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1. Leaving Home - Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg
2. Julius Kirmse Arrived in New York
3. Family Lore
4. Buffalo, New York Circa 1853-1885
5. Illinois Central Railroad
6. Purchased Land in Perry County
7. Founding Member of Salem Lutheran Church
8. American/Missouri Civil War
9. Julius Kirmse Naturalization
10. Julius and Barbara (Kraus) Kirmse
11. Barbara (Kraus) Kirmse Bible and Birth Record
12. Joseph "Joe" Kirmse
13. Wilhelm "William" Kirmse
14. Louis Kirmse
15. Johanna Katharina Kirmse
16. Three Kirmse Brothers
17. Three Kirmse Brothers
18. Three Kirmse Brothers and Spouses
19. Five Cousins
20. Great Grandchildren of Julius and Barbara Kirmse
21. Julius Kirmse and Leonard Hacker
22. Julius Kirmse and Helen Kirmse
23. Kirmse Family Reunion - 1948
24. Maria (Kirmse) and Clemens Doernhoefer
25. Clemens and Mary Doernhoefer - Family
26. August Karl "Charles" and Amelie B. (Hacker) (Heise) Kirmse
27. Amanda Edna Kirmse
28. Amanda Edna Kirmse - Confirmation
29. Harry and Amanda (Kirmse) Mehner
30. Amanda (Kirmse) and Harry Mehner - Family
31. Hilbert and Maxine Mehner - Confirmation
32. Maxine Martha Mehner
33. Joseph "Joe" and Martha Wilhemina (Kassel) Kirmse
34. Wilhelm "William" and Martha (Cordes) Kirmse
35. Martha (Cordes) and William Kirmse - Wedding Party
36. Edna and Julius Kirmse
37. Laura Kirmse - Confirmation
38. Alwin Carl Kirmse - Confirmation 1924
39. Julius Heinrich Kirmse - Confirmation
40. William and Martha Kirmse Children - 1919
41. Julius and Alwin Kirmse
42. William and Martha Kirmse Family
43. Norma Martha Kirmse
44. Norma Kirmse - Confirmation
45. Ella Anna Paulina Kirmse
46. Laura Helena Maria Kirmse
47. Norma and Ella Kirmse
48. Ella Anna Paulina Kirmse - Confirmation
49. Alwin Carl Kirmse - Funeral
50. Louis and Anna Marie (Weinhold) Kirmse
51. Louis and Anna Kirmse Family
52. Katharina (Kirmse) and Emmanuel Hacker
53. Joseph Alanzo and Leneta (Hacker) Stelling - Family
54. Katarina (Kirmse) and Emanuel Hacker Family
55. Joe and Louis Kirmse Shattuck Farm
56. Joe Kirmse Shattuck Farm
57. Julius Kirmse Land Purchase – 1859
58. Julius Kirmse Land Purchase – 1865
59. Julius Kirmse Land Purchase – 1870
60. Julius Kirmse Land Purchase – 1890
61. Julius Kirmse Land Purchase – 1896
62. Perry County’s Most Historic Place
63. Maria (Kirmse) Doernhoefer (1868 - 1947)
64. Bark Kosmos, Bremen
65. Kosmos - Family Trier/Frier Passengers
66. Salem Lutheran Church Founding Members
67. The Perry County Connection for Julius Kirmse
Acknowledgement of Contributors
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Julius Kirmse Family Copyright © by Dale Kirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.