Main Body

9 Chapter Nine




Please know my Facebook page was viral in February of 2014 after they committed me for the first time,

Please understand what viral meant,

Please know it was all over the country,

Please know they saw it occur and decided to quell my pen,

Please know they offered me peace before and that was to practice medicine or face a trial.

Please know I chose to write on about Islamic topics,

Please know they destroyed my pen and portrayed mental disease in me again by committing me repeatedly,

Please know they arrested me in September of 2014,

Please know it was because I wrote that children were my combatants,

Please indicate disfavor as there was nothing wrong in my doing so.

Please understand me,

Please know I use figurative language,

Please know the government shut down the school because I went there to inquire about my safety as I was concerned they were going to arrest me on a false charge,

Please know they went and did that on the pretext I was a terrorist,

Please know this was unfair to an extreme and there was no arrest warrant at the time of my arrest,

Please know they arrested me on a pretext and quickly shipped me away to Western State Mental Facility in Bolivar,

Please know they kept me confined there for fifty-two days

Please know I was sent for a mental evaluation but they did not perform any tests,

Please know this is their scheme to put me away permanently.

Please know they could not as the family intervened,

Please know the American public were aghast,

Please see a requiem for me,

Please know America knows I am sane but were averse to my literature on Christ.

Please know this did not fit in with the statutes,

Please know they raised hue and cry and put pressure on the administration to release me,

Please know it was tough but I had faith I would get out.

Please see some of my literature that I post on the web,

Please know it is modified somewhat as the link is not available for review,


Please see this article about my page as a prologue to you.

Please see the following verses from the chapter of Bani-Israel.

The end is there for people who demand miracles like the way people asked our Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace.                                                                                                  

Yours truly is a saint that has this book on my Facebook page as a miracle.

The end occurs to those who say there is nothing substantive here. It is full of advice and wisdom. It is a gift to you from Him. I am only a servant of His who cannot do anything on his own accord. 

Please see the following caption there.

Please know we know Omar is a saint as he writes, then revises once or twice for minor irregularities, then posts the comments.

Please know this is different from a writer who revises what he has written after pondering about the contents of the article or comment.

Please know they know the comma door is mine in that I can write an article without break or comma,

Please know miracle,

It is to write like I do without flaw or revision in it,

Please understand the Quran was magnificent and far more comprehensive and energetic.

Yours truly has a quran as a metaphor, similar to other saints before me. 

Please realize I write in a unique style arising the interest of the reader. They know hidden door or facts come through on my page to you.

It is no Quran as this book is a mercy for mankind and my aim is to emulate its style but not to write a book to compete with it.

The end is there for people who think it is not a miracle. It is, and it has captured the hearts and minds of people here in this land. In this there is certainty that there is a huge following of my Facebook page which the authorities do not care for. 

Please see a requiem for me.

Please know Omar did it through his Facebook page, capturing the hearts of a generation of people in this country.

The end came for those who denied the beauty of the Quran. Eventually the nation of Arabia became Muslims, revering the Book. Omar.


17:89  And certainly We have made clear for men in this Qur’an every kind of description, but most men consent to naught save denying.

17:90  And they say: We will by no means believe in thee, till thou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us,

17:91  Or thou have a garden of palms and grapes in the midst of which thou cause rivers to flow forth abundantly,

17:92  Or thou cause the heaven to come down upon us in pieces, as thou thinkest, or bring Allah and the angels face to face (with us),

17:93  Or thou have a house of gold, or thou ascend into heaven. And we will not believe in thy ascending till thou bring down to us a book we can read. Say: Glory to my Lord! am I aught but a mortal messenger?


Please know some Muslim scholar aside most of them find me coherent but different so don’t ascribe me as one of them who believe scholarship is to believe in hadith.

Please know this is about a Muslim scholar who has aptitude to teach but lacks veracity from Him like I have from the Prophet’s words to me.

Please know this about us- please know when you insult us you insult his personage who is Muhammad.

Please know this heretic issue is beyond me.

Please know I’m a simple man who takes people on their face value.

Please understand when they insult my mentor as a heretic I know they are doomed.

Please know why,

Please understand I have explained the metaphor and explained it is a communication we have from him, our Prophet, that gives us his prophethood and the words we write are his.

