Main Body

2 Chapter Two.




The Prophet was poor, uncommon in kind as he had amassings which he didn’t use.

Please know our Prophet was of common stock,

Please know he was poor and preferred to live with poor people.

Please understand this,

Please Him was his motto.

Please know he did not care about riches and wished only peace for himself,

Please know the amassings take you away from Him,

Please know he was averse to fighting but had to do it in order to survive,

Please see the following caption on his heart,

Please know the Creator entrusted me so I must fulfill that trust.

Please know there were no qualms about the task he undertook,

Please understand him,

Please know he had a follower who respected him throughout his life.

Please know he was Abu Bakr.

Please know he was a stalwart where others would back out.

Please know him through history books as the friend of the Prophet.

I know they were all friends of his but he was special.

Please know we all need a follower,

Please Him,

Please know this was the motto of his life works.

Please know him to be steadfast and exuberant with Him,

Please know his farewell speech where he took man as a witness.

Please know he fulfilled his vow and delivered them the message whereby they became monotheists,

Please know this,

Please know we call God as a witness to us,

Please know the Prophet did so as well.

Please know he was the Messenger of Him,

Please know he took God as his witness that he had fulfilled that role,

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet was on the farewell pilgrimage and in front of thousands of people asked them if he had delivered the message,

Please know this was after most of Arabia had converted to Islam,

Please know the people replied in unison he had,

Please know he asked Him to witness the event,

Please know the message was delivered by him,

Please know the Quran was on the tongues of people,

Please understand it,

Please know during the lifetime of a prophet never before had there been this mass conversion of a nation the size and diversity of Arabia,

Please know he was never fatigued,

Please know him,

Please know he was ceaseless,

Please commend this man,

Please know it is because of him that One God persists in the hearts of people,

Please know there are many billions of people who are monotheists,

Please know all of them are in Islam,

Please give in,

Please know he was the World Prophet who was predicted to come in the scriptures of the world,

Please give him accolade,

Please know we could not have lived his life and could not be his character,

Please know he never broke his word,

Please appreciate him. Omar.


Please know we are one entity in our entirety now that it has occurred shahada worldwide when we said it in unison in 2015 some.

Please see this article was written when it occurred that you said it, the shahada, then deterred as your people were upset that you were becoming Muslim and they did not care for that but it so transpired the seeds of truth were implant then as you were watching me and the judiciary as well and saw how they came to my house repeatedly so you became me in sympathy,

Please know it became viral to say it as then you saw it had peace for you and now you have it in your prayer structure and you are one with us in Islam of Ahmadiyyat, Christian Islam we serve you,

Please see the article below has relevance for you in that you were dissuaded from becoming us then and a fight back occurred by the government policy there not to let it occur, Islam with you, but it so occurred in your hearth and home and you became us in Islam we serve you as correct for you.

Please see this is what I said then,

Please know we are responsible if we give in to the harpings of others.

Please see these verses from The Family of Amran.

Please know this is true in this land where a party of you believers are being dissuaded from following the precepts of Islam by your family.

Please know this,

Please know the truth of the Quran is apparent to people and it is their family and friends that tell them otherwise.

Please know the truth will precipitate towards the heart and settle there and if there is any good in a person it will be accepted.

Please know it shows the worth of a man if he accepts the truth when it is apparent to him and it does him credit when he does so.

Please know we must try to acknowledge truth when they occur in our thoughts as to deny them is to be a hypocrite.

Please know you should encourage the truths when your youth show an inclination to believe.

Please know there are many in mainstream Islam that are like us in Ahmadiyyat that have values like you and me.

Please know we hope to have a good family and friends with us and we hope for the usual aspirations that mankind has. Omar.


3:69  A party of the People of the Book desire that they should lead you astray; and they lead not astray but themselves, and they perceive not.

3:70  O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the messages of Allah while you witness (their truth)?


Your materialistic values will kill you and won’t know your worth with Him, your Creat.

Please see my repertoire of disobedience to you as it is disobedience that gives you mentation to think so you see repent yourself.

Please know it is complex to you but it is through sins we learn truth as we are innocent beings who don’t know before that.

Please know when we think excessively it is disease to you but our Prophet had it when he went to ghar of Hira and he was asked not in future.

Please know we should be with people as that is our health.

Please know we are kind to you when we bring him to you as savior to your group of people here on earth currently so that you may appreciate him,

Please know he was kind to you as you had gone astray with your promiscuous acts,

Please know he knew you were going to enter Hellfire so he engineered me to save you from it as it is your worth to accept him as role model.

Please know he gave me a mental disease so that I could see him, then clarified me to crystal clear intellect with him,

Please know it is thus he got the message to you what you wished for your culture to be saved as you were astray to an extreme with all your materialistic values for which you would kill and maim,

Please know he did this on instruction from Him as they in heaven wished to have mercy on the child you killed as western culture was deviant in that regard to Him and in other matters as well.

Please know it is as his well-wisher I come to you.

Please know don’t kill the messenger from him as I am saint you like in the hereafter inshallah or God willing.

Please see the following comment about him,                                                                      

Please know our Creator is truly a merciful God as He created the heavens and the earth so you would not fight with Him regarding your position with Him, 

Please know this, 

Please know when you meet Him in Heaven you won’t be shame-faced as He arranged this position of yours, 

Please know it is your peace to be where you are situated, 

Please know He will fulfill your heart with love and rancor will be over.

Please know the history of God is complex.

Please understand He was alone before He created,

Please know He created man in His image or attributes,

Please understand he was the first man,

Please know I speak of Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace,

Please know his soul was sent down as the Prophet of God,

Please understand we are all less than him,

Please try to fathom him,

Please know he will bring forth the true picture of God here,

Please know Him,

Please know He has ninety-nine attributes,

Please know His name is Allah,

Please understand Him,

Please know He was the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus,

Please destroy the image you have of Him as a vengeful God,

Please know He has structured the heavens and the earth so that we will come forth telling our position with Him,

Please know our Prophet was first,

Please understand him,

Please know he was truly repentant to Him for every tiny sin,

Please know we respect men of caliber like him,

Please know he never spoke a lie, even in error,

Please know there is no one who has done that,

Please know he was first for a purpose,

Please understand it was to find Him, our Creator, whom we know through his works,

Please know to appreciate him you have to be truthful. Omar.


In humility we find our worth.

Please see the following footnote to my life and how we are set up by Him so that we learn humility in our sinful ways.

Please know we are kind as we bring His repertoire to you as He wishes it now that the facts are clear He is your God and no one else is.

Please see His repertoire is complete with us in Islam,

Please understand repertoire as it is complex and needs to be persevered with,

Please know our God is Infinite but has given us attributes to know Him thereby,

Please know when we know ourselves we recognize merit in Him and ourselves as we know our worth with Him thereby being humble in repose.

Please know it is with humility I teach which you like in me,

Please know if I sound grand it is because I am and Prophet Muhammad was similar and more.

Please know I was led astray for a purpose in my youth as I was unlearned and did not want to sin,

Please know I was not like others and He was frustrated as I refused to touch significantly as some sins are normal there.

Please know He gave me mental disease so I could do so and be him, my Prophet, in repose to Him,

Please know it is a metaphor though, as we are separate.

Please know I would not sin so I was introduced to pig meat, so I fell, and the rest is here on my Facebook page how I evolved to him by desisting once it occurred as I didn’t do it again significantly.

Please know it is to know our worth we are created and know we are not him who had repose to Him at birth and some like me develop it when I sinned as the thought came to me that I was a sinner and must improve and turn to Him to do so.

Please know Prophet Muhammad was our guide in this, me and my mentor, Mirza there, as he sinned before it occurred his attributes of sainthood in repose to His greatness, as we serve Him in that attribute.

Please know to sin is norm so don’t be too hard on them in the Middle East,

Please know it is when you don’t turn to Him it is bad and sinful for you.

Please know one must continually improve and if one falls, so be it, but don’t make a habit of falling as you do in the Christian faith here in the West where Hell is your attribute in the Hereafter and we don’t want that for you.

Please know our savior Jesus had a fall with some and I did as well as I went back for more and touched her back and I should have left her in first repose to her as I saw her evil come out on me,

Please know however we learn from evil and that is why we are here.

Please know Adam had a similar fall and it is written for us to fall and if He admonishes us so be it as that is our worth and on the Day of Judgment we will be forgiven if we repent, as he did. Omar.


Please know God’s attributes are us for the taking if we wish it on ourselves.

Please know God exists as why else would we be here if it was not to fulfill oath we are sane with you God, why do you send us there to Heaven not but to Hell, you have shown your worth, begone, to Hell with you He says there for we took Him minor degrees and ignored His edicts in life.

Please know I am falsehood here if you say we evolve to God’s state in actual as we are distinct and are never Him in creative ability, as He has kept that from us, 

Please know though attributes are ours and His are alike here, there they will be perfectly matched as we are Him in essence only and His attribute of dominance or Kahar over us remains, 

Please know I am kind here as I explain God material is us as we are all from Him but when you commit animal acts you are Him not but yourself and need to be raised to Him in spirit and mind as we evolve there to our final shape of things to be late not but soon and as our joy we have is His greatness on us when He gives us reward from Him in the shape of things we need there to evolve to a higher degree with Him, 

Please know however it is our peace not to be Him in actual and remain created beings of His Who He will give of the nature He gives here, 

Please know eventual it is God Who will decide you in your make as I have no control over it and neither does Prophet Muhammad, though he is knowledgeable more than me always as I am not his brain and he gives me things in his kingdom of his, 

Please know that is why I am humble to him as he gave me purity of heart and then taught me Islam from him in the shape of my notes to you, as he did my mentor, Mirza, and Muhammad Ali as we are raised for reform for you to come into Islam with him in his Godly ways to you.

Please know minor things of difference in opinion do not cause accord in me, but I know to let you be as you are raised differently and family pressure persists in you though reason will prevail, eventual coming of things, as reason knocks out falsehood as they say in Islam. Omar.


Jihad is to fight him who you find in abundance yet he does not pray.

Please understand we strive with you for an Islam that is peaceful to you.

Please this verse from the chapter of The immunity,

Please understand the word strive here. It means jihad in Arabic.

