
159 Ground Zero of the Authoritarian Assault on Democracy has Been Against LGBT Women


I mean think of it this way: three of the biggest voices of the anti fascist vanguard since Trump’s illegitimate “win” has been: Rachel Maddow, Masha Gessen, and Clara Sorrenti aka Keffials.

In Russia, ground zero for Team Autocracy, LGBT has been outlawed. Indeed, in the Soviet Union-that “anti imperialist” leftists a la Norm Fincklestein so bemoan its fall agreeing with Putin that the fall of the USSR was the biggest tragedy of the 20th century-according to official Communist state ideology there WERE NO gay people. Of course, the USSR was supposed to be the great champion of anti colonialism despite being the largest remaining colonial empire in the world.

OF COURSE Glenn Greenwald fell all over himself to be Qiwi Farms public defender-this is like a fish in water for him as this was essentially his entire legal career-defending Neo Nazis and KKKers. While it’s true that even such vile people deserve a legal defense, Greenwald seemed to see it as his Kantian ethical duty to defend every single one-apparently he’s never seen a white supremacist or Neo Nazi defendant he didn’t want to defend.

Whoever will stand up for the bigoted hatemongers behind KiwiFarms? Glenn Greenwald, of course (dailykos.com)

But he didn’t simply defend them but in the most visceral nasty terms imaginable. He would do everything to insult and deningrate the victims of violent white supremacists in the most abrasive terms imaginable

Glenn Greenwald is Not Your Misunderstood Left Comrade – CounterPunch.org

jewish-defense-organization-dossier.pdf (masternotions.com)

Glenn Greenwald downplays fascist plot to kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer – World Socialist Web Site (wsws.org)

(1) Imani Gandy (Orca’s Version) ⚓️ on X: “and before y’all come at me with “Everyone deserves a defense” not everyone deserves a defense that includes calling the opposing party—Hale’s victims, essentially—”odious and repugnant.” There’s defending someone and then there’s DEFENDING someone. https://t.co/5UDwyCPHeG” / X (twitter.com)

Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange: What They Believe | The New Republic

Imani Gandy (Orca’s Version) ⚓️ on X: “I had no idea that Greenwald’s behavior was that depraved until I read this thread. I really didn’t. I always knew he was an asshole. But this is above and beyond. https://t.co/9zgATstOHS He was also sanctioned by a court for unethical behavior in connection w/ Hale’s defense.” / X (twitter.com)

David Neiwert on X: “1) So now we have self-described “progressives” like @ggreenwald and @mtracey telling us that the threat of white nationalism in the USA is “nonexistent” (as Tracey put it), and when called out for that GG chimes in and claims that we “needs be keep the threat in perspective.” https://t.co/89CDRKzN1v” / X (twitter.com)



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