105 Dewey Beats Truman 2.0 Annoy the Media-and the Cut and Run Democrats-and Reelect Joe Biden
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Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Ok Dems we have to talk about this. We are currently going through something even more traumatic than 1/6 as it’s our own party doing it. Which one of the traitorous Vichy Dems nullifying our vote is most complicit” / X
Then there’s Nate Silver
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean no-if you go through the keys some of them are clearly personal judgments but the first 6 are completely empirical. You focused on charisma as that is the key with the most personal judgment but overall fairly empirical. At the end of the day what matters is wether a model https://t.co/27oip1xOZa” / X
Lakshya Jain on X: “@CooperFrye yeah I mean the argument to dump Biden shouldn’t really be made solely based on polling.” / X
The Keys to the White House – Wikipedia
Chris D. Jackson on X: “Not only is this undemocratic, it’s flat stupid.” / X
Allan Lichtman on X: “The issue with @NateSilver538 is he’s a compiler of polls, a clerk. He has no fundamental basis in history and elections. If we bounced presidents based on perceived physical ailments we would have bounced FDR, Reagan, and JFK.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Ok but the whole “Oh my God Biden simply CAN’T win it’s unpossible’ is based on current polling” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “What kind of evidence would you need to see? I mean at least some of his keys have some pretty impressive historical correlations-certainly incumbency.” / X
Yashar Ali 🐘 on X: “This is a deeply deranged proposal” / X
Nicole Sandler Rachael Bitecofer episode. As she says who cares what these elite Democrats think? It’s not their choice. Mentions the fallacy of what you might call poll determinism-references Phillip Bump post
QAnon and ‘BlueAnon’ rhyme. The similarities end there. – The Washington Post
Fallacy of Poll determinism
Again: Polls are not going to make Democrats’ case on Biden – The Washington Post
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Beauty of polls is they can be made to say anything, they have all these polls claiming voters want Biden to drop out but actual voters tell Joe “Don’t you quit”” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “LOL Silver wants to bet $250 grand against Biden. He gets huge checks from Peter Thiel who “in a total coincidence” is also JD Vance’s boss” / X
🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈🌹🥥🌴Jackie on X: “Turns out AOC wasn’t being bad faith at all.” / X
Ro Khanna on X: “Proud to be in Raleigh this morning speaking to over 100 AANHPI about the economic vision of the @BidenHQ Harris ticket. Over 140 staffers across the state. Dem enthusiasm on the ground is real. Don’t believe the pundits. https://t.co/0I6beVFOva” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Sure throw the rules out and make new rules after the game is over and 14 million voted. Sounds fair” / X
(2) Timothy Snyder on X: “He is leading a people facing a genocidal war of aggresssion. He is unlikely to be distracted by our gotcha culture.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Unfortunately while she has tremendous insights into Russian authoritarianism she’s not up to speed on this US moment. Anyone trying to nullify the votes of 14 million Democrats is not a friend to anyone least of all democracy” / X
Playbook: Joe Biden vs. the non-believers – POLITICO
Axios AM
Andrew Bates on X: “Keep the faith. “1 big thing: Biden digs in” “Biden officials are telling Democratic critics that President Biden is eager to prove them wrong — and plans to hit the campaign trail once he recovers from COVID” https://t.co/fIrxXSsrXv” / X
Rachel Bitecofer 🗽💡🔭🦆 on X: “If you did you would at least understand keeping Biden has 0% to do with loyalty and 100% to do with logistics.” / X
(1) Robert Costa on X: “The key dynamic is that while Biden and many of his confidants are LISTENING to people’s concerns about his viability, they also DETEST this process. They view the listening as good-faith openness to feedback, not as some willingness to leave the race due to private Dem. doubts.” / X
Robert Costa on X: “+ Biden and members of his inner circle believe both former Speaker Pelosi and former President Obama are privately underestimating his political appeal and the strength of his coalition, especially against Trump, and believe they and others are being too muted on Dem. dissent” / X
Robert Costa on X: “+ Biden and members of his inner circle believe both former Speaker Pelosi and former President Obama are privately underestimating his political appeal and the strength of his coalition, especially against Trump, and believe they and others are being too muted on Dem. dissent” / X
Pass the Torch PAC spends $36,000 to urge Biden out of the race (usatoday.com)
Eric Garland on X: “The new “Pass the Torch” ads trying to get Joe Biden to quit are financed by a former FEC violator. Messaging is done by a cryptocurrency ad agency. https://t.co/wZR6KQzIEp” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean I’m sorry for being upset about the nullification scheme she supports of 14 million voters” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “She’s betrayed Congresswoman Lee’s legacy. Lee’s last public words were support our nominee. Lofgren instead is part of this shameful nullification scheme. She and her boss Pelosi are who should retire” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@RepZoeLofgren Read the room-you’ve betrayed your voters and nobody wants to hear it. Congresswoman Lee’s last public words were to support our nominee. As you don’t want to do that please stay out of the way” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@RepZoeLofgren Read the room-you’ve betrayed your voters and nobody wants to hear it. Congresswoman Lee’s last public words were to support our nominee. As you don’t want to do that please stay out of the way” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Loving me some Symone Sanders-she’s calling them out by name: they are treacherous” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “We can beat the opposition. BUT unfortunately there are some members of our own party who are cool with 4 more years of Trump-they want to run in 2028 you see and they don’t want the winner then to be Kamala Harris” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Yes good point-she’s 84! Has she taken a cognitive test?” / X