Please understand it is an analogy of being Allah that when we walk, we walk with His legs and when we talk, we speak His words.

Please know it is in the same way when we walk and talk we do so with him in mind,

Please know we do not attribute prophethood in our entity but only his spirit which comes to us and teaches his words of wisdom which we impart to you.

Please know this is not really prophethood in us but we appear as prophets because our words carry the same convictions as a prophet’s would.

Please know it is as if the Prophet has come down to earth and vocalizes to you through our body.

Please know you don’t see him like we do.

Please know this is a bodily incarnation of his spirit in us.

Please know this is peace for you to know I am his image.

Please know when you talk to me you do so but the answer I give you comes from heaven on occasion.

Please understand besides these issues I am as normal as you are and wish to portray to you my Muslimhood is no different than people like some in Islam who deride us.

Please know they know the caliber of our intellect and if they can’t come to terms with our superiority it is because they have jealousy issues as on face value our intellect is with him, our Prophet.

Please know they should respect me. I am not a scholar like some who memorize words from our Book but I have goodness in me that is rare to find.

Please know the same applies to my mentor Mirza there and Maulana Muhammad Ali.

Please know some scholars in Islam,

Please know they come through as I am Messiah here to you folks but before they were averse to my literature,

Please know some are like me.

Please understand we have wit.

Please know they serves Islam as I do.

Please know yet he is willing to call me a heretic because I support him, my mentor,

Please know why,

Please know I refuse to call some Muslim man a Non-Muslim whether it be him or others though I do allow the hadith to give the verdict that if you call a Muslim a heretic then it applies to you.

Please know it gives me no pleasure to do this as I would prefer to be on good terms with them but if I had to make a choice between him and the truth of my mentor’s person I would choose the latter.

Please know they are jealous puss, some of them, as my claim is him who you respect as the promised one,

Please know my claim,

Please know it is to be called him, Isa Ibn Maryam not but Isa the one forsaken not by you. Omar.


Please know bondage knows love everlasting.

Please know this article encompasses me.

Please know we love our child but that disappears as we grow older,

Please know don’t worry there,

Please know it will be written for us to love them again.

Please know the source of love is our Creator.

Please know when we sin against Him the flow of the love stops and we are bereft.

Please understand this,

Please know when we are small the love does not stop.

Please know when we gain majority then a sin against Him will cause us to hate.

Please know we grow distant in our youth for this reason,

I know when we marry and have stability in our lives the love recurs if we are good to Him,

Please know this is the spiritual aspect of love between a parent and child.

Please know this is true. 

Please understand we are uncommonly beautiful people to some.

Please know what this means,

Please know our parents value us for what we are.

Please know we are kind to them as they were kind to us,

Please understand this,

Please know our parents love us when we are small.

Please know this is kind of them,

Please know we are their loved ones and will always be so in the Hereafter.

Please understand they are kind and intervene for us there,

Please understand this,

Please know their destination may be better than ours but their love for us will draw us to them,

Please know we love our parents when we are small.

Please know this love continues for some,

Please know our love will reappear when there is peace for us and them,

Please know when love is curtailed it is because of some sin. Omar.


Please know beauty is skin deep, and the heart falters then amends, so its beauty is preserved for the penitent one.

Please know we appreciate a beautiful heart and dislike something not worthy in it.

Please see the heart when you see the person.

Please know the heart is the repository of faith. I know it sounds trite but the heart is the fashioner of the soul.

Please know our soul will be judged on the Day we are questioned.

I know the heart learns from life and amends itself.

Please know each of us unique.

Please know we have a different path but one destination.

Please understand what is our destination? It is our abode in the Hereafter.

Please learn life.

Please know we come to the reality of truth from our hardships. 

Please know what truth is.

Please know it is what was conveyed to us by God.

Therefore please amend before we are taken away.

The heart can amend only in this state.

Please know what that state is.

It is life.

Please know beauty is skin deep.

Please understand beauty to Him is figment that is here today and gone tomorrow. 

Please understand beauty of the heart persists and is captured in our life’s lens forever.

Please know we all appreciate a beautiful heart.

Please understand it is our heart that takes us to Paradise where beauty is eternal. Omar.


