Main Body

8 Chapter Eight




Please know I have been through many trials but the one I won’t forget is the divorce proceeding in 2009.

Please know they had it that I appeared a criminal to them since I wished for a trial based upon a pre-commitment of her family to mine based upon Islamic law we were married under,

Please know because I was adamant I would proceed to a higher court I was sentenced to sixteen days in jail.

Please know I was given a chance to repair so I compromised and settled the case,

Please know the judge in question was recused of my subsequent case,

Please know he was vindictive after being guilty of an error early on in the case,

Please know I had reported him to the Court of Judiciary in Nashville,

Please know generally sentencing is not done in divorce cases,

Please know my next big trial was involving the imam of the Islamic Center who had me arrested on charges of theft which were trumped up as I had admonished him by taking away his computer,

Please know I was the head of the Islamic Center,

Please understand this charge,

Please know he said I stole six thousand dollars of his money that were lying under his bed,

Please know this was a likely story as I was a millionaire,

Please know they issued a criminal summons without investigating it,

Please know this was the time when I was fighting for my rights in court in the divorce proceeding with Chancellor Butler,

Please know this was a serious allegation and they should have questioned me before issuing a summons,

Please give in,

Please know they manipulated me when they arrested me,

Please know my third case in 2009 was when my ex-wife arrested me on charges of violation of an order of protection because my son wanted to live with me,

Please know he was sent back and I was arrested the next day on an order that I did not do any criminal intent.

Please know it was over some emails I sent her,

Please know we settled the charges but my career took a debacle,

Please know I was a practicing physician and it hurt my reputation with them in the administration of the hospital.

Please know they sent me for psychological testing which I passed easily,

Please know I had claimed to be a saint by then,

Please know this is the case history.

Please know in 2013 the imam tried to get me arrested on a false charge of a life threat,

Please know we had a skirmish because they charged me falsely of apostasy to Islam,

Please know he failed,

Please know then he tried to obtain an order of protection,

Please know he failed,

Please know this is case law,

Please know he accused me of stalking and threatening his family,

Please know he lied,

Please understand him,

Please know he knows I am not on good terms with the judiciary and wanted to capitalize on it with this order of protection on him and his family and keep me away from prayer there at the mosque.

Please know the trials I go through because I don’t fight dirty like they do.

Please know in late 2013 and 2014 I started propagating my faith in earnest,

Please know I sent my article Godhead as a metaphor to state and government officials,

Please know they received it poorly and committed me, bringing my career to a halt,

Please know I tried to sue the state for my commitment procedure but they suspended my license to practice medicine,

Please know shortly thereafter they committed me twice in succession while I was promoting my literature in Nashville and Memphis,

Please know they used coercion to get me medicated,

Please know I am a stalwart at fighting for my rights and they could not commit me according to the statutes,

Please know then they applied a conservator over me and got me medicated on a permanent basis,

Please know this is my life story as far as my trials are concerned,

Please know in the meanwhile I settled my cases,

Please know my wife and I are divorced now.

Please know I planned to bring up conservator abuse in the courts as threats of commitment went on despite medications they give me,

Please say a prayer for me,

Please know I have brought you One God in your realm as you were interested in my case and read my literature,

Please know Islam has occurred in your hearts as correct for you to pursue,

Please know you have said the edict of Islam,

Please know you understand accountability will occur,

Please know you realize Muhammad was a Messenger of God,

Please know these are no mean achievements and I got your attention,

Please know I rest my case with you.

Please know in September of 2014 they arrested me on a trumped-up charge of terrorism to a school.

Please know it was trumped up and it was passed in court but they succeeded in medicating me by forcing me to follow doctor’s orders,

Please know they arrested me by trumping up my statement below. Omar.


Please see my Facebook posts from that time.

Please understand some people have taken my words in the recent statement “remember, children; you are my combatants” in a context not intended. In this there is sadness for me as it was not my intend to imply they are my enemies but to imply that they are my supporters and will fight for my rights for a fair trial proceeding as they recognize merit in my works even if some adults do not. The following statement is meant as a disclaimer to the news media that I am sorry if some confusion arose however in my mind it was meant to convey that children support me and not that I will fight them. In this way I have attempted to allay any feelings of displeasure towards me from the community of people living in this land of ours.

Please understand I am held hostage at the whims of a court as I am not guilty yet they have the power to arbitrarily pass judgment of guilty on me despite the facts that I did not cause a lockdown at the school and was off the school property when it was ordered. 

