Main Body

5 Chapter Five




Please know our Prophet was wise,

Please know he rarely made a mistake,

Please see him in Paradise as your head in intellect and wisdom,

Please know he had a saying and that was the Heaven was created for him,

Please know why?

Please know it was because he was perfect,

Please know there are many who were perfect but his nature was not to sin,

Please know perfect clay,

Please know that was him,

Please know clay is us,

Please know why?

Please know we are derived out of plants which in turn are derived from dust particles,

Please know a dust particle is atom,

Please see the following caption on him,

Please know you can’t approach him but you should follow him,

Please know he was created out of perfect dust particles of Hijaz, the capital of Arabia,

Please know what capital is?

Please know it is the center of things,

Please know this was his destiny,

Please give in,

Please know his wisdom is sane for you.

Please say a prayer for me,

Please know I brought him to you.

Please know in the Hereafter he will intercede for you,

Please know there is a well there where he feeds you his drink,

Please know it is Kauthar,

Please know this means abundance,

Please give into his drink for you.

Please know it will quench your thirst for the journey ahead,

Please know our Creator was only wishing that you be like him for your benefit,

Please say a prayer you are united with your loved ones there,

Please know it is a place where you are with the ones you love,

Please know there is ‘no god but Allah’ here,

Please know it is requisite for his well.

Please know the other requisite is that you should take him to be your savior,

Please know he is a prophet to you people,

Please know he supplants the previous scripture.

Please know the Prophet’s character,

Please Him though in your deeds to Him,

Please know it is Prophet Muhammad’s book we need to be published as they won’t relent on me otherwise there in Mecca as I am too different for them, 

Please know it is over for him who manipulates us as people have seen through his medication of me and know it is put on I have mental disease of significance to man and his wife, 

Please know he knows it is over and that is why he asks us to leave as people won’t have me killed as I have done nothing wrong in the statutes to deserve this what they have done here with my car.

Please know it is clear I have alacrity,

Please know our Creator knows it is speed we need,

Please know it is over if you think I am gone,

Please know I have to stay a while as there are things I have to do before I pack up and leave,

Please know your Prophet Muhammad was similar and he could not leave his follower behind after him,

Please know it is so now with them in the church and elsewhere where they call me and our Prophet infidels to you while you know we are Muslims like you.

Please know we are infidels if you wish to call us but there is a price to pay.

Please know He will infidel if you call us in Islam that and it is not so,

Please know He will make you backward like them who say kafir things without understanding the implications of the word as it always comes back to you.

Please know then your deeds are meaningless to Him,

Please know He will take you away from Him,

Please know you will see it like the Bani-Israel type of Muslims have seen it there in our home countries where they sing praises of Him and yet do dastardly deeds thinking they will be forgiven,

Please know they will be eventual but they won’t have peace in their Hereafter until their forgiveness occurs. Omar.


Please know he was tried the most among man and I am second in that regard.

Please know in the teachings of the Quran is to pray one not to be tried like others were tried before one,

Please know you cannot bear it,

Please know we all have a caliber and He knows our worth,

Please know he will try us according to our worth,

Please know we all crack and lie under duress,

Please know I have had to use subterfuge,

Please know that will the case for all of you,

Please know why?

Please know the Prophet Abraham had to use it when he called Sarah his sister to protect himself from the pharaoh,

Please know he was the best in caliber after him in degree of submission to Him,

Please know all the prophets have used it,

Please know Muhammad never did so.

Please see this chapter The Brightness Of The Day,

Please know this was an early revelation to the Prophet,

Please know he was worried,

Please understand him,

Please know he knew how bitter they were,

Please understand he was reassured that he would come through with success,

Please understand Him,

Please know He wished to try him with the most severe trial.

Please know this was so that he could show his worth to man,

Please know history will record his struggle,

Please know he was known to have integrity of not breaking under pressure,

Please know he never compromised with them,

Please know he was kind to his enemies,

Please know he was asked to proclaim it at the point of death,

Please him,

Please know his merit,

Please know as a person he was tried the most by man,

Please know you don’t know the full extent of the suffering he had but I will tabulate it soon so that you know his worth and why he was the best man there and here you know him through my page as the one predicted in world literature to come and purify you,

Please know forbearance,

Please know that was to be pleasant to his enemy and pray for him,

Please give in please him and take him to be guide to Him,

Please know he gave us His secret,

Please know what that is?

Please know that His mercy is all-encompassing and He will forgive man and his spouse. Omar.


93:1  By the brightness of the day!

93:2  And the night when it is still! —

93:3  Thy Lord has not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased.

93:4  And surely the latter state is better for thee than the former.

93:5  And soon will thy Lord give thee so that thou wilt be well pleased.

93:6  Did He not find thee an orphan and give (thee) shelter?

93:7  And find thee groping, so He showed the way?

93:8  And find thee in want, so He enriched thee?

93:9  Therefore the orphan, oppress not.

93:10  And him who asks, chide not.

93:11  And the favor of thy Lord, proclaim.


Please know a woman’s rights are sacred though her deeds are different.

Please know it is a well-known fact that the society he engendered was the most pious one in the history of mankind.

Please know the Prophet was asked once by a lady called Asma about their rights over their husband’s property and their rights with Him in who you have repose with,

Please know she enquired if they bear their children and take care of them would they get reward similar to what their husbands get who go on holy war and take care of their upbringing with their money?

Please know his answer,

Please know they will.

Please understand this,

Please know they are one unit.

Please know their children are taken care of,

Please know their reward is written,

Please know they were the best community of men and women,

Please know they were raised by him,

Please know reverence,

Please know they revered him,

Please see this occur with you.

Please know you will understand me but him you will respect,

Please know he is worthy of your respect. Omar.


Please know women’s rights are respect for them in Islam and we honor them in our houses.

Please see the following caption on my house.

Please know Omar was nice to his wife.

Please see the following hadith.

Please know in Arabia women were the oppressed and the forsaken. I know that you think Islam came with a similar attitude but it actually came with reform.

Please know in pre-Islamic Arabia women were treated as chattel and were abused by their husbands so much so that their property and livelihood was the man’s right.

