Term Meaning Period Source
13B Cadet Assessment Report, used by DS to record an incident of individual performance or behaviour which were amassed to produce each cadet’s profile; see Pink mid 1966-85 a locally designed Form 13B
21/21 etc the combination of days CB and days SOL, which were the maximum punishment a cadet could be given for one charge 1950s-80s local use of numbers, depending on current punishment levels
Aardvark A nickname which A Company members gave to themselves 1980-85  unknown
Aardvark, The A Company pottery mascot, often kidnapped for ransom and indignities; terminally stolen by New Zealanders and destroyed after December 1985 Grad – enough said 1981-85 made by OCdt Schie’s father
Ack I WO2 Assistant Instructor 1950s-70s old phonetic alphabet: A=Ack
Adams Alley a pathway to the rear of the parade ground along the front of School Headquarters 1950s after RSM Adams – his hunting ground
Adjutant’s Hut small building beside Death Row used as the Adjutant’s office 1980s from the occupant
Adjutant’s Inspection periodic inspection by the Adjutant and RSM, which added to the list of Defaulters; see Unluckygram Mid 1960s-70s weekly routine
Agony Hill last hill on the cross country course; see Heartbreak Hill late 1970s short term variation
Alley, The see Adams Alley
Appie, ex Appie cadet who was previously an Army Apprentice 1960s-85 from Army Apprentices School inmates
Aunty Grace licensee of The Conti, well known for the allowances she made for cadets 1960s coined by K.A. Anderson
AWOL, AWL absent without leave by failing to be present at roll call to be marked present in the roll book, resulting in a fizzer 1952-85 standard army abbreviation
back-up seconds etc at meals 1950s common terminology
Bags and Blazer Rec Dress 1950s from the baggy grey issue trousers
Bear Pit drainage pit on the PMC’s Lawn that people due to be bished could be held in 1980s possibly from the bear pits usually found on army obstacle courses
beating the BOS resigning before an inevitable BOS recommendation for removal 1980s
Bimbo (s) the nickname which A Company gave to B Company members 1980s bestowed by instructor WO2 Defreitis
birthday half-yard celebration of a birthday with the celebrant required to skol a halfyard glass prior to entering the dining room late 1970s
bish (1) abbreviation of rubbish 1955-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
bish (2) fill a bish tin with water and rubbish-filth and clandestinely empty on a victim; sometimes a fire hose was used 1960s-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
bish bed, bishing bed steel bed used for bishing (2) 1980s see bishing (2)
bish bin interchangeable with bish tin for some, otherwise a galvanised rubbish bin late 1960s-85 occasionally-used alternative
bish tin rubbish basket, tin or bin; interchangeable with bish bin 1955-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
bished to wake up wet and filthy, hearing pelting footsteps and receding laughter 1975-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
bishing (1) see bish (2) 1975-85
bishing (2) a formal occasion to mark a recipient’s birthday or misdemeanour, when the victim was strapped to a bed, doused with garbage and dunked in Port Phillip 1975-85 possibly began with the immolation of one R.C. Spowart in 1977
blow up lightweight inflatable mattress issued as field equipment, with three insert tubes, one or more of which deflated overnight when used 1965-85 common army terminology
bog away go away and do something; spend time bogging 1980s first meaning seems to be local usage
bog, bogging to clean or spit polish equipment 1955-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
bogger (1) a person who dedicated exceptionally long periods to bogging, with a derogatory overtone 1955-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
bogger (2) civilian contract cleaner mid 1980s cleaning connection
Book, The
In The Book
A written record of minor offences and punishments, kept in the COC orderly room, to allow cadet duty personnel to check who should attend Defaulters parade; also Punishment Book 1960-85 ex British Army
BOS Board of Studies, advised on progress and disposal of cadets 1956-85 quite different from RMC use in More than a Mere Bravo
BOS Wagon a Landrover detailed to collect cadets from their various activities to appear for an interview arising from the BOS discharged as a result of failing a Board of Study review 1980s word association
