Julius Kirmse Property


Julius Kirmse purchased 60 acres from Peter V. Beauvais and his wife Rachel W. Beauvais for $300 on 8 December 1865.


Presented below are the deed documents of the 60 acre purchase.

Deed Jacket Cover - 1865
Deed Jacket Cover – 1865
Deed of property by Peter V. Beauvais and his wife Rachel W. Beauvais to Julius Kirmse - 8 Dec 1865
Deed of property by Peter V. Beauvais and his wife Rachel W. Beauvais to Julius Kirmse – 8 Dec 1865
Declaration of Identity - 1865
Declaration of Identity – 1865
Certificate of Deed Recording - 1866
Certificate of Deed Recording – 1866


Property description: “the North East quarter of the South East quarter of Section No. Fifteen and the West half of the North West quarter of the South West quarter of Section No. Fourteen In the Township Thirty Five North of Range Twelve East containing sixty acres more or less”.

The following maps show the location of the 60 acre property that Julius Kirmse purchased (Now owned by his granddaughter Helen Kirmse Hacker).

Salem Township 1993-1994 landowners map showing the 60 acres outlined in orange
Salem Township 1993-1994 landowners map showing the 60 acres outlined in orange



  1. The ending of the American Civil War is generally considered to be the surrender of General Lee in April 1865. This was only eight months before the completion of this land purchase on 8 December 1865.
  2. In 1859, Julius paid $105 for 40 acres ($2.63/acre) and in 1865 he paid $300 dollars for 60 acres ($5/acre).
  3. This property is known in the family as the “lower fields”.


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Julius Kirmse Family Copyright © by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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