Main Body

3 Chapter Three




Please know compassion and kind heartedness through me in him.

Please know we are the best of creations when we adopt his mold as ours.

Please see the following hadith to show you the mercy our Prophet had to the infant child.

Please know our Prophet cried with compassion to others. In this there is sadness for you who think it is okay to ostracize him as a hard man with no compassion. We know life through him.

Please understand that we cannot know how to muddle through this existence without a guide and a Protector.

Please know I am pleased that people like my articles on our Prophet who knew you would come through and stay with us as we show you the life and works of the best of creations of our Creator. I mean no disrespect to Jesus or any other personage loved by God when I call him that but as I have explained before he was the expected one in their scriptures who was to bring about reform in the world. Omar.

A man said to the Prophet. “Messenger of Allah, prior to Islam we lived in a state of ignorance: we worshipped statutes and we killed our children. I had a daughter. She was fine and a delight. One day I called her to come to me and she followed me.

Please understand I threw her in the well and the last thing I heard was her cry, father! father!”

The Prophet’s eyes were tearful and the tears were all over his face. A man sitting next to the Prophet said to the speaker: “you have upset Allah’s Messenger” the Prophet said to the latter speaker: “leave him alone. He is asking about something that worries him.” He then said to the first man: “repeat what you have told me.” The man repeated his story about his daughter, and the Prophet wept again until his beard was wet with his tears. He then said to the man: “Allah has pardoned people what they did before accepting Islam. You may resume your good work.”

Related by Al-Darimi.


Please know he is foretold in your religion as one who will impart knowledge from Him.

Please know that Islam is served by literature such as this which brings out our common ideals that we live with here in Islam. In this we are safe in that our Islam is similar to the Islam served there in the times of your savior though it is more complete and sublime. In this we can be at peace as we know that our Prophet considered Islam to be a building made complete with his coming. I will serve as his emissary when I write these words from him that he gives you felicitations for accepting my message of peace to your community here. In this we are safe to know as we have been given acceptance in our views for your community to be correct for you. Ure son in repose knows there are many things that I have said to you but the underlying message to your community has been peace for you and felicitations as well. In this we have peace that you will see Paradise if you wish it for yourself.

Please know that Muhammad, The Prophet of Islam, is foretold in world scriptures as the noble who will come to reform the world. In this we are correct to think that it was he who was foretold by Jesus when he mentioned in the Gospel of John and elsewhere where is said to be the Spirit of Truth who will speak to them about things they did not bear at the present juncture indicating that they were not ready for religion to be complete. The Quran is clear in that the religion for mankind was completed, as indicated here. This occurred with the last revelation of the words of the Quran to be revealed. 

In the Gospel of John it also states that the words Muhammad will speak will not be his own; a well-known fact about the revelation of the Quran being from Him, that is our Creator. It states that Christ was the harbinger of the message of peace from Him and that Muhammad followed the principle of mercy that Christ taught to his followers in Islam. In this we have peace that Islam is the religion where it was complete and if the followers of other faiths wish to submit to Him in a different way they may do so knowing that there will be some weakness in them. Omar.

The Allies.

33:40  Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets. And Allah is ever Knower of all things.

The Table.

5:3  Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal), and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall, and that killed by goring with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten — except what you slaughter; and that which is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols), and that you seek to divide by arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion. But whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Gospel of John:

16:12 I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 

16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 


Please know the mercy of Allah is all encompassing and leaves no one behind.

Please see this verse from the chapter The Women.

Please know it is verse that forms the center of the Quran.

Yours truly knows it is a hard verse for you.

The end occurs when you think the mercy of our Creator does not encompass all things.

Please know there is forgiveness for all things but He will not allow anyone in Heaven if they associate anyone or anything with Him. It does not mean that He will not guide people into believing in the Oneness of Him.

Please understand this is what it means by encompassing us in His mercy. In this there is surety that when He guides we leave our old ideas behind.

Same accolade occurs for those who repent their sins. It is then that they have left their sins behind them as they forge onto a new life. Omar.


4:116  Surely Allah forgives not setting up partners with Him, and He forgives all besides this to whom He pleases. And whoever sets up a partner with Allah, he indeed goes far astray.


Please know you can lead them to drink in the Hereafter if they refuse currently.