BOSed discharged as a result of failing a Board of Study review mid 1970s-85 verbalised use of the acronym BOS
boxing rooms packing members’ possessions into boxes for absences beyond 24, later 72 hours to enable quick evacuation of accommodation in case of quarantine emergency 1950s-76 from the agreement with Department of Health
Bruce the Lion B Company mascot; see Aardvark 1982-85 fluffy toy adopted in response to Aardvark
BSM’s Lawn lawn bordered by the Cadet‘s Mess and Buildings 2, 4, 5, used for morning dress inspection parade 1965-85 association of BSM with the inspection
bumph (1) paper, especially official printed stationery and large quantities of roneoed material inflicted on cadets 1955-85 contraction of bum fluff; common army term ex RMC
bumph (2) award an Extra Drill, from being recorded as such on the bumph mid 1970s-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Bumph Bunny Cadet Orderly Room NCO responsible for distribution of paperwork mid 1970s-85 extension to one caught for a less than sought after task
Bumphed, on the bumph awarded an Extra Drill, and in the process having to fill out the form in copperplate printing to avoid additional bumphs mid 1970s-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Cadet student at OCS 1950s-85 contraction of Officer Cadet
Camp Training final field training activity of the half year; see Field TrainingFinal Field Training 1950s ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Carboni Tailors a firm which made cadets’ uniforms as well as tailoring suits and sports coats 1960s after proprietor Joe Carboni
Casper name of The Tank 1960s-85
catch some zeds sleep; see gonkrack out 1960s-85 common usage term
CB confined to barracks, a fairly serious punishment, with restriction of privileges and requiring attendance at Defaulters parades for Extra Drill 1952-85 standard military law terminology
Charge yourself! a pernicious system of Cadets, when charged, having to prepare the charge sheet themselves; with a side training effect of familiarising them with Military Regulations and Orders, and framing charges; see bumphbumphed 1952-85 from the practice at RMC introduced by the early instructors
chit an official medical restriction 1952-85 Medical Report form
Chunder Run a company run held on the morning of a ceremonial parade to eliminate in advance any effects of carousing the night before mid 1950s-70s introduced after some cadets were sick on Grad parade
Church Parade a Sunday parade which all cadets had to attend, after which they could either attend a church service or be punished by other duties or sent to their rooms; these parades were held during term and before Grad 1952-85 common army terminology and practice
Civvy civilian entrant cadet differentiating servies 1980s common expression
CI’s room inspection weekly inspection each Thursday by the Chief Instructor, guaranteed to see a large DD Parade or Defaulters the following day; see Company Commander’s inspectionAdjutant’s inspection mid 1970s-85 weekly routine
Club Med a variant of Death Row, which was nearest the sea and out of the way 1980s local euphemism
COC, the The Company of Officer Cadets, the title gazetted for the first course and from 1969 the Corps title 1952-85 local abbreviation
Com, the the Commandant 1981-85 simple abbreviation
Company Commander’s room inspection as for CI’s room inspectionAdjutant’s inspection 1950s after the inspecting officer
Conti, the Continental Hotel at Portsea; see PPThe PortseaPortsea Pub 1950s-85 local abbreviation
Corps Drinks a night function during Grad Week when graduating cadets had drinks with the staff members of the corps to which they had been allotted 1960s-85
Cultural Tour Senior Class tour of Kings Cross after dark during a tour of government and commercial organisations in Sydney; also applied to junior cadets tour from 1972 1970s-80s for opportunities in the seamier side of Sydney culture
… Days to go (1) the number of days to go before the next class graduated; see Days to Go Board 1952-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
… Days to go (2) celebrations at different periods before the next Gradvariously 100, 50 and 28; the mode of celebration varied, usually the Junior Class could pay back the Senior Classtheoretically without retribution 1952-85 adapted from the RMC 100 and 40 days to go, adjusted to different course lengths