(1) Mueller, She Wrote on X: “Something to keep in mind: Tom Strickland – the megadonor pulling dem donations from folks who back Biden – is a co-founder of the WME talent agency. Another co-founder is Ari Emanuel who repped Trump. They also do business with LIV golf tournament, Miss Universe, UFC/WWE” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “He has to stay in. If not our democracy is over. This is not about people who think he can’t win-but that he can” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “#StayInJoe We have your back and together we will win and all those pushing a coup against our own party will be discredited” / X
(1) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “It is. BUT what’s more painful about this is these are high ranking senior level members of our own party doing this, casually talking about nullifying our votes” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I’m sorry-this might seem like hyperbole-these people are EVIL. And they’re so cowardly coming after him while he’s been sick” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Last day of her life-what a hero” / X
Mathias Dopfner has a ‘contrarian’ plan for Politico and global media – The Washington Post
Politico owner says his email asking colleagues to ‘pray’ for Trump was done in jest (yahoo.com)
Chris D. Jackson on X: “@SenSchumer @Jefflemberger34 This was her final message early today. You should honor her wishes. https://t.co/n7nUSXeHPd” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “We have to Reelct Joe-those were Sheila Jackson Lee’s final public words” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “These are her last public words-we know what we have to do” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “One of those people according to Politico are Nancy Pelosi” / X
Dwight Privilege on X: “@ProChoiceMike @princessmom122 @JMaxble @QuintusSertor13 @ellaportman1 I’ll reach out to @RepSherrill . I’m gonna have a hard time not skipping her name on ballots going forward. Very disappointed.” / X
Jaime Harrison on X: “As Chair of this party… we have had 57 caucuses and primaries … in which @JoeBiden received 14 Million votes and over 3900 delegates. The last time I looked… there are no “mini-primaries” in our rules.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Did her donors give her this idea? I’m trying to be charitable that she didn’t come up with an idea this almost criminally stupid” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “The more I think about this the angrier I get. How dare these hacks like @ezraklein and @NateSilver538 collude with these turncoat Vichy Democrats to nullify our votes” / X
(2) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. Maybe my next poll should be biggest Vichy Dem hack in the entire Congress” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Ok folks a list of eight of the Vichy Democrats who themselves need to step down-for the good of the country indeed” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Is anyone else feeling this is just incredibly condescending and presumptuous by these White bro pundits with nothing to fear from a 2nd Trum term? They don’t even wonder why Black, Brown, progressive, and female voters-who have everything to fear-are #StillRidingWithBiden2024” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Polls can be made to say anything depending on how you frame it” / X
(1) Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Congressman do you have any shame that you’re saying this after your rich donor threatened you if you didn’t? Who’s your boss-the voters or Strickland?” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “We should get a list of every turncoat Vichy Dem who puts their own personal ambition above the interest of the party and the country and demand they resign. If you’re talking about repercussions I’m all for it” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “People on the ground: We don’t want Biden to step aside. People on social media: We don’t want Biden to step aside. Polls: The majority of people want Biden to step aside. These are the same polls that have been consistently wrong since 2016,” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “We should get a list of every turncoat Vichy who puts their own personal ambition above the interest of the party and the country and demand they resign. If you’re talking about repercussions I’m all for it” / X
MadSweeneyHH🥃 on X: “@UROCKlive1 @MSNBC @ZoeLofgren needs to either release an immediate retraction and apology or resign. She’s complicit in a scheme to defraud America democratic primary voters. By engaging in the false and unsubstantiated smear campaign of a sitting-President.” / X
Pam Keith, Esq. on X: “Elite Donors: Joe, we have the money, we can make you do what WE want. Biden: uh…no. I have the VOTERS. And I am the GDMFPOTUS! We will be doing what I want. Remember that @POTUS. Do NOT ever cede the advantage of incumbency.” / X
(1) melissa “cancelled student debt” byrne on X: “Pass the Torch is about billionaires wanting to purge progressives from the Dem Party.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Well-he HAS decided he’s staying in. Because the Beltway doesn’t like his answer they’re like ‘When will you decide?'” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT if you’re #StillRidingWithBiden2024” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Is anyone paying her to say this? Or threatening her is she doesn’t? The New Mexico Democrat Martin Heinrich was threatened” / X
UPDATE: Make the comprehensive case for keeping Biden below after finishing with media then turncoat Dems
Pati☮️🟧 on X: “Here’s the medias source for President Biden’s Poor Poll Numbers @MSNBC @CNN @NBCNews @CBSNews @ABC https://t.co/ubu4QEvIJl” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Wow just after seeing Hakeem Jeffries reversed himself now claims he’s ALWAYS supported his party’s nominee @keffals is back. Finally some good news after 48 hours of pure gloom” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Wow just after seeing Hakeem Jeffries reversed himself now claims he’s ALWAYS supported his party’s nominee @keffals is back. Finally some good news after 48 hours of pure gloom” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is not the first time that Biden has been prematurely diagnosed dead-in 1988 he was told he literally had little time left to live” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “Biden said fuck your polls, fuck backstabbing Democratic lawmakers, fuck wealthy donors, and fuck the mainstream media. He is not stepping aside. Let’s go! https://t.co/EPtKsJgKoZ” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “I told y’all Mark Halperin was full of shit and to ignore him. This is 2016 all over again, but this time, it’s “journalists” spreading disinformation instead of Russian trolls. https://t.co/Y5X2TNVixK” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Not sure folks are appreciating the importance of this-it totally contradicts the narrative we’ve been fed the last 48 hours-at a minimum Jeffries has felt pressure to backtrack” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Right he threatened Thomas Heinrich: Christopher David on X: “Here’s the asshole Tom Strickler at WME who wants to overrule 14 million Democratic primary voters and force President Biden off the ballot. https://t.co/NV6dcYB5gK” / X” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Well we know for a fact he was threatened by donors to push Biden out. Not a consiracy theory attested fact: Megadonors Are Plotting to Change Biden’s Mind With Money. Will It Work? – The New York Times (https://t.co/MsZChNrOhw)” / X
