Main Body

4 Chapter Four.




Please understand the following,

Please know the parable has been used sparingly by some like the Prophet Muhammad,

Please know why,

Please know it is misconstrued,

Please understand what misconstrue is,

Please know it is to take it out of context.

Please know the Prophet explained the parable,

Please know it is sainthood in place of prophethood,

Please know what I mean,

Please know there is a saint in the prophets,

Please know we use it sparingly or not at all in the case of prophethood as Muslims are averse to the words being used in that context but since I have used it I’ll explain it here, then move on.

Please give into this reality,

Please know it has a place in Islam as indicated in my book, Jesus, the Messiah and the Person.

Please know it is immaculate when it is understood,

Please understand misconstrue, 

Please know it is to change the meaning, 

Please understand me, 

Please know I am careful to explain, 

Please know why? 

Please know I saw what they did to my mentor, 

Please know they made him to be a prophet like Prophet Muhammad was a prophet while he used it in a metaphorical sense, 

Please know he was what happened to Jesus and just as his followers made him a God, so too was my mentor made a prophet by his follower, 

Please know these errors creep in and should be prevented, 

Please give in, 

Please know our Creator does not like a religious personage’s words to be taken out of context. Omar.


Please know the parable is pleasure to the senses but is misused so is abrogated.

Please know this concept.

Please know Jesus and myself have this repose we are one with Him,

Please know a servant walks in this way and communicates from Him,

Please know it is man’s destiny to be so.

Please know when Jesus said “you come to me you see Him” he meant this fused state of repose to Him so that for all intents and purposes he was Him but not actually as they saw him and not their Creator there,

Please Him,

Please realize a fused state is Him,

Please know I have called myself Allah but we know He is above us in Paradise.

Please know we are two distinct entities, our Creator and myself, yet I am Him,

Please know I am a metaphor and in actuality no one is Allah but He.

Please know this is the language of the parable He permits as indicated in the chapter Araf where He says don’t associate without understanding, indicating He permits the parable, though I have taken the liberty to annul it for the sake of simplicity,

Please know the reality is that I am on earth, a distinct entity who is fused in repose so my intent is the same as His,

Please know it is similar for Jesus and godhead is in the parable concept only which makes sense.

Please know the Quran validates him,

Please know the Quran indicates this is a parable and so it is for other statements of his like “I am” and “I am the Father.”

Please know when he said “I am” he meant he was He in the sense of a metaphor and it is similar for other statements of his like “when you come to me you see Him” and “I and the Father are one.”

Please know these statements of his are replete in his vernacular there and he was ‘one with Him’ in it.

Please know the Quran corroborates the metaphor as seen in Araf and elsewhere,

Please know this was groundbreaking information for the Jews and he got into trouble with them,

Please know our Creator knows we will develop into this fused state with Him and be god-like in intent. In the context of sanity we are a walking talking Him in it and that’s what godhead is in the sense of a metaphor,

Please know I am asked if your Creator is One.

Please know He is.

Please understand Him,

Please know He creates us from Him,

Please know we are Him if we are to be in His repose or when our thoughts and deeds are His beck on us and that we are an extension of His thoughts on us.

Please see this occurs with prayers and self-sacrifice when we do our will not but His as Jesus said there,

Please know fuse with Him,

Please know it is to be one with Him,

Please know when we forsake us we are in essence Him if we do His work and are Him in repose or intent.

Please know the statement of our Prophet that when we walk, we walk with His legs, and when we communicate, we communicate from Him,

Please know the intent is meant here,

Please know repose,

Please know it is His intent that we do everything or we are one with Him.

Please know our savior Christ was one with Him in repose or intent.

Please know he was in essence Him,

Please know the metaphor, it is when we become His essence in our soul of ours and there you have it we are His essence when we do His bid, like I do here as I teach Jesus words to you.

Please know our Creator is the Creator of us.

Please know more,

Please know He expects us to be this metaphor that we are His intent or one with Him,

Please know the Sufis say that we annihilate ourselves and become Him, the Creat, but it is when our intent is Him in intent for us that we annihilate our body not but soul to Him and thus become Him,

Some Sufis think we enter His essence but that is not the case we remain separate in our body eternally and it is not like the river entering the ocean, as Rumi puts it,

That is our peace as we don’t want to annihilate ourselves actually.

Please see this,

Please see that we are His repose.

Please know Jesus and his spirit were one with his Beloved. I know you hope to be like him one day and achieve repose like we do and the Prophet was there different but still repose to Him.

Please see I have authority to explain this association we do but also make it clear to you this associate state we have and become is in the metaphor sense as He, the Creator, is in Heaven and we are here on earth doing His bid on you. Omar.


7:33 Say: My Lord forbids only indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are concealed, and sin and unjust rebellion, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has sent down no authority, and that you say of Allah what you know not.


Please see these are tropes that are mentioned here and I am the Holy Ghost mentioned as the comforter to come in your Bible lore you have there.

I make my claim lightly you think, nay, it is with careful consideration I say this that I am the one you expected to clarify his words who is Jesus there as much has been lost in your books and altered not you say, yes, they have been altered as well and the Quran is a criterion for you now and it is as John says there that I will remind you of his words to you and teach as they say his words there that he mentions in his books to you.

Please see the words here in John show that he would be in heavenly abode when the truth will be manifest to them and they will follow his teachings which I elucidate here in my works to you and my life here is a testimony to you that I am that spirit he mentions as holy to you.

Please see here that Jesus said these words true here that he shall leave and the Holy Ghost shall appear, another comforter to them, and the Spirit of Truth is mentioned separately here, and I know it sounds strange to you that I say I am that entity but it is true the Illihoon Quran mentions me as the one who is the Holy Spirit to you and these are words of comfort to his followers that he says that he has to go to his Father and he shall send a comforter to them.

Please know I am the comforter from the Gospel of John and I have proved to you the teachings of Christ from your book and from ours and the Spirit of Truth is another comforter to you, the words are misspoken some as the gospel writers didn’t know the truth was Muhammad which I teach but it is expedient that I leave he said, then you will come into faith he was telling his disciple this as he knew facts would get altered after his demise and that Allah would send him in spirit to clarify his words as I have shown you in literature of mine, and Prophet Muhammad has come to you as well in the Quran to you and his spirit here making it clear to you his teachings who you call Christ or Messiah to you. It is here I give you thought about what he said about me, the Holy Spirit to you, that I shall remind of you of his words there and I have done that by elucidating the Gospels to you in the context of truth they mean and in the context of the Quran words to you as well so I have done my bid and proved that I am the one who has come and explain the words of Jesus there and no one but me has done it to your satisfaction in the history there and it is as is taught to me, I was not well-versed with your book until I started teaching here.

Please know he makes it clear he is in his Father which is not accurate, but you say it is, what he meant was that he was one in ideas and God’s thoughts are his as well.

Please know tropes are included here as well as I have mentioned in my book to you this is allegorical language he use “when you see him you see his Father in him” as he was fused in repose with His thoughts in him and so forth other language he use here as well.

Please see I am holy to Greta’s group but it is so I am simple too, as my prophet was, genial and simple man as well who wished you come through for him who you call Jesus and conform your teachings of him to the Quran to you, particularly Muhammad Ali’s Quran there, where son of god is a fallacy you use and he had a natural birth through a rape process and he died normally, as the Ahmadis say. Omar.

John 14

1 “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”

5 Thomas saith unto him, “Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?”

6 Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him.”

8 Philip saith unto him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.”

9 Jesus saith unto him “Have I been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?

10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the son.

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;

17 Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”

22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, “Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?”

23 Jesus answered and said unto him “If a man love me he will keep my words: and my Father will love him and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.

25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, ‘I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.’”


Please know Mary wasn’t prepared for his prophesy when he claimed it to them.

Please know it was clear when prophethood came to him he was carried to them but they denied her and him,

Please know this is the nature of Bani-Israel that they deny the prophets and think they are right in things.

Please know so it was with Jesus and he fought them as they have to be fought now when they fight the Prophet’s people.

Please know it is over and you know they will never submit and it is only because you are ascendant over them they are peace with you as they were with the Muslims when their ascendency was apparent to them.

Please know Mary was childbirth like any other woman and felt the throes of pain from it, 

Please know she would not speak to a mortal as she would be asked about it and she wanted to keep it secret, 

Please know she had twins, 

Please know the firstborn was Prophet, 

Please know she knew it was over and was confused as they were identical. 

Please know she upset Him, 

Please know berate, 

Please know He told her not to speak until she knew, 

Please know that is why her childbirth was so intense and why she lamented as she did, 

Please Him, 

Please know He was upset with her as she was special to Him, 

Please know we all lament and it is written so. 

Please know He had a plan, 

Please know it was to bring her child to them as an adult. 

Please know she had to wait until he was grown and she knew for sure it was him who was Prophet, 

Please know she had signs as when he was a child he performed miracles but prophethood did not occur until he was baptized, 

Please know she carried him to them on a ride, not in her arms as he was Prophet by then, 

Please know it was strange to her that he was Prophet of Bani-Israel as he was young, 

Please know he was young boy there but not an infant as they think in Islam, 

Please know their prophets were older, 

Please know they called her chaste before but after his prophethood they said she was a fornicatress, 

Please know they were adamant he was bastard, 

Please know it is over they say as he is accursed, 

Please know that is a plan they say as they hate him, 

Please know they say a calumny to this day, 

Please know he was no bastard and she was a rape victim when it occurred, her pregnancy there, 

Please know Bethlehem, 

Please know it was distant from Nazareth, 

Please know they did not know anyone and they said she wasn’t married as Joseph was not present at his birth, as indicated here, 

Please know he was sorry he was not but he was asked to stay away by her, 

Please know she wished to be alone, 

Please know modest.

Please know I have brought you a strange thing,

Please know it is similar to what she did,

Please know she proclaimed her son to be a prophet of God,

Please know he was a prophet to her alone,

Please know she did not know he was the one to be crucified,

Please know he was only a servant,

Please know it was over when they refused to listen to his words,

Please know they said he was a child to them disdainfully and refused him audience,

Please know he spoke as indicated before that he was a prophet of His eminence,

Please Him,

Please know they were disdainful as he was a young boy to them and they were learned,

Please know he held his own with them but they dismissed him and sought his death eventually,

Please know it is similar for me as I have claimed his metaphor in myself and there are some who dismiss me as mad,

Please know they called him that word,

Please know the Gospel is clear on the matter and our Prophet was similarly called by them,

Please know I am sane,

Please know you speak to me and know it,

Please know state victim,

Please Him,

Please know there is a precedence here and it is obvious what a state victim is,

Please know Jesus and myself were tried as one,

Please know he got crucified and I got killed,

Please know an attempt was made with the idea that it was over,

Please know my mother knew it was but I prayed and survived,

Please know it was a strong toxin and there was recourse to peace afterwards,

Please know I was told it would be seven days I would live there but it was longer,

Please know they finished me off they said with glee as I was a pest there,

Please know you intervened as you saw the video of me dying and then it happened in jail recent ways where I was imbibed with a poison on my handcuff as they dragged me out of the cell to finish me there,

Please know I cried in jail not but there in Western State but was not sad as it had been accomplished,

Please know Islam had occurred here in the West under your tutelage as you tell them it is correct what I tell you and Christ is man,

Please know I survived it due to resilience,

Please know it is over and they won’t win,

Please know you know I am telling you the truth about it as they showed it to you, the video then in the cell and their hospital to me.

