215 Newly Released 11,000 Twitter DM Messages Confirms Wikileaks Served as the GOP’s Glorified Super PAC in 2016
This is a point I personally have made numerous times in the last two years-going back to the Democratic Convention in July, 2016 when it became abundantly clear that Wikileaks run by Julian Assaange-and it’s vain to discuss Wikileaks as if it’s something separate from the will of Julian Assange-was anything but the apolitical transparency organization that Glenn Greenwald still claims to believe it is-Chapter A.
The Russian interference in the 2016 election can be understood as not just an attack on Hillary Clinton but also on the Democratic party. Remember that the hackers also went after the DCCC and clearly wanted a Republican Congress along with a ‘President Trump.’
Wikileaks, as Assange’s conduit, helped Putin’s Russia with this interference in the end apparently for a convergence of interests-Assange like Russia desired a GOP victory in 2016. This is key-the desired goal was not just a Trump win but a GOP win.
As to why Russia wanted the GOP this goes back to Russia’s geopolitical strategy under Putin post 9/11. Putin saw a clear opportunity to collaborate with American conservatives-as well as conservatives in the UK-Russia also interfered on the Brexit side-and in Europe. The common thread linking Putin’s Russia and the conservatives in Western countries is Islamophobia and white nationalism more generally.
Malcom Nance gets into the history of this in depth in his recent book The Plot to Destroy Democracy.
As he documents, there was a concerted effort to achieve an Axis of Autocracy-see particularly chapters 9-12.
In this sense it’s somewhat misleading when commentators say Russia could just as easily decided to rig an election for the Democrats. In theory that’s true but in reality there is a clear reason they chose the GOP-the shared commitment to white nationalism, and I don’t believe the Democrats would have cooperated and colluded as the GOP has done. The modern GOP is truly Nietzsche’s ‘party of a bad conscience.’ In the post Nixon era they’ve been willing to use any means necessary to win. This comes from the realization that most Americans support the New Deal that the GOP has never accepted in principle.
FN: It’s also just a fact that a Democratic party who engaged in this kind of collusion would be dismantled. If this were Hillary Clinton maybe Mueller would have disregarded the precedent that the President can’t be indicted. I mean if Clinton were President-she should be it was stolen from her-she’d already have been impeached over the fake Emailgate scandal. If you add to the picture legitimate foreign collusion-forget about it-she and many members of her party and cabinet would be in prison. The rules for the white man’s party are a lot different-the fact that Trump committed what amounts to moral treason-wether or not legally speaking-to ‘win’ an election is treated like a detail.
Ok but Democrats play into his hands if they impeach him.
There’d be none of this handwringing if the shoe was on the other foot-which is why the Democrats would never collude-they’d actually be held accountable. With Trump and the GOP even the leader of the opposition party doesn’t really want to do anything about it despite this being about an attack on themselves.
End of FN.
That the GOP was the preferred party in 2016 was not the result of a random throw of the dice. As for Assange, he shared this Russian preference for the GOP.
As I noted above, I’ve personally documented this fact many times and I documented it in the link above. It’s clear through any attempt at systematically perusing Assange’s political commentary about 2016 that he was determined to exercise all necessary means to defeat Hillary Clinton who he declared on the week of the Democratic primary in South Carolina ‘must be defeated.’
This and many other similar statements both publicly and those DM messages already public should be enough to to make short work of the great illusion Greenwald continues to claim to believe-that Assange is a principled, apolitical transparency activist.
But there are also statements he’s made over the years that make it clear that he was not just anti Hillary but pro GOP. The one quote I often have referred to is the piece the New Republic did on him in 2014.
In the post linked to above-it’s not Just Trump-I wrote this:
As noted Butima and her Russian officials were already expressing a preference for the GOP in 2015. Assange for his part was already expressing it in 2013-yes 2013.
“In the wake of the WikiLeaks frenzy, Assange often tried to clarify where he stood politically. His simultaneous embrace of leftist icons such as Noam Chomsky and right-wing libertarians seemed to indicate that he was open to ideas from either end of the political spectrum, so long as they were directed against authoritarianism. Finally, in 2013, Assange proclaimed, “The only hope as far as electoral politics presently … is the libertarian section of the Republican Party.”