Please know we are asked to strive hard against those who are against us. This does not mean taking up arms against them. In other words jihad means to strive hard with one’s person and does not mean in all circumstances fighting with arms. 

Please understand what strive is.

Please know it is to work to gain the uppermost point of vantage.

Please know we have done this here and you are all Muslims or submitters by our leave. 

Please know you are a monotheist faith that submits to Him. It is what Islam is and what it is destined to be in future. In this there is certainty that Islam is here to stay. In the final analysis you can choose your final destination here. If you wish to deny it you may do so but the result will be hellfire.

Please know if you accept it on my hands your destination will be Paradise.

The end is here for those who think they can deny me peace. It has occurred. Omar.


9:73  O Prophet, strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be firm against them. And their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.


Our misdeeds cause us to lose Him, our Creat.

Please understand the reason we lose compassion.

Please know when we commit misdeeds we ignore our Creator and a hardness creeps in our hearts.

Please know this is the reason we lose our contact with Him and His creations.

Please see the reason why we love humanity.

Please know when we are obedient to our Creator we have a softness in our sentiments that is present like when we are children and it is with this softness we see others.

Please know we must be introspective and see the reason why we lose our familiarity with Him.

Please know the child is in love with Him and is obedient by nature.

The end is here for those who think it is okay to admonish Him thinking that He is the cause for their troubles. It is our own misdeeds and hard heartedness that cause these troubles to arise on us, with His permit. 

Please try to see if you can overcome your troubles without His aid. It is our troubles that draw us nearer to Him as when we are in trouble we seek His aid and thus He forgives us. 

Please know we are in need of His forgiveness as this is the avenue we have to gain Paradise. In this there is certainty in that if we are forgiven we may stand a better chance of Paradise than the opposite state of being unforgiven for our misdeeds.

Please know we are compassionate when we are young however it is our misdeeds that make us lose it as we grow older.

Please see the following caption there in their homes.

Please know we must be subservient to the law of humanity but as it pertains to us.

Please know our Prophet had compassion that no one else had. 

Please see the following caption on his heart.

Please know I am the compassionate to an extreme so much so that my Creator admonishes me about it. 

Please know we must be compassionate to the child as he is innocent. In this there is certainty in that the grown person has some misdeeds that may be the reason why we are less compassionate to them but the child has no deeds of significance to their name that would not cause us to lose love and benevolence to him or her. In the final analysis we write our own compassion from Him as if we are compassionate to others He will be to us. Omar.


Please know not to kill the messenger to you from the Prophet to you.

Please know this article is written there when there was turmoil in my life from certain elements in the government who wanted my literature suppressed.

Please know it is evil what you do in this community when you participate in poisoning black infants as I am black to you and so is my child on the streets who beseeches them and is fed this sort of food which causes squeamish and death in some,

Please know this is an active campaign to end me and my associate black man who converts to you since he is being killed by you.

Please know it will end him and you will be happy as Christianity was your bane where you had sex and love in abundance you thought until I came along and told you it was sexless life as sex is pleasurable and all you get in out of marriage contacts is an ejaculation which hurts you in the hereafter.

Please know there is no love in such a marriage of namesake you say as I explain to you, but you know it does give pleasure in marriage only which your sexless act does not, it’s a prick to you in it there,

Please know I am sane you will come after me as I am after your culture but your culture deserves this as it was abyss you lived in and your children were dying in fornication rites while you looked on merrily thinking it was only fun while it was death to them in material terms and death in the hereafter results as they will live their life in squalor and ignorance thinking this was life to have sex galore and children in wedlock not, as it makes no difference to them, you think in your mindless brain.

Please know I am tired and angry you do this to me that you poison me as an outpatient so you can commit me in some permanent way as I am a pest you get rid of in the hereafter as American government is on notice with them who rule you as the rich have taken notice of my conservator notice and want America to end its despot state where might rules and innocents are victims,

Please know you have Hitler there in charge who knows his days are numbered if he does not amend his Gestapo ways on population like me who want Islam as a religious belief and don’t want pig meat or toxins in their food for praying in open settings, where the statutes allow us peace in this regard.

Please Him they say and kill and maim me as I am without shoes as they irradiate them,

Please know it has come to a head and I must pray to end your ways of hatred to man like me and him, my Prophet, who knows your people will react when they see my mail today so you block me and remove it later when I don’t notice, as you do to my posts you don’t like.

Please see my post below where it talks about love in the hereafter which is real and lasting to you.

Please Him,

Please know we have only one life to live,

Please know to dedicate it to Him,

Please know that is what the Prophet did and gained felicity,

Please know this is what this slave does,

Please know success is written for those who slave for Him,

Please give accolade to our Creator for creating me in His image,

Please know I am a servant to you when I teach you his word,

Please know I am my Prophet’s messenger to you.

Please yourself and you will die sad,

Please know it is for the reprobate that lives only here in sad ways he or she does,

Please know we are adherent to the law there is One God we serve,

Please know no man intercedes for us before His Intercession,

Please know our Creator is kind to you.

Please know He knows you are weak but He aims to strengthen you,

Please give Him accolade for guiding you through Him,

Please know you learnt about Him,

Please know it was the Prophet who showed you His ways,

Please give accolade to me as well as I am the conduit to him, your Prophet. Omar.


Please see the following post about His mercy to you.                                                           

Please see these verses from the chapter Bani-Israel.

Please know of all the moral precepts the one in the highest degree of importance is the belief in the Unity of God. 

Please know our parents are next in importance, in His purview.

Please know these injunctions are from Him, in person.

Please know the sin of fornication is mentioned. It is for this purpose that in Islam free intermingling of the sexes is not encouraged and dating is not allowed.

Please know these laws are not much different from those that you have with you in your books and it is an injustice that you consider us backward because we try to follow Him, as you can see here.

Please know His law is unyielding and it behooves us to come into line with Him,

Please know He knows the ways of the world but expects us to repent to Him our sins.

Please know we have a chance here,

Please know it is not right to justify our way of life to Him,

Please know we must comply or else face the consequences,

Please know He has vouchsafed mercy on Himself and will guide us in the Hereafter if we fail here,

Please know the guidance there is in the place of an abyss,

Please know abyss,

Please know it is a place where there is no pleasure,

Please understand more,

Please know it is devoid of sanity and you cannot make a sense of things,

Please know it is emptiness and devoid of peace,

Please know I went there when I was young,

Please know the abyss of the Hereafter is worse,

Please know there is fire there,

Please know this,

Please know it is when the brain and skin scalds,

Please know in its place a new thought and body appears,

Please know it is a gradual evolution,

Please know gradual,

Please know it is years of our times,

Please know a moment there and you will say you never had any good,

Please know it is a place to avoid. Omar.


17:23  And thy Lord has decreed that you serve none but Him, and do good to parents. If either or both of them reach old age with thee, say not “Fie” to them, nor chide them, and speak to them a generous word.

17:24  And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy, and say: My Lord, have mercy on them, as they brought me up (when I was) little.

17:25  Your Lord knows best what is in your minds. If you are righteous, He is surely Forgiving to those who turn (to Him).

17:26  And give to the near of kin his due and (to) the needy and the wayfarer, and squander not wastefully.

17:27  Surely the squanderers are the devil’s brethren. And the devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord.

17:28  And if thou turn away from them to seek mercy from thy Lord, which thou hopest for, speak to them a gentle word.

17:29  And make not thy hand to be shackled to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to the utmost (limit) of its stretching forth, lest thou sit down blamed, stripped off.

17:30  Surely thy Lord makes plentiful the means of subsistence for whom He pleases, and He straitens. Surely He is ever Aware, Seer, of His servants.

17:31  And kill not your children for fear of poverty — We provide for them and for you. Surely the killing of them is a great wrong.

17:32  And go not nigh to fornication: surely it is an obscenity. And evil is the way.

17:33  And kill not the soul which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause. And whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority — but let him not exceed the limit in slaying. Surely he will be helped.

17:34  And draw not nigh to the orphan’s property, except in a goodly way, till he attains his maturity. And fulfill the promise; surely, the promise will be enquired into.

17:35  And give full measure when you measure out, and weigh with a true balance. This is fair and better in the end.

17:36  And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge. Surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, of all of these it will be asked.

17:37  And go not about in the land exultingly, for thou canst not rend the earth, nor reach the mountains in height.

17:38  All this, the evil thereof, is hateful in the sight of thy Lord.

17:39  This is of the wisdom which thy Lord has revealed to thee. And associate not any other god with Allah lest thou be thrown into hell, blamed, cast away.

17:40  Has then your Lord preferred to give you sons, and (for Himself) taken daughters from among the angels? Surely you utter a grievous saying.


Hell will amend us so His mercy will take place as some amend there.

Please know our Creator is Loving as well as Merciful

Please know He will exact punishment from those who deserve it,

Please know He is Kind, Considerate,

Please know He will take us out of it when we repent,

Please know He created us imperfect,

Please know He understands imperfect,

Please know He has created it,

Please know He has given us the potential to be perfect,

Please know it is our choice we don’t take it, our way to improve,

Please give in,

Please know we choose our own destiny,

Please know our hearts are under His control.

Please know we choose to deviate, so He lets us.

Please know His Mercy encompasses all things,

Please know He is patient with us,

Please know His Mercy is that He will perfect us.

Please know that is vouchsafed for us,

Please know it is better for us to submit to Him here rather than the next world where punishment is due,

Please say a prayer that you come through.

Please see this additional post about Him,

Please know our Creator is magnanimous and has vouchsafed His mercy will take precedence over His anger.                                                                                                                                

Please know His mercy is not be circumvented, 

Please know He will perfect you and take you home to His Paradise for you.

Please see this chapter.

Please know it is called Allah, The Most High.

Please know the reminder benefits the one who fears Him.                                                    

Please know the one who thinks there is no God will have a destination there,

Please know it is Hell.

Please know this was the message of the earlier prophets.

Please understand this,

Please know that if you deny Him He will not recognize us as His,

Please know that does not mean that He does not care,

Please know He will reform you.

Please know that is why Hell is created.                                                                                   

Please understand it is a mother to you.