Please know the infant girl was buried alive as a norm in that culture where they were viewed as an inconvenience. I am sad you think our Prophet allowed the beating of women as he did not and always recommended kindness to them as they were a trust in the hands of men.

Please know we love women in Islam and we respect our siblings and mothers.

Please know we are all human and make errors however by and large the Muslim society honors them. Omar.


“By Allah, it is sinful to deny the rights of the two weak types of people; women and orphans.”

Narrated in ibn Majah and others.


Please know the rights of the parents are many and are listed here as a few of them.

Please see this hadith from our Prophet.

Please know there is no peace like the peace that occurs when you say your God is One God alone.

Please know the peace that comes next in degree after that is goodness to your parents.

Please know we are asked about this in the Hereafter.

The end occurs for those who do not see that we cannot behave badly to them or their family. In this there is sadness for those who do not maintain the ties of kinship. I know it is easy to ignore relatives but it is incumbent on us not to do so.

Hadith here.

A man from the Salamah clan asked the Prophet whether there was any aspect of dutifulness to his parents he should do after they had died.

Prophet Muhammad replied. “Please pray for them that God’s forgiveness occurs for them, to fulfill their pledges, to be kind to their relatives and do kindness to their friends.”

From ibn Majah and others.


Please know a pledge of honor is incumbent on us.

Please know we in Islam are asked about our pledges.

Please understand when we pledge something it is our honor that it should be fulfilled and not disregarded as some think it of no importance nowadays.

Please know we have honor because we are truthful and don’t break our word.

Please know these are human values we value and honor.

Please understand we have honor in Islam as you know we speak the truth to you and we fulfill our pledge that we will take you to Heaven if you wish to be there.

Please see the following hadith that our community of Islam is duty bound to protect those I protect. Omar.

Hadith here.

“The Muslim community honors the pledge given on their behalf even if it is given by one who is the lowest in position amongst them.”


Please know we have to show affection to our daughters and we should treat all equally nicely.

Please know the hadith is clarified as is my norm from communication from my Prophet directly.

Please know the following words bear reference.

Please understand this hadith of our Prophet is sometimes misunderstood to mean the father of two daughters will enter Paradise no matter what his deeds are.

Please know it means as long as he is kind to them he will be in heaven. I know this does not discount how important our daughters are to us.

Please know we love children in Islam and we are encouraged to treat them equally.

Please know sometimes the love to one child may be more however we are encouraged to gift them equally and show them equal affection as it hurts a child’s heart not to do so. Omar.

Hadith here.

The Prophet says: “Allah is certain to admit into heaven the father of two daughters if he is kind to them as long as they are with him.”

Narrated in ibn Majah and other sources.


Please know the sinless are proud of their achievement.

Please know the sinless state is decried in Islam as it leads to arrogance and pride that we are superior beings that can do no wrong. In the hadith it is mentioned that there was a man of the People of the Book who prayed on a stone to the point that the mark of prostration was made on it. Our Prophet remarked that the man would be carrying the stone on his back on the Day of Judgment indicating His displeasure in the act of so-called piety in this ardent worshipper of His Magnificence. In this way we see those that take pride in their deeds to be in Hellfire and punishment follows if they don’t repent their ways of advocating their virtues to others in an open way or covertly.

Please know the sentiment is correct however one should pray that minor sins notwithstanding, it is the major sins that we should protect our beings from committing.

Please know in Islam minor sins are encouraged as it keeps one sane and prevents arrogance from occurring that may result from a sinless state.

Please know in Islam when you have pride it is worse than a sinner who is humble in himself or herself and the pious one knows they are sinners and depend on the mercy of their Creator for Heaven to occur there in their humble poise to Him,

Please know the Quran tells us not to extol our virtues to others in a way that demeans them,

Please know we must persevere and be humble when we sin and repent our act with our head hung low in shame to Him, then we will be forgiven, not if we have pride in our endeavor of sin to Him, the Creat. Omar.


Please see the prayer of the vanquished here in Islam.

Please know a prayer of the oppressed is heard and I hope the humiliating chastisement is yours who take away my rights.

Please know the following prayer,

Please know it was said when the Prophet stood outside Taif,

Please know he was vanquished,

Please know he had gone there to teach and they threw pebbles at him asking him to leave,

Please know it was the hardest day of his life,

Please know he was vanquished but defeat was not his modus,

Please know he made a comeback years later and laid siege there,

Please know before he died they sent a deputation to him,

Please know they accepted our religious faith of submission to Him and taking him as His Messenger to them,

Please know he asked for mercy from Him,

Please know mercy from Him,

Please know it is ease.

Please see the prayer below was answered,

Please know they came to ask for their annihilation,

Please know the angels were ready to destroy them,

Please know he refused, requesting time for them.

Hadith source here.

“To you, my Lord I complain of my weakness, lack of support and humiliation I am made to receive. Most Beneficent, most Merciful! You are the Lord of the weak and you are my Lord. To whom do you leave me? To a distant tribe who receives me with hostility. Or to an enemy whom you have given power over me. If you are not displeased with me I do not care what I face. I would, however be much happier with your mercy. Please know I seek refuge with the light in Your Face by which all darkness is dispelled and both this life and the life to come are put on their right course against incurring Your wrath or being the subject of Your anger. To you I submit until I earn Your pleasure. There is no power or strength but in You.”

Please know it is this prayer we cry out with when we face humiliating chastisement here in your land,

Please know I know there is a prayer that is said in times of humiliation abasement and that is “I am overcome, please help me,”

Please know to face defeat is normal for a prophet or saint but the desire to please God overcomes us,

Please see a requiem for me,

Please know I am humiliated here but God is my witness that the humiliating deed is yours when you imprison or commit me,

Please know you have humiliated me by implying I am deranged though anybody can see the fineness of my decorum and writing, and the abject state of being humiliated in the world’s eyes is yours.

Please know you have taken control of my assets and taken the ability to make decisions about myself but the humiliation is yours in the world forum of mankind. Omar.


Please know our Prophet was correct when he never cursed anyone but the crime of his indignity occurring is punishable by Him.

Please know our Creator does not punish without cause but every hardship you face is commensurate with the crime of your act to Him.

Please see these verses from the chapter Bani-Israel.

