
132 Extreme Carelessness: Why did it Take James Comey a Year to Clear Hillary Clinton?

UPDATE: This chapter also is ready for prime time substantively. Only thing remaining as in mostother chapters is editing, housecleaning. etc.

UPDATE: 2.0 Even in terms of editing this chapter is pretty far along-not much other than some spacing to correct-and some links to sort out. The spacing issue is present but not as prevalent as the previous chapter Probable Cause

September 7, 2018

Like I discussed in the media chapters, the most curious dynamic is that during the election all the MSM wanted to discuss was the damn emails but once it was over and that woman was safely defeated the media stopped talking about them overnight and has never discussed them again.

Then at the end of 2016-beginning of 2017 the media-finally-began talking about Russia. This hardly shows bias against Trump-they knew many of the basic elements of the Russian interference story prior to the election and yet gave it radio silence-as did James Comey.

FN: Regarding Emailgate cum Comeygate there have been exactly three major media pieces post election: what’s so curious is all three articles came out in April-May, 2017 around the time Comey was fired. Like Malcom Nance says conspiracy takes a lot of planning-how much planning explains this very interesting coincidence? Why did the MSM which has been otherwise allergic to any of the introspection they demand of Hillary Clinton-especially regarding Emailgate-publish three deep dives just before or after Comey was fired? Probably not to finally own up to the depth and breadth of their monumental failure and the blood they have on their hands in so weaponizing what the Washington Post itself in September 2016 called a minor email scandal that it decided a Presidential election electing the crypto fascist colluder in chief ‘President Trump.’

Propublica also had a big expose but don’t consider them MSM-I actually have respect for them.

Chapter A for more.

End of FN.

Post election the only folks who still want to discuss the emails is Trump and the GOP-the classic reverse diversionary tactic of whataboutism.

Indeed, the GOP not only shutdown the Russia probe prematurely-after doing a half ass job at it when it was running-they went back to investigating Hillary’s emails. Yet  while they talked about the emails they asked the wrong question regarding Comey’s presser. It’s not why didn’t he charge her but why did it take him so long to admit he wasn’t going to charge her?

The Problems With the FBI’s Email Investigation Went Well Beyond Comey — ProPublica

“Much of their time was taken up trying to find and examine all of the roughly 62,000 messages from Clinton’s four years as secretary of state, which began in January 2009; two of Clinton’s lawyers had deleted about half of the emails, deeming them purely personal. This had sent the FBI on an often frustrating hunt for the missing emails. Agents fanned out to locate, examine and reconstruct scattered hardware and data backup systems from Clinton’s private network, as well as all the BlackBerrys, iPads, computers and storage drives that Clinton, her aides and her lawyers had used. Forensic recovery would eventually help the FBI to find 17,448 deleted emails, including thousands that agents deemed work-related.”

FN: So while GOPland was on a crusade to find Her Deleted Emails, the FBI found 17,448 of them? If so this is a good CF for chapter Joseph Schmitz. 

End FN

Here’s another question: why were the agents looking for the missing emails? Didn’t Clinton’s lawyers act within protocols in deleting personal emails? That’s what the law surrounding disclosure of public records calls for: a government official has the right to keep personal emails or communications private-so why were they so determined to rifle through them?


See also NYT piece

FN: Quite interestingly these are the same reporters who broke the first false stories that Clinton was under criminal investigation in July, 2015 see Chapter Criminal Investigation Without a Subject.

IG report notes

Also IG report on what took so long.

Relevant Lanny Davis quotes

As noted in the previous chapter, the FBI begun the Midyear investigation-aka Emailgate-despite not having a single qualifying ‘articulable fact’ needed to establish probable cause.

In this chapter we’re asking the question that seeing as they did decide to investigate her emails -even though they lacked probable cause-why did it take them a whole year to go through 30,000 emails-or 62,000 emails as they insisted on investigating the 32,000 deleted personal emails though deleting them was what the rules called for?

Totally unlike Comey’s actions, Clinton’s deleting of the personal emails was simply doing what the rules proscribed. Yet the FBI-like the Trump campaign-was obsessed with somehow recovering her personal emails-what right to privacy? If the target is Hillary Clinton there is none.