Please understand a mother’s role is to raise you to be good,

Please know you will be good there,

Please know the alternative is dying repeatedly, but yet not dying,

Please know life is everlasting once you have died on earth,

Please understand He will not be thwarted,

Please know perfect,

Please understand we will desire for it there,

Please know His Paradise is created for His perfect ones.

Please know our hearts will have to change,

Please know lip service,

Please know it will not be accepted and the heart will have its education and ameliorate its views.                                                                                                                                    

Please know it will be with a certainty.

Please know we will be ready for Paradise then. Omar.


87:1  Glorify the name of thy Lord, the Most High!

87:2  Who creates, then makes complete,

87:3  And Who measures, then guides,

87:4  And Who brings forth herbage,

87:5  Then makes it dried up, dust-colored.

87:6  We shall make thee recite so thou shalt not forget —

87:7  Except what Allah please. Surely He knows the manifest, and what is hidden.

87:8  And We shall make thy way smooth to a state of ease.

87:9  So remind, reminding indeed profits.

87:10  He who fears will mind,

87:11  And the most unfortunate one will avoid it,

87:12  Who will burn in the great Fire.

87:13  Then therein he will neither live nor die.

87:14  He indeed is successful who purifies himself,

87:15  And remembers the name of his Lord, then prays.

87:16  But, you prefer the life of this world,

87:17  While the Hereafter is better and more lasting.

87:18  Surely this is in the earlier scriptures,

87:19  The scriptures of Abraham and Moses.


Our Creat is just and expects to be respected in it.

Please understand the mercy of our Creator is to bring the unjust and wrongdoers into His fold through a process where their insight is clarified and they have salvation in the sense they realize their faults and wish only good for others. In this way after true insight is gained, a person, after cleansing can enter the fold of the righteous and truthful servants of God that have found the promise of God’s Heaven to be true.

Please know God is the Righteous and Just. I know He is Love as well but we have to take things in perspective. I know He has many qualities but His quality of Mercy takes precedence. In this way we understand He brings all into His fold though justice which requires the unjust or evil are punished before they are admitted in Heaven.

Please know justice is inherent in us and we all know when our rights are circumvented by others.

Please see the following caption there.

“My servants, I have forbidden Myself injustice and made it forbidden to you. Please be not unjust to each other.”

Please know this is a hadith qudsi or a hadith where our Creator communicates His sayings to our Prophet’s heart. In this there is certainty that our Creator is just and mankind needs to be so.

Please understand that our Creator vouchsafed mercy on Himself and this is similar.

The end occurs when people think the injustice they see on earth is His doing.

Yours truly knows that our Creator has vouchsafed His Justice on us on the Day He judges.

Your end is with them in this world in that the unjust shall reign in earth some.

Please know that we know there is injustice in the Muslim world and that is because they follow the way of the world in getting things done in a way to suit themselves. I know ‘might is right’ in the world arena and it sad that the Western Civilization has fallen prey to this abuse of their population. Omar.


We are all ‘We’ if we serve Him, our Creat, in our lives.

Please know we are in His repose if we serve Him,

Please know ‘We’ from the Quran,

Please know it means we serve Him implicitly,

Please know when we are like angels ‘We’ will apply to us.

Please Him and you will achieve it.

Please know that our Prophet was a servant who never wavered in his obedience to Him,

Please know he was an angel but human,

Please know an angel is one who never wavers,

Please know that he was kind to you and did not mention this as you would have felt bad,

Please know we all waver all our lives,

Please know there is no one like our Creator and he created him to have free will.

Please know this verse that says Allah is One,

Please know what ‘One’ is,

Please know it is a distinct Entity,

Please know that we are not included as we are separate,

Please know the metaphor is not real in this case,

Please understand metaphor,

Please know it is something unreal in this case,

Please know we cannot begin to feel the difference between real and unreal,

Please know the ‘We’ used in the Quran are meant the angels with Him,

Please know they carry out His tasks,

Please know there is a difference between someone in His repose and ‘We’ used in the Quran,

Both are metaphors,

Please know our Creator is a distinct Entity,

Please give Him credit as He includes us in His realm of ‘We’ if we are obedient to Him,

Please know I am a ‘We’ with Him if I am obedient to Him,

Please know Prophet Muhammad was obedient to Him in the ‘We’ entity,

Please know he never wavered. Omar.


112:1  Say: He, Allah, is One.

112:2  Allah is He on Whom all depend.

112:3  He begets not, nor is He begotten;

112:4  And none is like Him.


Buy a Quran and recognize merit in it to bring you around to Him, your Creat.

Please know our Creator is kind to you and knows that you will come through for us in Islam,

Please understand me,

Please know I am savior for you.

Please understand there is no god but Allah here because of my literature to you.

Please know there is an adage that we must ascribe to and that is that ‘where there is a will there is a way.’

Please know you have a will with us,

Please know you have a will to make a change for the better.

Please know your way was going to get you into Hellfire,

Please know your children are safe with us,

Please understand this,

Please understand that our Creator wants the best for you,

Please know He will take you to Paradise even if you don’t wish it for yourself here,                                                                                                

Please know our Creator is the Author of the Book, 

Please know He likes you should read it, 

Please know that it was meant to bring people to Islam, 

Please know the tone is stern, 

Please bring yourself to read His tenor, 

Please know it is like a parent to an erring child, 

Please know He is Kind though and forgives much, 

Please know He is warning mankind of dire consequences, 

Please know it is needed and just like we listen to threats here so do we with Him, 

Please know He is Loving though, 

Please give in, 

Please know He has created eternal joy when we come through and correct ourselves, 

Please know His love is unmeasured for us, 

Please Him, 

Please know your One God as there is no one else who would do this for us.

Please know the Quran is real,

Please understand it was given to us by Him,

Please know it is Him speaking to us,

Please peruse it and see for yourself it is in the first person verbatim from Him,

Please know He mentions many things in it but repeats one message repeatedly,

Please know that is there is ‘no God but Allah,’

Please give in to the message of Allah,

Please know other books got altered as there was a time lag between the prophet and the compilation of his words,

Please know these books were written by men whose opinions crept into them,

Please understand the Quran,

Please know it was vouchsafed by Him,

Please know the message was preserved intact for the most part with minor aberrances with time as occur to all Books of His.,

Please know it occurred quickly,

Please know there was conformity that this was it,

Please know it,

Please know it is harmony,

Please understand it,

Please know it is perfection for you and you will find harmony in it,

Please know He challenges anyone to produce a chapter from it,

Please know it can’t be done as the poetry is perfectly balanced as people know it to be poetry in repertoire to Him,

Please know there were some discrepancies in the Quran’s preserved but the message was there intact,

Please buy one at your local bookstore or download one of the internet and see the words have an effect on you. Omar.


We are all sinners but Allah expects better from us.

Please  Him,

Please know that is the watchword that gets you Paradise,

Please understand His war on you.

Please know it is for your benefit that He wars you.

Please know we are wont to sin,

Please know it is written for us to do so.

Please Him though,

Please know He will come through for you.

Please know when we sin we feel bad,

Please know He wishes to give you comfort and know that we are all sinners,

Please Him,

Please know He wants us to perfect our mold,

Please know He will continue to evolve us.

Please know for evolution we need to serve Him,

Please Him,

Please know that we will evolve into better beings if we turn towards Him,

Please say a prayer that you do                                                                                               

Please know we are answerable for our sins, 

Please know it is up to Him whether to punish or forgive, 

Please know a true repentance is accepted by Him, 

Please know when a true repentance occurs we don’t commit the sin again, 

Please know this, 

Please know He accepts the earnest prayer, 

Please Him and He will please you, 

Please know our lives are transitory, 

Please do not waste it in sin, 

Please know you may not have the heart to repent, 

Please know punishment, 

Please know it is to repent when we are exposed to it in our anguish to us, 

Please know man needs to be controlled, 

Please know not all come to Him willingly, 

Please give in and don’t sin, 

Please know it leads to hard heartedness, 

Please know you may never repent and Hell will follow, 

Please know our Prophet used to ask protection from committing sin many times in the morning as the Quran directs him to do so, 

Please know him, 

Please know he was careful not to tempt fate.

Please see this verse,

Please know it is from the chapter The Women,

Please Him,

Please know we are all humans and it is our destiny to sin,

Please know we come to our Creator as sinners,

Please know He knows it is our destiny, and He forgives,

Please know the reason why we don’t apologize,

Please know it is pride,

Please Him and be humble to Him,

Please know it is sin that He dislikes,

Please know it is more sin that we don’t ask of Him our repentance to Him,

Please know He wishes us to acknowledge Him as our Creator and to acknowledge our faults,

Please know our Creator has said He will not admit anyone in Heaven who has an atom’s weight of pride,

Please Him and give in,

Please know we are nothing in our essence and we should not have an iota of pride to Him. Omar.

4:64  And We sent no messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah’s command. And had they, when they wronged themselves, come to thee and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful.

4:65  But no, by thy Lord! they believe not until they make thee a judge of what is in dispute between them, then find not any straitness in their hearts as to that which thou decidest and submit with full submission.


Please know He has arranged it, our anguish in worldly pursuits, so we come to Him in repentance.

Please know our Creator knows we are weak and going to fall.

Please wish for eternity,

Please know it is everlasting with Him,

Please know we are honored servants if we serve Him,

Please know He will try us to the utmost of our ability,

Please know He will succeed in succumbing us,

Please give Him peace,

Please know He is your Servant in secret and has arranged this world for your benefit,

Please know He will try us through this arrangement,

Please know it will succeed in bringing the best out of us,

Please know He is our Well-Wisher,

Please know this world is a stage He has arranged for the maximum benefit of all.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Please know he was tried who was on the crucifix.                                                                

Please understand this,

Please know we are placed on earth to be tried by Him and everything is perfectly arranged.                

Please know every trial is in His foreknowledge and nothing is by chance.                        

Please know this,                                                                                                                   

Please know we call it fate.                                                                                                   

Please know in His mind everything is arranged and we will bear witness this has occurred.      

Please know He arranges and we fulfill His Word.

Please know we are only witnesses to ourselves.

Please know it is arranged as to whose car is best.