Days to Go Board a board in the Cadets Mess showing the Days to Go, changed daily by the junior cadet 1952-85 ex RMC, RAAF Academy
Dealings Room Cadet-run internal disciplinary tribunal presided over by cadet NCOs held in the cadet accommodation block 1952-53 local coining
Death Row Cadet overflow accommodation in the bath houses next to the decontamination centre; prepared as segregated accommodation for absorption of the WRAAC OCS in 1975, and used for male cadets when this did not eventuate mid 1970s-85 misunderstood to have been the Quarantine terminal care ward
Defaulters punishment parade, where cadets paraded at various times for extra ‘training’; see also ED parade 1952-85 common army terminology
Demerit The lowest level of punishment, awarded to members of the Senior Class only and simply recorded in The Book but an accumulation of Demerits meant a fizz and loss of rank if any 1950s-70s originally a simple loss of marks, later as insulating summary punishments
Demo Squad a section of soldiers used for demonstrations of minor tactics etc and maintaining training facilities 1970s-85 simple abbreviation
Demo Tour tour of military establishments, and sometimes a firepower demonstration for a week or more in senior term, sometimes jointly with WRAAC and RMC cadets 1970s-85 abbreviation
dirk stab someone in the back, dob someone in 1960s-85 the Gaelic dagger
Double Pucka two week assessment field exercise at Puckapunyal, a make or break for many cadets; see Final Field Training 1980s after doubling the exercise period
Dragon Squad successors to the Sorrento Brownies 1960s similar to Demo Squad but less than complimentary
Drillie drill sergeant, members of the training staff charged with training the cadets in drill 1960s-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Drop Bears imaginary bears which dropped from trees onto haversacks to get fudge late 1960s fiction invented for NZ cadets
DS member of the Directing Staff, that is an instructor 1950s-85 common army term
Dunners (1) Duntroon 1970s-80s ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Dunners (2) a Duntroon cadet transferred from RMC to OCS 1970s-80s ditto
ED, Extra Extra Drill 1952-85 common army term
ED parade early morning, lunch time and afternoon parades as a result of award of EDs; see Defaulters 1955-85 extension of the ED terminology
Endurance Run physical training test, running from Portsea to Point Nepean and back, first in PT gear then later in the course in battle order; later called Point Run 1950s-80s standard army terminology
Ex 101 see Ex Far Horizon 1984-85 exercise name
Ex-servy An OCdt who was previously a soldier; see ServyCivvy 1952-85 abbreviation for ex-serving soldier
Exercise Far Horizon secret exercise to test Junior Class endurance and initiative, held near Lake Eildon; later Ex 101 1980s exercise name
Extra Drill punishment awarded from the beginning by officers and warrant officer instructors, later to Junior Class members only, for any sort of misdemeanour, carried out at Defaulters parades 1952-85 common army terminology
farter bed, sleeping bag 1955-85 contraction of fart sack, common slang
fid field, as in field training mid 1960s-85 army abbreviation fd for field
fid coat field jacket, a green cotton jacket for field use 1970s-85 see fid
fid mug field issue steel cup also used for heating water and food 1970s-85 see fid
fid woman local woman taken out while at OCS; see parade woman who was not allowed to meet the fid woman if possible, and vice versa 1980s
Field Training final field training activity of the half year; see Camp TrainingFinal Field Training 1960s-80s local variation of expression
Field Week the first field training of a term for each of both classes 1960s-85 local adoption
Final Field Training the last field training of the term, final as it was the last for the Senior Class; see Camp TrainingDouble Pucka late 1950s-85 local adoption
fizz (1) to bring a fizzer against someone, or yourself 1965-85 common army term
fiz (2) soft drink inaugural instructor Lt ‘Chic’ Jarman
fizzed, on a fizzer charged, see fizzer 1960s-85 common army terminology
fizzer formal charge for an offence under miliitary law 1960s-85 common army term