According to the IG report, Comey and his colleagues at the Emailgate investigation knew by January, 2016 there was no there there-Clinton was not guilty of a crime. As we will see even this is too charitable but let’s begin with the IG report as our starting point. 


“Our review found that the Midyear team concluded beginning in early 2016 that evidence supporting a prosecution of former Secretary Clinton or her senior aides was likely lacking. This conclusion was based on the fact that the Midyear team had not found evidence that former Secretary Clinton or her senior aides knowingly transmitted classified information on unclassified systems because (1) classified information exchanged in unclassified emails was not clearly or properly marked, and (2) State Department staff introducing classified information into emails made an effort to “talk around” it. Although the Midyear team continued its investigation, taking the investigative steps described in Chapter Five and looking for evidence that could change their assessment, they also began discussing what witnesses referred to as the “endgame” for the investigation—ways for the Department and FBI to credibly announce the closing of the investigation.”

So ‘at the beginning of early 2016’ the Emailgate team had concluded she was likely innocent. Yet it would take seven more months until Comey decided to let the world know.

What were they doing in the mean time-call this period the missing seven months? Later there’d be another missing month give or take between when the NY FBI ‘found’ Huma’s emails on Weiner’s laptop and when Comey again  put his thumb on the scales against Clinton and for Trump with his memo-evidently, he hadn’t done enough damage with the press conference.

FN: See Chapter Good FBI Agents

As indicated in the paragraph above, one reason for the delay is they continued to obsessively search for some sort of ‘smoking gun’ or what Comey actually later called in Senate testimony “the Golden Emails”- that would change their mind about not indicting Clinton. But how fair is this to Hillary Clinton for her to  be left to continue twisting in the wind for an additional six months-an awful long time in campaign terms just on the remote chance some kind of ‘smoking gun’ could show itself? I mean  I think I’ll delay getting a job for seven months as I totally could win the lottery during this time and let’s just deny a man his freedom for seven months-we don’t have any evidence he’s the killer but heck in seven months maybe we will. Is that FBI and DOJ protocol? Probably not but then again Comey sees following protocol as weak tea, as somehow lacking in moral courage and unheroic.

UPDATE: As we saw in the last chapter-Chapter Probable Cause-you don’t open a criminal investigation because you “might” find something. In reality there was no probable cause in the first place and there certainly wasn’t to continue to milk it but not surprisingly this is what Comey did.

FN: See Chapter Why the Comey Letter on Comey’s “Golden Emails.”

(There are a few quotes in the IG report that demonstrate Comey’s ‘moral vanity.’)

The other thing they did in the six months was obsessively go back and forth on how to execute the endgame-or land the plane if you like to paraphrase Rod Rosenstein.

While Comey and his fellow Midyear agents knew by the start of the year it’s unlikely there would be charges they didn’t even begin their conversations about ‘landing the plane’ until April of 2016. So for three more months the investigation-and Clinton’s campaign -sat in limbo as her opponents-the GOP, Assange, HA Goodman, Chris Cillizza continued to foment what the Washington Post editorial page would  itself later call a minor email scandal.

FN: Landing the plane takes on even more resonance now that we’ve learned of Rosenstein’s imappropriate promises to Trump-how queasy is Comey over that?

In early April Comey begun initial discussions about finally winding down the email probe.

“Comey said that beginning in March or April 2016, he began to think of ways to announce a declination. Comey said that during this time he had a meeting with Rybicki, Yates, and Axelrod to discuss how the FBI and Department could credibly close the investigation. Based on Yates’s description of the circumstances of the meeting (described below) and FBI emails, we determined that this meeting likely took place on Tuesday, April 12, 2016.”

(Find the page number).

FN: McCabe also has his version of these conversations in The Threat

This yet again underscores Comey’s general lack of urgency in winding this down, of landing the plane. Though clearly Clinton deserved, as any subject deserves, to be promptly cleared if the facts don’t support conviction. He started thinking about announcing no charges in March, 2016 but didn’t have the first meeting on doing so until another month went by.

This was after there’s already been two lost months-January and February-when Comey and his fellow Emailgate agents knew there were no charges. What was going on then, in the the first three months between when they had all concluded there were no charges and April 12 when Comey had his first meeting with Sally Yates?

