[This book was funded by Nazarbayev University under the funder Project ( Reference# 280720FD1903 and Funder Project Reference: 021220FD4351]  and International Turkic Academy.

How to use this book?

You will reach texts and view/ listen to audio materials and interactive questions on this book when you click on “contents” in the left corner.  You need to choose the language and module you will study under the ” +” tabs.  You can move forward by following the arrows at the bottom of the page. “-” tabs unfold the modules.

Links for activities are provided after each reading and audio-visual materials.

You can find written model dialogues and listen to them.   Dialogues are prepared to guide you when you have a conversation.

You can review vocabulary related to the lesson.

You will find grammar videos.




LEARN TURKIC LANGUAGES Copyright © by Funda Güven; Zhazira Agabekova; Balaussa Amir; Yulduzkhan Turgunova; Dariga Kanatova; Adiya Ibrayeva; Maftuna Khalmatbayeva; Anargul Essenaliyeva; Dilyara Ergashvayeva; Nargiz Karamova; and Sanam Maratova. All Rights Reserved.

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