
234 Tim Poole Received $100 Grand in Russian Money to Declare Ukraine America’s Greatest Enemy


240904 Doppelganger Affidavit – DocumentCloud

The Doppelgรคnger Dossier – emptywheel

Destiny on X: “This is a lie. At least one time (mentioned in the indictment), @bennyjohnson (confirmed to be Commentator-3) covered a story after the Russians requested (through @TheLaurenChen) him to. Since none of the involved are willing to release their contracts or communications, we https://t.co/JgZJbPRLqy” / X

David Leavitt ๐ŸŽฒ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ on X: “It was Russia in 2016 It was Russia in 2020 It’s Russia in 2024 It has always been RUSSIA! https://t.co/xsjCSDANsk” / X

David Leavitt ๐ŸŽฒ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ on X: “Hillary was right https://t.co/3juvDmenny” / X

What will be unburdened by what has been on X: “Tim Poole made $100 grand to declare Ukraine the greatest enemy of America and indeed the world” / X

While Pool claims he had total creative control over content in the indictment “Prodcuer 1” tells “Founder One” they were told to post Tucker Carlson’s almost deranged “astonishment” at the technology in a Russian supermarket-which felt a little over the top.

In One Week, Trump Suggests He’ll Eliminate Sanctions on Iran and Lies about Iran Hack to Supporters – emptywheel


New Indictment Alleges Conservative Media Company Took Millions of Kremlin Cash โ€“ Mother Jones

Trump why do they keep picking on “poor, poor Russia”

In One Week, Trump Suggests He’ll Eliminate Sanctions on Iran and Lies about Iran Hack to Supporters – emptywheel


But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.