Main Body

7 Chapter Seven




Please know Ahmadiyyat is a movement in Islam that teaches the principles of brotherhood in Islam,

Please know it teaches diverse topics that are different in mainstream Islam like the death of Christ,

Please know it has several branches, the one I belong to Illihoon ideology,

Please know it has adherents and detractors,

Please know it is Islam taught to us by Prophet Muhammad in direct communication, through sainthood,

Please know there are many hidden pearls there,

Please know it was not meant to be a sect but became one through a series of events,

Please know it is a thought movement,

Please know it has acceptability in some countries.

Please see a series of articles that accompany this text.


Please know the Ahmadiyya Jamaat of Illihoon fulfills the criteria of mubashiraat.

Please know I am an Ahmadiyya aqaid holder. 

Please understand that means I consider us to be the correct ideology in Islam.

Please know I pray with mainstream Muslims as our principles of faith are identical. 

Please understand there are people who do not understand my claim for sainthood as there is a view in mainstream circles that there can be no communication after revelation to Prophet Muhammad.

Please know this is a fallacy and many people have reported seeing our Prophet in dreams with communication to them,

Please know also there is no bearing in these views that revelation is curtailed after him in that sainthood was vouchsafed by our Prophet in his statement that after he passed away there will be partial Prophethood left which include true dreams and visions- Mubashiraat. I am quoting a true hadith of The Prophet here.

The element of communication from our Prophet does not end. He said in a hadith that the person who sees him in his sleep is vouchsafed Heaven signifying this form of communication I have will continue onwards.

Please know there is a hadith in Bukhari that signify people can see him in the awake state as I do. Omar. 


Please know I am a Sufi as well, as my mentor was, but fulfill strict criteria of orthodoxy.

Please understand I am a Sufi saint like those before me were. I do not abdicate Ahmadiyyat but know my mentor was a Sufi saint as well.                                                                               

Please understand Sufi indicates mysticism which has existed in all religions when we know there is an inner connection with God.                                                                                                      

I am sad at the state of affairs of organized religion as it has lost attraction for some of its adherents due to blind belief in edicts from scholars nowadays.

Please know we are answerable to Him and He admonishes us to do the right thing for our own safety. 

Please understand mysticism is an ancient art and was practiced by the people who followed the Torah, and Christians alike. Our Prophet was a mystic even before prophethood was given to him as he used to seclude himself from people and retire to the cave where he first received revelation from the angel. I know this art of religion existed there in the People of the Book as there is mention of this in their literature. 

Please know not all mystics are accurate and due circumspection has to be applied to them to see if they meet credibility with the religion they follow. I know mystics have existed in Christianity and Judaism and it is my impression that it is very widespread in different religions as there are good people who are in touch with God or His emissary to them. I am confident that people will see me as a mystic from Him as I write with precision and accuracy. 

Please know we are united in one body and if we understand our differences we will realize how similar we are. Omar.


Please know my service in Islam is clear to you.

Please understand the duty I put is for you to emerge from your hole and greet us in the shade of swords.

Please understand the metaphor here as I don’t wield a sword.

Please understand this verse from The Apartments or chapter 49.

Please know no one is better because of his lineage or caste or tribe or nation.

The end occurs if you think you are better than me.

Please understand why.

Please know I gave up my career to be here preaching to you Islam that you understand is fair and that which has equanimity to you. I am the most observing of duty as I do as I am told which is something you cannot bear here. I know you think this mental disease but if it is you have to prove it me. I know sainthood is hard for some but for me it is easy and comes naturally as I have been experiencing it for thirty odd years. Omar.


49:13  O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.


Please know these are complex terms used for teaching repose in Him is what we strive for in our efforts to show you we are one with Him when we do tasks for Him.

Please know it is over and you have learnt my imamat is sane for you and needs to be adopted,

Please know Muhammad Ali was another imam,

Please know he was blessed with an intellect that was acknowledgeable.

Please know he was a child prodigy of immense caliber.

Please understand he learnt by himself as I have and he was interested, as I am, in deen of Islam,

Please know it is inherent in us to learn,

Please know you like him immensely as he is your intellect.

Please know we are all facets He creates.

Please know I am an imam as a facet and my Prophet was a prophet of His.

Please know he was perfect though but still a facet,

Please know in the future you will be all Imams of sorts and you will learn me,

Please know it is saint you serve here.

Please know I am a leader though and one you respect and admire for my integrity in sticking to my guns and exposing government corruption.

Please know we are all facets of Him when we submit to Him.

Please know He is me in the metaphor.

Please know this,

Please know He has become united with us,

Please know saint,

Please know we bend or else we fail. 