Please know it is our Creator’s intent to punish those who do wrong but expects us to behave in the best possible way. In this there is certainty that our Prophet never broke down and cursed his opponents or abused them in any way.

Please know he was kind to them and showed leniency in their abuses to him and at no point let out an insult on them which was of a personal nature.

Please understand this,

Please know this was occurring when his companions were being killed or evicted out of their houses.

Please know he had to face personal humiliation at the hands of his detractors who even attacked him personally. I know there was one incident when his body was covered by the offal of a sheep while he was praying at the house of God.

Please know at that time he let out a prediction that the people involved would be killed in the battle with him.

Please understand Islam was a superior faith,

Please know there were many hate-mongers as there usually are when they see someone better than themselves or their religious belief.

Please know the same occurs here,

Please know there are many who recognize worth of our Prophet and deep down know Islam is peaceful yet they will try to detract it as they cannot defend their own faith. Omar.


17:53  And say to My servants that they speak what is best. Surely the devil sows dissensions among them. The devil is surely an open enemy to man.

17:54  Your Lord knows you best. He will have mercy on you, if He please, or He will chastise you, if He please. And We have not sent thee as being in charge of them.


Please know it is up to you to forgive the miscreant but it is better to move on as we all sin to others.

Please see the following caption there.

Please know we can enter heaven without them who did us wrong but it is better to forgive and move on.

Please see the hadith of our Prophet. In this there is certainty that sin leads to the fire.

Please know you can forgive yourself from the sin you commit but our Creator does not let this sin of association of Himself to be forgiven but He guides aright those He pleases so that they may enter Paradise there on the Day we are judged for our wrong to others.

Please know that while He forgives sins against Himself he allows mankind to decide if they wish to relent to the miscreant who has done them wrong. Omar.

Abdullah ibn Masud reports: I asked the Prophet which sin is the most serious in God’s eyes? He said: “to set up an equal to Allah when it is He who created you.” I said, “then what?” He replied: “to kill your child for fear that you have to feed it.” I asked:”what is the next one in grievousness?” He said: “to commit adultery with your neighbors wife.”

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.


Please know they say I am deluded, they said something similar about him, my Prophet.

Please know they say I am deluded and I say I am certain,

Please know they say it is a fixed delusion, I say it occurred, and prove me wrong.

Please know some other truths about our Prophet,

Please know he said “patience is my apparel.”

Please know this is true of him,

Please know he said that the path of Allah is trodden by hardships.

Please know we cannot come to Him but as patient ones.

Please know this,

Please know all prophets were patient with Him,

Please know how,

Please know He has a plan,

Please know He knows it,

Please know it will come to pass,

Please know I ask for patience as my rights were subverted and I lost my practice,

Please know they imply delusions,

Please know this,

Please know they poisoned me, then when I say it occurred, they say I am deluded,

Please know it occurred,

Please know I photograph the evidence,

Please know I have posted it here on Facebook previously. Omar.


Please know the help of Allah is nigh if you but had the will to ask Him of it.

Please know with the help of Allah comes peace for us.

Please know he said “remembrance of Allah is my help.”

Please know this,

Please know when we are upset He gives us solace.

Please know we all remember Him then,

Please know this,

Please know we must despair if we don’t remember Him in our time of need,

Please know we will lose if we don’t,

Please try to remember your prayers,

Please know He gives you solace,

Please know it is His help. Omar.


Please know faith is nigh but it is lost if we sin in a significant way.

Please know these words of our Prophet is his creed.

Please know our Prophet has said “faith is my power.”

Please know this,

Please know our Creator taught him what faith is,

Please know it is our resolve,

Please know we use it,

Please know it comes and goes,

Please understand this,

Please know we see it lost when we are weak,

Please know our Prophet had faith he would win,

Please know in the face of insurmountable difficulties, it would ebb,

Please know it is normal to do so. Omar.


Please know we are successful because we love you.

Please know he was a well-wisher of you but you wished yourself otherwise.

Please know our Prophet said “knowledge is my weapon.”

Please know he knew how things would turn out,

Please know how,

Please know he had a guide.

Please know he knew the outcome of things.

Please know he was given peace by Him,

Please know I am similar,

Please understand we are vouchsafed peace,

Please know why,

Please know it is because we love mankind,

Please know our Prophet was a well-wisher of you. Omar.

Please know our honor is written if we are humble. Please know our honor as humans depends upon if He accepts our devotions to Him and if we have humility to others.

Please know our Prophet was humble and loved humility.

Please understand this,

Please know he knew the creations of our Creator are nothing,

Please know this,

Please know it means we are peace when we are nothing,

Please know the devil knows this and excites vanities in us,

Please know we must be humble in our make as well as our hearts.

Please know we are nothing in our make and our heart is at peace when it feels no pride.

Please know this,

Please know it is our honor to worship Him in our humble state,

Please know these were the sentiments of our Prophet who said this,

Please know it is a honor He gives us that we pray to Him,

Please know it is a honor to be one obedient to Him,

Please know it is a honor to submit to Him,

Please know it is a honor to live for His sake.

Please know our honor as humans is to be His slave.

Please absolve me as I want honor but then who doesn’t I say. Omar.


Please know the tangible has occurred and you are Muslim heart by my accord.

Please know it is the intangible that will come forth as tangible in the near future here.

Please know our Prophet has said “Allah’s will is my prize.”

Please know this,

Please know he was vouchsafed victory.

Please understand the verdict was written in the Quran,

Please know he was going to win.

Please know His will has occurred.

Please know it is the same for me,

Please know I have been granted victory.

Please know His will has come about in tangible ways.

Please know the caption on my heart,

Please know I am patient but His will has transpired in our hearts.

Please know they know their God is One and Islam is true,

Please know the tangible will continue to occur, inshallah or God willing,

Please understand there are sore losers around,

Please know to be aware of the fight back.

In this there is certainty that they will try to imply mental disease in me and try to prevent my teachings from spreading forth to their children. Omar.


Please know our success is a measure of our obedience to Him.

Please know our Creator has vouchsafed it for us when we achieve our peace with Him.

Please know our Prophet has said “obedience is my security.”

