Main Body

6 Chapter Six




Please know I am an Ahmadi heart,

Please know it is no different from other hearts that love the truth and are willing to change dogma in themselves,

Please understand dogma for a while,

Please know it is belief that is blind and fixed,

Please know it is over for those who are not willing to listen to reason,

Please know there is no dogma that weighs so heavily on one that there is ‘no god but Allah.’

Please know I am sane that dogma must have peace in the heart for some,

Please know if it creates doubts then it is false,

Please know there is a need to be upfront about it,

Please know we know in our heart’s repose if we lie or tell the truth,

Please say a prayer that you come out true,

Please see my following posts,


Please maintain the divorce decree as a part of your marriage contract in case you fall later, both groups.

Please consider this to be an agreement between the partners at the time of marriage and keep it as a part of marriage vows you have thus ensuring an equitable relationship in marriage clause here.

Please see this will prevent unnecessary divorce from happening in this culture where greed may play a role in divorce proceedings and this act of giving this law here is a gift to married women in that it will preserve their marriages if a flaw results in it as usually in this land the guilt is on both hands and forgiveness should result by law of sanity in us they say to each other but it is so if divorce is to take place then greed should not be in the equation.

Please see the divorce law there is sane and is fair to both in that marriage is pursued once it is over with ease in that situation.

Please see this verse from the Quran that you treat them with kindness when you divorce her and so it is that amicable relationships are maintained there, especially if children are born to her, then there is no leeway on excuse of this situation of good fellowship be maintained on both ends but it is so many times there is evil there and relationships are strained in it but try to complete the term of 3 courses if at all possible so repair may result and if there is any love there try to keep it with you as in this culture guilt occurs with both usually.

Please know the husband’s decisions are more sane and he is the breadwinner on many occasions and he should be obeyed in regard to the children even if they are kept with her as a father is naturally inclined to discipline and more strict with her and him in their rearing and so he should have the final say regarding their discipline and rearing matters as well, especially if monetary decisions are to be made for them, but a mother’s heart is to relent to the child in things they want and that is not good for family structure, in other words the father should remain as the head for the child as the Quran says he is a degree above in decision matters for them but it is so in this land joint custody is pursued but courts should give leeway for the father’s final say in matters of divorce parents with them.

Please know the limits of Allah are good companionship in things related to a marital home but if peace cannot be maintained it is better to separate or divorce but give leeway to repair issues that may occur and if they insist on it, divorce there, the mother should take the child with her until the matter is settled but she should not stay with him in her house not if he has made payments on the property, and in divorce in Islam she takes her assets with her and he keeps things he has paid for but he should be generous and gift her on depart door especially if she has borne him some kids, that is honorable by him and will give her peace too.

Please see that there is no alimony but until iddat or the courses not but three months have elapsed he should pay her support of a reasonable amount to maintain her expense and the children too and the upkeep of the children is always the father’s responsibility there.

Please see that alimony is curtailed after the divorce takes place as she is not providing sex to him and not maintaining her home with him and he is encumbered not in this issue as he may want to marry again and he does not need to support two wives in that sense she is still a wife to him if he supports her and that is not correct for them.

Please know the assets are not divided but things that are paid for are kept but gifts are relinquished usually, but if she seeks divorce then she is to return gifts to her by law we have especially the marriage gift that is transected at the time of nikah or marriage to her.

Please know Allah does not like divorce to happen but sometimes it is necessary if there is hatred between the two partners but it is true this saying from Prophet Muhammad that of all the things He permits Who is their Creator He likes divorce the least so there you have it try to repair the situation but if not part on good terms with remembrance of the good times we spent together and reared a family, if that applies to them, but it is so in Islam the right of divorce is given to the husband and not the wife, why, because she is fickle and gets hurt easily and men sense when divorce is necessary more easily while women in their anger take drastic action like getting the police involved or something of that nature as is well known in this country but in our lands she usually leaves home with the children when the waiting period is over and repair hasn’t occurred.



2:227 And if they resolve on a divorce, Allah is surely Hearing, Knowing.

2:228 And the divorced women should keep themselves in waiting for three courses. And it is not lawful for them to conceal that which Allah has created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have a better right to take them back in the meanwhile if they wish for reconciliation. And women have rights similar to those against them in a just manner, and men are a degree above them. And Allah is Mighty, Wise.

2:229 Divorce may be (pronounced) twice; then keep (them) in good fellowship or let (them) go with kindness. And it is not lawful for you to take any part of what you have given them, unless both fear that they cannot keep within the limits of Allah. Then if you fear that they cannot keep within the limits of Allah, there is no blame on them for what she gives up to become free thereby. These are the limits of Allah, so exceed them not; and whoever exceeds the limits of Allah, these are the wrongdoers.

2:230 So if he divorces her (the third time), she shall not be lawful to him afterwards until she marries another husband. If he divorces her, there is no blame on them both if they return to each other (by marriage), if they think that they can keep within the limits of Allah. And these are the limits of Allah which He makes clear for a people who know.

2:231 And when you divorce women and they reach their prescribed time, then retain them in kindness or set them free with kindness and retain them not for injury so that you exceed the limits. And whoever does this, he indeed wrongs his own soul. And take not Allah’s messages for a mockery, and remember Allah’s favor to you, and that which He has revealed to you of the Book and the Wisdom, admonishing you thereby. And keep your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is the Knower of all things.


Please see the divorce law in Christianity is similar to Islam in that supervisory role is the fathers domain.

Please know the Nisa is done widely now in married couples who don’t want to go through court proceedings in case of divorce but it is still necessary for them to bear equanimity to each other in case they go separate ways and it so occurs children are an issue of content not but the law in Christian land has always been that the father gets custody rights and supervises visitation with her mother they have, but it is so the mother is a better parent in this land so allow her leeway to live with them with supervisory role given to the father still as he has more acumen for the child in regard to visitation and holiday schedule, but that said it is better to stay with the child in his or her wishes as well for him, and so it occurs that Christianity is sane to pursue in their divorce decree in this land for you, and Islam is similar, custody rights are with the father for the most part and if they separate then the child must stay in the father’s home town by law as the father must oversee his or her care.