fragged a parody of throwing a grenade into someone’s room – puncturing a can of shaving cream and throwing it through the louvres above a cadet’door late 1970s-80s from the more deadly American retaliation against disliked superiors in Vietnam
free ticket to Frankston removed from the School after failing BOS 1970s-80s movement to the nearest railway station to go home
Fudge chocolate, sweets, especially those bought off campus in Portsea village; see also Isotopes 1952-60s from ‘Chic’ Jarman
Fudge Run taxi delivery of fudgesandwiches etc from Sorrento on weekend evenings 1950s from the early days of restricted leave and no canteen
geiler warrant officer 1982-85 from the ugly gila monster reputed to sit in the sun and spit poison: typical cadet spelling
goat fuck getting stuffed around, poor organisation, when everything has gone wrong; when subjected to it cadets would bleat like goats to express their displeasure 1983-85 an extension of use from RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Goat Track see Scramble Track
goffer soft drink 1952-85 Navy term from contact with Flinders
gonk, gonk off going for a gonk = going for a sleep; see rack outcatch some zeds 1960s-85 common term, cf the RMC meaning = wank
gonking sleeping; see gonk 1970s-1985
Grad graduation of the Senior Class – the end of their course with appropriate ceremonial, celebrations, and commissioning 1950s-85 ex RMC
Grad Week the week of preparation and festivity before and during Grad 1960s-85 ex RMC
grogan an unattractive female late 1970s-80s ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Heartbreak Hill last hill on the cross country course; see Agony Hill mid 1970s-85 it had a false crest, beyond which lay the real summit to climb
horse blanket lightweight blanket issued as field equipment 1967-85 of scratchy texture, fit only for horses
Isotopes these were stated to be in fudge and bad for athletes and physical condition; see fudge early 1950s from ‘Chic’ Jarman
Jack man one who lets his mates down, thinks only of himself 1980s-85 I’m alright Jack, and the PNG expression ’em i jack man’
Jack Married Cadet a married Cadet with family in the area late 1970s-80s from being allowed to go home most nights
Jack Marriedy see Jack Married Cadet late 1970s-80s contraction of original term
JOC Junior Officer Cadet – member of the Junior Classsee Juniors 1950s-85 infrequent use in later years
Journal Corporal Senior Class cadet who was editor of the OCS Journal and sometimes completed the task 1980s appointed as an extra-regimental duty
Junior Class the class in the first half of its course 1955-85 from overlapping classes
Juniors Junior Class cadetssee JOC 1970s-80s simple abbreviation
Keeper of Aardvark Senior Class cadet from A Company who was custodian of Aardvark 1982-85 associated with the mascot
King of the EDs Junior Class cadet who was awarded the most EDs, sometimes as high as 100; he had the privilege of throwing the Punishment Book into Port Phillip after the last ED parade 1970s-80s unwilling winner of an unpopular competition
Kit Run run dressed in greens and webbing from the gym through the scrub to Tank Junction and back via part of the Obstacle Course and Scramble Track 1980s as opposed to runs without equipment
L & D Loss or Damage Report – used to explain losses or damage in a way which would avoid having to pay for replacement of the item and avoid being fizzed for it 1952-85 common army terminology
last ED parade the last ED parade at which anything could be worn and usually was mid 1966-85
late late on parade with a mark accordingly in the Roll Book mid 1960s-70s common expression
leap(s), leaping,
5-minute leap(s)
changing orders of dress in short time, to get to the next parade or class; in later years at the start of each term members of the Senior Class would practise those of the Junior Classin some periods restricted to supervision by a DS Duty Officer 1952-85 ex RMC; see More than a Mere Bravo
Ma Hill affectionate name given to the owner of a shop in Portsea who was a second mother to cadets in the earlier years of the School; see Ma Hill’s 1950s from the early inmates of the School
Ma Hill’s corner shop in Portsea where cadets stopped off on the way back from the hired sports oval in the town, to purchase fudge, and ticked it up; Ma Hill let all serve themselves and tell her the cost to book up as they ran out the door – running to and from the oval on a schedule 1950s from the early inmates of the School
