182 Useful Idiots: Max Blumenthal and the Fallacy of a Left-Right Alliance
moscow dinner pic
FightBack (fightbackarchive.blog)
An Inside Look at How Pro-Russia Trolls Got the SPLC to Censor a Commie – New Politics
Search Results daphne lawless – FightBack (fightbackarchive.blog)
Max Blumenthal’s wife’s book
Amazon.com: Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire eBook : Parampil, Anya: Kindle Store
To be more precise you could say Trump and Putin’s usuelf idiot. Which is perfect like the rest of the tankie left ala Caleb Maupin and Yankee Tankie-he’s pro fascism both at home and abroad.
The alt-left is real, and it’s helping fascists (newarab.com)
Just recently, Max did another episode of the Grayzone where he bemoaned yet another mass shooting in Texas. He mocked the US for wanting to ‘export democracy’ seeing as what a mess our own is. Point taken. Nevertheless it’s rather ironic for him of all people saying this seeing as how hard he’s worked to thwart democracy in his own country.
FN: Victory Day 8 months ago.
Let’s take gun control. Ne noted that “it’s uncool to be a liberal”… Ok who has made it uncool to be a liberal? He and his Bernie Bro cum Bernie or Bust cum Yankee Tankie friends. If you realy consider ending US mass shootings a burning issue you wouldn’t do what Blumenthal and his fellow Bros do-attempt to slander and deligitimize every positive progressive movement for change in the electoral system. His position on our electoral politics seems to be that everyone other than maybe Bernie is a compromised corporate neolliberal shill-obviously if this is true why even bother to fight gun violence or any other cause for progressive change in America?
So it’s pretty rich for him to call out our gun problem when he’s basically foreclosed any electoral strategy to end it. Indeed it’s even worse than this as he’s defended Alex Jones and critiized the huge jury awarded to the families of the Sandy Hook victims-Jones for years Jones slandered the slain children of Sandy Hook by asserting it never happened-the kids were crisis actors in a government plot.
How do you defend Alex Jones and yet claim to be morally indignant about gun violence?
Here attacks Maddow-how dare he!
Rachel Maddow CONFRONTED Over Russiagate Lies During Speech! (youtube.com)
Rachel Maddow CONFRONTED by Max Blumenthal at Elite Conference (youtube.com)
Max Blumenthal on His Arrest and the Bolivian Coup, Plus #Fartgate | Useful Idiots (youtube.com)
Claims there is no genocide in China
Also focus on Blumenthal video on Russell Brand “this is terrifying”
$20,000 grand from Syrian group
As for the whole “Nazis” thing if Russia cares so much denazification should start at home
Slavoj Zizek: ‘Denazification Should Begin At Home, In Russia’ (rferl.org)
Max Blumenthal Resigns Al Akhbar Over Syria Coverage (therealnews.com)
Developing: A bad month for Resistance media just got much worse | Al Mayadeen English
Who are Syria’s White Helmets, and why are they so controversial? (theconversation.com)
An Inside Look at How Pro-Russia Trolls Got the SPLC to Censor a Commie – New Politics
DENYING THE OBVIOUS: Introduction | al-bab
How Seymour Hersh accidentally debunked his own reporting about chemical weapons in Syria | al-bab
Elon Musk is right: Bellingcat’s a psy-op (youtube.com)
“Wink:” Where Jeff Gerth’s “No There, There” in the Russian Investigation Went – emptywheel
Inside the Grayzone Shift to the Right (dailydot.com)Ben Norton on X: “Here’s just one of many shameful examples: Before the 2022 US midterm elections, The Grayzone promoted far-right “MAGA” candidates such as the shady Trump-endorsed Republican Joe Kent, a former Green Beret who joined the CIA. Talk about losing the plot. It’s beyond parody. https://t.co/hjBGA4D2f2″ / X (twitter.com)
Debating The SLIPPERIEST CONSPIRACY THEORIST I Have Ever Met (youtube.com)
The Multipolar Spin: How Fascists Operationalize Left-wing Resentment – Hummus For Thought
Excellent rejoinder to Blumethal’s lies about Ukraine and Maidan Revolution
But Her Emails: How Trump Trained the GOP to Hate Rule of Law 1 – emptywheel
Regarding “Who will win the information war”
Vasily Alekseyevich Nebenzya the Russian UN Ambassador dismissed a reporter in 20 Days of Mariupol documentary withthose words: ‘A lot of things who wins the information war?’ I read that as a blatant strut, straight up flexing. It’s as if this is the ideology of all high Russian officials today-we will win the information war.
The meaning it seems to me is: it doesn’t matter what you saw or what you say, we will once again win the information war as we’ve done so many times since that 2015 Moscow Putin dinner and when we’re done nobody will believe you-just like with Russiagate, with Douma, with Hunter Biden, etc. And it’s hard to blame him for being smug based on recent history. Sometimes it seems the structural asymmetry between an open society like ours and Putin’s version of Stalin 2.0 make it pratically inevitable that they will win-in Russia the truth is whatever Putin says it is, but in America nobody knows what to believe.
to what have become indelible images of the war. WOMAN: AP reporters on the ground
showed the world a mass grave in Mariupol. I’m talking about narrow trenches in Mariupol
with babies’ bodies in them. AP… AP journalists have been there. I’ve seen so many fakes.
Who wins the-the information war, the one who wins the war. -Do you really, truly believe this? -(reporters clamoring)