And let’s be clear this is not hperbole-it was clear by January, 2016-to be generous; as we  saw in the last chapter it’s likely they knew, Comey certainly knew, long before that Clinton wasn’t guilty-that she was very unlikely to be charged.

FN: It’s quite arguable Comey and his Republican Friends at the FBI knew all along always knew there was unlikely to be charges.

“Notes obtained by the OIG from a meeting between Toscas and then EAD John Giacalone on December 4, 2015, confirm that the lack of intent was the subject of ongoing discussions. According to the notes, Giacalone asked the team, “Still [do not] have much on the intent side, right?” The notes show that the team members present at the meeting agreed with him. Giacalone, who retired from the FBI in February 2016, said that there were “no smoking guns” showing intent when he left.

“Similarly, other notes show that prosecutors met with NSD supervisors on January 29, 2016, to discuss the lack of evidence supporting prosecution. The notes state: Don’t see prosecutable case at this point. A lot of stuff done from Ops Center [lower level State Department staff] —> up. HRC is receiving. Want to insulate DOJ from criticism about how we did this work. No daylight [between] FBI management and investigative team agents re: view of criminal liability.”

pg. 164-165.

Note that even in December, 2015 it was clear there was no evidence of intent. Yet the last two sentences from the January, 29. 2016 meeting give a sense of foreboding-while it was clear she wasn’t guilty, the FBI and DOJ were worried about the political reaction to a not guilty finding-even though she was not-uh, guilty.

This highlights how big the failure was, under Comey, to conduct the investigation in a nonpolitical way. Throughout the entire Emailgate fiasco you see Comey and friends politicizing the investigation in ways that hurt Clinton to reassure her haters in the GOP, and to an extent on the Bernie Left-a la HA Goodman-and in the Chris Cillizza cum Dean Baquet MSM that the investigation was not being politicized to help her. Essentially her basic   civil and privacy rights and due process were trampled on to assure her political opponents that she wasn’t getting special rights.

Essentially the FBI bent over to prove she wasn’t being treated especially well by treating her especially badly.

FN: Here you also have to think of Andy McCabe’s leaking the fact of the FBI’s-wholly unpredicated and unjustified-fishing expedition into the Clinton Foundation on October 31, 2016-perhaps there’s a certain poetic justice for McCabe to end up being hoisted by his own petard. Trump and his GOP co-conspirators-many of them no doubt continue to reside at the FBI aka Trumpland-accused McCabe of trying to help Clinton. In fact McCabe was doing the same thing Comey was-treating Clinton grossly unfairly to reassure the GOP Right that she wasn’t getting special treatment. Trump would use what McCabe did to Hilary as the excuse to drum him out 26 hours before his pension just as he used Comey’s unfair and wrongheaded treatment of Hilary as a pretext for firing him.

End of FN

Among the many violations of rules and her rights from the July 5 presser, it also clearly violated her privacy rights for someone not charged with any crime to be publicly ripped to shreds by the FBI Director a couple of weeks before the party conventions.

The IG report documents a particularly arresting conversation over ‘optics’ in late March, 2016.

“On March 30, 2016, Prosecutor 1 sent an email to Prosecutor 2 stating, “Read the Ruth Marcus column in the [Washington] Post if you haven’t yet.”132 The column referenced in the email discussed the public skepticism that would result from a decision not to indict former Secretary Clinton and recommended that the Department consider releasing a detailed investigative summary. It included a hyperlink to a public report released by the Department in 2010 that summarized the investigation into the 2001 anthrax letter attacks. The column also highlighted the need for a credible government official to provide the public with information about the investigation, noting, “Senior Justice officials will be mistrusted whatever they say, but what about FBI Director James B. Comey, who served in the Justice Department under George W. Bush?” Apparently after reading this column, Prosecutor 2 replied, “It is not dissimilar from some of the thoughts running through my head in the middle of the night…or what I tried expressing at that disastrous meeting we called with Toscas a couple months ago.”

Pg. 178

So was Comey’s presser originally Ruth Marcus’ idea?! Marcus like most of the MSM in 2016 exhibited a good deal of Hilary Derangement Syndrome-she had thought Trump made a good point in late 2015 when his response to Clinton’s criticism of him as a sexist was to change the subject by blaming Clinton for her husband’s affairs. Yes, Marcus pronounced primly, Bill’s past is fair game. 

