88 Katty Kay Goes Full Cokie Roberts: It Doesn’t Matter What the Mueller Report Says the MSM Has Already Decided
This comment by Katty Kay the morning after the reporting that the Mueller team wasn’t happy with the way Coverup Bill Barr had spun their work is both utterly astonishing and astonishing in how much it reveals. It’s’ always been clear that the MSM cares more about its own narrative than the truth-that it only values the truth to the extent it seems to validate its own preconceptions-misconceptions-but Katty Kay does a faux ‘President Trump’-she says the quiet part out loud.
Risk for Dems here is that the public narrative has already been formed and they look like sore losers in keeping the story going. https://t.co/W2HVGIRcWM
— Katty Kay (@KattyKay_) April 4, 2019
This is in the tradition of Cokie Roberts treatment of Clinton scandals-‘It doesn’t matter if she said it or not everyone at my beauty parlor is talking about it’-ie, Cokie”s Law.
Please don't write stuff like "the narrative has already been formed" when you're one of the people that forms the narrative.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) April 4, 2019
In a way I appreciate it-we ought to be grateful to Ms. Kay as she’s only telling us the truth about how much of the allegedly free press thinks-they don’t care what the truth is they just have a narrative to sell. While you can make fun of Trump and Coverup Bill Barr’s fake exoneration letter the truth is-as we see in Chapter A-the MSM bought it hook, line, and sinker, starting with Dean Baquet and Friends-as usual the Times is the ringleader in the worst tendencies in the MSM press.
Baquet’s Times was the worst offender on the fake email scandal-judging by the way the MSM has ignored the wide use of private email and #WhatsApp among the Trump senior staff-starting with Kushner who erased his messages to MBS-remember the outrage over the idea ‘Clinton scrubbed her server!’-though that’s what the rules dictated for personal emails-of course with Clinton it didn’t matter if she was following the rules or not the MSM had already decided-Lock Her Up!
The Times was the ringleader in ignoring Russia-indeed Baquet personally ruined Eric LitchBlau’s reporting that would have blown the Russia story wide open before the election. By the time Paquet got through with it, he and rogue anti Clinton pro Trump agents at the FBI had decided there was nothing to this Trump-Russia story-get back to speculating over the Comey Letter!
The Times was the ring leader in slow walking Russiagate before the election and it was the ring leader in prematurely declaring it dead after.
Kasie Hunt also showed a little too much of her-and her MSM friends-cards the night of the Coverup Artist AG Bill Barr’s fake exoneration letter. She declared ‘people have Mueller fatigue.’
Fatigue. This is where the ‘SmartSet’ decides that facts be damned they have a narrative. In 2014 Chuck Todd and Friends decided they had Hillary Clinton fatigue. In 1991-1992, they decided they had Irangate fatigue. Now they had decided they were tired of Mueller so they declared us to be post Mueller. The fact that we hadn’t seen the actual report yet? That was a niggly detail-the Democrats would be wise not to relitigate it. That’s right Katty Kay, Kasie Hunt, and friends had decided simply wanting to see the report that from the investigation that has been the focus of the news the last two years is relitigating.
Indeed, what Kay said is interesting-she claimed that the Democrats are being sore losers but it wasn’t the Democrats it was the Mueller team itself. Another niggly, unimportant detail. The MSM may bemoan the rise of Kellyann Conway’s alternative facts but they shouldn’t-they built this by their own utter disregard and disrespect for the facts.
For years they have ignored facts if they conflict with their own baseless, fact free narratives-the rise of Trump is the logical conclusion.
While most MSMers were smart enough not to be quite so honest as Katty Kay-her honesty is so blunt it’s truly satire-you saw how they were desperately trying to ignore the fact that revelations of the Mueller team had left egg streaming down their faces.
That was their modus operandi-watching people with egg streaming down their faces that pointing this out is just ‘the Democrats relitigating this even though it will really hurt them in 2020.’
But many of them declared themselves simply not willing to change their fact free narrative no matter what was revealed-if not quite as brazenly as Katty Kay who stated facts don’t matter only our narrative matters.