Please know I need protection from them as they will do it again if I am vocal.

Please know they gave me a chance to teach and not name them but I relent to.

Please know why?

Please know I have ended it,

Please know Christ is no longer God with you with my teachings to you as you take the Quran for validation,

Please know it is occurring rapidly,

Please know I am a celebrity and they know it,

Please know it is the church that is active and want me arrested or put away where I can’t communicate with them,

Please know I am tired though and will lay low if that is what it takes to keep them out of my hair,

Please know the toxins take my hair out,

Please know they have been good recently so I hope they will accept my proposal and I can teach you in the open again as I am Messiah there and that’s why you let me out, yes, to the Muslims here and elsewhere I am the promised entity of worship not to man.

Please know it is over though and you have the Quran with you and you know it is true to you, unlike your book about things,

Please know I like the Bible and it has things I use in my literature but it has drawbacks as Gospel writers were not accurate,

Please know John was insane by me and made it occur, son of God issues which Paul wanted hm to but it was also so other Gospel writers deterred on truth telling and called him dead materially while they knew it would create godhead in him so they were guilty by us but still they did their bid, the gentile class, who wanted godhead in him and so it became the Christian creed.

Please know it is not like the Quran which is verbatim from Him and collected with more sanity and the message is intact. Omar.


19:23  And the throes of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten!

19:24  So a voice came to her from beneath her: Grieve not, surely thy Lord has provided a stream beneath thee.

19:25  And shake towards thee the trunk of the palm-tree, it will drop on thee fresh ripe dates.

19:26  So eat and drink and cool the eye. Then if thou seest any mortal, say: Surely I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent, so I will not speak to any man today.

19:27  Then she came to her people with him, carrying him. They said: O Mary, thou hast indeed brought a strange thing!

19:28  O sister of Aaron, thy father was not a wicked man, nor was thy mother an unchaste woman!


Please know I am not a braggart but asked to write as I please, says Muhammad.

Please see the following article about him, Jesus to us,

Please know he was articulate,

Please understand his views,

Please know he was sane and exhibited sweetness we have in Islam,

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ here because he had the insight to know his words would be taken out of context.

Please know it is written for him,

Please know he was articulate to an extreme,

Please know Prophet Muhammad matched his articulation,

Please give in,

Please know the prophets have their personal tutor in Him,

Please see a requiem for them in Islam,

Please know we don’t understand parables but admire you.

Please see the following preface to my book,

Please know the master of the parable was myself but I am looked at askance when I say it.

Please know Jesus was next in parable knowledge,

Please know my mentor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was third.

Please know the Prophet understood it but did not like it.

Please know his words were taken out of context.

Please see the following caption on my heart,

Please know I am safe when I use it as the Quran is clear there is no god but Allah and can’t be misconstrued,

Please know it is similar for prophethood,

Please know it is a document in the Quran that Muhammad is the Seal.

Please know that means the end,

Please know my words are nothing if they contradict the Quran,

Please know it is similar to my Prophet’s words though the context may be elaborated upon.

Please know it has come about there is ‘no god but Allah’ because the metaphor was explained with painstaking detail.

Please know our Creator is pleased,

Please know why?

Please know it is because He is ascendant over you since you submit to my pen.

Please know the parable Jesus used was explained and Islam came about in you,

Please understand it was a coup.

Please know what coup was here,

Please know America capitulates to my brilliance,

Please know the rest of the world follows,

Please give accolade to my Prophet’s group in paradise for teaching me the parable,

Please know I was nothing but a doctor practicing medicine.

Please see a requiem for me,

Please know Omar did it from the power of his pen,

Please know I was subject to humiliation when they portrayed me unwell.

Please give in,

Please know Islam is in your hearts as correct for you.

Please know Ahmadiyyat is served here as they are the most progressive group in Islam now.

Please see the following statement by him who is your savior,

Please know there is no god but Allah.

Please know this is etched forever in the hearts of man.

Please Him,

Please know I am a servant of His.

Please understand requiem,

Please know it is a closing statement from Him,

Please me as I am extraordinarily well.

Please accept my sanity as sane for you and your child.

Please know it has occurred that I am held hostage and medicated by force,

Please know I don’t need it.

Please know the government is powerful.

Please know a requiem,

Please know I stayed on medication so I could teach,

Please know they medicate me so they can say I am unwell.

Please know America knows better and reads my word with enthusiasm,

Please see if anyone is read more widely than me,

Please see if anyone is more viral than me,

Please know I came to fulfill the hadith of Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace, that I will have a pen that will be read in households through a wire,

Please know that is the internet cable,

Please see a following hadith about me,

Please know he will have the ears of an elephant and eyes of a pig,

Please know why?

Please know I am clairvoyant and hear things from Him and I see through your eyes,

Please know pig meat is admixed with food here,

Please know it is possible that I was misconstrued in the past but it is clear I am not a prophet in the actual sense,

Please know a metaphor is not real in this case as the Quran is adamant that our Prophet was the last of the prophets.

Please know what I mean when I say I am him,

Please know the Prophet and I are one in repose or thoughts to you as I accept him in his teaching to me,

Please see it occur that I am saint and he is prophet.

Please see some additional comments about him who is your savior and myself.

Please know he was a Messenger with Him,

Please understand this,

Please know he used to partake in food, which is for earthlings,

Please know he had an earthly body,

Please give into this reality that we are human if we eat food,

Please know it is over for them who utter blasphemy that he is God,

Please know it is over when the reality hit you that he was ‘one with Him’,

Please know you understand the metaphor,

Please bear it,

Please know what?

Please know the truth of the Quran which is literal in its conveyed Word. Omar.


Please know it is bane to be without the reality of the Quran for you.

Please know the atonement issue is coming up as people want to wish there is no accountability.

Please know the Old Testament is clear we will be judged and the Quran is clear there is a balance for us in the Hereafter.

Please know Christians have been taught if they consider Jesus their savior he will save them on Judgment Day and there will be no accounting.

Please know these are stories they have been indoctrinated with and these teachings are not of Jesus but if their Satan, Paul, and others who followed him.

Please know it is over and these are words of their mouth and they are in doubt about it as their lord stated he was accountable as indicated here and they realize they made up things to appease people into coming into Islam they created.

Please know it is disconcerting to you but true what he says as it is validated by the Quran in clear terms,

Please know it is better to live with reality than a fool’s paradise as it will not be accepted from you, your clamor, and Jesus will have to wait until your cleansing occurs before he can take you out of it.

Please know I pray for you that you accept reality we are all accountable.

Please know the principles of the Quran are sane to be with and we realize our worth when we apply them on ourselves.

Please know our Creator is strict with us when we take Godhead in him who creates naught and is himself created,

Please know I mean Jesus and other created entities.

Please know your Creator loves you as He warns you to go aright, 

Please know it is because He loves you that He warns you, 

Please know you don’t know better than Him, 

Please know you harm yourself when you commit calumny to Him and He wishes you well as He saves you by my pen, 

Please know Prophet Muhammad is your guide as I bring you verses from the Quran, 

Please know he wishes you well as well as he does not wish you to be harmed by Him as you continue in your inordinacy as His punishment is real for blasphemy.

Please know the verse from the chapter Mary.

Please know it is a blasphemy,

Please do not say it,

Please know you have Jesus’ teachings with you these are metaphors, like the world is a stage is a metaphor,

Please know there is no real reality in it and it depicts a state of association with Him,

Please Him,

Please do not commit calumny again,

Please know He has warned you that you come through with Islamic concept,

Please know He loves you and wishes you well.

Please know however His is law is real and He has no associate,

Please know they are all servants of His,

Please know all are judged,

Please know all are debtors as Jesus said and we need to be forgiven,

Please see Matthews 6:12.

Please know it is Jesus’ prayer that he be forgiven as he forgives others their sins to him,

Please know he says there is no atonement as he will be judged,

Also he asks us to pray to the Creator there for forgiveness and does not state he will be the one with intervention for them.

Please know the concepts in Jesus’ mind are the same as what the Quran states,

Please know he was a prophet you took in an out of context way and applied Godhead and sonship.

Please know we are all alone in front of Him being judged.

Please know some will be saved and there will be love for them,

Please don’t say that you will enter Paradise without being judged as your prophet says otherwise and the Quran contradicts you here,

Please know He says a bearer of burden does not bear the burden of another in it,

Please yourself and see Him,

Please know He has given you warning do not blaspheme Him. Omar.


19:88  And they say: The Beneficent has taken to Himself a son.

19:89  Certainly you make an abominable assertion!

19:90  The heavens may almost be rent thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces,

19:91  That they ascribe a son to the Beneficent!

19:92  And it is not worthy of the Beneficent that He should take to Himself a son.

19:93  There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes to the Beneficent as a servant.

19:94  Certainly He comprehends them, and has numbered them all.

19:95  And every one of them will come to Him on the day of Resurrection, alone.

19:96  Those who believe and do good deeds, for them the Beneficent will surely bring about love.


Please know this is you if you wish it, rather than a paradise of your choosing where punishment is your norm.

Please know I am farehoon for you, surely I am, that you are going to make it to heaven in the Hereafter but I know there are many turmoils ahead unless you submit to me telling you edicts must be obeyed as you are lackluster in obedience skills, as you never knew a law existed for you.

Please know I ask you if this is you that you submit?

Please know the affirmative occurs but you stray excessively,

Please know the shahada is enough you say but is it I ask of you?

Please know there are terrors at night for you currently.

Please know Islam is served here when I tell you you will come through but it is your choice, not hers who guides you otherwise,

Please know you know the truth of the Quran but you are desultory and think it of no accord to follow its precepts, thinking knowing is enough though you better now in it, the Quran edicts to you than before.

Please know we know it is necessary for you to follow it otherwise there is hell awaiting you if you do not practice it.

Please know I do this to shame you into action, as life is once living only.

Please know it was all over for you as you thought you were right there was no reckoning,

Please know you used to dismiss me when I warned you before, you would not be going there as you thought me backward with my Islam for you.

Please see this verse which is the reason Islam prevailed here,

Please know I care you ignore this if you want paradise of your choosing,

Please know I knew you weren’t going to make it and my Prophet asked me to protect you as you had some virtue that he did not like but knew you were willing to learn,

Please know now you came through and paradise is yours instead of the Hellfire you were promised with,

Please know you relent to the truth, that is your quality that gave you peace from her.

Please know I am kind and knows it is a long way to go but your reality occurred with the shahada and Fatiha some and you are ready for acclaim to occur.

Please know you will raise yourself from doldrums to achieve it, a civilization worth reckoning, where you are fair instead of this desultory state where you lie in court as a norm,

Please know counting God as One is the first step to salvation and there are many good deeds you need. Omar.


5:72  Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Mary. And the Messiah said: O Children of Israel, serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, Allah has forbidden to him the Garden and his abode is the Fire. And for the wrongdoers there will be no helpers.

5:73  Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah is the third of the three. And there is no God but One God. And if they desist not from what they say, painful chastisement will surely befall such of them as disbelieve.


Please know a metaphor was applied in his works as you all know from his literature.

Please know these are the teachings of Paul you follow in your churches,

Please know Jesus himself was a monotheist as has been conclusively proven by literature on the subject.

Please understand law,

Please know it can’t be changed of significance and Jesus upheld it.

