Julius Kirmse Property
Julius Kirmse purchased land for $1,650 through a deed of trust from Ignatz Zahner and Sarah Zahner on 19 September 1896.
Presented below are the deed documents of the land purchase.

Property description: See above proof of publication.
The following map shows the location of the property outlined in orange that Julius Kirmse purchased.

- This property was acquired by Julius’s oldest son Karl Kirmse and was known in the family as “Carl Kirmse’s place”.
- Helen (Kirmse) Hacker wrote in an email 05 April 2016 “That trustee’s sale of land was about 118 acres and that fits about to the land he owned on it. He gave or sold it to Uncle Karl who in turn gave Amanda 6 or 7 acres and the rest of the farm to his step son Paul Heise in return for Room & board for his lifetime.”
- Helen (Kirmse) Hacker also wrote in an email 05 April 2016 “It still seems to me like Uncle Karl owned the land between, the two plots. Maybe he bought it later. On my new map it has 157 acres in name of Vernon Bachman which was that place.The small plot with M 7 was what He gave Amanda. The small plot is within the line of the main farm.”