Please know they have this power despite the facts or events that transpire because they find me to have guilt on other issues that they can’t prosecute because of the freedom of speech amendment in the constitution.

Please know we have the right to write what we wish without making a threat to anybody else and as I have indicated here saying to children ‘you are my combatants’ is not a threat to them but only an indication of their endearment to me and my works. 

Please understand I have made my position clear and now it is up to your good offices to make sure the statutes are followed and I am not a victim of abuse from the state government as it was clear that somebody engineered the lockdown to say that I was disruptive while I was not in the least as video surveillance showed that day. Omar.


Please know my conservator was a sham procedure you need to fight with me against it.

Please know my conservator case was similar and they used mental disease as an avenue to place one over me without showing any proof of disorderly conduct.

Please know there was no proof that I squandered money yet they took my bank accounts from under my control.

Please know there was no disorderly car on me yet they made him control me as I say they poison my car, something allowed to say in the statutes in my freedom of speech act on us,

Please know they had witnesses they say and read my medical records in court, something not allowed in the statutes,

Please know though I had victims who came to testify on my behalf that I was well, they deferred and paid them no heed even though one of them was my psychologist Carolyn Willette who let out I did not need one over me and regret occurred when they approached her with vehemence,

Please know it is inconceivable a person of my intelligence and aptitude in communication be served a conservator notice as such things are protected sanity in law and you have to prove worth beyond conceivable doubt to get it through in court settings, which they did, as law is on their side in state of Tennessee law books and court procedure,

Please know it was this that turned them upside down and they became aghast land for you with the police to back them up in aghast virtue to you,

Please know your courts became the laughing stocks of the world for what they were doing with me in conservator court,

Please know they used the conservator to commit me repeatedly to suit the whims of the government when public pressure was against me and there I was taken away in a police car,

Please know you came to my rescue eventually and shut them down for me but they still have power and can enact me negatively to you.

Please know in future fight me less and them more, as I am your well-wisher and will get you there, and they will get you hellfire for remaining quiet about it, my disclamor with them in courts, church groups and the former president, somewhat, though he is calm now as we don’t fight as often.

Please know the conservator was lifted in 2019 when I pursued my medical career again but they placed it on me in 2022 when they jailed me for disorderly behavior to my sister who filed charges to arrest me saying there was a tussle, while I left when she didn’t give me the phone. Omar.


Please know I teach from him, my Prophet, and he tells me you have come through.

Please know in 2016 I was enacted unsafe by him in the courts as I said a local judge was unsafe,

Please know she was trying to commit me,

Please know I said she was ‘dead’ meaning in the spirit of things but they said I made a threat of homicide to her, which was not the case.

Please know they jailed me and there I stayed for four months then they relented and let me be and gave me the insanity plea.

Please know they did this to deride me to the community, who knew better though.

Please know they got it situated that I would be on high dose therapy in the form of monthly shots for years as I tried to get back my license to practice medicine.

Please know I lost faith during this time that I was a saint,

Please know I was forlorn and lost.

Please know eventually the conservator was lifted and I resumed my career in medicine but never practiced on my own again.

Please know I was finally taken off the high dose therapy with psychotropic medicine and I resumed teaching Islam again, something you liked in me,

Please know I was given leeway by the American people but the government was averse to my teaching again to the public at large but I had become popular with the publishing of the second edition of my book Jesus, the Messiah and the Person and I had clamor occur when they arrested me again, this time for domestic abuse, something I didn’t do yet they pinned it on me though it was dropped in court proceedings late in the course,

Please know they applied the conservator again to inhibit my brain once again,

Please know America is stalwart though and protect me from them in the courts and government some.

Please know they took my Tennessee license again and I had to quit my job in Missouri when Islam became your view in things, though I was allowed to write by the American public.

Please know Muslims have become my car and I am popular there in the Mecca vicinity as saint and Messiah some to the American public,

Please know it is because I am popular now they desist some but I am harassed still and they place restraining orders on me in public places.

Please know they have resumed shots on me to medicate me again, something I don’t wish for but put up for now.

Please know our Prophet is there in Heaven and knows you will protect my car now but life is fraught with difficulties, so bear not my aplomb not and get me out of situations the government creates on me, your saint Dabbat Al-Ard or Omar here. Omar.




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