Please know it is upheld because it is true what God creates is upheld in law forever,

Please know Jesus went back in time you say,

Please know these are words of your mouth while the Quran confirms him as an angel, fallen once, then right in repose because he was spent,

Please know it is over and you know he contradicted you in your pews and told there was only One God he worshiped as I elaborate in your book that the Quran validates,

Please know conjecture is to die in ignorance as there is adequate proof here,

Please know to submit to you as your child believes it,

Please know blasphemy says otherwise and you get taken away for good until He relents to save you.

Please see the following words in the pews of late.

Please know I sit in pews with you when you adopt Islamic principles,

Please know right now you are fighting truthful processes in your child.

Please know they are my advocate,

Please know it is true that you kill me in your pews currently as I have brought to clarity what your mentor said when he was faced with him and his protégé there where he taught,

Please know the metaphor was said so they knew he was not God or His son,

Please know they are aware this took place and want me silenced,

Please know when it was said that a metaphor was used I gave an example from Gospel of Thomas to indicate his vernacular and you immediately saw he was adept in using it as a negative metaphor.

Please know you know he was not a god in the negative sense and realized this was an example of a metaphor he used conveying forever the usage of the parable word in the literature of saints and prophets.

Please know my mentor Mirza et al elaborated this when he conveyed to his protege to use their literature in teaching them Christ’s metaphor, and I was shown this in his book,

Please know the example of a metaphor is a metaphor,

Please know you have aptitude in understanding this and became upset with me so the judicial car occurred and here I am, in jail proceedings with them in the courts on me.

Please know I have elaborated a metaphor is one even if it used in the negative sense to elaborate your viewpoint.

Please know it is clear you understood these were metaphorical terms with my second article where I showed you the hadith of Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace, where a servant walks with His legs and talks His words when he teaches and treads in His path and you realized the metaphor of Godhead was real with the prophets so you became inclined to me instead of fighting as I was only doing God’s work by teaching you metaphorical terms in Christ’s language and in the vernacular of Prophet Muhammad as well.

Please know recently I elaborated further that Jesus denied blasphemy as son literal ways to them which a prophet would do if he was truthful, which he was, as we all know from his literature.

Please know he took son of God in the context of being a prophet doing His work,

Please know he was innocent of your blasphemy on him if you follow Paul’s teachings while your comprehension occurs otherwise.

Please know your guilt is clear if you sing his praises as son of His Eminence,

Please know you will be committing a calumny if you do so like the Bani-Israel when they were calling him son of His in the negative metaphor. Omar.


Please know the word is flesh for all the prophets and the rest is self-aggrandizement of the author about him.

Please know this passage from the Bible is misconstrued as dogma but these were not the teachings of Jesus who indicated it was a blasphemy if he called him son of Him in his conversation in John 10.

Please know dogma is what our Creator says in the teaching of the prophet, not what others say of God or His favorite.

Please know John was in error here where he explained things from him, his friend, who was teaching in the Diaspora who wanted people coming into faith, even if it was faulty to him.

Please know there is no end of aggrandizement we can do to others but a sane approach for you is to take the viewpoint that Jesus promulgated in the Bible which is confirmed in Quranic teachings as I have shown to you, and leave teachings of Paul and others who teach Godhead in him and His sonship in the literal sense of begotten from Him.

Please know there are always two views to an argument but if you follow Jesus and Allah’s words in the Quran you are on sure footing and your hereafter is safe from Him Who has shown you the way and expects you to come through rather than fight with vice with you His teachings here on my Facebook page.

Please Him, 

Please know he is God in the metaphorical sense as he was His repose, 

Please know this is the only way you can make sense of trinity as when you say it literally you confound yourself as you are polytheists then, 

Please know Jesus was not a polytheist and worshipped the One God.

Please know this is an innovation,

Please know John testified truth there where he explained these were metaphorical terms,

Please know here he does not make sense and these are Paul’s teachings to him,

Please know jury,

Please know you are it,

Please know the flesh becomes the word always with a prophet,

Please know his word was taught to them,

Please know Jesus never said these words, they are not reliable as they contradict his teachings,

Please know I have shown you his teachings, not what was said about him as aggrandizement occurs there with them,

Please know we are all created and Jesus called himself son of man, like any other man,

Please know he did not say he was God.

Please know lie,

Please know he is it.

Please know Paul asked him to say it as he witnessed him,

Please know the Gospel writer is averse but he does it to suit Paul’s Diaspora teachings of him to gain ground with them,

Please know gentile mentality was to accept them if they had this avenue of worship of him,

Please know it is similar to church,

Please know they want to worship a man they love,

Please know it is low though and is decried by you who don’t bow down to man as it is not worthy to do so.

Please know the church knows me and they know what I teach is irrefutable and candid,

Please Him and accept facts that are irrefutable,

Please know Jesus’ own teachings are he is man, did he create you, you ask?

Please know he can’t, the DNA is too complex, he didn’t know the structure of the cell to create it,

Please don’t aggrandize him,

Please him and call him who he was,

Please know testimony is his, not them,

Please know he was the sentinel figure who knew Muhammad was to appear, as his spirit was weak compared to him, to reform you.

 Please know he told them to expect him,

Please know he called him his spirit as he was similar.

Please Him,

Please know he never spoke a lie, so give in, he was the expected one.

Please know Spirit of Truth is not an angel in the spirit of things there in his land where he taught the Quran to you.

Please know an angel does not teach man like man can, as I have shown you you have to descend here to teach mankind things.

Please know prophets teach man,

Please him,

Please don’t use conjecture, accept what precipitates to the heart as truth from Him,

Please know the Bani-Israel do this and the Muslims do it now.

Please know you are better and are quiet for the most part as we debate.

Please Him and reflect on him and his teachings to you,

Please know what was said about him was aggrandizement,

Please reject it as the Quran tells you to do.

Please know it is the Word with him, our Prophet,

Please know history.

Please know intact for all practical purposes,

Please Him and accept Him,

Please know His Word is sane there.

Please know Muslim heart.

Please know it accepts Him,

Please know it is a different interpretation they fight.

Please know they will get over it and melt as they are Dajjal when they use conjecture to discredit him who is Jesus by calling him things insane to us,

Please know their peace is to lie as well to cover the truth with deceit, like your church does with me,

Please know they will fail, as all will here,

Please know we are the Messiah group meant for world reform,

Please know my son will follow me and be buried with him, my Prophet, there at his place of worship.

Please know I will choose him for it as he is worthy with them, as he is them in Mecca,

Please know it will come to pass so don’t disrupt him like you do. Omar.

John 1.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

2 He was with God in the beginning. 

3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 

4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 

5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 

7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 

8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.


Please see these verses from the Quran and biblical text that negate the Council of Nicaea edicts that were published in 325 AD.

Please see the following section from the Quran that says that says that we are all servants of His Who is God, and that we are all created elsewhere in the Quran texts we have.

Please know the Council of Nicaea was a fabrication that took words out of context and implied godhead in Christ equal to that of the Creator.

Please know they called him who is Christ the begotten son, coeternal with Him Who creates, and also called him of the same substance.

Please know these were the result of taking his words in John as meaning one of substance, while it means one of repose or purpose (10:30)

Please know that this is in the section where he describes himself innocent to the Jews.

Please know they understood him and did not stone him.

Please know they realized it was a metaphor he described.

Please know it is clear the biblical texts have been tampered with and none of the essential teachings of Christ are followed.

Please know the Quran brings clarity to view in this and highlights that sonship is only metaphorical, meaning honored slaves of His Essence or Being (see Al-Anbiya verse).

Please know son is used loosely in the Bible text and means a prophet for the most part though Jesus used it meaning Father Who taught the son things and also told his companions to pray to the Father.

Please know the ecumenical texts are false saying that Jesus coexisted with God Essence in that he was always present while we know a son is created and is not present along with the father.

Please know Arianism is false as it equates him who is Jesus with God Essence though less in degree saying that the “Father is greater than I” (John 14:28) as meaning that and it also ascribes sonship to God, which the Quran denies as we see here.

Please know these are fabrications that say the Word was with God coeternally.

Please know the Word we understand is meant to indicate the teachings to him who is Jesus and also the Word to Mary predicting him who is Jesus to be born of man, as mentioned in the Bible on numerous occasions that he was ‘son of man’ who is Jesus Christ, savior to us in Islam.

Please see it occur that the words ‘he dwelt with us in flesh from the Word’ is incorrect to follow and has no basis in scripture and is a fabrication by John in his Gospel.

Please know you have to isolate what Jesus said from what was said about him in your biblical texts as there are exaggerations there, as Prophet Muhammad said there to his companions.

Please see that Jesus did not create anything as indicated in the Quran in Furqan where it indicates created beings do not create (see text from Furqan).

Please know this negates the Nicene creed in this and we know that when Jesus existed he did not know the human body or its workings and he could not write the DNA genome to create mankind as maintained in Christian lore from the Nicene creed and other sources they have.

Please know the words in the Bible where Jesus debates the devil and tells him not to tempt him — as it is said in the book to worship the One God only—  is evidence that he did not believe as Christians nowadays and that he followed Judaism in this law they had.

Please know this and other locations in the Bible negate that he called himself God in His Essence and that he worshipped Him in Entirety, as the Quran says of him.

Please know in summary we can say that the Nicene Creed has taken out of context Jesus’ words and ascribed him divinity while Jesus ascribed divinity only to God as the Bible text elucidates here where he prayed and worshipped Him Who creates only (see sections of the Bible elucidated here). Omar.


19:88 And they say: The Beneficent has taken to Himself a son.

19:89 Certainly you make an abominable assertion!

19:90 The heavens may almost be rent thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces,

19:91 That they ascribe a son to the Beneficent!

19:92 And it is not worthy of the Beneficent that He should take to Himself a son.

19:93 There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes to the Beneficent as a servant.


21:25 And We sent no messenger before thee but We revealed to him that there is no God but Me, so serve Me.

21:26 And they say: The Beneficent has taken to Himself a son. Glory be to Him! Nay, they are honored servants—

21:27 They speak not before He speaks, and according to His command they act.


25:1 Blessed is He Who sent down the Discrimination upon His servant that he might be a warner to the nations—

25:2 He, Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and Who did not take to Himself a son, and Who has no associate in the kingdom, and Who created everything, then ordained for it a measure.

25:3 And they take besides Him gods who create naught, while they are themselves created, and they control for themselves no harm nor profit, and they control not death, nor life, nor raising to life.

Some excerpts from the Council of Nicaea.

1 Jesus Christ is described as “Light from Light, true God from true God,” proclaiming his divinity.

2 Jesus Christ is said to be begotten, not made,

3 He is said to be “of one being with the Father,” proclaiming that although Jesus Christ is ‘true God’ and God the Father is also ‘true God,’ they are ‘of one being,’ in accord to what is found in John 10:30: “I and the Father are one.”

4 The view that ‘there was once when he was not’ was rejected to maintain the coeternity of the Son with the Father.

5 The view that he was ‘mutable or subject to change’ was rejected to maintain that the Son just like the Father was beyond any form of weakness or corruptibility, and most importantly that he could not fall away from absolute moral perfection.

Some evidence of the unity of God preached by Jesus in the Bible text.