Please know our testimony will be asked about when it incurs wrath from us who are defendants as I have been in my conservator case and elsewhere where I have been committed by you and jailed in unison with law enforcement who concur it is necessary to lie in court documents.

Please know the false testimony about me is something I will ask about.

Please know we are weak because we sin with ease. 

Please understand we cannot feel remorse for our acts of sin unless we know the law and have empathy for other’s feelings.

Please know I am empathy for you in this day and age and I feel for your community that is doing these sins without realizing it.

Please know they know not the enormity of a lie in court,

Please know we are asked about our sins that we commit in ignorance.

Please know that just as in this country that there is no excuse for not knowing the law, so it is with Him. We have to inculcate in our children that values taught to us in churches and mosques have to followed and obeyed.

Please know we must serve our child and gain them entry into Paradise as that is our role as caregivers. 

Please see the common adage come through.

We are weak and our Creator is powerful and there is no power but in Him. 

I am sad as your people think you are strong. When you lie in court it a power you wield that is not permitted by our Creator and thus this power is your end,

Please know this is a good adage to think before we speak.

Please understand we are weak and when we say something that is not correct for us to say then we lose faith with Him.

Please know we must be careful of what we say as it is written for us and a word spoken is like an arrow that has left the bow.

Please know we must know we cannot lie and it behooves us to tell the truth in court settings of mankind unless we are being abused by telling the truth. In this there is certainty that this goes on courts here in this country. I hope people will realize that false testimony is the death of an individual and he will be punished according his testimony or acts that take away the rights of others. 

Please know to lie under oath is the death of a person and those who lie about me being unwell are going to see it, Hell there,

Please know a Muslim who does it is not one and his testimony is not acceptable again,

Please know in the conservator they lie I am unwell and need help in things of the nature I don’t.

Please know similarly when they commit me it is based on a lie in court,

Please know I am well for all practical purposes and am not suicidal, an avenue they use routinely in court settings to inhibit me in jail of commitments,

Please know they have committed me eleven times by subterfuge and jailed me on three occasions based upon this lie that I am violent while nothing occurred in each case.

Please see the following caption there.

Please know I will take away their right of entry into Paradise for doing this. Omar.


Please know the law of apostasy from us and know those who do not submit to truth there are apostates in heart’s endeavors and will be categorized by man as such.

Please know pious Muslims refrain from calling my mentor and myself Non-Muslims as they have realized my mentor’s words were taken in an out of context manner when he discussed apostasy  and prophethood in man. I know his views are similar to mine that our prophethood is the teachings of our Prophet coming through in dreams and relayed to you verbatim in myself and others like us. It is not true prophethood and should be viewed as his views whom you call Prophet of God. There is sadness for those who call us false as our words are his.

Please know myself and my mentor are examples of people who are called apostates by some. 

Please know my mentor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said that it was those who fought us who will be in hellfire.

Please know I agree with this sentiment. I have explained here how calling a saint an apostate makes you one in your heart. I know you know the hadith for this but to clarify if you call a Muslim man who prays to the same God in the direction of other Muslims in their prayer service an apostate the sin of apostasy is upon you.

Please understand I can count the examples of people who do this and then get involved in worldly pursuits, away from the spirit of Islam, much like the present-day Jews and Muslims.

Please know my ex-wife used to call me and my mentor kafirs or unbelievers and she left her prayers and became worldly in outlook,

Please know she saw sadness in her life because of this and ended up divorcing me saying I was not a Muslim, so she couldn’t stay married,

Please know she showed her worth by ignoring her religion and taking my wealth in divorce proceedings,

Please know Pakistan,

Please know they have this nature because they sign edicts to this effect that piety reigns with them and not Mirza and myself or Muhammad the scholar.

Please know these people have left Islam,

Please know some of them are the worst people on the face of planet earth,

Please know the reason is simple. They are not true Muslims who submit not to the authority of our Creator where He states ‘be not aggressive in warfare’ and our Prophet who denied men the killing of women and children.

In this there is certainty that ISIS-like groups are many and all of them have the ideology of hate to people who are pious Muslims thereby bringing apostasy into their hearts.

Please know I know only an apostate would ignore the Quran and saying of the Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace.