Please know this,

Please understand our Creator has given us peace,

Please know this,

Please know that in obedience we forsake the world and what is in it and we do His bid on us and forsake our will in things of the nature I know are difficult as yet for some of you but with time peace will occur and you will do it, His will on you, like Jesus said and I do as well.

Please know that we cannot do it by ourselves.

Please know that when we submit to Him we know peace and our surety comes with time.

Please know our peace is a sign that we will achieve success of heaven with us.

Please know success,

Please know it is to overshadow you,

Please know this,

Please understand that our success is measured by our achievement.

Please know it is to submit to Him that we achieve our Paradise and our success,

Please know you cannot take that away from us in Islam. Omar.


Please know the truth-lovers outnumber the deceitful ones here.

Please realize our Creator is aware of your flaw and knows you can remedy it.

Please know our Prophet was wise.

Please know he said “understanding is my asset.”

Please understand this,

Please know he was able to understand you.

Please comprehend his thought,

Please know it is to bring you Islam through my Facebook page.

Please know he is pleased with you.

Please know why,

Please know it is because you give in to Him and him and me.

Please know this is a triumvirate not,

Please know Allah alone is the sole authority,

Please know the exemplar He chose for you in this world not but all humanity is I not but Muhammad, the Prophet to you,

Please know you honor him in your homes and conferences you hold but me you discredit as unwell some as your child is me and your wife agrees I am safe for you,

Please know it is not so, I have credit with Him,

Please know why he chose you.

Please know it was because you were fair,

Please know there are truth-dwellers in you.

Please yourself,

Please know it is those who dwell with truth in them that say you will come through and give me peace,

Please know how this occurs,

Please know it will be when they speak to you. Omar.


Please know our Hereafter has it but here it is palpable in a few.

Please know our Prophet repository was love and knowledge.

Please know our Prophet has said “love is the basis of my belief.”

Please know this,

Please know our Creator is Love and has vouchsafed love for those who love Him,

Please know He knows our Prophet is the repository of love,

Please know he was the perfect slave and loved most perfectly.

Please know he didn’t care,

Please know this,

Please know you cannot love like him,

Please know he wished the best for you.

Please know this is to love unconditionally,

Please know our Creator is the same,

Please know He will take you to Paradise,

Please understand him who hates you,

Please know he forsakes Him,

Please know he condemns you to an everlasting perdition and is pleased,

Please know love is superior,

Please fathom the saying of our Prophet that the corn field will be empty,

Please know he was talking about Hell. Omar.


Please know our law allows sorrow for the heedless one among man.

Please know our Creator placed sorrow in our hearts so that we would care for those who don’t care for themselves and don’t amend.

Please know our Prophet has said “sorrow is my mate”

Please know sorrow,

Please know it is intense regret that they don’t see and amend,

Please know they are alien to the truth,

Please know we all have regret,

Please know sorrow is different,

Please know the heart weeps,

Please know only Allah guides aright,

Please know this,

Please know if we have sorrow He will please us,

Please know our insight comes from Him,

Please know our Prophet wept regularly at what he saw,

Please know it is great to have sorrow for those who don’t see and appreciate you.

Please try to weep for man who don’t amend,

Please know they think this world is everything,

Please know Hell is sufficient then, there is a limit to us here where we teach you things,

Please give in,

Please know you can’t change all of them,

Please know your grief is all you can fathom. Omar.


Please know my jihad is my repository of war to him, the heedless in us.

Please learn what the Book is that I refer to here.

Please know our Prophet has said “jihad is my character.”

Please know this means the internal struggle that he undertakes.

Please know it is a fight to evolve into a better state,

Please know this,

Please know we are to improve our make,

Please know our Prophet was careful but made errors at times,

Please know we are all human,

Please learn from the Book of our Creator,

Please know this is what gives us insight,

Please learn we should pray as when we do so we keep Him with us.

Please know His Book is available to us free of charge. Omar.


Please know I am eager in my faith to you but are you ready for my peace to occur?

Please know our Creator is magnanimous and is willing to forgive sins against Himself but does not forgive those who do not take heed about the Oneness of His Being and about His Messenger being Muhammad, as these are truths that are evident in us since they appeal to reason.

Please know our Prophet is known to have said “eagerness is my mount.”

Please know he is only saying you have to have a mount that is eager or he is eager in his travel to us in teach there.

Please understand me,

Please know I am eager for your faith to be us in Islam,

Please know why,

Please know you can’t enter paradise with your belief of trinity and your destination will be a place you don’t want,

Please know this,

Please know if you take an associate with Him He will avenge it.

Please know there is no forgiveness for such a sin,

Please understand He does not allow entry into Paradise for such a claimant and will only allow them to be modified in thoughts till they come through proclaiming Him as their God only. Omar.


Please know our soul is blessed with a new beginning when we enter it, our Islam.

Please know our Hereafter is riddled with hardships but a reward of a new soul with you is easy to encumber it with reward there,

Please know our Prophet has said something we pay little heed to.

Please know he said if one soul comes to guidance through you it is better than anything under the sun for you.

Please understand this,

Please know it is as if you have given the Creator a friend.

Please know the reward for that is immense and in another saying our Prophet said it was better than red camels, a rarity in Arabia.

Please know it is like you have taken someone out of Hell and into Paradise.

Please know we can only imagine how Allah rewards such a person.

Please know when the heart is cleaned it gains a new perspective to life and things that were important to us no longer matter.

Please know it is to rebuild a man or woman.

Please know it is for this reason people are forgiven their past misdeeds and it is as if they are living with a new reality where God is important to them and there is a new emphasis on remaining sinless. Omar.


Please know the best character is his if you could but see from your tarnished souls to Him.

Please know our Prophet is averse to greatness in him as he knows any greatness we have is from Him.

Please know the following statement about him, our Prophet,

Anas, the servant of our Prophet said “the Prophet had the best character from amongst us and was the most generous and bravest of us.”

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet was a stalwart who had a character of perfection among man.

Please know he was the bravest in war.

Please know he had wealth at his disposal but gave it all away.

Please know he was blessed in these things,

Please understand that he was the best in mankind in these things.

Please know there are those that detract him but invariably they don’t see him clearly.

Please know their heart is blind to the perfection of his soul.