Please know our Prophet did not give in their entreaties and taught as he was taught how to.

Please see this chapter’s verses regarding our Prophet’s character from The Rock.

Please know he was a man who never looked back. I know he was destitute but that was his choice to be so.

Please know he was upset that they would worship other gods while the truth of the Quran was apparent to them. I know it is the same here when people say they consider him god. 

Please know we continue in the face of adversary.

Please know you can lead the horse to the water but he won’t drink it if he decides not to.

Please know this does not dissuade us and we will continue to teach you irrespective if you drink or not.

Yours truly knows you have drunk it; it is only for your families to relent to you. Omar.


15:97  And We know indeed that thy heart straitens at what they say;

15:98  So celebrate the praise of thy Lord, and be of those who make obeisance.

15:99  And serve thy Lord, until there comes to thee that which is certain.


Please know he was a Robocop, like I am.

Please see the verse below that he is taught by his Creator.

Please see these verses from chapter 53 or The Star.

Please know it refers to the Prophet Muhammad.

Please understand this,

Please know he did not falter.

Please know he was true to it,

Please see the following caption,

Please know I am extant.

Please understand he had a Personal Teacher.

Please understand there were many revelations he did not talk about.

Please know there are clues that he received these revelations,

Please know he knew where to put the verses from the Quran,

Please know he did not say it was revelation from Him,

Please understand this,

Please know I am constantly guided through my insight.

Please know it is more clear for the Prophet. I know I am a saint as my guide guides me constantly more or less but sometimes I falter as I am not a prophet.

Please know there is much revelation he did not talk about.

Please know this,

Please try to encompass the thoughts in your mind,

Please know you can’t.

Please know you have to be indoctrinated.

Easy is it, when it occurs.

Please know it has to be experienced and cannot be explained.

Please know we are sane.

Please know it is the perfection from Him. Omar.


53:1  By the star when it sets!

53:2  Your companion errs not, nor does he deviate.

53:3  Nor does he speak out of desire.

53:4  It is naught but revelation that is revealed —

53:5  One Mighty in Power has taught him,

53:6  The Lord of Strength. So he attained to perfection,


Please know it was a dream he had that his son will arise and root out evil prevalent then.

Please understand this,

Please know our Creator made a man in the mold of Abraham, only fitter.

Please see this prayer from our father Abraham,

Please know it is in chapter fourteen or Abraham,

Please know this is true that his son came around from the progeny of Ismail.

Please understand this,

Please know he had two sons,

Please know Muhammad was the son he predicted would come and eliminate evil.

Please know his wish was to end idolatry.

Please know the Christians and the Jews of Arabia were unable to do it.

Please know a Prophet arose from amongst them who they were to recognize as their king,

Please know we cannot ascribe a man greater fitness than to convert over a hundred thousand to monotheism during his lifetime.

Please know this man dispenses Him,

Please know our Creator saved the last Prophet to a people who were the most arrogant and hard hearted. I know this is a miracle He performed with the king of mankind.

Please know their reality in this that a scholar like Michael Hart declared him to be the most successful man that tread the face of earth. Omar.


14:35  And when Abraham said: My Lord, make this city secure, and save me and my sons from worshipping idols.

14:36  My Lord, surely they have led many men astray. So whoever follows me, he is surely of me; and whoever disobeys me, Thou surely art Forgiving, Merciful.


Please know a dream of His entailed a prayer from him and his son Ismail.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Cow or two.

Please know our Prophet was the prayer of Abraham.

Please know both he and Ismail knew there was going to be a prophet raised from the Arabian Peninsula.

Please know we are foretold.

Please understand this is destiny.

Please know our father Abraham knew he had to leave Hagar and his son Ismail in Becca where the first house was built by Adam,

Please know he told Hagar he was asked to do so.

Please know our Creator has a plan.

Please know everything is foretold in the Book He has with Him,

Please know this is a guarded tablet.

Please understand this,

Please know He has written down everything before He created.

Please know you and me are in this tablet.

Please know every leaf that falls is in His knowledge from before.

Please know we cannot know the future except what He reveals from His Book. Omar.


2:125  And when We made the House a resort for men and a (place of) security. And: Take ye the Place of Abraham for a place of prayer. And We enjoined Abraham and Ishmael, saying: Purify My House for those who visit (it) and those who abide (in it) for devotion and those who bow down (and) those who prostrate themselves.

