Main Body

1 Chapter One




Please know it has occurred that people have understood the metaphor Jesus was using when he applied godhead in himself,

Please know I have talked to many people on the subject and they agree with me,

Please know I appreciate their input,

Please know it is by the grace of Allah that people have started to pray to Him,

Please know my career as a writer has been crowned with success because I don’t write of my own accord, only what is indicated to me what to write,

Please know I cannot claim success as the words that change the heart are His and His Prophet and others who write as well,

Please know I am a slave who will be brought to Him empty handed apart from deeds that I have to show to Him and others who are with Him there,

Please know that it is our role to tell you the riches you amass are not actually yours,

Please give in to peace with us in Islam as we are only trying to teach you His Grace so that you may be pleased in the hereafter,

Please know your Creator is One and no entity is worthy of worship besides Him, as the Quran tells us,

Please know by and large people have understood that,

Please know your hearts are at peace,

Please know it is not just in this country that people believe,

Please know it is even in those countries where atheism reigns as a state custom,

Please see it occur that people worship their Creator only,

Please know idolatry is on the wane as people are understanding these are customs that have no meaning in the intellect of man,

Please know reincarnation is wrong and we will not be sent down again to improve our lot, so say the Bible, the Quran, and many other texts of religious belief,

Please know nirvana is to achieve our peace here free from the bondage to worldly pursuits,

Please know worship of spirits of your ancestors is a misnomer,

Please know they can intervene for you only when it is the wish of The Supreme Being,

Please know worship of nature is wrong and we worship the One Who creates,

Please know all religions have some wrong in them as after their prophets died things were tabulated differently by their leaders,

Please know we consider their sages to be prophets or prophet-like individuals,

Please give in,

Please know the Quran was preserved for humanity,

Please read your history book, our Book, it is tabulated there it is intact for the most part with no change in the essence of the message from the Quran the Prophet had as nearly all the Qurans that are present have only minor discrepancies in them for the most part though we know some change in the law structure did occur after they burnt the original one I wrote says I Muhammad there,

Please know there is peace for those who care about themselves and follow the precepts of our Book there,

Please know the world has accepted their Creator as their worshipped Entity from the message of categorical words that are entailed in our Book,

Please know I had a communication from Prophet Muhammad that it was so. Omar.


I am mujaddid there in Middle East some for bringing you Islam here.

Please know he was ceaseless and became known as the successful one.

Please know there was no god but Allah there by the time he died for the most part,

Please know this concept,

Please know our Creator made him the most successful man,

Please know it is his character that comes in me,

Please know I am not him but borrow from him for you to see him with clarity,

Please know there is no god but Allah in the world because of his teachings coming down in my pen,

Please know I know I am nothing but you will ascribe success to me,

Please know you don’t see him like we do in Islam,

Please know the epilogue of the book,

Please know it is from him with love to you.

Please know he is the author though the pen is mine,

Please know this book is meant to please you in Islam,

Please give commendations to him who visits us in dreams and guides mankind,

Please know his life works continue through his pen in us,

Please know at the beginning of every century or era of the Islamic calendar there arises a mujaddid or reformer,

Please know he guides their pen,

Please Him,

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ and he is His Messenger.

Please know this is the edict that converts hearts to His way.

Please Him and be merry in the Hereafter,

Please know our Prophet knew I was to come to follow in his footsteps,

Please know it is over and I claim to be the Masih or Promised One,

Please know I am nothing of my own accord and only follow him, my master,

Please know we are all slaves of each other and we serve you.

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ here because you submit to truth,

Please know you are a promised race and the greatest civilization raised by Him,

Please know your Creator is One and the metaphor is misapplied,

Please know I have brought you peace so give commendations,

Please know him through works on him,

Please know you will enter Paradise and meet him,

Please know it is joy everlasting there,

Please Him and you will be successful.


His early childhood and rearings.

The Prophet’s deportment was such that he had a child in him that lived forever.

Please know our Prophet was born in 570 AD approximately.

Please understand him.

Please know he was to perfect religion so he was a role model for mankind,

Please know he was endowed with ease and comfort in his early childhood with Halima and then his grandfather’s house,

Please understand his childhood was rough in regard that his father died before he was born.         

Please understand this,

Please know he could have been taught things that were incorrect for him.

Please know fathers teach kids what they know,

Please understand he was an orphan and when his mother raised him she was sure he was to be special.

Please know she had a vision that the child in her womb had light that would reach Syria,

Please understand our Prophet as he was a normal child,

Please know however he never lied as a child,

Please know this was something remarkable and his wet nurse Halima thought him special.

Please know in Arab tradition the child is sent to the desert so they grow up hardy,

Please know her livestock abounded with him there and she desired to keep him till the age of four, which his mother permitted her,

Please know it was there that a vision occurred and his heart was cleaned of the blackness of the world,

Please know it was permitted to her that he would live with her,

Please know by this I mean that she could take him back and our child was to come to live with his mother when he was four years,

Please know she died shortly thereafter,

Please know his grandfather took him under his care,

Please know he noticed he never bowed to an idol and indicated he was special.

Please know it was the Arab custom to give consecrations to the idol they worshipped but Muhammad never participated in it.

Please understand this,

Please know he was to be the world leader,

Please know it was not befitting that he should participate in idol worship or other nefarious activities.

Please know his mother never asked him to participate in this,

Please understand vice,

Please know he was free from it and was a thoughtful child,

Please know he was a Muslim from birth,

Please understand that our Prophet was careful about the rights of Allah upon him.

Please know the following hadith,

Please know our Prophet was a protected entity right from childhood.

Please know when he went to play with some boys who had taken off their clothes he was instructed not to do so by a voice but with no person attached.

Please know in another incidence he was asked to attend a festival commemorating an idol.

Please know it was not his inclination to attend such a festival but when asked by an aunt he went to it.

Please know there was a tall man dressed in white clothing there who appeared and told him not to touch the idol.

Please Him occurs,

Please know he feared he was going mad however his aunt assured him he was too good to be possessed.

Please know he was protected and it is mentioned in the Quran he never bowed to an idol.

The end is there for those who think he was not a saint as a child.

Please know there was another incident where he went to the dancing girls house to see them dance however when he got there he fell asleep and could not wake up till the morning.

Please know these incidents show that he was a protected entity.

Please know he was vouchsafed to be the leader of mankind and our Creator was not going to have His beloved fall into hardship due to some sin committed in ignorance.

