks went hard & kept me sane 💙 @tomwatson @madrid_mike @isaiahrmartin @PettyLupone @josecanyousee @0liviajulianna @What46HasDone @RachelBitecofer @ChrisDJackson @eclecticbrotha @2RawTooReal https://t.co/6IJCM3NZEH” / X

Toni Lewis on X: “@ProChoiceMike It’s like they failed up” / X

Just like in 2016, the NYT is the ringleader in project Elect Trump. After last week’s debate no less the Times led with no less than four separate op-eds calling for Biden to leave the Presidential election and-what exactly? Some kind of fan fiction brokered convention cum cramming a 14 month primary process into six weeks-or something hatched in the heads of Ezra Klein but especially Nate Silver?

The five fire alarm freakout the mainstream media has been since is notable in many ways starting with the far more sedate, and bored response to Trump’s recent conviction on four 34 criminal counts. Having a bad debate is an instantly disqualifying defense. Being the first President to be a convicted felon-and the first to not respect the transfer of power? Meh.

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “It’s hard to even count all the ways that dropping Biden is a terrible, awful, hideous, no good, very bad idea-not the least of which it would make our entire party look like fools. But this young dude here does a pretty good job. Read it all” / X

Seth Abramson on X: “The last 10 days have energized Biden voters more than the preceding 10 months did I guess maybe in a twisted way we owe a debt of gratitude to the cynicism and incompetence and venality and vacuousness of corporate media” / X

Malcolm P. Johnson (@admiralmpj) / X

But just for pure unintentional irony it doesn’t get more rich than Brian Stelter’s whiny tweet on Tuesday evening, July 2-featured above about all these “conspiracy theorists on the Left.’. Not surprisingly this led to a lot of pushback from liberals like myself.


John Fetterman on X: “when journalism becomes vendetta https://t.co/XUVFmy07qW” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “There’s LITERALLY NEVER a primary when you have the incumbent” / X

(2) Brian Stelter on X: “@PiperK I have seen extensive coverage of SCOTUS from every major media outler in the country” / X

Brian Stelter on X: “The sheer amount of conspiracy thinking on the left at this moment is deeply unhealthy. Example: All the people who seem convinced that CNN and other media orgs are trying to ruin Biden and reelect Trump. In reality, news outlets are merely trying to report the news.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. Seriously: Biden suffered less polling damage than expected after debate against Trump (https://t.co/xVeIldyzUf)” / X

Darryn M. Briggs on X: “Quick 🧵for all Dems trying to sink Biden right now. You may think you look thoughtful & deliberate. No. You look weak. You look cowardly. You look feckless and unsure of your platform and standard bearer. News Flash: The American voter isn’t well educated on issues. (1)” / X

This, in light of, was a positive howler, truly a tweet which can only be described as a #LOLCOW. In light of the fact, that is, that Stelter’s previous 200 tweets had been about ‘Biden’s 81! He’s 81! News flash: Biden’s 81! Did I mention he’s 81?! Today there was a new guest on CNN to reveal: Biden’s 81.’

If there was anyone in the media talking about Trump’s new, absolute immunity powers, complements of his own handpicked Supreme Court surely wasn’t on Stelter’s feed. Certainly any “conspiracy theorist” complaining about the media’s pro Trump bias would be in pretty reasonable ground judging by Stelter’s Twitter page.

Counting back to yesterday-Monday, July 1 I figure I went through about 250 tweets before coming across a tweet that wasn’t about ‘Joe Biden is 81.’-that’s Stelter’s idea of proportionality.

Mike Sax on X: “Real good for democracy when you sabotage your own party to prove you’re better than the fascists-we get to be “better” the fascists get to win” / X

The Biden Accomplishments Guy on X: “The real wake up call for how immoral the media is was when a jury ruled that Donald Trump had raped a woman and none of them gave a shit.” / X

Mark Jacob on X: “Imagine if the New York Times was as aggressive in attacking Trump’s fascism as it is in attacking Biden’s age.” / X

Mike Sax on X: “I mean a lot of liberals still read it-they shouldn’t”t, everyone SHOULD cancel the NYT” / X

Jennifer Mercieca on X: “Did anyone read this Time transcript of their interview with Biden last month or nah? https://t.co/pFffAbGbF4 https://t.co/LkP2HyckOS” / X

Aaron Rupar on X: “this is insane but touches upon something that savvy pundits often ignore, which is that if Biden drops out Harris is the candidate unless she agrees to put herself through this absolutely absurd and self-destructive process https://t.co/hJge0iTwzy” / X