Please know He is ‘We’ when we work for Him,

Please know this is a title and not actual as it is in the metaphorical sense.

Please know He wishes to honor us as Him when we are His extension,

Please know we are not God and we should be named our name,

Please know there is no God but Allah or God or whatever you wish to call Him, our Creator.

Please know he is a celebrity who knows me,

Please ask him,

Please know the world has a new awakening about Islam through me,

Please know this,

Please know the multitude will occur there when Mecca accepts me as their Imam,

Please know they will.

Please know they have seen caliber that they know exists only in the Ahmadiyya group of his,

Please know I include my mentor, Mirza there, as he is them in our group of Illihoon ideology.

Please know why,

Please know it is because they call him a star who was like a prophet,

Please know him,

Please know he is my colleague and he did not lie when he grew old,

Please know this,

Please know he was careful to an extreme,

Please know the word is out,

Please know he was prophet as a metaphor, which is not one,

Please know he was not real as one,

Please know he was a saint,

Please know he was like Christ, as I am,

Please know I still use the metaphor,

Please know he gave me impetus,

Please know he was not guilty and they have fabricated it that he used the word prophet for himself in the actual sense though in his earlier writings it did appear as such when he named him as one but we know he always said he who is Muhammad there was the last one the world will see and upheld his law there.

Please know the metaphor is not real and means another state,

Please understand me,

Please know I am like him, in repose to Him,

Please know we work as a team and our Leader is God,

Please know repose,

Please know it is Him we work for and we are one with Him,

Please know this,

Please know I am His repose,

Please know He is our Master and we are the slave who serves Him only,

Please try to see reason in that we don’t associate out of reason like you do with Jesus,

The end occurs when you say god to him or any entity other than the Creator,

Please know we are Him but He is not us in the sense of actuality or reality,

Please know our soul is from Him but we cannot be called Him since that is a facet only or Him partially in us,

Please know He, in His entirety, is on His throne in Heaven,

Please know we, as a facet, are only part Him when we are Him in intent or our resolve of things,

Please know when we dissipate ourselves our repose occurs, which are thoughts from Him,

Please know if we follow through and do His bid we become Him or develop His characteristics in us.

Please know we are ‘We’ with Him when we obey Him in that we are His slaves,

Please know we fuse with Him but He does not become us,

Please know He is the Mother Ship and we are His extension, as creatures of His,

Please know fused as one Entity, yet separate,

Please know this,

Please know the saints wish to be us when they say they will annihilate themselves and be with Him.

Please know it is a spiritual state in that they have no will of their own is what it means to annihilate ourself and we remain separate as kings and queens of His,

Please know this,

Please try to remove the boundaries that block, and become Him, like Jesus was as he told you he did His bid and not his and so forth became an extension of Him.

Please know it can be done. Omar.


Please know you are on Araf with me and your destination is sad unless you fill your repose with His ways.

Please understand what Araf is and to whom it belongs to. It is the highest intellect today and it refers to those people who have understood our literature.

Please know they have understood me in this country and now it remains to be seen where they descend to or arise with a new awakening to be with the prophets and saints. In this there is certainty that the intellect of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was combative and precise, while his helper, my grandfather, had a vast depth and breadth of knowledge, and my knowledge is deep and precise.

Please realize if you read our literature with the understanding that it is meant to convey you will be on the plains of Araf with us. I know this is complex but suffice it to say that our group’s intellect is at the third highest pinnacle in the world after that of Muhammad to me and then Jesus to his follower and so forth other teachers as well who are taught by them in dreams to us, like I am here.

Please know if you enter it with us you will be in a high Heaven with the scholars of Islam who teach you things through the ages. Omar.


Please know the wise take on a challenge from your judiciary when you deny me peace by calling me unwell.

Please know our Prophet was a sign to mankind in many ways, 

Please know his wisdom was consummate and he won every argument, as I have here, 

Please know do your bid if you wish your peace, 

Please know Islam is here and you won’t be able to stop it from spreading, 

Please know you are a nation of intellect and recognize merit in me and will in others in Islam, 

Please know I have converted hearts through my efforts and my sign is you took the shahada worldwide.

Please know the church groups see this sign,

Please know this is the sign that their overthrow was imminent,

Please know we are a shatail qamar group where the sign was given to us.

Please know my book on Facebook is read as a sign to you and my master’s thesis of Islam occurred from Muhammad to us,

Please know I speak of Mirza here,

Please know his history compilation is with you in his archives,

Please know he brought to clarity Prophet Muhammad’s teachings from Him, our Creator, as I have brought you Islam here from the agency of my Prophet.

