137 Roger Stone on “The Previously Unreported Background’ of the Comey Letter”
UPDATE: Editing fairly tight now too
UPDATE: Overall this chapter is pretty much there substantively. There is a good deal of housekeeping to do-editing, etc. But it doesn’t need much if any improving substantively.
UPDATE 2.0: Not much too improve on editing wise either. Main ? is where to place various links.
UPDATE 3.0: In Roger Stone’s 2020 deposition it was revealed that Corsi actually has ghost written some of Stone’s books including the Making of a President-this was the one book Stone explicitly conceded Corsi wrote. Which might explain why Stone’ and Corsi seem to share a brain…
(1) Roger Stone Full Deposition – YouTube
UPDATE: Marcy Wheeler’s Corsi posts worth reading and rereading
October 29, 2020
UPDATE: Add point that according to Corsi if not for Peter Smith the NYPD would never have gotten Huma’s emails.
Ok we’re finally here-the money chapter. If you have to read just one chapter in my marathon of a book this is the one which is absolutely must read-it’s in this chapter we explain the title: the Roger Stone-Jerome Corsi-(Late)Peter Smith-nexus.
Regarding the Stone-Corsi-Smith nexus I’ve done a lot of thinking about it and it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the best person to explain these GOP co-conspirators might be Theodor Reik with his famous compulsion to confess.
Think about it-so much of what we know about Roger Stone’s role in Russian Collusion-and as we’ll see in this chapter-Rogue anti Clinton FBI Agent Collusion-is because of Stone’s big mouth-Podesta’s time in the barrel, I’ve communicated with Assange, it actually may have been Russia.
FN: EW pointed out that before Stone offered up a series of non denial denials about Russia’s role he actually had a phase in late July-early August 2016 where he argued a number of times that it may well have been Russia.
To be sure, it’s not just Stone who has the compulsion to confess-or strut as the case may be which is the seamy underside of confessing-his boss has the same malady-Russia, if you’re listening….
Steve Bannon too blabbed uncontrollably to Michael Wolff and all he got for his trouble was being excommunicated from Trumpland and becoming a person of interest for the Mueller investigation. Then there’s the Coffee Boy extraordinaire-Chapter A for more.
FN: Bannon’s place in Trumpland has since been resurrected in grand style to be sure.
Certainly we already have evidence of what was going on without these statements-it was clear to me without any standing in the intel community, just an interested layperson and citizen by June, 2016 that something was going on-it was more than simply the Clinton campaign being very unlucky, someone out there was putting their finger on the scale against her.
Around this same time, Kevin McCarthy described Trump as being on Putin’s payroll-Paul Ryan’s response was ‘Shh-only in the family.’
But all the compulsive confessing has really made it clear to the public what is going on-without which there could have been more plausible deniability. But the compulsion to confess-or to strut which is more or less the other side of the same coin, in either case, it’s all about narcissism and exhibitionism.
Just the other day I was watching the MSNBC special, 537. It was about the Bush v. Gore election of 2000 yet another election stolen by Roger Stone and his GOP co-conspirators-537 votes was W’s vote margin in Florida when Republican Supreme Court-after Al Gore was initially declared the winner of Florida, Republican Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Conner was overheard declaring this is terrible!-ignored Florida state law-which called for a recount due to the small margin and stopped the recount .
What was very interesting, however, is that in an MSNBC special that basically decried the GOP’s successful stealing of the Presidency from Al Gore and the Democrats, Roger Stone made a cameo appearance and proclaimed that even he in retrospect regrets how the W Presidency turned out. I mean WTF?! Roger Stone now wishes he hadn’t stolen the election from Al Gore?
Which is not to deny I’m pretty skeptical he’s regretful. I suspect it’s part of his same agent provocateur shtick. He’s good at concern trolling gullible liberals into imagining he’s somehow sympathetic to their cause-it’s how he was able to buddy up to the Bernie Bros in 2016 in mutual hatred of That Woman.
He claims to be a ‘libertarian Republican’-which allegedly is something very different than an Establishment Republican. Allegedly he’s for pot legalization and gay marriage-he makes a big show of hanging out with gay people at the Gay Pride parade here in NYC, etc.
If these are really such important commitments to him then why did he move Heaven and earth to elect Trump-whose AGs have been Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr? Seems to me that if you’re really a libertarian who supports gay marriage and marijuana legalization, these are the last guys you’d want running the DOJ.
FN: When trying to figure out GOP co-conspirators our North Star must be Maddow’s credo: ignore what they say, look at what they do.
Meanwhile the Supreme Court now has three Bush v. Court Justices on it-despite Stone’s alleged ‘regret’ he’s as responsible as anyone for that state of affairs. No, the whole ‘libertarian Republican’ or ‘nonEstablishment Republican’ brand is all about rebranding unpopular GOP policies in new wrappers.
Indeed, Stone’s boss “won” the 2016 election precisely by running against the Republican party; ie, the modern Republican party and it’s ideological agenda is so unpopular that the only way it can win is running against itself. Once Trump got in though he governed like Paul Ryan-save for a costly trade war with China-with all the China bashing the best way to ‘restrain China’ would have been to pass TPP-and a disastrous Putin centered foreign policy that declares war on our friends and colludes and gives the store away to our enemies.
Speaking though of Bush v. Gore, a few years ago I had a very interesting Twitter discussion with none other than Mac Stipanovich-remember him? He’s the guy who worked with Katherine Harris to make sure every vote wasn’t counted in Florida in 2000. He had famously told her that ‘After what we have to do here we will be hated for the rest of our lives.’
Speaking to him on Twitter it wasn’t a bad conversation. I was in a weird sense starstruck-for want of a better word-by the historical gravity of actually having a conversation with Mac Stipanovich-the GOP operative who worked with Katherine Harris to steal the 2000 election-a true villain of American history. He was polite-and quite candid. He didn’t really dispute what he did though he tried to justify it by arguing the would be Gore voters who were confused by ‘hanging chads, etc’ were perhaps too stupid to expect their votes to be counted.
Still a few things endeared me to him. One he was willing to answer my questions at all. Second he was candid about his role-I’m thinking it was in early 2018(when I was just 400 pages into this tome!)
FN: I have twice since tried to condense it into a shorter book.
Thirdly, very importantly, whatever rationalizations he still offered of his role stealing the 2000 election for W, he was-and still is-a virulent anti Trumper. So my feeling about it is kind of like Welcome home, Mac Stipanovich.
More recently, the man who stole the 2000 election from the Democrats officially registered as a Democrat.
Welcome home.
In December 2019-shortly after registering as a Democrat-Stipanovich retired from the law firm he’d been with for 45 years, and yes, it turns out those two facts are related. Stipanovich freely admits to having Trump Derangement Syndrome-literally.
“When I say I have Trump Derangement Syndrome I mean it literally. I admit it freely; it is an ever-present, influential factor in my daily life. He’s literally changed my life. I thought he was a damn fool before he ever ran for President. I was a Never-Trumper from the moment he descended from on high on his golden escalator and I have not wavered since. He has confirmed my worst expectations — and then some.”
And yes Mac’s registering as a Democrat, his Trump Derangement Syndrome and his subsequent retirement were closely related.
“This derangement syndrome has cost me friends, lifetime friends. It has cost me money. And ultimately, because a business can’t have somebody offending a substantial number of their clients, it cost me a job. My law firm does not want me giving interviews and writing op-ed pieces, tearing into Trump, tearing into congressional Republicans, tearing into Republicans in Tallahassee. It’s bad for business, but I can’t not do it. So, it’s better for me to retire.”
Again, when when we had our Twitter conversation a few years ago-I’m thinking it was around January, 2018-while “Mac” as he become widely known after he helped Jeb Bush steal the 2000 election for his brother-did continue to rationalize, ok more voters did intend to vote for Gore but a smallset of the would be Gore voters were too stupid to understand their ballots, overall he was disarmingly affable and candid.
I quoted his infamous quote to Katherine Harris-‘we will be hated for what we did for the rest of our lives-back to him. Again TBH I myself felt a little starstruck to be having a Twitter conversation with a great historical villain of American history; while it has some serious limitations, it truly is amazing what Twitter facilitates.
UPDATE: To be sure I first wrote this chapter in late 2020, a few years B.E.M. Before Elon Musk.
The serious limitations have since become far more clear and with Musk it’s now basically a slow motion roiling dumpster fire where the end of Twitter seems to be just a matter of time. Even before Musk the limitations had started to exceed the benefits. Believe it or not I’ve always felt that Twitter begun to peak in mid 2018 and after the Dems won back the House the positive interactions that you sometimes could have seemed far less common.
Even among “#resistanceliberals”-as I said in Chapter TruePundit I’m perhaps one of the few people who fit the description of what the Savvy think of as a #resistanceliberal who actually embraces the label, I take it as a compliment despite the fact that it’s certainly not meant as one by the Savvy-I’d started to feel the conversations were less positive and constructive. More and more facts didn’t seem to matter anymore. Everybody felt they had the right to be right just because their giving their opinion-ie which is a larger US malady: everyone has a right to their opinion but nobody a right to the truth.
Even among liberals things got petty and sectarian-people doxxing each other and making baseless accusations. It’s also kind of cheap to think that if you write one 140 character tweet you can simply dismiss what someone else put painstaking time and research into. But on Twitter more and more somebody who actually knows what they’re talking about has no more rights than someone who is just talking to hear themselves talk.
And even if he continued to offer some rationalizations, he was pretty candid about what happened. Here is what he said about Bush v. Gore two years after our Twitter convo.
“Certainly, the recount and the media coverage that attended it and the mythologizing that followed it was unique. There were two different perspectives. From the Democrat perspective, we stole the election. From our perspective, we prevented a soft coup because they were trying to steal the election. Both interpretations of events are plausible.”
Maybe plausible but only one was accurate, as his own words make clear.
“What I’ve said in the past is that I believe when you counted the votes among those who voted properly that day under any means used at that time to determine how a vote was properly cast, is that George Bush won. But I believe a majority of Floridians who went to the polls that day and attempted to vote, attempted to vote for Al Gore.”