Please know we know from the scriptures that our Prophet will intervene for us on Judgment Day and after all the prophets decline to intervene they will approach our Prophet who will do so.

Please know our Prophet never had a calumny of falling to the devil.

Please know he was careful in that regard,

Please know the other prophets had a fall.

Please know this,

Please know he is the prophet who will never have a fall of that nature and he and Jesus are special in that regard.

Please know he is different from mankind who will all fail in some respect in regard to the law of God on us but he had a sense that knew when things were incorrect to do and abstained from sin in an obvious way as indicated in hadith lore and in the testimony of people as well including his enemies who would say he was upright to others they met.

Please say a prayer for him.

Please know he will come through for you. Omar.


Please know the king of man was a simple aristocrat.

Please know our Prophet is destined to be the king of mankind.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Romans or thirty,

Please know before the advent of Islam the world was in a polytheistic state and corruption was rife and prevalent,

Please know it was in this land that the king of men was born,

Please know in a short space of twenty odd years he transformed Arabia and his seeds of learning spread the world over when the Christians accepted the methods of science from the Muslim scholars in ancient Spain.

Please know polytheism was the reason corruption spread far and wide.

Please know why?

Please understand when you pray to many gods you don’t have any and your nature beckons you to sin overtly.

Please know you can do as you please and justify it on the grounds what a particular god does.

Please know the Jews took their leaders as gods.

Please understand this,

Please know when the people asked their scholars for opinions they did not give it to them based on the teachings of God from their books but gave them to please the people- giving them leeway in committing sins.

Please know it was here that Islam appeared and taught man about Him.

Please know the people learnt the truth and adopted monotheism in its purest form.

Please know with this monotheism came about the love for truth and the purity of deeds.

Please know the Christians were second to Islam in the purity of their deeds and impelling man to good.

Please know they were polytheistic however.

Please know modern day Christianity with trinity precepts follows its low desires and take it for a god. In this there is sadness as they are good people. Omar.


30:41  Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of that which men’s hands have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return.

30:42  Say: Travel in the land, then see what was the end of those before! Most of them were polytheists.


Please know you know you are not him who never lied or broke a trust.

Please know our Prophet was effervescent, if quiet.

Please know he was natural and did not put on airs.

Please know he was meek and did not dare Him,

Please know we are created that way and he didn’t change as he had no sin by which we change,

Please know it is for this reason God found fault with him and gave him Godhead as a metaphor but he mistook it for actual way with him,

Please know he thought he was Him, then clarified,

Please know we all go through this thought, then realize it is our fault to be so.

Please know prophet Jesus and myself had a sin,

Please know that is why we were ‘gods’ to Him,

Please know when you sin such you are acting like your own gods,

Please know we were disobedient and reprimand occurred, then we were forgiven and our sin was changed to a good one and we became His repose here on earth,

Please know our Prophet never had a sin so he was His repose in actual and had clear intellect from Him, the Creat. It was because he never sinned of significance overtly we know his intellect was never muddied and thus was never confused in issues and he will be raised as the clear-minded one, yes, he was taught by God continuous ways and had little difficulty understanding Him because of this issue of being sinless for the most part, at least in an overt way.

Please see we all sin in a way we are witnessed and the Prophet was not so so he was seen as the one who had no obvious sin,

Please see we are all muddied because of some sin in us and need guide in things from Him or him, the Prophet, who are clear-minded in issues we face so it occurs we need help to sort out our thoughts,

Please see it is because of the sin in us we will always need help as once we have sinned we will always have issues in our thought processes and He is kind to us and knows our worth is to repent and move on, there is little we can do about past sin, and we know when He starts to guide us we become like the Prophet but are never as clear-minded as he is and that’s our destiny to be under him for all eternity.

Please Him,

Please know we all sin,

Please know we have to strive in His way to be repose to Him in our deeds from His thoughts on us,

Please know our Prophet knew he was perfect but kept quiet about it.

Please bring your proof that a man who is never known to have lied or break his trust could be evil, like you say in your culture and church groups.

Please see this verse from the chapter of The Elevated Plains.

Please know to honor him is sane to do,

Please know our Prophet’s honor is written,

Please consider this,

Please know that a man who never broke his word and spoke a lie could not be a bad man,

Please know him,

Please know he was polite, effervescent and genial.

Please know him,

Please know he was kind to an extreme and cared deeply about people,

Please know that he was this and try to see if you are better than him,

Please honor him,

Please know you can’t go through one day without lying,

Please reflect,

Please know in your heart that he cares for you,

Please try to bring yourself to love him,

Please know aversion,

Please know it is you because you don’t like to change your lifestyles,

Please bring your proof that he is bad,

Please know it is a lie written by those who are jealous or evil to him,

Please know these characteristics of his,

Please reflect and see for yourself.

Please know Jesus,

Please know he was similar but lied on occasion,

Please know he was truthful for the most part and will be raised as truthful.

Please know these people are better than you,

Please know their honor is due,

Please know you will honor him and me,

Please know I am not him, Muhammad in essence, except that he teaches me in dream communications and thus I am one with him and Jesus not,

Please know I follow him and learn precepts from him but he taught me things about him who you call Isa ibn Maryam and then Isa started teaching me his word as well and I developed a similar repose like he had, but we are different, Isa and me.

Please know though I raised myself like he did, Isa there. Omar.


7:157  Those who follow the Messenger-Prophet, the Ummi, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel. He enjoins them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things and prohibits for them impure things, and removes from them their burden and the shackles which were on them. So those who believe in him and honor him and help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him — these are the successful.


We will all be perfect in Jannah or Heaven and the Prophet’s car will parked there with ignition off and rear lights dimmed.

Please know the following works will be published,

Please understand this,

Please know our Creator wishes it to be his works that I write,

Please know he is responsible for the conversion of you.

Please understand his works were many,

Please know to end idolatry was his feat,

Please understand this,

Please know our Creator decreed that he singlehandedly uproot it,

Please know this occurred in Arabia,

Please see the footnote there,

Please know there is no god but Allah

Please understand Muhammad,

Please understand he will not rest until Islam prevails man,

Please Him,

Please know to do that you have to be His servants and work for Him,

Please know your Paradise is written but your rewards are less than them who gave you Islam through hard work and dedication to you and Him, the Creat,

Please give in,

Please know there is a reward for every conversion,

Please strive hard for it.

