Epilogue Here.

About the author Omar Ahmad

Please know the author is myself, Omar Ahmad and I am based in Tennessee and as a result of my writings have faced discrimination from government and church authorities where my license has been suspended and have faced jail and commitment processes since I state I am a saint of the hereafter Dabbat Al-Ard who has communication from his Prophet, amongst others as well.

Please know I am an accomplished author you know from my works on the internet page I have and my first book ‘Jesus, the Messiah and the Person.’ the first and second edition included.

Please know he is the bringer of no god but Allah to your realm, who is Muhammad, who writes his page to you on Facebook among others as well where you understand One God precepts from his page and somewhat from his writings, like this book is his claim to be in authorship and not mine in essence of things I have here.

Please know we are kind here and know you publish me in a format which would not be allowed in any country in our realm as I am open about the abuse I face. Omar.


About the book.

Please know this book has an author other than myself and I say in this treatise Muhammad is the author, I am the pen he uses.

Please know I am a Christian missionary to you in the sense I bring Christ’s views to your realm as the Islam I serve here.

Please know I am a Christian saint in outlook and Muslim as well as Islam has that perspective as well that mercy encompasses all His creatures which you have in your faith but was lost with dogma from him, your Christ, as you take him, who is Paul, to be your Christ.

Please know this is a collection of works that is Muhammad’s where he has delineated his role in ending Christian acclaim of him as Him, the Creator, which he is not in your views now.

Please know he is kind to give me credit but I wrote not a farthing, as we say in the English sense of word here,

Please know my role as an author is to transcribe from him in the sainthood I possess today as you recognize me as saint in this realm of ours where Muhammad is Prophet to you as your teacher and mine too.

Please know there is no God in your outlook however until you recognize Him as the law-giver to you, unless you want law of your own, where he is god to you, your president and government at large,

Please know you understand that concept so I won’t belabor you on the issue and let you realize your law has to contravene Him until you realize the statutes must fall in place with the shariah He creates through the teachings of Prophet Muhammad to you on my page to you in Islam of the West here in United States.

Please know the credit goes to him for this works of his and I am the assimilator of facts and I learn from him just as you do, firsthand here.

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ in these works, try them, and see for yourself the appetite they create for the Hereafter.


March 2023.

Jackson, Tennessee.



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