
By Paula Lombardi

Updated Jan. 2, 2018

For students: This eBook is designed to accompany your studies in EDU 607-703: Instructional Methods, Strategies, and Technologies to Meet The Needs of All Learners course, on your general special education teacher certification program track. It is an open resource, which means it was created for your use at no cost.

The text within this eBook are from open resources. I have made some edits to the text to make it more concise and closer to the everyday language of students in the US.

Citing the book: Please cite chapter content from the reference list at the end of each chapter and within the chapter as appropriate. If you are citing a linked resource, cite that resource in APA format.

Some of the resources within this book are “open access” materials, accessible free of charge online for your use, but they are not openly licensed. This means you cannot edit and redistribute them as you can with the Creative Common licensed content. These open access resources are the YouTube videos and some of the resources that are linked to within the book.

For instructors: you can use the Epub version of this ebook, and import it into your own PressBooks account and edit it there for your own use. Please be sure to include attribution, per the CC license below.