Please know we are one body in Ahmadiyyat,

Please know he is companion and we live in peace there,

Please know he guides me to tell you things from Him,

Please know we are both Allah’s angels,

Please know He is our knowledge source,

Please know we were raised to raise you through teaching with the pen,

Please know Muhammad Ali is our savior and will bring the Muslim world to us.

Please know you know me magical but I am sane and don’t write from him, the devil.

Please know He is my author and He gave me the page.

Please know He will give you a moratorium,

Please preach if you wish but don’t blaspheme Him or His Prophet.

Please know He has asked me to fight you with my intellect if you do so,

Please know I use a pen though and the intellect is his, my Prophet.

Please Him,

Please know He is exacting and terrible in conflict.

Please know I ask for your peace with me,

Please let me be.

Please do your bid though if you wish otherwise. Omar.


54:1  The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent asunder.

54:2  And if they see a sign, they turn away and say: Strong enchantment!

54:3  And they deny and follow their low desires; and every affair is settled.

54:4  And certainly narratives have come to them, which should deter—

54:5  Consummate wisdom — but warnings avail not;


Please know the Ahmadiyya Jamaat worked in unison to you to bring you the teachings of Muhammad as you saw fit for you.

Please know the metaphor to be one in repose to Him,

Please know that is what we three are in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat,

Please know we all work for Him,

Please know we are one though different,

Please know these are metaphorical terms,

Please be in one with Him,

Please do His works and further my cause in bringing Islam to people,

Please know you are then a servant who walks with the legs of Allah and talks His words as our Prophet indicated what a servant is like myself,

Please know we use the metaphor as it was used before,

Please know I am your son in repose to Him and wish you well.

Please know my mentor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a Sufi as well.

Please know his prophethood was in the metaphorical sense and he did not wish to be called one,

Please know he wrote this in his last book,

Please know if one commits a mistake before it can be assuaged if one asks for forgiveness and repents though he was led to say it as I was in the following line what I state here,

Please know I committed a similar error when I said I was an emissary from Him,

Please know we both ask forgiveness from you but sometimes our thinking was not clear initially,

Please know there is no prophet after Muhammad that the world will see, we both say that to you in our final word there,

Please know other saints have called themselves prophets but it was in the metaphorical sense, though they may have misunderstood the issue as well.

Please know within the Christian lore there are examples as well but their words were misconstrued to give them actual prophethood,

Please know the Quran is clear that Muhammad is the seal of the prophets,

Please indicate disfavor to those in Islam who still try to portray prophethood in us while we use the metaphor,

Please understand me,

Please know I am careful to an extreme about these issues but I am human,

Please know to forgive is sane,

Please know our works,

Please know we have given you Christ as he actually lived and died,

Please know we have converted him from a God to you to a prophet of His,

Please know we teach you his works so that you understand him,

Please give in,

Please know we are responsible for Islam to be the predominant religion in the world,

Please know it has occurred and the facts will come out, just as they did for the belief their God was One,

Please give accolade to the one who translated the Quran for you. Omar.


Please know the highest form of communication is when the Prophet communicates to you so you become his messenger of his to them.

Please understand Syria is a country our Prophet warned us about but it is not the Syria where Assad reigns though it has some characteristics that are similar.

Please know he referred to a Christian Syria which was under the Roman Empire though people there don’t succumb as yet to me either. In this way we know he referred to the Christian countries. In the later days the saint Dabbat Al-Ard will emerge and will teach religion to the people of Syria or the Dajjal or Antichrist nation. 

Please know he will continue the work of the Prophet before him in the Messiah clan and eventually they will come to Islam. In this there is clarity that I am Dabbat Al-Ard and I am the spearhead of the movement.

Please know I will be known as Masih Al-Dajjal as I fulfill the description of him. I know he is distinct from my mentor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. I know there are several people who will lay claim to be the Promised One but I have fulfilled his role and slaughtered the pig and broken the cross in the hearts of the people.

Please know Syria is a land where my literature is rife however they feel I am an Ahmadi and therefore different from them. I know I am an Ahmadi believer but my heart is with Muhammad, on him be peace.

Please know Ahmadis are Muslims with the same ideology of Islam like the other Muslims but have certain characteristics that make them different.

Please know they believe my mentor received revelation in the form of visions and other ways as well. I know we consider this to be revelation of the saints but one characteristic is that they have the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad in them. I know this occurs but it is difficult to explain and needs to be experienced. I know I write with clarity from him so it is a dream communication that is clear and distinct. I know it differs somewhat from other Sufi saints and is a high level of communication. Omar.


Please know Al-Dajjal is queer to you as he is a man but in the metaphorical sense of the word.

Please know Dajjal is one eyed, 

Please know it is a metaphor for one who is spiritually blind and materialistic.