So Gore won-or should have won. To be sure the problem originated from the fact that the ballots were structured in a way that a certain subset of Florida voters found confusing.
“The focus in the media and otherwise was on the butterfly ballots. It was your hanging chads and all that sort of thing. But look at Duval County. In Duval County, activists took a large number of voters to the polls from predominantly black precincts. They allegedly suggested they vote for Gore in the presidential election. There were something like 17 presidential candidates actually on the ballot and it spilled over onto a second page. What a lot of folks did — and I believe it was thousands — voted for Gore. The first page flipped over and they managed to vote for another presidential candidate, which invalidated their vote because it was clearly an overvote. Now you and I can be almost certain what their intent was, but there you go.”
But the morality of it-that it’s not just a disagreement but a rigging, a steal-is clear from comparing the goal of the Bush team vs the Gore team.
It’s been said that the Gore team brought a knife to a gun fight.
Very true. But there was a crucial, foundational asymmetry of the parties going in. The Dems wanted to make sure the votes were counted-the GOP wanted to stop the recount. When Florida was called for Bush he had over a 2500 vote lead. When the GOP Supreme Court shut it down, the lead was down to 527-at one point it was less than 400.
In this sense while both sides could tell plausible stories-only one side told the truth. To be sure, Gore did himself no favors-he was so quick to concede. This then gave the optic of him taking back his concession-ie he was a sore loser.’ And this was the opposite of the truth. Indeed, based on the HBO movie 527, Gore seemed truly almost eager to concede. It almost leads you into the rabbit hole of psychoanalyzing him. Its as if after spending his entire adult life with the goal of being President when he heard his dream dashed he felt-relieved.
When he conceded publicly post the GOP Supreme Court saying ‘Yeah the rules say there should be a recount but we in our GOP partisan wisdom believe as it’s December 12 it’s too late so just let W be President’-Gore was praised for how gracious he was. He was later seen looking unloosed in his full beard.
But for the millions who voted for him this was mud in our eye. At least no one doubts Hillary really wanted the job. Gore was ‘graceful’ to his GOP foes who stole it from him, far less so to his supporters who rightly were outraged that they’d been disenfrachised. When the Congressional Black Caucus attempted to contest the EC ceremony in the Senate awarding it to W, Gore dismissed them. He dismissed Maxine Waters with a Let it be advised that the rules do care.
A large fraction of the uncounted Florida votes were African American Gore voters.
UPDATE: So I reached out to Mac on Twitter again and he was happy to answer some questions.
I was not involved in the Brooks Brothers Riot, but I have always associated it with Roger, with whom I have occasionally worked for mutual private sector clients.
— Mac Stipanovich (@MacStipanovich) October 30, 2020
I’ve been arguing for a few years that in the future Dems should always have some former GOP operatives on staff. Mac seems to be a guy who while he-involuntarily-retired, still wants a piece of the action.
“I don’t know how long it would take for the Republican Party to recover from Trump, if it ever will. Because I think Trump is as much an effect as he is a cause. There was something wrong with the Republican Party, and there is still something wrong with the Republican Party.”
“I find it sad, but at the same time, in a perverse way, I find it stimulating. It gives me something to focus on and do in this last chapter of my life, which is to oppose what the party I helped build has become. And I don’t have to know how it will end. And I don’t have to know if I will prevail. All I have to do is get up every morning and fight.”
However, here’s the most surprising thing I learned about in Mac’s interview.
“I have always been a Bush liege. What I did was no less than might have been expected of me. I considered it both an opportunity and a duty. And for that I did not think that deserved a statue in the town square.”
“I suppose the irony is I made a very small, perhaps inconsequential, contribution to his election at a critical time and then did not vote for his reelection.”
So both Roger Stone now claims he wishes Gore had won-ie that he hadn’t stolen it from him-and Mac Stipanovich voted against W in 2004. Two GOP operatives who did as much as anyone to (illegitimately)install him.
Ok so let’s take it home-again this is perhaps the most important chapter in this book, certainly it’s most relevant to the title: the Stone-Corsi-Smith nexus.
In some ways, Corsi is a lot more careful than Stone-he doesn’t talk publicly nearly as much. In the past he wisely advised Stone to clam up.
(Find quotes of this Mike. It’s in the Roger Stone part of the previous manuscript?)
Still after reading Corsi’s book it’s clear he has the same compulsion to confess-or strut which is the same thing-as his co-conspirator. This becomes clear once you read both Stone’s Myth of Russian Collusion and Corsi’s Silent no More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller’s “Witch Hunt”
Both books break major news that has been covered nowhere else-some major Comeygate news. Now regarding Comeygate, I tend to think of this as the neglected part of Watergate 2.0-as opposed to Russian Collusion. Yet at bottom what becomes clear in reading both Stone and Corsi, looking at it from the 30,000 foot view Russian Collusion and Rogue anti Clinton FBI Agent Collusion are one and the same scandal-that was implemented on two different tracks. Two different tracks to achieve the same goal.
FN: For more on this crucial point see Chapter Louise Mensch
FN: In this sense, Felix Sater is a good place to think about the idea of convergence. After all, Sater has both deep Russian ties-he was born in the Soviet Union-AND deep FBI ties. In that vein WhoWhatWhy argued-prior to the opening of the Mueller investigation, so back when the FBI alone was investigating Russian Collusion that Sater’s Russia ties would prevent the FBI from truly getting to the bottom of it.
See also https://theintercept.com/2019/03/31/felix-sater-trump-russia-mueller-report/
End FN
This prediction proved true in spades-and while my guess is it wasn’t the only thing preventing it I can buy it was an important factor. There are likely a number of things that prevented the FBI from truly getting to the bottom of Russian Collusion starting with how many rogue FBI agents were themselves implicated.
UPDATE: Just as we saw in Chapter Trumpland, a number of FBI agents refused to investigate January 6 out of sympathy for Trump and his aims the same thing likely happened with Russian Collusion-Trumpland isn’t going to investigate Trump no matter what the “institutionalists” want to believe.
This is why I’ve argued this is THE MONEY chapter of this entire-pretty lengthy-tome. IF you are only going to read one chapter this is it-though we also break some big news about the Coffee Boy-see Chapters A and B. But if you read Stone and Corsi what hits you is the extent to which these co-conspirators share the same brain. Again it makes you wonder did they intentionally synchronize or did it just happen organically-they just happen to complete each other’s thoughts?
Indeed, before getting to these two books that give us some real insight into the eytmology of the Weinergate and the Comey Letter, let’s consider a book each published a few years before the 2016 election.
As you chronicle it you have to begin to wonder is this all an inside joke between the two GOP co-conspirators? Let’s start with a book Stone published in 2014 The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case of LBJ.
Though I sometimes wonder if anyone-other than myself-has read any of them it turns out that Stone is a prolific writer. In September, 2016 as was fairly well known-wether or not it was well read-he published the fairly slanderous The Clinton’s War on Women which essentially blamed Hillary for the real or imagined sins of her husband against a slew of female accusers-though it should be clear that the GOP paid most if not all of these accusers.
FN: Specifically as we see in Chapter Chuck Johnson and Sydney Leather, Johnson himself paid them.
FN: Indeed-George Conway. While these days many of us like him as he’s joined the side of Light, it was he and his GOP legal buddies in the 1990s who paid Paula Jones to continue her lawsuit against Bill after the two had come to an agreement.
Just like Stone and John Sweeney arm wrestled over who gets credit for the Brooks Brothers Riots-as we discussed above-in 2016 Stone got into another pissing contest-this time with Chuck Johnson-over who gets credit on bringing the Clinton accusers to the second Trump-Clinton debate-two days after Hollywood Access
And it seems to me they both have a just claim-as we saw in Chapter A Johnson has the pay stubs to prove he paid the Clinton Accusers to show up on Trump’s arm-yet this was all about standing up for the rights of sexual assault victims?!
OTOH Stone did plot the entire caper. It’s kind of like who gets credit for the Canucks Letter-that Stone was lucky enough to escape responsibility for from back in 1972. Pat Buchanan actually testified before Congress that he didn’t even know who Don Segretti and G. Gordy Liddy were. That was quite possibly true but he was the general who drew up the battle plan, not surprising he never met the privates drafted to implement-Chapter A for more on G. Gordon Liddy?
Similarly Stone and Johnson can both get credit for their treachery-Stone drafted the battle plan, Johnson bankrolled it.
Stone-of course-has always wrote sophistical apologias for his ultimate boss-Tricky Dick.
Stone published this originally in 2014. That same year Pat Buchanan also decided to publish a sophistical apologia for Tricky Dick.
Did they deliberately synchronize? You wouldn’t think so-the two Deplorable Nixon men probably don’t like each other very much. In Trump’s and Stone’s-agent provocateur-2000 Presidential campaign for the Reform party, nomination the only thing they accomplished was to take down Buchanan’s campaign by repeatedly pointing out-the admittedly embarrassing fact-that Buchanan wrote a book that took Hitler’s side in WW2.
Stone claims it was he who suggested that line of attack for Trump. If back in 1972, as a 19 year old in CREEP, Stone might have dreamed of growing up to being Pat Buchanan, in 2000 he took the master down.
FN: What really brings out the clever double game of Nixonites like Buchanan was another one of his many books-hitting affirmative action. More than a little ironic as Buchanan himself concocted the Philadelphia Plan for Nixon. Reminds you of the the evil TV Evangelist in Dragnet: you get to be both the moral outrage against sin while also committing the sin that leads to all the moral outrage.
Assuming they didn’t synchronize it’s really just as jarring: do they too share a brain? Did they each individually have a premonition that someone even more corrupt and abusive than Nixon was coming?
But it’s not surprising to see Stone write-unfair-hit pieces on Hillary Clinton-or to engage in tortured apologetics for Tricky Dick-after all he has the guy’s tattoo branded on his back.
But why write a screed that dubiously accuses LBJ of killing JFK? Partly perhaps that the more lies the public digests and believes the better lubed up it is for Stone and Kellyann Conway’s alternative facts? After all, a big part of Stone’s book on the 2016 election is gloating that the media gatekeepers have been neutralized and now everyone gets to believe whatever they want.
