190 Glenn Greenwald: White Supremacy’s Defense Attorney
(7) David Neiwert on X: “43) Eventually he hired a young hotshot Jewish lawyer from New York to spearhead his legal challenge. Hale liked to trot this young man out for the press as proof (for dumb reporters who hadn’t bothered to crack open a Klassen text) he didn’t hate Jews. His name was @ggreenwald. https://t.co/E7YRQS45uJ” / X (twitter.com)
Glenn Greenwald Strikes Again: Reality Winner Speaks
Former Glenn Greenwald Actor Talks About His Adult Films VOL 1 – Better Call Glenn (archive.org)
Glenn Greenwald Is a Ridiculous Joke (And Alas, the Internet Never Forgets) : The Other McCain
Orcinus: The Pontifex Maximus and His Lawyer: Glenn Greenwald and his strange far-right blind spot (dneiwert.blogspot.com)
David Neiwert on X: “1) So now we have self-described “progressives” like @ggreenwald and @mtracey telling us that the threat of white nationalism in the USA is “nonexistent” (as Tracey put it), and when called out for that GG chimes in and claims that we “needs be keep the threat in perspective.” https://t.co/89CDRKzN1v” / X (twitter.com)
Reality Winner Blasts the Intercept After 4 Years in Jail (rollingstone.com)
Chelsea Manning Says She’s ‘Terrified’ of Former Pal Glenn Greenwald (thedailybeast.com)
Jay McGill, The Black Atheist on X: “F**K outta here. Glenn Greenwald is a simp and a toady for Putin, Assad, Xi, and Trump. You are one stupid little schmuck.” / X (twitter.com)
Jay McGill, The Black Atheist on X: “List of journalists that have the silliest takes: Maggie Haberman Andrea Mitchell Kristen Welker Chuck Todd Maureen Dowd Bret Stephens Sean Hannity Laura Ingraham Ryan Grim Glenn Greenwald Katy Tur Kasie Hunt Kaitlan Collins Am I missing anybody?!!!” / X (twitter.com)
Why Glenn Greenwald Says Tucker Carlson Is a True Socialist (nymag.com)
(6) Video | Facebook
BCG – Supporting Evidence – Master Notions
A sexual predator named Glenn Greenwald, Part 1 – Master Notions
jewish-defense-organization-dossier.pdf (masternotions.com)
Roger Stone said in July 2016 Russians were ‘most likely’ behind WikiLeaks emails and doing it to help Trump | CNN Politics
Greenwald’s Bombshell Brazil Scoops Have Curious Blindspot for US Involvement – FAIR
Lava Jato Hacker Walter Delgatti Speaks – BRASILWIRE
Glenn Greenwald may have quit the Intercept, but he can’t quit the feud – The Washington Post
Supremacist Sent Code From Jail, Lawyer Says – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
How Lava Jato hid from the federal government the visit of the FBI and American prosecutors – Agência Pública (apublica.org)
Unclaimed Territory – by Glenn Greenwald: October 2005
What Happened to Glenn Greenwald? – CounterPunch.org
Should White Supremacists Be Allowed To Practice Law? | HuffPost Latest News
How Glenn Greenwald Became Glenn Greenwald (buzzfeednews.com)
Glenn Greenwald, journalist who broke Edward Snowden story, was once lawyer sued over porn business – New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)
Glenn Greenwald, journalist who broke Edward Snowden story, was once lawyer sued over porn business – New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)
Glenn Greenwald’s Former Porn Industry Business Partner Speaks Out – The Village Voice
Former Glenn Greenwald Actor Talks About His Adult Films VOL 1 – Better Call Glenn (archive.org)
Anderson v. Hale, 159 F. Supp. 2d 1116 (N.D. Ill. 2001) :: Justia
Alan Stacey on X: “@AuhsdBond @wokyleeks @xeni I imagined Glenn “illegally tapes clients without their knowledge” Greenwald was not how his PR normally goes. Let alone the Nazi stuff. But the illegal taping is right then in black and white. Rebuked by a judge.” / X (twitter.com)
Anderson v. Hale, Case No. 00 C 2021 | Casetext Search + Citator
(2) Alan Stacey on X: “@AuhsdBond @wokyleeks @xeni And yes, it’s true you can find some coverage about GG in the Brazilian press. He’s not totally unknown. There’s this, for example. I’m sure you can throw it in your favorite translation machine if you don’t read Portuguese. “pornografia” you can guess. https://t.co/WoEaUb6IaZ” / X (twitter.com)
Glenn Greenwald Is a Ridiculous Joke (And Alas, the Internet Never Forgets) : The Other McCain
Emptywheel vs Glenn Greenwald
Emptywheel’s Marcy Wheeler knows more than she tells, but she tells a lot – Columbia Journalism Review (cjr.org)
Patterico’s Pontifications