Please know it has started his car and my car is inhibited,

Please know they will do it again that my car is heisted again and again by them,

Please know they have power to do it and it must be done they say.

Please know I have achieved it and they know he is dead who is Isa Ibn Maryam,

Please know the facts is it all fits in,

Please know as I explained in my book there is no reason to be in disguise for a dead man raised to life,

Please know you can only die once.

Please know it is in spirit form we are raised but the gospel is clear in that regard he was flesh as he asked Thomas to put his hand in his wound and ate fish with hunger.

Please know it makes sense to a believer that he was unconscious and he survived it.

Please know the word death also means unconscious in Hebrew so they are used with interchange,

Please know Jesus knew this and prayed that he may be saved in the garden of Gethsemane in the evening before the crucifixion as he knew the term meant both things,

Please know the scholar knows to check the data.

Please know it is over and you have read me,

Please Him and be open about it.

Please know we ascribe to peace when we tell you you have amalgamated it and you realize the Quran is revealed,

Please know it all fits you say.

Please know the Quran was monotheistic and they told you it was idolatry with Allah being a moon God,

Please see what liars they are in churches on you,

Please know you know because you read him in the church literature they give you.

Please know Yahweh was only a name for Him Who creates, from the Bani-Israel perspective,

Please know He was their God and did not permit another.

Please know Allah is similar and the one Who creates according to the Quran’s teachings on us,

Please see what liars they are who say otherwise that your God is the Creator and He is not, the Muslim God to you,

Please know Jesus was similar in message and told you to worship Him, not himself.

Please know who will you believe, him, or them in churches on you.

Please know all your prayers were directed to Him there,

Please know so were his and he cried longingly for His succor.

Please know it is false to claim he called himself Him in the actual sense as he could not answer prayers, therefore his repose was His.

Please know the testimony is damning for them where he explained the metaphor was him and he did not commit blasphemy for them,

Please know he used the metaphor adeptly, seeking His repose.

Please know Allah permit him but he realized it was dangerous and stopped as documented in the gospel there,

Please know Allah permit the gospel to emerge after the others where the metaphor was explained so that you would have peace and come to the Quran when I explained it as your church goers were recalcitrant and said the Quran was evil and devil worship though they knew better as they recognize it as their own book,

Please know some of them kept you away from it through deception, a characteristic of Dajjal who creates subterfuge and deceit in his dealings,

Please know Muslims know I am Dajjal’s metaphor as I speak to you in your materialistic language and am one eyed they say, but my spirit is okay.

Please know I am one eyed in spirit as the eye that shines is the right one and I have left worldly pursuits so my left eye is shut.

Please know my car is sane for you to show you wealth will be permitted to you.

Please know I offer Heaven to a believer and Hell is their due if they ignore it what I teach.

Please know I am not evil to you and am a well-wisher taking you to Heaven by Prophet Muhammad’s car when it is used.

Please know he said if they were alive, the Prophet Jesus and Moses, they would have to use his car or follow him,

Please know the same applies to you.

Please know I am a car in reverse as they will admonish me if I continue to teach he is Dajjal who uses subterfuge,

Please know he is but I am quiet from here on as you call him that openly in your homes and workplace. Omar.


Please know a manufactured good is pleasing to one but takes away from His remembrance.

Please know a manufactured good is ingenuity but it takes one away from the appreciation of the Creator and they are pleased with it, 

Please know they think they are self-sufficient and don’t care Him in their lives, 

Please know it is this pragmatism that occurs and He is ignored, 

Please Him, 

Please know they are in need and don’t realize He won’t come through until they are obedient to Him, 

Please know it is secular pragmatism that is the death knell of a society as sexual promiscuity occurs and abortions are commonplace, 

Please know this is because they have taken God out of their lives when they ignore Him, 

Please know this is Dajjal or Antichrist as Christ taught differently and said to follow Him in your deeds, 

Please know he prayed in fervor and was ardent with Him.

Please know this verse we are mortals.

Please know this is surah Kahf.

Please know all mankind is so.

Please know our Prophet was the best of created beings and he was asked to say so.

Please know I have showed you through literature that we come from ejaculate and so are lowly in essence but people can be high with Him as well.

Please don’t elevate him to rank of God since he was lowly extract of her and him,

Please know we must ascribe to peace if you think he is divine but the evidence is incontrovertible on my page as he himself never ascribed divinity to himself.

Please know Matthews 4:10.

Please know he was born of man, in his own words.

Please him,

Please know he does not like it you call him divine,

Please know it is all false what you say about him as I have shown you his words from your book.