I don't expect there to be a smoking gun or anything, but "multiple people close to the Mueller Report leak to WaPo and the NYT to express displeasure with Barr" is pretty much the exact scenario that requires a more serious revision to one's priors IMO. https://t.co/irYgcyhKfV
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) April 4, 2019
Glassman is also simply refusing to admit he was wrong or in any way change his mind-being totally closeminded to anything that contradicts your preconceptions sure is a fine virtue in an investigative reporter…
The trick he’s pulling here is to suggest that the only thing that matters is wether Trump was indicted for criminal collusion and conspiracy-which is absurd and wrong. If Mueller found that even if there’s not enough evidence of conspiracy with the Russian government to establish it beyond a reasonable doubt but that there is enough for say preponderance of the evidence that’s still basically ‘exoneration and vindication?
Another prevalent tactic of the MSM the day after the Mueller team set things straight was to dismiss it as ‘we don’t know if the entire Mueller team feels this way’-ie, until every single person on the team publicly co-signs a letter the MSM will just dismiss it as ‘he said-she said.’
The mainstream pundits even split hairs on the fact that these sources were anonymous-as if they never assumed the worse on Clinton scandals based on anonymous sources-as if anonymous sources aren’t the media’s bread and butter-without them many very important stories would never get written.
An even weirder argument was-if they’re so unhappy why wait 11 days. Huh? Is that supposed to be a long time? Plenty of stories every day are written about stories that are about things that happened a much longer time ago than 11 days old. What is the window that the Mueller Team missed in offering up concerns and objections to Coverup Bill Barr’s letter? When were they supposed to say anything? I mean wether or not everyone on the team felt this way or not-I kind of think it’s a consensus view-it’s notable that this is a team that is notoriously tight lipped.
Some pundits then brought up when the SCO repudiated the Buzzfeed story that Trump personally directed Cohen to lie-why the MSMers pretend there’s any difference between Trump personally telling Cohen to lie and one of his lawyers doing so, is another very good question.
Of course, the really interesting question with the Buzzfeed story is why SCO knocked it down at all-as we saw in Chapter A, Rod Rosenstein’s office itself actually pushed them to make the ‘correction’-I give it inverted commas as SCO was pretty vague as to what was wrong with the story-for which reason Buzzfeed has always stood by the story.
Then Chuck Todd. He actually read Rudy Giulani’s tweet on the air with approval.
The NYT story about unspecified troubling findings in report is as accurate as the NYT saying Mueller’s staff didn’t leak. Who leaked this…Mueller’s unethical staff. This proves they are Angry Democrats who couldn’t find or create evidence to support collusion or obstruction
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) April 4, 2019
Todd somehow found a lot of truth in this tweet.-he must have some extra strength microscope that can see the insides of dust particles or something. Mueller’s team didn’t leak. Now that this investigation is over they are free to speak as as unscrupulous as both Bill Barr and the MSM is in repeating Barr’s fake spin thank God they are here. I trust that this is just the beginning if Barr continues to hide the report.
I mean Rudy’s a champ in providing this many lies in one short tweet-the Mueller team didn’t leak-unlike the Emailgate investigation and Ken Starr-Trump’s own team leaks more than anybody. There is absolutely no basis for calling the Mueller team unethical. As for Angry Democrats give me a break-the FBI has been around over 100 years and has yet to have a single Democratic FBI Director-if the 2020 candidates want to interest me though ought to run on that: a Democrat to run the FBI-it’s been over 100 years.
1. Ok so few points about @amjoyshow this morning @FrankFigliuzzi1 the FBI leaked like a sieve during Emailgate. If they aren't leaking now it just confirms the FBI is a very Republican place.
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 6, 2019
It’s two and a half years since this
and the MSM has learned nothing.
We are at the point now where it’s hard to make the case this is even a functioning democracy anymore-if Trump can simply ignore the rules and withhold the Mueller Report and his tax returns this has already become a monarchy.
Note we’ve seen this same rank dishonesty from the MSM on Trump’s tax returns. They continue to repeat Trump’s lie that nobody cares about seeing his tax returns when in fact most polls show strong supermajorities of Americans want to see them.
Regarding the tax returns, the alleged ‘President’ continues to insist that no one cares about seeing them and reporters questioning him never once point out that actually polls show that voters care a lot about seeing them.
Despite this the MSM insists that it’s the Democrats who face a minefield
That’s what’s amazing with all Trump’s scandals-the MSM always talks as if they’re a bigger problem for the Democrats than Trump and the GOP.