Dr. Robin Kelly on X: “Our leader, @hakeemjeffries has spoken. He is right, @joebiden has a track record of success, the vision, the capacity and the ability to make the case to the American people! https://t.co/35TVucEbEO” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean I’m sorry for being upset about this but our democracy is imperiled and these elite insider Dems admit there’s no evidence dropping Biden gives them a better chance. https://t.co/DUua6xBF5r” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Always-our cause is just and I seriously despise these people as they’re endangering our democracy. I mean look at THIS. No evidence dropping Biden improves their chances https://t.co/kzetRSogNG” / X
(1) Greg Sargent on X: “Former senior Biden official makes an interesting point to me, worth thinking about: At this point, suspicion that the remove-Biden camp wants to also pass over Kamala Harris has itself become a big obstacle to getting Biden to step aside: https://t.co/olN8kQXpzH” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “So Bernie, AOC, @BGThompsonMS and Hillary Clinton” / X
Ana Navarro-Cárdenas on X: “If this clinically-insane Trump speech does not get Democrats out of their defeatist doldrums, and focused and energized around electing their nominee -instead of tearing him down- I don’t know what will.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@davidaxelrod let’s the mask totally slip-we’ve known he was a Republican for years” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Please Leader Jeffries don’t send me anymore campaign donation emails until you have publicly endorsed our nominee. Nice chutzpah though in taking credit for his economy as you throw him under the bus” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “So glad she’s the one Dem elite not to drink this Coolaid” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “3. She COULD win but odds are much longer than sticking with Biden. We’re not down 24 NOW I mean if we waste the entire Summer on this and put her out in September we will be. Right now it’s anyone’s game” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “YES-I myself voted Harris 2020 and still hope she will be President some day-but her time is not yet it’s 2028 which is what the turncoats in Dem elite fear” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “4. I think the key is Hillary and Bill have been here-they were Joe Bidened 1998-people forget now but then many Dem elites considered impeaching him then the base-voters, Black churches, etc-let them know” / X
rolandsmartin on X: “Here is the difference between the @GOP and Dems @hilaryr: Donald Trump lied 30 times in the June 27 debate. Not ONE Republican tore him down in the last 21 days. But Dems viciously attacked @JoeBiden. Will the GOP rip Trump’s awful speech last night? NOT AT ALL. 1/” / X
Sahil Kapur on X: “.@AOC did an IG live last night calling for Joe Biden to stay in the 2024 race. She warned that if he exits, it wouldn’t be a smooth elevation of Kamala Harris and it’d be a chaotic fight. She said Democrats calling for this want to replace not just him but the entire ticket.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Ezra have you ever asked yourself why the Black, Brown, and progressive Dems in Congress support Biden-ie those who really have something to fear in a 2nd Trump term-but privileged white males like yourself who have nothing personal to fear from it claim Biden can’t win?” / X
rolandsmartin on X: “Am I freaking out that @JoeBiden is moving slower, @hilaryr? No. Is he doing the job? Yes. Do I want a mad man like Donald Trump at the helm? No. But Dems have done far more damage to Biden for a 90-minute debate than the GOP will do to Trump for a 90-minute speech.” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “What Democrats are doing to Biden & Harris is no different than what Republicans tried to do on Jan 6. The only difference is no one is storming the Capitol Building.” / X
Bakari Sellers on X: “So for all the geniuses out there who have never run a campaign or worked on a campaign, question….lets say Biden bows out in 48hrs (he won’t)…what the hell you do for the next month with no nominee? Just not campaign? You can’t fan fiction your way to an outcome…” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Nothing worse than after these cowardly people do everything to destroy Biden they are now going to pretend to empathize him as they put him out to pasture. He should STILL stay in. If they want to spend the entire election running against their own nominee that’s their problem” / X
🅿️atricia 🌊💦 on X: “@MichaelSteele I know you’ve been a great advocate for democrat voters. Thank you & thank you ~ David Holly, another strong advocate ~ speaking truth this morning! We know exactly what’s happening & the VOTERS for the #BidenHarris2024 ticket are still very much in place. The grassroots https://t.co/nKobBWdo3b” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @SymoneDSanders: Whew. Some heavy hitting local and national names on this list —> 1,400 Black women sign letter of support for Biden, c…” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Interesting most of t people steadfast 4 Biden-Harris are Black folks and the progressives-like AOC & even Bernie-ie those most under threat from a 2nd Trump term-while those who think a chaotic brokered convention is a swell idea R privileged white males like Yglesias & @Silver” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Wow-this wins the world’s most awful take on the Vichy Dem Coup and it’s not even close. He gets everything backwards-it’s not democracy it’s a coup and it actually enables Trump to rise and serve as a King https://t.co/fUTGJneWim” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I disagree. We have to defeat the fascist threat and Joe remains the best candidate to do it. If in Obama’s opinion Biden should step out Obama’s has a right to his opinion. But his opinion is irrelevant at this point. I didn’t vote for Biden on the understanding Obama approved” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is what a party looks like? It’s a suicide pact. Forcing a 1968 style chaotic convention is not what a party looks like” / X