FN: Chapter A for more.

Of course, because it’s on Hillary to make up for what her husband’s affairs did to her. Because Bill had extramarital affairs this lets Trump off the hook on the matter of sexism. In any case, it’s rather stunning that Comey’s indefensible press conference may have been the brainchild of Ruth Marcus.

FN: The outrageous sexism in American politics continues as Congresswoman Katie Hill was forced out based on the revenge porn of her former abusive husband.

UPDATE: There were rumors that Pelosi and the Dem leadership pushed her out but Congresswoman Hill denies it. 

Later her feed was hacked and  a slew of nasty tweets accusing her of abuse were sent out. Big picture, while women had a lot of victories since Trump’s illegitimate ‘win’ we are still far from the ‘post gender’ politics that some Beltway journalists-including female journalists-were claiming in 2016-making any complaint by Hillary regarding sexism as just excuse making.

As much as I love Joe there’s a reason he didn’t get her awful press despite them being pretty similar ideologically-the most blatant example was when Tulsi Gabbard defended Biden’s Iraq vote-when Clinton run the Left insisted that her Iraq vote was disqualifying.

Chapter A for a lot more on the very different treatment Biden 2020 received than Hillary 2016 despite them being pretty similar in terms of ideological history, resume, career trajectory, etc.

End FN

As for Comey, wherever the idea of him doing a presser to-finally-announce Clinton wasn’t guilty came from-maybe Ruth Marcus-he quickly made it his own while misleading both his fellow FBI agents as well as the DOJ over the next three months. While he presented his doing a lone presser as just one of a number of options, in truth he’d already decided he was going to do it no matter what.

For her part, regardless of how large a factor Marcus’ article was in Comey’s damnable decision to do that Presser, it was symptomatic of the larger savvy MSM narrative and it was a big part of the problem. Marcus’ premise was that Clinton alone had no right to privacy or due process. Instead even if she were innocent she still had to be dirtied politically-anything less would somehow be ‘suspicious.’

Marcus claimed the public would be very suspicious of a declination-what her predication was in this belief she didn’t say. In reality-and this is a point we discuss in more detail on Chapter Ezra Klein-the trajectory in the Emailgate narrative wasn’t that the public told the media how important Her Emails were and how suspicious they would be if Clinton weren’t indicted but rather the media continued to tell the public this is how it felt. This goes to Klein’s point that a big cause of the problems with the Beltway press is that they live in this imaginary world where they just report the news without in any way shaping it.

FN: As we will see in more detail in later chapters particularly Chapter Why Comey Wrote the Comey Letter, this is Comey’s MO in terms of management technique-having a ‘free and open debate’-even though he’s already decided on what he wants to do.

(Find quotes in IG about his conversations with others in Midyear investigation).

More on that later. First, let us just be very clear-there was no intent, it wasn’t a close call as he himself told the GOP Congress in July, 2016 after the presser. Yet, most of the public believed the opposite-60% believed she should have been indicted. 

Again this was the result in large part of collusion between the anti Clinton leakers at the FBI and the MSM savvy pundits who created this false narrative.

Comey had justified his hamhanded intervention as necessary for the education of the public. Yet his words and actions had the opposite effect: they only served to further confuse and mislead people.

No doubt a big part of why there was expectation of a Clinton indictment, was the irresponsible way Comey dithered and delayed the landing of the plane-he had built the false expectation of a Clinton indictment by dragging out and milking the process for all those months when he knew the chances of indictment were remote.

And let’s be clear, as I noted above, even the notion that Comey and friends only figured out that there was no there there as far as convicting in January, 2016 is far too charitable. As Lanny Davis documents, it simply doesn’t take anywhere near a year to go through 30,000 emails or-if you for some reason include her personal emails that her lawyer rightfully deleted-62,000 emails.