2:126  And when Abraham said: My Lord, make this a secure town and provide its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day. He said: And whoever disbelieves, I shall grant him enjoyment for a short while, then I shall drive him to the chastisement of the Fire. And it is an evil destination.

2:127  And when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House: Our Lord, accept from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.

2:128  Our Lord, and make us both submissive to Thee, and (raise) from our offspring, a nation submissive to Thee, and show us our ways of devotion and turn to us (mercifully); surely Thou art the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

2:129  Our Lord, and raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Thy messages and teach them the Book and the Wisdom, and purify them. Surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.


Please know it was over and he who was our friend Abraham was the one who perfected faith in Him, his Creator.

Please know the upright one is our Prophet, along with this man who is the patriarch for mankind.

Please see the following verses about Abraham from The Bee.

Please know he was the epitome of kindness, along with our Prophet.

Please understand him,

Please know he was kind to the traveler and the destitute,

Please know he would feed the guest,

Please know he was upright and truthful.

Please know he perfected his religion,

Please understand this,

Please know he was obedient in a degree only less than our Prophet,

Please know he was a submitter to a degree only less than the Prophet,

Please know he was second in the line of submitters,

Please know the Creator took him to be His friend.

Please know he cried at what would occur to man, like our Prophet did.

Please know he was tender hearted,

Please understand his Khalil state,

Please know it was to befriend the weak,

Please know he was kind to an extreme and was our Prophet’s prayer.

Please know it was to be like him, the Hanif or upright one.

Please know our Prophet was his prayer.

Please know it was to complete faith in Him. Omar.


16:120  Surely Abraham was a model (of virtue), obedient to Allah, upright, and he was not of the polytheists,

16:121  Grateful for His favors. He chose him and guided him on the right path.

16:122  And We gave him good in this world; and in the Hereafter he is surely among the righteous.

16:123  Then We revealed to thee: Follow the faith of Abraham, the upright one; and he was not of the polytheists.


Please know he was foretold in all the world’s scriptures

Please know we cannot allow leeway in this that he was not the prophet foretold in the Gospels and the Torah.

Please see this verse from the chapter The Elevated Plains or seven,

Please know our Prophet was unlettered when the revelation started.

Please know he had learnt to read by himself.

Please know that he was the follower of the Quran and submitted to every word.

Please know he could not read when the verse ‘Read’ was revealed to him,

Please know in this there was despair that he could not follow through with the first command to him,

Please know he was alone there and left for solace to occur to him.

Please understand this verse,

Please know the Prophet was foretold in the Gospel and Torah by the respective prophets.

Similarly Hindus have Vedas and other scriptures foretelling him as do other communities of the past,

Please know he was foretold by Moses when he asked them to show support for a prophet from among their brethren, who was like him,

Please know our prophet Jesus also foretold of a Comforter and a Spirit of Truth who was expected to appear who would guide them,

Please understand he indicated his Book would be different and would speak words as they occur from Him,

Please know there is no need for acrimony as both prophets foretold their friend would arrive and to show him support.

Real time occurs when we consider this a lie that they foretold him.

Please know our Creator is a witness to those words that you said when he took a covenant from you about helping him,

Please know they cannot deny it as it is in their books.

Please know when Jesus told them about him they agreed to help him or it would have been documented there that they would not.

Please know it is similar for Moses.

Please know that we cannot fathom another Prophet who fits this description.

Please know a caption here,

Please know we agree with Omar on this matter. Omar.


7:157  Those who follow the Messenger-Prophet, the Ummi, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel. He enjoins them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things and prohibits for them impure things, and removes from them their burden and the shackles which were on them. So those who believe in him and honor him and help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him — these are the successful.


Please see the words of Jesus and Moses on him.

Please know the honor he has as he was chosen to be the recipient of the revealed word of God.

Please see the verses from the gospel of John.

Please know he was the Comforter as well as the Spirit of Truth.

Please know this is the gospel I refer to.

Please know our Prophet had the Quran.

Please know it is in ‘first person’ as the Creator.

Please know Deuteronomy has the same thing about our Prophet’s advent.

Please know both he and Jesus knew he would have the Quran.