The View on X: “#WhoopiGoldberg reacts to calls from top Democrats like Rep. Adam Schiff for Pres. Biden to step aside as the party’s nominee in 2024. https://t.co/f4UQAOqvbD” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @IlhanMN: I can’t tell you all how shameful it feels to hear all these leaks about what Democratic leaders are staying and not to have a…” / X
CBS Evening News on X: “Biden campaign sees no significant change in odds he’ll get Democratic nomination https://t.co/uBXObeaKCx” / X
(1) rolandsmartin on X: “I have spent 3 days talking to mayors, city council members, and state reps in Texas, Alabama, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina. They say that as long as DC Dems keep tearing down Biden, they make it harder to turn out voters. They are killing their own party.” / X
Biden’s Ever-Narrowing Path to Victory – The Atlantic
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “He shouldn’t. There is no strong case for it. Even in the Politico article it admits it’s not clear that any other candidate is polling any better. Which is why I remain skeptical this is really about beating Trump and not some other far less admirable motives” / X
Eli Stokols on X: “In isolation, Biden is even “more determined” to stay in, an aide said. But among Democrats hoping he quits, there’s new optimism: “Everyone feels that if they push hard enough that he will eventually relent.” @adamcancryn @JonLemire https://t.co/Bof8YGxyuY” / X
Chris D. Jackson on X: “I’m so embarrassed and angry at this party and it’s leaders. I’ve never seen anything so shameful in all my years.” / X
Professor Darren Hutchinson on X: “If the wealthy folks are the ones holding this up and keeping the narrative going in the media, then we should resist. They will not suffer harm under Trump. We are not they.” / X
Professor Darren Hutchinson on X: “Another thing — If Biden is fighting all of these wealthy donors and Dem leadership, maybe he is the candidate we need. A weaker person would have given up earlier. Having a Dem who actually fights–especially against the uber wealthy–is refreshing.” / X
(2) Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “I tried to warn y’all…” / X
David Badash on X: “This is what the GOP will have a field day with for the next four months if the donors and the pundits disenfranchise 14 million Democrats. https://t.co/iazURDS3aW” / X
Inside the Meltdown at CNN – The Atlantic
Democrats Are Drifting Toward Disaster (msn.com)
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is from Ronald Brownstein at The Atlantic. But here’s a dorky question perhaps: If he’s not going to drop out why continue to do this? Assuming you’re REAL fear is a second Trump Presidency and not some far less noble motivations https://t.co/GwIZb9OGO4” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “These people are such cowards as they conspire against a sick bed ridden man while he’s at his most vulnerable I want to believe in God just so that there’s a special place in hell for these hacks these Vichy Democrats” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “IF true then congratulations. YOu have just thrown the votes of over 14 million Democratic voters in the trash can in favor of a 1968 brokered convention fiasco. No one seems to know any history: the Democrats LOST 1968 and were out of the WH next 25 years” / X
Contented Independent on X: “I figured out which poll they’re citing and it’s even more stupid than you can possibly imagine. It’s Emerson. The polling house Democrats are citing is Emerson, with 12% undecided and commissioned by a PAC with the express purpose of replacing him.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Have you noticed that big media elites are useless-even the liberals end up on the side of the Vichy Democrats? They can’t resist the Coolaid because they have to follow the pack. If Pelosi/Schumer say something you CAN’T resist it. They CAN’T be wrong https://t.co/jmhJTpiMdr” / X
Adam Carlson on X: “Very very very bad use of polling” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Because it’s not their decision? https://t.co/Iu4IoDnlNK” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “This is self contradictory: if as you say this leads to another 1968 how does this show she has great political acumen?” / X
Chris D. Jackson on X: “BTW, this is the polling that they (elites) have been presenting to President Biden and expecting him to take seriously. Simply absurd.” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “After two impeachments, the Jan 6th insurrection, multiple indictments, and a conviction, the GOP is rallying behind Trump. After a successful 3+ years and one lousy debate, some Democrats are ready to replace Biden. You are not serious people. https://t.co/FBtlGYNCPQ” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “How can you say Pelosi has great political acumen if it leads to another 1968? That was a disaster for the Democrats” / X
PhillyCaralho on X: “@ProChoiceMike @mj_lee @jeffzeleny Every single poll shows Biden losing” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “5. In fact a big reason they want to dump Biden is the fear of a Kamala Presidency. Remember Public Enemy? Fear of a Black Planet? This is fear of a Kamala Presidency. This is not about 2024 it’s about 2028. Ie they are WILLING TO LOSE THIS ELECTION” / X
Contented Independent on X: “A hell of a lot of rich people who live in gated communities think they know better than the public. I did not, and will not, vote for anyone other than Joe Biden. This will end on the convention floor. But the damage you have done with people’s trust is irreversible.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “1. Good morning folks! What is happening now is unprecedented and not in a good way. This a coup coming inside the party to kill its own chances beating this year. Please don’t take the bait it’s not about Biden can’t win it’s that he can” / X
Robert Patillo
Tab – A Lot of Shark on X: “@dancluchey @sydrasmith So what you’re saying in that we should trust the polls – black box models which are not peer reviewed, which are proprietary, i.e. which cannot be vetted by objective experts – instead of actual elections where people voted? AND then what you’re suggesting is that we should” / X
Darryn M. Briggs on X: “And you thought MAGA & the Tea Party were the only consequences of putting Black people in the executive branch? Behold the biggest political coup since Caesar.” / X
G Elliott Morris on X: “Even the worst forecasts for Biden right now still give him a 1-in-4 chance of winning” / X
Schumer and Jeffries tell Biden directly that they have deep concerns about the election – POLITICO
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I hard agree on this-they don’t fear Biden can’t win but that he can” / X
(3) Chris D. Jackson on X: “Literally a toss up and Democrats are self sabotaging. Unbelievable.” / X