Please know the world is a stage.

Please know this is correct.

Please understand this,

Please know our Creator is perfect and everything is arranged for our benefit.

Please know not a leaf falls but it is in His foreknowledge. I know this world is a testing ground for us and those that come through are the patient ones. I know some lose heart and give in to him whose faith is to make us lose heart and give in to our death.

Please understand this,

Please know He gives us respite when we fail.

Please know He sends punishment on us if we are ingrate to Him and if we show that we cannot bear it. 

Please know we can bear it though sometimes grinning is difficult and we are despondent. I hope you realize it is for your betterment that He sends you turmoils.

Please know we mature and gather wisdom with Him as our companion.

Please know in this there is strength in us that occurs,

Please say a prayer for me as I teach you Him and try not to call him your god who was tried himself. Omar.


Please know Jesus was a metaphor Him in repose to Him and cannot intervene for you on Judgment Day until He, your Creat, relents to him.

Please see this post that follows about Him and His Prophet,

Please know He will hold you accountable,

Please know it is written for you that you will be judged.

Please know every sin is accounted for,

Please know every iota of good you do is given credence,

Please give into this reality as the position taken by you in the past was that you would go straight to Heaven,

Please know this is not so.

Please know Jesus or your prophet has no power to intercede,

Please know we are accountable.

Please know our Creator is sane and knows you have to read Him to come through for Him,

Please Him,

Please know He created you with limited intelligence,

Please know why,

Please know it,

Please know once you learn He is your God He wished to see your obedience to Him,

Please know you believe in the Quran,

Please know it is now necessary to follow it,

Please know this is His test for you.

Please know this is the description of Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace,

Please know this verse,

Please know it was meant for the relief of man,

Please know he was vouchsafed it,

Please know he cannot have done it by himself that most of Arabia became Muslim in his lifetime,

Please know it was the wise Quran that was revealed there,

Please know it,

Please know it penetrates the heart,

Please know all who read it are overcome,

Please Him,

Please your Creator and read His Word,

Please know you will be overcome,

Please know not to be afraid as He will please you,

Please give Him His due credit,

Please be not like those hypocrites who please themselves and say He is nothing,

Please know they wish not His dominance over them,

Please Him,

Please know there are unfathomable depths to Him,

Please know your insight is limited here and He wants your obedience,

Please know that is your test,

Please pass it. Omar.

Ya Sin

36:1  O man,

36:2  By the Qur’an, full of wisdom!

36:3 Surely thou art one of the messengers,

36:4 On a right way.

36:5 A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful,


Please know you love to come through in Islam.

Please know the verse here that says we give thanks but little,

Please know it is over for you if your deeds are little and you live for yourself,

Please know we engender kindness when we don’t,

Please give in charity and be kind to the beggar, the destitute one,

Please know he knows little how to survive and you must help him with kindness.

Please Him when you do so and don’t follow kindness with harshness.

Please know our Creator loves that He should be known by you.

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet was a witness to his people while he was with them,

Please know they witnessed him before he died,

Please know they said he delivered the message to them,

Please know he was asked by them,

Please know he answered in the affirmative that they had a God,

Please know our Prophet knows your good deeds are light here,

Please know why,

Please know it is because you live for yourself,

Please know this is true that you don’t care about others, apart from some of you.

Please know you love the truth,

Please know it is your upbringing,

Please know you will come through,

Please know why,

Please know you love that you should be Him,

Please know Him,

Please know it is you He wishes to come through,

Please know you wish to know Him and He will accept your car there,

Please know the love is mutual,

Please know you will come to Him barefoot and naked,

Please follow Him and him, His Messenger to you. Omar.


7:3  Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and follow not besides Him any guardians; little do you mind!

7:4  And how many a town have We destroyed! So Our punishment came to it by night or while they slept at midday.

7:5  Yet their cry, when Our punishment came to them, was nothing but that they said: Surely we were wrong-doers.

7:6  Then certainly We shall question those to whom messengers were sent, and We shall question the messengers,

7:7  Then surely We shall relate to them with knowledge, and We are never absent.

7:8  And the judging on that day will be just; so as for those whose good deeds are heavy, they are the successful.

7:9  And as for those whose good deeds are light, those are they who ruined their souls because they disbelieved in Our messages.

7:10  And certainly We established you in the earth and made therein means of livelihood for you; little it is that you give thanks!


Please know Hajj is not a way out of your duties to Him.

Please know we are to be tried by Him,

Please know we must submit as there is no escape,

Please know to commit suicide is sad and not a way out,

Please say a prayer you are not tried in that way,

Please know He knows how to perfect us,

Please know it is through trials and hardships,

Please give into Him,

Please do as what is written for you.

Please know our Creator wishes to try you, 

Please know why, 

Please know it is to better your worth with Him, 

Please give in, 

Please know He has created the world to try you to your utmost, 

Please know we have a limit, 

Please know we will reach it.

Please see these verses from the chapter The City,

Please know this refers to Mecca

Please understand Mecca,

Please know it is the place where the House of Allah is,

Please know it is where we repose,

Please know what I mean,

Please know it is the place we enter in peace,

Please Him,

Please know our Creator created it for us,

Please know why?

Please know that we would know where to retire to,

Please know it is where peace occurs in us,

Please know peace,

Please know our sins are remitted here,

Yours truly has been there several times and found it tiring to an extreme,

Please know we come back refreshed and born anew,

Please know when our sins are forgiven we are born again,

The end occurs if you think it is a foregone conclusion,

Please know you have to persevere,

Was this the reason that you fell?

Please know you think you will go there at the end of your life,

Please know you have to be sin free before,

Please know you will be forgiven eventually, if you ask,

Please know it may not be in this life,

Please know to please Him in your endeavors and not depend on this pilgrimage,

Please know our Creator asks you to remit in charity,

Please know the uphill path,

Please give in to good deeds, 

Please know humanity is one body,

The end is for those who think it is only for your brethren you do good,

Was this the reason you failed?

Please know it was. Omar.


90:1  Nay, I call to witness this City!

90:2  And thou wilt be made free from obligation in this City —

90:3  And the begetter and he whom he begot!

90:4  We have certainly created man to face difficulties.

90:5  Does he think that no one has power over him?

90:6  He will say: I have wasted much wealth.

90:7  Does he think that no one sees him?

90:8  Have We not given him two eyes,

90:9  And a tongue and two lips,

90:10  And pointed out to him the two conspicuous ways?

90:11  But he attempts not the uphill road;

90:12  And what will make thee comprehend what the uphill road is?

90:13  (It is) to free a slave,

90:14  Or to feed in a day of hunger

90:15  An orphan nearly related,

90:16  Or the poor man lying in the dust.

90:17  Then he is of those who believe and exhort one another to patience, and exhort one another to mercy.

90:18  These are the people of the right hand.

90:19  And those who disbelieve in Our messages, they are the people of the left hand.

90:20  On them is Fire closed over.


Please know the truth is effacive if you wish it to be.

Please know our Prophet was kind to you and these are his works that he explains life to you.

Please know it is through my webpage that you have understood Him and also from the original teachings of him as documented in books of hadith,

Please know there is nothing hidden,

Please know you have fathomed Him through my works which I bring to you from him, my Prophet,

Please know Ahmadiyyat has the answers for you.

Please know I wish to commend you who study our works in Ahmadiyyat,

Please know you will be asked if you studied the lore,

Please give into this,

Please know our Prophet was a Muslim you admire,

Please know it is commonplace to deride him but he was immaculate,

Please know I follow in his footsteps.

Please know our Prophet was humble and accurate about these issues that you have no pride in you in the Hereafter in Heaven abode,

Please know him,

Please know he did not like praise to be effusive or exuberant,

Please know he spoke the facts,

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ here because he spoke facts and you realized his caliber,

Please know our Creator is plain speaking,

Please know when He tells a truth about Himself He does so plainly,

Please know He knows our worth and wants us to be similar, without bragging about it. Omar.


Please know the edifice of the universe is in this statement ‘there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.’

Please see the requiem there at his gravesite on the hearts of man.

Please know these verses are from chapter 21 or the Prophets.

Please understand our Creator is not in need of anyone to do His work however he chose Muhammad to be His slave who would accomplish the needful and bring the message of Islam to all the nations. I know it is strange to you but our Prophet had mercy that would encompass all mankind.

Please know it is the heart that serves Him and wishes to bring mankind into truth and not live a life of falsehood.

Please see a requiem for him.

Please know here is the man who brought you to Paradise.

Please know we must explain him as there are many who don’t know him or who do not wish him well. 

Please try to say a prayer that includes him as he brought you the teachings of One God through my pen, as I write his words. I am sad as there many of you who think I am an opportunist while I only bring you the truth from Him and him. I know the edifice of the Heavens is held together by the words ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger’ so I implore you to seek knowledge about him as he is your savior and a mercy to your nation as well as others.

Please know it was a daily prayer at the time of the Prophet and this is the edifice we exist on,

Please know the Prophet is the companion Allah trusts to bring us to Islam or submission to Him and I am not he,

Please know neither is any of mankind or women chosen for this task of bringing reality of Him being your Savior and Creator to you. Omar.


21:106  Surely in this is a message for a people who serve (Us).

21:107  And We have not sent thee but as a mercy to the nations.

21:108  Say: It is only revealed to me that your God is one God: will you then submit?

21:109  But if they turn back, say: I have warned you in fairness, and I know not whether that which you are promised is near or far.

21:110  Surely He knows what is spoken openly and He knows what you hide.


Please know the miracle of the Quran is with you.

Please see these verses.

Please know they are from the chapter The Prophets.

Please know the Quran foretold that the universe was created.

Please understand the Quran,

Please know it is the verbatim word of God to the heart of a man.

Please know this man,

Please know he kept it intact.

Please know he was not told how the universe was created but spread the word that it was. I know this is conviction that he knew it occurred in the way God told him and only relayed the words.

Please know this is conviction.

Please understand this is prophecy.

Please know the prophets are a similar breed to you but have this conviction with them and do not hesitate with it.

Yours truly is a prophet in the metaphorical sense which means he has some prophecy from him, whom you call your Prophet soon.

Please know it is not the same as actual prophethood but some things are clear that when I write from him it is accurate.