UPDATE: This is why the most important consequence of Trump’s January 6 Insurrection-Stone, of course. was a key co-conspirator-was when Trump was deplatformed from Twitter. The reason DeplorableNation is so up in arms over Trump’s Twitter ban is that it has seriously curtailed the spread of the disinformation, Roger Stone boasted in 2016 that we could no longer curtail the spread of.
He was right but it turned out not to be so difficult to curtail if you were simply willing to deplatform.
UPDATE 2.0: Not to worry though Elon Musk to the rescue for fascism
I think it’s more than that though. I think it’s also for agent provocateur reasons, it’s a way to ingratiate himself with non traditionally GOP voters.
But again, it’s as if Stone and Corsi share the same brain. And really-all quibbling aside-wether they planned it or came to it ‘organically’ it’ s really no less uncanny: in 2016 Corsi published a book Who Really Killed Kennedy?: 50 Years Later: Stunning New Revelations About the JFK Assassination
Within two years in the lead up to the 2016 election both wrote JFK assassination books fingering LBJ.
Ok now the Comeygate revelations-they both engage in confessionals that apparently no one other than your vigilant author has yet read in their post 2016 books.
Both contain a few bombshells. Let’s start with Stone’s The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won
“In 1980, President Jimmy Carter worried appropriately that the campaign of challenger Ronald Reagan might pull off an “October Surprise” with the American embassy hostages that ended up being released on the day of Reagan’s inauguration—444 days after being captured by Iranian radicals as Ayatollah Khomeini launched a revolution that ousted from power the Shah of Iran. Ever since then, presidential candidates remain wary of an “October Surprise”—an eleventh hour unexpected event of sufficient importance to determine the outcome of the presidential race.”
Find Page #
Think about this-Mr. Nixon’s Apprentice himself admits that, yes, the Reagan campaign stole the 1980 election. No he doesn’t frame it quite that way just like Mac Stipanovich doesn’t frame what the GOP did in 2000 quite as they stole the election from Al Gore but-such quibbles are details.
It’s actually a major admission, a major confession.
FN: Of coure, what Stone doesn’t say is that his mentor, Tricky Dick, did the same thing in 1968…
CF: Chapter Vietnam Collusion
Yet even here Stone dissembles. It wasn’t so much that “Carter worried appropriately” about an October Surprise. To be sure, Carter should have worried about an OS-it would certainly have been quite appropriate for him to have worried. But there’s not actually much evidence to believe that he did worry-or if he did worry that he worried nearly as much as he should have.
It was appropriate for him to have worried as an October Surprise was happening right under his nose-with the collusion of much of his own executive agencies-the Reagan campaign had totally penetrated the CIA, State, Defense, et al.
There were more Reagan loyalists in many cabinet departments than there were Carter loyalists.
CF: Gary Sick-found also in earlier manuscript
FN: In Stone’s hitpiece on Jeb Bush and the Bush family clan in the run up to the 2016 election-no doubt to clear the road for Trump’s rise-Stone claimed to have firsthand knowledge of Bush Sr’s role in Iranian Collusion; Bush is widely believed to have had an important role in Iranian Collusion and that makes sense when you remember he had just recently been CIA Director at the time.
“Forty-third president George W. Bush’s biography of his father George Herbert Walker Bush is a whitewash of history and a warm-up act for the last contender from the House of Bush, Jeb. ”
“Especially as he ages and cultivates his kindly, affable persona with the help of new biographies that ignore his dirty deeds, it’s important to learn his true nature. As my colleague Russ Baker notes, the recently published Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush by Jon Meacham is the latest sycophantic whitewash of Bush’s life as an “American success story,” written with the full cooperation of the Bushes and serving entirely to cement the façade of H. W. as a mild-mannered public servant. Pulitzer Prize–winning and well connected, author Meacham is a former managing editor at Newsweek, a magazine with a history of CIA connections. That’s why I had to write this book.”
“Missing is the entire Bush backstory: the family providing financing to the Nazis to buy arms; the support for eugenics; 41’s involvement with the CIA in the Bay of Pigs; his evasions about November 22, 1963, and his name appearing in the address book of Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler George de Mohrenschildt; his involvement in CIA drug running, and the murder of drug runner Barry Seal; the real reason Bush fell out with Ross Perot; and the real Bush connection to both the attempted assassination of Reagan and the attempt to set Reagan up in Iran-Contra … they have all been airbrushed out of 41: A Portrait of My Father. All are missing from George W’s book, which is a sanitized campaign biography.”
“I first encountered “Ambassador Bush” as he was then called in 1980 when working as a senior campaign aide for Governor Ronald Reagan. The Bush campaign was a curious collection of current spooks, “retired” spooks, and rich old WASPS from the right families. There was an endless stream of dirty tricks from the Bushites.”
FN: Giuliani boasted in late 2016 of speaking to ‘current and ‘retired’ spooks’-and as will become clear as this chapter unfolds, so did Stone-Corsi-Smith
End FN
“Bush would go to great lengths to become vice president in 1968, 1972, 1976, and 1980. The efforts to smear his rivals when he maneuvered for the nomination under Reagan in 1980 have never been revealed. Bush’s role in making a deal with the Iranians to ensure the defeat of Jimmy Carter is something I have firsthand knowledge of.”
Location 153-165.
End FN
Yet Carter wasn’t that worried about it-likely as he had no idea of the extent of it if he suspected it at all. Carter was like so many Democrats-overly earnest with far too great a faith in the system and in assuming that everyone plays by the same rules of the game. Every new case of the GOP clearly not playing by them is dismissed as unusual, as a mere ‘aberration.’
Regardless, Dems resolve, we must carry on and rise above. When they go low we go high.
FN: As we saw in Chapter A even LBJ-who’s not necessarily known as an aspirational type of a guy-often he’s spoken about as the last Democrat comfortable playing power politics-went pretty high. While he had clear evidence that Nixon colluded with South Vietnam to win the 1968 election-by scuttling his piece talks with Thieu-at the end of the day, LBJ decided that sweeping it under the rug and saving Nixon’s ass somehow was beneficial for the country-Bill Clinton would do something similar in 1993 regarding Iranian Collusion as would Obama Circa 2009 regarding the crimes of the Bush-Cheney criminals.
The Dems always are just hoping we can go back to normal in the near future. Pelosi has done the same thing the last two years. Will Biden-Pelosi the next two years-presuming Joe wins-be more of the same?
UPDATE: The latest version of this may be President Joe’s belief that once Trump was defeated everything-even the Republican party!-would go back to normal overnight.
End FN
But what is Stone doing here? He’s setting up the punchline-the etymology of the Comey Letter-the ultimate October Surprise by talking about a previous GOP October Surprise-the Reagan campaign convinced the Iranian Ayatollah to delay the release of the American hostages until Carter was defeated.
By the end of the Reagan-Bush years, the alleged ‘liberal media’ along with the Democratic leaders were over discussing Iran Collusion. Nope-let’s ‘move on’ from ‘conspiracy theories.’ The GOP Congress ‘thanked’ Bill Clinton for dropping all things Irangate by opening up Whitewater. Clearly that worked to ‘drain the fever swamps.’-the Dems always think they can unilaterally disarm and the nastiness is now over.
FN: Sadly, Biden, Merrick Garland-to say nothing of Scumer and Pelosi-continue this same overly earnest faith in the system to heal itself-President Joe’s thing is the Normalcy Trap, he thinks simply because he defeated Trump the clock can be turned back to 2015. Joe even imagines he can go back to ‘normalcy’ with Putin-who rigged the 2016 election
End FN
Let’s continue reading Roger Stone.
“In 2016, an “October Surprise” happened when the FBI announced unexpectedly that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails that had been closed was going to be reopened. Once again, Hillary Clinton was a presidential candidate under the cloud of federal criminal investigation—an unexpected event that occurred within days of Election Day.”
Location 5548-5560.
Talk about a confession-Roger gives us two for the price of one here-he makes two confessions here as we’ll see.
While I’ve talked about the idea that GOP co-conspirators like Stone-Corsi-but also Bannon, former co-conspirator Mac Stipanovich-no one more than Trump himself-seem to have a compulsion to confess. But I’ve also noted that often there’s no real difference between confessing and strutting. One of Stone’s patented phrases is ‘I’m not admitting I’m saying.’
The motive in such confessions may be strutting as the ultimate expression of power-even better than telling-really bad, obvious lies. It’s like ‘Yes you know I’m lying and I know you know but there’s nothing you can do about it, so I don’t even need to try and make my lies plausible.’
#MoscowMitch is very much about such assertions of power. Because of the radically undemocratic nature of the Senate-small, rural, white, red states have so much more power based on size than large, urban, diverse, blue states-compounded by the fact that the Democrats won the popular Senate vote yet are still in the minority, in many ways #MoscowMitch is in some ways America’s Emperor-Trump is a clownish figurehead-or more appropriately our Tsar.
What Stone is doing here is saying: “Ok, liberal snowflakes, you’re actually right about me. I and my Republican buddies are guilty of everything you say we are and much more. But there’s nothing you can do about it.’
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Back to Stone:
“On Friday, October 28, 2016, less than two weeks away from Election Day, FBI Director James Comey, in a letter addressed to Congress, announced he was re-opening the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, effectively delivering a potentially lethal blow to the Clinton campaign. “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote. “I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”
“Interestingly, Comey had addressed the letter only to the Republican chairmen of various key House committees, including Representative Jason Chaffetz, head of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Representative Charles Grassley and Representative Robert Goodlatte, heading the House Judiciary Committee, and Representative Devin Nunes, head of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.”
FN: In Chapter Good FBI Agents we learn that Nunes was already aware of the emails within two days of John Robertson allegedly discovering them.
End FN
Again, it’s as if he both confirms the outrageousness of it while laughing in the faces of his liberal Democrat enemies. He freely admits the insult to injury of Comey-lifelong Republican James Comey who had been hunting the Clintons under various premises for years-and had indeed ‘locked her up’-Martha Stewart, for reasons that seemed to be about little more than she was a liberal Democratic woman-addressing his election flipping letter only to the Republican chairman.
