Wilhelm “William” and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse – Family


Alwin Carl Kirmse - Confirmation 1924
Alwin Carl Kirmse – Confirmation 1924
Alwin Carl Kirmse - Confirmation 1924. Scanned from photographs shared by Donna (Kirmse) Martin, April 26, 2015.
Alwin Carl Kirmse – Confirmation 1924. Scanned from photographs shared by Donna (Kirmse) Martin, April 26, 2015.


Alwin Carl Kirmse is the son of Martha Margaretha (Cordes) and William Kirmse.

Alwin Carl Kirmse
Alwin Carl Kirmse


Alwin Carl Kirmse confirmation portrait and confirmation record.

Confirmation Record

Confirmation Record. Scanned from Zion Lutheran Church Records, Alva, Oklahoma, December, 2003.
Confirmation Record. Scanned from Zion Lutheran Church Records, Alva, Oklahoma, December, 2003.

Number 213. Name of Confirmant: Alwin Carl Kirmse; Name of Father: William Kirmse; Date of Birth of Confirmant: June 6, 1911, Alva, Okla; Date of Confirmation: 
April 27, 1924; Mt 6.33; City of Birth; Zion’s WHMeyer


April 27, 1924


Alva, Oklahoma


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Julius Kirmse Family Copyright © by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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