Omari Hardy on X: “I’m disgusted with my party right now. Going to log off, but honest to God, except for Biden, our party is led by the most nervous, the most timorous figures imaginable.” / X
(1) G Elliott Morris on X: “I think people have missed this very important point from @lxeagle17 et al that the subgroup shifts we’re seeing from 2020 to 2024 are at least partly due to getting more Trump-leaning groups of voters responding to surveys https://t.co/0kS8IopDpg https://t.co/9SJoOOz8JW” / X
(1) G Elliott Morris on X: “Biden has been gaining ground in swing state polls, to the point where the EC-pop vote divide may now be less than one point (depending on how much weight you put on snapshot polls) https://t.co/GugrsBijE0” / X
Playbook: New polling bolsters ‘Dump Biden’ push – POLITICO
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Yes no public polling is remotely consistent with these doomsday scenarios” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “It’s not a party it’s a death wish-the swing state polls have been moving in Biden’s direction it’s a toss up nothing we’ve seen publicly is consistent with these Cassandra stories the Dem elites are telling” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @cbouzy: Certain Democratic lawmakers are undermining their nominee 110 days before the election, and approximately 70 days before early…” / X
(1) Terrell Jermaine Starr 🇺🇦🌻🇵🇸🍉✊🏾🇬🇪 on X: “None of the leading Black and Brown orgs that organise in the communities that were critical to Biden’s 2020 win and 2014 primary nomination, @MsLaToshaBrown and Black Voters Matter and @ljoywilliams of the @brooklynnaacp being among them. These “Biden should drop out” takes” / X
Aaron Wren on X: “@joshtpm Whatever book or movie gets written about this summer, should be titled “How to lose a country in 10 days: How the Democratic Party gave into collective delusion, derailed their own ticket, & surrendered the country to Authoritarianism”” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “Certain Democratic lawmakers are undermining their nominee 110 days before the election, and approximately 70 days before early voting. This is absolutely insane.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Yet the Dem elite claim he “CAN’T WIN’ and that he will drag down all House and Senate races. It’s not a party it’s a death wish” / X
Schumer told Biden directly that he’s deeply concerned about the election – POLITICO
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I honestly don’t know what these alleged Dem “leaders” are smoking other than they must have a death wish. But listen to Congressman Bennie Thompson who chaired J6 SC. This in its own way is also a coup but we the voters get to decide-not alleged leaders https://t.co/uRrzYac9L4″ / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Appreciate you Congressman. Appreciated you on J6 SC but this too is a coup. 100% with you and the actual Democratic voters #RidingWithBiden2024 #BidenHarris2024” / X
Bennie G. Thompson on X: “I want to express that regardless of who calls on the President to withdraw, as long as the majority of us continue to support Biden, we will win this in November! Stay focused, my fellow Democrats. #BidenHarrisToSaveDemocracy #RidingWithBiden” / X
(1) Josh Marshall on X: “this unnamed senator should be arrested and booked for smoking crack” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “What I said was assuming they aren’t primaried or forced out-all 3 you mentioned were primaried” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean Trump ended abortion-Dobbs-but true he’s slippery so many don’t understand that. Vance pins the tail on the donkey clearly” / X
In Democratic turncoats section
Liam Donovan on X: “This effort has been a train wreck from the beginning, but this is just unserious. You need to be honing in on your alternative by now, not broadening your aperture, and Kamala-phobia is Biden’s best crutch.” / X
Sam Stein on X: “this –> if you want Biden to move, you need to show him and his team the alternative isn’t chaos. And rallying around Harris is the cleanest alternative” / X
Determined to push forward, Biden tightens his circle and grows combative (nbcnews.com)
Cheri Jacobus on X: “That these people have been led to believe a new ticket 4 months out from Election Day is viable should end their careers. They are working towards a self-fulfilling prophecy.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “So why not stop then if you know he’s going to be the nominee? They talk as if they have no agency over their own self defeating actions. Support the Democratic party’s nominee or get out of the way” / X
This tweet belongs in the comprehensive case section
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Is anyone else feeling this is just incredibly condescending and presumptuous by these White bro pundits with nothing to fear from a 2nd Trum term? They don’t even wonder why Black, Brown, progressive, and female voters-who have everything to fear-are #StillRidingWithBiden2024” / X
Excellent Morning Joe points
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “2. And I get it @brianstelter I’ve inundated you with as many tweets as you’ve sent out on the moral panic over Biden but don’t you see YOUR problem? Why folks don’t trust you folks? All these blind quotes about Pelosi and Obama with no way to verify? Phantom numbers?” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Thank you Morning Joe for nailing it: they keep saying if Biden stays in the it’s the end of the world: the sky will fall, the rains will drop, earth will be swallowed up, Biden will lose by 60, every Dem in Congress loses. They’re LITERALLY NO polls that show this” / X
Ali Vitali on X: “How much longer can this debate over Biden go on is a question I’ve asked of many elected Democrats. They agree dragging it on could harm their nominee (be it Biden or someone else), but reality is: there’s probably *at least another week of this when Congress returns next week.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I really think the most important divide between those trying to dump Biden and those steadfast in supporting him is privilege: how much genuine threat is a second Trump term to you? And what’s notable is those for who it is an existential threat are steadfastly supporting Biden” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Yep totally moving the goalposts-based on that we should have dropped Obama 2012” / X
Michelle Zink on X: “@cornellbelcher I’m so over these people. They wanted a “discussion.” They’ve had it for three weeks now they are hurting our cause and our cause is protecting democracy. Time to pull up their big boy pants and get to work electing Biden/Harris.” / X
This week I’ve been thinking a lot about the 1948 election which inspired me to begin reading an excellent book about it by A.I. Baime.