Please know don’t do it as he in anguish,

Please know so it is Muhammad when they call him things he is not as Muslims are akin to exaggerate him as well.

Please know a great personage is not your God that he can intercede for you, as indicated here where it says do not take him for caretaker or friend in preference to Him, your Creator.

Please know when you do so you lose Him,

Please know it is over and you don’t give him preference like you used to.

Please Him,

Please know material things are good if they don’t keep you away from your duty to Him,

Please know He knows you and you don’t give preference to them but you ignore Him,

Please know your Hereafter has a balance or a scale to measure you in your deeds you do,

Please know why?

Please know it is because you care about yourself,

Please know it is because you care you come forth with me and admonish him who creates,

Please know he creates you as your anger occurs with him when he calls me mad,

Please know they know how to create,

Please know they created him as God to you,

Please know they created goodly manufacturers and called them good and wholesome,

Please know they innovate things but they lie,

Please know some things they don’t but they lie that I am unwell.

Please know they are upset, you see through them and know my literature speaks for itself.

Please know you know it occurred as I say here on my page and it was confirmed by you.

Please know don’t take me God,

Please know that is because I make mistakes,

Please Him,

Please know there is no god but Him in whom you have repose that He will take you there now that you submit to Him alone,

Please know it is not enough and your deeds have to be in order,

Please know you have a balance waiting,

Please Him and defend me with him who admonishes you for fighting the issue of Godhead in him,

Please make them melt,

Please be my soldiers or combatants,

Please be Christ’s family as I fight for you in the Hereafter where me and my Prophet will intervene for you.

Please take me to be a friend but not caretaker as I can’t intervene in that way.

Please know I am a mortal and am powerless with Him and He will do with me as He pleases.

Please know a prophet is friend but not in preference to Him Who allows them to intervene when He permits,

Please know they have no power to intervene until He lets them.

Please know we must ascribe to peace to you.

Please know Dajjal is a goodly manufacturer to the exclusion of Him,

Please know money becomes your God and human concerns become meaningless,

Please know He is Antichrist as Christ did not teach this,

Please know it is a product of your nation that started when you took him to be your savior and not the Creator,

Please know you thought he would intervene for you,

Please know you thought there was no accounting so you did it and took manufacturing good to be your God,

Please know you made it the end-all and be-all of your existence and you took God out of the equation,

Please know money became the bottom line and the end justified the means,

Please know that’s why He says you are Dajjal here,

Please know there is no God there in their conference rooms,

Please Him and give to the poor and feed the destitute,

Please know you are better now that God has appeared to you in His understanding to you and you don’t worship man,

Please know the left eye is materialism,

Please keep it but develop the right one,

Please pray and give,

Please obey Him in your works,

Please follow His law that tells you not to be pragmatic with remnants of atheism in it and deny sexual contact outside the marriage tie as He does not permit it. Omar.


18:102  Do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants to be friends besides Me? Surely We have prepared hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers.

18:103  Say: Shall We inform you who are the greatest losers in respect of deeds?

18:104  Those whose effort goes astray in this world’s life, and they think that they are making good manufactures.

18:105  Those are they who disbelieve in the messages of their Lord and meeting with Him, so their works are vain. Nor shall We set up a balance for them on the day of Resurrection.

18:106  That is their reward — hell, because they disbelieved and held My messages and My messengers in mockery.

18:107  As for those who believe and do good deeds, for them are Gardens of Paradise, an entertainment,

18:108  To abide therein; they will not desire removal therefrom.

18:109  Say: If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would surely be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, though We brought the like of it to add (thereto).

18:110  Say: I am only a mortal like you — it is revealed to me that your God is one God. So whoever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds, and join no one in the service of his Lord.


Please know your government has been good to me despite its failings and attempts on my life.

Please know your president has melted but his law has not, 

Please know he created homosexual car as norm while it is with him, the devil as norm for man.

Please see these verses from surah Kahf or The Cave.

Please know Godhead in man is their creation in the church.

Please know it is Dajjal they create as he is a liar.

Please know he conceals the truth with lies.

Please know it is not your government that is Antichrist anymore as they have melted and want it to come out that man is man and not divine,

Please know they see sanity is clear mindedness,

Please know they want their people to develop.

Please know they are kind to me and let me live while your church wanted me gone,

Please know they are the Dajjal in your community as they continue with Christ being God.

Please know they will fail as you will fail them,

Please know it is written that I am like Christ fighting Antichrist.

Please know I bring Islamic principles to you and show you Christ was a Muslim like me having Islamic precepts, not those of Paul and others who created divinity in him,

Please know the Quran is a book with no crookedness,

Please know its precepts are clear and will give you light,

Please know Islam,

Please know it is not Middle East, so ignore them some,

Please know they have Dajjal elements and cover the truth with lies and subterfuge.