“Even if the FBI claims that it had a reasonable suspicion it would find marked Clinton emails if it took more time to find them, including a few thousand that seemed not to have been transferred to her private server from her BlackBerry in her first few months as secretary, why did it take Comey and the FBI a full year to complete the investigation? In fact, it could have taken no more than two days to review all thirty thousand of Clinton’s State Department–related emails to determine whether any had classified markings. How do we know this? As already noted above, in the FBI’s interview of an ICIG inspector on July 23, 2015, the third document referenced above, the inspector is quoted as saying that on June 26–27, 2015, a review of all the thirty thousand emails was completed. That’s right: two days to inspect thirty thousand emails. A source close to McCullough claimed that this review was cursory and the ICIG inspector was “kicked out” after two days. Even if that is true, the State Department would not have refused to allow FBI agents in the middle of a criminal investigation full access for as long as they needed to confirm that not one of those thirty thousand emails was appropriately marked as classified.”

Location 943.

No more than two days. This is a point that is also germane on the question of what took Comey so long to release his memo after being informed of Abedin’s emails that had been ‘found’ on Weiner’s laptop. It’s not clear how Comey ever believed it would take so many months to go through the emails on Weiner’s laptop-how could he be this unaware of current FBI technology?


But that’s for a future chapter. Spoiler alert-I frankly believe Comey-and his Emailgate people-have lied up and down all around and up again on this missing month. Because the idea anyone believed it would take this long just doesn’t pass the laugh test.

End FN

For now, let’s dwell on Lanny Davis’ fateful question:

“What would have happened if Comey had done this and announced on October 5, 2015—or December 5, for that matter, five months after the fact—that there was no prosecutable case against Clinton, rather than waiting till the following July? We will never know.”

Going out on a limb you wouldn’t have had 60% of people thinking she should have been indicted; it certainly would have de-weaponized the damn emails as the election issue according to Cillizza-Dean Baquet and friends.

But, Comey and friends knew perfectly well there was no there there. Indeed, they had known this from the beginning. 

“As early as September 2015, FBI and Department officials realized that they were unlikely to find evidence of intent. Prosecutor 2 stated that within a month of first obtaining criminal process, they had seen no evidence of intent. This prosecutor told the OIG that the team realized that the case likely would lead to a declination after they had reviewed the classified information in former Secretary Clinton’s emails and heard the explanations for including that information in unclassified emails. Prosecutor 2 said that there were a number of other investigative steps they needed to take to complete their due diligence, but that by September 2015 they knew that they would need a “game changer” to be able to prove intent.”

Pg. 165.

As early as September 2015. As they realized this in September, 2015, it’s certainly reasonable of Davis to discuss what might have happened had Comey announced this on October, 5, 2015 rather than nine months later.

But it’s even worse than that.

“From early in the investigation, the investigative team said they knew that proving intent would be a challenge.”  Pg. 124?

“Prosecutor 1 told the OIG: [T]his whole case turned on mens rea [guilty state of mind]…. I’ve run a lot of mishandling cases. The issue is usually that people are taking things home or they’re communicating them to someone for, to set up a business outside or to do something that’s like, what we don’t tend to prosecute criminally anyway are people who are communicating things for work purposes…. Usually to people who are already cleared. So, those are the kinds of things that when we’re talking about mens rea, were sort of instructive for us…. This prosecutor explained that Secretary Clinton and her staff did not display any of the counterintelligence indicators that prosecutors typically see in mishandling cases, such as unreported foreign contacts or “weird” meetings with foreigners.”

FN: Unlike the Trump campaign who-unlike Clinton, Comey didn’t believe was a ‘once in in 500 years’ situation-he sure didn’t act like it was.

“This prosecutor said that evidence of intent was lacking for other reasons as well, including that numerous witnesses testified that the State Department had terrible information technology (IT) systems and that its remote email system did not work when employees were traveling and sending emails in different time zones.”

As an aside, it’s rich that the only thing that the allegedly ‘libertarian’ GOP thinks government does hands down better than the private sector is email security. And in this case that is far from the truth-the government email systems used at State and other agencies have all kinds of problems.

UPDATE: Strozk reveals in his book that privately even Emailgate investigators noted that HRC’s emails were probably safer on private email than the State government email-though apparently this observation didn’t lead them to rethink the entire case’s predication from the outset…

FN: Of course, the reality is that just like the GOP’s alleged ethics and principles, it’s ‘libertarianism’ is situational. 