Matthew 4:10

9 He said to him, “I will give you all of these things, if you will fall down and worship me.”

10 Then Jesus said to him, “Get behind me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.’”

John 17

1 Jesus said these things, and lifting up his eyes to heaven, he said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may also glorify you;

2 even as you gave him authority over all flesh, he will give eternal life to all whom you have given him.

3 This is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

4 I glorified you on the earth. I have accomplished the work which you have given me to do.”


Please see the Council of Nicaea abrogated here with this concept of the understanding of things of what it means when one says he is ‘one with someone.’

Please see the prayer here.

Please know this is the context of using the word ‘one with you’ in the vernacular of Jesus in that it means unanimity of views and in John 10 he says it as well in ‘I and the father are one’ and that also means intent there.

These are simple concepts any school child understands these are similar views of things and Jesus was not one with the Jews who wanted to differ with him on issues but his follower is one with him as he says here, further it is clear it is taken out of context in the John 10 verse to imply he was god as well, something that does not make sense to the senses and it is used by them in the Council of Nicaea but the point they make has credence to no one and here it implies unanimity of views as well as deeds for Him, his Creat, and now you know what ‘one with God’ means don’t use it as a pretext of godhead in him. Omar.

John 17.

14 “I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.

15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.

16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.

17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.

19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.

20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,

21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:

23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”


Please know no one can remove your burdens that you create for yourself.

Please see this verse from Anum where it states that no one can remove your sin from you.

Please know the Christian concept of atonement is similar they say but it is so they break the Quranic principle in it and say he who is Jesus took away them your burdens or trespasses while you know the Lord’s prayer does not allow that teaching to you indicating there you have to ask forgiveness from your Father.

Please know it is this concept I teach that gets me fried by them in the church community as they don’t want to give in on atonement issues saying that Jesus died for your sins to go away- poof- and we know our savior there never said that as Jesus taught you the words of the Lord’s prayer and it was Paul who formulated teachings of atonement so that you would have no accountability and law was obsolete in your hearts and you could merrily sin on and yet say you will go to Heaven after you die, a concept not permitted in the Quran whereby your entry there occurs if your good deeds are heavy on the scales of mercy He has for us. Omar.


6:163 No associate has He. And this am I commanded, and I am the first of those who submit.

6:164 Say: Shall I seek a Lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? And no soul earns (evil) but against itself. Nor does a bearer of burden bear another’s burden. Then to your Lord is your return, so He will inform you of that in which you differed.


Please know an excerpt from an encyclopedia show that James the Just was a monotheist who was permitted entry in the Holy of Holies temple sanctuary.

Please know it is for your perusal to know that early Christians used to visit the temple and considered it blasphemy to call him God or His son as it was against the law and punishable by death,

Please know James was their head and knew what Paul was teaching in the Diaspora was illegal and resulted in his excommunication and later arrest by the Temple authorities, of which he was a member,

Please know Paul changed law, something not permitted in the Temple hierarchy, as could be seen when Jesus was asked in Matthews and he replied One God do you serve.

Please know a new religion evolved but had the bearings of falsehood in it,

Please know Paul was successful in it and you considered him saint while he has been exposed by my page to you as one who was subversive and changed edicts from Him so that your entry in Hell could occur.

Please know that was his intent as he wanted polytheism for you and permitted in it things not permitted in law from Him so he could extrude you from entry into Paradise, which he told you would occur, again without any basis in law to you and him.

Please know they know the Gospel of Thomas is damning as it returns Christians to monotheistic principles that James taught,

Please know it is data we trust for you as it is clear,

Please know it was used for many years in the church I mentioned here,

Please know it was vetted before it appeared,

Please know they know the data is damning so they declare it weak and unsound, while it met coherence with them,

Please know this is the data bank in my view that we need to preserve,

Please know the church dogma is Christ is a savior is incorrect as they take him to be God and it is a cover for you.

Please know the Gospel of Thomas is apocryphal but was considered correct in the Eastern church until it was banned as it created confusion in people, 

Please know it is correct to view and its data is valid, 

Please know the church had vested interests for declaring it apocryphal, 

Please know they do this to any material they find offensive to their views of Godhead in him, 

Please know the church has done its best to maim me so my literature is not read, 

Please know they will continue until you take charge and disband them from me.

Please see this section from the Encyclopedia of the New World.

Please know James the Just was a monotheist,

Please know he was accepted by the hierarchy of the Jews residing there in Jerusalem and its environs,

Please know he was a regular at the Temple,

Please know he had access to the sanctuary so he was involved in teaching Judaism to people,

Please know he was one of the churches of Jerusalem the tithe was due to.

Please know the Temple authorities were against this,

Please know he fought for his rights and won them,

Please know they were angry as he was Christ’s disciple and not a disbeliever like they were,

Please know he was subject to abuse because of his views,

Please know he was victim of them like Jesus and others, eventually he lost as he knew lies sometimes win but it is not so now as you are astute and the Quran is there for validity.

Please know he fought and won his way using Jewish law that he was not a blasphemer as he considered Jesus a man and prophet and he was entitled to his views,

Please know they wanted to blaspheme him, so they created an issue,

Please know they said was he alive?

Please know he replied in the affirmative but wouldn’t tell more.

Please know they made up a story that he considered him with Him,

Please know it is narrated correctly here and facts are distorted by historian Josephus,

Please know he wanted him a blasphemer,

Please know it is over and you know law cannot be ignored by early Christians, like James and others.

Please know it was the church dogma to make it easy so that you would enter it but religion got distorted and blurred,

Please know you lost dogma from Him,

Please know your law became nonexistent as you were told Jesus was your savior in regard to the person who will take you to Heaven but you lost ground when you were told you would not be accounted for, while that was not true as Jesus never said that.

Please know you know it is only a figment that Paul made up that he died for your sins,

Please know it has no basis in dogma of his.

Please know the Gospel of Thomas is clear that crucifixion was not important, unlike Paul’s teachings,

Please know the dogma was created later under the influence of the Catholic Church they adhered to later in their history.

Please know this is the dogma of Jesus that they adhered to in the early Christian faith that accountability occurred with Him, the Creator,

Please know they considered the church to be invaluable to them and when Paul tried to convert them they excommunicated him as he was calling him God.

Please know the early Christians would not consider him a deity,

Please know they had Jewish beliefs and believed he was Prophet of theirs who taught unity of God to people,

Please know this is the Christ we know in Islam,

Please know there is reason to exclaim,

Please praise him in your hymns but do not commit blasphemy to him by calling him his Creator actually.

Please know the following passage is an opinion but shows how his life was,

Please know the Gospel of Thomas was clear in that crucifixion was not important as Thomas knew he survived and what they were saying that he came back to life was not important,

Please know it was a cover for him to imply death, though it was some who said it and was not popular belief as the teaching of James show.

Please know to look at data before you make any assumptions about me,

Please know I am human and you must be positive about my literature as we can all make errors or adjust the data we use.

Please know my data is accurate though and it shows early Christians were monotheists like our car in Islam is,

Please know Islam is what is expected of you as Prophet Muhammad is World Prophet to you since he is mentioned he will come to perfect you in the Gospel of John,

Please know Jesus had a sibling in him and said he would send him as the Spirit of Truth,

Please know Prophet Muhammad is older but came later, but was sent to perfect the teachings of Him by himself in the Quran to you.

Please do not view data as apocryphal just because the church does as there is a different opinion here which they inhibit from you.

Please know the Gospel views the leader after Jesus left would be James and so he was appointed by them,

Please know he was a true stalwart and did not let Paul get his way.

Please know his life proves he was just and monotheistic, like Jesus was,

Please know it is over but I suggest you return to monotheistic dogma your star had and not follow the dogma of trinity in your life. Omar.

Web source here.

Was James’ Christianity more concerned with establishing ‘God’s Kingdom on Earth?’ is a question that emerges from this theory. For James to have been able to enter the Holy of Holies suggests that he was not regarded as a heretic, or with disfavor, by the Temple authorities, that is, by the High Priest at least up until shortly before his death. Was it jealousy that provoked Ananus ben Ananus? Eisenman thinks it likely that James had objected to the misbehavior of wealthy priests in the Temple who violently appropriated the tithes due to ‘Priests of the Poorer Sort and represents him as a ‘leader of the multitude of Jerusalem’ locked in a type of class-struggle with the aristocratic priests. James was the leader of ‘the poorer priests.’

A Christianity for which the Cross was not so central, too, would certainly have had implications not only for historical relations with Jews but also with Muslims, most of whom do not believe that Jesus was crucified. It has been argued that the Gospel of Thomas’s lack of a crucifixion narrative is not only due to its style of writing, which is a collection of sayings rather than a chronological account of Jesus life, but also because, whether it happened or not, the crucifixion was not essential to its theology.

Excerpt from Gospel of Thomas.

12 The disciples said to Jesus, “We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our leader?”

Jesus said to them, “No matter where you are you are to go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.”


Please know he was monotheistic and knew what he was doing would defile the believer in him.

Please know Paul was a monotheist as I show you here,

Please know they were friends, his monotheist bunch, and they crafted it out a polytheist religion for them,

Please know it is easy to do when you are nascent.

Please know this post shows how he permitted things not in the law.

Please know the council forbade him, 

Please know he told them he will do as he please as he had a following then, 

Please know he was excommunicated after that and was formally arrested by them, 

Please know the church had power to do so for heresy to them, 

Please know he never got out of prison and Allah punished him severely with death, 

Please know he changed religion though and it ignited an uprising when he was killed by them as he was God-like in repose to them, 

Please know he perished for sin to him, 

Please know he was subversive and knew it would occur, his banishment, he was ready for it, 

Please know he made pig meat halal for you, 

Please know it was not Peter who said to eat pig as he was Jewish council and followed them, 

Please Him, 

Please know he made halal for you things Allah prohibited so he is your god if you follow him rather than the Jewish law of halal meat.

Please know a thing sacrificed to an idol is not to be eaten but Paul permit it.

Please know he knew it was against the law.

Please know it is evil to do for a monotheistic faith but he permit for a purpose.

Please know he wanted to make you idolaters,

Please know it was his repose when he saw you were Christian to make you weak in it,

Please know he knew fornication would strife you.

Please know he committed an act of heresy and was committed by them in the council that forbade him from doing so to their religion of Christ followers. Omar.


5 For though there are things that are called “gods,” whether in the heavens or on earth; as there are many “gods” and many “lords”; 

6 yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we live through him. 

7 However, that knowledge isn’t in all men. But some, with consciousness of the idol until now, eat as of a thing sacrificed to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.


Please know Paul’s teachings were subversive and make sense to you as you want no accountability.

Please know women will never accept this that they are mere chattel to men and should not be understood as sane vicegerents that Allah has created mankind to be,

Please know chattel is my word as slave is what he represented them as,

Please know women have rights and Islam knows them to be independent and living free in the future,

Please know Heaven is for independent ones, it is in this life they are under care of men,

Please know that is nature here but we know they are independent in their rights.

Please know to be circumspect there in your church as Paul used his head and was not revealed like we are in Islam,

Please know Jesus was mere chattel to him as he gained ascendancy with them in the Diaspora.

Please know he was a megalomaniac and thought he was a prophet though he made that claim to some but not all his followers,

Please hate him from us in Islam as he was Jesus’ adversary and taught him differently as I have shown here.

Please know he hated Islam and did not want you to enter it,

Please know he asked you to eat pig meat, meat sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication,

Please know these were prohibited in the law of Islam then and he made you apostates thereby.