Good for you is this belief.

Please know I am a saint like my mentor, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Please know he had characteristics different from mine and he was more accurate than me in certain respects.

Please know we work as one team and bring you literature that transforms you, like the verse here that states hidden things.

Please know in those days they could not have known these things that are in the Quran. Omar.


21:30  Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, so We rent them. And We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe?

21:31  And We made firm mountains in the earth lest it be convulsed with them, and We made in it wide ways that they might follow a right direction.

21:33  And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. All float in orbits.


Please see we all live on earth as humans and live and die here for the most part, as our nature indicates us so.

Please see the article that follows that shows reality is our norm and just as our Prophet had a normal life so do all prophets before him,

Please know we are all human and just as we are created simple beings so is Jesus where stories abound about his magical appearance and life knowing these are taken out of context for him by Muslims and Christians alike.

Please know Jesus could not have been alive at the time of the Prophet’s demise. 

Please know a Muslim can see there was an error in these ideas that float around today where they say he is alive with Him, 

Please know the evidence from the Quran is compelling and incontrovertible, 

Please know he cannot be eating food there as food for us is derived from earth, 

Please know he cannot be in suspended animation either as he has been seen in visions. 

Please know the Prophet saw him and Jesus prayed behind him in Jerusalem, 

Please know he would see decay as the Quran says man reaches an abject state when he lives long, 

Please know it is simple to assume these are misconceptions that came into Islam from the Muslim converts from Christianity and were not the teachings of Muhammad who followed the teachings of the Quran, 

Please know it is clear that a hadith has to be rejected when it goes against the teachings of the Quran,

Please know to clarify your thoughts about this and know that the second coming of Christ is a metaphor for him as he has died, as documented in this post and others I present to you.

Please know these truths from the Quran,

Please know they are from the chapter The Prophets.

Please know man could not have known these things when the Quran was revealed fourteen hundred years ago.

Please know it did not come in the comprehension of man that the earth and the universe were rent asunder like the Big Bang theory suggests.

Please know it was also not in their understanding that living things were created out of water.

Please know similarly it was not known that the sun was in orbit in the universe.

Please know this is the integrity of the Quran that it’s revelation was perfect.

Please know to read it.

Please know it is guarded and correct for you to read.

Please know it also says that there is no abiding by any living being thereby negating the celestial existence of Elias and Jesus.

Please know all die and there are no exceptions.

Please know it is indicated here that if the Prophet dies than how could another being live thereby indicating that the Prophet’s death was a sign that the previous people had died as well. 

Please know we are tried on earth for a purpose.

Please know it is to develop our faculties and draw us close to God.

Please know He has created good to try us by abundance and happiness.

Please know He will see if we come through for Him and others in our happy times.

Please know He wishes to test us to see our worth,

Please know it is similar for evil.

Please know He wishes us to ask refuge with Him from it and it’s trials.

Please know He allows it to exist.

Please know we create it.

Please know we are guilty though as we create evil with our acts and when we fall prey we berate Him,

Please know evil is our sins and unhappiness results from it.

Please know in our Prophet’s society evil was limited as laws were strict and people were scared of committing evil deeds.

Please know we must punish evil.

Please know it is not enough to discuss these issues but we must protect society from them.


21:30  Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, so We rent them. And We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe?

21:31  And We made firm mountains in the earth lest it be convulsed with them, and We made in it wide ways that they might follow a right direction.

21:32  And We have made the heaven a guarded canopy; yet they turn away from its signs.

21:33  And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. All float in orbits.

21:34  And We granted abiding forever to no mortal before thee. If thou diest, will they abide?

21:35  Every soul must taste of death. And We test you by evil and good by way of trial. And to Us you are returned.


Please know we are atheists before we are believers in Him and our worth is to increase our lot with Him.

Please know our worth is to be grateful to Him in our tests from Him.

Please see the following verses from The Man or chapter 76.

Please understand the significance of the creation of mankind.

Please know that we have been placed in this world to be tried.

Please try to understand the significance of the words in the second verse.

Please know we were nothing before our creation except as spirits did we exist.

Please understand He created us from a lowly extract of the loins of man and woman.

Please realize our worth here.

We were nothing before and our creation is from an extract of male and female ejaculate.

Please see how we compete with in Him in our disobedience to His Word.

Please acknowledge our lowly state before we dispute with Him in future and relent to His wishes as He knows what is best for us here on earth.

Please know we are atheists before we are believers as a child does not know Him and thinks our parents are Him in their thinking.

Please recognize merit.

Please know I explain things to you from Him and I desire that you give credit where it is due.

Please know this is for your benefit as I gain little from it. In this there is sadness for you that you think I am ordinary. I know I am read.

Please know we are all accounted for here.

Please understand this.

Please know our accounting is complete and the pens are put down when we pass on to our Abode of Waiting or Barzakh. In the eventuality I die I know my credit is with you and you will come through for me. In this is certainty for me that I am Masih Al-Dajjal or the promised one.

Please know I was the expected one for your community to come around to our Islam.

Please know you are more than halfway there. Omar.


76:1  Surely there came over man a time when he was nothing that could be mentioned.

76:2  Surely We have created man from sperm mixed (with ovum), to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing.

76:3  We have truly shown him the way; he may be thankful or unthankful.


Please know our Prophet will give you peace when you meet him in our Hereafter with Him.

Please know the life of the Hereafter is a pleasure to some who come through for Him.

Please know we are people who are normal in makeup and color as given to us by God.

Please know the following caption is for you to know as correct.

Please know we are tested as mortals.

Please see if you can live this life in perfect peace. In this there is certainty that there is a life awaiting us that is better than this one where we are tested repeatedly.

Please know once the accounting is over we will know our Prophet’s car had the prime parking spot with Him and it will be over for some. I know we can’t be jealous of him. I will see the day when I know I am parked with him in Heaven, as are the prophets and saints of yore, inshallah or God willing I will be. 

Please understand he was the best of created humanity and our lives will be a witness that we are not his grace. Omar.


3:144  And Muhammad is but a messenger — messengers have already passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels? And he who turns back upon his heels will do no harm at all to Allah. And Allah will reward the grateful.


Please know our Prophet was resplendent and a light giving sun to some who benefit from it.

Please see these verses from the chapter of The Allies of thirty-three.

Please understand we are not him,

Please know him,

Please understand he was the complete make of man.

Please try to see reason when you compare him to us in Islam.

Please know he was our leader and the one we follow. I know he was given the Quran for this purpose.

Please understand his person,

Please know it is a person the prophets and saints emerge from.

Please know what this means,

Please see the following,

Please know he was the sun to us and we emerge from ourselves to be him in our mold.

Please know the heavens and the earth are created for him.

Please understand this,

Please realize it is for his mold that our Creator created the world and the heavens of the Hereafter.

Please know I am no idolater when I say this as I don’t worship him.

Please realize our Creator wants us to be like him before we enter our Paradise.

Please know this,

Please know we are all imperfect but he was perfected in this life and we should follow him.

In this there is certainty that he is the mold we become. Omar.


33:41  O you who believe, remember Allah with much remembrance,

33:42  And glorify Him morning and evening.

33:43  He it is Who sends blessings on you, and (so do) His angels, that He may bring you forth out of darkness into light. And He is ever Merciful to the believers.

33:44  Their salutation on the day they meet Him will be, Peace! and He has prepared for them an honorable reward.

33:45  O Prophet, surely We have sent thee as a witness, and a bearer of good news and a warner,

33:46  And as an inviter to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving sun.


Please know his respect was earned and the worthy amongst us submit to it.

Please see the following verses from chapter 49 or The Apartments.

Please understand this.

Please know this was the character of Allah’s Messenger that he would not say this to his companions himself.

Please understand this.

Please know that he was humble to an extreme and would not ask for his respect from others.

Please know his Creator stood up for him and admonished some of his companions when they raised their voices in his presence and the same compliment was returned by His prophet regarding Him.

Please understand we are in awe to Him and His emissary and it was not for a companion of his to look at his face out of respect for him. I know the feeling and it is put yourself in abject humility in his presence knowing that you are in the presence of the Prophet of God who is your superior and commanding officer with Him.

Please know it is this abject humility we have that will achieve us his grace. I am absolved of wrong because I know my place with him. I know the feeling is similar for our Creator when we see Him in Paradise. I am safe for you because of this emotion as I will forsake myself for his companionship.

Please do not think this is a disease on the part of myself. It was the conduct of the companions of his to have similar feelings of respect to him and his Creator. Omar.


49:1  O you who believe, be not forward in the presence of Allah and His Messenger, and keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

49:2  O you who believe, raise not your voices above the Prophet’s voice, nor speak loudly to him as you speak loudly one to another, lest your deeds become null, while you perceive not.

49:3  Surely those who lower their voices before Allah’s Messenger are they whose hearts Allah has proved for dutifulness. For them is forgiveness and a great reward.


Please know the night prayer is essential for those to survive them.

Please see this section from the chapter of Him Who Covered Himself or 73.

The end is there for those who think prophethood is an easy task.

Please know people are distraught at losing their old faith and fight in a way that is similar to when they would lose their property.

Yours truly knows it is an easy task to fight the truth as there are many like you who do this and there are few who fight for the truth with vigor and enthusiasm. I am sad for you that you see the truth yet persist in your old ways. 

Please know our Prophet was afraid of the task assigned to him by his Creator but was reassured by Him here in these verses from Him. I know it is no easy task to forsake your bed at night and pray to Him.

There is a comprehension that the tasks of the prophets is easy and they just have to proclaim the message.

Please know the adversary that follows when you teach anew and the examples of the prophets Jesus and John the Baptist are with you, so you know how they suffer.

Please know the Quran is explicit for you and is easy to read and understand.

Please know it is Book that followed all others and is the criterion for man on how to live.

The end is there in their homes who believe the good life is this one.

Please know we will pass away empty handed and we suffer immeasurably here. I know this life is just a means to a better end. Omar.


73:1  O thou covering thyself up!

73:2  Rise to pray by night except a little,

73:3  Half of it, or lessen it a little,

73:4  Or add to it, and recite the Qur’an in a leisurely manner.