Please know they declared him a Non-Muslim,

Please know my mentor was like Christ before me and had a similar repose.

Please know, however, I am the one foretold as Isa and I have done it as your trinity is over in the eyes of people who don’t worship Jesus as God anymore,

Please know I have done it, not him, though he is my mentor and I use him,

Please know I took the hit with your government agencies as they declared me bankrupt to you and you thought me unwell.

Please know they converted, though, as they read my literature.

Please know they melted and the people followed.

Please know your government is similar and has read me and now let me teach as it is good for you.

Please know they melt in an obvious way.

Please know the church is left and they are recalcitrant some but are getting better,

Please know you will melt them as you find my literature tenable and you love Him,

Please know He loves you in return but wants your obedience,

Please know you have stopped it and get married now as a norm.

Please know women will have to cover though as He doesn’t permit them nudity.

Please know I am kind to you and know you are gradual in some things but He knows what is best for you.

Please take Him to be your God and trust Him,

Please know He has prepared Heaven for your leisure and wants you with Him,

Please don’t lie about him,

Please know to use the Quran as a reference,

Please know it has precepts that train you for Him,

Please know it will perfect you for life in the Hereafter,

Please Him,

Please do not deceive anyone,

Please know that is a Dajjal element and you know he was man,

Please know you know. Omar.


18:1  Praise be to Allah! Who revealed the Book to His servant, and allowed not therein any crookedness,

18:2  Rightly directing, to give warning of severe punishment from Him and to give good news to the believers who do good that theirs is a goodly reward,

18:3  Staying in it forever;

18:4  And to warn those who say: Allah has taken to Himself a son.

18:5  They have no knowledge of it, nor had their fathers. Grievous is the word that comes out of their mouths. They speak nothing but a lie.


Please see my take on this as you know these events transpired after you took the shahada.

Please know Dajjal has been foretold in literature as one eyed, 

Please know his spiritual eye was blind and materialistic eye was bright, 

Please know he controlled world events by offering heaven to his friends, 

Please know he sanctions nations that go against him, 

Please know some he destroys by invasion, 

Please know he can create fire through his ridicule like he did to me when he told them I was mad, 

Please know this was the fire from heaven foretold by Prophet Muhammad, 

Please Him, 

Please know he has melted after you realized Islam was correct and these were metaphors he used, 

Please know the Quran is now established in your land as the validator of past scriptures. 

Please know you consult it, 

Please know world peace is occurring as wars are abrogated for peace talks and sanctions, if needed.

Please know Isa suffered because of the sins of people,

Please know it is similar for me,

Please know the people sinned against me and took away my license even though I was only teaching Islam to them, something permitted in the statute law of this country.

Please Him,

Please know they sinned when they told them to commit me so as to discredit me with them who were converting,

Please know they sinned when they approached them to finish me off now that Islam had occurred.

Please know at Western State they fed me a toxin in my tray where I started crying uncontrollably and then became ashen and passed out nearly.

Please know I was ready and said my shahada,

Please know I recovered my strength instead of dying,

Please know I banged the door indicating my displeasure for keeping me there and they gave me a shot with more toxin in it.

Please know they relented after that and realized they could not kill me,

Please know however they used to feed me polonium in my meds as well and in jail attempts were made as well with salve on my handcuffs to me,

Please remember I had challenged them that they would never kill me so they agreed to try.

Please know people came to my rescue,

Please know now you know there were past attempts as well as well as future ones I presume.

Please know it was the sins of people that did this to me,

Please know most of you have melted though and wish me well.

Please know the hadith of our Prophet is fulfilled and Dajjal has been overcome and is us.

Please know you wish me well. Omar.


Please know we are a team in Islam but I am the spearhead as the one-eyed one.

Please know I am Amalek for you in the gospel of mine,

Please know it is foremost of nations and has power.

Please know it will fall to my scepter which is the Prophet’s pen.

Please know I am his scribe, for the most part.

Please know we are a team in Islam of the West.

Please know it is gradual though and it will prosper this way.

Please know to be gradual, carefully editing my thoughts for you.

Please know by editing I mean thinking and posing questions for yourself.

Please know I am an editor myself and I have to pause for thought,

Please know the Bible is clear the one eyed one exists.

Please know the Prophet called him Masih Al-Dajjal to his companion and explained he was one eyed and would not see them who fought them as he does not see evil in beings.

Please know that is why I get duped easily.

Please see the excerpt from the Bible where I have been mentioned.

Please know in history no one has called himself one eyed but myself.

Please know I was raised to fight him, the dajjal.