Please know yourself as a believer when you submit to Him Who created you.

Please know we are complete when we pray for you and them who think it is okay to wait.

Please see the opening chapter of the Quran,

Please see that we say this prayer several times in each of our daily prayers,

Please know why,

Please know we wish to be the guide of you.

Please understand how,

Please know if we are on the right path then we will guide you who are astray.

Please know I don’t mean that in a demeaning sense but the facts are the facts.

Please know you had left your religious edicts and were leading the life of apostates.

Please know how,

Please know you don’t follow the law.

Please understand how this makes you an apostate,

Please understand how could you be a submitter to Him with no law that you follow.

Please know that is like a Muslim who has a law but does not submit and does what he wishes and says he is a Muslim,

Please know in the same sense you are a follower of him who is Jesus to you in name only as you do as you please and not as he says.

Please know I don’t mean to demean you; only tell you facts of your religion,

Please say a prayer for me that delineates religious belief for you and Muslims alike.

Please know you can say you are Christians or Muslims by my leave but it does not hold water with Him and His Prophet and his companions,

Please see the reality in this world,

Please know it will be too late in the next. Omar.

The Fatiha.

1:1  Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds

1:2  The Beneficent, the Merciful,

1:3  King of the day of Requital

1:4  Thee do we serve and Thee do we ask for help.

1:5  Guide us on the straight path,

1:6  The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors,

1:7  Not those upon whom wrath is brought down, nor those who go astray.


Please know to rancor my heart but not my deeds as I am careful not to supersede him who is my Prophet.

Please know rancor is her who hates me,

Please know in us it is normal to admire my predecessor as we all feel it rise in us.

Please know our Prophet had rancor to some who were better in degrees but knew he was in the position of envy of most.

Please know rancor is sane and we know ourselves through it.

Please know rancor is sane, 

Please know it rises within us as people call us perfect and our pride rises, 

Please know it is incorrect in us and we must submit he is better than us, 

Please know we all have rancor for purpose, 

Please know it is to inhibit us, 

Please know it rises because it is incorrect to have but we can’t prevent it, 

Please know we will be cut down for rising above him as he was the best, 

Please know Prophet Muhammad was destined to be maqaam e Mahmood, 

Please know he is coveted so it is written for us to covet him, 

Please know it is evil in me to covet as he is my benefactor but it is so written for all men to vie for him in that position, though we may not to.

Please know to have rancor to Muhammad is sane but to be jealous is not as he showed his worth during his life here,

Please know we could not have lived the life he did with all its austerity and trials he had,

Please know I have rancor because I wish it.

Please know it is written for us to have rancor to those better than us in caliber and degree,

Please know my mentor Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had it to me as in some ways I am better but in other ways he is superior.

Please know I know this but the rancor rises anyway,

Please know we are all human and the rancor is a part of our make and it will abide until it is clear to you I am not he who is Muhammad to me,

Please know it is an anger in me that I fight as that is not me to be angry at him who appeases me in the mosque premises as I know he is state’s behalf when he feeds me pig meat.

Please know it is because I am on a medication already that I know it doesn’t suit me and makes me unwell.

Please know they started it at my brother’s insistence as he does not want me to get ECT on their behalf,

Please know I submit because I am compelled, not because I am willing,

Please know we all have rancor eventually as it is written there we will and it will be removed by Him on the entry to Paradise as we are all equal there,

Please know I said equal in stature as we are all created the way we are though our deeds are different as it is written for us what we are and we can’t help it if we are inferior to him who was the best,

Please know my Prophet had the best deeds, then myself as I brought a similar nation to Islam that was of debauched in idolatry to themselves and her,

Please know I say I did it as the credit goes to me actually as we all have a guide from Him but I know it is my worth to give credit to Him Who turns hearts towards Islam as I do not have that option, neither did my Prophet, who became the ruler thereby through his sagacity and wisdom,

Please know I won because I had the Prophet’s intellect with me, not because of myself, because I am plain, simple, fool to you, while I am sagacious as well, though less than others you think. Omar.


Types of revelation.

Please know I am a saint who guides you aright to the truth of a matter by the will of my Creator and His Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace.

Please see this verse that talks about revelation from the chapter The Poets.

Please know it is three types.

Please know the lowest form of communication is what occurs in our instincts.                      

Please know it is similar to animals and they know how to act according to their instinct.

Please know it is also called a hasty suggestion,

Please know sometimes we are certain of a certain thing based upon a hunch. 

Please know our Creator guides all of us.

Please understand our heart is a repository of truth,

Please realize this,

Please know the more truth we embellish ourselves with the more our hearts are receptive to guidance.

Please see if we can get to the truth without revelation,

Please know it is not possible and our God guides us to the truth through His prophets to whom He gave guidance.

Please know this guidance comes forth in the shape of a book.                                               

Please know all the prophets are given books.                                                                         

Please understand this,

Please know some books are conserved hundreds of years after the prophet’s demise, while some are not,

Please know the books have to make coherence to us,

Please know there is a reason why the collection of the books was delayed.

Please know it was so that people could use their rationale to see if their books were coherent to people and so that books are not followed blindly.

Please know of all the books the Quran was collected in a systematic manner with scientific principles applied within a few months of the Prophet’s demise.                                                                                                   

Please know the teachings of the Prophet were different.

Please know there are truths in the Quran that confirm the earlier scriptures.

Please know there are no two diverging truths on a matter as the truth is known and false lies are knocked out by it. If you look at your books with circumspection you will see how errors occurred.                                                                    

Please know this was the basis of errors in concepts occurring in religions.

Please know the Quran is the attester and it provides a rationale.

Please use it is as a reference for the truth of a factual matter.                                               

Please know there are incorrect practices in Muslims which are not true to the Quran or the practice of the Holy Prophet.

Please know that diverging viewpoints will find the truth in the Quran which is the criterion for earlier scriptures, verifying truths from before.

Please know I have explained the flaws in the reasoning of the Christian church from the revelation I have from Him. 