missing not on parade, and nobody knows where the cadet is 1960s-70s common expression
Mornos morning tea; see Smoko, Toc mid 1960s-80s adopted to replace the RMC-origin Toc, then differentiate morning tea and supper
Mutt Boat bay cruiser, usually half cabin size, adorned by young women in bathing costumes, which had a tendency to come close inshore near OCS early 1960s unknown – possibly a play on motor boat and its occupants
Nip, The the Nepean Hotel, another watering hole late 1960s contraction
No, No, Yes answer to the questions RAP? Light Duties? Evening Meal? asked each morning in barracks late 1970s-80s to gather standard information quickly
Obstacle Course a standard short course of obstacles which had to be negotiated individually and as a team; also euphemistically called a Confidence Course 1950s-80s standard army terminology
pace ladder stretch of road marked out with 30 inch-spaced bars on which to practice the regulation 30 inch pace for marching 1950s-60s common army terminology
Pancakes in Sorrento Buckley’s pancake shop in Sorrento often visited for a big feed after a field exercise 1980s named after the escaped convict from the 1803 settlement
parade woman girl friend brought to occasions such as Gradsee fid woman 1980s see fid
Pier, The Quarantine pier for passenger disembarkation and for servicing the Station; demolished 1973 1960s-72 simple personification
Pink Cadet Assessment Report used by DS ; see 13B 1960s-85 pink was normally for DS use; see Pinks
Pinks DS Solutions to set problems, pink paper being reserved for DS use 1952-85 standard army terminology
piss alcoholic drink 1950s-85 common expression, hence ‘on the piss’
pissed drunk 1950s-85 common expression
pisser (1) something good 1950s-80s from old English expression ‘pisscutter’, probably culled from a novel
pisser (2) place where alcohol was sold; or boozer 1950s-80s common expression
pizza run trip to Rosebud/Rye for pizza after the Portsea Pub and racing to return before 2230 hrs to make the sign in/out book before the Duty Officer check mid 1970s
PMC’s Lawn lawn between the Cadets’ Mess and the cliff over the bay, used for lunch mess parade 1960s-85 association of PMC with the mess/meal
Point Run physical training test, running from Portsea to Point Nepean and back, first in PT gear then later in the course in battle order; see Endurance Run 1970s-80s from the course route
poncho a cape/half tent issued for field use, it had a head hole and could be worn poncho fashion as a rain cape 1950s-80s common army slang
poofter lions collar badges worn on the wrong side, that is with lions facing outwards, a dress deficiency attracting punishment 1970 if worn on the wrong sides, the lions were back-to-front
Portsea Pub Portsea Hotel, the cadets’ favourite watering hole, also used by the staff; see PPThe Portsea 1970s name variation
Portsea, The see Portsea PubPP 1950s-70s name variation
PP Portsea Pub; see also The Portsea 1980s abbreviation
Punishment Book book in which punishments were recorded; see Book, The 1960s-80s
put in make an effort, usually at physical training, used to spur mates to greater effort or get a Scaly Jack Man to actually do something 1970s-80s cf RMC usage of farted in More than a Mere Bravo
rack out sleep; see gonk, catch some zeds 1980s from stretching out on the rack (bed)
RAP, Light Duties, Evening Flight Question asked of each cadet on BOS mornings; see next entry 1984-85 attempted gallows humour
RAP, Light Duties, Evening Meal Question asked of each cadet each morning for ration strength and parade purposes; see No, No,Yes 1980-85 administrative ploy to gather standard information quickly
Rec Dress issue reefer jacket and slacks worn to dinner when blues were not required, and for leaving OCS on recreational activities 1950s-80s recreation dress, from RMC and Apprentices School
ROG Roll on Grad mid 1970s short time use acronym
Roll Book roll of members marked at first parade daily, to record attendance or nature of absence, also the authority for rations and quarters 1952-85 standard army terminology and practice
RSM’s Hut Regimental Sergeant Major’s office, the old Shepherd’s cottage 1960s-85 from the occupant
scale out avoid doing something late 1970s-80s adaption of obscure slang to scale off = to depart hurriedly
Scaly Jack Man someone who scales out late 70s-80s combination of scale out and Jack Man