Please know the Quran is unique.

Please know none of the prophets had a book that was in the ‘first person God’ in so complete a vernacular.

Please know it is a challenge to you to bring a similar book.

The end occurs when they think a few passages quoted from Him can be compared to the Quran,

Please try to bring around a Book that has every word from Him,

Please try to fathom that our Prophet was to bring a law that would last forever.

Please know here the words of Jesus are that if you love him then be obedient.

Please know this is much ignored.

Please understand the Quran says something similar and we are asked to obey our Prophet,

Please understand why,

Please know in this world it is obedience that is required to create the perfect society.

Please know we are accountable for our deeds for this reason,

Please know we are accountable for not following Him,

Please know he has asked our love to continue, as it says in our Book that if you obey Him, He will love you.

Please know you will love Him more than before.

Please know this law.

Love begets love. Omar.


16:12–14: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me”.


14: 15 “If you love me keep my commands. 

14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another comforter to help you and be with you forever— 

14:17 the Spirit of truth. 


18:18: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all I command him.”


Please know the witnesses are those who proclaim his coming.

Please know the witnesses before were Moses and Jesus who both said to expect someone like Moses who would say the words of the Quran.

Please see these verses from The Sandhills or chapter 46.

Please know our Messenger was not the first of messengers sent to man,

Please know he was the last,

Please understand this,

Please know that he could not have built the structure of religion for all mankind.

Please understand this,

Religion is beautiful building created from before,

People marvel it,

Please know he was the last brick in the structure.

Please understand this,

Please know God sent the edifice of the structure and left the last brick as Muhammad, on him be peace.

Please know every culture has the edifice of the building,

Please know these are our laws on morality and truthfulness,

Please understand what truth is,

Please know it is foundation of every religion and Heaven is built by it. Omar.


46:9  Say: I am not the first of the messengers, and I know not what will be done with me or with you. I follow naught but that which is revealed to me, and I am but a plain warner.

46:10  Say: See you if it is from Allah, and you disbelieve in it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel has borne witness of one like him, so he believed, while you are big with pride. Surely Allah guides not the iniquitous people.


Please know you recognize Muhammad as you recognize your own sons.

Please know the pagan custom of calling men sons was in the actual sense while the Quran says they were in the sense of the metaphor or in the essence son of His creation of them from the loins not but hands He wrought them.

Please see this verse from The Cattle where the People of the Book are told they recognize the Prophet Muhammad like they recognize their own sons.

Please know you cannot deny he was a Prophet, like the prophets you had.

Please know we all know his characteristics of truthfulness and integrity.

Please know you know he had seal of the Prophet in that there was a mark between his shoulder blades that your monk used to identify him when he was a child traveling to Syria with his uncle.

Please know the verse goes on to explain he is like your sons whom you would not fail to recognize.

Please understand this,

Please know you may not know him in his message, as it is different from yours, but the fact remains you are polytheists and not a believer in One God in His essence.

Please know you are held accountable.

Please know I am your well-wisher and know that you wish to believe He is your God.

Please know you don’t believe He is your God when you call Jesus and His spirit as Gods.

Please know which God do you call on?

Please know it causes confusion in you and despair to some,

Please know Jesus was man according to his church under James the Just.

Please know these are divergent facts,

Please know there can’t be two truths on a matter.

Obviously James the Just was correct and his teachings are corroborated by the Quran,

Please have mercy on yourself and relent,

Please know the Quran says God is One,

Please know it is obvious your texts have been altered to imply he was a son in the actual sense,

Please see the similarity with the pagan customs of calling great men sons of His born to virgins.

Please realize the Bible is not to be relied upon in this regard. Omar.


6:20  Those whom We have given the Book recognize him as they recognize their sons. Those who have lost their souls — they will not believe.

6:21  And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah or gives the lie to His messages? Surely the wrongdoers will not be successful.

6:22  And on the day We gather them all together, then We shall say to those who set up gods (with Allah): Where are your associate-gods whom you asserted?

6:23  Then their excuse would be nothing but that they would say: By Allah, our Lord! we were not polytheists.


Please know he was brave and I emulate him as we should all be in his repose or his thoughts coming to us as he does communicate in spirit to his slaves.

Please know he is considered to be the bravest man ever created by Him by us in Islam.