Please know the arguments are clear in my book and are corroborated by the absolute truth of the Quran. Omar.


26:51  And it is not vouchsafed to a mortal that Allah should speak to him, except by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger and revealing by His permission what He pleases. Surely He is High, Wise.

26:52  And thus did We reveal to thee an inspired Book by Our command. Thou knewest not what the Book was, nor (what) Faith (was), but We made it a light, guiding thereby whom We please of Our servants. And surely thou guidest to the right path —

26:53  The path of Allah, to Whom belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Now surely to Allah do all affairs eventually come.


Please see these verses from Baqarah where it says that disbelief in Allah is akin to take the devil as friend.

Please know the choice is yours, your heart knows when things make sense to you.

Please know it is clear we make the choice to enter Heaven or Hell by our own accord and it is satisfactory there as a reason, the life we lead will be enough as a witness on us and we will be satisfied with the result as we have done our deeds and seen the results first hand.

Please know our heart guides us as to the truth but for ourselves we make the choice of Allah’s word versus the devil’s handiwork on us.

Please know I present the data to you, it is for you to choose if it is accurate.

Please know we make the effort and God’s reward is with us but for you who do not find it accurate is a reckoning as most of it is God’s word from the Quran with accompanying data from other sources considered reliable here. Omar.


2:256 There is no compulsion in religion — the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

2:257 Allah is the Friend of those who believe — He brings them out of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the devils who take them out of light into darkness. They are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.


Please know Islam is perfect and if you say you believe it is correct, it is enough to win you acclaim as Muslims but won’t win you Him until you submit and faith enters your heart.

Please see the following caption with me.

Please know there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger is the edict we have to prove to Him by our deeds and our struggle here on earth and it is not like some who say is enough for Paradise to occur.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Apartments or 49.

Please know the onus is on us to submit.

Please understand this,

Please know we must believe in the truth from Him and show our belief with our deeds.

Please understand this,

Please know if our deeds are not what our words are then we are guilty of hypocrisy.

Please know it is not enough to say we believe while you do not if your deeds are empty of Him.

Please know He says in the Quran that if you love Him then obey Allah and His Messenger.

Please know love is a very basic emotion and He requires more of mankind.

Please know you lay no obligation on Him,

Please understand this,

Please know you cannot enter Paradise without His pleasure in you.

Please know the onus is on you to prove your worth and to show that you are capable of pleasing Him.

Please know to say the words, you believe, is the first step.

Please know there is no Paradise here.

Please know the second stage comes when you submit to His commands,

Please know you may be forgiven here then.

Please know when faith enters your essence then you enter Paradise.

Please know I weep for you,

Please know there are some here who don’t know the first stage of survival.

Please remember you used to live lives of apostates for the most part here in this country of yours. Omar.


49:14  The dwellers of the desert say: We believe. Say: You believe not, but say, We submit; and faith has not yet entered into your hearts. And if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not diminish aught of your deeds. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

49:15  The believers are those only who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then they doubt not, and struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. Such are the truthful ones.

49:16  Say: Would you apprise Allah of your religion? and Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. And Allah is Knower of all things.

49:17  They presume to lay thee under an obligation by becoming Muslims. Say: Lay me not under an obligation by your Islam; rather Allah lays you under an obligation by guiding you to the faith, if you are truthful.


Please know I am scared for you since you tempt Him by denying His worship.

Please see that we avoid Hell as the turmoil there will be unlike any on earth.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Beneficent or 55.

Please know the creation of man is for a destiny with Him.

Please know we each are supposed to submit to Him,

Please know in return He will forgive and elevate our status.

Please know every entity He creates is precious.

Please know He creates us so we worship Him.

Please know He gives us leeway if we don’t.

Please know eventually we will submit willingly.

Please know for some it will be on earth.

Please know if they don’t here they will have a reckoning with Him that will be severe.

Please know after suitable modification of our thought where we will submit we will be raised to our Heavenly abode.

Please know turmoil of Hell is best avoided by submitting here.

The end occurs if you think you will tempt fate by going to Hell.

Please understand the turmoil of Hell,

Please know it is as if you are blasted out of existence and created anew.

Please know you cannot die there.

Please know this process will go for eternity unless you submit.

Please know we cannot know the turmoil of Hell but a few moments there will make you think you never saw any good here on earth.

Please say a prayer that since you have to submit you might as well do it here on earth, before you die.

Please know there is no going back to submit once you exit here,

Please know the reality,

Please know you are going to die,

Please understand life,

Please know it is a test to see who is the best of submitters. Omar.


55:26  Everyone on it passes away —

55:27  And there endures forever the person of thy Lord, the Lord of glory and honor.

55:28  Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

55:29  All those in the heavens and the earth ask of Him. Every moment He is in a state (of glory).


Please know your law books are correct but your people are corrupt who implement them.

Please know our courts are not fair to the poor and those of minorities.

Please know this verse.

Please know it is from The Apartments in the Quran.

Please know there is no distinction.

Please know the family you belong to carries no weight with Him.

Please understand that our creed and nationality is of no basis of distinction with Him and those in Heaven and the righteous in the world.

Please no there is no class distinction.

Please see is this not the universal law of mankind that was taught to mankind?

Please know your law here allows this but your people lag behind.

The end occurs when you give leeway to the rich but demolish the house of the poor.

Please know the metaphor here.

In this is reality that you do not follow the law book in your courts.

I hope you bear heed and use this as your sole criteria for judging mankind. Omar.


49:13  O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.


Please know Islam is fair to you and allows you peace as you come through in it.

Please know we are responsible if we give in to the harpings of others.

Please see these verses from The Family of Amran.

Please know this is true in this land where a party of you believers are being dissuaded from following the precepts of Islam by your family.

Please know this,

Please know the truth of the Quran is apparent to people and it is their family and friends that tell them otherwise.

Please know the truth will precipitate towards the heart and settle there and if there is any good in a person it will be accepted.

Please know it shows the worth of a man if he accepts the truth when it is apparent to him and it does him credit when he does so.