Scramble Course see Scramble Tracka class would have to race up it together in 90 seconds 1960s-80s after the Scramble Track
Scramble Track (1) 150 metre track up a near vertical, root infested sand hill next to the gym which could be scaled only by scrambling up on all fours; also Goat TrackTorture Track 1960s-85 name by physical training instructors
Scramble Track (2) a sentence of running up and down the Scramble Track for slacking during physical training 1970s-85 sequitur
Senior Class the class next to graduate, in its second half of its course 1955-85
Seniors Senior Class cadetssee SOC 1955-85
sent down transfer of a staff cadet from RMC to OCS for not coping with the former’s academic studies 1960s from early UK university terminology
Servies cadets who were previously soldiers; see Ex-servy 1980-85 local adaption
Show Parade parade for the reinspection of dress or equipment not properly cleaned or maintained 1960s-85 from showing the offending article at the next Defaulters
Sick Parade attendance at the RAP for summary treatment by the medical orderly or doctor 1952-85 standard army terminology
smock psychological lightweight, short showerproof camouflage raincoat which met few of those specifications 1970s-80s play on the military nomenclature Smock, Tropical
Smoko morning tea; see MornosToc 1950s-80s replacing or in parallel with Toc
SOC senior officer cadet – member of the Senior Class without cadet rank 1955-85 to give a facade of status with Juniors
SOL Stoppage of Leave, a minor punishment requiring a defaulter to attend Defaulters parades to demonstrate their being on campus, marching behind the ED and CB personnel but not do Extra Drill 1960s-85 acronym
SOL Train Defaulters parade marching from the assembly point on the hill down to Badcoe Hall for inspection by the Duty
mid 1970s-80s resemblance to a train snaking down the hill
Sorrento Brownies Local girls who formed the other half of dancing classes
on Friday nights; see Dragon Squad
late 1950s
Split a rush between periods of instruction, usually when a uniform change was required; see leap mid 1970s-80s used in parallel to leap at RMC and OCS
Splits Senior Classmaking Junior Class members practice splits5-10 in a session, during their first few weeks; see leap mid 1970s-80s as for split
Sprog member of the Junior Class late 1970s from ex-Appies
star picket 13B very poor 13B where the score 1 was awarded for each item late 1970s 1 was likened to a star picket
sweat kit sports clothing late 70s obvious connotation
Swimming Test tests of members’ swimming and flotation capability next to The Pierthen moved to Portsea Pier, usually in front of a packed Portsea Pub 1960s-85 standard army test
Tank Junction the road junction where The Tank stood near the obstacle course 1960s-85 after The Tank
Tank on the Hill new cadets were asked how much water the tank on the hill held; see The Tank 1970s
Tank, The an obsolete Sherman tank called Casper, located at the School entrance, whose gun barrel was raised or lowered as a sign of cadet morale 1970s-85
Thanks, Demo call to the demonstration squad by the instructors after it had completed a demonstration 1970s-85 signal for the squad to double away
Toc morning tea, MornosSmoko was introduced to replace it, after which the name applied to supper 1955-85 allegedly Toc = Tea or Coffee, really the old phoenetic alphabet T= Toc
Toc race/racing competition to beat the other half class to Toc, to leave nothing for the others; stopped temporarily in the early 1970s by the RSM to instil a sense of responsibility but deadly sins resurrected themselves 1970s-85 a natural abberation unnaturally continued
Toc, scorched morning tea which had been already demolished by the other company; see Toc race 1980s from scorched earth
Torture Track alternative name for Scramble Track early 1980s occasionally used alternative
Unluckygram room inspection notice from the Adjutant finding fault and awarding a punishment 1983-85 introduced by an adjutant as an unofficial proforma, intended to have an element of humour, mostly lost on the victims
up the river poorly reported on by DSsee 13B 1970s cliche used by Bazza MacKenzie
work party a group of cadets assembled for the purpose of undertaking fatigue duties on the campus or in the field 1952-85 common army terminology
yama large hill 1970s-80s Japanese word for hill imported by ex-BCOF staff


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