Please know our Prophet was the bravest person we know.

Please understand in battle he was fearless.

Please know to rally the army he would declare his position by saying loudly he was there and to gather around him, and would rally them thereby.

Please know at the time the Meccans had prepared his death to occur he waited until he was completely surrounded and then walked out putting his trust in God. It so happened that at that time the enemy stalwarts who were going to kill me fell asleep and he escaped unhurt.

Please know this occurred when the Muslims had migrated to Madinah and he was practically alone in Mecca.

Please understand this,

Please know he put his trust completely in his Creator and did not worry.

Please know he was sure of his eventual victory.

Please know he was a prophet and knew the outcome of things that were transpiring to him and to others around him but did not know everything.

Please know there were expeditions he led that result in averse outcomes for them and in some contact with enemies his army lost.

Please know he was a simple man.

Please know he put his trust in Him and waited for things to transpire.

Please know when he left Mecca he and his companion took refuge in a cave. The enemy came to the entrance of the cave and his companion Abu Bakr was upset and worried that if they entered they would be discovered.

Please know our Prophet gave him solace and said “be not grieved as Allah is a third with us” I know when you are facing death it is difficult to bear equanimity.

Please know it so happened that a bird had formed a nest at the entrance and a spider had woven its web at the entrance so the men left without entering the cave thinking it was not possible that there could be anyone inside.

Please know this is the peace we have that he knew he was vouchsafed peace.

Please know he knew he would be victorious and lived with that conviction,

Please know there is no dearth of stories of his fortitude.

Please say a prayer that you can see his worth. Omar.


Please know war is incumbent on us if we are not allowed to practice faith.

Please see the following caption on our Prophet’s heart.

Please know it is an error that we don’t protect those of other faiths from practicing their religion in peace.

Please see these verses.

Please know the Muslims were not permitted to fight for their defense until these verses were revealed in Madinah and after that they were asked to fight in the defensive way when war was waged on them. In this there is certainty that all the wars that were waged there were in self-defense.

Please understand this,

In this there is clarity that wars waged in Islam have to be on this basis and the Quran says ‘be not aggressors.’ It is simple to pick up a book on our Prophet by a Muslim scholar and see the details of his life. It is clear that people of other faiths malign him with mischief. I am careful which book to recommend to you but I have stated this in the past that I recommend Muhammad Ali’s compendia of his life as it well researched and thoroughly vetted for inaccuracies. Omar.


22:39  Permission (to fight) is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed. And surely Allah is Able to assist them—

22:40  Those who are driven from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And if Allah did not repel some people by others, cloisters, and churches, and synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s name is much remembered, would have been pulled down. And surely Allah will help him who helps Him. Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.


Please see that personal injury is a forgiven act.

Please see this verse in Al-Rad and the accompanying text in Al-Shura where it says to forgive and amend is better.

Please know these verses show that not all evil is to be prosecuted but one can amend in other ways as well.

Please know the object is that evil to you is repelled.

Please see it occur in Muslim lands personal injury is forgiven when a party injures you.

Please know the object is that the evil does not go on.

Please know it is an affair of great resolution to forgive after injury is done but it is better than reciprocating in kind if the injurer asks for forgiveness.

Please know the law must take precedence if the party involved does not refrain in future or has no regret.

Please see it occur we are one entity in future settings of court on us when personal injury is forgiven if the party regrets his act.

Please know this is different from the Christian act of turning the other cheek when there is no regret, though the Quran does allow one to repel evil with goodness as well.

Please know the Jewish law of a tooth for a tooth is carried out in Islam as well.

Please know to forgive is better though. Omar.


13:22 And those who are steadfast seeking the pleasure of their Lord, and keep up prayer and spend of that which We have given them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good; for such is the (happy) issue of the abode —

13:23 Gardens of perpetuity, which they will enter along with those who do good from among their fathers and their spouses and their offspring; and the angels will enter in upon them from every gate.


42:36 So whatever you are given is but a provision of this world’s life, and that which Allah has is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord;

42:37 And those who shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive;

42:38 And those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and whose affairs are (decided) by counsel among themselves, and who spend out of what We have given them;

42:39 And those who, when great wrong afflicts them, defend themselves.