Will Stancil on X: “All the pundits currently saying “Biden must drop out!!” spent years saying “It’s all going to come down to gas prices!!” – because these people’s entire careers consist of just migrating from one meme-like half-insight to the next as a single herd” / X

Mike Sax on X: “This take makes no sense to me. I think there’s a decent argument the scale of the media feeding frenzy has been so large it has already hurt the party wether or not we stay with Biden. I mean every day this is the ONLY story in the news it’s another day the Trump campaign wins.” / X

Mike Sax on X: “2. You can argue the “asymmetry” makes liberals “better” but if this enables the fascists to win how is this something “good”” / X

Mark Jacob on X: “Back in February, I asked a question in my Stop the Presses newsletter: “Is the New York Times neutral on the future of democracy?” They keep answering that question In a disturbing way. https://t.co/p4TcEE9vHJ https://t.co/adldsaD7Dj” / X

(1) Aaron Fritschner on X: “Some places just wouldn’t have run stories they’re running now a month ago with this sourcing. That I suspect even now the thin Reuters sourcing made other outlets wary of picking it up because of editorial standards. But we get farther through the looking glass every day. 7/” / X


(4) Mike Sax on X: “It’s just amazing how we-by we first and foremost the media though not only them-have learned nothing since 2016. I mean Biden 18 is the ONLY story they are talking about and no one seems wonder if that’s even a little bit skewed” / X

Blaming the media is what got Democrats into this mess (natesilver.net)

Eric Schultz on X: “In the four weeks after the Hur report, the New York Times wrote 30 stories on Biden’s age. Interested to see how many they write on this.” / X

(1) Mark Jacob on X: “The New York Times, which has written scores of stories about Biden’s age, seems determined not to refer to Trump’s senior moments in a headline. When they put it in the 9th and 10th paragraphs, they think they’re covered. https://t.co/EyhsyhUM7B https://t.co/H9NnmINOka” / X

(4) Jack Shafer on X: “”Did the media botch the Biden age story? Asleep at the wheel? Complicit in a cover-up? The real story is far more complicated — and more interesting.” @brianstelter https://t.co/yea83vCJoD” / X

The Biden Accomplishments Guy on X: “”The real way to oppose Donald Trump is to attack Joe Biden” is such a pea brained take it could only come from an Atlantic writer.” / X

David Axelrod on X: “The irony of this is hard to escape. https://t.co/J27qT8RsLH” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Wait-what? Someone should tell Quigley to quit wringing his hands and read the 538 podcast @brianstelter https://t.co/mrHDpH0RDd” / X

Top newspapers fixate on Biden’s age | Media Matters for AmericaMike Sax on X: “This really is nothing new huh @brianstelter I still remember the frenzy you and your Savvy friends were in over HRC that 9/11/2016” / X

Brett Meiselas on X: “So many people have told me they will never forgive the corporate media for their insane and lopsided pile-on in the wake of the debate and I frankly don’t blame them. Never seen anything like this in my life, and so many reporters seem to be reveling in it. It would be one thing” / X

(((Tara Dublin))), Rock Star Author 📚❤️‍🔥🤘🏻 on X: “@BMeiselas I’m furious, especially since we know so much more about the Epstein files & what Donald Trump actually did #TrumpRapedChildren, that’s what he did This should be on every mainstream media news broadcast & we should demand @GOP replace rapist pedophile Donald Trump immediately https://t.co/BY4uQ6PHJr” / X

Donald Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein documents | The Independent

#TrumpRapedChildren – Search / X

Jennifer Schulze on X: “This is how you do it⤵️ @VanityFair https://t.co/8n0Oy0xAdZ” / X

Angry Staffer 🌻 on X: “This is happening again and a lot of you are falling for it again. https://t.co/YV8woaR4Ei” / X

John Fugelsang on X: “Welcome to America, where the convicted felon & adjudicated rapist who lied to every citizen during a plague & ended the 240 yr US peaceful transfer of power can lie 50 times in a debate; …and we’re all debating whether the other old guy should drop out. Happy 4th of July.” / X

Aaron Fritschner on X: “Wade through endless paragraphs of vibes and you’ll find there isn’t even a thin attempt to support the “conspiracy of silence” headline with any factual reporting in the story. Compare dates and you’ll see that if there was such a conspiracy, the author was a participant in it” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Just underscores the extent to which the truth really doesn’t matter” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “He doesn’t joke and no doubt SCOTUS would argue it’s within his “official duties”” / X