Please know we must try to acknowledge truth when they occur in our thoughts as to deny them is to be a hypocrite.

Please know you should encourage the truths when your youth show an inclination to believe.

Please know there are many in mainstream Islam that are like us in Ahmadiyyat that have values like you and me.

Please know we hope to have a good family and friends with us and we hope for the usual aspirations that mankind has. Omar.


3:69  A party of the People of the Book desire that they should lead you astray; and they lead not astray but themselves, and they perceive not.

3:70  O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the messages of Allah while you witness (their truth)?


Please know our outcome depends upon how we live our lives here.

Please know the affectionate will have a good outcome.

Please know this article is in reference to the travailties of time and that fame is evanescent.

Please know our companions will pass on and they will be remembered by us for a period then we will move on as well.

Please know that it is in the Hereafter that we are remembered.

Please know the affectionate are remembered fondly,

Please consider this,

Please know your destination is going to be where your companions are. If they were good you will be in a good place.

Please understand in the past for the most part your companions were not righteous as there were few people who had that quality in them then.

Please understand this,

Please know on the Day we are judged the majority of the people will be the denizens of Hell not, but few will make it Heaven unscathed, some will wait there for Heaven to occur but some will go there where their destination awaits them,

Please see it is those who go for reform there to Hell of the Hereafter,

Please know why?

Please know there are many who observe the truth now but a few still deter, it is these that are referred to here,

Please know they were given options and chose to ignore the truth and live on with their companion who deters you.

Please know this is a crime with Him and He expects us to grasp what is true.

Please know you do it to yourself.

Please know you have a choice to hold on to the truth or live in ignorance.

Please know you make your choices and your destination will transpire.

Please know the heart observes the truth. We act to ignore it or grasp it. I know you make the choice of choosing your destination.

Please choose your companion with care, he will lead you astray if he is not truthful to you about us in Islam for you that you like.

Please deter him who is untruthful there.

Please know you deter him for your benefit to occur, he will deter you there and you won’t enter with us your final destiny to you. Omar.


Please know friendly relationships are permitted between you and others not of your faith.

Please know this verse that friendly relations can exist between you and the People of the Book as long as they don’t harm you.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Woman Who Is Examined or sixty.

Please understand the words here,

Please know our Creator permit the friendly relationships with people of other faiths.

Please understand it is a misunderstanding amongst Muslims that there is no friendly relationships between unbelievers and those who submit.

Please see the following caption there.

Please know these are friends who help me.

Please understand this is our Prophet’s heart.

The end occurs when people think he fought people because of their religion. In this there is certainty that there were many women and men who protected him. I know he took refuge from the enemy in them. It is ill-conceived that they were friendly for a need only as this continued even when he was secure.

Please know we strive to be friends but sometimes we fail as they show enmity rather than solace to us. In the hereafter some will come through and some will die as unbelievers.

Please know a requiem for me.

Please know I tried to do as the Prophet did and succeeded. Omar.


60:7  It may be that Allah will bring about friendship between you and those of them whom you hold as enemies. And Allah is Powerful; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

60:8  Allah forbids you not respecting those who fight you not for religion, nor drive you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly. Surely Allah loves the doers of justice.

60:9  Allah forbids you only respecting those who fight you for religion, and drive you forth from your homes and help (others) in your expulsion, that you make friends of them; and whoever makes friends of them, these are the wrongdoers.


Please know your defeat results when you hear the bitter one against you as he berates you for understanding we are correct as to the perfect nature of the faith of Islam.

Please know the ignominy of defeat is from the accursed one who puts doubts in the hearts of mankind even though they recognize the truth in it.

Please see these verses from the Quran.

Please know that our Prophet never killed anyone for leaving the religion of Islam.

Please know apostasy as we know it was negligible in those times and the instances it was reported nothing was done to those who turned away. Our Creator here states the punishment for leaving one’s religion of Islam is Hellfire.

Please know the law of killing an apostate is derived from a hadith and needs to be rejected as it contradicts a law of the Quran that there is no compulsion in faith. I know the hadith is well rooted however it appears to relate to those who were guilty of treason where they joined the enemy camp in an attempt to kill the believers as they knew the secrets of the army. I know this concept is gaining ground and eventually people will not be killed for leaving Islam as their destination is known and it is up to Allah to do the needful for them and cleanse them of denying the truth after it had entered their heart. In the event that they increase in disbelief they will not find any avenue of peace as ransom will not be accepted and their deeds will be in vain.

Please know God is kind and knows that doubts occur in the hearts however on this matter He is strict as to deny the truth is the opposite of the peace we have in it and people should be encouraged to seek solace after they have doubts appear rather than lose themselves in the ignominy of defeat from the accursed one, the devil to one. Omar.


2:217 And whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever — these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the Hereafter. And they are the companions of the Fire: therein they will abide.


3:90  Those who disbelieve after their believing, then increase in disbelief, their repentance is not accepted, and these are they that go astray.

3:91  Those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, the earth full of gold will not be accepted from one of them, though he should offer it as ransom. These it is for whom is a painful chastisement, and they shall have no helpers.


Please know the prodigal have a heaven if they but submit.

Please see this verse from the chapter of The Companies or 39.

Please know we are all prodigal in some way or another. 

Please know our Prophet and the other prophets come to Him with penitent hearts hoping for His mercy and forgiveness.

Please know we all have a destiny and we all sin in some way. I cannot say which sinner will be forgiven but know it will be the one who comes to Him and admits his fault. I know we are all sinners and we need mercy from Him that He will guide us to the right path of enlightenment from Him. I come to you as a sinner and know that while my sins are less than others in things I cannot think that I am safe from Him if He wishes to punish. It is this verse that gives us the heart to go on.

The end is there for those who think a guilty one is beyond redemption no matter what his or her sin may be.

Please know in the final analysis all He asks from us is to repent to Him and stop the wrong we were doing.

Please know His chastisement is severe if we do not have regret for our sins and plan to continue on with them. I know He is a loving God and He wishes for us to come through and better our state so that we may enter our Heaven with our representative from Him. 