“Yet even that declaration was misleading. In practice, Assange has a history of working closely with forces far more radical than the Republican Liberty Caucus. Late in 2012, Assange announced the formation of the WikiLeaks Party in Australia. The party nominated Senate candidates in three states, with Assange running for office in Victoria. (He stumped via Skype from his refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy.) It had been expected that WikiLeaks would ultimately throw its support to the Green Party—especially after the party’s National Council voted in favor of such a move. Instead, WikiLeaks aligned with a collection of far-right parties. One was the nativist Australia First, whose most prominent figure was a former neo-Nazi previously convicted of coordinating a shotgun attack on the home of an Australian representative of Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress. Members of the WikiLeaks Party blamed the flap on an “administrative error”; mass resignations from the party’s leadership followed. Those who quit cited a lack of transparency in the party’s operations, and some pointed to remarks Assange had made blasting a Green Party proposal to reform Australia’s harsh treatment of asylum seekers. For his part, Assange welcomed the walkout, saying that it had eliminated elements that were “holding the party back.” He won 1.24 percent of the vote.
So Assange’s evident bias for the GOP was clear to those few who checked the public record on this. Interestingly Glenn Greenwald was also mentioned in the New Republic piece and he recently deleted 27,000 tweets-after previously chiding those who delete tweets as ‘cowards.’ His recent tweets that he’s kept actually used Trump talking points-that if there’s something wrong with getting oppo from a foreign government whatabout Hillary and the Ukraine?
I know in my own experience Greenwald banned me in 2017 after I simply pointed out that he had 16 posts negative about Clinton and/or the Democrats during the general election and none about Trump and the GOP.
More on Greenwald’s 27,000 deleted tweets.
Glenn Greenwald deleted over 27,000 tweets on July 22nd. Today 11,000 WikiLeaks Twitter DMs were published, where Greenwald’s tweets were linked to 47 times – most of the tweets among those he deleted. https://t.co/xCsKfT3aY9 pic.twitter.com/365aEjx5no
— Joe'ad'Dib (@gdigitalzsmooth) July 30, 2018
As for Assange, someone has now come forward and presented his organization’s DMs in an organized way.
Leaked private Twitter message shows WikiLeaks wanted Republicans to win 2016 election https://t.co/c5S85bAEIc pic.twitter.com/o5HbqT1RNO
— The Hill (@thehill) July 30, 2018
So these 11,000 DM messages clearly show Wikileaks wanted the GOP to win.
“An activist has published 11,000 direct messages on Twitter between the WikiLeaks account and a group of its supporters.”
“The direct messages were published by Emma Best on her own website. Her Twitter account states that she is a journalist on the East Coast. Best has been critical of WikiLeaks and has advocated for government transparency.”
“Some of the direct messages were previously published, but this is the first time all of the direct messages have been posted.”
“The messages show that WikiLeaks wanted the GOP to defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.”
“We believe it would be much better for the GOP to win,” the WikiLeaks account states to a supporter named “Emmy B” in one of the messages from 2015.
Another Twitter message from the WikiLeaks account describes Clinton as a “bright, well-connected, sadistic sociopath.”
“WikiLeaks had been accused of bias against Democrats during the presidential race because of its release of hacked documents from the Democratic National Committee.”
“Critics believe that the documents released by the group were consistently helpful to President Trump‘s campaign. ”
“Best said in an exchange with the website Motherboard that she released the messages because she wanted to show how WikiLeaks was working with other online entities to shape public discussions.”
“The idea was that the attitudes and behavior of WL [Wikileaks] behind closed doors is relevant, especially their coordination of PR, propaganda and troll ops through assets that are public supporters but not publicly known to take cues from WL,” Best told Motherboard in a Twitter direct message.
Seeing as all Wikileaks actions so clearly were calculated to hurt Clinton and help Trump this is relevant to the highest degree.But the idea that the attitudes and behavior of WL behind closed doors is relevant is simply giving Assange and Friends a taste of their own medicine.
“Micah Lee, a technologist and journalist at The Intercept, confirmed to Motherboard the veracity of the message repository that Best published, saying that the cryptographic hash on her file matched his.”
For his part, Assange may well be extradited from the Ecuadorian embassy soon. He certainly has ‘a story to tell’ that Mueller would like very much to hear-as should at some time the American public.
P.S. There are no doubt numerous very interesting facts to glean from Wikileaks DMs-poetic justice that finally it’s their turn to have their private communications dumped for public consumption. One of may fascinating revelations-Assange thinks the Peace Corps is a CIA front.