Location 5560.
Again confession/strutting as the ultimate form of power.
Ok-paydirt time. Stone gives us “the previously unreported background of the story.” The story of what? Of the etymology of the Comey Letter.
“The previously unreported background of the story starts on August 22, 2016, when the Washington-based watchdog group Judicial Watch released 725 pages of State Department documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state. In many instances, the preferential treatment provided to donors was at the specific request of Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.”
Location 5587-5602
Jerome Corsi’s WND files
Stone first published this in 2017-he updated it-and gave it a new title in 2018. But until now few apparently have read his book under either title. For some time I wondered if maybe Mueller had found out about this! Since then, of course, it’s been clear that in many ways Mueller knew far less about what happened in 2016 than those of us in the #Resistance following this closely since the Summer of 2016.
FN: The Savvy no doubt would dismiss it but only to the extent they fail to understand how criminal investigations work-often they focus their targets very narrowly as Mark Pomerantz in his recent very important book on the SDNY investigations into Trump documents
As he describes it most criminal investigations are very narrow and the prosecutor basically follows a game plan and script written for him/her/them-self.
It’s the opposite of a free flowing search for the truth of what happened. Mueller’s investigation might seem to have covered a fair amount of ground but but it was still construed a lot more narrowly than it could if not should have been
But this is a major bombshell. As I noted in the MSM part of the book, it’s the most mysterious thing-before the election the only thing the ‘savvy’ pundits wanted to discuss was Hillary’s emails. After-it’s the one thing they didn’t want to discuss. Russiagate-Russian Interference and Russian Collusion? Yes. After the election with THAT WOMAN safely defeated-after ignoring it prior to the election.
But after Emailgate had served its purpose the MSM lost interest in it overnight. As we discussed in Chapter A, the amount of stories on the whole fiasco of Comeygate have been striking in being so few and far between. Interestingly, you had a few deep dives just before Trump fired Comey-the NYT and Vanity Fair did deep dives. Then ProPublica came up did an excellent deep dive soon after the Comey firing.
Yet another interesting coincidence-once again, reminding us of Malcolm Nance’s law.
So this was a rather earthshattering find to come across when I first read it in 2017. The MSM had shown no interest in the etymology of the Comey Letter as they themselves were so implicated in it-by the utterly hysterical way they grossly (over)covered it.
FN: Basically the MSM is allergic to post 2016 discussions about Emailgate for the same reason Devlin Barrett still denies there were any rogue anti Clinton FBI agents leaking information and Comey can’t admit how wrong he was for the Comey Presser and Letter-it’s all bout CYA-each of them have a lot to hide. It’s not just an academic discussion for them or even that they’re very hardheaded and stubborn-though clearly they are also that in spades.
End FN
As Stone said, the background had been totally unreported, totally ignored.
So this one find made reading his entire book more than worth it-the heart of the book was basically Stone taking a victory lap over the fact that 2016 was our first post truth alternative fact election where ad hominem assertions and facts were treated as the same thing-at least if the ad hominem assertion was something nasty about Hillary Clinton.
FN: But again, the truth got the last laugh after Trump’s Twitter ban so…
But again, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. At this point all we know is Stone’s going to tell us something about the eytmology of the Comey Letter-that has not been reported-largely because the entire Hillary Clinton hating ‘savvy’ MSM didn’t want to know anything about it as they themselves were so implicated in it.
So it turns out Judicial Watch had a major role in this unreported background. During 2016 the Bernie Bros had claimed Hillary was basically the biggest fan in the country of Citizen’s United-as usual glibly ignoring the fact that the actual Citizen’s United case was about Right wing legal groups like Judicial Watch’s Holy Junta to find oppo on Clinton to take her down.
FN: Indeed you could take it a step further and point out that these Right wing legal organizations origins were to be vehicles to push the Paula Jones allegations, etc.
But wait till you see who else was involved.
“The State Department had released the documents in partial compliance with a federal court order issued in a May 5, 2015, in connection with Freedom of Information, FOIA, lawsuit that Judicial Watch had launched against the State Department. WND senior staff writer Jerome R. Corsi was interested in the emails, thinking they might shed more light on the accusations he had made that the Clinton Foundation was a “vast criminal conspiracy” in his previously mentioned 2016 book, Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit.”
Yep-Stone’s GOP co-conspirator forever, Jerome Corsi. Note, however, that when I came across this in 2017, I wasn’t familiar with who Corsi was-it turned out he was King of the Birther Nuts-and was a major participant in the Swift Boating of John Kerry.
FN: He had the right resume no doubt as Emailgate was Hillary’s version of Swift Boating
But since then with all the public information that came out about his involvement with Russia, if you’re listening via the Mueller investigation, we now know that Corsi basically works for Roger Stone.
So in retrospect the reaction in learning of this today is: of course. Why would anyone presume that Stone and Cojrsi were involved with Russia, if you’re listening but stayed out of Comeygate? Particularly as Stone has been involved in every GOP dirty trick sincey Watergate.
Only reason clearly is lack of imagination compounded by the fact that the MSM really didn’t want to know anything about Emailgate post their destroying her campaign with their Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
FN: Indeed, the reason Glenn Greenwald is really so pissed is because this time the MSM isn’t taking the bait on Hunter Biden’s laptop like they did with the damn emails-on Anthony Weiner’s laptops; a story of two laptops… This is highly frustrating to not just Trump and his GOP co-conspirators-no doubt for Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and Steve Bannon among others-but for many on the Bernie Bro Left who have decided that just were this laptop came from doesn’t matter and how much of the material on it is fake doesn’t matter, we should just treat it like manna from anti Establishment Democrat heaven.
Basically Greenwald’s upset that the MSM is not being so irresponsible this time.
Greenwald's healthy skepticism of the FBI and Bill Barr has all but disappeared pic.twitter.com/FnFEBNVE3q
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) October 30, 2020
In Chapter B we look at Glenn’s amazingly taut, tortured sophistry where he claims that Democrats made too much over Barr effectively pardoning Roger Stone by arguing-apropos of what it’s not clear-that there were some mythical Democrats in 1992 who weren’t outraged over Barr pardoning Casper Weinberger.
As many have pointed out what Barr did for Stone and Michael Flynn are even worse than what he did for Weinberger and the other Iran-Contra co-conspirators.
End FN.
Indeed, when I read this then I didn’t myself realize that Corsi basically works for Stone and so anything Corsi did here was at the direct direction of Stone.
FN: Or something like-Emptywheel suggests that it may have been Stone not Corsi who got the information from Wikileaks about the coming Podesta dump.
End FN
You wonder what the status of those communications are-the emails, the texts, Whatsapp messages, etc. We know that Corsi bleached and scrubbed his email conversations with Stone prior to October 7. Remember how outraged the Trump Deplorables got about the idea that Clinton had scrubbed and bleached her emails? Even though that’s what the rules called for-to turn over her official State Department emails and take out private emails?
Yet-big surprise-no one thought Clinton deserved any privacy, including Comey and the FBI who made it their business to find over 14,000 of the deleted emails. One of Comey’s many always shifting explanations for the Comey Letter was that Weiner’s laptop might have contained the Golden Emails.
(Link Schoenblog here).
UPDATE: Regarding the Golden Emails see other manuscript.
What efforts have been undertaken to find Corsi’s bleached and scrubbed emails with Roger Stone? Did Corsi bleach and scrub not just the emails about Russia if you’re listening but Comeygate? Those Golden Emails would truly be the Mother Lode.
“Corsi first realized a large number of the Abedin emails in the 725-page Judicial Watch release were 100 percent redacted, meaning the emails contained such highly sensitive national security information that State Department censors had blocked-out, or “redacted,” all the content of the emails, leaving readable only the author, addressee, date, and subject information. In an article published in WND.com on August 25, 2016, Corsi wrote, “Of the 725 pages, more than 250 pages were 100 percent redacted, many with ‘PAGE DENIED’ stamped in bold.”
As usual, in the innuendo and slander campaign against Clinton, everything and anything was read as somehow being incriminating. Corsi and Stone tried to argue that the simple fact that there were a lot of redactions were proof in itself that classified information was criminally mishandled.
If it were this easy then Stone and all his co-conspirators would be in a world of you know what as most of the FOIA requests for 302s in the Mueller Report come back with large swathes of being 100% redacted.
Just last night 1000 more pages of Mueller 302s were released-outside of Stone’s buddy Manafort, huge swathes of it were 100% redacted. Probably a larger swath than Huma’s emails in 2016 were.
JD Gordon: "If TRUMP and PAPADOPOULOS had been alone together at the March 31, 2016 meeting, the PUTIN meeting probably would have happened."https://t.co/X6s56Z381w
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) October 30, 2020
I link to EW as she puts it in a searchable format that’s much easier to digest, survey, etc. A lot of it is redacted but there are some very interesting info on the Coffee Boy. In Chapter A, there are some bombshells about the very much glorified Coffee Boy.
In any case we don’t get to just assume everyone’s guilty if there are a ton of redactions-that’s just par for the course.
“Corsi commented that previous releases of Clinton emails have forced the Obama administration to admit highly sensitive State Department information was transmitted over Clinton’s private email server. “On July 7, Charles McCullough, the inspector general of the intelligence community for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, in testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, admitted his office did not have the security clearances required to read the emails transmitted over Clinton’s private email server that Congress was demanding to see,” Corsi wrote. McCullough further testified that the classification of the redacted material was so top secret that a government agency he refused to name had prohibited the State Department from sharing the content with Congress without the explicit approval of the agency he refused to identify.”
FN: Note McGullough himself had a role in getting us into this mess in the first place-see Chapter No Probable Cause
Ok so more wildly overhasty inferences. If anything what this shows is how irresponsible and willing the GOP has become in weaponizing sensitive intel if they think it helps them politically.
In any case going back to our BFFs in late August, 2016-again why did anyone presume they were only working on the Podesta emails with Assange? Indeed, my frustration over the last four years has been the lack of imagination-much of which stems from many people just not wanting to feel too cynical.