Amazon.com: Dewey Defeats Truman: The 1948 Election and the Battle for America’s Soul (Audible Audio Edition): A. J. Baime, Scott Aiello, Audible Studios: Books
The similarities are striking-including the battle for America’s soul. Indeed, as I get through it it’s striking how many of the dynamics in 1948 are present in 2024-including things like Russian interference and the Israel-Palestine conflict-Truman had some tough decisions to make in the formation of Israel-it’s certainly debatable if Truman made the right decisions here with benefit of a lot of hindsight in 1948.
And Truman was battling McCarythism which is clearly the direct ascendant of Maga. Here on the morning of Saturday, July 13, there are a lot of bad takes that have been made the last few weeks which have already “not aged well.”
Just yesterday morning, MSNBC had the following headline:

(2) Seth Abramson on X: “I’d say that this MSNBC report DIDN’T AGE WELL but it actually came out AFTER the “A+”-rated national poll (NPR/PBS) that put President Biden over Donald Trump By 2% So I will repeat what I have said before: major media is *beclowning itself daily* and losing support and viewers https://t.co/e0bSzxeVud” / X
Indeed, Abramson had earlier tweeted info that showed MSNBC had a tough week. But there have been a LOT of bad takes the last few weeks and, honestly, the media flacks who purveyed them should NEVER be allowed to live them down. The media has been unmasked in a way that won’t be forgotten. One favorite media pundit canard the last two weeks post President Biden’s allegedly campaign ending debate-is that ‘Sorry we can’t unsee what we saw that night.’
Many regular Americans agree with the sentiment but not regarding Biden’s debate but the absolutely unhinged freakout response from the legacy media-with the NY “But Her Emails” Times and CNN-who’s new owner says he is fine with whoever wins an election where democracy-and fascism-is on the ballot
Why CNN is booting all the Trump critics who work there. (slate.com)
Inside the Meltdown at CNN – The Atlantic
President Zelensky may argue very eloquently that “Evil must never lose” but CNN disagrees-they, like the NY Times prefer to be seen as neutral between the war between fascism and democracy.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: ‘Evil must always, always lose,’ Ukrainian president says in Utah (msn.com)
Let’s start the Bad Take Express:
‘No President Has Won With 37% Approval’: Dem Rep Joins Growing Calls For Biden To Withdraw, Fears Loss To Trump (msn.com)
Another blooper:
Aaron Regunberg on X: “Biden mentioned last night that other presidents have had lower numbers than him at this point in the campaign. To the extent that is true, they all lost. Seems relevant. https://t.co/GCpGxosyQZ” / X
Aaron Rupar on X: “”his odds of victory are very, very slim.” https://t.co/7eqkaoi2OF” / X
Democrats could suffer a ‘landslide’ defeat, sweeping them out of office everywhere, former Obama advisor says (msn.com)
Bad take express:
Landon Mascareñaz on X: “Important piece for right now” / X
Brian Beutler on X: “A look back at the 2008 McCain campaign as an object lesson (and cautionary tale) about doing something drastic to turn around a losing strategy. https://t.co/NeElg3s6SG” / X
Brian Beutler on X: “Map on to today: Is Biden’s predicament in July 2024 as bad as McCain’s was in August 2008? Probably not quite, but close. Would swapping him out for any of the leading alternates be irresponsible by dint of inexperience and charlatanism. Not at all. https://t.co/NeElg3s6SG” / X
Opinion | Trump’s unfitness for office should be the leading headline – The Washington Post
It’s the Polls, Stupid. Democrats Must Dump Joe Biden or Lose | Opinion (msn.com)
Tim Alberta
CNN analyst says Dems likely to lose both White House and Congress if Biden stays in race (msn.com)
Harry Enten delivered that spellbindingly brilliant prognosis on the same day three different polls showed Biden winning
Seth Abramson on X: “CNN polling “expert” Harry Enten, on the *same damn day* not just one or two but *three polls* showed President Joe Biden with an average approval rating of 44%: “[Biden] has an approval rating south of 40%.” America media does not do journalism anymore. https://t.co/8Ofb7ycBOS” / X
Yes what matters are not individual polls but on the same day the 538 prediction model had Biden AHEAD again two weeks after allegedly the worst debate in human history that ended Biden’s campaign that night.
Trump Is Planning for a Landslide Win – The Atlantic
One of the very attractive, indeed charming, aspects of the legacy media is they can never admit they’re wrong-they demand “self reflection” fro Hillary Cilinton but it’s ‘introspection for thee not for me’
Marmel is Following Back More on X: “Possibly the greatest self-own in history. Kristen Welker really should step down.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “The media still trying to pretend it controls the narrative when it’s been set: Biden is Harry Truman 2.0 and he’s going to annoy the media-and the cut and run Dems-and win reelection” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Here’s an idea for you: maybe quit running against Biden as the best strategy to defeat Trump” / X
Opinion | Maps Show Biden’s Rapidly Shrinking Path to Re-election – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Ignore the national polls: Biden is a gift to Republicans for as long as he stays in the race (msn.com)
Are the polls even reliable? Experts examine election polling predictions from 1980 to 2024 (msn.com)
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Let’s be clear-the NYT-is the worst. But WaPo is getting pretty bad in its own right-current front page as of 8:49 7/13/2024 https://t.co/iweDh05YNG” / X
❤️ Umair on X: “This is probably gonna be an inflection point for Biden’s campaign, he’s managing now to do something that hasn’t been done in ages, which is beat pundits and the media in their manufacturing of fake controversy. That in itself is hugely good for America, these dudes are morons” / X
Despite headlines like this across legacy media for two straight weeks:

With the dust finally clearing a little over two weeks later the race remains unchanged.