Yours truly is an apostate to some but know my peace exists as these people will be shown to be the worst of humanity. I know it was similar to what our Prophet faced when he was admonished by someone in his community and he observed that he was with a group that the Quran would not settle in the hearts of them or not going below their necks.

Please know I am sad as there are many who indulge in apostasy but it those who fight me that are actually the ones in hellfire.

Please know these men are not true Muslims. You can call them false Muslims or apostates by my leave as they have left Islam. In this there is certainty that their actions show them be Non-Muslims or those who do not submit to Him. Omar.


Please know truth self-annihilates us if we have the repose to let it.

Please know this saying that we all dismantle ourselves when truth occurs tells us that truth can be used as a weapon while it is meant to dismantle willingly the person subject to it,

Please know we all see truth as a means to educate one,

Please know we are all answerable if we listen to it and don’t apply it.

Please know we self-annihilate willingly when we know our reward is written.

Please understand this,

Please know this is true we self-annihilate when the truth occurs and we dismantle ourselves.

Please know what the truth is,

Please understand it is the dagger our Creator uses to remove a disease from our innards and our heart repairs after it is used.

The end comes when you use it as a weapon. 

Please know it is meant to self-annihilate and is not forced on someone.

Please know peace.

Please know it is to self-annihilate willingly.

Please know this truth,

Please know that we cannot bear the truth.

Please understand why?

Please know it is because you will have to dismantle yourself and reassemble, like I did.

Please know we must admire those who teach us things.

Please know they are the gems of the universe.

Please understand how?

Please know it is because they give in to the truth until they self-annihilate, then reconstruct.

Please know it is because they give in to Him that they have this gemhood state.

Please know that is what truth does to us.

Please know eventually we develop traits of Him, the Creat, like our Prophet had,

Please know I indicate our Prophet’s car and those who loved him. In this there is certainty that this world is a figment there.

Please know we must live like him to be him in the hereafter. Omar.


Please know the way to your Prophet is the teacher assigned by him to lead you there.

Please know a requiem for me,

Please know I am a saint who will change world history and I must have a pledge so that the work can be undertaken.

Please know the words,

Please understand you cannot come to Him without him refers to a specific time in the history of that nation.

Please know it is similar for me and unless you pledge allegiance to my cause or the cause of my mentor then you will not find the way to Him or him, my Prophet.

Please know we are guides for you today.

Please understand this,

Please know it is essential to pledge allegiance to the teacher who guides. If you deny him peace you will not be able to gain Paradise with Him and your destination will be one who is lost.

Please know there is no pride in this; only hardship.

Please know this is clear.

Please know the prophets are the representatives of God on earth. In a sense if they are rejected then the path to God is lost. In this there is certainty that the prophet will show them the path.

Please understand this,

Please know they are there for a purpose and that is to correct them in their misdeeds.

In the final analysis if you forsake the prophet your worship will amount to nothing.

The end occurs that people think this is especially for Jesus. Our Prophet said the same thing about himself. In this there is certainty that prophets are sent for reform and if you don’t do that then you are lost.

Please see the following requiem there at his gravesite who is your prophet, Jesus there.

Please know they take my words in an out of context way and destroy my message. Omar.


Please know a liar never prospers and his destination is hellfire, eventual, to come to him.

Please understand our Prophet never told a lie and that is the reason he received the Quran in revelation.                                                                                                                            

Please know it is easy to lie when we are young and as we grow older we gain awareness of the sin.

Please know we all have lied in our youth.

The end is near for those who think that there are others who have not lied in their life.                                                                              

Please know there is no one else who has made the statement that our Prophet has that he had never lied.

Please know the trait that despoils a person is a lie that is repeated without compunction. 

Please know the liar never prospers and a liar can be known from his face when he lies.

Please understand that the lies lead one to Hell and truth-telling takes one to Paradise.

Please know initially it is easy to lie but with the passage of time it becomes more difficult and people repent the act.

Please know it is abnormal to lie and truth-telling is our norm.

Please know it is a sin the Quran deters,

Please know a liar is one who lies about me that I am an apostate while I am teaching the Quran to you. Omar.  


Please know extinction occurs in many ways and dissolution of humanitarian principles is the reason we are extinct in world history.

