
Abbreviations have generally been avoided, being used in unit and appointment titles, in text and in tables where space, repetition or context make it desirable or unavoidable.

A MD Military District
AA Australian Archives Mech Mechanical
AA Avn Australian Army Aviation Corps MFO Multinational Force and Observers
AA BC Australian Army Band Corps MG machine gun
AACC Australian Army Catering Corps MGO Master General of the Ordnance
AAF Australian Army Force MHR Member of the House of Representatives
AATTV Australian Army Training Team Vietnam mid mentioned in dispatches
ABC Atomic, Biological and Chemical MINURSO UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
AC Companion of the Order of Australia MM Military Medal
Admin Administration MMM Military Merit Medal
ACM Air Chief Marshal MSD Meritorious Service Decoration
ACPers Assistant Chief of Personnel MSM Meritorious Service Medal
ADC aide de camp MT Mechanical Transport
ADFA Australian Defence Force Academy Mtd Mounted
AFC Air Force Cross MVO Member of the Victorian Order
AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines N
AFV Australian Force Vietnam NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
AHQ Army Headquarters NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
AIF Australian imperial Force NCO Non-commissioned Officer
AK Knight of the Order of Australia NG New Guinea
AKR Army of the Khmer Republic NIR Nigerian Infantry Regiment
ALSG Australian Logistic Support Group NQ North Queensland
AMF Australian Military Forces NS National Service
AMR Australian Military Regulations NSW New South Wales
ANARE Australian National Antarctic Relief Expedition NT Northern Territory
Anzac Australian and New Zealand Army Corps NZ New Zealand
Anzac Australia(n) and New Zealand (generically) O
ANZUK Australian, New Zealand and United Kingdom OAM Medal of the Order of Australia
AO Officer of the Order of Australia OBE Officer of the Order of the British Empire
AOD Advanced Ordnance Depot OC Officer Commanding
APC Armoured Personnel Carrier O/C Officer Cadet
Appx Appendix OCS Officer Cadet School
AQMG Assistant Quartermaster General Offr Officer
ARA Australian Regular Army OIR Officer Intelligence Rating
Armd Armoured ONUMUZ United Nations Observers Mozambique
ARRC Associate of the Royal Red Cross Op Operating
Arty Artillery Ops Operations
ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam Ord Ordnance
ATF Australian Task Force ORBAT Order of Battle
Aust Australia(ian) P
Aust Int Australian Intelligence Corps para paragraph
AVM Air Vice Marshal PC Privy Councillor
AWAS Australian Womens Auxiliary Service PCCU Postal and Courier Communications Unit
AWM Australian War Memorial Pers Personnel
B Pet Petroleum
BCFK British Commonwealth Force Korea PIR Pacific Islands Regiment
BCM Bronze Cross Medal Pl Platoon
BCOF British Commonwealth Occupation Force PMC President of the Mess Committee
Bde Brigade PMF Permanent Military Forces
BEM British Empire Medal PNG Papua New Guinea
BHP Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd PNGDF Papua New Guinea Defence Force
BM Bravery Medal pr pounder
Bn Battalion Pt Point, Port
BOS Board of Studies Pte Private
Brig Brigadier PT Physical Training
BSM Battalion Sergeant Major PTI Physical Training Instructor
Bty Battery Q
C QC Queen’s Commendation
ca circa Qld Queensland
CADRAN Cadets-Army Royal Australian Navy QM Quartermaster
CAG Commonwealth of Australia Gazette QMG Quartermaster General
Capt Captain Qtg Quartering
Cav Cavalry R
CB Commander of the Bath RAA Royal Australian Artillery
CBE Commander of the Order of the British Empire RAAC Royal Australian Armoured Corps
Cdo Commando RAAEC Royal Australian Education Corps
CGS Chief of the General Staff RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
Ch Chapter RAAMC Royal Australian Army Medical Corps
CMF Citizen Military Forces RAAOC Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps
CMG Commander of St Michael and St George RAASC Royal Australian Army Service Corps
CO Commanding Officer RACT Royal Australian Corps of Transport
COC Company of Officer Cadets RAE Royal Australian Engineers
Col Colonel RAEME Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Col Sgt Colour Sergeant RACMP Royal Australian Corps of Military Police
Colm Column RAF Royal Air Force
Comd Command, Commander RAR Royal Australian Regiment
Comm(s) Communication(s) RA Sigs Royal Australian Signals Corps
Coy Company RASR Regular Army Supplementary Reserve
Cpl Corporal RA Svy Royal Australian Survey Corps
Cpt Captain (Philippines) RAA Pro Royal Australian Army Provost Corps
CRAASC Commander RAASC RBLF Royal Brunei Land Force
CSM Company Sergeant Major RFMF Royal Fiji Military Forces