Please know tarnish,

Please know it is when the soul does not see and the heart does not comprehend his great door to Paradise we have in Islam,

Please know they are all a team in heaven and he is the head of them,

Please know our Creator did not allow me these things that I talk here but it is so I need wealth too.

Please know we must live according to our means.

Please say a prayer that we can be like his image.

Please know our Creator knows I am truthful and fulfill the trust.

Please know this does not mean we are not just and allow justice to occur in our dealings as some miscreants take advantage of our straightforward door and should be repelled by us.

Please know I hope that justice will serve you in Islam here in this country.

Please understand this,

Please know you are in touch with the truth,

Please know you know Islam is true. Omar.


Please know our peace in this world is Heaven in the Hereafter.

Please know our Creator made it easy for us as these things of submission we do are only the path to ease.

Please know the Prophet led a life to be an example for us,

Please know he did not wish for things to be hard for us.

Please know his example is easy to follow,

Please know it is our nature,

Please know this,

Please know he encaptured the spirit within us as when we sin we lose it, the spirit I mean here. I know he is sane and if we follow his example we will gain our sanity.

Please know our nature is within us and if our nature is us we are sane in it, our thoughts to us,

Please know its law is to submit to Him,

Please understand this,

Please know we go against our nature when we do not submit,

Please know it is called rebellion against ourselves.

Please know there is no peace in this,

Please know we feel peace when we go with our grain,

Please know this,

Please know our grain or nature is to submit to Him,

Please do not rebel,

Please know you will lose your sanity,

Please understand diverse thoughts,

Please know you will try to justify yourself instead of feeling peace,

Please know these are diverse thoughts,

Please know you will lose your abode of heaven,

Please understand peace,

Please know it is heaven here on earth,

Please know it will manifest itself in the Hereafter as your Paradise. Omar.


Please know truths are within us.

Please know the following discourse was written by me by the heart of the Prophet.

Please know our Prophet was different for you.

Please know he understood you and your desire for reason,

Please know he did not believe in blind faith,

Please know he made a statement once,

“Reason is the essence of my religion”

Please see reason,

Please know it is to please the senses,

Please understand it,

Please know it is the truth to us,

Please see truth,

Please know it is the word from Him,

Please know we must persevere with truth-telling,

Please know it helps us appreciate His truth coming to us,

Please know we will be asked,

Please give in,

Please know reason,

Please know it is to give in,

Please know it is to give in to the truth so the heart lives,

Please know dead,

Please know it is to kill the truth,

Please know your heart will live only if you accept the truth from Him,

Please know what His Words are,

Please know they live in the hearts of mankind,

Please know His Books carry His Words,

Please know the Quran is safe for you,

Please know other books have changes in them in their essence,

Please give due credence to the Quran,

Please know you will live thereby,

Please know the prophet’s words are safe,

Please know you will be asked if you took someone to be your God other than Him,

Please know your prophet Jesus did not say he was God you make him out to be,

Please shut it and open another,

Please yourself. Omar.


Please know the relatives are kind to you if they prevail you.

Please know Abu Lahb was one of the few relatives who died in anger to him. I know his other uncle was neutral but denied himself peace by accepting their faith on his deathbed.

Please know our Prophet knew the importance of an extended family and tried to bring them around to Islam.

Please know eventually all his family with one exception accepted Islam.

Please know that his uncles notwithstanding, his extended family were always included in his prayers for their guidance and acceptance into His Paradise.

Please understand if your relative turns away it is important to continue your good behavior to him. In this there is certainty that we will be asked about relatives rights.

Please understand we must persevere there with those who call us names in a desultory way as there are relatives I have who think I am unwell and call me so to my face and in doing so throw dust in my face.

The end is there as they realize I write with caliber but maintain I am ill as I claim sainthood from my Prophet. I know what I say is complex to you as you do not see them communicate with me but it is simple for our Creator to do. Omar.

Hadith here.

“Kindness to relatives is not to return their kindness but is to be kind to relatives that turn away.”

Narrated in Bukhari.

Please know your relatives are dissuaded from you if you are in truth. Please know we are asked to maintain equanimity with them even if they do this deed as illustrated in the hadith below.

Please know the following hadith.

Please know what it implies.

Please know I am the recipient of distaste as there are many in my family who call me unwell in spite and not with love as I propose I am a messenger of the Messenger of God.

Please know dust and ashes are similar.

Please know I am weak and get dissuaded if I am denied peace from my relatives but I know I must continue as my worth is obvious to you who read me.

Please know I am a believer in my Prophet as a Messenger of His Grace. I am asked to continue to teach as there are people with integrity who know my worth and will give me credit in future in the settings of mankind.

The end is there for those amongst my relatives who think Ahmadiyyat is a dead entity and should not be promoted.

Yours truly is a believer in him who says that Ahmadiyyat will revive the world in the future settings of mankind. Omar.

Hadith here.

Abu Hurayrah said. A man came to the Prophet and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have some relatives whose relationship I promote but they cut me off. I am kind to them but they are unkind to me. They treat me harshly and I forbear.” The Prophet said: “If what you say is true then it is as if you are making them eat burning ashes. You will continue to have Allah’s support against them as long as you maintain this attitude towards them.”


Please know compassion was our Prophet’s hallmark to you when he saw you left with him, your adversary, the devil companion you have.

Please see the following caption on his heart.

Please know I am a mercy to mankind as I encompass them in my heart’s repose to Him, meaning they are with me.

Please consider the following hadith.

Please know he took care of all.

Please understand his heart was benevolent enough to include all mankind in its mercy.

Please see the following caption on his heart.

Please know I am a mercy for all mankind. It is through his intercession that mankind will enter Paradise.

Please understand benevolence.

Please know it is to be God’s emissary there.

Please understand when we pray we don’t like to change the pattern of prayer we have.

Please know his compassion for the child and the mother.

Hadith as narrated by Anas Ibn Malik.

The Prophet said: “I begin a prayer intending to make it long. I then heard a child crying and then I shorten it because I know the child’s mother would be too concerned as she hears it cry.”

Please know compassion is his hallmark. It would be good of you to acknowledge him in that regard as it will lead to blindness of your soul if you call what you do in your churches and other gathering places. Omar


Please know women are him in repose as he was the best of men to them.