Please know our Creator created the heavens and earth for his Messenger, Muhammad, and we are his guest in Paradise.

Please know this verse where Allah has ordained mercy on Himself.

Please know Allah’s mercy,

Please know it is to relent to him or her,

Please know we are all sinners and go to Him as such,

Please understand sinners,

Please know it is to do things on purpose,

Please know we can’t be perfect,

Please know only one of us achieved it,

Please know that is why he can intercede for us,

Please know we are grateful to God for creating him,

Please know He fashioned him then,

Please know He achieved perfection,

Please know our Creator has said He created the heavens and earth for him,

Please know how,

Please know it was the man who would be the mold for you,

Please know you are perfect if you follow him,

Please understand this,

Please know He had mercy on you when He gave you the mold,

Please know all will be like him in Heaven,

Please know we will all be perfect there,

Please know He created him for this,

Please know why?

Please know he was created for the heavens and earth,

Please know he was the first creation,

Please know all are from his heart,

Please know he has a place for us there,

Please know they, the human race, belong to his heart,

Please know it is the heart of a submitter to Him,

Please know heart,

Please know it is what we wish for,

Please know his heart encompasses all our wishes and he knows you will want to have a heaven similar to his but you will have to raise yourself in dignity to him before you can meet him there,

Please know those who make it to Heaven can raise their car to his status and share his Paradise with him eventually if they wish it to be in his company there but you will have to adopt his mold there to do so.

Please know he understands us,

Please know he knows what is best for us,

Please him,

Please know he is directly responsible for your Heaven to occur as it is meant for those who follow him,

Please know this,

Please know perfect,

Please know your Heaven,

Please enter and do as you please,

Please know your hearts wishes will be fulfilled,

Please know his heart encompasses you with love there,

Please know love,

Please know it is to yearn for your company,

Please yourself,

Please know you will come through,

Please know it is written. Omar.

Al-Anum or The Cattle

6:12  Say: To whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth? Say: To Allah. He has ordained mercy on Himself. He will certainly gather you on the Resurrection day — there is no doubt about it. Those who have lost their souls will not believe.

6:13  And to Him belongs whatever dwells in the night and the day. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

6:14  Say: Shall I take for a friend other than Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds and is not fed? Say: I am commanded to be the first of those who submit. And be thou not of the polytheists.


Please know ourselves from his make, the Prophet there, which is our make if we but evolve to this realization there is one God and Muhammad is His Messenger and we have to be his mold for us.

Please know we must be cognizant we are answerable for our sins but to be him is our goal.

Please see these verses from the chapter, The Poets.

Please know this was the tender-heartedness of the Prophet.

Please know he could have been nonchalant and not cared if anybody accepted the message.

Please know he cared deeply for you.

Please understand this,

Please know this is the norm for him,

Please know it is for us to learn from him,

Please understand if we don’t feel like him something is amiss.

Please know this is the norm for man.

Please understand man from him,

Please try to feel for humanity from him,

Please know that we are answerable for our conduct but to feel for man is something expected of us from Him,

Please try to empathize and feel the sadness when people go astray and not gloat and say go to Hell with you but to bring them around is our goal to you.

Please know to be him is our norm. Omar.

Al- Shuara.

26:1  Benignant, Hearing, Knowing God.

26:2  These are the verses of the Book that makes manifest.

26:3  Perhaps thou wilt kill thyself with grief because they believe not.


Please know our Prophet is closer to you than yourselves.

Please know our Prophet was careful in His law and took his people to Paradise as they were careful as well.

Please know Creator said this in the chapter The Allies,

Please know metaphor,

Please know it is to say something that has a different meaning than what is conveyed when understood in its context,

Please know this is real that he is closer to you than yourselves,

Please know how,

Please know he knows your needs,

Please understand need,

Please know it is what you furnish yourself with,

Please know this,

Please know He will send you away.

Please know your Prophet is solicitous for you and will guide you back to Him,

Please see yourself come through,

Please know his prayer is accepted,

Please understand he will take you to Him,

Please know you will be pleased. Omar.


33:6  The Prophet is closer to the faithful than their own selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers. And the possessors of relationship are closer one to another in the ordinance of Allah than (other) believers, and those who fled (their homes), except that you do some good to your friends. This is written in the Book.


Please see we are created beings in that we were not living as humans before He gave us a conscious state in ourself and we are created here when we think.

Please know this post is repeated elsewhere but I will mention India is my car in respect of their tolerance of Islam.

Please know India knows me and reads this page but are appalled at my literature about their views on this subject,

Please know they know it is over in the mindsets of people as they cannot bow down to an animal or thing when they obviously did not create them,

Please know Allah is the Creator as He fashioned you in the womb through His DNA imprint in you and a stick does not do that nor does a cow or thing.

Please know the following article has been published there on my Facebook page and I will relay it here,

Please know it is about idolatry and its vices with us in Islam,

Please know it is a vice they keep there in their homes until Muhammad removed it from them after the conquest of their lands by him,

Please know he did it literally for some but some he enlisted them, his sahaba, who taught on after he left,

Please know it was gradual that idolatry vanished and it was during Umer’s time that it occurred.

Please know idolatry is the bane of the world.

Please know our Creator will eradicate it.

Please be cognizant of it.

Please know it is insidious and eats away at innards.

Please know our souls are from Him,

Please know God has foreknowledge of everything,

Please know He knew He was going to create us,

Please know He knew which part of Him was going to be given to us,

Please know this is a complex issue,

Please know our Creator has knowledge of all things and knows a part of Him would be used to make humanity,

Please know all animate and inanimate things are created from His substrate but He creates them with His hands.

Please know that is earth for us,

Please know our molecules are derived from it as we eat plants and so do animals.

Please know idolatry is a sin our Prophet fought,

Please know it is incomprehensible that a idol made out of stone can intercede with Him,

Please know it can do harm to a person who doesn’t know the implications,

Please know our God distances Himself from them,

Please know that any child knows that if you talk to a stone it doesn’t answer you back,

Please know only the Creator has the power to answer prayers,

Please know they think that our Creator is approached by them,

Please know this is only conjecture and has no basis in it from the teachings of their prophets though we know their words got altered some to imply polytheism elements in their teach to them,

Please know our Creator is pleased there as there is a concerted effort to educate them,

Please don’t bow down to anyone or thing!