Please know we weep for what has become of earth. I am sad that we lose a great treasure. 

Please understand when we lose animals created by Him we lose resources of science as well. 

Please see the following caption there. 

Please know we are created but for how long.

Please know there are discoveries that science has to make about these plants and animals that are going extinct.

Please understand when we study them we actually study our Creator. 

Please try to fathom the amount of despair we have at the death of earth.

Please know we are extinct as well. 

Please understand we have gone the way of the criminal. 

Please understand we are a corrupt people on earth with very little humanity left in us except for a few of us who hold humanitarian principles to be sacrosanct, like our prophets did. Our great savior Muhammad whose life history I will be embarking on soon was a man who listened to and cared for humans. He was the most pliant of men who invariable would give in to people’s requests unless they were doing something He, our Creator, expressly forbid.

Please know I am pleased with him who gave me a firm handle to hold onto.

Please understand when we are faced with a certain situation we look towards the Quran and his conduct for guidance. 

Please see the following caption there in his home.

Please know we are in awe of this man.

Please see the immense character and personality of this humanitarian who always did the right thing except in some cases when he was corrected by his Creator. This does not mean he did not make mistakes but he was always corrected by Him after he achieved prophethood.

Please know he came close to sinning as well since he was human but as he was meant to be a savior for mankind he was protected in this regard and did not commit a major sin overtly.

Please know he is my savior and my hero and I know that we need to be like him in order to save the world from human extinction where humanitarian principles are applied not by us to others. Omar.


Please know we yearn for our partner in fondness and love when apart from them.

Please see if man or woman yearn,

Please know he or she yearns for someone they admire.

Please know a partner is one that one admires in some respects.

Please see if you can love someone and then yearn for them when they are apart.

Please know this occurs when they are married or engaged.

Please know if sex has occurred before marriage the yearning is replaced by desire for them and love doesn’t result.

Please know I know our God reserves love in a relationship if they follow Him.

Please know this is correct.

Please understand love,

Please know it is to love someone you are quiet with. I know love is companionship with the heart quiet about it. 

Please understand it is a closeness of the hearts in that they agree on things, for the most part.

Please know the apart state is when the yearning occurs. Omar.


Please know a taser is a weapon they use arbitrarily in police force in this country.

Please see me,

Please know I am taser to some but I taffarraqoo it.

Please know what taffarraqoo is.

Please know it is to divide people.

Please know I bring a unified view though.

Please know some people taser me by calling me bipolar.

Please know I am not in the least bit it.

Please know I am very stable, pleasant, kind taffarraqoo man.

Please know the police are taser in reality and hurt me inordinately.

Please know it is over though and they have been caught in their tactics they brought from Israel where they suppress the population with it.

Please know what it is.

Please know it is brutality and the populace is scared of them,

Please know they are a police state as they are brutal to them in prisons.

Please know they are kind to some but the majority hurt.

Please know a prison is for reform only for some like minor criminals,

Please know it is the hardened criminals that are kept away.

Please know reform is necessary for many but punishment must be light.

Please know it is not right to use taser technology.

Please know it hurts unnecessarily and is part and parcel of brutality.

Please know this is a police state we live in as you saw my page with you.

Please know the police have overreaching powers to arrest arbitrarily and take you there,

Please Him,

Please bring about reform gradual but thorough.

Please see the following caption on the person’s face.

Please know I am not violent.

Please see if we can stop the violence coming forth from the police force to its people.

Please understand a taser is a crime for some yet the police are allowed to use it. 

Please understand there has to be a need to subdue an individual with force.

Please know this gun is overused by our police force and it hurts people unnecessarily.

Please try to use caution when approached by the police as they have leeway to use this weapon for their protection.

Please see the caption there in their headquarters.

Please know we use it but it does hurt us and we are admonished by them whom we use it on. 

Please know the police have a reputation they have to protect and not be considered weak.

Please know I was tased in prison and it was not pleasant,

Please know there was no need but still they did it,

Please know police brutality,

Please know they have it in them to be brutal to people like myself who love piety. Omar.


Please know it is not man’s worth to respect someone in the way of bowing or prostrate themselves to them.