Please know him,

Please know he had the devil’s input in things.

Please Him instead and make your law lean,

Please go to Him in peace and reject your savior, in negativity, as what he says is not true to you.

Please bear him who says you must repent your doubts.

Please know however Jesus never taught you to worship him nor did he say you would be forgiven for worshiping him,

Please know these are Paul’s words to you and he was a proven liar in court there and was excommunicated.

Please know he broke with the Jerusalem council and was excommunicated by them,

Please know what he said has bearing if you respect him but it is not true, these things, as he used conjecture and tales like saying he was begotten by Him,

Please know he called him son of God,

Please know the gospel of John is well known to you where I quote this blasphemy to Him,

Please know these are three things he introduced to you which made you fell from Him,

Please know it has bearing if you wish it but God knows he was a liar to you and Jesus was truthful.

Please know I am a student of your Bible so excuse my vernacular of anger, 

Please know Islam permits women to speak in mosques and correct religious leaders if they make sense there, 

Please know Prophet Muhammad took counsel from his wives and told Aisha she would impart two thirds of Islam to them, 

Please know she was a religious scholar of her time after him, 

Please know Islam has allowed women’s input until demagoguery occurred, 

Please know it is over and you know Islam is fair.

Please know these are the teachings of Timothy one to me,

Please know he knew the truth yet portrayed Godhead in him as the son of God came to redeem the sins of mankind,

Please know he was a prig who told women to be quiet as if they had no intellect to correct men,

Please know he used conjecture to support his views saying Eve was deceptive,

Please know they know I am Paul’s adversary, 

Please know I will let you see my words are for you to see he was a prig and not to be respected by man for his views,

Please know it is over and you know he changed religion to support his views,

Please know that is a Bani-Israel act. Omar.


3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; 

4 who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth. 

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 

6 who gave himself as a ransom for all; the testimony in its own times; 

7 to which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth in Christ, not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Also Timothy.

9 In the same way, that women also adorn themselves in decent clothing, with modesty and propriety; not just with braided hair, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing; 

10 but (which becomes women professing godliness) with good works. 

11 Let a woman learn in quietness with all subjection. 

12 But I don’t permit a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in quietness. 

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 

14 Adam wasn’t deceived, but the woman, being deceived, has fallen into disobedience;

15 but she will be saved through her childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and sanctification with sobriety.


Please know this verse from Acts II shows that it was inconceivable that the law of Moses be abrogated at the time the council met for deliberation.

Please know Paul and Barnabas were responsible for changing Jewish law which was the law that God gave them in early Christianity,

Please know this was God’s gift to man that they had a law to conduct them by in life and He never meant it to be abrogated as you know from Christ to you who would not teach the Gentiles for fear it would be law of different kind they have,

Please know it occurred as there was a frenzy to convert people that Peter established as correct though it was law for him not to convert them,

Please know Peter’s mistake was to think he was apostle for which law was given different than his Prophet.

Please know that was Peter in his thinking and he had credibility with some,

Please know he was an apostle of his and knew the law would be different for them as he was a member of the Jerusalem council and partook in their decision to relent to them on matters such as circumcision, not allowing leeway on major issues of Mosaic dispensation.

Please know it was a concerted decision to convert that was in error to the teaching of their Creator to Jesus and it lead to much bloodshed in history of Christian lore as you know from history books as they had butchery in dealing with people because of it in monotheism not,

Please know the council met on principles of Judaism allowing exemptions in certain laws, 

Please know the only law they relented on was circumcision and at that time the Godhead of Christ was not considered to be important, 

Please know Paul continued his subversion in making people idolaters who followed Jesus and tried hard to make them deviate from the path Allah chose for them in the Torah, 

Please know he and James would debate on these issues and finally the council was called as they were not reconciling to their different viewpoints, 

Please know it is over and I have shown you they were Jews who took Jesus for Christ and looked upon him as correct to follow in his views, 

Please know Jesus was a Jew who never ate pig meat and was circumcised, 

Please know you must follow the example of the prophet you follow and not the teachings of Paul who was subversive to them and wanted them destroyed while he used to follow Jewish custom and law to an extreme, 

Please know I have shown you acts of his where he promoted idolatry in you.

Please know this is James to give in on the Abrahamic principle because he was outnumbered,

Please know this is what we do in Islam but it must be obeyed,

Please know it was Paul in the Diaspora who taught this that they did not need circumcision but it is law they must in the Torah, which they upheld then,

Please know there was no mention of pig meat as it was inconceivable that it would be permitted when the council met in 50 AD or so.

Please know Paul was culprit in not following the council’s decision about prohibited foods and allowed them to eat whatever was in the market which included pig meat and that sacrificed to idols, something abhorred in our law of Islam here for you. Omar.

Acts from the pen of Luke the apostle for the council he wrote this.

It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. For the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath. (Acts 15:19–21)


Please know Paul was a disgrace for you and you can follow him if you wish for Hellfire, as there is no truth there.

Please know I am Paul’s metaphor as I bring you his teachings, 

Please know he was successful though as he brought masses to your faith which would have been a sect of Judaism if he had not done so, so God took use of his evil to remove you away from them, 

Please know God works like that but we are guilty for the evil and we are punished for our intent,

Please know I am punished for a sin I commit and you will be as well.

Please know you cannot sit beside a wall and say it does not exist as what you say about fornication currently and ignorance will drive you to hell there,

Please know in this country we are taught laws have to be learnt,

Please know ignoring them will drive you to jail.

Please know I am kind to you but you know threat is necessary for you.

Please Him and learn His word does not change, it is man that abrogates it.

Please know these are Paul’s teachings.

Please know he believed in one God and it would come out in his teachings but it was clear he made up things to please the Gentiles and bring them in the teachings of God, as other Christians do to bring masses to them though ignoring the teachings of Christ himself who professed belief in Him alone as his savior for him, like we do in Islam

Please know Paul made conflicting statements that occur when you lie to others to bring them to a faith weaker than the original as Jesus followed it, the book, while Paul abdicated it though told not to by the council of Jerusalem in 50 AD or so.

Please know James was just and did not allow the abrogation of it but was outnumbered by the apostles who were in a frenzy to convert even though their mentor did not in his teachings to them,

Please know they were taught not to but it was a later innovation they said he did so.

Please know I am not against Paul as he was human and had faults like we all do but he was subversive to him, so my slant is to be him in vocalicity, 

Please know I am vocal as I know what I am up against as you go aggressive in your slant against me for deriding your prophet Paul who changed religion on your behalf so you could eat pig and fornicate at your leisure.

Please know it s well known in Islam they had that he said if you have faith in him, Jesus there, then the law is negligent for you and you will make it thus going against our savior Jesus and others before him who upheld law for them, the Bani-Israel clan they had.

Please know he permitted you lay of the land which you do thinking you will be redeemed,

Please know there is no basis for his teachings in the scripture of Jesus or the Torah which you follow if the interest provokes you to see what they did in the past.

Please know the past is the same as now and you can’t get away from facts from Him.

Please know the Quran validates the law still exists and fornication is not free to do.

Please know Paul eradicated law for you so that you would come to him, as he desired that.

Please know there are many who convert their faith so they can do as they please. Omar.


Please see Paul was corrupt but so were you who followed him knowing there was monotheism in Islam they had, the Bani-Israel door.

Please see Matthews here where he says things about the end of time of Judaism as it is clear he is referring to the temple stones in his speech to them and not later times we have currently when I have appeared as messiah here.

Please know the ‘one who deceives’ is Paul to you as he changed law and created a temple hierarchy to occur that lead to its fall with the death of James the Just there who was stoned for teaching monotheism to them and they hated his piety.

Please see Paul abrogated law and many did come into the fold of Christ but it is so it led to many wars and the destruction of the temple did result as the Romans did not like it that their people converted to him in his teachings to them and he did call them evil.

Please see Paul was a prophet to them and by us in Islam that is a false statement.

Please know there is no prophet between Jesus and Muhammad though Paul did change religion as prophets do, that’s why you call him that in this culture, but many priest know he was false and created polytheism in the midst of a monotheistic faith that they had there in Christian land that emerge after Jesus taught, and the Quran corroborates it, Jesus’ teachings, so you are satisfied Paul was corrupt and taught you differently from Jesus and earlier prophets you had, further, he was messiah to many and many wars did result because of his teachings.

Please know he called himself that that he was prophet there.

Please know Jesus knew it would occur but was sad his teachings would be taken out of context and words like ‘I am’ and ‘I and the Father are one’ would be used by them to create a new religious belief that Paul headed, not him, further, it is said the church followed Christ, but did it, it did not, he upheld law and Paul and others abrogate it, so there occurs. Omar.

Matthews 24

1 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings.

2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.”

3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.

5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.

6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.

10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,

11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.

12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,

13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”


Please see the origin of the words of commemoration of Jesus are from these verses and other interpositions in their book, the Bible to them.

This is the origin of commemoration of Christ in their Jewish faith of Christianity as they think their prayers will be accepted this way but the words are interposed here it is not for a prophet to glorify himself with regards to the law of prayer in Islam we have and a prayer should be short and direct to Him, their Creator, without any human intervention.

Please know this is the custom of Bani-Israel people to interpose words in their literature and the Christians followed suit here and now shirk has occurred as they cannot approach their Creator except in this way of commemoration of their god to them and it is decried in Islam, this sort of intervention they had from their prophet who made it clear not to do so but to ask and be given in His wisdom to you as Muslims know some prayers are accepted not or late and some are early, but it is so we should beseech Him with confidence that He will hear it when asked directly of Him and no one else otherwise He may never accept a prayer in that fashion, now you know so don’t do it, it is like asking Jesus of things and not your Creator and be warned your prayer may be wasted this way but it is so your churches advise you to continue but you should not, Allah is your Creator and your pastor is not and that is shirk too if you listen to him rather than Allah and His Prophet there.

See these words here are shirk in the sense that he says he will do it and not his Father which goes against the dogma of Christ as he always beseeched his Creator in things when he had a need of something and now you know commemoration is wrong and try to make your prayer to Him who gives things, not Jesus, or for that matter any human, as you know him to be. Omar.

John 14.

12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”


Please know your destination is known to you as you read me clearly and wish for Paradise to occur rather than Hellfire which will if you go along with them who detract you and me.

Please know there is no crookedness in my works, 

Please know I am truthful to you in dialogue and only lie when compulsed for the most part, though some may be inadvertent, 

Please know our law allows this as they are manipulative and apply mental disease where there is none and medicate me by force which causes intolerable side effects.

Please see this section from The Elevated Places from the Quran where it talks about the wicked,

Please know there are several classes of people here,

Please know those who reject the truth are in Hellfire,

Please know there are those who hinder men from the truth making it appear crooked to them,

Please are the people I refer to who will see it.

Please know they will tell them Paul is right, Omar is unwell.

Please know they will make it crooked what I write saying that he is out of his mind and has mental disease which the government treats.

Please know they are right in a sense and I am subject to medication from them but it is not required and they force it.

Please know my language is the language of the saints and I am careful to show you data so that you are not in doubt about it that your Prophet’s opinion is the same as ours in Islam, and the Quran verifies his views,

Please know I don’t conjecture and allow you to reach conclusions for yourself providing you the material to read.