Please know he never hit anyone with a toothbrush though he permitted it to his men if the need arose as the maximum punishment from Him. He, himself never resorted to it as he was a role model for mankind.

Please know it is a metaphor for light beat without leaving a mark,

Please see this hadith from our Prophet. I know you are accustomed to abusing him as a wife-beater but it is in our history books that he never touched any wife of his in a manner that would hurt her.

Please know he never beat a child or a woman in our recorded history of his life.

Please be aware of this if you think otherwise. Omar.

The hadith is as follows: “The best of you are those who are best to their wives. I am the best of you to my wives.”


Please know the best in my community are the best to their wives, he said.

Please know the ways of admonishment are many and include staying away from her and thereby not fighting with her in front of kids.

Please realize Islam allows the beating of a wife as a remedy for her anger to him who maintains her.

Please know the intent is not to hurt her as our Prophet would not allow that. In this there is certainty that such admonishments occur in the Muslim household but they were looked down by the Prophet.

The idea behind this is to cause them the social trauma of being known as a wife who rose against him.

Please know the toothbrush does not hurt and only connotes beating as a remedy to her anger issues.

Please know this is a leeway permitted by God though the Prophet was averse to make it a law as he was concerned for them.

Please know the hadith that follows shows the norm for his society.

Please understand this.

Please know it was a last resort before the marriage fell apart due to anger issues from her.

Please understand we in Islam stay away from beating our wives as it is better to go through divorce if she wishes it and not proceed with this law. Omar.

Hadith in which he said “the good amongst you do not resort to beating their wives.”


Please know there are many such sayings of the Prophet Muhammad but the converse has to be protected against as it is misused in this country.

Please know a man is a wife-beater only if proven guilty of it.

There are several hadith that will indicate to you that our Prophet never liked that women should be hurt in arguments with them. In this there is certainty in this that this is the norm for a Muslim household in the ages when wife-beating was a common occurrence. I am sad that in this country they recommend punishment for it even when there is no pain in the interaction.

Please know I was proclaimed a wife-beater by my ex-wife but when it came to court proceedings she backed away from a formal charge and denied them, the people here, a court hearing in my defense.

Please understand your law here takes the word of the woman to be sacrosanct and initiates arrest procedures on her behalf but we know women lie as well and without a formal court appearances of witnesses there should not be an abrogation of the rights of the men to their freedom.

Please understand I am sane and know the woman needs to be protected in this situation but it is better for her to move out until the coast is clear. Omar.

Please see some of the hadith that follow regarding the prohibition of wife-beating based on whims and fancy of men.

“Never beat Allah’s handmaidens.”

 Abu Dawud and others.

“I wanted one thing but Allah willed another thing – and what Allah has willed must be best.”


“Wife-beating may occur if the one has become guilty in an obvious manner of immoral conduct and it should be done in such a way as not to cause pain.” Stated in Muslim and others.


Please know humans are pliant and exacting not.

Please know this hadith. It relates the humanity we are and we are far from the ISIS-like individuals you think us to be in this land of ours.

Please understand Aisha was one of his wives who was the beloved of our Prophet.

Please know she was young and liked to play with him.

Please understand he was a human first and a Prophet later. I know you think him strict but he was compassionate and relaxed as an individual.

Please realize the humanity in him from the following hadith. Omar.

Hadith here from Aisha.

Aisha reports: “I was with Allah’s Messenger on one of his expeditions. I was young and thin. At one point he told the people to move forward, which they did. He said to me “come and race me.” We raced and I won the race. He kept quiet. Years later, when I had put on weight and had forgotten the event I travelled with him on another expedition. He told the people to move forward, which they did. He said to me “come, let’s race.” We raced and he won. He laughed and said “we are even.”

Narrated Ahmad and others.

Please see the caption on our hearts in Islam.

Please know we are sane and when our wife loves us we are happy. If not, we become morose and upset.

Please understand there is humanity in us and we are not machines bent on world conquest.

When our pretty wife adores us it is because we were pliant to her, not because we were hard and exacting. Omar.


Please know the law of adultery is severe with Him and child-rearing with him is illegal for her in his household.

Please understand the consequences on families is far reaching when an act like this occurs. It should be treated as a sin and one that is punished by our Creator severely.

Please know our Prophet went to the heavens while he was still a Prophet on earth. During this time he saw people who were being punished. One of them was a woman who committed adultery secretly and introduced a child in the family.

Please know she was punished for doing so and was hung from her breasts depicting her state where she fed the child illegally from the gains of her husband.

Please know this is a serious crime with Him,

Please know it is heresy and will be punished,

Please know your law is clear that when a woman commits adultery she is guilty of apostasy.

Please know the spirit of our beings does not change and if it was apostasy then it is still apostasy. I know there is the mercy of our Creator that comes into play however these things are taken into consideration on Judgment Day and it is viewed as apostasy here in the world.

Please know the crime is great in our culture,

Please know there is a recompense,

Please know that is to come clean and face the consequences as if they do not the punishment will be severe on the Day of Reckoning.

Please bring the child with you to him and confess,

Please know he may forgive you,

Please know there is no marital bond after that occurs and you will just be living with him in his habitat but the spiritual bonding would be over until healing occurs with time for some.

Please know why?

Please know it is because sometimes both are guilt in it so it is overlooked by him and her.

Please repent this act though,

Please know society should condemn adultery instead of looking at it sympathetically and brushing over its consequences on families. Omar.


Please know to communicate with them in a way that befits them.

Please know our Creator gave him strength unmatched with any of his time. I know he was only a slave and knew that he was a test for them and remained quiet for the most part.

Please know Prophet was a very humble man,

Please understand this,

Please know he was exceptionally strong but would not resort to wrestling.

Please understand this,

Please know that he could wrestle but would not.

Please know his Prophethood belied his strength in that he was a prophet and not a wrestler by them but it is so he would wrestle at times.

Please understand that once he challenged their best wrestler to a match on the ground that if he would fail then he would accept Islam, and his duel was accepted.

Please know he lost and then became a Muslim,

Please know this is how you serve Islam,

Please understand you communicate in the language of the people.

Please know there are other evidences of his strength like when the Muslim men could not break a stone in Madinah they asked him to do so at the time the battle of Ahzab. Omar.