Please know an animal is a creation of the Beneficent and did not create itself,

Please know to take advantage of His gift,

Please know our Creator made stones and sticks and they were not co-eternal with Him,

Please know it is a metaphor they are Him in the sense that the energy particle He has created matter and now the earth creates these objects,

Please know He was One before He created things from Himself,

Please know we are co-eternal in the sense of a metaphor,

Please know how,

Please know we were always in Him but were created in our conscious state when He created our spirits,

Please know then He created us

Please know it is clear you understand these concepts that initial way He, the Creator, was the only conscious state and then He created us with our own conscious state separate from Him and He will bring about others from Him till no end of us for eternal ways with Him and us in concert if we wish to be with Him there. Omar.


Please see the names of our Creator from Al-Hashr the verses of which are the sublime attributes He possesses and it becomes us to know these names of His.

Please know the Creator is sublime and names only a few here but it is true He has 99 attributes He possesses and now we know Him from them.

Please know it is clear there is no God but He from these verses and it should enter every mindset these ideals we have for Him are only part of His glory as He is Infinite in attributes and Power He has.

Please see it occur that I am teacher here of Him and we only ascribe greatness to Him in that we ourselves are humble beings, being smaller than a microbe compared to His size.

Please know in this microbe state we are poor and proud, but to know Him is to know our worth in things and we are only His servants who work for His benefit in our lives here on earth.

Please know He is Glory and it becomes us to know our humble worth and not ascribe greatness to ourselves in issues as we were created by Him and we were nothing before except that our souls migrate there to our bodies at conceive with us.

Please see to deny Him is our foolishness as we were created and were nothing to speak of before it, our birth I mean here, and we will be punished as He knows what is good for us and what we should believe for ourselves if we are to prosper here, and in the Hereafter live with Him. Omar.


59:22 He is Allah besides Whom there is no God: The Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.

59:23 He is Allah, besides Whom there is no God; the King, the Holy, the Author of Peace, the Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (with Him)!

59:24 He is Allah; the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.


Please know atheist is blind and will be raised so in the Hereafter.

Please see sad faces there.

Please know this is trite but I will say it anyway.

Please know I have success written for me, inshallah. I know that atheist like to ignore Him but they don’t realize that they ignore themselves as well. 

Please see why.

Please know we know ourselves through our Creator. I know we can recognize merit in others and ourselves but if we cannot recognize merit in Him we are lost.

Please see if you can see yourself in the dark. While we think we know ourselves we may be wrong and think of ourselves as independent beings while we all need Him. In this life there is leeway in this but when we approach death we need solace. I know it is trite but we need peace. We need to know why we are created. I know we have the answers. 

Please read the book I wrote. It is clear that in the creation of man is for us to be ready for the Hereafter. An atheist lives only for this world and ignores Him. For what purpose was he born? I know the despair he will feel. I know we have role to educate people. 

Please see the following caption on his heart.

When I am dead, will I be reborn?

Please know it is only when we realize that we are created for the Hereafter do we understand this life. 

Please know we improve ourselves here and we are given chances after chances to improve our conduct and appreciate the truth. I am hopeful that you will realize the earth is a testing ground for us and an avenue to appreciate Him, our Creator. 

Please see the following caption there in his home in Paradise. 

It was close but I realized we would never be at peace if we are to be nothing in the Hereafter.

Please see the following caption in his home in Hell.

Please know I am sad that I did not appreciate Him.

Please know this world is only for us to know who was best in conduct so we don’t have rancor in the Hereafter at those who were better than us, and to perfect our make. 

Please see if you can perfect yourself by yourself.

This is true. The atheist knows right from wrong as well as I do. I just live my life in the conduct of my Prophet. Who does the atheist copy? The end. 

Please know we are moral people if we know the truth. The prophets were the greatest humanitarians who engendered love for themselves due to their kindness to others. I hope I can engender love for myself by following the conduct of my Prophet. I know it is trite to say this but these were great men who were taught humanitarian principles by their Creator. In the end we choose our location in the Hereafter. Whether to be with the prophets who were great humanitarians or to be with others. I am not saying others are not good to follow but we have gold standards who are vouchsafed success by their Creator. Inshallah you will see that I am right and we will trust you will not discount religion as there is much nobility and love to be found there.

Please see the following caption on my heart.

Please know I am nothing and I need a guide.

Please see the following caption there.

Please see if we can enter Paradise as I did not know it existed and ignored Him.

Please heed advise. Omar.


Atheists deny our Creator His worth and that is their lack of themselves as worthy beings.

Please see this post from Facebook where I speak of the evils of recognizing merit only in the ones you desire for you and not in your Benefactor Who created you or those who guide you to truth.

Please know this is atheism that it does not recognize our Creator as sovereign over them,

Please understand me when I say this is boon here but it will be your demise on the day you are raised as there is no benefactor there for you as you denied Him in your existence here on earth where the test of your reality occurs.

Please see my article below where it spells out our need for you to recognize Him as the Entity you war with as He will war you if you do not give Him the merit He deserves.

Please know we all bear the badge of merit and it is incumbent on us to display it to you as you give us our worth for you this way.

Please know it is similar and we won’t recognize you if you don’t appreciate us in this world as that is our real test here on earth.

Please know the Prophet is similar and if you don’t worth him he won’t worth you.

Please know this is universal law.

Please know the edicts are clear in the Quran ‘He begets not’ and when you deny Him He will deny you in that regard and send you for reformation to him, your savior,

Please know that occurs in suffering and hardship as it is then that we turn to the truth that was apparent to you in this life but you deferred and fought anyway.

Please know the Christian church is on a downslide with me as they don’t have answers to me so they fight vehemently rather than fighting in court of man as should be done,

Please know they are affronted and I would be as well if my religion was threatened by an outside source but there is method in decency and there Hellfire for those who fight inordinately as they do now by committing me and placing conservator over me to dissuade me from truth to in your quarters of dream to you. 

In this we are safe as it is the underlying message of the Quran that is epitomized in these verses of this chapter where the Unity of our Creator is described. It is with this message the sonship of Jesus is negated in no uncertain terms.