Please know it is over and you know Jesus meant the metaphor in his works on godhead in himself and the usage of the term son of God being a parable for a prophet by the same token,

Please know the data is irrefutable and it is now for you to come to terms with my literature being sane for you in other matters I write about as I am sane here when I talk about the metaphor in him,

Please know you are in Araf,

Please know these are the elevated plains and I know people by their marks as when they communicate with me they show their worth,

Please know Araf is a plain with the intellect of a saint as you understand me in your literature of the metaphor and I speak your tongue.

Please know you have a high intellect and so understand me as I am high,

Please know many Muslims don’t educate themselves as you do and have difficulty with me,

Please know it was similar for my mentor and they ostracized him, calling him Non-Muslim,

Please know we are on the plain, our group, and we see you entering Heaven,

Please know it is not the same for some who call me unwell to discredit me and therefore the curse of Allah is on them and their destination is Hell,

Please know don’t be so and give me credibility that I have given you sanity through my works,

Please know you used to think that son of God in the literal sense made sense to you but was outlandish as well.

Please know you realize it was a metaphor used commonly in your book and in Jesus’ own teachings it referred to a prophet or king,

Please know his words are telling to you where he referred to the metaphor to explain himself when he said “I say ye are gods.”

Please know I have given you depth of intellect unmatched in your times explaining him whom you love and so you recognize him as a prophet, like Muhammad was a prophet.

Please know it is these two whose intellect I match as I bring you their works.

Please know I am not a braggart; it is clear to you I match them as I bring to clarity their works.

Please know you have raised your intellect to my level as you study me and him, through my interpretation of his teachings.

Please continue to read and give me credit of being credible which only a sane man could be.

Please Him,

Please do not make our Book crooked to others, as it is the truth from Him,

Please know you have found it to be so as you interpret him and realize his message is confirmed in our Quran,

Please know to adopt it.

Please know there are many precepts you know and there are others you will learn, as we are all students of Him. Omar.


7:40  Those who reject Our messages and turn away from them haughtily, the doors of heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter the Garden until the camel pass through the eye of the needle. And thus do We reward the guilty.

7:41  They shall have a bed of hell and over them coverings (of it). And thus do We requite the wrongdoers.

7:42  And as for those who believe and do good — We impose not on any soul a duty beyond its scope — they are the owners of the Garden; therein they abide.

7:43  And We shall remove whatever of ill-feeling is in their hearts — rivers flow beneath them. And they say: All praise is due to Allah, Who guided us to this! And we would not have found the way if Allah had not guided us. Certainly the messengers of our Lord brought the truth. And it will be cried out to them: This is the Garden which you are made to inherit for what you did.

7:44  And the owners of the Garden call out to the companions of the Fire: We have found that which our Lord promised us to be true; have you, too, found that which your Lord promised to be true? They will say: Yes. Then a crier will cry out among them: The curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers,

7:45  Who hinder (men) from Allah’s way and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.

7:46  And between them is a veil. And on the Elevated Places are men who know all by their marks. And they call out to the owners of the Garden: Peace be to you! They have not yet entered it, though they hope.

7:47  And when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire, they say: Our Lord, place us not with the unjust people.


Please know we all come to a common meeting ground when questioned about our deeds.

Please know the time has come to tell you most mankind appreciate Him Who creates them and are willing to forego sin some but some exceptions do occur as idolatry does exist and pagan customs are still present in the land which prevents entry in Heaven abode we have there but comprehension has occurred that law is sane to be with.

Please know to follow Islamic injunction here in our Book to us, the Quran there, which has comprehension as law for you in your sanity clause.

Please see the grandeur of the Quran and see if you can match it in any other book of His. 

Please know we are all one body if we serve our Master and don’t associate with Him, 

Please know what makes us different is our notion we are right in one thing and others are wrong, while our root is God. 

Please know the Quran is the last Book and our Prophet is the last one on earth. 

Please adopt both and gradually assimilate his teachings to you, as our Jamaat elaborates.

Please see the following verse from the Holy Book of ours, the Quran,

Please see the verse signifies we are all brothers there,

Please know it is our deeds that accomplish Heaven,

Please know monotheism is the rule in many religions there but it is so mushriks or polytheists don’t make it if they succumb not to the belief of One God to them but we know Sabians do worship Him Who creates as they are believers in nature and do consider them to be created beings.

Please know now you know why it was revealed as you were told it used to be only Muslims will enter Paradise.

Please know it is because lip service exists in it and we tell you all Muslims are not Paradise people.

Please know the same holds true for Christian believers in this country where they have accepted me as their savior but do not conform to the Quran’s teachings as it is too different for them,

Please know the essence of us must be good and wholesome for us to make it with Him but I know some of you won’t conform to the law, thereby are not permitted entry there in Heaven abode with us,

Please know they know monotheism is essential for them to go into Heaven as elsewhere in the Quran it says a mushrik does not go there,

Please know it means one who is mushrik believes in another God besides Him,

Please know this rule is absolute so beware we are brothers if you believe in Him as One.

Please Him with your deeds.

Please know you cannot enter Heaven without your deeds being heavy in repose to Him,

Please know I am a saint and know I have reckoning to come.

Please know so it is with Jesus as we know he asked for forgiveness.

Please know it is over and you know we are one body in faith.

Please know we may practice differently but we serve the one God in our life’s endeavors here on earth.

Please know the other verse is different and refers to other faiths that practice differently in their heart’s repose to Him and serve other deities,

Please know these people don’t make it with Him even if we know they are good in other respects,

Please know God is strict and they will know it when they are raised for Him to be judged.

Please know they are all submitters though if they serve Him,

Please know all are submitters to Him as He is their Creator.

Al Baqarah,

2:62  Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they have their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

Al Hajj.

22:17  Those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians and the polytheists — surely Allah will decide between them on the day of Resurrection. Surely Allah is Witness over all things.

22:18  Seest thou not that to Allah makes submission whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people? And many there are to whom chastisement is due. And he whom Allah abases, none can give him honor. Surely Allah does what He pleases.


Please know your car is your personal property and you will follow a course with it to Him.

Please know we must serve you in Islam,

Please know your car is mine like the Prophet’s is mine, in your heart’s repose.

Please Him,

Please know I take you to Him,

Please know you used to think trinity was your home with Him but He showed you differently,

Please know you know it is monotheism home you have with Him with him as your guide as you recognize merit in my thoughts from him, my Prophet,

Please know we all have a home with him,

Please know he is our guest there in Paradise when he comes to visit it from his heaven,

Please know we all see dreams,

Please know he will appear in your subconscious thoughts from Him,

Please see this occur that your guide is him, just like Jesus has a guide in him there in his abode,

Please know your women are my forte who have compassion and mercy as they are His car in their repose to Him and His Prophet Jesus and Muhammad and me as their guide,

Please know to bring my car to you in your home,

Please know by that I mean the metaphor.

Please see the verse where the Quran says that religion is completed for you.

Please know this is your day with us,

Please know Islam is your faith while you say Christian faith is it.

Please know I know you know the truth of it and defend it,

Please know your faith is what you say it is but you defend it with truth in it so you know what I say makes sense to you.

Please know I say I am a Muslim of your heart as you know me and know my worth,

Please know you recognize merit in my works,

Please know you know it has occurred your comprehension we are one faith, only submit differently,

Please know our culture is different in Islam we have but your Islam is acceptable if you pray to Him your Creator to you in your dream and with your voice to you.

Please know you know the truth of my submission,

Please know I know you are complete and ready to submit to Him your Creat in your deeds and acts of devotion,

Most of you recognize my merit in teaching you things from our Prophet and recognize him as great with a law you can hearken to, that’s why I say you are complete fulfillment of your creed.

Please know you know my car is with my Creator with his, who you have repose will take you to Paradise now that monotheism is your forte and you think trinity outdated and contrived,

Please know my car is his and vice versa,

Please know our Prophet’s car is his in Paradise, here his ride is mine as he takes me to your home to be with you in repose to Him,

Please know pure food is your forte and you stay away from it which cause disquiet in you.

Please know the same goes for your women,

Please know they should marry as that is His wish for you.

Please know your culture was different and you thought it was okay.

Please know His displeasure occurs and then punishment is His car when you continue after the initial contact. Omar.

Surah Maida.

5:3  Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal), and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall, and that killed by goring with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten — except what you slaughter; and that which is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols), and that you seek to divide by arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion. But whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

5:4  They ask thee as to what is allowed them. Say: The good things are allowed to you, and what you have taught the beasts and birds of prey, training them to hunt — you teach them of what Allah has taught you; so eat of that which they catch for you and mention the name of Allah over it; and keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Swift in reckoning.

5:5  This day (all) good things are made lawful for you. And the food of those who have been given the Book is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And so are the chaste from among the believing women and the chaste from among those who have been given the Book before you, when you give them their dowries, taking (them) in marriage, not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret. And whoever denies faith, his work indeed is vain; and in the Hereafter he is of the losers.


Please know we are all abject in our creation and will remain so.

Please know our Creator,

Please know Him,

Please understand Him,

Please know He has no need,

Please know He created us not to be Him,

Please know there is no need for another god,

Please know He is the self-sufficient, One who creates with love,

Please know us,

Please understand us,

Please know our nature,

Please know we are in need,

Please know we are all abject before we see Him,

Please know Jesus, Krishna and Buddha were all in need of things and were fed,

Please know they all saw death,

Please know an abject one cannot be God.

Please see this verse from the Quran where polytheism is condemned in whatever form it may be,

Please know it refers to Jesus and others who were taken for Gods,

Please know this,

Please know our Creator is alone in His nature,

Please know all of us are abject ones and must be fed to survive,

Please know our Creator did not create us to be self-sufficient,

Please understand Him,

Please know all creation will see death to show them they are abject ones,

Please know the angels who take our soul,

Please know after taking all souls they too will see death.

Please know it is decreed we will see death,

Please know all man and jinn will know it,

Please know the Quran says there is no one unto Him,

Please know The Immaculate,

Please know The Majestic,

Please know all the attributes of Him,

Please understand Him,

Please know there was no need to create us,

Please know He was self-sufficient,

Please know He wished to be known,

Please see His epitaph,

The Incomparably Great. Omar.


6:13  And to Him belongs whatever dwells in the night and the day. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

6:14  Say: Shall I take for a friend other than Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds and is not fed? Say: I am commanded to be the first of those who submit. And be thou not of the polytheists.

6:15  Say: Surely I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the chastisement of a grievous day.


Please know the abject one cannot be a God worthy of worship.

Please know the abject state is what we are,

Please Him,

Please know we are meant to be abject so people will know we are not gods,

Please know we all live as princes and die as paupers,

Please know by that I mean we think we are self-sufficient,

Please know it is over for them and they know he is man,

Please know it is over as they understand his words and know he was abject,

Please Him and not raise man to God.

Please know the metaphor is okay to show unity with Him in His repose and this is not real.

Please know this,

Please know he was not begotten by Him, the Creat,

Please know He alone is One on whom we depend,

Please know we pray to Him,

Please know he depended on Him,

Please know his prayer was accepted,

Please know the crucifix,

Please know he was one who survived,

Please know your prayers are to Him Who delivers,

Please know he spent his time in prayer to Him,

Please know he was the abject one,

Please know he was hung,

Please see he was abject and not a creator or god to them in that state as God would not be helpless to others,

Please know he written as the best of us in trial.