Please know your clothing must reflect your dignity with them.

Please know our Prophet was a man and his clothing reflected the clothing of men of his time.

Please know the Prophet was distinctive.

Please know he dressed normally despite his distinctive appearance.

Please understand this,

Please know he said “I am only a creature of His.”

Please know he was a man and would not elevate his standing among man,

Please know as the Prophet of Allah he had respect.

Please know this is us,

Please know we are no better than him and our clothing and attire must reflect the clothing of men around us without emphasis on our private area.

Please know we avoid silk or elaborate clothes.

Please know our clothes reflect our modesty. Omar.


Please know women are our better halves in ways while sometimes the converse is true.

Please know we are well pleased with the creation of Allah the way He pleased to create.

Please see the following regarding the conduct to women.

Please know we all have crookedness in us.

Please realize we know they are our trust to Him and it is incumbent to me that they are treated with equanimity.

Please know this is a metaphor. I am sane and know it can be applied literally as there a precedent to do so. In the Old Testament is a similar statement. I know it is better to give in to them even if you are right and wait for their sanity to occur when you have an argument with them.

Please them in fights. If you win, she will break and leave you.

Abu Hurayrah relates this saying from the Prophet.

“Take good care of women. They have been created out of a rib. A rib is most crooked at the top. If you try to straighten it, it will snap. If you leave it alone, it remains crooked. Therefore take good care of them.”

Please know we love women the way they are. I know some feel they would be better off if they did not marry but that is not God’s intent.

Please them and take advantage of their crookedness. There may be wisdom in it for you. Omar.


Please know a neighbor is heir nearly.

Please know our Prophet knows they would not be heirs but the emphasis was clear in the edicts from Him.

Please understand the following hadith shows how much emphasis our Creator gave to the rights of our neighbors over us.

Please know the emphasis is for a congenial society to transpire.

Please know all prophets came with similar messages for their community.

Please understand how important it is for the neighbor to take care of the other by analyzing this in further detail noting that apart from making a neighbor a heir everything else forfeited for their comfort.

Was this the reason you fell in this land?

Please know up here the rights of the neighbor are upheld in some communities but by and large you have forsaken this edict- to be good to your neighbor. I am sad that that is the case as there can be good peace between one and one’s neighbor. Omar.

Please know Abdullah bin Amr was a companion of the Prophet who narrates. “I heard the Messenger of Allah say ‘The angel kept urging me to do good to my neighbor making me feel that one day they would be among my heirs.'”

Sunan Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi.


Please know a neighbor has rights and you have rights with him.

Please understand our Prophet had keen insight on how a perfect society was to be formulated.

Please know the right of a neighbor.

Please know our Prophet emphasized the right of the neighbor by saying that person was not a believer if he went to bed satiated while his neighbor was hungry.

Please know this includes the believing neighbor as well as the non-believer.

Please understand the hadith here.

Please know our neighbor has rights over us. This includes those who live in your immediate neighborhood as there may be problems in houses close by that you are aware of.

Please see the hadith that follows. It shows how important it is to behave well with your neighbor. Omar.

“By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer…”

His companions asked, “whom do you mean, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied. “A person whose neighbor fears his bad attitude.”

Narrated by Bukhari and others.


Please know he did not curse people but prayed for their guidance.

Please see the caption on my heart.

I have been told not to curse anybody.

Please know the Prophet knew his people would come around and accept the message of peace from him. At the battle of Uhud the Muslims suffered casualties and his people requested him to curse his enemies.

Please know this was not difficult for a prophet to do and our Prophet replied “I have not been sent as a curse to mankind, but as an inviter to good and a mercy. O Lord! Grant guidance to my people; for surely they know not.”

Please know to curse people would be to banish them from the good.

Please know the devil was accursed by God and it is his destiny to be banished until the Day we are risen and he cannot change that. I know we curse often however the curse of a prophet is heard.

Please realize he was told they would come around and that is why our Prophet was vouchsafed success.

Please know there is no opportunity to take back a curse once it has reached its destination. If that person does not deserve the curse then the curse falls upon the person who said it.

Please realize we must be careful of our wrong and not curse unnecessarily. Omar.


Please know terror tactics are unislamic when applied on populations.

Please know terror tactics are never used in the propagation of Islam as they cause people to fight back.

Please know the following story as regards to the forbearance of our Prophet from a man who became a stalwart of his.

Yours truly knows it is test for me that I have been subjected to this abuse.

Please know we are tested in this way by people who would hope we would crack and start to fight like them.

Please know it is forbearance I live as your courts can enact a law that I am unwell and take away my things.

Please know they almost committed me permanently when I was committed for two months in September of 2014. I know they have the power to do so and I hope you will persevere with me and protect me in future appearances of their courtroom where they enact judgments against me.

Please understand it was common to take a debt on behalf of a people.

Please realize this is true.

Please relay this story there.

Please understand this is an event that took place in Madinah where there was a Jewish money lender. I know our Prophet had to make use of them until our Creator revealed that usury was canceled by him.

Please understand this that Islam came to them in a gradual way.

Hadith here.

“I came over to the Prophet and held him by his robes. I looked hard at him and said ‘Muhammad, will you not pay up what is due to me by my right over you? I have known your clan to honor their commitments and I have dealt with some of you.’ I looked at Umer and saw he was angry at me and he made a face to scare me. He said ‘you enemy of Allah!, how dare you say and do to Allah’s Messenger what I have seen and heard you say. By Allah, if it had not been for the risk of losing out on the Hereafter I would have struck off your head with this sword of mine.’

Allah’s Messenger looked calmly at Umer and said to him ‘we are in need of something better from you Umer. It would have been better if you tell me to honor my commitment and tell him to make his demand in a more appropriate way. Take him and give him all that is due to him. Also give him twenty measures of dates extra in consideration of terrorizing him.’

Umer did as he was told. Later the Jew explained that he was only testing our Prophet as he recognized he was a Prophet but he wanted to test his forbearance. He said: “When I saw Muhammad I recognized from his face all the signs confirming prophethood that were mentioned in their scriptures except two. I needed to test his forbearance that it would control his anger and the more harshness that is shown to him the more gentle he is. I did this test and confirmed my suspicions. Therefore I would like you, Umer, to be a witness that I bear witness there is no God but Allah and I am happy to follow my faith as Muhammad being my Prophet.” He also allocated half of his wealth for the poor.