Please know the following comment was written on watching a video of people bowing in prostration to a man.

Please know it was filmed in Pakistan,

Please know this is a land where people have lost touch with Him,

Please know they will be punished for this act of prostrating in front of man.

Please know on occasion the Prophet would be bowed to.

Please know he decried it,

Please know he was averse to having the head bent with respect,

Please know our Creator will not forgive this,

Please know they will be raised on the Day of Judgment with their head bent,

Please know bowing is not permitted in Islam,

Please try to maintain upright and bow only to Him Who creates as He is without blemish and cannot be improved,

Please know a wife should improve her husband and people should improve their leader,

Please know no one’s respect should be that they are not answerable to others,

Please know in this country much leeway is given to others in authority.

Please know this is despondency for some,

Please know I feel sick when I see this,

Please know it is not for man to bow down like this to another man,

Please know it is commonplace in Muslim countries to see this,

Please know our Prophet decried it,

Please know there are limits to showing respect,

Please know he does not like to be bowed to by men,

Please know our Prophet prevented it from happening in his community,

Please know he said that Allah does not allow this respect to men or women,

Please know we all have evil in us,

Please know He is wholly good and deserves this,

Please know a woman is not allowed to bow down to her husband,

Please know He would not allow it. Omar.


Please know a saint brings the light of his prophet to them.

Please understand we have a message to propagate after the Prophet perfected the light for the world religion to come forth in its perfected state.

Please know that we are only utensils that show the world the way we are filled by religious knowledge.

Please understand that the Prophet is the source of truth or light in the world.

Please understand we saints are similar but do not have the quality of prophets that keeps them intact and allows the message to propagate unaltered. 

Please know there are various lights and each has a quality that is different from others.

Please know to appreciate saints like us who bring the Prophet to you and clarify religious belief.

Please know we have a light,

Please learn from us truth of him, our Prophet there. Omar.


Please know it is incumbent on us to teach what we know is correct in Islam to you who have peace with us.

Please see the following caption on my heart,

Please know I am a Muslim by definition.

Please understand when we teach people we see it enter their heart.

Please know some will rebel and some will advocate you.

Please understand this,

Please know after the Prophet passed away he left you in the earth to follow his footsteps and be a daee or teacher.

Please know our careers will be safe. Have courage and be a daee openly with pride that you have a Muslim heart that submits.

Please know this is true to a certain extent but dawah has to be done actively for it to be a benefit.

Please know they have failed who think it is enough to have good manners as this is not important in a country where they maintain this as a habit.

Please know dawah and nasiah or advice are advocating Islam to the Non-Muslim.

Please know we protect our career here when we tell you to be Muslim advocates of me as I am the daee you follow.

Please know Islam on a whole has slept away the last century.

Please know why,

Please know it was because they took the last Imam for a Non-Muslim and hid his book. 

Please know he is rekindled.

Please see my teachings bring him forth.

Please see the following caption there,

Please know we must try to assimilate him,

Please know we must try to bring Islam to people with our tongues. I mean we should advocate its values.

Please know Islam is asleep.                                                                                              

Please know that Islam will awaken when the West advocates it openly. Omar.


Please know Him from the perfecture He created.

Please know we know Him from the creation He creates.

Please know how,

Please know it is because when we study nature we realize its perfection.                         

Please know that pride to deny Him is blindness in us.

Please understand the universe is similar.                                                                          

Please know perfection in it.

Please know perfection in man.

Please see it.

Please know we study man for years in school yet we do not see.

Please see the complexity of mankind’s body.                                                                    

Please see it cannot create itself.

Please understand this,

Please know we love each other for the sake of Allah.

Please know we cry for our loved ones for His sake as well.

Please know how?

Please understand it is mercy that He has given us.

Please know we are kind to each other by His Grace.

Please know I am sane and realize that we have it because we stay observant of His truth.

Please know when we love one another it is His kindness through which we do so.

Please know when we disregard Him turmoil occurs here. 

Please understand it occurs so we can recur with Him.

Please know I know we are grateful when we are happy.

Please understand this,

Please realize when we possess peace we can be grateful to Him.

Please don’t be ingrate though when sadness afflicts you,

Please know this,

Please know we have peace when we see Him.