Please try to pray to Him alone as He does not like it that you should call on others while He is the sole Arbitrator for mankind.

Please know the prophets can intervene only after He decides to permit them. Omar.


39:53  Say: O My servants who have been prodigal regarding their souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives sins altogether. He is indeed the Forgiving, the Merciful.

  Please know polygamy is an avenue for vice to end in the world. Please know we must persevere in defending our faith.

Please see the following verse from the chapter The Women or four.

Please know the moral chastity of the state was at stake.

Please know war caused an excess of widows.

Please know if women are not in the married state it will lead to vice.

Please know the orphan had to be taken care of.

Please know they need food and shelter but the primary objective in allowing polygamy was to take care of them and not let vice spread in the community which results when there is an excess of unmarried women.

Please know our Creator knows us and knows in extenuating circumstances leeway has to be made.

Was this the reason you had prostitution in your societies after wars?

Please know it is.

Please know you cannot keep pure when the children have to be fed.

Please know every human has the sexual urge.

Please be considerate when you see this happen that man marries another rather than shedding his family from before.

Please say a prayer that God may guide you aright and you may see truth was the motif of Islam,

Please know the early Christians and the Jews allowed polygamy.

Please know it was prevalent in the world.

Please understand man does not know more than his Creator. Omar.


4:3  And if you fear that you cannot do justice to orphans, marry such women as seem good to you, two, or three, or four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then (marry) only one or that which your right hands possess. This is more proper that you may not do injustice.


Please know the handmaidens and slaves of Allah know it to be true, His promise for you.

Please see a caption here.

Please know the error occurs when you ignore Him and enter perdition.

Please see these verses from The Cow or chapter two.

Please know this is the edict we live by.

Please understand we cannot control what the other thinks.

Please realize our Friend is Him Who creates and then perfects.

Please follow Him to Paradise.

Please know we are only guides to you.

Yours truly knows there is a reckoning and I prepare myself for it.

Please understand we all have faults and it is a gradual amelioration of our faults that we strive for.

Please understand there are men and women who have perfected themselves.

Please know that is our goal.

Please know perfect,

Please know it is to follow the Prophet’s car to you on my page to you.

The end comes to those who do not care how we do in the Hereafter.

Please know they will have a hard reckoning with Him and may enter The Hellfire.

Please know it is not a pleasant place. Omar.


2:256  There is no compulsion in religion — the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

2:257  Allah is the Friend of those who believe — He brings them out of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the devils who take them out of light into darkness. They are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.


Please know to berate yourself when you do wrong as that is the human in us.

Please see the passage from the Quran from chapter 69 or The Sure Truth.

Yours truly has a dream.

Please know it is to emulate the Prophet in delivering the message to you.

The end is there for those who think it is useless to deliver the message as America will not change. 

Please know this is incorrect and America prays to Him, by and large, and knows Jesus to be a servant of His Grace. 

Please know on other issues I know I am on firm ground and it is relayed to me that you have abdicated your views on sexual mores, prevalent previously. 

Please know I have delivered the message faithfully thus far and hope to continue to do so in the future as well. I know the Prophet’s job was more comprehensive. I am only his slave and my job is not as daunting or hard as you were subservient to me and expected me to emerge and teach you the truth of Islam to you.

Please say a prayer for me that I continue in the same vein and I can convince people about the beauty of Islam, whereby your Hereafter is reckoned.

Please know we must serve humanity and not ascribe partners to Him. I know it is a complete human who never bowed down to idols. 

Please know Abraham was next in degree of steadfastness and perseverance in what was right with Him. I know these men are examples to humanity. 

Please know to be a complete human we need to ascribe traits that these two humans had. We all falter and we are raised in degree when we leave something wrong for what is right in us.

The end is there for those who think we consider one prophet better than another except in degree of submission they had. But nay, they are all honored servants in the eyes of their Creator. 

Please try to say a prayer for yourself and others as there are many animal-like traits prevailing here as yet in some of you but many are human and admit their fault in things.

Please know there are three stages of mankind. The lowest is the animal-like stage where we do things and our conscience does not berate us. The next stage is the human-like stage where our conscience berates us when we do something wrong and we correct ourselves or improve our worth. The last stage is the highest and involves a state of peace in us. It occurs when we see humanity for what they are and attempt to help them through our teachings. Omar.


69:40  Surely, it is the word of an honored Messenger,

69:41  And it is not the word of a poet. Little is it that you believe!

69:42  Nor the word of a soothsayer. Little is it that you mind!

69:43  It is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.

69:44  And if he had fabricated against Us certain sayings,

69:45  We would certainly have seized him by the right hand,

69:46  Then cut off his heart’s vein.

69:47  And not one of you could have withheld Us from him.


Please know religion is only for Allah and there is no compulsion in faith is the dictum we follow in this land.

Please know religion is only for our Creator,

Please Him and allow them to pray as they wish as there is no compulsion in faith,

Please know there was religious freedom at our Prophet’s time and they were allowed idolatry under his rule.

Please know he is immaculate and the custom of not allowing them is a later custom based on a hadith that they should not be allowed there in Saudi Arabia.

Please know the underlying principle is ignored that there is religious freedom as the compulsion is decried and the Prophet’s example is to be followed.

Please know scholars know this but make an exception,

Please know it is not right to make an exception.

Please know it is the government’s duty to protect the places of worship and this country has that law in place.

Please understand our Prophet and his caliphs stayed away from praying in churches and the places of worship of other faiths. In this there is sanity as one can see Muslims wishing to usurp the property as their own. In this there is clarity of thought in that the places of worship are to be protected by the government in charge of these buildings and should not allow baser instincts to prosper where a minority could be forced out of their prayer area. The Quran tells us we must protect the prayer areas of the People of the Book but the principle applies to all religious denominations living in Muslim lands.                                                                                                                                

I should be pleased but it is not correct that there in Pakistan and the Middle East Christians and Jews are inhibited while in this land they are allowed religious freedom.                                                                               

Please know that our Prophet did not recommend Muslims praying in churches or cloisters. Omar.