Please know he was pleased with this title,

Please know he is raised in honor with Him,

Please know saint,

Please know that was him and me,

Please know we are His repose,

Please know that it will be accomplished,

Please know you know I teach you him,

Please see a requiem,

Please know we are one in repose to take you there,

Please know there,

Please know it is your destination you are pleased with. Omar.

Surah Ikhlas.

112:1  Say: He, Allah, is One.

112:2  Allah is He on Whom all depend.

112:3  He begets not, nor is He begotten;

112:4  And none is like Him.


Please know we all raise ourselves in spirit when we are tried by Him.

Please know we are faced with this intranquility that we will be tried like he was if we do not appreciate him and learn that man can be tried by Him in order to improve their state.

Please see these verses from The Family of Amran or chapter three.

Please know our Prophet was no exception to the rule.

Please understand we must learn the truth must be served, and Christians and Muslims alike must bend to this rule.

Please know him,

Please know when he passed away none of the companions said why was he not spared?

Please realize this,

Please understand it was in their comprehension that he had passed away.

Please know Jesus is misconstrued to have been lifted to heaven,

Please know this concept came in Islam a hundred years after the passing away of him who is my mentor there, Muhammad to you.

Please know these inaccuracies came about when Christian converts brought their opinions with them.

Please know you cannot create an exception where our Creator did not list him as one who is Jesus there.

Please understand the spiritual elevation of him occurred eventually when people realized his elevated status in the Christian faith and in Islam as well.

Please know they misconstrue certain words of the Quran and think the Christian viewpoint is correct. In this there is certainty that Islam is served if we understand the metaphor.

Please know his elevation was in regards to his spirit as in the spirit of elevation with Him in the eyes of people.

Please know we all pray that we will be raised in spirit to Him,

Please understand we pray for it,

Please know his spirit left him when he said the words of beration to Him,

Please know he was resurrected in spirit as correct in the Christian Islam there of James the just when he left the Bani-Israel and preached there to his people in India,

Please understand this,

Please know he lost faith in Him when he questioned Him on the cross.

Please know this is a norm for man,

Please understand I would have lost faith if I saw it,

Please know that to him the reality of crucifixion occurred after he had been promised in the garden of Gethsemane the night before that he would live but to accept the cup He gave him,

Please know he thought his God had forsaken him,

Please know to berate is the norm in this setting for mankind.

Please appreciate him,

He was raised and would never berate again,

Please know he was elevated in the eyes of mankind,

Please know they thought he was accursed.

Please know God ascribes messiahship to him and he was not be accursed like they thought of him,

Please know this is the meaning of rafa in the Quran.

Please know his status was raised,

Please know he is with Him in spirit.

Please know the angels and the prophets are in His repose,

Please know our Prophet saw him and he was in the waiting area with John the Baptist,

Please know they are with Him in spirit but wait there for judgment to occur. Omar.


3:144  And Muhammad is but a messenger — messengers have already passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels? And he who turns back upon his heels will do no harm at all to Allah. And Allah will reward the grateful.

3:145  And no soul can die but with Allah’s permission — the term is fixed. And whoever desires the reward of this world, We give him of it, and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter, We give him of it. And We shall reward the grateful.


Please know in the Muslim world there is much confusion of the interpretation of the words in these verses as they think Isa was not crucified at all.

Please see why a difference of opinion is important in Islam as new data comes to light with time, 

Please know rafa means bodily ascension in the metaphorical sense as well as stature with Him, 

Please know he will be in Allah’s presence when we die here but our body can’t travel in space.

Please see the following verses from the Quran from the chapter The Women,

Please know it is over and you know he died there in India with his follower Mary who he married,

Please know Muslims have a hard time assimilating data from our source in Islam so I explain to them the Arabic so they understand there was a misinterpretation from the early Muslim scholars, primarily from the Christian data that came into Islam from converts,

Please see the verse refers to Jesus, not someone else, as is thought by some there in the Middle East,

Please know they take two weak hadith to indicate someone took the appearance of Jesus before the crucifixion attempt but fail to realize it is not possible to do so.

Please know the sources of these hadith are dubious and scholars know I am telling the truth in this regard,

Please know one says Pilate ordered a guard to kill him but then God changed his appearance and he was crucified instead,

Please know the other states a companion was asked to take on his garb and portray Jesus in himself but this is not verified as correct and is unusual for a prophet to do.

Please know a prophet would fight himself instead of killing a companion,

Please know they say the other person was crucified but the word ‘ha’ refers to Jesus and the other person is not mentioned in the verse so it is not possible for him to be crucified,

Please know the other problem they have is limited knowledge of the Arabic language as salabuhu means killed in a well-known way, not being nailed, as occurred with Jesus,

Please know crucifix is a well-known method of killing but if the person does not die he is said to survived the crucifixion,

Please know they say he never went on the cross but according to Lane’s lexicon of Arabic it does not mean that but death on the cross is what is implied.

Please know it further says they use conjecture to say he died but he died not for certain,

Please know both the Christians and Jews say he died but they are not sure as it has transpired that people are in doubt about it with Ahmadi literature being prevalent, as my book shows,

Please know we ascribe to peace with them in Islam as diverse views are important to uphold as correct for some but the Christian faith and the Jews as well know they are in doubt about it as the knowledge has come forth in Islam with us that he survived the crucifixion as the guards dispelled with the breaking of legs even after they knew his heart was pumping, evinced from blood flowing when they pierced him,

Please know it was obvious they weren’t going to kill him as he was innocent to two and Pilate too.

Please know Pilate and his wife wanted to save him and told the guard to dispel them the people who had gathered and then he appeared to take him away.

Please know Pilate knew he was alive and personally checked with the spear and noted he bled,

Please know then he allowed him to leave and observe the sabbath on his own in the woods there,

Please know it was an innovation they used to say he had died in order to cover his tracks to the people but the Jewish council knew he had survived as there were some members there when he was taken down by Pilate,

Please know Mary his wife did see him on the third day and was appeased as he was clear in his head and not unwell like they were saying of him,

Please see these facts are from revelation but the fact is out he survived there in church quarters,

Please know he remained in disguise after the crucifixion attempt and then left for safer lands,

Please know the other verse that causes confusion is raising spiritually a person,

Please know people thought he was accursed but he did not die there so the curse of a crucifixion death did not occur,

Please know he was raised spiritually as the stature God gave him with man through the teachings in Islam I teach you.

Please know raising is a metaphor we speak of in our prayer when we say raise me in the prayer we have in Islam,

Please see Jesus had a flaw, he would gloat on them and took them on in adversary and he was raised in spirit when he saw their might on him and he swore never to berate Him, his God Elohim Whose promise was true and so was raised in spirit to Him.

Please know it is through hardship and trial we are raised in stature with Him the Creat and also in the eyes of man, wife and child so there you have it we commemorate him in Islam as one who is recognized as great by us,

Please know we all need peace and it is over for you in this country as you have understood my book but people in the Middle East are fixated that rafani means lifting bodily, while the metaphor is applied here as no one can lift himself bodily to heaven as the verse I alluded to in a previous comment said as the Prophet is asked to say it is not for a mortal prophet to go to heaven to retrieve a book which they asked him to do.

Please know the last verse I allude to refers to the People of the Book not agreeing with his raising as they thought him accursed,

Please know they will all believe it until his death and it is now you are in doubt about it.

Please know it is over and the Jews and the Christians both used to say he was accursed but he will witness them on the Day of Reckoning that they were wrong and he survived and so was not accursed as they would like to believe,

Please know rafa means bodily ascension as well to high altitude and could signify the travel there to the Himalaya mountains,

Please know we differ in interpretations from Muslim scholars in certain verses but take our arguments from reason supported by hadith literature and other verses of the Quran,

Please know there is a discrepancy there as they refuse to budge but it is to their detriment as we are cogent and make sense to mankind as you know of me and us in Islam here in the West. Omar.


4:157  And for their saying: We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah, and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on the cross, but he was made to appear to them as such. And certainly those who differ therein are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge about it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for certain:

4:158  Nay, Allah exalted him in His presence. And Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.

4:159  And there is none of the People of the Book but will believe in this before his death; and on the day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them.


Please know the Quran is the most accurate book with you.

Please try to see reason when I tell you to see the truth. I know the Bible has things in it that are contrived and must be subjected to circumspection.

Please see the following verses from the chapter Hud or eleven.

Please know our Creator is the author of it,

Please know He has challenged man to produce a book like it.

Please understand this,

Please know perfection,

Please know I write similarly,

Please know my book is not the Quran though but is similar to what our Prophet would recite from Him,

Please know our Prophet was the recipient of revelation in addition to the Quran,

Please understand these are prayers of his,

Please know we all have the desire to write from Him,

Please understand this,

Please know it is a gift.

Please try to comprehend my role,

Please know it is like His Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace,

Please know it is to bring you the Quran and let you see for yourself the truth from Him,

Please know there can’t be more than one truth on the matter,

Please know the Quran says desist from saying three,

Please know there is no truth in it,

Please know the evidence is clear that it is contrived,

Please know it is the truth in the Quran that your God is One.

Please know it is for you to accept the most accurate Book,

Please know it is certain that Jesus did not say it.


11:13  Or, say they: He has forged it. Say: Then bring ten forged chapters like it, and call upon whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.

11:14  But if they answer you not, then know that it is revealed by Allah’s knowledge, and that there is no God but He. Will you then submit?


Please know the atonement is a reality for some who wish it and don’t want to be questioned.

Please know atonement,

Please know it is false,

Please give into this reality that we are answerable for our sins,

Please know it is over for him who fornicates and thinks it is forgiven,

Please know our Creator curses a happy fornicator,

Please know it is over when you think your Creator will forgive you, without your amends,

Please know he is strict with you and us in Islam,

Please know we know the reality that it is a sin,

Please know the Bible says so, as does the Quran.

Please give into this that human life cannot be disregarded,

Please know when you abort you do this,

Please know it has consequences on your Hereafter.

Please know your Hell is written when you sin by killing a human.

Please know the reality is that we are all answerable for our sins, 

Please know why? 

Please know it is so we can keep straight, 

Please know with atonement you feel you can do what you like, 

Please know you cannot and the Quran teaches that, 

Please understand atonement, 

Please know it is mischief in the land, 

Please know why? 

Please know it is because you think you have a free passage to him who is your savior and he will protect you from Him, 

Please know he is not able to protect himself until it be the will of Allah.

Please see the following verse,

Please know it has occurred in your senses that the metaphor explains what you could not understand,

Please know it has been explained adequately and now it is for you to come through,

Please know it is over for the dogma of the church that he was son incarnate,

Please know the mindset in this country finds it incredulous that God would impregnate a woman with His spirit,

Please know these are tales that the immature in intellect would listen to,

Please know it is over and you can enter heaven,

Please know the metaphor has been explained to you and you understand son of God is a title for him,

Please know it does not make sense that God would need an associate when He is all Powerful.

Please give consideration to sanity,

Please know God does appear in mankind as He is transcendent,

Please know we all have God in us as His soul is for us,

Please know it says in the Quran He breathed His soul into us,

Please give it a thought for a moment or two.

Please know it is possible for man to be fused with Him,

Please know that is his resolve to work for Him,

Please know then it is correct to say his resolve is one with God and God is with him,

Please know these are metaphors and should not be confused with reality.

