
Christ inheriting the whole earth:

·       Psalm 2:8

·       Romans 4:13

·       Galatians 3:16

·       Colossians 1:16

·       Hebrews 1:2; 2:10

The inheritance theme:

·       Genesis 15:7; 17:5–8

·       1 Chronicles 29:14–18

·       Psalm 2:8; 37:29; 105:6–11; 115:16

·       Isaiah 45:18

·       Ezekiel 47:13–23; 48:29

·       Matthew 5:5; 19:27–29

·       Romans 4:13–18; 8:16–17; 15:8–9

·       Galatians 3:13–29

·       Ephesians 2:11–22; 3:6

·       Colossians 1:12–16

·       Hebrews 1:2

Gentiles grafted into Israel:

·       John 4:20–22; 10:16

·       Romans 9:4–8, 24–26; 10:8–13, 17–20; 11:11–32; 15:8–12

·       Galatians 3

·       Ephesians 2:11–22, 3:6

The single second advent:

·       Job 19:25

·       Isaiah 26:21; 35:4; 40:10; 59:17–20; 62:11

·       Daniel 7:22

·       Matthew 16:27; 24:30–31; 25:31

·       Luke 17:24–30; 21:25–28

·       Acts 1:11

·       1 Corinthians 4:5; 15:23

·       Philippians 3:20

·       Colossians 3:4

·       1 Thessalonians 2:19; 3:13; 4:16–17; 5:1–4, 23

·       2 Thessalonians 1:7, 10; 2:8

·       1 Timothy 6:13–16

·       2 Timothy 4:1, 8

·       Titus 2:13

·       Hebrews 9:27–28

·       1 Peter 1:7; 5:4

·       1 John 2:28; 3:2

·       Jude 1:14

·       Revelation 1:7; 22:12


·       Job 19:26

·       Psalm 16:10; 17:15; 49:15

·       Isaiah 26:19

·       Ezekiel 37:7–14

·       Daniel 12:2–3

·       Luke 14:1420:36

·       John 5:28–29; 6:40; 11:24

·       Acts 24:15

·       1 Corinthians 15:23, 52

·       Philippians 3:21

·       Colossians 3:4

·       1 Thessalonians 4:16

·       1 Peter 1:3–9; 5:4

·       1 John 3:2

Rewards being granted at the second advent:

·       Isaiah 35:4; 40:10; 59:17–20; 62:11

·       Daniel 7:22

·       Matthew 16:27

·       Luke 14:14

·       1 Corinthians 3:13–15; 4:5

·       1 Thessalonians 2:19

·       1 Timothy 6:19

·       2 Timothy 4:8

·       Hebrews 9:27–28

·       1 Peter 5:4

·       Revelation 22:12

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