CSC Corps of Staff Cadets, Conspicuous Service Cross RMA Royal Military Academy
CTMO Chief Transport and Movements Officer Regt Regiment
CVO Companion of the Victorian Order Res Reserve
Cwlth Commonwealth RL Retired List
D RMC Royal Military College of Australia (Duntroon)
DADST Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport RNZAC Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps
DA&QMG Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General RNZA Royal New Zealand Artillery
DAQMG Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General RNZAOC Royal New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps
DCGS Deputy Chief of the General Staff RNZASC Royal New Zealand Army Service Corps
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal RNZCT Royal New Zealand Corps of Transport
Dep Depot RNZE Royal New Zealand Engineers
Det Detachment RNZEME Royal New Zealand Electrical&Mechanical Engineers
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross RNZIR Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment
DMT Director(ate) of Military Training RNZ Sigs Royal New Zealand Signals
Div Division RQMS Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant
DMOVT Director of Movements and Transport RSL Returned Services League of Australia
DOD Department of Defence RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
DSO Distinguished Service Order RTAF Royal Thai Armed Forces
DSS Distinguished Service Star S
DUKW wheeled amphibian SA South Australia/iarn
E SAF Armed Forces of the Republic of Singapore
ED Extra drill SASR Special Air Service Regiment
Engrs Engineers SEATO South East Asia Treaty Organisation
Eqpt Equipment Sec, Sect Section
Estb Establishment SGCE Services General Certificate of Education
F Sgt Sergeant
FARELF Far East Land Forces Sig. Sigs Signaller, Signals
Fd Field SM Sergeant Major
FDF Fiji Defence Force SMLE Short Muzzle Lee Enfield
Fd Regt Field Regiment SNCO Senior Non-commissioned Officer
FIR Fiji Infantry Regiment Spec Special
Flg Off Flying Officer Spr Sapper
FS Field Service Spt Support
ft foot (measure) Sqn Squadron
G SRD Supply Reserve Depot
GCM Gold Cross Medal Ssgt Staff Sergeant
GCMG Grand Commander of St Michael and St George ST Supplies and Transport
GCVO Grand Commander of the Victorian Order SUO Senior Under Officer
gen general Sup Supply(ies)
GL Gp Ground Liaison Group Svc Service
GM George Medal SVN South Vietnam
Gnr Gunner T
GOC General Officer Commanding TAFE Technical and Further Education
Gp Group Tas Tasmania/ian
GP General Purpose Tech Technical
GPMG general purpose machine gun TFMA Task Force Maintenance Area
GSO General Staff Officer TIR Tongan Infantry Regiment
H Tk Tank
HMAS Her Majesty’s Australian Ship Tml Terminal
HMS Her Majesty’s Ship Tn Transportation
Hosp Hospital Trg Training
HQ Headquarters Tp Troop
I Tps Troops
Inf Infantry Tpt Transport
Inst Institute Trk Tracked
ISCAM Inter-Service Athletics Meeting U
ISCSC Inter-Service Colleges Swimming Carnival UK United Kingdom
J UN United Nations
JTC Jungle Training Centre UNAMIR UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda
K UNC-K UN Command-Korea
KBE Knight of the British Empire UNIFIL UN Interim Force in Lebanon
KCB Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire UNIIMOG UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group
KCMG Knight Commander of St Michael & St George UNITAF UN Task Force in Somalia
KCVO Knight Commander of the Victorian Order UNMCTT UN Mine Clearance Training Team
kg kilogram UNMOGIP UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
km kilometre UNOSOM II Second UN Operation in Somalia
kph kilometres per hour UNSCOM UN Special Commission
KT Knight UNTAC UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia
kva kilovolt amp UNTAG UN Transition Assistance Group
L UNTSO UN Truce Supervision Organisation
LARC wheeled amphibian UO Under Officer
lb pound (measure) USMA United States Military Academy West Point
Lcpl Lance Corporal UXB unexploded bomb
LFHQ Land Force Headquarters US, USA United States of America
Lt, 1Lt,2 Lt Lieutenant, 1st/2nd Lieutenant V
LMG light machine gun VC Victoria Cross, Viet Cong
L of C Lines of Communication VD Volunteer Decoration
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel veh vehicle
LtC Lieutenant Colonel (Philippines) Vic Victoria/ian
LVO Licentiate of the Victorian Order W
M WA Western Australia/ian
Maint Maintenance Wksp Workshop
Maj Major WO Warrant Officer
Maj Gen Major General WO1 Warrant Officer Class One
MAJGEN Major General WO2 Warrant Officer Class Two
MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire WW1 World War One/World War I
MC Military Cross WW2 World War Two/World War II


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