73:5  Surely We shall charge thee with a weighty word.

73:6  The rising by night is surely the firmest way to tread and most effective in speech.

73:7  Truly thou hast by day prolonged occupation.

73:8  And remember the name of thy Lord and devote thyself to Him with (complete) devotion.

73:9  The Lord of the East and the West — there is no God but He — so take Him for Protector.


Please know to persevere in truth-telling as it will get you Paradise.

Please know that we must persevere in truth-telling if we wish to achieve him in character.   

Please know I mean Muhammad, on him be peace, who never spoke a lie, apparently the character he needed to receive the Quran as a revelation.                                                      

Please know we can all be like him if we speak the truth under duress and lie to a minimum in our lives. 

Please know minor sins are forgiven by Him Who creates and there is leeway for us and our good deeds will need to be greater than our sins to achieve his state of ease from us. 

Please know we must persevere with doing good deeds and avoiding sins as the balance on the Day of Judgment must be in our favor.

Please let people know He is right who is our Creator in that the words of the Quran are true. This is what the Quran says that monotheists who believe in the Oneness of God and believe in Judgment Day, knowing they are answerable to their Creator, will go to Paradise like the Muslims will whose good deeds outnumber their bad deeds. I am sure there is leeway in this matter that they have to recognize the Prophet to enter Paradise as there will be some education that will transpire there in the Hereafter.

Please understand our Prophet was correct in saying that if you have heard of me and do not recognize me as a prophet then you will not achieve Paradise.

Please know the prophet of his time has to be obeyed and it is just like what Jesus said that “he was the way.”

Please note the following caption there in the Hereafter.

Please know I have heard of Muhammad in passing only. I need to know him better. Do I have chance now? 

Please know people will be given opportunity on the Day of Judgment to make amends. They will be asked to follow him on that day and if they can do so they will be like him and can enter Paradise. 

Please know we can enter Paradise only when we are like him in character. This means we evolve to his state of perfection.

Please note the following caption on my prophet’s car there on the doorstep of Paradise.

Please know we have achieved it because we persevere with truth telling and are patient under duress. I am perfect because I am truthful and I am kind to an extreme. 

Please know our perfection as humans is different from our Creator’s as we still make errors and are human in that regard. Omar.


Please know a man’s worth is his desire for excellence with Him.

Please see a epitaph for our Prophet from Him.

You are one with sublime morals.

Please see these verses from The Gold or chapter 43.

Please know that our Prophet was a man of importance with Him.

Please understand human values are base and low.

Please understand Jesus was a poor man and faced similar criticism.

Please realize that the message of Abraham came to fulfillment in our Prophet.

The end is there for those who think that there is worth in man if they amass money and have many children.

The end is there for those who think there is any worth with Him in a lying deceitful one which is generally the rule for those in power.

In this there is certainty that God looks at the heart of an individual when He chooses him for a task.

In this there is clarity and I rest the case with you here. Omar.


43:26  And when Abraham said to his sire and his people: I am clear of what you worship,

43:27  Save Him Who created me, for surely He will guide me.

43:28  And he made it a word to continue in his posterity that they might return.

43:29  Nay! I let these and their fathers enjoy till there came to them the Truth and a Messenger making manifest.

43:30  And when the Truth came to them they said: This is enchantment, and surely we are disbelievers in it.

43:31  And they say: Why was not this Qur’an revealed to a man of importance in the two towns?


Please know the World Prophet is here for you to please.

Please Him,

Please know that was what the Prophet did and was well pleased,

Please know he was vouchsafed success,

Please give into this fact of reality,

Please know he was a prophet of God,

Please know he explained reality to you,

Please know that is the Quran.

Please give in.

Please him,

Please the one who brought you the Quran,

Please know his name will be remembered,

Please know our Creator has vouchsafed it.                                                                              

Please know his task was difficult and burdensome,

Please know he was assured ease,

Please know he was foretold that his name would be honored,

Please know he knew Islam would become a great empire,

Please know that did not mean he didn’t pray to Him,

Please know he said I pray because I am grateful.

Please see this verse from the chapter The Expansion,

Please know the Prophets breast was straitened,

Please understand he was not being called a prophet and people were ignoring him,

Please understand our Creator reassured him,

Please know he would gain eminence in the world as a prophet of His,

Please know his heart was at peace and he knew it would occur,

Please know the eminence he will gain would be worldwide,

Please know this has occurred as people recognize him,

Please give into me,

Please know the reality is that he is a prophet to you as his nature was exemplary,

Please know he was seen clearly in your eyes as a prophet of His, just like Krishna, Buddha, Moses and Jesus,

Please know you recognize his characteristics as one of them who is given revelation from Him,

Please know you realize he was the Spirit of Truth foretold in the scriptures,

Please know he was given the revelation that the words he spoke were not his but from Him, as foretold by Jesus and Moses,

Please know you all have prophets you respect and he was respectable in your eyes as he never spoke a lie and forfeited himself and strayed not with women, like we all do here.

Please give in and respect him like we respect your prophet, and give him the eminence he deserves as the World Prophet who had the Quran in his hand, which you read. Omar.


94:1  Have We not expanded for thee thy breast,

94:2  And removed from thee thy burden,

94:3  Which weighed down thy back,

94:4  And exalted for thee thy mention?

94:5  Surely with difficulty is ease,

94:6  With difficulty is surely ease.


Please Him, that is expertise, and take the Quran for reference, that is sure footing.

Please know there is trouble brewing if we don’t take heed of Him. I know there is a choice you have to make. I hope it is the one you know to be correct for you.

Please see the following verses from the chapter Ta-Ha or 20.

Please know those who hold on to the Quran are the ones that are successful. I know our Creator has given it to us that we may live aright.

Please know the Quran is considered a criterion by us on how to judge between right and wrong.

Please know that we must fail if we live by our own desires and only when we follow Him will we achieve salvation.

Please know our Creator has given us the faculties to think.

Please know He has given us the right to choose our paths.

Please know He has told us the outcome of our choices. Omar.


20:1  O man,

20:2  We have not revealed the Qur’an to thee that thou mayest be unsuccessful;

20:3  But it is a reminder to him who fears:

20:4  A revelation from Him Who created the earth and the high heavens.

20:5  The Beneficent is established on the Throne of Power.

20:6  To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is beneath the soil.

20:7  And if thou utter the saying aloud, surely He knows the secret, and what is yet more hidden.

20:8  Allah — there is no God but He. His are the most beautiful names.


Please know the Quran was a perfect fight to fight war with.

Please know our Prophet was perfect.

Please know he would challenge those who derided him,

Please know these words,

Please know what our Prophet was faced with,

Please know he was faced with people who recognized the truth but decided to fight it,

Please know this is some of you,

Please know, however, you are outnumbered,

Please give in and side with the majority,

Please give into goodness rather than war with your Creator and your Prophet.

Please know this is what the Prophet said when the people of Mecca were vociferant in their abuse of him,

Please know he said to them: “O Quraysh, will you hear me? Truly by Him who holds my soul in His hand, I bring you slaughter!

Please know they became quiet and in the first battle fought by the Meccans and Muslims these men were killed,

Please know prophesy,

Please know it is accurate,

Please know there is no need for battle now,

Please know your hearts are one,

Please know you know that your Creator is One,

Please know there is no need for slaughter and your hearts will see peace from Him,

The end occurs when you think you will be entering Hell.

Please know your destination is Heaven,

Please know why?

Please know you are a good people,                                                                                      

Was this the reason you feared?

Yes, you feared the truth of the matter but now you are at peace and Islam is here with you,

Please know you feared before. Omar.


Please know our book is an open book exam. If we fail it is up to us we did not use it.

Please understand we are sad if we fail the test because our copy writing skills were not up to the mark.                                                                                                                          

Please know life is complex. If we ace a test it is because we are careful in following the star who aced it before. In this way we know the Mujaddids who came before were careful in this regard. In the end we are judged for our deeds and we will see the star of every era ace their tests with their classmates because they were careful with others and respected the opinions and values of those they lived with if they were on the right path.

Please try to see concern come forth when we do not act like the Prophet in a certain situation we are faced with.

The end is near for those who discredit an act of the Prophet without thinking about it or without further ado.

Please know this is correct to some extent. We need to copy the person who aces the test. 

Please know we need to copy our Prophet only in making religious verdicts.

Please understand when we copy a scholar it must be in the context to see if he went against the star pupil. If his exam test went against our star who was always corrected by his Teacher then he should be eliminated as a star in that regard. We are all human pupils and we all make errors in tests so we should copy our test from the corrected text of our Prophet’s exam paper as this is a open copy exam where copying is permitted.

Please know this is not a jest but true.

Please understand our copy should be similar to the gold standard pupil of our Teacher who gave us a Book and a test sheet of our star student. Omar.


Please know space travel is for the modern man and not prophets who used to stay put during their spiritual ascension to Him.

Please know that space travel is incredulous without the help of a space suit.

Please know that supernatural stories have crept into our religious belief as long as there was prophethood. 

Please understand that no mortal can be lifted to the heavens unless it occurs by modern day space travel.

In this there is certainty that these things of the supernatural cause disquiet in people and makes them turn away from religion.

In this way they lose out as there is much good there and it is for us to decipher what is right and what is made up. 

Please know when we find something to be incredulous it is probably incorrect. There are things like space travel by prophets which the lay like to accept but are generally misunderstood as the human body is incapable of space travel without the agency of a space suit.

Please see that this misconception appeared in the life of the Prophet and was misunderstood by later generations in that he actually had bodily ascension, while it was spiritual. This was verified from the verse of the Quran below where it states that it is not for a mortal to travel into the heavens and it was only spiritual, as narrated by Aisha, the wife of the Prophet. The subsequent verse shows that it was only a vision that in which he traveled however the vision was such that he could relate events that occurred. 

Please know this is a misconception that Elias travelled to space and an error that Jesus did so as well. When Jesus was questioned about the second coming of Elias he was specific in denial of it and indicated it was John the Baptist who was his second coming as there is no reincarnation in our religious beliefs. Omar.


