
The Mahabharata tells of the war between the Pandavas and Kauravas, cousins who conceived a deadly hatred for one another. The epic begins with the story of King Shantanu, the Pandavas’ great-grandfather, and ends with King Janamejaya, the Pandavas’ great-grandson. You will meet Draupadi, the heroine who is married to all five of the Pandava brothers, and you will also meet Krishna, the human avatar of the god Vishnu who sides with the Pandavas in the war. For first-time Mahabharata readers, I’ve included a list of characters in an appendix to the book, and you’ll find additional notes at:

The paragraph you just read about the Mahabharata is 100 words long, as is this paragraph, and that’s also the length of each episode in this book. The episodes go fast, but you can slow down when you find one you like. Read it again. Let it sink in. You might even write your own versions of your favorite episodes, using your imagination to add more details. Meanwhile, if you get confused by a particular episode, don’t get bogged down; just keep reading! You can find more 100-word stories from the Mahabharata, along with a “Tiny Tales” Ramayana, at:


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Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata Copyright © 2021 by Laura Gibbs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.