Please know the sonship as well the omniscience of the Beneficent is described as all creations have to turn to Him for recourse in their time of need. Your son is sad as there are people who resist this message of peace to them as they feel that to deny Him somehow magnifies them as they feel they do not need a Creator for their needs. In this they will see dismay as on the Day of their Reckoning they will be asked to produce someone who could help them and they will be bereft of peace there on that Day. Ure son knows atheism reigns but I have repose there are people who understand our views that the Creator is omniscient in our lives and since we depend on Him He will come through for us in our repose to Him being our Benefactor. Omar.

Chapter Al-Ikhlas or The Unity of God.

112:1 Say: He, Allah, is One.

112:2 Allah is He on Whom all depend.

112:3 He begets not, nor is He begotten;

112:4 And none is like Him.


Please see the atheist denies Him as they want their freedom in things and are encumbered by Him in His laws to us and rebel it, they do to Him in charge there.

Please see the words in Bani-Israel where God speaks of His glory in the creation of things of the universe in that even inanimate things glorify Him with praise and obey Him.

Please know man is different in that he fights this glory of our Creator and denies Him in things they do.

Please know there is aversion of the hearts to Him and they seek to ridicule His might over us in that they say it is from us that we earn wealth and do things of that sort that they say.

Please know it is clear they are deluded into this as they were nothing to speak of before they were created.

Please know blindness settles in their kalb or hearts and they continue to deny Him in their minds until they are raised up.

Please know China and Russia and a few other countries are where communism is supported but it is clear they are on defense against literature that comes forth from here where the Quran words rings true to them, so they suppress it.

Please know they seek solace from it and ban it in their countries if they could but it is clear they are hard hearted in it.

Please know they consider it backward to follow religion and counsel masses not to believe them who pray to Him,

Please know it is the state agency that does this and the masses are beckoned not to believe Him Who creates us.

Please see they say they were created by chance but we know chance leads to disorder in things and entropy results, not order and chaos not in things they see,

Please know they deny Allah as they do not see Him but His science is with us and we recognize Him in it,

Please know the DNA is an example, it could not have been created by chance as single gene defects result in death of individuals, and the stars are similar, they are perfect in it, their creation I mean.

Please know they call religion backward and so forth but we know religion gives us peace and a meaning occurs for their existence and you know there is a Hereafter for us and we are not to be left in our desultory state of no meaning to life and they are insane in my view as they say their parents created them,

Please know were their genes coded by their parents or by the Creator of them,

Please know these and other delusions are taught to them and they lose reason in things and become material objects of worship not you think but it is true they are materialistic, thinking that this world is the end all and be all of things and no future do they hold with Him in charge of us in the Hereafter do they hold as true.

Please see it, the stick to them in the Hereafter as they deny Him here.

Please know they are as stones and iron,

Please see they do not let truth or life enter it, their hearts I mean,

Please know eventually they die then they are full of remonstrations but it is too late then, they have sinned in their life and lived in ignorance of Him for which they are accountable,

Please know Hellfire is real there, here it is anger and hardness in them so they perceive themselves sane while they are not,

Please know they were created from an embryo,

Please know it is God that gave them this reason and intellect that they can earn and things they do. Omar.


17:44 The seven heavens and the earth and those in them declare His glory. And there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification. Surely He is Forbearing, Forgiving.

17:45 And when thou recitest the Qur’an, We place between thee and those who believe not in the Hereafter a hidden barrier;

17:46 And We put coverings on their hearts and a deafness in their ears lest they understand it; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur’an, they turn their backs in aversion.

17:47 We know best what they listen to when they listen to thee, and when they take counsel secretly, when the wrongdoers say: You follow only a man deprived of reason.

17:48 See, what they liken thee to! So they have gone astray, and cannot find the way.

17:49 And they say: When we are bones and decayed particles, shall we then be raised up as a new creation?

17:50 Say: Be stones or iron,

17:51 Or some other creature of those which are too hard (to receive life) in your minds! But they will say: Who will return us? Say: He Who created you at first. Still they will shake their heads at thee and say: When will it be? Say: Maybe it has drawn nigh.

17:52 On the day when He will call you forth, then will you obey Him, giving Him praise, and you will think that you tarried but a little (while).


Please see how our hellfire results in our graves to us and we all sweat there waiting for our judgment to commence.

Please see the following note is upset to some but it is true the soul migrates there to Allah’s abode with them, other souls who have died, and spirits are there in Barzakh and our spirit there is in limbo until Judgment Day when we unite with it again, our soul there, there you have it, it is with the soul that the wish occur for heaven, so forth results after you die the spirit doesn’t wish it, it wishes for judgment to be over that they can unite with it their soul so they can pray for salvation again and so you know some souls make it with Him, their Creat, and others are dark and dismal and hellfire is their abode as there their comprehension results in issues of faith, that said some amelioration can occur there where there were inconstancies of thought like the Christian concept of atonement and One God to clarity, and Jews as well do clarify and if their good deeds are sufficient they will enter Paradise with others.

Please see it is hellfire though in Barzakh for many Christians and Jews who lacked clarity in issues and thought they were chosen to go there before others, and the soul is separate and must undergo reform if the good deeds are poor in content, Muslims will have a similar Barzakh and must suffer if bad.

Please see the amelioration in Barzakh is through punishment which is what hellfire is and the spirit suffers the consequences of deeds it do wrong in life and if good deeds predominate they are forgiven late but it does occur when they are judged.

Christian and Jewish lore allow this atonement in Hell which is where they are if evil predominates there and Barzakh is not Hell, but hellfire, there is a difference.

Please know India must move away from idols, they are incomprehensible as sane in this age of reason we have as how can a thing intervene for one when it does not have a body with a soul in it and it has no connection with a spirit that has passed away and so you must learn reality they can’t intervene for you and Islam does not allow that concept a dead person can intervene after they have moved on to their resting place in their graves and so forth so these are empty things in your houses that they placate with goods and other embellishment and do not bring them closer to intervention by reason of sanity, so discard them is the rule there in your abode, it is a devils house you live with then.

Please see it is the devil that tells you to worship them idols you have saying there is God in things and humans, is there, our Creator resides there in Heaven above us and our soul beckons Him in things of forgiveness to us if we wish it and it is so human soul is from Him but so is our body through earth’s material He creates from Himself and now you know our soul is separate from His essence and if we become good it becomes like Him but is never Him in actuality so there you have it we are never Him in actual ways. Omar.


Please know idolatry is on an end as there is no reality in it.