“As a result, the investigative team said they could not infer bad intent from the use of personal email accounts as they might in other cases. Prosecutor 2 similarly stated that mishandling cases generally involve “people who have an intent to give classified information to others, people who have an intent to…take documents home and…do nefarious things with them, or sometimes hoarders of classified information.” This prosecutor told the OIG that, unlike the typical mishandling case, the State Department employees who introduced classified information into the unclassified system were trying to “talk around” it in the course of doing their jobs. This prosecutor stated, “And looking in terms of some of the times when the classified information appeared on [un]classified systems in this case, we see, we see problems, you know, late at night, weekends, the time between Christmas and New Year’s when no one is in the office.” FBI officials agreed with the prosecutors that the need to prove intent was problematic from the outset. In his recent book, Comey stated: …Hillary Clinton’s case, at least as far as we knew at the start, did not appear to come anywhere near General Petraeus’s in the volume and classification level of the information mishandled. Although she seemed to be using an unclassified system for some classified topics, everyone she emailed appeared to have both the appropriate clearance and a legitimate need to know the information. So although we were not going to prejudge the result, we started the Clinton investigation aware that it was unlikely to be a case that career prosecutors at the Department of Justice would prosecute. ”

That bears repeating: FBI officials agreed with the prosecutors that the need to prove intent was problematic from the outset and that it was unlikely to be a case that career prosecutors at the Department of Justice would prosecute. Any case that is unlikely to be prosecuted is by definition without adequate predication.

So this renders the entire Emailgate investigation problematic at the outset. As for Comey grandly declaring ‘we were not going to prejudge the result’ you are supposed to prejudge the result to the extent that if indictment isn’t likely the case shouldn’t be opened in the first place-it’s called probable cause and you have to prejudge if you in fact have it. Or don’t.

“That might change, of course, if we could find a smoking-gun email where someone in government told Secretary Clinton not to do what she was doing, or if we could prove she obstructed justice, or if she, like Petraeus, lied to us in an interview. It would all turn on what we could prove beyond a reasonable doubt[.] Pg. 125?

FN: Smoking-gun email aka Comey’s Golden Emails. As we see in Chapter A the Golden Emails actually did exist-for George W. Bush. Yep everything they accused Clinton of was projection.

FN: Speaking of lying in the interview Mueller didn’t make Trump-or Donald Jr-do an interview in the  Russian Collusion investigation-Mueller also didn’t make Jr-or Don McGahn-testify at the Grand Jury. Of course, had Trump been compelled to testify he would have lied many times over but the GOP AKA the PARTY OF TREASON would have dismissed it as a mere process crime-without admitting like the the one they impeached Clinton over. And the MSM wouldn’t have bothered pointing this out either.

End FN.

Bottomline: per the IG Comey said that “by early May 2016, when he wrote the first draft of his public statement, the Midyear team was aware that evidence of intent was lacking. Others on the Midyear team agreed. FBI Attorney 1 stated, “I have cases where there [are] people with thousands of classified documents in their home and we don’t prosecute them…. [T]his is not something we prosecute lightly or we do regularly. There needs to be, usually, some either nefarious intent or some…actual harm that has happened because of it.”

Again, all of this strongly suggests they lacked adequate predication at the outset-as we pointed out in the previous chapter.

So while Michael Flynn claimed that ‘If I’d done 10% of what she did, I’d be in jail’ this couldn’t have been more false. Few if any would be treated like this without the last name Clinton.

“Agent 2 told the OIG: [F]rom like my level looking at it…you were hard-pressed to find the intent of anyone to put classified information on that server. And again, sloppy security practices, for sure. Right? But, and, and preventable? Yes. But somebody intentionally putting classified on it, we just never found clear-cut evidence of somebody intending to do that.”

If they knew from the outset that finding intent was unlikely, this brings us full circle to the last chapter: was there ever probable cause in the first place? If they knew going in that proving intent was remote, the answer is clearly NO.

As we argued in the last chapter opening an investigation you know lacks probable cause is a crime. The longer the illegitimate investigation is milked it only adds to the criminality. July 10, 2015 was Comey’s original sin. As we will see in subsequent chapters  he then added to it on October 1, 2015 and added a lot more on July 5, 2016-and then finally as we will discuss in Chapter Comey Letter, October 28, 2016








Endgame discussions around pg. 163

Lanny Davis



But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.