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “RT @LyftLady11: @SteveKornacki So Biden withstood 10 days of 24/7 negative media and the race remains unchanged and within margin of error!…” / X
Now the Cut and Run Democrats
Eric Garland on X: “Trump was convicted of dozens of felonies and a bunch of Dems told Biden to drop out. Now you know.” / X
UPDATE: Thank you Hillary and Bill Clinton
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “4. I think the key is Hillary and Bill have been here-they were Joe Bidened 1998-people forget now but then many Dem elites considered impeaching him then the base-voters, Black churches, etc-let them know” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “So there you go-they have Schumer-Jeffries-and reportedly Pelosi and Obama-we have Hillary Clinton, @BGThompsonMS, AOC and Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett” / X
Hugh Everett on X: “The more Biden ignores the Politburo Democrats, the stronger he looks to the voters.” / X
Chris Matthews: Biden critics are ‘going to pay for it’ (msn.com)
George Conway on X: “I wonder if, in a weird way, the internecine battle among Democrats could actually end up helping Biden. His problem at the debate was, ultimately, he looked weak. But standing up to the calls for him to stand down makes him look kinda … ornery. That’s not necessarily a bad” / X
Connecticut politicians respond to Himes’ call for Biden to drop out of race (msn.com)
Jim Himes declared he’s “been watching polls for a long time…”
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Let’s be clear this is coordinated and it’s evil like almost on the level of 1/6. Not quite that level but it’s absolutely a coup. Th coup is NOT led by people scared to death Trump wins-no they are quite comfortable with a 2nd Trump term-Jared Golden of Maine literally said same” / X
Ok so when did he stop?
Christopher Hale on X: “Democrats have hurt Joe Biden more since the debate than he hurt himself during the debate. The voters are rightly sick and tired of our infighting.” / X
Biden goes on attack against Trump, media in Detroit (detroitnews.com)
Black Voters Matter Releases Statement Following Calls to Replace Biden-Harris Ticket – Black Voters Matter Fund
(4) Jen “I dissent ” Rubin on X: “After making asses of themselves it might behoove the Clooney and Jim Himes types to say: you know, Joe has proved me wrong. He’s back. Otherwise they will shoulder blame should Biden lose” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “He was talking specifically about the debate. While the media has here and there noted some of the lies it has not been anywhere near the level of scale and proportion they have focused on the optics of Biden’s debate. Your Twitter feed is a good place to start Brian-you’ve had” / X
(2) Stephanie M. Smith on X: “As a DNC delegate, I am PROUDLY voting for @JoeBiden because: 1. I believe elections matter. Our primary voters have CLEARLY spoken. It’s that simple. 2. The Biden Admin. has delivered for the American people & repaired Trump’s horrific damage to our global reputation. 1/” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “3. In Truman’s 1948 State of the Union not only did the GOP hate everything he said but his own party sat on its hands-dead silence in the Capitol. BUT Harry talked over the heads of these elites to the American people who knew he had their back just like Joe has ours” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “The only deception is th anyone other than Biden is going to be the nominee. That someone somewhere just gets to throw 14 million votes in the trash can because they feel like it or @NateSilver538 told them to. You can continue in this rabbit hole but it’s not going to change it” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “There’s literally nothing “hinging” on any of your fantasy football scenarios. Biden is the nominee full stop” / X
Biden grilled in “tense” call with moderate Democrats: “Complete disaster.” (axios.com)
Notice the very different narratives coming out of these meetings
Andrew Solender on X: “Biden announced to the Progressive Caucus a “major” Supreme Court reform policy coming, per two sources familiar with the call.” / X
John Fetterman on X: “Democrats, stop worrying about Joe Biden’s legacy and think about yours. Abandon a great president after a rough debate or stand with the only person who ever beat Trump’s ass into dust. All must choose, but we’re headed for assured mutual destruction if we don’t cut the shit.” / X
Maine Democratic Lawmaker Says Trump Will Win In November And ‘Democracy Will Be Just Fine’ (msn.com)
Will Stancil on X: “This is also evidenced by the polls themselves, which barely budged in reaction to the debate but have fallen during the media meltdown. You are the people causing the damage.” / X
(3) Will Stancil on X: “People are like “HOW WILL BIDEN’S NUMBERS EVER IMPROVE” and the answer is literally “they’ll improve when you talk about something other than how he’s gonna lose”” / X
Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis on X: “As I also write in Gutenberg, we find ourselves in a paradoxical time when the insurrectionists formerly known as “conservatives” try to destroy the institutions they once wished to conserve, putting progressives in the position not of reforming but instead of protecting those https://t.co/fB3Q5LVBrh” / X
Nate Silver is as wrong as ever
Nate Silver on X: “Reflecting on the events of yesterday as best as I can. https://t.co/E4qPZqplgQ” / X
‘It’s frozen’: Frenzied Democratic effort to replace Biden comes to a standstill (msn.com)
RCP Video on X: “CBS’s Costa: Dems Considering Challenge To Biden At DNC Are “Standing Down” After Trump Shooting https://t.co/RGL51SWn0d ” Democrats who have the concerns about President Biden are now standing down.” “All of that talk about the debate faded almost instantly.” https://t.co/enfmWZbwzR” / X
Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) on X: “Last night, I told you guys that the shooting would likely stop the calls for Biden to step aside. Now, Biden is politically stronger than before the debate. He has survived a soft coup, and his supporters are more energized than ever. https://t.co/Ec4w8Numoz” / X
To be sure, it’s pretty tough right now to separate fact and fiction at this point as the media reporting the last two weeks have been so motivated-highlighting only comments in line with their preferred narrative.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on X: “If you’re a “senior Democrat” that feels this way, you should absolutely retire and make space for true leadership that refuses to resign themselves to fascism. This kind of leadership is functionally useless to the American people. Retire.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Exhibit 878 @brianstelter of why the legacy media can not be trusted” / X
Stephanie M. Smith on X: “Bingo. We need people with the courage, clarity, & commitment to actually fight back against our democracy falling into the abyss of authoritarianism. Whiny, handwringing from a gilded cage will not win the day. My ancestors overcame too much to resign myself to such a thing.” / X
Josh Marshall on X: “I would have worded it differently, because I’m a different person. But this message is exactly right. If this is your attitude four months before the election you’re part of the problem.” / X
Joe Walsh on X: “Shame on that “senior House Democrat.” Dammit, fight for this democracy. Never quit.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “How much you want to bet you’re wrong?” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Ok but again there are real stakes in elections especially this one. If your life is unaffected by who wins an election it shows just how privileged, you really are. The 60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck don’t have this luxury” / X
Destiny referred to AOC’s missive approvingly and says he’d be willing to pay good money to know who this alleged senior Democrat is. I would too-though unlike Destiny I don’t have too much to add to the pot at this moment. I do agree though that we deserve to know who allegedly at a “senior” level of Democratic leadership in Congress is this haplessly nihilistic if not treacherous-as I do think this scheme to disenfranchise over 14 million Democratic primary voters is treacherous.
