
135 Weinergate: The Almost Totally Unknown Story of How the Girl in Weiner’s Sexting Case Lied to Hurt Hillary Clinton

UPDATE: This chapter is pretty much ready-just needs some editing and updating at bottom-regarding Horowitz/Nadler etc. H won’t release report Nadler seems to have forgotten the whole thing. Use screenshot of Trump’s Nostradamus moment

UPDATE: Actually mention Nostradamus moment in subsequent chapter

UPDATE: The last part probably doesn’t belong here

Just call him Donald Nostradamus Trump. For all his-baseless-claims to be the greatest and best Trump really hasn’t gotten the credit he deserves for predicting Weinergate over a year before it happened-he predicted it in early August, 2015 and it won the election for him October 28, 2016. How’s that for ‘Weiner telling the world?’

Interesting that this is the one thing he hasn’t taken credit for when it’s the one time he actually deserves it.

UPDATE: Actually he kind of did

UPDATE: Weiner transcripts


It’s the Rogue anti Hillary Clinton pro anti Trump FBI Agent version of Russia if you’re listening.

“That August 3 tweet was just one in a string. His assertions essentially anticipated that an attack was coming, if not when and how. He also regularly referred to Weiner as a degenerate and liability to Clinton.”

“All that was missing was a girl to lure Weiner into another “sexting” transgression. Then the trap could be sprung and the computer contents publicized.”

All that was missing was the girl. But this part of the Great Coincidence was also being planned down in North Carolina by a young woman whose Right wing father had raised her to aspire to be the next Monica Lewinsky. 

On November 6, 2017  whowhatwhy, the independent investigative news outlet. published this very important article:

“Today, Anthony Weiner enters a federal prison hospital in Massachusetts to begin serving a 21-month sentence for his online relationship with an underage girl. He’ll be in an intensive counseling and treatment program.”

“On its face, the final act of Weiner’s protracted and ugly fall seems straightforward — a sordid tale of a self-destructive middle-aged politician’s exploitative cyber-relationship with a minor. And, make no mistake, that is much of the story.”

“But close scrutiny reveals far more to it than meets the eye.”

Of course, American society being what it is most folks stop at the idea that Weiner is a revolting pedophile and move on-this tendency is exactly why Weiner has been the gift that keeps on giving for the GOP. But as www says, there’s a lot more than meets the eye and this is important as it’s a big part of how the 2016 election ended up being rigged-by the FBI- in favor of the candidate under FBI investigation for colluding with the Russian government.

“Given his admitted culpability in a sex-crime, Weiner’s imprisonment would indeed seem a fitting last act in this saga — were it not for facts pointing to his original indictment having played a significant role in Donald Trump’s surprise presidential victory.”

“Because it did play a role, it’s important to understand whether the timing of that investigation was just a lucky coincidence for Trump — or something more insidious.”

Coincidences take a lot of planning. as Malcolm Nance says-Joyce Vance says ‘coincidences don’t really exist in law enforcement’ There is also FDR’s saying that there are no coincidences in politics. 

At the very least it seems we should be skeptical of coincidences that seem too convenient.

“A thorough WhoWhatWhy investigation seems to suggest the latter. Our work has turned up a fascinating cast of characters, some with political connections, who were closely connected to a sequence of events that began with a teenage girl in North Carolina sending fan messages to Congressman Weiner, and ended in one of the biggest electoral upsets in American history. (We will only refer to her as “the girl” since she is still under 18 and the victim of a sex crime.)

FN: Although she and her father were happy to do public interviews. Link…

Exclusive: How Trump Backers Weaponized Anthony Weiner to Defeat Clinton

End FN

“When WhoWhatWhy went to the girl’s hometown to connect some dots, we encountered a wall of silence. Doors were slammed in our faces and people with knowledge of what happened threatened to call the police or take legal action if we persisted in our inquiries.”

“While that made our work more difficult, it did not stop us from assembling enough pieces to this puzzle to arrive at some telling initial conclusions.”

“These include the fact that the girl’s actions were shaped by adults besides Weiner himself, including her own father and a Trump surrogate. Did they manipulate a teen into her peculiar aspiration to be, as she told at least two people, “the next Monica Lewinsky?”

