
89 The Comey Press Conference 2.0: Neither the DOJ or the NY Times has Learned Anything

Mueller, She Wrote on X: “Robert Hur lied about the president. Joe Biden did not get the date of son’s death wrong. It’s bad enough for a prosecutor to lie for political purposes, but to do so about this subject is unconscionable.” / X (twitter.com)

Expand the Court on X: “Ie the entire mainstream media and @VaushV” / X (twitter.com)

Expand the Court on X: “@airbagmoments @sandralhanlon Same rate these same people churned out Hillary email stories in 2016” / X (twitter.com)

MeidasTouch on X: “Wow. Robert Hur’s summary was a complete hit job. The actual transcripts show how much he lied and misrepresented the facts. This should be a major scandal.” / X (twitter.com)


Ken Vogel Covers Up Rudy Giuliani and His Alleged Russian Spies – emptywheel

Matthew Yglesias on X: “Smith should just drop the case and say “Trump is too old and scattered to do crimes” which would apparently be more damaging than a criminal indictment.” / X (twitter.com)

Matthew Yglesias on X: “Some time during the Trump presidency I got to speak to a top NYT person and I asked if he thought the emails coverage was out of proportion to its objective importance and he said no, that it spoke to the central doubts voters had about Hillary — no sense that this is circular.” / X (twitter.com)

Expand the Court on X: “I mean it’s amazing it simply beggars belief how 8 years later neither the DOJ or the media have learned anything https://t.co/PnjeqGHnBO” / X (twitter.com)

Biden Classified Documents Report Is Partisan and Unprofessional (thedailybeast.com)

Expand the Court on X: “This is just like the Comey Press Conference circa July 2016” / X (twitter.com)

Elie Mystal on X: “Honestly, Hur is who Mike Tyson was talking about when he said people have gotten too “comfortable” in the age of social media.” / X (twitter.com)

Expand the Court on X: “@emptywheel @mehdirhasan The truth is Garland should never have allowed Hur to make those comments like Loretta Lynch Circa 2016 shouldn’t have allowed Comey to do that press conference” / X (twitter.com)

Expand the Court on X: “@rossi4va @emptywheel @MuellerSheWrote @JoeBiden Ok but Merrick Garland empowered them. He empowered David Weiss. He was too chicken to fire Weiss even though that’s normal protocol in a new Administration” / X (twitter.com)

Elie Mystal on X: “It’s not that the Times didn’t “learn their lesson” from their breathless 2016 “but her emails” coverage. It’s that they learned, precisely, how the help Trump get into office and are eager to repeat the trick.” / X (twitter.com)

Robert Hur’s Box-Checking – emptywheel

(2) Kat 4 Obama on X: “”As for the media, many still angrily reject the idea that anything was amiss in 2016. They’re wrong. And this time they should do better.”” / X (twitter.com)

Media Meltdown Over Biden Report Fuels New “But Her Emails” Nightmare | The New Republic

The Editorial Board on X: “I have never read a more impassioned and righteous piece by @LOLGOP. https://t.co/XJL99iFvT3” / X (twitter.com)

Angry Staffer 🌻 on X: “After reading the transcript, it’s clear that Robert Hur’s summary was complete bullshit. It was nothing more than a political hit job to make Biden look bad.” / X (twitter.com)

Elie Mystal on X: “The news is pretty fucking grim. The media is fully committed to “But Her Emails 2” and the @AP forgot how to spell the word “children.” Feels less like a snow day and more like a blizzard of shit.” / X (twitter.com)

Biden’s Wins on X: “BREAKING: The transcript of the Biden-Hur interview was just published and it revealed that Robert Hur LIED about Biden forgetting when his son died. President Biden’s mental acuity is sharp and Robert Hur has been exposed as a political hack.” / X (twitter.com)

Merrick Garland Must Go | The Nation


But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.