Mark Mellman on X: “By calling for his withdrawal Democrats did more damage to the president than he did to himself Media decided an aging & inarticulate Biden deserved vastly more attention than a dishonest Trump who is dangerously detached from reality & more in my column https://t.co/bB16PEItwd” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I guess most of his pundit brethren hope he’s able to wound Biden so deeply it ends the campaign-that’s the deep, dark fantasy” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. But by all means, take a bow” / X

Josh Marshall on X: “👇 I wld say this is true but not in a flattering way” / X

Mueller, She Wrote on X: “So this entire interview is about how old Biden is? No policy questions? No questions about how he differs from Trump? No questions about the danger democracy faces? Good grief.” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “See folks they’re disappointed, Stephanopoulos was supposed to DESTROY HIM” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “That was his assignment tonight-indeed they’re disappointed he wasn’t able to seriously make Biden look bad” / X

(1) Brian Stelter on X: “this sums it up well:” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. I mean look for yourself at the picture-does this description accurately describe how Biden looks here?” / X

It just underscores there was no way Biden could win with this interview

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “3. Here’s a little sample to whet your appetite https://t.co/7nzHx5b8IO” / X

(1) Aaron Rupar on X: “I just cannot believe that this sort of creative writing tripe is passing for serious news reporting right now https://t.co/sUfnp0ECjl” / X

Jo on X: “You’re never going to beat Donald Trump if all you ever talk about is what you think is “wrong” with Joe Biden.” / X

Biden’s Survival Plan: Decry ‘Elite’ Critics, Appeal to His Base – POLITICO

(1) San Francisco Chronicle on X: “OPINION: “There’s a narrative among beltway pundits and even some well-meaning armchair campaigners that pro-Biden Democrats like me are ‘in denial’ about Joe Biden’s advanced age. But we aren’t the ones in denial — everyone else is,” writes Kaivan Shroff. https://t.co/AEiYeFo4Pf” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@NateSilver538 if you’re listening” / X

Josh Marshall on X: “There’s so much revealing in this tweet. But the most telling is the belief that Trumpism simply doesn’t exist, merely an outgrowth of Democrats poor candidate selection and general ineptitude. Makes every decision obvious and easy, as long as you don’t actually control anything. https://t.co/avhfOPtcI5” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Hmm @brianstelter It’s as if the demise of the Biden campaign has been greatly exaggerated https://t.co/XqkfKTq2FV” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I respectfully recommend “leading Dems” put their big pants on-this isn’t American Idol with these fantasy football 5 week primary schemes this is literally a battle for the soul of our democracy in less than 4 months” / X

Jessica Valenti on X: “The fact that the @nytimes still has this 100% false headline up is malpractice. Just admit you were duped and issue a correction! https://t.co/4N4ssVo6BO” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. So, in one breath the NYT savages Biden at every turn trying to destroy his campaign the next they’re spinning Trump positively-“he’s changed” it reminds you of the Times; piece back in 1924 how Hitler was “tamed by prison” https://t.co/rlizEkpodF” / X

Decaturish.com on X: “Definitely saw this in Decatur on Saturday. The conversation in the room was quite different from the one happening among journalists and influencers, to the point that many people we spoke to were surprised to find that other Democrats felt the same way. https://t.co/N5ra05QmBC” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @JohnFetterman: The twice-impeached, consumed by revenge, 34 felony convictions, serial liar, vowed to be a dictator, Project 2025 Trum…” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. Exactly quit talking about Biden’s age if you fear Trump’s reelection as much as you claim you do https://t.co/XyMKLf1hsd” / X

(14) U.S. Media and the 2024 Election – by Ruth Ben-Ghiat (substack.com)

Michael McDonald on X: “For the good of the country Biden must step aside and allow the Democratic Party to nominate Trump” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT if you agree with Bernie that this is not a reality tv show for best singer or who can jump of the Capitol steps but to defeat fascism and build a progressive future #StillRidingWithBiden2024” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Many simply don’t understand the power of incumbency. Think of it this way. Since 1952 incumbent parties whose incumbent either stepped down or was primaried are 0-5; those unchallenged were 6-0 until 2020 when Trump lost. He’s the first unchallenged incumbent to lose since 1932” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@JRubinBlogger Honestly despite all the freakout the race remains a tossup https://t.co/wgEMKwXQfd” / X

Just saying on X: “What @MaryLTrump said! Pass it on! ⤵️ https://t.co/TogstaLyPw” / X

southpaw on X: “I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. https://t.co/AkGz9Jyn73” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Imagine if-this is going to seem out there-but stay with me for a moment: imagine if so many alleged anti Trumpers spent more time attacking Trump than Joe Biden https://t.co/SHBZet2QqV” / X

Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “What do you think @brianstelter maybe the media should take a cognitive test?” / X


But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.