“And was this intended not only to compromise an easily-snared Weiner, but also to achieve a historic coup: preventing the pre-ordained election of America’s first woman president, Hillary Clinton?”

I must admit that I have to at least ask the question that as this young girl by her own admission reached out to Weiner with the expressed intent of seeing if he would send her sexts if she’s really a pure victim or perhaps something more like a co-conspirator? I’m simply poising the question. I mean again this is our attitude toward children and sex. A 16 year old can be found guilty of conspiring to rob a bank but on matters of sex our laws leave them as pure innocents incapable under any circumstances of being aggressors. If they act in such a way our law insists that they were too young to know any better.  And this assumption is usually a good one. But there’s nothing normal about this case.

So our social assumptions don’t have a space to really explain this very bizarre case. But here is what happened.

“Back in May, we first reported that the “sexting” episode resulting in Weiner’s arrest may have been driven in part by a deliberate effort to harm Clinton. We detailed the role of Trump sympathizers in making sure the story took hold and gained maximum attention, while also looking at ties to the law enforcement agencies that acted with surprising speed and vigor — a response which led to the discovery of Clinton’s emails on the computer used by Weiner and his wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.”

In the previous chapter we looked at the fact that Chuck Johnson had paid Sydney Leathers in 2016 for dirt on Weiner. Here we see his fingerprints emerge again at an even more insidious point.

“One of these Trump allies was the notorious right-wing provocateur Chuck C. Johnson, who rated high enough in the new president’s firmament to snag a coveted invite to his super-secretive victory party. Multiple sources have informed WhoWhatWhy that Johnson and the girl communicated during the time she was sexting with Weiner. While the details of their conversations are murky, the very fact that the girl and Johnson communicated seems highly significant.”

So Johnson was paying for dirt on Weiner and he spoke to the then underage girl while she was sexting Weiner-prior to her and her father subsequently claiming she was the victim of Weiner’s sexts-despite her having solicited them. His role was more than simply passively hoping for such dirt-he proactively sought to manufacture it. The idea he spoke directly to the underage girl certainly does seem highly significant.

“Johnson is especially close to deep-pocketed fellow “right-wing populist” Erik Prince, founder of the mercenary army formerly called Blackwater.”

Erik Prince also is a major person of interest regarding Weinergate and Comeygate.

FN: In chapter Leeden Manifesto we see that Prince partially funded Peter Smith’s Russian hacker scheme to get Clinton’s emails. We also see that in that chapter that Chuck Johnson himself sent the late Peter Smith a threatening email-apparently an attempt to extort the emails for him on behalf of Prince’s BFF Steve Bannon.

“Recently, the New York Times lent significant — if typically subtle and easily overlooked — credence to WhoWhatWhy’s early hypothesis that there was more to the story than Weiner’s illicit and disturbing conduct.”

Most people assumed that Weiner was simply a perverted predator who preyed on a young girl’s innocence, even his own attorney. I had this conversation with some fellow liberals and Democrats on Twitter and they all assumed there was nothing to this story other than Weiner is a pervy pedophile end of story. They argued that if there was more to it why did he confess? There are any number of reasons why an innocent person might plead out-one pretty common reason is their own attorney tells them to. With Weiner he was very embarrassed and his own attorney accepted this frame.

FN: Anyone who presumes that someone is guilty solely because they pleaded guilty needs to watch How to Get Away With Murder sometime.


And to be sure Weiner’s not exactly innocent-he did the drug deal to paraphrase John Bolton -but Weiner was entrapped-both this underage girl and her father wanted him to sext with her in order to entrap him to then weaponize the contrived scandal to take down Hillary Clinton-which they in fact did.

FN: regarding Ukraine if you’re listening-another collusion and extortion scandal Giuliani  is central to; indeed to use another colorful Bolton phrase Giuliani is the hand grenade who’s going to take everyone down

UPDATE: Does this FN really belong here?

“Up until then, Weiner’s attorney, Arlo Devlin-Brown, himself had expressed no doubts at all about the media-consensus account of what happened — which painted the story as nothing more than a deviant Weiner taking advantage of a teenage girl.”

“That changed on September 13. In a story mainly about Weiner’s remorse and struggle to avoid jail time, the paper quoted from a memo put together by Devlin-Brown — selecting comments that implicitly raised flags about the motivation behind the girl’s contacting Weiner in the first place.”