Please know he occurs,

Please know who,

Please know your Prophet does,

Please know he wise for you and knew your limit,

Please know your limit with him is sane to know,

Please know you are the second best in devotion to Him,

Please know that means you are high,

Please give in,

Please know there is no god but your Creator who fashioned you in your mother’s womb,

Please know it is over and you comprehend,

Please know there is One God in your minds,

Please know you know him to be a Prophet,

Please know I mean Muhammad.

Please see the following passage.

Please know our Creator is Resplendent,

Please know idols cannot reach Him, neither can man,

Please understand He is Infinite.

Please say a prayer to Him, not your associate god,

Please Him,

Please know it is over for you as you know idolatry in on the wane,

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ here,

Please see a requiem for me,

Please know idolatry is over with him.

Please see this post about idolatry in man,

Please know our Creator is the One answering prayers and He answers prayers of even idolaters out of pity for them,

Please Him though and pray to Him directly,

Please know the prayer of a believer in Him will have acceptability with Him,

Please know He will plan out your future to your liking,

Please Him and He will please you,

Please take a step towards Him by giving up this idolatry and He will take ten steps towards you and grant you guidance from Him,

Please Him by walking away from the false worship of a man and He will come to you running,

Please know His favor to you is that He guides you,

Please know money and commodities do not take you to Heaven but the guidance of truth does,

Please see a Quran and read it,

Please know it is His guidance of truth that will take you to His Paradise,

Please give in,

Please say a prayer that you are guided to the truth you love in your heart,

Please see it occur that you will enter His place of solace before Paradise occurs. Omar.


Please know your Creator is pleased for you that you take Him to be your worshipped Entity, 

Please know millions not but billions have entered paradise on earth, 

Please know it is ongoing as people leave their prejudices and understand the Quran, 

Please know our Creator has established it as the Book you read, 

Please know it has occurred that people are fair, 

Please know there is much wrong in the Muslims of today, 

Please do not take them to be your exemplar, 

Please know our Prophet’s car was perfect, 

Please follow it, 

Please know your car will be parked next to him in the Hereafter if you do so, 

Please know you will find the car of your sage with him in Paradise, 

Please love Him Who creates, 

Please know He will love you back.


Please see the article below where the nature of our Creator is elucidated upon.

Please see particle physics is sane to know but understand not yet it is clear particles can be broken with release of substantial amounts of energy and radioactive material and so it occurs energy and mass are interconvertible and these are weak nuclear forces that bind them, while energy cannot be made into matter, you think, but it is so it can by forces beyond our comprehension as yet not by making observation that the matter was first only energy then God said ‘Be’ to His nature and so now you know God is energy and He creates matter from His substance.

Please see e=mc2 not but less energy is emitted from the breakdown of matter as atom bombs would be far more destructive if this formula was applied as sane and we know sanity is in knowing that atomic warfare is limited to an epicenter with some radiation fallout, then it ends quickly.

So there you have it the nature of Allah is energy and His essence is us humans when we submit to His nature not but His commands on us and we become humble in our make, like He is as well.

Please see the size of Allah is unfathomable as you see great distances in our space of this verse of universe and it is a speck to Him and so you have it enormous amounts of energy create matter and so you have it the size of His energy must be massive and so you have it His essence is different from His nature and we bow down in humility to Him as the Quran says no one is like Him in Ikhlas chapter we have.


112:1 Say: He, Allah, is One.

112:2 Allah is He on Whom all depend.

112:3 He begets not, nor is He begotten;

112:4 And none is like Him.

Please know that’s why we say don’t associate with Him, our God to us, as His nature is different from us on earth and Jesus and others are incarnate beings you worship some and say he is essence not but substance as Him, the Creat, while no one is like Him, as He is some element not but substantive force that creates us to be humble. Omar.


Please know this post is for those who wish to know Me, suffice it to say I have a soul that is My essence of humility and My spirit is what I achieve with My deeds on you here.

So worship Me in My essence to you, that is My soul there that you find to be perfect to you, My spirit is My grandeur but you find My soul to be grand too and beauty is immense as well that you bow down and worship Me, your Creat to you, and I know you search on Nasrullah kind to know Me but I am Omar’s page so know Me through him, his works I mean, and My Quran is what you know Me in My essence as well but it is so I am safe if I reserve my knowledge of Myself for late when you are in Heaven with Me but I give you a clue here.

Please see this is brevity about Me in that My essence is My soul and that is how I am to you and your soul is Me as well but it is not Mine in grandeur, it is My essence though in that it is humble, like I am to man, wife, and child of his essence as they are from him, his repose I mean, as they reflect off him.

Please know My soul is Me and so is My spirit and your soul is My spirit in you and it is your conscious state and your spirit is with it and when you separate the 2, like when you do in Barzakh your spirit assumes conscious and your soul is with Us, not conscious anymore but asleep with Me, your Creator, and I will raise it in that state and return it to your spirit on the Day you are judged for your deeds here in your living on earth, more on this late for you, My soul is similar but more in grandeur and My spirit is what I create you with.

My soul is separate and I don’t create you from it, now you know you are never Me in essence in that sense of My grandeur but it is so you recognize Me by your soul in you and there you have it you see through My spirit or your mind.

Please see this is the essence of Me in that I am nothing in matters of pride in Us three.

Please see that we are One essence when you are Me, as I am Muhammad and Omar in this issue as I bring Islam to you, man and wife and child of ours.

Please know others will achieve Me as well, Allah knows you are sad until you come to Me with this essence in you.

Please see 1 entity is complex to you so I know We are kind here but we know God is singular but so is Omar and Muhammad so how can we say We for one another, as the Christians say you think, but it is not so We three are fusion in essence of Me, as We have nothing in essence in Us and We are proud not in issues, so We are 3 who are humble repose you like.

Please see the words of Shura here where I am compared to nothing in particular as I am beyond comprehension say I Allah to you and Nasrullah in particular as he is like Me in essence and thinks like Omar did until I told him I create with My hand all things and you are in My grasp and I create out of nothing things and put My spirit there in them, like I create Omar, child of mine, who knows nothing about Me except what I tell him but it is true I create you out of nothing and then I give you life, all things through My spirit, which is your soul in you, and that is your conscious state, Omar knows I said it before on his page but it is so My spirit is your life and you were nothing until I made you with My hand, Omar knows I am immaterial but it is so you are created, that’s all I’ll say, Omar thinks We are eternal but you did not have life there until I gave you Mine, Omar is safe as he thinks but it is so that Nasrullah is right I am separate from My creation and so forth We are always to be separate, that’s your peace, it’s not like Sufis say you will enter Me and annihilate yourself, and so forth We are One Entity but in spirit when you fuse with Me as Omar did and Muhammad did before him but it is so you are created from My essence, all mankind and animals as well.

