This Guide is the work of many – more than we can name, many whose names we do not even know. Like hip-hop, popular education – the foundation of our movement building practice – is a forever riff, iterative and adaptive, borrowing and mixing from the work of others across time and borders. In JASS’ more than two decades, we have worked with thousands of activists, organisers, NGOs, popular educators, donor allies, and movement scholars in dozens of contexts and on many different issues. Each of those people has contributed to our learning about power and movement strategy. We can’t name them all, but this Guide is a tribute to that collective learning and commitment to strong feminist movement-builders and the transformative gender, economic, climate, and social justice movements they shape.
And there are also many people who have played direct roles in this Guide.
- Lead authors: Lisa VeneKlasen, Jethro Pettit, Alexa Bradley
- Editor: Annie Holmes
- Illustrations: Hansel Obando
- Graphic design, layout, and webwork: Oscar Wekesa
- Production coordination: Fátima Valdivia
- Content development and review: Valerie Miller, Ronald Wesso
- Reviewers: Juliet Millican, James Savage
- Translation (English–Spanish): Margarita Cruz
- Spanish review by Kay Stubbs, Manuela Arancibia, Fátima Valdivia, Laura Carlsen
- Proofreaders: Violeta Yurikko Medina Trinidad and Sara Englehard
- Animation: Fernâo Spadotto
- Sound editing: Fernando Martinez
There are also many contributors to the core ideas, frameworks and methodologies: Shereen Essof, Mariela Arce, Patricia Ardón, Valerie Miller, John Gaventa and Rosemary McGee as well as others at the Institute of Development Studies, Anna Davies-van Es, Hope Chigudu, Phumi Mtetwa, Srilatha Batliwala, Malena de Montis, Kunthea Chan, Sibongile Singini, Awino Okech, Koni Benson, Tarso Luís Ramos, the Northstar Network, Dave Mann and the Grassroots Power Project, Nani Zulminarni, Dina Lumbantobing, Everjoice Win, ‘Bertita’ Cáceres, Laura Zúñiga, Marusia López Cruz, Rosa Chávez, Niken Lestari, Dalila de Jesús Vásquez, Tiwonge Gondwe, Daysi Flores, Azola Goqwana, Sindi Blose, Andrea Cornwall, Cindy Clark, Lisa McGowan.
Very importantly, we want to lift up the invaluable contributions of the many grassroots community and movement partners with whom we discussed, developed, tested, and consolidated thinking and methodology on power, change, and strategy. This Guide is for you most of all.
Thank you to our donor partners who invested in translating our practical experiences and innovations with these concepts and methodologies into this Guide, with gratitude for your patience with various iterations over several years. Special thanks to the Fund for Global Human Rights, who encouraged and accompanied this process from the beginning, Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, Channel Foundation, Count Me In! Consortium funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oak Foundation, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.