Please know it is over for him who gesticulates with anger,

Please know the reality is the Quran which says they are honored servants who are sons of His,

Please know your mindset is clear and it is time you got your act right,

Please know the Quran is clear there is no atonement,

Please know that was a fable created by Paul and others that His only son died for their sins,

Please know how pathetic your arguments are in the face of reality that we are answerable for our sins and there is no free passage to Heaven,

Please know your God loves you and wishes you to be in His presence as servants who know reality,

Please know the Bible and other books got altered,

Please say a prayer that you see it through the teachings of the Quran. Omar.


11:108  And as for those who are made happy, they will be in the Garden abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord please — a gift never to be cut off.


Please know his passing out was only pretense and it was contrived of as death to suit those who wished to cover for him.

Please know the death of Christ on the cross is a misnomer for passing out.

Please know in the verse that follows it states that everyone must die. 

Please know that means Jesus has passed away and was not resurrected. I hope you realize that Jesus did have a body after the crucifixion as Thomas placed his fingers in his wound and he ate as normal mortals do. I know it seems strange to you a person can be resurrected with a body.   

Please know it is more plausible that he did not die but was only in a swoon when he passed out on the cross. I am aware as you are that the human body stays on earth after demise and the soul is what emerges and ascends to its Creator.

Please see the following caption there.

Please know we covered up otherwise he would have been killed for certain.


21:33  And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. All float in orbits.

21:34  And We granted abiding forever to no mortal before thee. If thou diest, will they abide?

21:35  Every soul must taste of death. And We test you by evil and good by way of trial. And to Us you are returned.


Please know your prophet is your harbinger for your health there with Him in Paradise.

Please know our Creator knows that we must believe in the prophet of our time,

Please know it is written in the Quran,

Please see a requiem for him,

Please know it is over for those who change my words,

Please know he never implied he was God,

Please understand he was one with Him in all his deeds,

Please know that means they had the same repose,

Please know it is sane to say you understand the metaphor.

Please give in to the following post.

Please know the implications of the metaphor may be misleading and our Prophet was careful about it.

Please see these verses from the Quran in the chapter of The Women.

Please know the prophet of his time has to be obeyed.

Please know Jesus said this when he said “the way to God was with him,”

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet was similar,

Please know this verse verifies this,

Please know our Creator is strict about obedience to the Prophet and has vouchsafed Hell for those who are disobedient,

Please see one can approach God without the intercession of your prophet but it is so Muhammad’s respect must occur,

Please know Jesus was similar,

Please know the people of Bani-Israel were told they would have to respect him and the same holds true till this day.

Please know it is necessary to follow your prophet and not a scholar or saint who gives an interpretation different than the one intended.

Please know this,

Please know Paul changed the religion of monotheism to one where polytheism occurred in it,

Please know our prophet Jesus never said to worship him but see what you did, you broke his oath of one God with you that I teach you again on his behalf who is Muhammad to us,

Please know he used the metaphor when he described himself as His son, like he and the disciples were.

Please know our Prophet knows you have understood this,

Please know our prophet Christ was only a slave of his Creator when he used terminology of the metaphor,

Please know he was allowed to stop using the metaphor after he was nearly killed when they were about to stone him. Omar.


4:64  And We sent no messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah’s command. And had they, when they wronged themselves, come to thee and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful.

4:65  But no, by thy Lord! they believe not until they make thee a judge of what is in dispute between them, then find not any straitness in their hearts as to that which thou decidest and submit with full submission.


Please your pastors and take him to be your God while your book tells you otherwise and see the consequences of dismay in your life.

Please see the following post.

Please know it refers to metaphorical terms in man,

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ here,

Please know sin is insidious,

Please know to be clear minded you have to rely on your senses,

Please know it is then you will recognize truth and differentiate it from falsehood.

Please give into this reality they are gods,

Please know they change the teachings of Christ.

Please Him and study the Quran,

Please know it is the criterion.

Please know truth,

Please know it is exact and precise,

Please know that is the Quran,

Please read it and see for yourself,

Please present yourself a gift,

Please know it is to buy a Quran,

Please know our Creator knows it is a manifest sin to change the meaning of His words to man.

Please see these verses from the Quran from the chapter The Women.

Please know this is shirk,

Please understand the Prophet warned us about it,

Please know in its most obvious way it is to call a person a God, other than God Himself,

Please know it means that the person you call Jesus was simply a servant,

Please know it is also to take your priests and pastors to be gods,

Please know this,

Please know that when you take them to represent your God’s views while your senses tell you otherwise you are guilty of association,

Please know they are gods to you in the negative metaphor,

Please know a person who changes the word of God to give it another meaning is guilty of being a god in the negative way of being disobedient to Him,

Please know the rabbis were referred to as gods in this sense when God said to them “I say ye are gods”

Please know our Prophet referred to this concept when the Quran revealed that the Christians and the Jews are polytheist.

Please know he explained the Jews were guilty of blindly following their rabbis even though the Torah said differently from them,

Please know your priests are similar. Omar.


4:48  Surely Allah forgives not that a partner should be set up with Him, and forgives all besides that to whom He pleases. And whoever sets up a partner with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin.

4:49  Hast thou not seen those who attribute purity to themselves? Nay, Allah purifies whom He pleases, and they will not be wronged a whit.

4:50  See how they forge lies against Allah! And sufficient is this as a manifest sin.


Please know the godhead we are ‘gods’ occur when we don’t submit to Him and disobey Him.

Please know we admire our Creator the more we humble ourselves to Him. I know you consider this trite but it stands nonetheless as accurate that when we are disobedient to Him with a purpose in our hearts we are acting in defiance to His wishes and thereby elevate ourselves to godhead in the negative sense.

Please see the following from Ha Mim or chapter 41.

Please know in the creation of the Heavens and the earth insight is required as to how it occurred.

Please know we cannot create a thing.

Please know, we, in our disobedience set up partners with Him. I know it sounds trite but that partner is ourselves. I know when we are disobedient to Him we consider ourselves god.

Yours truly knows we are disobedient at times however when we fail we regret our failure.

Please know a humble heart submits,

Please know not to be a God in your entirety and believe He is telling you the truth when He says adorn appropriately and don’t join custom in having mates not actually,

Please know a humble heart submits to His complaint on you and do not forsake His word to you that has been there from time immemorable for you.

Your son in repose knows that we cannot take time away or bring it forward like He can.

Please know what I mean when I say this.

The end occurs for those who think it is appropriate for us to put up partners to Him when He creates.

Please know the following,

Please know we cannot create a bug or a fly yet we are willing to dictate to Him our needs and expect for Him to follow through on our demands.

Please know the Heaven is a mass and He creates from it. I know you think a day is twenty-four hours but a day here signifies an age.

The end comes when you cannot imagine His Power and His Magnanimity to you for creating you.

Was this the reason you rebelled?

Please know to instill in your heart these words of His and know His Kindness in creating us out of the universe. Omar.

Ha Mim.

41:9  Say: Do you indeed disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days, and do you set up equals with Him? That is the Lord of the worlds.

41:10  And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and ordained therein its foods, in four days; alike for (all) seekers.

41:11  Then He directed Himself to the heaven and it was a mass structure, so He said to it and to the earth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly.

41:12  So He ordained them seven heavens in two days, and revealed in every heaven its affair. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (made it) to guard. That is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing.


Please know the art of the metaphor is simple if you but have the heart to learn.

Please know that those who understand metaphors are four.

Please know it is me, and the Ahmadiyya group and the Christians and the Muslims.

Please know we will teach them until there is surety in their hearts.

Please see these verses from the chapter named Muhammad.

Please know we struggle with people.

Please understand they know it is the truth.

Please know that the stalwarts are encouraged to be obedient to our Creator and His representative.

Please see the following caption there.

Please know if we disregard an order we would have lost everything.

Please know such are the believers that their wealth and life are for Him.

Please know we have this life to come around.

Please know that to please our Creator is to please our Prophet and vice versa. I know this is a metaphor they are one.

Please see the similarity.

Please know the prophets are such. If you please them, your Creator will be pleased.

Jesus was similar that he was one with God in this regard. If you understand this you are wise.

Please know they are on earth but they are one body and work in concert. I know it is a metaphor that they are one. Omar.


47:32  Surely those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from Allah’s way and oppose the Messenger after guidance is quite clear to them, cannot harm Allah in any way, and He will make their deeds fruitless.

47:33  O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and make not your deeds vain.

47:34  Surely those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from Allah’s way, then die disbelievers, Allah will not forgive them.


Please see my diatribe when I explain reality is not in a metaphor.

Please know this verse,

Please know I have repeated it before but I will make use of insight further here,

Please know there are two who did this, Muhammad was the third but he never used it,

Please know Moses was godhead in the metaphorical sense to them and so was Jesus Christ.

Please know He knows I am son but not complete like him, Jesus, or Muhammad,

Please know Muhammad never used the word as it would confuse them, and Moses was called that by them,

Please know the word in Islam is Rabb though as it suits the purpose of Father,

Please know it means one who nourishes unto perfection,

Please know it is over and you have understood there are many sons but few are complete like them I have named here,

Please know they are sons in the true sense as they reflect of Him,

Please know there were others who were sons but were not so severe,

Please know it came as a shock that Jesus claimed Godhead in him in the sense of a metaphor,

Please know he was sane and proved it to them,

Please know I am similar but not so severe on others if they do wrong,

Please know that is how I survived here,

Please know I am sorry for bringing this up but I am a saint cum prophet, like my mentor was,

Please know metaphorical terms, this is it, and there is no prophet not not after him who is Muhammad Ali not but Muhammad the Prophet, on him be peace in that regard.

Please know we are saints though, prophethood is his who is Muhammad,

Please know it is an epitaph of a prophet but we are not one as we are aks,

Please know that is what he meant when he said he was prophet to them,

Please know it is an aks only as when you reflect of someone you see him,

Please know this term is complex and difficult to understand so I abrogate it that I am prophet, like my predecessor does, Mirza there, as tabulated in his book to us,

Please know Muhammad was the last prophet the world will see and we are his aks,

Please know I have said it so you can understand him and why he said it,

Please know it is similar if I say “I am Allah as a metaphor” it is aks but I am not Him,

Please know that is why reverence is bad for me,

Please know I am sad I have to explain it as it causes confusion.

Please know it was revealed to us from Prophet Muhammad so I have to express it that I am prophet as well as him in the sense of aks or metaphor, as aks is an image and not real.

Please know when he explained it to him he clarified it was a metaphor but it got transmitted wrong and they call him a prophet, though he was not.

Please know I am sad as you will use it against me but I have no choice to explain as you were calling me above him, my mentor, as he used the word and I used it in the sense of the metaphor, we are both equal some but I am his superior as I have Muhammad to me and Ahmadis will have to live with that.

Please know my Prophet’s shadow is within me he said,

Please know it is aks he means and he denies prophethood like I do.

Please know these are all metaphorical terms and not be confused with real entity Allah or Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace,

Please know I belabor you with these terms but they have been used by saints so I explain them hoping you will understand I am not calling myself prophet actually.

Please know aks is incomplete in us,

Please know it is Him we reflect off but it is His soul in us we see through,

Please know by this I mean we are a vessel He is contained in,

Please know that is why when we perfect ourselves you see Him in us, but it is not He, only His image, which is partial.

Please know the teach is true for Jesus, and Moses is also a metaphor, but meant to mean more complete submitters to Him. Omar.




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