FN: This same point was made in Parry’s book on Iran Collusion.-many prefer to wrap themselves in their own preconceptions-as a kind of security blanket than learn the truth.
No one has asked about Stone and Corsi being in on the Comeygate side-as no one has asked about the Comeygate side. Even Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler-who has been one of the-relatively-more vigilant members of the Dem House, has dropped the ball. He had promised an investigation into Comeygate. I get it-Pelosi has kept him on a short leash. But even so-what justifies neither Nadler or anyone else on Judiciary-Swalwell?-not even asking about the status of the IG report on the rogue anti Clinton FBI agents that started in January, 2017 and still hasn’t been released yet?
Surely Pelosi wouldn’t blackball you for simply inquiring as to its status?
FN: In Chapter A we now learn that Horowitz intends to leave the rogue FBI agent report buried forever.
Bannon’s big mouth in the Wolff book got him identified as a person of interest for Mueller-prior to that the Mueller team didn’t even suspect him of being involved. Indeed, I remember even Maddow-!-saying something to the effect that Bannon was the one Trump hack not involved in Russia if you’re listening.
FN: See Chapter Leeden Manifesto/Bannon for more on this.
Lot of stuff behind this general attitude. Lack of imagination, but also a desire not to know, a feeling of being exhausted, of piously declaring ‘it’s time for self care, I’ve earned it’ and ‘I don’t want to be too cynical’ to ‘let’s just heal and move on. Pursuing this like a dog with a bone will only further divide us.’
Does this FN belong in this chapter in particular?
End FN
So Stone and Corsi in late August, 2016 had Huma’s emails-though there were lots of redactions. They were desperate to weaponize them-but how? They were determined to find a hook.
“Next, Corsi realized that fully two-thirds of the Huma Abedin emails released in the 725-page Judicial Watch cache were emails Abedin forwarded to herself, addressed to personal email. accounts she controlled outside of the State Department email system, as well as outside Hillary Clinton’s private email system maintained at her residence in Chappaqua, New York.”
FN: Is this the foundation of Comey’s absurd statement in the Senate in early May, 2017 about Abedin forwarding thousands of Clinton’s emails to Anthony Weiner that the FBI had to walk back? Comey was trafficking in Roger Stone/Corsi oppo?
See Chapter more for this particular absurd statement of Comey’s-he’s made a lot of them.
Anyway, Corsi-working with/for Stone at his direction-was looking for any way by hook or by crook to weaponize Huma’s emails acquired by Judicial Watch-the folks behind Citizen’s Untied a lawsuit on behalf of those on a Holy War against Hillary. Finally he found his entry point.
“In researching further, Corsi realized that whoever censored this cache of 725-emails had neglected to block out in one instance only the email address humamabedin@yahoo.com. This confirmed to Corsi that Abedin had been sending somewhere in the range of two-thirds of all the State Department emails she had received, including emails from Hillary’s State Department address as well as Hillary’s private email server account to her private email account at Yahoo.com. That so many of the emails Abedin had sent to herself were so heavily redacted upon release to Judicial Watch suggested to Corsi that it was likely that Hubedin had archived some State Department emails to her private, unsecure email account at Yahoo.com.”
“On October 15, 2015, prior to Abedin’s testimony in front of the House Select Committee, National Review reported the State Department explained the domain name of humamabedin@[redacted] was redacted to comply with a personal-privacy exemption.”
With Clinton Derangement Syndrome everything was treated as somehow suspicious-a personal-privacy exemption! Just so the sentiment seemed to be that Hillary Clinton-or anyone associated with her-didn’t deserve any privacy.
FN: Again that’s the angst of Glenn Greenwald and Friends-they are stunned that the MSM is showing the restraint over Hunter Biden’s laptop they never showed for, well, Anthony Weiner’s laptop; the story of two laptops…
Weiner’s laptop was the winning shot in 2016 why hasn’t it worked this time? Why it’s CENSORESHIP! Where was Glenn when Bill Barr literally locked up Michael Cohen to prevent his book from being published? Yet he claims it’s the Intercept editors who are too partisan.
But regarding Weiner’s laptop, keep following below-we’re getting there.
End FN.
Location 5616-5629
“On August 14, 2015, the Washington Times reported that the State Department had admitted to a federal judge that Abedin and Cheryl Mills, chief of staff to Clinton when she was secretary of state, used personal email accounts to conduct government business in addition to Clinton’s private “clintonemail.com” to transact State Department business. But until the Judicial Watch email release the week Corsi’s two WND.com articles were published, there was no evidence suggesting Abedin had used her private email accounts as a forwarding address for State Department emails that contained sensitive material, including very possibly classified information.”
“Until the publication of Corsi’s second WND.com articles were published, there was no evidence suggesting Abedin had used her private email as a forwarding address for State Department emails that contained sensitive material, including possibly classified information. Until the publication of Corsi’s second WND.com article on August 29, 2016, there had been no previous public identification that Abedin was using a Yahoo.com account to archive off-line State Department emails.”
Ok. Now here comes a major money quote with earth shattering implications for the-evidently after almost four years-current IG report into the leaks of the rogue anti Clinton pro Trump FBI agents back in October, 2016.
“Realizing that archiving such a large quantity of State Department emails to a private account at Yahoo.com might well constitute a criminal violation of national security laws, Corsi contacted legal and intelligence sources in Chicago and New York to determine next steps the investigation might take.”
FN: Again, remember Stone’s quote above in his 2016 election book where he discussed how the 1980 Bush Sr campaign had a bunch of former and current spooks on its team. What he doesn’t say is this isn’t unusual in top Republican presidential campaigns. In 2016 he, Corsi-and as it will emerge, especially the late Peter Smith-were a conduit for these former and current GOP spooks.
UPDATE: It also should be pointed out that this claim about Abedin’s email habits while working for HRC also has the inconveience of being untrue-though what is even more interesting is Comey made the same false assertion in Congressional testimony Stone makes here.
Pg. 370
Again there’s the nagging question of what exactly happened to the IG report that Michael Horowitz opened back in January 2017 and still hasn’t released to this day. Clearly, now, if we ever see that report it will be after Trump vacates the WH in January, 2021. It’s clear looking back that it was preordained that this report-about how rogue FBI agents put their fingers on the scale to rig the election for Trump-would never be allowed to see the light of day before he left his ill gotten Office-through these very same rogue FBI agents’ effots. Horowitz is surely no less a survivor than Rod Rosenstein.
FN: We now are hearing noises that the IG report on the rogue FBI agents will never be released. Devlin Barrett claims this is because: there were no rogue FBI agents which is rich in fact you suspect many of them were his sources. I mean how exactly did Barrett get the dirt on McCabe and about the Clinton Foundation investigation if there were no rogue agents?
See other manuscript.
As noted above, no one in the Dem House, even Nadler and his Judiciary Dems-Judiciary was by far the most vigilant Committee regarding oversight of Trump; in Norm Eisen’s book on impeachment he revealed that initially the House Judiciary had written 10 Articles of Impeachment back in August, 2019 but, of course, Pelosi lowballed them to just two-has bothered even to simply ask Horowitz about the status of the report that has been lapped by various Trump and GOP co-conspirator reports meant to promote a counternarrative.
In any case Stone’s confessions in his-evidently very little read book-opens up a whole new front of questions regarding ComeyGate. Who exactly were Corsi’s legal and intel sources in Chicago and NY? Were the NY sources in the NYPD and the NYFBI? It seems a pretty reasonable assumption. If not directly then it’s very likely that these sources told contacts they had in NYPD and NYFBI.
FN: For some answers to these questions, read on, Esteemed Reader.
Rudy Giuliani had notoriously spoken of a revolution at the FBI on the decision not to indict Clinton. Prior to the release of Comey’s letter, Rudes had claimed to be speaking with active agents but after the fact he insisted he was speaking only to former agents.
(Seth Abramson HuffPost posts on Giuliani and the rogue FBI agents?)
UPDATE: See also Michael Flynn’s recently released 302s on Giuliani’s role-‘you could take what he said to the bank’-Chapter Joseph Schmitz
Apparently Stone and Corsi were speaking to the same folks Giuliani was. Stone himself in an interview he gave to the Intercept in early 2017, had suggested he knew who these rogue FBI agents were-and from his description they were not former.
You’ve talked about the “deep state.” Why is it that when the intelligence community is leaking about Flynn’s Russia contacts, that is the work of the deep state, but when the FBI leaks about Hillary’s emails, that isn’t the deep state? Is there a difference?
“Because the people who I suspect are leaking against the president are running these agencies and have authority. The leaks that have come out against Hillary are coming from the middle and lower levels of the agencies from people who see a political cover-up and want to thwart it. They are not the deep state. They don’t run anything. They just have information. They may have a political view, but they are not running the agency. They have no influence beyond their obtaining, or having access to, information.”
FN: Even this tendentious-legally and morally meaningless-distinction doesn’t pass the laugh test. Indeed, Comey himself had told Loretta Lynch-per the IG report-that the rogue anti Clinton agents were ‘very senior’-some of them had stayed on beyond retirement, etc-and so they were-Comey claimed-beyond the reach of accountability. Really? Andy McCabe was as senior as they come and he didn’t seem to be beyond the reach.
End FN
They had enough influence to get Comey to put out that letter before the election.
“Comey had no choice. The NYPD had and has a copy of the 650,000 emails. Comey’s statement, days before the election, that there’s nothing in there, is a bald-faced lie. This is just supposition, but I think the FBI director looked at the content and said they’re going to hang me if I don’t do something.”
Comey had no choice. So apparently Stone knew the identities of the rogue agents who forced Comey’s hand.
UPDATE: Again see Chapter Joseph Schmitz. Also maybe update Schmitz chapter regarding question of where Comey got his fake Russian docs-at least everyone seems to believe they were fake except possibly Comey himself.
FN: But don’t tell Devlin Barrett as he knows beyond a shadow of the doubt there were no leaks and no rogue FBI agents despite his hitpieces on McCabe-apparently his sources was manna from Clinton Derangement Syndrome Heaven.