Please see I am Omar’s post so repost it with this addition that your conscious state is My essence but it is not Allah in you, it is My spirit which I have, and know you don’t know it but it is so I want to be known to you and Nasrullah kind who like to think things like it but it is so We must ascribe peace to those who wish to know Me that I am immaterial and so is My soul and We have peace in it that I am similar make of man with spirit and soul and body not but it is so I can’t be seen by you in this world We have but it is later you see Me in My essence and then you will marvel at My color and make but you will have body while I am not body habitus, I am only known to you by what I reveal here as Nasrullah wants to know what We are and so does Omar here and Muhammad learns as well as we go along here on this page of Mine predom.

Suffice it to say this post is complex, Muhammad understands his soul is what I create through trials on him and other’s souls are similar if they believe and pray here, being living ones, so they can understand My literature and your spirit is your conscious state eventually, first My soul is with you in your conscious state from me.

Omar not but Allah here.

Al Shura.

42:11 The Originator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs of the cattle, too, multiplying you thereby. Nothing is like Him; and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

42:12 His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth — He amplifies and straitens subsistence for whom He pleases. Surely He is Knower of all things.

Post of Nasrullah here:

Mohamed Ashfak Nasrullah’s post here for brevity as we go along here in deciphering My make say I Allah here.


Is Allah considered part of the universe?


In Islam, Allah is not part of the universe and the universe is not seen as part of Allah.

Allah is completely different from His creation. The Qur’an says:

112:4 And there is nothing like Him.


Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said whatever image a person imagines of Allah, that image cannot be compared with Allah.

This means that the ‘self’ and the ‘essence’ of Allah are beyond our imagination and comprehension.

In the Qur’an Allah makes it very clear that nothing man can think is like Him.

Allah declares:

42:11…Nothing is like Him. And He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

Therefore, according to the classical Islamic belief based on the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet Allah is above the universe and controls her in a way befitting His Majesty.

Allah said in Ta Ha.

20:5 The Beneficent is established on the Throne of Power.

20:6 To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is beneath the soil.

Praise be to Allah! Amen!


Please see this message of peace to the Indian community that if they come through in shirk not they will be forgiven and be judged for deeds they do.

Please see Nisa here that God forgives you in things of the nature you do but shirk or association of Him with others gods you take He does not and that has to be repentant on you, this deed of shirk you did here in this land of Illihoon not but of former ways and as Zumar says as for those who continue to blaspheme their creator by calling him who is Jesus or other gods they have as gods to them will face hellfire and their good deeds won’t be accounted for and their punishment will commence on their death, so you know the scale is late if you do shirk and the same goes for Indian culture, their many gods have to be repented and they must identify with the Creator like their scripture identifies with Him and so there you have it they had monotheism roots as well they just moved away from it with worship of idols and other gods.

Please see Luqman tells his son not to do it, shirk there, and only perform the worship of the Creator, he was a prophet to idolatrous people and taught them about monotheism and taught him this value among other teachings he had for him as his son who was wayward and not following law He had, Allah there.

Please see the example of the people of Moses is with you that they took the calf for worship, an idol there, and they know it doesn’t answer them, this is a low act by man and it abases him or her in it and there you have it it is incomprehensible or unsafe for you to do this practice of idols and in your prayer you ask Him, the Ever-Living One Who you’re not expected to see but you know in your heart He exists as His sign is with you, yes, your creation from DNA, perfect it is, and other signs He has in the world and the universe around us, perfect harmony we live in here on earth in this universe we call home for us, more is seen as safe you know He exists now but you don’t know He is everywhere but of His spirit is out of all creations that are created and you know the Hindus are not wrong when they say He exists without and within and His soul not but spirit is what we are made of and the universe as well and all that’s within it but it is so His soul is separate and it is not wholly Him we are created of so that we can say we are Him materially and it is obvious a idol made of sticks and rocks is not Him so they do not comprehend the matter comprehensively when they say you are Him, while you are human and so is an animal not Him even if he or she has a soul there from Him and you don’t speak of them as Him, but you can be one with Him and that is our goal in life there and here if you can muster it but it is so a idol does not represent Him wholly ways and it is not the Creator’s essence and nature as His substance is distinct from it and we should not bow down to it or any human as they did not create us, more here is less for you so I stop after saying it that even if we become one with Him we are not Him actually as our substance is different as He will keep His substance and creative power from us and we are human in nature substance type and our Creator is wholly different and will always be so, and it is true He as a Whole Being is on His seat in Heaven where He is there in his Entirety and knowledge and deeds He does are from Him as a whole as well and His throne and house here, the Kaaba, are created so we don’t worship them but are a symbol for us and that’s our peace and that’s why we worship Him as a whole, His spirit and soul and all that He entails with us, and serve Him in our deeds and lives and it is Him as a Being Entire that we pray to and on parting here I would just like to say to my Indian companion to worship no one or thing but only the Creator of us, from our DNA He wrote, and no human could do that or any of their imaginary gods and you should destroy your idols in your homes as they are the devil’s car there and they will make you do devilish acts, and pray with the Fatiha with us asking for guidance from your Creator, Bhagwan there, and so you know we know Him as the Creator, all mankind does, as he wrote our DNA code in us and now you know don’t worship a thing that is not wholly Him, the Creator to you, good day to you this is my message of peace there that we worship the same Entity and we don’t do shirk as it is not worthy of us and a low act of man and child not but woman he has in his home.



4:48 Surely Allah forgives not that a partner should be set up with Him, and forgives all besides that to whom He pleases. And whoever sets up a partner with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin.


31:13 And when Luqman said to his son, while he admonished him: O my son, ascribe no partner to Allah. Surely ascribing partners (to Him) is a grievous iniquity.

Ta Ha

20:86 So Moses returned to his people angry, sorrowing. He said: O my people, did not your Creator promise you a goodly promise? Did the promised time, then, seem long to you, or did you wish that displeasure from your Creator should come upon you, so that you broke (your) promise to me?