FN: Perhaps others can contribute to the pot and, while I’m not a Marxist-in this case it’d be helpful if we all contributed “from each according to their ability and to each according to their need.”
FN: As we discussed above, I strongly suspect that at least some of these turncoat Dems are not just being paid but NOT motivated primarily by fear of Trump winning-again Jared Golden literally wrote an op-ed stating that ‘Trump will win and that’s ok. If he wins that’s not the end of democracy.’ For me to suggest anyone like this senior Democrat is haplessly nihilistic is being charitable. I certainly suspect treachery-at least among some in this soft coup.
I guess wether they are hapless or treacherous hinges on their motivation-if they truly fear losing to Trump what they’ve done is an almost criminal stupidity; OTOH if they are either indifferent to or even desire a Trump win then you can’t claim their hapless as this is quite an ingenous way to completely cannibalize the party and destroy its chances in Nobember.
FN: As Elie Mystal points out, for example, those who accused Trump judge Aileen Cannon “incompetent” totally missed the point-the idea she was incompetent made sense to the extent that you-quite naively-assume she was genuinely presiding over thie case in good faith. But as her goal wasn”t a fair trial but to protect and exonerate Trump she was more than competent enough
The Dismissal of the Trump Documents Case Is Yet More Proof: The Institutionalists Have Failed | The Nation
(1) Donna F. Edwards on X: “Just stop. Biden decided. @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris are the Democratic nominees. Democrats need to unite with them in the fight for democracy/freedom. You may not like it, but the choice is clear. p.s. I’ve held my nose and voted for a lot of candidates.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I challenge you @brianstelter to try to deny this.” / X
Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis on X: “In yesterday’s statement, NBC News executives said they made this decision in collaboration with Joe and Mika. That, clearly, was a lie. We still need to know more about what happened at NBC News.” / X
Jen “I dissent ” Rubin on X: “Where you been? I think him telling Holt off is GREAT” / X
Jen “I dissent ” Rubin on X: “Biden hammering on MAGA violence and rationalization. Excellent. Holt gets nowhere.” / X
(1) Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis on X: “And Lester Holt tells him that talking about Trump as a threat to democracy — which he is — and recalling what he said about Paul Pelosi is not cooling down. The heat there comes not from Biden but from Trump.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “Of course the NYT focuses on a couple of anti Biden deadenders when in reality the soft coup to remove Joe is over the voters have spoken: D.N.C. Aims to Push Biden Toward Nomination Next Week, Despite Doubts – The New York Times (https://t.co/MsZChNrOhw)” / X
(15) J.D. Vance offers Democrats an opening – by Nate Silver
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “You’re blatantly lying-maybe to yourself?-if you claim there’s time for a brand new primary in a few weeks in late July” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “@brianstelter next time you’re out for drinks with @NateSilver538 at your fav DC watering hole maybe run these numbers by him” / X
Cornell Belcher on X: “This. Absolutely! If you’re not going to fight get your whining azz out of the way. The Party & democracy can’t afford you no mo.” / X
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “I mean Nate your level of self delusion is becoming truly epic as if YOU’RE acting for the interests of the country rather than you want Biden to lose so you can feel vindicated” / X
Will Stancil on X: “Can’t believe the DNC is preparing to nominate the person who won the Democratic primary, without the permission of Alex Thompson and the New York Times Who do these DNC losers think they are” / X
Jamie Dimon who at least at one point was being considered seriously to replace Biden on the ticket declares post Trump assinassnation attempt the virtues of “constructive diaglogue”
Riding With Biden 2024 on X: “She thinks he “looks almost pensive” as if that will be great comfort if Trump wins and Vance’s vision of no abortion for rape-incest, no divorce for battered women, and J6 was justified are realized” / X
Allan Lichtman on X: “JOE BIDEN IS STAYING IN THE RACE! https://t.co/caeyFm3ICv” / X
Media doesn’t get it and never will
The Biden Super Fans Who See Conspiracy and Blame the Media – POLITICO