
154 FOIA Memo Shows Once Again the FBI is a Very Republican Place

“Something Like This Has 0 Repercussions if You Mess Up:” John Durham Debunked the Alfa Bank Debunkery – emptywheel

You searched for alfa bank – emptywheel

There’s More Evidence The Times Flubbed A Major Trump-Russia Story | HuffPost Latest News

Trump Documents Raid at Mar-a-Lago Sparked Protest From FBI Employees – Bloomberg

John Durham’s Blind Man’s Bluff on DNS Visibility – emptywheel

The Alfa Bank Dark Net at Noon – emptywheel

We can debate the accuracy or lack thereof of the Steele Dossier and per Emptywheel’s persuasive argument that at least part of the Dossier was Russian disinformation we should-certainly the Bill Browder-Glenn Simpson Paradox gives significant validation for EW’s premise. In

2019 Seth Abramson went into one of his patented long Twitter thread deeep dives making his case that he thinks a great deal of the SD has held up very well.

Certainly this part at least does:

(2) Seth Abramson on X: “3/ We still have no explanation for why the FBI lied to the NYT in the 14 days before a presidential election, falsely saying it had no info on Trump-Russia ties—and no pending investigation on the topic—rather than just saying, “No comment.” Steele was rightly unnerved by this.” / X (twitter.com)

It confirms once again that the FBI did everything to hang Hillary in 2016 and everything possible to shield and protect Trump. The explanation is the FBI aka Trumpland wasn’t in it to hurt Trump’s campaign just Hillary’s.

This is why while I applaud EW’s having gone to the FBI with her concerns about “Phil” you can’t help but wonder if the infnormation she gave them fared any better than the info they got from Steele or on the Alpha Bank. Shockingly, it turns out according to Marcy, Phil had actually gone to her iwth a version of the Alfa Bank story in early September 2016.


But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.