
204 Jackson Hinkle’s National Socialism With American Characteristics

jackson hinkle with putin – Search Images (bing.com)

Regarding his criticism of the US in his debate with Dylan Burns for arming Taiwan and Ukraine-we can be pretty certain he’d praise the USSR for funding the Algerian freedom figthers

‘We have provided everything possible for their freedom’: How the USSR helped France’s most important colony stick it to Paris — RT Africa

More Russian propaganda

EU state backs Chinese peace plan for Ukraine — RT World News

The proper term for Hinckle-or Krystal Ball is Nazbol

National Bolshevism – Wikipedia

Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 on X: “🚨🇷🇺🏳️‍🌈 Two gay club managers in RUSSIA have been arrested and added to the country’s list of terrorists. RUSSIA recognized the “international LGBT movement” as “extremist” and BANNED it in November 2023. https://t.co/UDm6oqixlG” / X (twitter.com)

Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 on X: “☦️🇷🇺 GOD IS WITH RUSSIA https://t.co/s5Wgkbl9As” / X (twitter.com)

Like the Coffee Boy extraordinaire he’s a fiend for clout with dictator fetish and a Russian wife

(1) Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 on X: “BREAKING: Putin spotted on his way to Finland to track down Zelensky, after Ukraine’s failed assassination attempt on him over the Kremlin. https://t.co/keGXeWqbVi” / X (twitter.com)

The classic Hinkle gish gallop

Sam Seder-Jason Hinkle Debate: Gish Gallop/Filibuster Tactics Unpacked @Vaush @thedavidpakmanshow (youtube.com)

Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 on X: “🚨🇺🇸🇷🇺 My interview with Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will be published TOMORROW. https://t.co/uF6g5Xtd79” / X (twitter.com)

FACT CHECK: Did Vladimir Putin Recently Ignore Benjamin Netanyahu At An Event? | Check Your Fact

Just another piece of Hinckle’s Twitter disinfo-he of all people knows they’re friends

Expand the Court on X: “@jacksonhinklle National Socialism with Iranian Characteristics” / X (twitter.com)


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