Please know this was related by multiple sources.

I know this is a story you listen to as the man tested our Prophet and when our Prophet saw the terror in his eyes he was tender hearted to him.

Please know we do not wish to scare you with Islam.

Please understand that terror has no place in the propagation of our religion.

Please understand it was because people recognized the merit of the religion and the people propagating it they were overcome.

Please realize terrorism is therefore nullified as a basis of faith. I am sane when I tell you that Islam does not like terror tactics when they are applied on people as was shown by the reprimand given to the companion of the Prophet here in this text.

Please know when you bomb women and children you are propagating your views by this terror.

Please see a requiem for our Prophet.

Please know I never caused terror on anyone to win them over.

In this there is certainty and I would challenge anyone to show he did so. Omar.


Please know if you behave with the bad with wellness they will come around for you.

Please know the following is how man must behave with the ignorant.

Please understand the Word of God on him.

Please know he was a mercy to mankind and he could not reproach man on things, like we do.

Please know he was rich when they had won over people to Islam and they didn’t need wealth.

Please see the following caption there,

Please know we have wealth but it is for the poor.

Please know he had to ability to sustain abuses without being offended.

Please understand this,

Please know he was like a father to them in the way of a metaphor.

The end occurs when you think they were not human, like me and you.

Please know they had human intelligence and they could discern greatness in him.

Please see the following hadith where it was communicated how he behaved with those who were rude to him and did not know how to behave any better.

Anas  reports: “I was walking with him when he was wearing a coat with a rough edge. A bedouin caught up with him and pulled hard at him. I looked at the Prophet’s neck and saw how the edge of the coat left a mark on him due to the rough attitude of the bedouin. Then he said to him ‘Muhammad, give orders that I should have a portion of the money Allah has given you.’ The Prophet looked at him in surprise and then gave the order for him to be given a share.”

Narrated by Bukhari and others.

Please know the forbearance that he did not berate the man on his rough attitude that obviously gave him pain. I know this was his norm.

Please understand this is not put on but actually results because he knew this man was ignorant but would come around if he gave into him.

The end is there for people if they think the companions of the Prophet could not discern greatness and think that he was the leader of a savage bunch of them there in Arabia.

Please know these were men who would cry with grief at their wrongs and know that they would be held accountable for their sins.

Please know they had beards but were otherwise were you, in deeds and goodness.

Please see a requiem for those who think they are different.

Please know we were wrong and now we suffer the loss of intellect that was ours before we blighted him, our Prophet.

Please know you will lose intellect when you say bad things about him rather than recognize his merit. Omar.


Please know our articulation is our beard to you as when you see our repose you know men with beards have intellect as well as you do.

Please know we are asked about deeds.

Please know everything must be in order and neat.

Please know when we do a thing we do it well.

Please understand this,

Please know it is compulsory to keep yourself neat.

Please know that he asked his companions to keep to neatness.

Please know that we are asked about our habits.

Please see the hadith below.

“He who wears hair on the head or in the beard should take care to keep them neat and graceful.”

Please know his hair was long and his beard was combed for neatness.

Please know he was commanded that when he did a deed he should do it well.

I ask you to judge me. Am I not neat and graceful?

Was this the reason you could not imply mental disease in me? Omar.


Please know our sanity is our scent as you would think us barbaric thereby.

Please understand this,

Please know to keep ourselves neat and clean and lightly scented is in the sunnah of the Prophet.

Please understand this,

Please know our Prophet loved a nice scent.

Please know when he was offered a gift of a scent he never refused this gift.

Please know there were traces of scent wherever he passed by.

Please know it is good to be sweet smelling.

Please know he and his wife would place scent on each other.

Please know this is the reason we apply scent in our prayer area.

Please apply it on yourself. Omar.


Please know the law needs a semblance of sanity to see the if law is applicable to you when men take flight for another woman.

Please understand this idea prevails in Muslim country where it is successful in preventing bastardy in a culture where promiscuity occurs.

Please know this verse from chapter four or The Women.

Please know we cannot think of a better way to remedy the problems of the west.

Please know I am an advocate of the one marriage rule for men here however it is better for them to marry another women when the flight to adultery occurs.

Please know these are exceptional circumstances here where a man will leave his wife for another woman but it does occur and rather than the wife losing her husband he has the option of another wife where the family would not break up.

Please know this is the exception as sanity has occurred and men do not necessarily want to leave their wife for another woman.

The end occurs when you think this is sedition. It is an avenue for the thought to grow into law if acceptable by man and woman. I know I am held accountable for minor details of law while nearly everybody discusses these things amongst themselves. I am safe as this idea can formulate into law if you wish it in your culture, rather than the loss of a family unit. Omar.


4:3  And if you fear that you cannot do justice to orphans, marry such women as seem good to you, two, or three, or four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then (marry) only one or that which your right hands possess. This is more proper that you may not do injustice.

Please see the deportment of him in full splendor of light. Please know our Prophet was in excellent health and was in complete control of a people in a gathering.

Please know our Prophet’s face was like the full moon.

Please know he had a reddish hue.

Please know his cheeks were straight. His eyebrows did not meet in the center and were full.

Please know his lips were full.

Please know he walked with an assured gait and when he talked to somebody he would turn completely to face him,

The end occurs when you think he is ugly.

Please know he was considered beautiful to view.

Please know his countenance was calm and assured,

Please know he was impeccably clean and had a nice odor. I know he would shave of excess body hair regularly from his pubes and under his arms.

Please know his deportment was calm and assured.

Please know this,

Please know his companion said they had never seen someone smile as he did.

Please know he would smile often,

The end occurs if you think he was stern and hard-hearted. Ure son in repose knows it is safe to say that his demeanor was like that of the sun.

Please know by that I mean he was bright and engaging.

Please know this,

Please know he never broke out in an angry tirade with his wife,

Please know calm,

Please know it is peace without.

Please know he mended his own clothes, milked his goat and tended to the things his wife wished him to. Omar.


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