Please know I have done so and shown you his car metaphor of deceit and duplicity to me,

Please know he is your car until you come formally to my car with its destination of paradise to you in the real sense.

Please know to bring your car to park with mine by reading us in Islam. Omar.

Bible excerpt.

11 Therefore now flee you to your place! I thought to promote you to great honor; but, behold, Yahweh has kept you back from honor.

12 Balaam said to Balak, “Didn’t I also tell your messengers who you sent to me, saying,

13 ‘If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I can’t go beyond the word of Yahweh, to do either good or bad of my own mind. I will say what Yahweh says’?”

14 “Now, behold, I go to my people: come, I will inform you what this people shall do to your people in the latter days.”

15 He took up his parable, and said, “Balaam the son of Beor says, the man whose eye was closed says;

16 he says, who hears the words of God, knows the knowledge of the Most High, and who sees the vision of the Almighty, Falling down, and having his eyes open:

17 I see him, but not now. I see him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob. A scepter will rise out of Israel, and shall strike through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Sheth.

18 Edom shall be a possession. Seir, his enemies, also shall be a possession, while Israel does valiantly.

19 Out of Jacob shall one have dominion, and shall destroy the remnant from the city.”

20 He looked at Amalek, and took up his parable, and said, “Amalek was the first of the nations, But his latter end shall come to destruction.”

25 Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place; and Balak also went his way.


Please see the book of Daniel is of some relevance to you as the four beasts of Islam come into play here.

Please know the book of Daniel is correct in its content as a dream, 

Please know he thought they were possessed and that is why it scared him, 

Please know it is clear Jesus is son of man to you and in Daniel’s interpretation he is as well.

Please see the book of Daniel,

Please know chapter seven is about the four beasts of the book of revelation,

Please know our Creator knows Daniel dream was wrong in its content as the beasts are good.

Please know he was a pious man but sainthood was limited in him to think that he was a prophet.

Please know there were many prophets who had limited sainthood and he was one of them and was perturbed unnecessarily as it was a dream he misinterpreted,

Please know they were pious slaves as indicated in the book of revelations where they are depicted as four horsemen,

Please know it is accurate to say Christianity ended with them so John depicted them as evil.

Please know it was John the Baptist who wrote the book of revelations; it was misconstrued to indicate the apostle when the name John appeared on the manuscript,

Please know I am John’s disciple in the future and will tell you more, suffice it to say they were evil to her who intends to hurt me for this post now that the Christian church has been abrogated by me in the public view to you.

Please know messenger,

Please know it is one who abrogates law for another,

Please know it was Allah’s servant who changed the divorce law for you as it was onerous and unbecoming,

Please know it was done as he saw my condition with him when I tried to bring law into it from another country,

Please know I was demolished by them,

Please know you have an unfair society and he got away with it though the judge did see jail for doing this to me that he took my kids away from me when I traveled forth on vacation with them,

Please know you have a recusement charter for unjust procedure,

Please know I was refused it and was demolished publicly.

Please see what your government does to me as I brought you Islam with clear minded intellect,

Please know this is unjust procedure they do to me in public in this country,

Please know I was demolished then as I rose against a judge and they put me in jail, then relented,

Please know I had a law my wife was a signatory to.

Please know the president’s car was behind it but the state was averse as well and crucified me by shutting my practice down when they asked for a mental state examination,

Please know they relented but the damage was done as my practice suffered as I was bipolar to you while sainthood occurred in me and I was following through as they did tell me to.

Please know this is the kingdom I establish.

Please know the kingdom is where my law is supreme,

Please let me advise you on law; I am a law-giver to some until they adopt it universally,

Please know I am the bear you please me with and I have three women with me,

Please know one is my mother, the second is my wife and the third is my daughter,

Please know all three are in my control and eventually will come to me willingly, as my mother has who advises me from heaven,

Please know my father Mirza there is the lion garb as indicated in the book of revelations and his power is over for now but will reemerge when Islam is established by him in his teaching to us in Islam,

Please know my son is the fourth beast who is fierce and ferocious as he will become so with the passage of time when his disease remits.

Please know his kingdom is Islam worldwide and he continue my deen of Islam to the West to them in the East and elsewhere where it is established on Ahmadi aqaid,

Please know the leopard is my grandfather,

Please know he will wield a sword which he destroys nations and you will read him and his work the Holy Quran I recommend for you. 

Please know world dominion is his through his Quran which you peruse already.

Please know an entity like Jesus will emerge as the ruler,

Please know son of man is for him but it is not Christ, just someone in his mold.

Please know his spirit will rule till the world is over,

Please know he is my mentor who will rise from the ashes after my book receives acclaim in the public sector.