17:1  Glory to Him Who carried His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Remote Mosque, whose precincts We blessed, that We might show him of Our signs! Surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”


17:60  And when We said to thee: Surely thy Lord encompasses men. And We made not the vision which We showed thee but a trial for men, as also the tree cursed in the Qur’an. And We warn them, but it only adds to their great inordinacy.


Please know it is validated in the Quran space travel does not occur for prophets and the likes of man.

Please know it is the conscious mind that travels in cases of ascension but it is taken out of context to signify bodily ascension is possible for man.

Please understand the Prophet was incredulous that people would think he could travel the way they do here and was asked to object to their demands.

Please know it is over and they know a mortal can’t ascend, 

Please know people know the body will rupture if it ascends, 

Please know you create Godhead in man when you say things of this nature, 

Please know Jesus and Muhammad were mortals and no man can ascend to Him or Heaven in the body.

Please see this verse from the Quran where our Prophet is asked to say to people how can he ascend to Heaven?

Please know these verse are from Bani-Israel.

Please know this negates the bodily ascension in the night of Isra.

Please know it was a vision but had reality and the spirit of Muhammad actually traveled there and he saw things there the nature of which he described to his companions,

Please know it is considered amongst Muslims that he ascended in his physical body though the hadith of Aisha is against this concept.

Please know it is similar for Jesus,

Please know he was a mortal so how could he ascend,

Please know it is clear that this is a general statement that mortals cannot ascend,

Please know our Creator is aware you give him God-like qualities when you say he can undergo space travel without the agency of a space suit or transportation.

Please know we can ascend in spirit but not bodily.

Please know so it is similar for Elias.

Please know these are stories that creep into religion to please the incredulous. Omar.


17:89  And certainly We have made clear for men in this Qur’an every kind of description, but most men consent to naught save denying.

17:90  And they say: We will by no means believe in thee, till thou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us,

17:91  Or thou have a garden of palms and grapes in the midst of which thou cause rivers to flow forth abundantly,

17:92  Or thou cause the heaven to come down upon us in pieces, as thou thinkest, or bring Allah and the angels face to face (with us),

17:93  Or thou have a house of gold, or thou ascend into heaven. And we will not believe in thy ascending till thou bring down to us a book we can read. Say: Glory to my Lord! am I aught but a mortal messenger?


Please know the car of Muhammad was extant and is parked at His residence.

Yours truly knows the acclaim that he had was that his conduct was that of the Quran in the words of his wife after he passed away, when enquired upon.

Please know this is the reply that the wife of our Prophet gave when asked about the conduct of her husband.

Please understand these verses are from the chapter of The Believers or 23.

Please know these describe the perfect believer. 

Please understand we cannot compare ourselves to him but know this is what our Creator expects of us before we can gain entry with him in Paradise.

Please know we must ascribe purity to him.

Please know the Muslims were a witness to his car there.

Please try to fathom if you can do this.

Please give credit to him, the Prophet there, who was witnessed in this regard.

Please know after we die our relatives talk about us but who has this mentioned about them, Omar.


23:1  Successful indeed are the believers,

23:2  Who are humble in their prayers,

23:3  And who shun what is vain,

23:4  And who act for the sake of purity,

23:5  And who restrain their sexual passions—

23:6  Except in the presence of their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for such surely are not blamable,

23:7  But whoever seeks to go beyond that, such are transgressors —

23:8  And those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenant,

23:9  And those who keep a guard on their prayers.

23:10  These are the heirs,

23:11  Who inherit Paradise. Therein they will abide.


Please know Muhammad was solicitous for your car to be parked there with his own vehicle of choice.

Please see these verses from the chapter of The Immunity or nine.

Please know our Creator created a human who was solicitous for you, desiring your good end.

Please know he was not a hard man but one full of compassion for those who believed in him.

Please know his compassion was great and encompassed those who hated him as he knew it was only a human error that they did that. I know compassion from him.

Please know he was solicitous for people with Him and asked for their forgiveness and guidance to Him. I know these are the things that count the most.

Please know there were many who did not believe but after giving them the message he was told to let them be. I know there is nothing more that a messenger can do but to deliver the message.

Please know it is God Who guides when He feels that the person is ready for Him in His Paradise.

Please know that you should be solicitous for your loved one. Omar.

Al Bara’at.

9:127  And whenever a chapter is revealed, they look one at another: Does anyone see you? Then they turn away. Allah has turned away their hearts because they are a people who understand not.

9:128  Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, most solicitous for you, to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful.

9:129  But if they turn away, say: Allah is sufficient for me — there is no god but He. On Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of the mighty Throne.


Please know he was solicitous of you even though you gave him no regard.

Please know this man was not forgiven even though the Prophet prayed for him more than seventy times.

Please know this verse from The Immunity or chapter 9.

Please know our Prophet was a man that forgave.

Please understand his Creator gave him a choice- whether to pray for a man who was an inveterate enemy of his.

Please understand there were many men like him who lived under the guise of being Muslims but inwardly hated him and his religion.

Please know the chief of them was this man who died during the lifetime of the Prophet.

Please know he asked for the shirt of the Prophet as a shroud for himself.

Please know he was hated by the Muslims for his treachery to him.

As the Prophet was given a choice, he decided to have forgiveness on him and prayed more than seventy times for his peace to occur.

Please know we all know we have a destiny and his destiny was to be an enemy of him.

Please know there is forgiveness for man after their debt to Him is paid off.

Please know when we die in that state we are not ready for Heaven and our destiny is Hellfire.

Please know our Creator gives us chance after chance to reform in this life.

Please know if we don’t then our destination is Hell, where reformation occurs. Omar.

Al- Bara’at.

9:80  Ask forgiveness for them or ask not forgiveness for them. Even if thou ask forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah will not forgive them. This is because they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger. And Allah guides not the transgressing people.


Please be considerate of his magnanimity as you don’t know it in your culture.

Please understand our Prophet was magnanimous in victory. He took prisoners of war on occasion but nearly on all occasions he set them free without taking any ransom. I know this is magnanimous and I don’t know of anyone in history who would behave such after vanquishing an enemy bent on their destruction. I know there are examples of other generals showing mercy to the defeated force but setting them free after their war is not an example I know of.

Please indicate disfavor to those who know such nobility yet they will still denigrate him and call him someone who converted by the sword. There is not one example of a coercion done by him after winning the battle. In Hawazin, there is a tribe whose example is known to those who study history in that six thousand prisoners of war were reunited with their families simply because they requested him of it knowing he was the best of men.

The end is there for people who think they can denigrate him on this point while his mercy is eminently clear.

The same applies to the time when his home town of Mecca fell to him. I know of no record in history where the whole city was given consolation they could practice religion as they wished while they had fought him for his religion of Islam.

These were the people who had driven him from his home and killed many of his kinsfolk. I know they were given general amnesty and were not taken as prisoners. It was for us to learn that the aim of an armed conflict is to win hearts and not to force people into a state of subjugation and resentment to the captors. In this there is a lesson that the majority of the people of this city abdicated their old religion of idolatry and embraced the religion of Islam simply based upon the magnanimous nature of this man. Omar.


Please know the complete make up of man from him.

The end is there for those who think a battle is to gain ascendency. It is to win people’s heart to you.

Please see the following passages from chapter two or The Cow.

Under no circumstances was it permitted to the Muslims to be the aggressor. Our Quran is adamant that war is only in the defensive measure always suing for peace when the battle was done if the enemy laid down arms they have on you. 

The Quran is clear that Muslims did not like to fight in battles.

Yours truly knows it is in this setting our Prophet lived his life. He took part in some twenty military expeditions in his life and won all of them except a few. In this there is certainty that he was a great general and he used his forces judiciously, minimizing casualties. I know you like him as he was sagacious but I know him to be a complete man, fighting a war, if needed.

Your heart knows he was a prophet of God. I hope you will respect him like we do in Islam as he was the complete make-up of man. It is him we emulate to prevent us from going astray with stray opinions that float around. I know him to be a beacon of light for us. I know there are many like us in the world who need a guide to guide them through the darkness we live in.

The end is there for those who do not take his beacon to be steadfast for them. I mean Muslim groups who say they follow him but use conjecture and are not steadfast in following his light, killing and mutilating women and children in their desire to gain ascendency, something he never advocated. I can assure you that a cursory examination of his life will show nothing untoward in his conduct. I am keen that you learn about him and I would recommend that you continue your reading of him from the book I recommend to you, this, and others in Islam. Omar.


2:216  Fighting is enjoined on you, though it is disliked by you; and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you; and Allah knows while you know not.

2:217  They ask thee about fighting in the sacred month. Say: Fighting in it is a grave (offence). And hindering (men) from Allah’s way and denying Him and the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are still graver with Allah; and persecution is graver than slaughter. And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can. And whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever — these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the Hereafter. And they are the companions of the Fire: therein they will abide.


Please know to take care of all eventualities like he did even though he was assured protection from Him.

Please know Bond is an entity you worship literally in this culture because he took care to cover eventualities, like I do, but I am cautious of you as you break statutes to prolong my disclamor to you and your community of woes as sex has gone from the realm as anything sane for you in your culture of adultery and sex in marriage not.

Please know we cover eventualities but it is so you jail me without accord as you are upset about your culture of amour to others not related to you but it is so Allah has a plan so we trust in Him as prophets do here in this verse below.

Please know our Creator is Loving, Benignant while man is the opposite until he submits to Him.

Please see these verses from chapter 20 or Ta Ha.

Please know our Creator is ever hearing and seeing. 

Please know when Moses went to the Pharaoh he feared his arrogance and anger, knowing him to be inordinate.

Please know to fear is natural but God asks us to put our trust in Him.

Please know He took care of all eventualities. In this there is certainty that He is the High, the Powerful.

Please know that does not mean we don’t take precautions against the inordinate, spiteful one.

Please understand our Prophet was a cautious man who took precautions with them who opposed him. I know he was under the protection of his Creator but our Creator asks us to heed our senses and be cautious with others without fearing them. Omar.


20:46  He said: Fear not, surely I am with you — I do hear and see.

20:47  So go you to him and say: Surely we are two messengers of thy Lord; so send forth the Children of Israel with us; and torment them not. Indeed we have brought to thee a message from thy Lord, and peace to him who follows the guidance.