Please know we see Him eventually but we know Him here in our lives on earth.

Please know I know Him as I cannot fathom anything without the brain He gave us.

Please know it did not create itself.

Please see Him as a metaphor as everything is from Him.

Please know when we see Him it is through our faculties He gives us and to be grateful is sane for us. Omar.


Please know happiness with your end is a sign you will have a good outcome.

Please know an eternity is forever,

Please forsake war with yourself and follow Him,

Please know your culture was blind,

Please see the requiem,

Please know we tried to care for you,

Please know we care that you see that this life is not eternity,

Please know eternity,

Please know it knows no death, nor decay,

Please know the reality,

Please know it is not your frivolous pursuits but it is submission to Him,

Please know your law is the Old Testament,

Please submit,

Please know there is a law of the Hereafter,

Please know it is similar to the one here.

Please know there is no cage there,

Please know free,

It is there,

Please wait for Paradise though to make it occur, your freedom,

Please know here we are in a cage gained by sanity principles by law of His,

Please know this is true,

Please know negativity hurts people around you,

Please understand it,

Please know it creates an atmosphere of discord and disharmony,

Please avoid it,

Please be happy if you are to have a good outcome,

Please know how you know?

Please know it is when you have peace and you don’t mind the end excessively,

Please know our happiness is our tranquility,

Please know it is not being happy in a material sense,

Please know tranquility,

Please know it is peace that will become joy for an eternity,

Please know the transition is hard but the ease occurs there for the righteous and happy ones. Omar.


Please know love for a child is a sign you have peace with Him.

Please see the following caption there in the house of those who love the child.

Please see that we love children and our children will love us as well.

Please know a child pirouetting is the sign that the world smiles with him or her.

Please know in this there is certainty that the peace of our existence comes from the child as we see them grow with us.

Please know we are responsible for their upbringing and their upkeep but they reward us with smiles and love that we don’t experience otherwise.

Please see the following caption on their heart.

I love them.

Please know a child brings with him or her a great love that stems from our Creator.

Please know if we are pleased with Him then we will be pleased with them who are under our care and we will have happiness and peace.

The end is there for those who cannot fathom this fact that if we misbehave with our Creator our life is unhappy as He is the mother-lode for us. 

Please see the finding of fact on their face there in the child.

Please know I am happy as I love Him.

Please see the family that prays together that will have peace in their homes. 

Please know that when we pray to Him we ask forgiveness for ourselves and this makes us soft-hearted and compassionate. Omar.


Please know the law of the handicapped is misused in this country.

Please know the law for the handicapped is severe in this country.

Please understand that the handicapped may or may not be disabled.

Please know that money given to them when their need can be circumvented by another vocation serves them with discredit and does not serve them in the long run.

Please know we are handicapped if we wish to be.                                                             

Please understand we are endowed with gifts from our Creator that allow us peace, no matter what the circumstances may be. Omar.


Please know you are the Antichrist the way you train your soldier to fight the innocent in the streets of the cities you conquer.

Please try to see reason and thus be decent. In what way can you justify the killing of innocents as occur in war when your homeland is not at threat.

Please know we are judged for our acts of violence.

The end occurs when you fight rather than pursue peace talks with people you are against. 

Please know our Prophet would like to negotiate peace agreements with his enemies. 

Please know you have the might economically and other nations will not be able to stand against you for long.

Please know if they do they will see abject poverty of its people.

Please know there is a prediction of this time by our Prophet.

The end occurs if I tell you that your nation is the one predicted that has in its right hand heaven to those it befriends and in its left hand hell to those it sanctions.

Please know it is the character of the Antichrist to do this.

Please know it’s head will be in the heavens which is what you understand of space and its feet will be in the deep sea which is where you will harvest its resources. It is clear it fits your nation. 

Please know it will be blind in its right eye which is the eye that sees the spirit and its left eye will shine forth like a light. I know this to be the light of materialism. I know you have great factories that produce the finest of science and technology however your insight into religion is little.

Please know movies like American Sniper make me sick. It is a propaganda machine that you use to disarm the youth of their reason.

Please know there is no glory in killing.

Please understand there is only dismay in your hearts when you have killed the enemy.