Please know he is known as man to you.

Please know we are all man in Islam or in other words Adams of His as we bring about revolution, like he did,

Please know Jesus is son of man as well as are we all and it is to signify son of man foretold here is only a human,

Please know you call him otherwise though you know now he was metaphor Him and his true title in scripture is son of man, signifying an earthly father.

Please know this is a sign for some that the scripture called him that word and he himself adopted it to signify unity of beliefs that he was man. 

Please know I am like Jesus entity and am told to say that I am the one foretold here as the one like him in whom you have repose and my law will remain with you for the end of time with his teaching of Ahmadi aqaid, who is my son,

Please know it is Mirza who taught us so his spirit will rule, 

Please know I am the law giver and my son’s rule will establish it as correct for you.

Please know my ex will come to know Islam and will rule him, my son, with Ahmadi principles after I leave her.

Please know life is short for some but I will leave her after a long life,

Please know the pressure is here to conform so this is my opinion, take it or leave it, but we are the three horsemen in your world view already. Omar.

Book of Daniel.

1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters.

2 Daniel spake and said, “I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.

3 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

4 The first was like a lion and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.

5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, ‘Arise, devour much flesh.’

6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.

7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

11 I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.

12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.

13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

16 I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me and made me know the interpretation of the things.

17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.

18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.

19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;

20 And of the ten horns that were in his head and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them;

22 Until the Ancient of days came and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first and he shall subdue three kings.

25 And he shall speak great words against the most High and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

26 But the judgment shall sit and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

28 Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me, Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me but I kept the matter in my heart.


Please know burooz is a nonentity in itself and connotes the prophesy of Prophet Muhammad comes to us.

Please know Ahmadiyyat is served here by explain these terms of communication from Prophet Muhammad are burooz,

Please know it connotes the prophesy of Prophet Muhammad came to us.

Please know we ourselves are not prophets but take him with us and our caliber appears to be that of Prophet Muhammad but it is actually him who communicates facts so they appear prophesy.

Please know it is as if prophesy is coming to the world through us but it is not and the credit goes to him for world reform, something he was vouchsafed with in that he will make it prevail over faiths of a diverse kind.

Please know we are the helpers of Him and the Prophet.

Please know we can take the blame somewhat for using the word prophet in the metaphorical sense and I apologize for that as it causes disquiet in you; the common Muslim man on the streets of our countries. I know we are asked to say it as it lets people know our caliber as saints in that we are communicated by the Prophet Muhammad, whose views we represent. This is a Sufi concept called burooz and I know the common man is unfamiliar with this term. I hesitate to explain any more as I have done so in the past but suffice it to say that both of us are in a burooz state and we represent him. We are not prophets as prophethood has ended with Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace for that event. 

Please understand I am a poor communicator myself and whatever gift I have is from Him and the Prophet’s grace visits me regularly.

Please know my insight is my own but it is well developed.

The end occurs who think I am a hypocrite as hypocrites don’t pray and don’t cry at the state of ailing mankind. I am surprised at you in the Muslim world that you don’t see me and my mentor as Muslims even after I have explained the burooz as a metaphor and deny that after my treatise here you don’t see but you deny out of a jealous state. Omar.


Please know I am a mirror image of him, my Prophet, and you will see I am clear in intellect when I tell you this.

Please know the Pakistani mindset is complex. On the one hand they appreciate my claim of being a saint who brought Islam to the West and yet they are upset that I promote Ahmadiyyat teachings as correct for them.

I am surprised such minor differences can cause so much dismay in them while all our articles of faith such as belief in One God and Muhammad as His messenger as well as belief in the prophets, and their books is the same. We believe in the finality of Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet the world will see, and in the Day we are resurrected for our deeds, as we do in angels.

Please know I am surprised at your ignorance that people that are alike to you you would consider them to be dissimilar over minor issues like using the word prophet in the metaphorical sense of being his representative only. 

Please know this is a God-given right to me to use to show my authority over you as I am a reflection of his wishes to you, the Prophet there.                                                                                         

There is no reincarnation in Islam so I do not believe I am actually him but only him in the sense of a metaphor, so that when you see me, you see him. It is with repose to him that we live in Ahmadiyyat and that is why there are scholars who are jealous of us.                                             

I am sad for you as you understand this but you will lie and say that you don’t. I know it is easy to understand and just like our Prophet said in a statement of his that when a servant of His walk, he walks with the legs of his Creator, and when he speaks, he speaks with His tongue, it is the similar with us with our Prophet for the most part and we speak for him and do his bid on us to teach you in Islam as well as Muslims occurring around the world with Ahmadi principles of kinship and friendship as well. Omar.


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