Or take this piece by Politico with the headline Only half of voters want Congress to force release of Trump’s tax returns
“There’s no groundswell among voters for Congress to force President Donald Trump to release his tax returns, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.”
“Half of those surveyed said it should be a priority for Congress, while 40 percent said it wasn’t very important or shouldn’t be done at all. The rest said they didn’t know or offered no opinion.”
Wow-where to start? First of all, this is an interesting definition of ‘groundswell.’ If 50% isn’t a ‘groundswell’ what would be? Other polls actually have shown higher levels of support-the Hill link above featured a poll with two thirds of voters wanting to see them.
That clearly is a groundswell. There are many polls that show very high levels but Politico ignores all of them and focuses just on the one poll which has a slightly lower number at 50% and declares ‘no groundswell.’
Even this is misleading as it’s a clear majority and they collapse those who don’t think it’s that important and those opposed into one group to make look more impressive-even added together it’s still 10 points lower than those who do think it’s a priority.
If you break it down only 23% believe it should not be done-now that’s a groundswell :Americans do not oppose the Democrats getting the tax returns.
No wonder he pretends his father was born in Germany-he’s the American Hitler.
With the full complicity of Chuck Todd, Katty Kay, Kasie Roberts and Friends. Heil Mr. President!
Beto has it exactly right:
Here in Iowa, the AP's @ajjaffe asked Beto O'Rourke about his comparing the Trump admin to the Third Reich, and whether that's "elevating the rhetoric in the campaign." O'Rourke told her, "If we don't call out racism…then we're going to continue to get its consequences." pic.twitter.com/UwX4yYqfSk
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) April 5, 2019
I’m sure Kasey Hunt, Katty Kay, and Chuck Todd would be more worried about ‘elevating rhetoric’ in Nazi Germany as well-ok gassing the Jews is bad but so is criticizing Hitler too sharply over it-I mean why relitigate the 1932 election you know?
Why can’t Hitler’s opposition take the middle ground and not overreach in this opposition to him? Maybe that will turn off centrist voters.
With the total abdication from the Katty Kay-Chuck Todd-Kasie Hunt-Cum Dean Baquet MSM we are fast slouching towards a full blown monarchy. Without a functioning press Trump is well on his way to monarchical rule-who cares what the Mueller Report we have fatigue! The voters don’t care about his tax returns the polls showing the opposite be damned-pointing it out is very dangerous for the Democrats, it’s overreach, we tell you, overreach.
Our last line of defense is the the Mueller team and the House Democrats.
Regardingthe Democrats, we’re seeing some positive signs. They seem to get that this is their job the next 19 months-to get the Mueller Report, get the tax returns make a public case for: Trump’s impeachment, even if they don’t like the word. Actually, I was very heartened to see Pelosi’s 3rd in command, Jim Clyburn use the ‘I’ word yesterday on Joy Reid’s show. He also rightly agreed this is a Constitutional crisis-he acknowledges we’re there now.
Clyburn himself raised the specter of impeachment-Reid hadn’t brought it up herself:
.@WhipClyburn: I think the founding fathers did anticipate that we could have somebody like this. That's why they laid out why we ought to consider impeachment when it needs to be considered. #AMJoy pic.twitter.com/EUq1HthV1g
— Formerly 'AM JOY' on @MSNBC (@amjoyshow) April 6, 2019
Regarding impeachment it may be that they will have to use that word in court in their fight to obtain the Mueller Report and the tax returns-it would be helpful for them to obtain standing in court.
As for the Emperor ‘President Trump’ he sure isn’t acting like someone who has been totally cleared, exonerated, and vindicated.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter Saturday to attack the latest barrage of investigations and subpoena threats from his political opponents on Capitol Hill.
In his Saturday tweets, the president repeated claims that the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller was run by “13 Angry Trump hating Dems” who found no wrongdoing on his behalf after spending “$30 million” over the course of the investigation. He added that the 22-month long probe was a “total waste of time.”
But as Barr’s self-imposed deadline to submit a copy of Mueller’s report to Capitol Hill fast approaches, Trump’s confidence in its “complete and total exoneration” of him has waned, according to one Republican close to the White House.
“He wouldn’t be bringing this up still if everything was hunky dory,” this person said, referring to the president’s tweets about Mueller and his team of federal investigators.