Please know I grieve at the American soldier as before they are indoctrinated they are decent and like to have fun. 

Please understand the psyche at the armed forces can be understood by the picture of a young girl wearing the headdress who was used as a target for their soldiers. In this way they are taught to hate others.

Please know ure son in repose to Him knows that you cannot justify acts like these to your people and to the world. Omar.


Please know corporeal punishment is permitted in the child if indecency is found trying in him or her.

Please know our child is like a flower to us but when he misbehaves he must be punished, like all children should.

Please know punishment exacts response and no should be above it if they commit the crime of it.

Please know our Creator wants us to be violent as well as loving parents.

Please know the age of majority is when the child is able to differentiate right from wrong in his or her conception of things.

Please know this,

Please know a child is always trying to get away with crime with the nature of evil in it,

Please know they don’t understand the difference between right and wrong until it is beaten into them.

Please know a child is like a flower and the punishment should be mild in most cases.

Please know our Creator fashioned the child such.

Please know schools have the ability to enforce corporeal punishment in this state and it should be maintained in my view as misbehavior requires immediate action and other disciplinary enforcements.

Please see a requiem,

Please know children are our beloved and we want them to be good citizens and people.

Please know truant behavior is evil with us.

Please understand this,

Please know children are raw creatures with little understanding of implications of disorderly conduct except that they will be punished.

Please know if children are not hit for misconduct we do them a disservice and they will know the repercussions will be easy to bear,

Please know our Prophet allowed corporeal punishment for them,

Please know why?

Please know it is the fear of painful repercussions that keep them at bay,

Please know he kept a whip for this purpose,

Please know he never used it but allowed his companions to do so when their child crossed the limits.

Please know he did not recommend the corporeal punishment over the age of majority. Omar.


Please see we all have a destiny known to Him and not known to man himself.

Please see this verse in Ibrahim where the Creator is the owner of everything.

Please know He controls everything in His dominion.

Please know humans are no exception though some may think they are as they have free will to do things as they please but they don’t actually as God controls them as well, though they think not.

Please know God allows things to happen by the will of the people.

Please know they may kill or maim, whatever they wish, but God will call them to account of it.

Please know we have free will, true, but God allows us to do certain things and disallows us many things as well.

Please know in any eventuality we will come to know our deeds have consequences we can’t avoid and we will be punished accordingly or He may wish to forgive some things we do in haste.

Please see it occur we are early in Islam as we live by the law for the most part.

Please know those of other faiths are judged according to their deeds.

Please know there is leeway in Islam for many things.

Please know the Prophet said we will get wet when we wade through it, water I mean here.

Please know so it is with sins.

Please know there many who have killed millions.

Please know it is with permit they do.

Please know it was their will to do it.

Please know they are accounted for in the Hereafter.

Please know it is time for moderation you say of him.

Please know there are many miscreants still who wish to maim and kill.

Please know it is civilized to prevent this.

Please know China is an example currently where it occurs, genocide I mean.

Please know they are accountable for it and will be punished.

Please know other countries do it but less.

Please know it is our world to stop this genocide of them. Omar.


14:1 I, Allah, am the Seer. A Book which We have revealed to thee that thou mayest bring forth men, by their Lord’s permission, from darkness into light, to the way of the Mighty, the Praised One,

14:2 Of Allah, Whose is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And woe to the disbelievers for the severe chastisement!

14:3 Those who love this world’s life more than the Hereafter, and turn away from Allah’s path, and would have it crooked. Those are far astray.

14:4 And We sent no messenger but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly. Then Allah leaves in error whom He pleases and He guides whom He pleases. And He is the Mighty, the Wise.


Conclusion for you here is to be kind to me as I bring you his teachings in a format you can understand and read.

Please know this book is to know you as a friend of mine,

Please know to befriend me and not call me things which bring you solace not.

Please know there is nothing wrong in significance in me and what they say is contrived as it is easy to do to one.

Please know I am a Muslim and that is the issue for you.

Please know you have found in it solace and what your heart desired to know.

Please know it is now for you to adopt it in your lives and live a life of upbearing with Him.

Please know I am kind to you as I bring this upbearing from Him to you and you will find my Prophet thereby in your homes from where light will emanate from. Omar.





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