See Chapter Good FBI Agents
End FN
So they had these emails from Huma Abedin and had been racking their brains on how to weaponize them then Corsi enlisted GOP co-conspirator types with backgrounds in law and intel. So how did they end up weaponizing them? A lot of moving parts on how they got there-as we covered in other chapters-Sydney Leathers, Chuck Johnson, the young underage woman who-with a lot of encouragement by her Right wing father-ended up sexting with Weiner.. But Stone and Corsi were another major track.
FN: Speaking of which… Danny Williams. At the end of his Intercept article, Stone boasts that his fomenting of the unsubtantiated rumor that Bill Clinton had fathered a Black son out of wedlock and had abandoned and ignored him meaningfully suppressed the African American vote.
Though interestingly Chuck Johnson voices skepticism…. Quote from other chapter
Believe it or not, in this case I tend to believe Roger Stone-I know, a broken clock is right once a day, and even Trump tells the truth 27% of the time. But my guess is Johnson is minimizing Stone’s role out of jealousy.
End FN
In the book’s appendix, you cite traffic figures for the propagation of the meme around Danney Williams, who continues to claim that he is Bill Clinton’s secret love child.
“Frankly, I think anybody who has seen the multiple videos will say that Danney and his mother and his aunt make a pretty compelling argument. Remember, this isn’t a court of law. This is the court of public opinion. Obviously, many African-American voters believe that Danney is Bill’s son. As I show in the book, in the places targeted [with the Williams meme by the Trump campaign], African-American voter participation was down overall, and Clinton’s share was off from her national averages.”
If those voters believe it’s true, does it matter whether it’s true?
“The point is, it is true. I believe it’s true. And I believe it will be proven. For anybody who says “you are spreading disinformation,” I just don’t agree with that. I think I am spreading the truth.”
But again what have we learned? That Corsi works for Stone and the two are joined at the hip-or more precisely, through the brain. It’s truly amazing the amount of examples of their minds thinking a like. We all know what they say about how women living in the same place can end up on the same cycle. Apparently by design or accident, Stone’s and Corsi’s brains seem to permanently ride the same cycle.
So-of course-Corsi also wrote-extensively-about the racially explosive Danny Williams rumors. While Corsi scrubbed and bleached his own emails prior to after Wikileaks’ started dumping emails in early October, 2016, what we do at least have is: his WND archives.
Browsing through them we see that with all the GOP faux indignation over the idea that the Dems were calling for impeachment before Trump was even sworn in-actually quite false for the Dem leadership though perfectly true for many in the Dem base, certainly I was if not calling for it in December, 2016, certainly anticipating it.
But the reason I refer to it as faux indignation-all GOP indignation is faux in the sense that it’s always at bottom, pretextual-is because the GOPers were actually planning Hillary’s impeachment before the election itself. On election day 2016, former NYPD chief Bernard Kerik called for Hillary’s impeachment
“New York City’s police commissioner on 9/11 thinks that if—as seems likely—Hillary Clinton gets elected president tonight, the Republican House of Representatives should swiftly draft articles of impeachment.”
So that was Kerik former NYPD chief saying Clinton will likely win and if so she should be swiftly be impeached. How swiftly? On the same day that Kerik’s words were published-election day, 2016-Jerome Corsi published this.
“If Hillary Clinton wins the election Tuesday, a prominent Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee says there will be an immediate move to impeach her before she can even be sworn into office Jan. 20.”
“Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, told WND he has spent the last week ensuring Congress has secured all of the hundreds of thousands of emails examined by the FBI over the last 10 days and has confidence the House could impeach her before she assumes office.”
Impeach her before she was even inaugurated. Yet during Trump’s impeachment trial, the GOP co-conspirators would whine that the Democrats were hell bent on impeaching him before he was sworn in. As usual, pure projection. To be sure, some Democratic voters wanted him to be impeached pretty early-I was there by early December, 2016 at the latest-the feelings probably started sometime very early on the morning of November 9, 2016. But even I-and my preferences decidedly were not the preferences of the Dem House leaders-didn’t imagine impeaching him before he was even sworn in.
End FN
Then they went to GOP co-conspirator types in intel circles for ‘next steps.’ So what were those next steps?
“On September 8, 2016, Corsi published in WND evidence that Abedin had forwarded an email from Clinton dated August 8, 2009, clearly marked “classified,” to her Yahoo.com account, providing even more evidence a crime had been committed. As September 2016 progressed, Corsi speculated that if Abedin had archived conceivably thousands of Clinton-related emails off-line at her private account at Yahoo.com, she might have been allowing foreign entities, or other unauthorized users to access and read the file.”
“Anyone with access to Abedin’s username and password could read in real time and all the completely unredacted emails Abedin sent to her yahoo.com email account. Much of September 2016 was taken trying to find a legal way to force Yahoo.com to make a public list of all IP addresses that could identify various Internet users that had attempted to obtain the sought after IP information.”
“Unfortunately, the lawyers involved in the investigation could not establish legal standing to launch a lawsuit attempting to obtain the sought-after IP information. Finally, Corsi speculated that if Abedin had taken the trouble to archive State Department emails in her Yahoo.com email account, Abedin may have also surmised that she needed to keep the project secret by using a computer or other device not issued to her or registered by her with the State Department. Speculation developed that Abedin might have kept such a laptop or other device at her home with Weiner in New York City.”
Pg. 370
Speaking of how “much of September 2016 was spent”, after the Comey Letter-which was clearly the result of the efforts of Judicial Watch-Stone-Corsi and Friends-Corsi responded with two articles on the subject of Yahoo and Huma’s emails. The first was published the day of the Comey Letter-Friday October 28.
Corsi’s second post was published two days after Comey’s damnable ‘letter’ on Sunday, October 30.
“To determine if others were accessing her humamabedin@yahoo.com because Abedin had given them username and password access, or because the outside users had obtained username and password access via other means, including hacking, the fact and frequency of outside IP access to humamabedin@yahoo.com could only be determined with certainty if Yahoo could be forced to turn over that information.”
Corsi documented the problem as did Stone in his version.
“Given Yahoo’s privacy policy, security experts and attorneys for WND could find no way to force Yahoo to reveal information about humamabedin@yahoo.com unless the inquiry were undertaken by a duly constituted law-enforcement agency with the ability to obtain a court-ordered subpoena.”
So a problem with only one solution-they needed the inquiry to be “undertaken by a duly constituted law-enforcement agency with the ability to obtain a court-ordered subpoena.”
Enter Corsi’s-and Stone’s-NY GOP intel buddies-who were from : ‘duly constituted law-enforcement agencies with the ability to obtain a court-ordered subpoena.’
“The investigators working with Corsi had reason to believe Weiner was once again under investigation by the New York Police Department and the FBI for sexting to underage girls. Sexting to underage girls using his cellphone was the “Weinergate” offense that forced Weiner to resign from the House of Representatives in 2011.”
FN: In reality never previously had any of his sexting been with underage girls though as we saw in Chapter A, the GOP had been trying to entrap him as a pedophile for years.
In any case this confirms the obvious takeaway we noted above: obviously Corsi’s intel folks had ties to NYPD and NYFBI-either they were in these two GOP leaning institutions or they had ties into them. How else would these investigators have ‘reason to believe’ that Weiner was being investigated?
“Investigators working with Corsi also had reason to believe that certain FBI agents, unhappy with Comey’s decision in July to suspend the criminal investigation into Clinton’s email scandal, had not given up trying to find a way to reopen the investigation. While the disgruntled FBI agents in New York would never have gotten permission from Washington to reopen an investigation into the Clinton email case, cooperating with the NYPD in an investigation of suspected illegal sexual activity involving minors was a different matter. Conceivably, no prior authorization from the FBI in DC was required for the FBI in NY to join the NYPD in executing a search warrant on former Congressman Weiner.”
So the fact that Corsi’s intel sources just happened to be aware of an investigation into Huma’s husband sure was a pretty helpful ‘coincidence’ for all those rogue agents ‘disgruntled’ over Clinton not being indicted.
FN: In reality as we saw in Chapter Untold Story and Chapter Chuck Johnson, they knew about the Weiner investigation because they had actually entrapped him.
So what exactly happened here? Well this is one important starting point in a proper investigation into Rogue FBI Agent collusion-perhaps, in 2021 with a Biden Administration we may finally get to see the IG report and we’ll see how much ground they were able to cover-at this point I certainly wouldn’t assume they know anything about Stone’s and Corsi’s involvement-I’d assume they know nothing.
UPDATE: Turns out that was wildly overly optimistic as Biden’s AG-Merrick Garland-seems determined to protect Trump almost as assiduously as Bill Barr did. Meanwhile Horowitz has refused to release the report instead doling out a meager 10 page summary claiming that because there were so many leaks we won’t get to learn about any of them
FN: Even though, as we will see Corsi himself gave Comeygate related information to the Mueller investigators-that naturally, sailed right over their heads.
End FN
However, it is notable that at the time of the Comey Letter, Huma Abedin was pretty puzzled about how her emails ended up on Weiner’s laptop. It sure sounds like Stone and Corsi know quite a bit about the answer; as we saw above Stone-Corsi had the emails but had failed to gain standing in court to rifle through information about outside IPs-that the only way to do this was “by a duly constituted law-enforcement agency with the ability to obtain a court-ordered subpoena.”
Again, what we know now that I didn’t know back in 2017 the first time I read Stone’s confession is that Corsi essentially works for Stone, so even though Stone seems to ‘de-center’ himself in his story on how Huma Abedin’s emails gained from a FOIA request from Judicial Watch were weaponized to take her down by appearing on her husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop-it’s important to remember that Corsi and Stone are basically a unit. The relationship between Stone and Corsi is analogous to the one between Mary and her lamb-anywhere that Roger Stone goes, Jerome Corsi is sure to go.
FN: Like Erik Prince and Steve Bannon or like Felix Sater and Michael Cohen…
Therefore, let’s look at Corsi’s version of this same story: the eytmology of the Comey Letter. As we will see, Corsi’s account fills in a lot of blanks left in Stone’s account.
Again it really does seem these two GOP co-conspirators share a brain. In his book, Corsi also has name checks Iranian Collusion in the 1980 election. (Find quote Mike)
(If you don’t find the quotes edit out)
It’s like Stone-Corsi are both in on the same inside GOP co-conspirator joke.
