Wilhelm “William” and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse – Family


Norma and Ella Kirmse
Norma and Ella Kirmse
Source: Scanned from photographs shared by Judy (Kirmse) Yordi, April 26, 2015.
Source: Scanned from photographs shared by Judy (Kirmse) Yordi, April 26, 2015.


    • Norma Martha Kirmse is the daughter of William and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse.
      Norma Martha Kirmse
      Norma Martha Kirmse
  • Ella Anna Paulina Kirmse is the daughter of William and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse.
    Ella Anna Paulina Kirmse
    Ella Anna Paulina Kirmse


Portrait of two Kirmse sisters – Norma Martha Kirmse and Ella Anna Paulina Kirmse.


Circa 1940.


Alva, Oklahoma.


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Julius Kirmse Family Copyright © by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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