22:40 And if Allah did not repel some people by others, cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah’s name is much remembered, would have been pulled down.


2:193 And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is only for Allah.                                                                                                                    


Please know it is not the birth of a prophet we should celebrate but their life with knowledge of their character and deeds.

Please know we celebrate the life of our prophets but their birth is not real enough for us to celebrate. In this we know is peace as there is no deed that is performed that we should mention in the birth of a prophet while their life is full of things to admire and talk about.

Please know that the birth of a prophet is an august occasion but in Islam it is usually not recommended to celebrate it as it leads to a celebration that is deviant in nature as seen in the present-day Christmas celebrations where the spirituality of Christ is lost. It is the same in Muslim countries where the birthday of our Prophet is celebrated. 

Please see the following verses from the Quran depicting the time of the birth of Jesus.


19:22  Then she conceived him; and withdrew with him to a remote place.

19:23  And the throes of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten!

19:24  So a voice came to her from beneath her: Grieve not, surely thy Lord has provided a stream beneath thee.

19:25  And shake towards thee the trunk of the palm-tree, it will drop on thee fresh ripe dates.

19:26  So eat and drink and cool the eye. Then if thou seest any mortal, say: Surely I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent, so I will not speak to any man today.

Please know the Christmas you are getting ready for is something that originated out of a pagan custom of sun worship.

Please understand after the winter solstice the pagans would celebrate the lengthening of the day with a celebration on December 25 to honor their sun god.

Please know according to the Quran, Jesus and Thomas, the twin, were born in September, the time of the harvesting of the dates from their trees.

Please know also in Luke it says the shepherds were tending their flock which wouldn’t be the case if he had been born in December.

Please understand these things are not important in Islam and the celebration of the prophet’s birthdays is not recommended as it leads to an association with their Creator when we worship them inadvertently. I am inclined to let people celebrate Christmas though I think it is not something we aspire for in Islam. Omar.


Please know women have intellect but in most cases lose interest when they have children.

Please see this verse from chapter two or The Cow.

Please know that transactions in those times were complex as they involved ready merchandise. In this there is certainty that women then did not partake in trade like they do nowadays.

Please understand that this was their norm while your norm is different now and we must live with the times.

Please know I do not abrogate the verse from the Quran but do understand if a woman gets affronted and understand that if she partakes herself to housework the law may be applicable once again. I know transactions are by and large written down now and the point is moot in most cases. Omar.


2:282  O you who believe, when you contract a debt for a fixed time, write it down. And let a scribe write it down between you with fairness; nor should the scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught him, so let him write. And let him who owes the debt dictate, and he should observe his duty to Allah, his Lord, and not diminish anything from it. But if he who owes the debt is unsound in understanding or weak, or (if) he is not able to dictate himself, let his guardian dictate with fairness. And call to witness from among your men two witnesses; but if there are not two men, then one man and two women from among those whom you choose to be witnesses, so that if one of the two errs, the one may remind the other. And the witnesses must not refuse when they are summoned. And be not averse to writing it whether it is small or large along with the time of its falling due. This is more equitable in the sight of Allah and makes testimony surer and the best way to keep away from doubts. But when it is ready merchandise which you give and take among yourselves from hand to hand, there is no blame on you in not writing it down. And have witnesses when you sell one to another. And let no harm be done to the scribe or to the witnesses. And if you do (it), then surely it is a transgression on your part. And keep your duty to Allah. And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knower of all things.


Please know the purpose of our creation is the worship of His Entity in its entirety.

Please know the caption on His heart.

Please know I am The Beautiful like none other.

Yours truly is an appreciator of Him. We know the essence of our existence is Him.

Yours truly weeps at the immense magnificence of His Being.

Please see the following caption there in the hearts of the companions of the Prophet.

Please know we are pleased if we die for His sake as our very essence beckons us on to do this. 

The end is near for those who disdain His service.

Please understand we only live once so let this life be of service to Him and His creatures.

Please know your beauty is in the appreciation of our Creator. Omar.


Please know an animal knows we are His vicegerent and submits as its norm.

Please see the following caption on their heart.

Please know we were created for this.

Please understand it is not wrong to sacrifice an animal for its meat.

Please know these animals are submissive in this role of being sacrificed and they know they will be rewarded by their Creator for being sacrificed. In Heaven they will have a similar role but they will regenerate. In this there is clarity that the reward of a being is never lost by our Creator. I hope we will appreciate meat when we eat it as it has given up life so as to be sacrificed for its food content.

Please understand animals can be slaughtered for their nutritional value however one has to be kind to them in the process.

Please see they are created to be fodder as you can see from their lives in the wild where lions eat gazelles and so forth other animals eat others and they do not mind being a part of this life cycle.

Please see we are kind to an animal when we raise it for husbandry and if we treat it well it will be happy with us and intervene for us on the Day we are judged, just like mankind can do so,

Please see Allah asks us why we do not eat an animal and equates it to following the footsteps of the devil as we gain strength by it and wisdom as well as we see nature is to allow death of animals for us and we must be kind in it, in their kill I mean.

Please know we are strong if we sacrifice an animal in Islam but there are certain conditions in animal slaughter that have to be followed to minimize grief to the animal. This includes shielding it from the other animals so that it does not see its fate before it occurs. In this way we are kind to animals who are sacrificing themselves for us. We are thankful to our Creator who has provided for us as well.

Please know these animals are taken to a place after they die where they await Judgment Day just like humans are to wait for that day. Animals that are sacrificed have a higher status with our Creator than those that are not sacrificed and animals that are sacrificed in God’s name have a still higher degree in the eyes of His Benevolence.

Please know in Islam there is some controversy as to the fate of these animals and others that live on earth. In my view our Creator’s mercy is such that once He gives life to a creature of His He will not take it away and He will not annihilate any being. I hope people will realize that just as humans do not like to annihilate any being then so it will be with our Creator. Our Creator’s mercy and love is so much greater than ours. Omar.


6:118 Eat, then, of that on which Allah’s name has been mentioned, if you are believers in His messages.