As for Rogue FBI Agent Collusion we get a lot more details and some answers to some of the many questions Stone’s account raises. In Corsi’s version we meet: the late Peter Smith-the premise of the ‘Stone-Corsi-Smith’ nexus of this book’s title.
Corsi reveals his side of the Comeygate story within his book giving his side of the story on his experience being a person of interest for the Mueller investigation. He actually revealed this info on his role in weaponizing Huma’s emails-and the surprise role the late Peter Smith played-in the context of his-willfully misleading-attempt to answer the question of what role he played regarding his and Stone’s attempt to get information from Assange in late July and early August 2016.
It was Corsi’s shifting explanations on what he told Stone about what Assange had and how Corsi came by the information that presumably prevented Mueller from concluding more forcefully that Stone-Corsi had clearly engaged in Russian Collusion-and quite possibly Russian Conspiracy.
Jerome Corsi’s precise role as Stone’s ‘intermediary’ is something EmptyWheel has written extensively about. She has questioned how important Corsi really was as Stone’s presumed intermediary and suggests Stone could have gotten his information elsewhere-perhaps from Guccifer 2.0-a la the GRU.
UPDATE: Corsi prepared his lies in advance
Jerome Corsi’s Theory of Roger the Rat-Fucker’s Mule Prosecution
Did Jerome Corsi (or Roger Stone) Get Podesta Emails from Guccifer 2.0?
UPDATE: Marcy Wheeler’s Corsi posts worth reading and rereading
Corsi files
The Universe of Hacked and Leaked Emails from 2016: Podesta Emails
On the Roger Stone Investigation: Talking to Guccifer 2.0 or WikiLeaks Is Not a Crime
Corsi quotes Stone has saying he communicated directly with Assange
She argues the assumptions that have been made about Corsi’s email to Stone on August 2, 2016 may be mistaken-that a careful reading shows that the fact that the coming Wikileaks dump would be about Podesta wasn’t news to either of them in this particular email. And it’s true that there are a lot of loose ends at least in terms of public open source information with the evidence that Stone knew about the coming email dumps earlier than Assange first publicly announced them in early June.
In any case, this is what Corsi claims he told the Mueller team regarding an intermediary to Assange.
“David reminded me that Mueller could always prosecute me for being a Roger Stone co-conspirator. By cooperating, David felt we had our best chance of remaining a witness. All that made sense, except I still doubted I could tell Mueller what the prosecutors wanted to hear, and this time I felt Zelinsky would go for broke with the detailed question inquisition about a past I was having an increasingly difficult time remembering.”
Location 1686.
This is typical of how Corsi represents himself throughout the book-in the passive tense as if who he spoke to and about what they spoke about was as big a mystery to himself as anyone else.
Wether or not he was merely playing dumb-or playing at being a flake-or if in fact it was no act it helped muddy the waters enough that the Mueller team decided they couldn’t use any of his testimony-and he beat the rap.
FN: In truth it seems to be all of the above-he is dumb and a flake but was also lying at a truly Trumpian clip.
UPDATE: EW’s post documenting the fact that Corsi planned the lies he would tell Mueller in advance
End FN
Yet whatever it was Zelinsky and Friends wanted to hear from him, they seemed not to realize that what he did in fact say was extremely interesting in its own right.
FN: This underscores two points that are clear from Pomenaru’s new book on the DNY’s investigation of Trump’s financial chicanery.
1. OTOH criminal investigations at this level are often-usually?-not open ended Socratic searches for the truth.
2. Which just increases my own heightened skepticism Horowitz came across Strozk’s texts or McCabe’s leaks by accident-to say nothing of how the NYFBI agent came by Huma Abedin’s emails on Weiner’s laptop by accident. You can’t but wonder if the folks who “found” all this were told where to look for them.
Corsi and his lawyer-David-asked Zelinsky to allow him to review his phone records. Zelinsky agreed to give them six pages of the phone records.
“Finally, Zelinsky agreed to send us six pages of my phone records, with three pages from July 26 to August 15, 2016 and three pages from October 3 to October 8, 2016, as a concession to David. The particular selection of these few phone records Mueller chose to share signaled to me that Rhee, Zelinsky, and Goldstein were still looking for someone that I spoke with by telephone to connect me with Assange around my trip to Italy in July and August 2016, and in the second period of October 4 through October 7, 2016, when Assange began dropping the Podesta file.”
Locations 1686-1698.
Ok so now it starts getting interesting as he mentions Tom Lipscomb.
“I noticed that I had talked on the phone with Tom Lipscomb both in July 2016, before I left for Italy, and again in the October 4–7, 2016 period that was the second focus of interest for Zelinsky and the other prosecutors. Lipscomb is a brilliant and well-known investigative reporter and editor in his own right. He is a senior fellow at the Annenberg Center for the Digital Fellow. He founded “Times Books” for the New York Times. I met Tom in 2004 when I was working with John O’Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. In 2004, Tom broke several stories on questions about the military records of both John Kerry and George W. Bush. At that time, Tom was publishing in the Chicago Sun-Times and the New York Sun. While Tom and I have had a cordial professional relationship since 2004, we had an unfortunate falling-out in July 2018.”
Locations 1698-1711
Corsi then goes off on a tangent about how Lipsomb led him to to believe that ‘SpyGate’ was actually a conspiracy of British intel post Brexit-the UK powers that be were outraged over Brexit and determined therefore to take Trump down-and that GCHQ had fed the Steele Dossier to the Obama Administration.
FN: EmptyWheel calls Corsi’s book a remarkable work of autobiographical fiction and ‘SpyGate’ certainly has always been some remarkable creative fiction in its own right.
Marcy Wheeler:
“I did something rash recently. I bought Jerome Corsi’s book, Silent No More.”
“It’s a … remarkable work of autobiographical fiction. It has two unbelievable chapters — one on how he met Stone and one claiming to describe how he figured out WikiLeaks had John Podesta’s emails; I’ll deal with the former in this post, and do a follow-up on the latter.”
“The rest of the book is a narrative of Corsi’s botched cooperation that is fairly clearly designed to provide all the details of his interactions with Mueller’s team to others, without, however, even clarifying details about events that should be central to the story.”
Certainly Corsi was able to muddy the waters in a way that let him get off scot free.
FN: In this post, Wheeler raises the possibility that Stone was asking about information Wikileaks had at the same time or possibly prior to when GRU hacked Podesta.
“One published version of the dinner puts it in late February or March, almost immediately after Corsi met Stone.
Corsi told the Guardian he introduced Malloch to Stone over steaks at the Strip House in midtown Manhattan in late February or March 2016. Mueller’s investigators “wanted to know about the dinner”, he said. When asked if Assange was discussed during the meal, Corsi said he was not a “human tape recorder”.
“I think the actual date of the meeting is later, but if that date is right — given the possibility that WikiLeaks came up at the meeting — it would have Stone pursuing information about what WikiLeaks had around the same time as (possibly even before) the Russians first hacked John Podesta on March 19.”
In this post she shows how dubious Corsi’s claims of bad memory really are.
End FN.
The truth about how Stone really got his information about Wikileaks’ subsequent email dumps on Podesta and the DCCC is pretty important-in her recent Rashomon series, Wheeler suggests there’s a decent possibility that Stone was involved in the hack and leak itself-ie Russian Conspiracy which contrary to the terrible MSM analysis of the Mueller Report-really more precisely terrible MSM analysis of Bill Barr’s fake exoneration letter-was most certainly not disproved.
What light Corsi’s chaotically deceptive-the chaos IS the point-testimony sheds on this question is one thing. But what interests me particularly here is what light it sheds on Rogue FBI Agent Collusion-of course, post 2016 there was a total shutout of any discussion of Rogue FBI Agent Collusion as it puts both the MSM coverage and the FBI itself in such a terrible light.
Enter (the late) GOP operative Peter Smith. It turns out Tom Lipscomb introduced Corsi to Peter Smith back in 2012. Again, in Corsi’s creative fiction, he takes the passive tense and wonders if maybe Tom Lipscomb was his source with Assange. Then in 2016 Corsi and Peter Smith got back together.
Corsi connects Smith here both to Assange and Rogue FBI Agent Collusion.
“Tom’s lead was consistent with the information I was developing for my new planned book on SpyGate. The point here is that I realized Tom Lipscomb might have been someone who could have shared with me information he was getting from Assange, or from a source close to Assange. Truthfully, I had no reason to suspect Tom was in contact with Assange, either directly or indirectly, but seeing Tom’s phone calls in July when I was preparing to leave for Italy and again in the key period when Assange began dropping the Podesta file in October 2016, I began to speculate that Tom may have gotten information about WikiLeaks from Peter Smith.”
Location 1735.
So Corsi got the info on the coming Wikileaks email dumps from Lipscomb who got the info from Peter Smith who got it from Assange?
Whatever the truth of all this it is a known fact that Smith had paid Russian hackers and had wanted to meet Assange.
“In the 2016 election cycle, Peter Smith came back into my life. My main contact with Smith came in September and October 2016, after I broke the news that Huma Abedin had been sending Hillary’s State Department emails to her personal Yahoo email account. This was another case when I connected the dots to figure out a key fact that impacted the 2016 election.”
Location 1751
So this fills in a blank left in Stone’s version. But much more on that below.
Then we get into Corsi’s fantastical powers of induction-remember Wheeler’s incredulity about how he came to meet Stone and correctly guessed the emails were about Podesta.
Here he explains how he deduced that “Huma Abedin had been sending Hillary’s State Department emails to her personal Yahoo email account.”
“How I figured this out goes back to my intel and detective skills. Judicial Watch had released a cache of Huma Abedin emails obtained from a FOIA request. I went through the rather boring exercise of examining each email to make a list of the email addresses involved. I was particularly interested in emails Huma sent using an address humamabedin@REDACTED.com. This email address used Huma’s middle initial to create a “ama” grouping of letters that had caught my attention. Among the hundreds of email addresses, I found one instance that the government censors had not redacted. That email read: humamabedin@yahoo.com. The “yahoo” fill-in met exactly the spaces in the many redacted instances of that email address that I found. Peter Smith seized on this. He tried to find a legal basis to get Yahoo to release to him the IP addresses of anyone who had accessed Huma’s private email account.”