“This is significant because, until then, the news media had given no consideration to larger forces being in play.”

But then this is standard operating procedure-it’s how Wikileaks worked-the MSM just treated it as anti Clinton manna from Heaven-they did what Putin said: don’t worry about where it came from just react to its content. And we’ve seen in the subsequent two plus years that even now the MSM-as well as Democratic leaders themselves, just react to the content and never ask where it came from. This is how Roger Stone and friends were able to take down Al Franken so easily and why you had Democrats demanding that the three top Democrats in the Virginia Governor’s mansion  resign without scrupling about the fact that these charges and stories were all coming from Big League Politics, a Breitbart outfit with Roy Moore aides. I’m sure the aides of a pedophile are really offended over the charges of sexual assault against Justin Fairfax for the principle of it, not just because Fairfax is a Democrat.

UPDATE: Or now we can add Katie Hill who was forced to walk the plank based upon revenge porn from her abusive ex husband-what a victory for #MeToo!


“In addition, the Times offered a reversal of an earlier narrative the girl herself had advanced in an interview with BuzzFeed, in which she had claimed to be mortified to have inadvertently damaged Clinton’s chances of being elected.”

FN: According to what she said in the immediate aftermath she claimed to be ‘upset with Comey’-join the club, who isn’t upset with Comey these days? But, to be sure, this was just a ruse as we will see below.

She also told investigators that she hoped “somehow to influence the U.S. presidential election, in addition to securing personal profit.”

Well check and check-pretty impressive bucket list for someone still a few days short of the age of consent.

“The next day, the Times ran a piece which amplified Devlin-Brown’s questions about the girl’s motives and cyber-messaging behaviors. In it, the defense counsel’s memo was quoted in detail, describing the girl’s highly sexualized attempts to get “Anthony to act out” — beginning with her initial messages to him, which offered to “prove she had a vagina” — as well as her “selectively taking screenshots of her phone to document the exchanges before they disappeared.”

This is what’s so complicated about this case. Because she was underage when this happened she’s presumed to be a victim full stop. Yet her motivation is such that if she were an adult she could go to prison-she conspired through fraudulent means to effect the result of an election-the American Presidential election and she succeeded. If she were of age she’d be publicly burned in effigy-I don’t mean literally, of course, but her actions would be condemned just as those of Don Segretti, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, or Erik Prince. And I can buy that she’s a victim of a sort but if so it’s of her right wing father who was very happy to use the money she raised to pay for his own gambling debts.

FN: At the most basic, fundamental level, legally speaking, she was at least guilty of entrapment-quite apart from what the intent of that entrapment was-though that intent makes it even worse.

Ok. The point of this is not to necessarily exonerate Weiner. I’m just saying it sounds more like a weak man than an evil man-like Donald Trump. And that the fact that this young woman deliberately reached out to him to illicit such a response at least somewhat changes the dimensions of him from a pure predator and her from a pure victim. I mean I’m not a legal expert but aren’t there laws against entrapment? As for the underage young woman if she’s been corrupted by anyone it’s more her Dad who somehow raised her with the aspiration to be the next Monica Lewinsky.

“Most tantalizingly, Devlin-Brown — who had declined multiple requests for interviews from WhoWhatWhy during the course of our earlier investigation — asked the court to provide evidence “relating to political motivations by the victim or her father to damage [Clinton],” and “disclosures made to the Trump campaign or its surrogates” before the exclusive publication of the Weiner allegations on the mass-circulation, conservative tabloid news site DailyMail.com.”

“One important fact that has not been appreciated until now is the timing of the damaging article in that pro-Trump publication. It ran on September 21, 2016 — just one day before the girl’s 16th birthday. This made it possible for DailyMail.com to release it when it served to benefit Trump the most in the polls: while still referring to the girl as being 15, which is below North Carolina’s (and most states’) age of consent.”

You see why Nance’s Law says ‘coincidences take a lot of planning?’  I mean the story runs literally one day before she turns 16?

“DailyMail.com reached out to the 15-year-old girl’s family earlier this month after receiving information about her relationship with Weiner.”

