Wilhelm “William” and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse – Family


William and Martha Kirmse Family
William and Martha Kirmse Family
Source: Scanned from photographs shared by Judy (Kirmse) Yordi, April 26, 2015.
 Source: Scanned from photographs shared by Judy (Kirmse) Yordi, April 26, 2015.


Front Row Left to Right:

  • Wilhelm Kirmse, son of Julius Kirmse and Barbara Kraus.
    Wilhelm Kirmse
    Wilhelm Kirmse
  • Julius Heinrich Kirmse, son of William Kirmse and Martha Cordes.
    Julius Heinrich Kirmse
    Julius Heinrich Kirmse
  • Edna Barbara Kirmse, daughter of William Kirmse and Martha Cordes.
    Edna Barbara Kirmse
    Edna Barbara Kirmse
  • Martha Margaretha (Cordes) Kirmse, daughter of Henry Cordes and Margaretha Meier.
    Martha Margaretha (Cordes) Kirmse
    Martha Margaretha (Cordes) Kirmse

    Back Row Left to Right:

  • Unidentified Woman
    Unidentified Woman
    Unidentified Woman
  • Unidentified Boy
    Unidentified Boy
    Unidentified Boy


William and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse family portrait plus two unidentified people.

The unidentified woman and boy are thought to be relatives. Possibly someone can identify them.


Circa 1909. Edna died on July 10, 1909 when she was 17 months old – Edna appears to be about that age in this portrait.


Goodwin, Oklahoma – probably.


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Julius Kirmse Family Copyright © by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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