6:119 And what reason have you that you should not eat of that on which Allah’s name is mentioned, when He has already made plain to you what He has forbidden to you — excepting that which you are compelled to. And surely many lead (people) astray by their low desires through ignorance. Surely thy Lord — He best knows the transgressors.

Al-Anum also

142 And of the cattle (He has created) some for burden and some for slaughter. Eat of that which Allah has given you and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Surely he is your open enemy —


Please know our status is of slaves on earth.

Please see if you can survive on pennies.

Please know we all need wealth yet it is wealth that hurts us in the end. I would have been sad there as I had much here. I know it is sad but abundance diverts us and we become foolish and spendthrift. I know we are just slaves of our Creator and it is better to know our station and live humbly.

Please understand this is correct. In this way we know that we are asked to be patient by our Creator when resources are meager and to persevere with truth telling and honesty in our earnings. 

Please know the other statement is accurate as well. The end is there for those who think they will not be altered with wealth and abundance. It despoils us and makes us fat-headed. It is time to persevere with good deeds as they become hard for us when we are rich. 

Please try to realize the rot that sets in with wealth. Our egos reach a pinnacle.

Please know we were meant to be slaves with few possessions. It is our peace we live with when we are so. When we come to earth we are empty handed and when we die, we are so. I hope you realize that everything here belongs to our Creator. We have possession for a while. It is best not to despoil ourselves with abundance but to live simply. It is moderation we seek. Omar.


Please know the nature of law with us is man maintains the women with him.

Please see this verse from chapter, The Women or four.

Please know that our Prophet had indicated that the property of a man was meant to be used for the welfare of the women and child.

Please know he categorically states that the man is to maintain the woman with his wealth. In this there is certainty that I have done so with my wife and then with my mother and sister when they came to live with me.

Please know I am just and only ask for justice to be done and I be allowed to live with the laws that I live with. Omar.


4:34  Men are the maintainers of women, with what Allah has made some of them to excel others and with what they spend out of their wealth. So the good women are obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded.


Please know reality is to keep the words of the Quran in perspective in your lives.

Please understand our Prophet had a child he adopted.

Please know he was asked to change his name to his father’s name who was in reality his father.

Please know these verses.

Please understand our words do not take the place of reality.

Please understand that we cannot adopt in reality as the children were born of another parent.

Please know that is the reality and if we give them our name they should know they are not ours in reality.

Please know spiritual matters take precedence and form the basis of reality.

Please understand Zihar.

Please know it was an Arab custom when he would declare his wife to be his mother in sexual relationships and would stop sleeping with her. It was not real and was abolished by Him.

Please know the same stands for our adopted sons and daughters.

The end occurs when you fight this.

Please know the wives of our Prophet are our mothers in spirit. In reality they are not.

Please know the Prophet’s wives would cover themselves from their companions as it was not a reality that they were mothers of them.

Please know the early Muslims took their friends as brothers.

Please know they could not inherit from them.

Please keep reality in perspective as it will give a solid foundation with your child.

Please know these verses are from the Criterion or the Quran, from chapter thirty-three.

Please understand criterion,

Please know it is the standard format for mankind. I know we need something in life by which we judge by. Omar.


33:4  Allah has not made for any man two hearts within him; nor has He made your wives whom you desert by Zihar, your mothers, nor has He made those whom you assert (to be your sons) your sons. These are the words of your mouths. And Allah speaks the truth and He shows the way.

33:5  Call them by (the names of) their fathers; this is more equitable with Allah; but if you know not their fathers, then they are your brethren in faith and your friends. And there is no blame on you in that wherein you make a mistake, but (you are answerable for) that which your hearts purpose. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.

33:6  The Prophet is closer to the faithful than their own selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers. And the possessors of relationship are closer one to another in the ordinance of Allah than (other) believers, and those who fled (their homes), except that you do some good to your friends. This is written in the Book.


Please know the first choice is yours and the follow-through is His to make you amend your ways.

Please see a requiem for me,

Please know I could not come through as advised and had a fall.

Please see I was advised by my Prophet not to pursue a date but did, the urge was too strong in me and I fell there eventual ways with her, so it occurs I am not the first of submitters but learnt to obey him who was Prophet there,

Please know our Creator revealed these words in the Quran here to the Prophet’s heart when he was in the cave Hira,

Please know them,

Please know the first injunction was to seek knowledge that is propagated by the pen,

Please know our Prophet was unlettered,

Please understand this,

Please know it was to indicate to him that some people cannot submit to their Creator as he could not.

Please know this,

Please know he was asked to do something he had an inability to.

Please be gentle when they commit a crime,

Please know man,

Please know they must make an effort and if they fail it is decreed for them,

Please know our Prophet was quiet when people could not come through,

Please know this is in spite of the law.

Please know eternity,

Please know man will be pleased there,

Please know some things are fate and our Prophet told us not to cry over spilt milk,

Please know our job is to give you the choices,

Please know you make them with your own volition,

Please know our Creator is merciful and will guide those who don’t come through,

Please know punishment is written.

Please make your choices wisely,

Please know they affect your Hereafter.


96:1  Read in the name of thy Lord Who creates —

96:2  Creates man from a clot,

96:3  Read and thy Lord is most Generous,

96:4  Who taught by the pen,

96:5  Taught man what he knew not.


Please know we turn away with aversion from the truth when we don’t accept it for ourselves.

Please learn the lesson of life,

Please know it is to tell you the truth,

Please know the truth is apparent to us and it is for us to submit to Him.

Please know of this verse from the Quran from chapter four or The Women.

Please know it is the characteristic of a hypocrite that when he sees something good from his Prophet he turns away.

Please know that it is true,

Please understand our Creator puts aversion in the hearts of people who He does not wanted to be guided to the truth,

Please know why,

Please know it is because their deeds are corrupt and they are not ready for solace from Him,

Please know they themselves don’t wish it,

Please know He would guide them if they but had the heart to submit to Him,

Please know the deeds of theirs need to be in order.

Please know there were some men who never accepted Islam, even when it was ascendant,

Please know that is what the seal is,

Please know our Creator is only making it occur.