Please know you don’t need to be an Arab to be a scholar who teaches religion to you here in the West and East some.

Please understand when the heart perceives the truth and lies it is termed hypocrisy.

Please the following caption on the heart of one of the supporters of Prophet Muhammad.

Please know it was said when he was in Mecca.

Please understand that he was involved in spreading the teachings of the Quran which is compiled in beautiful poetry.

Please know he was an enemy then but he gave the verdict of truth to him and told the opponents of Muhammad that they should not call him an enchanter. I know there are people in this land of yours will say that the Quran was his writing but we know it to be a revelation to his heart coming verbatim through the angel from the Author, God Himself.

Please know the miracle of the Quran cannot be reproduced though many have tried. It has power and when one listens to it being recited one appreciates the melody in it.

Please know the Quran enchanted the people of Arabia who understood the language.

Yours truly is learning Arabic to understand the Quran in the language it was revealed but it is an arduous task learning a language here where Arabic tutors are not available.

Was this the reason that you thought I was not a scholar?

Please know you don’t need to know Arabic to know your religious belief. All you need is a heart that perceives the truth and is truthful to a degree not known to you here.

Please know an Arabic scholar may know the language but if his heart deviates then he has vice in him and is not worthy to give the message to you.

Please understand I am worthy in this regard and so was my mentor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Please know it detracts the scholar who says that we are ignorant of Islam while we live it and they learn it. Omar.

Please see the words of Nadr ibn Harith.

“Muhammad was a boy amongst you, the most truthful and the most honest. Now that he has grown old and brought you a message you call him an enchanter. By God, he is not an enchanter!”

Please know this man had truth in his heart and lived by his convictions.


Please know a false witness is over us but they will pass away and the truth will persist.

Please know this is what we are called to witness in our Hereafter.

Please know the covenant from the truthful is similar. They will be questioned if they defended the truth when they saw lies propagate after the passage of their Prophet as they have a responsibility to Him as well.

Please know the covenant obtained from the prophets was about the strict monotheism they taught. 

Please know that He will hold them accountable for any lapse in their communication. All the prophets held fast to their pact with Him. In this we are sane and if any polytheism resulted it was not from them. In all the examples of the prophets in the Quran there is no example of any of them breaking this rule of our Creation.

Please know in the following verse, it indicates He will ask the truthful if they received the message and if they adopted it in their teachings to others. It is clear that if one falsifies the message then it is considered to be a heresy for which they will be asked. In this we are sane that it is a false witness who changes the message and the truthful one will not allow this to happen. Omar.

The Allies.

33:7  And when We took a covenant from the prophets and from thee, and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus, son of Mary, and We took from them a solemn covenant,

33:8  That He may question the truthful of their truth, and He has prepared for the disbelievers painful chastisement.


Please know the perfect exemplar is him in whom you should have abode for in your home.

Please know our exemplar was a humble man with no airs and some miracles to his credit but has credit in the eyes of mankind that because of this he is considered a man and not a god in the eyes of man and his spouse.

Please see this verse from The Allies or chapter 33.

Please know we submit to the will of Allah or whatever name you wish to know Him by.

Yours truly knows our Prophet is an exemplar for you and not myself or Jesus though we may bring you to Him. I know you respect Jesus and think him to be perfect but he was not the one you follow to Paradise as he committed some sin which was not elaborated on in the scriptures and he told you the Comforter as the Spirit of Truth will appear to teach you the complete faith, something you couldn’t have borne then.

Please know he was a near perfect exemplar but he is not the one you follow as he himself would need to follow Muhammad in order to reach salvation. I know this upsets you as you think he was in a state of grace from Him but there are some errors that all of us make that will be clarified when we reach Him and that does not allow us to be the mold for mankind. 

Please know our Prophet tried to make it clear that he was the exemplar for you and indicated on the Day of Judgment he would be raised to the most coveted position for man, which is the leader for mankind.

The end comes to him or her who do not recognize merit such as his.

Real time occurs when we are raised. I know we look towards the wisdom of man to raise ourselves and it is recommended you study this man in a biography and realize he was the person his Creator proclaimed him to be. In the verse it shows here that we all wish for a good end and we need to follow through and become like him so that we could achieve that end. Omar.


33:21  Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Latter day, and remembers Allah much.


Please know this man.

Please see these verses from chapter 21 or The Prophets.

Please know our Messenger was sent to all the nations as their Prophet. As we live in the twenty first century we have seen that a sizable number of nations already call him such. It is stated in the Quran that Islam will prevail over all other religions and we know it is a matter of time before that occurs. In this there is sadness for those that think they can delay the truth from occurring while it is only to their benefit if they can submit to Him in the truth that we have brought forth regarding Jesus and other prophets of His Grace. I am sad as they only bring the fire into their lives as they will not have peace for denying me.

Yours truly knows that Islam is peace for you and we all need this in our lives.

Please know sin and temptation only draw you into Hell while the peace of my message is clear to you and gives residence with Him in the abode of joy hearkening for eternal ways on us. Omar.


21:106  Surely in this is a message for a people who serve (Us).

21:107  And We have not sent thee but as a mercy to the nations.

21:108  Say: It is only revealed to me that your God is one God: will you then submit?


Please know terrorism is a creed if you say it is but the Prophet is not responsible for you.

Please know I am sure you will see reason that we are not terrorists if we follow our Prophet in things.

Please see this hadith from a hadith collection of merit.

Please know the same holds true for the non-combatant.

Please know our Prophet would offer peace at every juncture and even before the battle would allow them to withdraw if they wished to acknowledge that they would pay the tax.

Please know he was no war-monger as portrayed here in this country but would offer to make peace if at all possible.

Please know it is this injunction that indicates there can be no acts of terrorism where carnage is committed in the public arena. 

Please understand that if women and children are not to be harmed in battles when they fight you not then it is compulsory to understand that he would never condone them to be targets in marketplaces and other areas. In this there is certainty that you complain about him without ado and don’t try to open your heart to the truth he was you in ideology of not doing anything wrong in warfare.

Please know when women fight you in battle it is permitted you kill them as they have ability to harm you if allowed to go undeterred.

Please understand he is the commander-in-chief of the Muslim forces and it is necessary that we follow his example and not allow our personal conjectures to cloud our judgment in how to act in warfare. Omar.

The Prophet said: “Go in Allah’s name, trusting in Allah, and adhering to the religion of Allah’s Apostle. Do not kill a decrepit old man, or a young infant, or a child, or a woman; do not be dishonest about booty, but collect your spoils, do right, and act well, for Allah loves those who do well.”


Please know terror cells know no creed or dictum from Him.

Please know our Creator gave credence to the call of the oppressed be he Christian or Jew or Muslim and Non-Muslim as they are His creation and He will protect them as they have a right to exist as they please.

Please see this verse from chapter five or The Table.

Please know the revelation is for a purpose,

Please know it is meant to be followed,

Please know disbeliever,

Please know it is not enough to acknowledge it is the truth from Him,

Please know a believer submits.

Please know he who does not judge by it is not a believer,

Please know it is lip service they serve,

Please know a believer will always judge by Him,

Please know the clan, the ISIS, are not following this injunction,

Please know He said “do not kill your brother,”

Please know He said “war is only for those who fight you,”

Please know He said “do not be aggressors in warfare,”

Please know our Prophet warned about them,

Please know they do not follow his instructions,

Please know he did not convert on the point of the sword,

Please know he forbade the harming of non-combatants,

Please know he forbade the killing of women and children,

Please know he expressed concern for the hostage,

Please know he went to extremes to make sure the enemy would not be forced to accept Islam and always gave them the avenue of accepting Islam or paying the jizya or tax,

Please know he never attacked a place where the call to prayer was made,

Please know he said if two Muslim men came to kill each other they were both in Hell and were apostates,

Please know our Prophet is merciful and was full of compassion, which they lack.

Please know a person who disobeys our Prophet in his injunctions is in hellfire.

Please know the Islamic law has a code of conduct for us and it has to be followed by a believer,

Please know it is hellfire they abide in and their actions belie their claim that they are Muslims or submitters to Him,

Please know they have a chance before they are run over,

Please know they should disband and ask forgiveness,

Please know they are wrong to be categorized as Muslims until they submit to His will. Omar.


5:44  Surely We revealed the Torah, having guidance and light. By it did the prophets who submitted themselves (to Allah) judge for the Jews, and the rabbis and the doctors of law, because they were required to guard the Book of Allah, and they were witnesses thereof. So fear not the people and fear Me, and take not a small price for My messages. And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the disbelievers.


Please know war on terror will continue and we will win it as they are ostracized in our lands.

Please know the war on terror is gradual but we win it as the law is on our side.

Please know only the despots fight on and they have lost ground as people realize Islamic law does not support it and they are a law of their own where they kill and maim others.

Please know they are not Muslims as they don’t submit to Him and our Prophet and are ostracized by all in the Muslim world as it has become clear they break Muslim edicts and law.

Please know these are despots and should be regarded as murderers and killing them is just.

Please know these are not fighting for the downtrodden in our land by disobeying Him and His Prophet and have no agenda with us in Islam.

Please know our Islam comes from Prophet Muhammad and we have no one to guide us but him and his Book.

Please know it is alien to us what they do in our lands as it is heinous act to kill women and children and general public you war with to get your way.

Please know Allah does not enforce shariah on you but they do in their blind claim to bring Islam to people, like the civil war on their territory.

Please know shariah is meant to be understood and adopted and its current version has many holes in it and is incomprehensible to me in some of its views.

Please know Allah wishes to have mercy on you and does not enact it as we will see disquiet.

Please know these terror groups know my page and know I am saint but abhor my views that mean disband them.

Please know ISIS-like bands are few actually and funding comes to them from nefarious sources outside Islam for the most part as people have moved away from terroristic views there in Muslim lands and now you have it, it is an alien culture to us in Islam fostered by the ideology of hate me.

Please know they are disquiet as the population moves away when they see my views in print and they have lost support from masses of me, as they are me there.

Please know they will succumb to reason and stop.

Please know the Quranic verses have been misinterpreted by them and they know people don’t believe them anymore that justice is served by killing innocent. Omar.



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