“Moreover, in light of how the sexting relationship would come to be portrayed by the media, and most importantly the FBI, the girl and her father offered a puzzling rationale as to why they approached not law enforcement but a right-wing tabloid known for paying sources.”

No matter what you think of Weiner that’s a strange reaction don’t you think? I mean if you have a teenage daughter who was receiving sexts from and old, pervy former politician do you go to a Right wing tabloid to get paid or straight to the police?

But of course her father knew all along she was sexting with Weiner-as did Chuck Johnson.

“Although the girl said she did not want to press charges because she believes her relationship with Weiner was consensual, she and her father agreed to sit down for an interview out of concern that Weiner may be sexting with other underage girls.”

Sure it was ‘concern’-not greed to raise money to pay his gambling debts, to say nothing of the conservative political agenda to take down Clinton-that made them do it.

“While the girl’s depiction of her cyber-relationship with Weiner as “consensual” can easily be chalked up to teen naivete, her father facilitating (and taking part in) a paid interview before alerting authorities seems less innocent.”

“His actions, though atypical, might not be so mysterious. Sources inside the family complain that, strapped for cash, he began dipping liberally into his daughter’s $30,000 interview fee as soon as the check cleared.”

Sounds like father of the year material to me! Now enter-Sydney Leathers. In the last chapter we looked at the fact that Johnson had paid her to come up with Weiner dirt during the 2016 election-with the goal of weaponizing said dirt to take down Hillary. Above we saw that Johnson had actually spoken to Weiner’s underage sexting partner during the time they were sexting. Perhaps in this view it’s not so surprising that Leathers also spoke to her?

“Further evidence that the girl’s priorities may have been shaped by her father’s need for money comes from Sydney Leathers, a cyber-paramour of Weiner’s, who derailed his 2013 mayoral run and was contacted by the girl during May of 2016. “I told her to go to the police, she didn’t want to go to the police,” Leathers told WhoWhatWhy.

Leathers then gave her advice on how to cash in-as the girl intended to continue sexting Weiner. But let’s not lose sight of the big picture-during the many months that this underage girl was sexting with Weiner-during which time her father was completely aware; he did more than permit it he’d elicited it-she spoke to both Leathers who had taken down Weiner again in 2013, and Johnson who was then paying Leathers to get dirt on Weiner again-effectively to take him down again in order to take down Hillary Clinton.

“Since our last report on the scandal, WhoWhatWhy has conducted lengthy interviews with two close family members who possess direct knowledge of Weiner’s accuser’s actions and private statements. (One of these sources read our piece without recognizing the misidentification, contacting us only to supplement the record, but was instrumental in correcting a reporting error in which we focused on another, slightly older, girl who attended the same school.)”

“The sources each maintain that the girl’s father — her main custodian during the period she and Weiner were carrying on a cyber-fling — encouraged her efforts to communicate with the 53-year-old politician. Perhaps taking her cue from her father, who we were told struggled financially due to a serious gambling problem, the girl herself spoke repeatedly about wanting to profit financially from her cyber-affair with Weiner.”

“She talks constantly of ‘[financial] restitution,’” says one of the sources, who also notes she has embraced our society’s unfortunate equation of fame and infamy.

“I want to be the next Monica Lewinsky,” the girl told family members separately, referring to the White House intern whose sexual relations with Bill Clinton in the late 1990s nearly took down his presidency.

“That the girl wanted to damage Hillary Clinton — a disclosure that has not received wide attention — is not totally new, having first been noted in passing in a wide-ranging May 2017 New Yorker piece about Comey’s firing. In a private Facebook message, which in turn scolded and warned Weiner for his behaviors, Leathers wrote in part, “She’s talking about potentially messing with Hillary’s campaign.” (Leathers went on to receive a payout from DailyMail.com for helping to arrange the interview with the girl.)

“The girl has not been shy about accepting selected high-profile opportunities to put out her message — a message that never deviates from the theme that she was a naive innocent with benign motives when she contacted the radioactive politician. This September 13, she appeared on the tabloid show Inside Edition, with her image unobscured for the first time, and repeatred that line:

“I just sent him a nice message: ‘Hello, I’m a huge fan,’ she recalled, but said that after he sent her some shirtless photos of himself, she “realized it was going downhill.” She adds, “I was disgusted. … That’s part of the reason I came forward.”