Please know if we repent we would be saved,

Please know some never learn in this life. Omar.


4:61  And when it is said to them, Come to that which Allah has revealed and to the Messenger, thou seest the hypocrites turning away from thee with aversion.


Please know we all make our choice, Heaven or Hell.

Please know our Creator is kind for us to come through.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Immunity.

Please know this,

Please know Allah accepts the repentance of His servants.

Please know this is because He decides,

Please know He is the Creator of mankind,

Please know each has its destiny,

Please know He has vouchsafed it, Heaven or Hell.

Please know why?

Please know the progeny of mankind has a characteristic for some,

Please know they don’t want to submit,

Please know He knows that in His foreknowledge.

Please know it is written for us.

Please know He knows why it is so.

Please know it is because of the sins that have a precedence with them,

Please know a believer submits,

Please know he forsakes sin,

Please know he wishes to please,

Please know he cries at wrongs.

Please know he forsakes his pleasures for Him,

Please know it is written. Omar.


9:104  Know they not that Allah is He Who accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms, and that Allah — He is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful,

9:105  And say, Work; so Allah will see your work and (so will) His Messenger and the believers. And you will be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you did.

9:106  And others are made to await Allah’s command, whether He chastise them or turn to them (mercifully). And Allah is Knowing, Wise.


Please know we are made fit by life in this world if we but try to fathom the reason of the trial we are placed in, in heaven on earth.

Please know Him as He is your advocate.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Bursting Forth or 84.

Please know the purpose of man,

Please know the trial that befalls him,

Please know the test that occurs,

Please understand this,

Please know without the trial we cannot prove our worth,

Please know that if we are tested not, how can we excel,

Please know the exam is hard for us but those that succeed are relieved at the result.

Please know life is a test for us.

Please know God sends us tribulations to make us see and hear.

Please know when we do so our heart reforms and learns,

Please know our life is not meaningless,

Please know we were not created for fun and gaiety but to know Him and ourselves.

Please know we must see the reality of the world and know that it is evanescent.

Please know Him.

Please know you do so by toiling.

Please know we gain in intellect when we are made fit.

Please know the bursting asunder is ourselves.

Please know when we kill our previous opinions we make new opinions and grow and become fit.

Please know our Prophet said “kill yourself before you die.”

Please know he did not mean suicide but to kill your falsehoods.

Please know our destiny is to toil here.

Please know it is good to take Him with us on our journey to Him,

Please know He is peace to us,

Please know our journey can be peaceful.

Please say a prayer that you can keep Him with you,

Please know the journey is arduous but the reward is the most joy you can imagine,

Please know Islam is the armament of peace you need on this journey,

Please know we thank Him,

Please know there is no burden too severe for us,

Please know if you think it is fun and games you are here for then perdition is your home,

Please know I care for you and hope you will keep Him with you, inshallah or God willing you will. Omar.


84:1  When the heaven bursts asunder,

84:2  And listens to its Lord and is made fit;

84:3  And when the earth is stretched,

84:4  And casts forth what is in it and becomes empty,

84:5  And listens to its Lord and is made fit.

84:6  O man, thou must strive a hard striving (to attain) to thy Lord, until thou meet Him.

84:7  Then as to him who is given his book in his right hand,

84:8  His account will be taken by an easy reckoning,

84:9  And he will go back to his people rejoicing.

84:10  And as to him who is given his book behind his back,

84:11  He will call for perdition.

84:12  And enter into burning Fire.


Please know bastardy has to be prevented in a community by multiple marriages if the need be.

I agree nikah is sunnah of our Prophet and ordained by God. It is the panacea for peace to occur in a relationship as without it there would be strife and hardship.                                              

Please know we are married when the marital physical contact begins. I am surprised at you in this country that you used to discount marriage. It is essential for a relationship to prosper and gain acclaim.

I am hopeful that people will see through this sentiment that it makes no difference.

Please know it is sad for me to see children born out of wedlock. They need a parent there who they know is married to their mother. I know this as a fact that children perceive marriages better than we do as adults.                                                                                                                                               

I am safe in this that there will always be strife in a relationship without the marriage knot being tied as it makes us think we can dispense with the partner since we are not married. I know this emotion occurs in couples.                                                                                                             

In the end we choose our own destination. Whether to be law abiding and therefore enter Heaven or the converse.                                                                                                                                

I know we make choices.                                                                                                              

My heart was sad when you didn’t make the choice ordained by God as correct for you here on earth.

Please know you are adept now to take him in marriage if you wish to keep him.

Please know Nisa prevails you. Omar.


Please know the cool shade of the world is pleasing for me rather than the contrast of having hellfire when our Creator thinks us unworthy.

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet was a wayfarer who stayed awhile in the cool shade of the world then moved on to travel again.

Please know this is the way of humans.

Please understand they have a soul which will travel after this life.

Please understand this,

Please know that we are only in the world for a while.

Please understand we are bereft of belongings when we travel and only have our companions in heaven that occurs there in our waiting area.

Yours truly is a traveler who rests in the cool shade of the world as well.

Please know this world has a cool shade for some who forsake it.

Please know the opposite of the cool shade is the sweltering heat of hell.

Please understand this,

Please know we must be aware that if we commit sins our world is hot, as hellfire is kindled here and manifest in our Hereafter.

Please know what it means to travel,

Please know it is an experience we experience. Omar.


Please know we all need the stick as a deterrent so don’t berate Him on the issue as you would not come around without it. Please know we all need the carrot to entice us but later we do it for Him because we love Him.

Please understand psychology,

Please know it is to use the carrot and stick approach with mankind.

Please know man is strange.

Please understand this,

Please know that he does not want to understand the truth for fear of losing his liberty.

Please know when he does perceive it in his heart he still denies it with his tongue.

Please know the carrot,

Please know it is blessings from Him,

And the stick is His wrath which causes disquiet there.

Please know He understands you.

Please know without the fear of Hell you would not come through.

In this there is certainty that He encourages you to come around and be with Him in Paradise. Omar.





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