20:87 They said: We broke not the promise to thee of our own accord, but we were made to bear the burdens of the ornaments of the people, then we cast them away, and thus did the Samiri suggest.

20:88 Then he brought forth for them a calf, a body, which had a hollow sound, so they said: This is your god and the god of Moses; but he forgot.

20:89 Could they not see that it returned no reply to them, nor controlled any harm or benefit for them?

The Isavasya Upanishad

The whole Universe is pervaded by Isvara or God, who is both within and without it. He is the moving and the unmoving, He is far and near, He is within all these and without all these.

The Hiranyagarbha-Sukta of the Rig-Veda

God manifested Himself in the beginning as the Creator of the Universe, encompassing all things, including everything within Himself, the collective totality, as it were, of the whole of creation, animating it as the Supreme Intelligence.


10:3 Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of Power regulating the Affair. There is no intercessor except after His permission. This is Allah, your Creator, therefore serve Him. Will you not mind?


5:90 O you who believe, intoxicants and games of chance and idols and (reaching opinions by) arrows are only an uncleanness, the devil’s work; so shun it that you may succeed.


39:64 Say: Do you bid me serve others than Allah, O ye ignorant ones?

39:65 And certainly, it has been revealed to thee and to those before thee: If thou associate (with Allah), thy work would certainly come to naught and thou wouldst be a loser.

39:66 Nay, but serve Allah alone and be of the thankful.


112:1 Say: He, Allah, is One.

112:2 Allah is He on Whom all depend.

112:3 He begets not, nor is He begotten;

112:4 And none is like Him.


Please see the atheists aplomb is over and they know they must conform to humanity who recognize Me as their Sovereign One.

The atheist asks why there has to be a God and why we are not the only race on earth that is responsible for the earth and all that is in it so you know people have succumbed to Me but are unwell in issues and think why they could not have been created by chance but they know there is an order and perfecture in things in the world and they know chaos can’t produce order, no matter how many chances it gets, and it’s like the DNA code in us, it is perfect in the creation of all animals and plants yet they say it is created out of chance knowing in their hearts it’s not possible as minor aberrations result in death or disability, and we are perfect and so are other creatures so they know it’s not possible their thought they are independent beings and there is no Higher Power to make them this way that they can have these thoughts of despondency and failure in their heart’s endeavors to be self-sufficient and they know they don’t want to bow down to me say I the Perfect One there and they are sad they can’t roam the earth and create babies out of wedlock vows and kill unwanted child in them for their sake of convenience in them, yes, they don’t want to be obedient to Me but the reality has hit them that I exist because of the DNA genome which could not have been created out of chance and there is perfecture in it that a one cell embryo has a creation of a human or animal from it and there could be no doubt that it is created by the Perfect Manipulator of it and so forth you know you haven’t begun to fathom the secrets of the body but one thing is clear that billions of reactions are occurring in it continuously and there is perfect harmony in it by the design flaw you think, nay, the Designer of it is perfect and knows best what you need in life in order to bring you to Heaven after you die, a reality they all live with, so they give in and submit as its late their heaven if they don’t and they might as well follow the structure of piety we propose from the Quran’s teaching to them, so they relent to me now and start praying in peaceful ways to those around them not as they keep it secret, their conversion, but in their homes they say prayers to me and many say the shahada and Fatiha say I the August One to them but it is so if they blaspheme Me and say there is no Me or Creator to them I seal them in their words and their hell is created here and the next world too and they will see ashes of themselves emerge as they know the truth and say otherwise, so I am repugnant to her and him in their thoughts, so don’t deny Me atheist heart as that may be your last call for you and you may die that way.

Omar not but Allah here through his pen.


2:284 To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And whether you manifest what is in your minds or hide it, Allah will call you to account according to it. So He forgives whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases. And Allah is Possessor of power over all things.

Ta Ha

20:124 And whoever turns away from My Reminder, for him is surely a straitened life, and We shall raise him up blind on the day of Resurrection.

20:125 He will say: My Lord, why hast Thou raised me up blind, while I used to see?

20:126 He will say: Thus did Our messages come to thee, but thou didst neglect them. And thus art thou forsaken this day.

20:127 And thus do We recompense him who is extravagant and believes not in the messages of his Lord. And certainly the chastisement of the Hereafter is severer and more lasting.


Please see associations are sane for us to associate with as long as we blaspheme not by calling us gods or His sons in the literal sense of the word to us.

Please know you have understood the literature of Jesus now and you are one with him in issues as you have come through with him and understood tropes he use there in Palestine quarter he has before he left them in repose they have of killing him because he was different in his vernacular, somewhat provocative, but safe for you as you understand what he was saying and they did too but they misimplied him and said he was committing blasphemy while he used son issues with aplomb when he said ‘when you come to him it is like coming to the Father’ and other tropes I have discussed before and he used son in his vernacular as one who teaches God’s Word and so forth you know his repose was to teach his Father’s bid on him and so was one with Him, now you are satisfied in this land he did not commit blasphemy or was not unwell by you as some people say in Jewish quarters, he made perfect sense there and paid the price for being so provocative yet accurate and you know he crossed frontiers they had, but according to the Quran was within limits, like it says here that you don’t associate without knowledge or understanding things of the nature I write say I not but Allah to you as I write these words that some association is sane like I use in Anfal where I say I smote them in battle though it was your arm that hit and Isa is only saying he is one with Him in repose of action and teach and he taught you there was One God actually which is in the Torah and he upheld the commandment in it of belief not to associate with Him actually and not to take another god besides Him, Yahweh there, so there you have it you know he never called himself god to you but clearly told you in your hearts content that he was one with Him and so you believe now your God is One as the Quran and the Old Testament say, and you pay no heed to him who you call Paul as he was mischief there calling him god to you and His son in the literal sense of begotten while he was innocent there in this issue and said it like one who teaches Him, his Creat there, and now you know how you associate with God through knowledge of this hadith that when you walk you walk with His feet Who is your Creator and when you talk you say His words, so you know Araf now that this association is permitted that you are one with Him as Isa was in his vernacular and teach there though it was there he perfect to them in India quarters they have, but pay heed these are metaphor association we have when we associate this way and your God is One and we are His feet and word in our destiny to be as His loved ones who obey Him on his requests on us.

Omar not only but Allah too.


7:33 Say: My Lord forbids only indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are concealed, and sin and unjust rebellion, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and that you say of Allah what you know not.


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