As she and her father had in fact intended for Weiner to take the bait and start sexting her version of events here are false.

Coincidences take a lot of planning and GOP operatives had been planning to setup Weiner as a pedophile for years. 

Again note that prior to this episode none of his sexting partners had been underage.


There are multiple attempts to smear Weiner by falsely connecting him to “teen girls” online. In June, Breitbart News and Mediaite posted stories purporting to show evidence that Weiner had been cyber-flirting with two teenagers. Mediaite extensively quoted two 16-year-olds under the pseudonyms “Betty and Veronica.” Both of them, however, along with “Betty’s” mom, turned out to be invented personasMediaite was forced to issue a retraction, even though the story’s writer claimed to have gone to “more than reasonable” lengths to confirm the accusers’ identities.”

Then comes Trump’s incredibly accurate prediction that ‘Weiner would tell the world’ about the sins of the Clintons’.


Less than a month after he officially declares his candidacy, Donald Trump tweets:

“It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary’s private illegal emails. Huma’s PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world.”

So what did Donald ‘Nostradamus’ Trump mean way back in the Summer of 2015 in his strikingly prophetic prediction? How would Weiner ‘tell the world’ about what his wife allegedly ‘knows’ regarding Clinton’s emails?

As observed above, Weiner was very weak with no self control. It was clear that he was the GOP’s favorite catfishing target-the quote of him above shows he knew the NY Post was after him but he still just couldn’t stop. I guess this is why he’s been going to sex addiction class for years. It’s an amazingly postmodern version of sex addiction-the very idea of sex addiction is already a postmodern idea-as he’s a sex addict who had no actual sex-it’s all virtual. But again the virtual sex crimes of Weiner-most of them haven’t even been crimes-have been punished far more harshly than the real sex crimes of Trump. Roy Moore and many of his GOP friends-perhaps including the prospective next SJC, Brett Kavanaugh.

As for his young sexting partner her version of how she came to seek him out doesn’t really add up. 

“Coverage of Weiner’s online relationship with the 15-year-old girl has been unrelenting and focused solely on Weiner. Not only was the episode lurid (and therefore prime fodder for a voyeuristic public), but it represented the final debasement in Weiner’s long-running, much-chronicled pattern of self-destructive behavior.”

“Beginning in 2011, separate, highly publicized sexting incidents with women in their 20s torpedoed first his congressional career and then, after he had partially recovered, a formidable, populist-oriented bid to become mayor of New York City.”

“But Weiner’s well-known lack of self control had put him in the crosshairs of Republican apparatchiks looking to further embarrass him, his wife Huma Abedin and, by extension, her boss Hillary Clinton. This, combined with the far-reaching effects of the Weiner criminal investigation, should have spurred journalists to dig further.”

As whowhatwhy observes it’s a mystery how a young woman in North Carolina got so interested in socializing with some old  pervy former NYC politician.

“This is a slight variation of the account she first gave to DailyMail.com back in September. The new interview raises two vexing questions that the previous interviewer failed to touch upon. How did a 15-year-old girl become a “huge fan” of a congressman from a faraway state, who resigned in disgrace when she was 10 years old? Indeed, how many people of any age would consider themselves “a huge fan” of Weiner in his years of disgrace? And if the girl was so disgusted with Weiner from the get-go, why did she carry on communicating with him for six more months?”

“Besides her father’s reported financial motives (he declined to speak to WhoWhatWhy) and her own desire for notoriety, another partial answer to the riddle may lie in the influence of Leathers — a constant, somewhat contradictory, media presence throughout the entire scandal.”

“First contacted by the girl in May, 2016, Leathers’ initial reactions included asking her own therapist to notify North Carolina Child Protective Services about what she was told (nothing came of it); she also, as related above, warned Weiner about the girl’s motives and profited from setting up her DailyMail.com interview. Most recently, she told the Post that, for her, the news that Weiner would do time was “a birthday gift.

“In a telephone interview with WhoWhatWhy after our second Weiner piece, Leathers wondered, albeit in a limited way, how she might have served as a model for the troubled girl’s behavior. The girl had spoken with at least one other media personality about Weiner around May, gossip blogger Nik Richie. He was the person Leathers tipped off in 2013 about her own cyber-sex with Weiner, allowing his website The Dirty to break the story.”