So, Corsi’s account takes us a number of steps beyond Stone’s account-it was (the late) Peter Smith who seized on the accidental revelation of Huma’s email account and it was he who desperately tried to obtain legal standing to rifle through the IP addresses of anyone who accessed her email account. Stone left this earth shaking detail out. Stone revealed to us that ‘most of September was spent trying to get legal standing’ but he didn’t tell us it was Smith leading the charge.
FN: In Chapter Joseph Schmitz, we saw that in HSPCI testimony, Stone pretended to never have heard of Smith before.
End FN
As Corsi continues we get closer to Huma’s emails showing up on Weiner’s laptop.
“When Yahoo refused to give the information to Peter Smith, he and I speculated that if Huma was off-loading Hillary’s State Department to her Yahoo account, it was likely she was using a personal computer, not a State Department computer, to archive the emails. This led Peter and me to speculate that Huma used a laptop belonging to her husband, the notorious sexting criminal, the former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner. Peter convinced his contacts at the New York Police Department to investigate. ”
Oh. So it was Smith’s contacts at the NYPD? And it was Smith who convinced the NYPD to investigate wether Abedin’s emails were on her husband’s laptop?! What was the legal basis for that warrant? Not a rhetorical question…
And once again we have yet another example of Corsi’s incredible powers of deduction. His claim of how he ‘deduced’ that Huma used a laptop belonging to her husband to archive state department emails is honestly even more amazing than how he claims to have deduced that the subject of coming Wikileaks email dumps was Podesta.
With all due respect to his allegedly fantastic powers of speculation, it’s hard to believe he correctly conjured the existence of Weiner’s laptop out of thin air. Indeed, while OTOH Corsi’s version of events fills in some blanks left in Stone’s version, Corsi also edits out something in Stone’s account: that-of course-their sources at the NYPD told them about Weiner’s laptop. Corsi leaves this out and pretends he had yet another Immaculate Deduction-rather than that his NYPD sources told him about it.
UPDATE: According to Corsi, Corsi has incredible powers of deduction and incredibly bad powers of memory.
So is this perhaps how it played out? His-Smith’s?-NYPD sources told him about Weiner’s laptop, then he and Smith told them about Huma’s emails?
FN: And as we saw in Chapter A the GOP co-conspirators had been trying to entrap Weiner into sexting with a minor for years.
And according to Corsi it was Smith who convinced NYPD to investigate.
Yet he continues to pretend that they stumbled onto Weiner’s sexting completely by accident like manna from Hillary Derangement Syndrome Heaven.
“While we did not know for sure that Weiner was still sexting criminally, we figured sex perverts rarely quit.”
Location 1765
FN: Again prior to this episode, none of Weiner’s previous sexting partners had been underage. Presumably by ‘we’ he means he and Smith somehow correctly guessing Weiner was ‘still’ sexting criminally-even though he never had before 2016-when their GOP co-conspirator friends entrapped him into doing so-as we saw in Chapter A.
End FN.
“While FBI Director Comey had already closed down the federal criminal investigation of Hillary’s private email server, the NYPD convinced the FBI in New York to join the raid, given the investigation was to catch a sex criminal, not to target Hillary Clinton or Huma Abedin. The rest is history.”
Location 1767.
The rest is history. Sure was a convenient mad set of ‘coincidences.’
Corsi-Stone-Peter Smith-Giuliani-Erik Prince and Friends ought to buy a lottery ticket with these kind of brilliant deductions and lucky coincidences.
Of course, in early 2017, Peter Smith’s luck ran out. NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER.
Is that a commjon thing for suicides to write? So it’s already pretty suspicious added to the knowledge of how deep and indeed central in this Smith really was. Based on what Corsi says, if it were for Peter Smith Hillary would likely have won the election.
FN: Yet another wrinkle of historical irony is that during the Whitewater 1990s. Smith was a major proponent of the fantasy that Vince Foster didn’t really kill himself. Yet Smith’s death was far more suspicious than Foster’s.
End FN
Corsi then says he remembers Smith bragging that he was in touch with Assange. This is big-as his memory apparently is pretty feeble.
“While I don’t recall ever talking with Peter Smith about what additional DNC material Assange planned to drop after July 22, 2016, I thought it was possible Peter and Lipscomb may have discussed this. Possibly, Lipscomb planted in my brain tips regarding Assange that Lipscomb got from Peter Smith. As I illustrated above, Lipscomb had a habit of planting information and investigate leads with me without disclosing his sources.”
UPDATE: Should the idea that Smith was-according to Corsi-Stone’s intermediary to Wikileaks be added to the title?
Location 1770
Zelinsky dismissed this as Corsi ‘trying to pin this on some dead guy.’
“When David Gray let Zelinsky know I was examining this line of inquiry, Zelinsky was dismissive. “I don’t want to waste time with Corsi sending up trial balloons,” Zelinsky insisted. This was a constant Zelinsky refrain. Mueller’s prosecutors wanted me to remember what I could not remember. Zelinsky blew up when I tried to refresh my memory by reconstructing 2016 from the minimal information I had. Peter Smith died on May 14, 2017, in a suspicious suicide in a hotel room in Rochester, Minnesota. Zelinsky also objected to David Gray that he did not want me “trying to pin this on some dead guy.”
Location 1722
As noted above, for once I have to agree with Corsi that Smith’s suicide seems suspicious both because of the cryptic assurance of “No foul play whatsoever” and just how important Smith was in both Russian Collusion and Rogue FBI Agent Collusion. You can imagine if he did talk he’d have quite a story to tell to paraphrase Mike Flynn’s original lawyer.
Zelinsky-probably not surprising as narrowly as the Mueller investigation mandate was drawn-didn’t even notice that even if what Corsi claimed regarding Smith’s actions in ComeyGate didn’t seem to directly bear on their case-and clearly wasn’t responsive to their questions-it was pretty earth shattering information-that uh… perhaps someone should have followed up on?
FN: Where was John Robertson when we needed him? He didn’t construe his mandate nearly so narrowly.
See Chapter Comey Letter for more on Robertson.
Again though this only seems to be a different case-in reality wether you’re talking about Russian Collusion or Rogue FBI Agent Collusion, the objective was the same-finding HRC’s missing emails.
It’s pretty doubtful that any of this made it into this report Horowtiz has been working on now for 46 months-a longer stretch of time than Michael Cohen’s prison sentence. There are a boatload of questions raised in Stone’s and Corsi’s confessionals. But at this point I’ve learned to set expectations pretty low. With Trump leaving the WH he has sullied with his illegitimacy that he ‘won’ through the machinations of Stone-Corsi-Smith and Friends maybe Horowtiz will finally have the guts to publish his findings?
That he resolved not to allow it to see the light of day so long as Trump was ‘President’ obviously makes Horowitz look pretty terrible.
Is it too much to hope that a Democrat-could be in the House, maybe the Judiciary is the most likely place to find such a soul-but it doesn’t have to be in the House-Elizabeth Warren? She at least called for accountability for Trump and his co-conspirators-predictably Democrats were outraged our brand is in never doing to them what they do to us even if unlike what they do to us we have all kinds of predication and probable cause.
FN: She also called for Bill Barr’s impeachment-in light of his outrageous opening of the meritless investigation into voter fraud. Of course, the House which has the power to open impeachment hearings into Barr is silent.
VP Elect Kamala Harris too-the only other Dem candidate in the primary-had called for investigations and prosecutions of the Trump co-conspirators. But will she mention this now? Or does she not feel free to even broach the subject? Nothing we’ve seen leads you to believe the answer is anything but HELL NO!
End FN
At this point is it too much to hope that someone somewhere in the Democratic party ask Horowitz what happened to this report?
Talk about managed expectations.
In any case while a big part of the shocking discoveries of Stone-Smith are about Comeygate-that the MSM has totally neglected-again it’s too embarrassing for both the Savvy MSMers and the Trumpland FBI to discuss so while no one wanted to talk about anything but the damn emails during the 2016 election, after it served it’s purpose no one ever wanted to discuss them again-other than a few of Trump’s GOP hacks in the Senate as a diversionary tactic from the Russia Collusion investigation.
Yet while there are stunning revelations here regarding Rogue anti Clinton pro Trump FBI Agent Collusion, they also have some pretty earth shaking revelations for Russian Collusion as well-it’s now clear how much Stone-Corsi-Smith were a unit, the revelation being that Smith worked together with Stone-Corsi-and has a history with Corsi that goes back to 2012.
This certainly validates Marcy Wheeler’s theory that Stone was involved with the hack and leak-as working with Russian hackers was Smith’s whole raison d’etre for his 2016 involvement.
But, most importantly, looking at this from the proper 30,000 foot view it’s not that the Stone-Corsi-Smith Nexus ‘also worked on ComeyGate’ but rather looking at the picture clearly-from a high enough distance-rogue anti Clinton pro Trump FBI Agent Collusion and Russian Collusion are not two different scandals Stone-Corsi-Smith worked on but the same thing, the same scandal from two different tracks: the goal in both cases were to find Comey’s Golden Emails a la Schoenblog.
FN: Link to chapter.
But again, the House Democrats-who have often shown little mastery of and even less interest in the subject matter of how an election was stolen from their own-first major party female-Presidential candidate in 2016 can start very small and simply: demand answers from Horowitz on an investigation without a report after what will be 4 years when Joe-Kamala are sworn in come January, 2021 in two short months.
UPDATE: After 11 months of Joe-Kamala, we’ve now learned that Horowitz plans for his own report on Rogue FBI Agent Collusion to never see the light of day-while Joe allows Durham to indict innocent people.
94/ When Trump sought to blackmail Comey into reopening Clinton’s email case in October of 2016—which he did, giving (per pollsters) Trump the Oval—it was Giuliani he entrusted with the task. When he sought to steal the 2020 election via Kremlin agents in Ukraine? Giuliani again.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) August 15, 2022