
Lärarlärdom 2017

Högskolepedagogisk utveckling har under senare år fått en tydligare och mer framträdande roll vid universitet och högskolor. Under senare år har också ett allt större fokus riktats mot utbildningars resultat. Frågor som rör kvaliteten i undervisningen blir därmed centrala. Att utveckla och stödja lärares pedagogiska skicklighet samt belysa villkoren för den undervisning som bedrivs inom högre utbildning är angeläget. Behovet av en gemensam samlingspunkt för pedagogiska och didaktiska diskussioner där lärare och andra yrkeskategorier som är intresserade av av ämnet på BTH, Högskolan i Kristianstads och Linnéuniversitetet kan träffas och föra dessa diskussioner tillsammans och över ämnesgränser är stort. Genom att anordna en årlig högskolepedagogisk konferens vill vi främja ett utbyte av erfarenheter från den dagliga undervisningen och insikter kring det lärande som möjliggörs.

Lärarlärdom 2017 gick av stapeln på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, campus Karlshamn den 16 augusti och samlade ett femtiotal deltagare.



Det akademiska lärarskapet som del av den akademiska professionen

Åsa Lindberg – Sand:  docent vid institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap och avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling vid Luns universitet.

Trots att alla anställningar i högre utbildning som kräver vetenskapligt kompetens benämns ”lärare” vet alla som arbetar inom området att det som oftast väger tyngst vid befordran är de vetenskapliga meriterna. Lärarbenämningen kan därför uppfattas som lite urholkad inifrån. Men eftersom undervisningens kvalitet är helt beroende av skickliga lärarinsatser och god pedagogisk ledning har det under de senaste decennierna vuxit fram olika kompenserande system för att stödja utveckling av pedagogisk skicklighet på andra sätt: särskild pedagogisk meritering, pedagogiska akademier, konferenser och publikationsmöjligheter. Efter Boyers inspel i början av 1990-talet har merparten av dessa initiativ hämtat sitt perspektiv från en av de fyra delar av hela den akademiska professionen som han pekade ut: The scholarship of teaching (and learning, som lagts till senare – SoTL). Scholarship är omöjligt att översätta, så på svenska föreslogs t.ex. både Lärarlärdom och Akademiskt lärarskap. I min presentation tänker jag resonera kring samspelet mellan det som kan inrymmas i akademiskt lärarskap och vad helheten i den akademiska professionen kräver, med en utgångspunkt i den SUHF-rapport om högskolepedagogisk utbildning som publiceras under våren. Fokus kommer att ligga på hur variationer i det akademiska lärarskapet samspelar med övriga krav i den akademiska professionen. Finns det en risk att vi avgränsar det akademiska lärarskapet för tydligt och för snävt?



Några presentatörer valde att publicera sina artiklar i full text. Nedan följer abstracten till dessa. I följande kapitel kan den fulla texten läsas.

Under konferensen spelades ett urval av presentationerna in. Inspelningarna, samt alla abstract och presentationer finns på: www.bth.se/lararlardom


A, B, C − U eller G? Vi får väl se! Om bedömning och betygssättning inom högre utbildning

Åsa Lindberg, Linnéuniversitetet

Assessment and examination in higher education takes place in a complex context where many perspectives affect; management, academic developers, students and not least teachers. That assessment strongly influences students’ learning is well documen­ted (Gibbs 1999; Marton 2005). The study’s starting point is that a better understanding of how teachers really relate to this very important part of the teaching profession, create better prerequisites for working continuously to enhance the quality of higher education. The purpose of this study is to describe university teachers’ perceptions on assessment and examination as a basis for creating conditions for the development of grading as being a strong influencing factor in student learning. The method is a combination of question­naires and interviews, thus both qualitative and quantitative methods was used to collect data of both qualitative and quantitative nature, which was analyzed with both qualitative and quantitative methods. Results show the relation­ship between the conditions, criteria for what is regarded as assessment and examination of good quality, and the development of the same. The empirical results also identify diverse perceptions to a variety of aspects related to assessment and examina­tion, but also educational develop­ment in general. The importance of knowledge trans­fer is repeated where discussions and explanations between colleagues and students, in order to create meaning and development is required.


Are finance students over- or under confident – A study on the ability to predict grades

Emil Numminen och Ola Olsson, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

Overconfidence is a cognitive bias that most people suffer from. A person suffers from overconfidence bias when his or her own subjective estimation of an ability is significantly higher than an objective estimation of the same ability. Previous research in pedagogy has established that students suffer from overconfidence when it comes to grade prediction in business and economics. A student suffering from overconfidence bias have a propensity to study less than required since the subjective estimation of comprehension of the subject is higher than it really is when measured objectively. The implication of overconfidence is thus that a student will not fulfill his or her own full potential of learning the subject. This paper adds to the overconfidence research in pedagogy by measuring the level of overconfidence throughout an entire course to analyze the relation between learning and overconfidence. This has not been done in previous research. Students made estimation of their final exam score at five times throughout the course. Results show that students are overconfident and that they do not calibrate their expectations over time, on a general level. as they perhaps should given how they perform in learning the subject. Female students show a lower degree of overconfidence and had a higher tendency to calibrate their expectations. After having taken the exam and making a final estimation of expected grade, overconfidence drastically went down but less so for fourth year students in relation to third year students. In this estimation female third year students even became under-confident.


Analyzing the Impact of Differences in Academic Cultures on the Learning Experiences of Overseas Master’s Students

Javier Gonzales-Huerta, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

Problem: As teachers at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), we sometimes observe that students from overseas partner universities experience difficulties in participating with learning and assessment activities on the courses we teach.  We hypothesise that a significant cause is the difference in academic cultures between the students’ home universities and BTH.
Intended Outcomes: Our objective is to understand the challenges and barriers to effective learning faced by overseas students from partner universities as a result of differences in academic culture.
Method: The context of the research work is overseas students from partner universities in China and India taking the Master’s in Software Engineering program at BTH.  The study was conducted as a series of focus group interviews with students enrolled in this program.  The resulting discussions were analysed using constructive grounded theory to identify the main challenges and barriers experienced by the students during their first months at BTH.
Relevance: Guidance, supported by empirical evidence, as to the nature of the differences which would help our program in developing resources to help students and teachers to be better prepared to accommodate differences in academic culture at course, program, and school-levels.

Assessing Knowledge Through Written Reviews of First-Year Programming Students

Emil Folino, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

In this paper, a method of qualitative assessment of programming students’ knowledge and comprehension is investigated. The qualitative assessment is done by reading students’ review texts from three subsequent courses’ individual programming project. The review texts are analyzed according to the SOLO Taxonomy and the students are awarded a SOLO level of Unistructural, Multistructural or Relational. The SOLO level is compared to the final grade of the three courses and a relation between a student’s final grade and the SOLO level is shown. Furthermore, a positive progression in the students’ comprehension and understanding of the course material is observed as the students progress through the three subsequent courses. A recommendation is given to complement programming exercises with written assignments where the students get an opportunity to reflect and expand on the completed exercises.


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Lärarlärdom, högskolepedagogisk konferens, 2017 Copyright © 2017 by Enheten för utbildningsutveckling, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.