“I don’t know if she was just trying to do what I did or whatever, but she went to Nik and he approached me,” Leathers said.

“After the girl and her father sold her story for $30,000 to DailyMail.com, the ramifications of Weiner’s dalliance quickly went far beyond those intimately involved. By late October, 2016, it had spiraled into a renewed investigation of Clinton’s State Department emails.”

“The investigation was quickly pronounced over, but by that time it was two days before the election — and Trump had re-gained much needed momentum, according to opinion polls. In a September 13, 2017, piece devoted to Weiner’s sentencing, the Times reminded us that back in May “Clinton attributed her loss in part” to the last-minute FBI investigation. And Clinton re-asserts that point in her new book.”

And the rest is history. We are still living with the aftermath today-a full blown legitimacy crisis. And this young girl and her father-working with Sydney Leathers, Chuck Johnson, the Daily Mail among others, created quite a ‘coincidence’ with all their planning.



The below could stand to be edited and updated

In addition does this belong in this chapter at all?

UPDATE 2.0 Feeling even more strongly now it doesn’t belong here. Tom Watson’s tweet belongs somewhere else or own chapter?

As noted in Chapter A Nadler had vowed to investigate Comeygate long before the Dems wave 2018 election but we’ve heard little since-in fairness they do have a very large plate-just yesterday the Dems released a resolution on their impeachment procedures. 

Certainly one positive aspect of Pelosi’s preference for the investigation to go through HSPCI is it sidelines some of Trump’s top GOP co-conspirators.

Though they’re still stuck with Devin Nunes.

Having said all that the full story of Comeygate cum Emailgate cum Weinergate still remains to be told. In Chapter B I’d first argued that the GOP should be in the penalty box for 25 years which in retrospect this is ridiculous-it should be more like 100 years. Because this is fundamental if our elections aren’t even legitimate never mind the policy debates. Until we have a full accounting of what happened in 2016 and all guilty parties have been held accountable there’s no question of ‘just getting over it’-to turn the page we have to have true closure and accountability.


This tweet is right on and belongs SOMEWHERE wether or not that somewhere is here

UPDATE: Chapter No Moving On is the right place

This chapter is fairly tight. The Watson tweet can go to Chapter No Moving on. Some of this other stuff you can’t

UPDATE: That it must be 100  years is all the more confirmed by the GOP’s shameful conduct during the impeachment trial-it’s one thing to argue that what Trump did may have been wrong but perhaps it’s not impeachable-a substantive argument at least-though wrong.

Instead you have Marsha Blackburn attacking a heroic General like Adam Vindman-GOP is truly the party of chicken hawks led by a fake ‘President’ who avoided Vietnam over a fake bone spurs debility-the faux outrage over Clinton’s school deferment turns out to have been as counterfeit as Ken Star’s faux outrage over lying about sex or the faux outrage of the GOP co-conspirators, the FBI, and the MSMers over Hillary’s emails-and Mitt Romney-allegedly a serious, thoughtful pubic servant declaring the impeachment trial ‘boring’ and that ‘nobody’s watching.’

In Chapter A I argue-it was Glenn Kirschner’s idea-that after the election-assuming Dems win-they have a Trump Crimes Commission. One of the many episodes to examine remains not just Russian Collusion and Ukrainian Extortion but Rogue FBI Agent Collusion.

UPDATE: Horowitz has now revealed he will never release the report.

A first witness should be Michael Horowitz to explain why after three years we still haven’t seen the promised report on the leaks of the rogue anti Hilary pro Trump FBI agents-he did indicate recently in his report investigating the Russian investigators that the investigation of the rogue FBI agents continues-the question begging is why it isn’t already done-why does it keep getting lapped by Trump-GOP co-conspirator priorities regarding Strozk’s texts, Andy McCabe, the etymology of Russia investigation, etc.

As for Weintergate there are a lot of questions to say the least starting with the magic missing month between when NY FBIers ‘found’ Huma’s emails on Weiner’s laptop and Comey came through with his hamdanded, indefensible letter.

For more on the missing month see Chapter Missing Month.


But Her Emails: Why all Roads Still Lead to Russia Copyright © by nymikesax. All Rights Reserved.