Reading, Thinking, Writing is produced under the auspices of the LOGOS Project at Moberly Area Community College. The authors own the copyright to the written material but all material may be used or reproduced for any non-commercial purpose.

Original editor: Dr. Mike Barrett,

Pressbooks editor: Beth Marchbanks,

LOGOS Mission Statement:

We expect students who graduate from MACC to be proficient in college-level communication. This expectation includes critical thinking, critical reading, and writing. It is our professional responsibility to help develop this proficiency. With this in mind, we recommend that every course involves critical thinking and incorporates assignments that require reading and writing.

The Logos Project provides education, resources, and support in order to ensure that students realize this expectation and faculty fulfill this responsibility.


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MACC Reading, Writing, Thinking Handbook Copyright © 2022 by MACC English Department is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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