42:40 And the recompense of evil is punishment like it; but whoever forgives and amends, his reward is with Allah. Surely He loves not the wrongdoers.

42:41 And whoever defends himself after his being oppressed, these it is against whom there is no way (of blame).

42:42 The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress men and revolt in the earth unjustly. For such there is a painful chastisement.

42:43 And whoever is patient and forgives — that surely is an affair of great resolution.


Please know the manners of war here.

Please be circumspect.

Please know there are many opinions about these verses where fighting back was recommended.

Please know even the radical element in Islam also use these words in an out of context manner and kill them where found, not knowing innocent victims are never killed in a merciless manner.

Please see these verses from chapter two.

Please know the underlying element is persecution and torment from the disbelievers to the Muslims encouraging them to fight back until the persecution has ended.

Please see the obvious,

Please know the Muslims were to fight back until the hostilities ceased and peace occurred. Our Creator is magnanimous and would relent to peace with them even though they initiated the war on Muslims. It is clear once they were stopped in their persecutions they would be shown mercy and war would cease.

Please know people take the words ‘kill them wherever you find them’ as meaning killing innocents. This is not correct as it was meant to be in a state of war and once hostilities ceased peace was to be shown to them, as the following verse shows. Anyway our Creator never allowed him to kill in marketplaces and areas other than battlefields in warfare so you know that is not warfare they do but skirmish of an indecent kind.

Please know ‘religion is always for Allah’ and it is not for Muslims to deny people the peace of praying the way they wished.

Please know our Prophet never encouraged his Muslim fighters to convert people by force.
The end occurs when you misconstrue the words of His for your own satisfaction and imply a meaning to it that was not present in the time of our Prophet’s life.

Please be circumspect when people tell you that Islam prospered under the sword. It is so mistakes wee made by the early Muslim leaders but the Prophet was immune on this matter and his war was on him and not the converse as it says here in the verse below.

Please know I will help you realize that modern Muslims know this to be true that there is no compulsion in faith and everyone is allowed to worship as he or she wishes, with evident truth be known to them that Islam is true. Omar.

2:190  And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but be not aggressive. Surely Allah loves not the aggressors.

2:191  And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, and persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it; so if they fight you (in it), slay them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

2:192  But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

2:193  And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is only for Allah. But if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.


Please know fighting was known to them but they did not like it.

Please know these verses signify it is the nation’s responsibility to protect the places of worship.

Please see these verses from the Quran from the chapter The Hajj or 22.

Please know fighting was unknown to the Muslims while they were in Mecca.

Please understand this,

Please know they just wished to practice faith as it was taught to them,

Please know they were required to fight by this injunction,

Please know they did not care for it.

Please know that while they were at Madinah they were attacked repeatedly,

Please know we have to survive.

Please understand there is no option but to fight for them,

Please know every country requires it of their men.

Please know it is wrong to hold them accountable as they were victorious and Islam prospered gradually.

Please know they were victorious because of valor.

Please understand fighting was distasteful there and his companions used to complain they were tired of bearing arms.

Please know our Prophet would console them by telling them it was only a matter of time when they would not need to and conveyed them the good news that soon a woman would be able to travel alone.

Please know we don’t like fighting but it is possible that we don’t like something and it may be good for us. Omar.


2:216 Fighting is enjoined on you, though it is disliked by you; and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you; and Allah knows while you know not.


Please know he is your companion of a former faith as Muhammad superseded him when he appeared.

Please understand this.

Please know he is the warner to you to pay heed as you are currently on the wrong path where you call him God.

Please see these verses from chapter of The Saba or 34.

Please know our Prophet was sent as a Warner to you. In this there is certainty that his message was in the Quran for all mankind.

Please know he is unable to see it through by himself.

Please know his companion, myself, is asked to continue his work through his pen and through the teachings of the Quran, which are with you if you wish.

Please know it is vouchsafed that Islam will prevail over all the religions.

Please know it is only a matter of time.

Please know we don’t try to force Islam on you but it is for your benefit that you learn about it.

Please understand this,

Please know we go through turmoils in life and if we don’t have anything substantial to hold onto this life becomes insurmountable.

Please know that when you hold onto Allah and His book and Prophet’s life as an example, this life becomes surmountable and navigating through life’s travails becomes possible.

Please know I am your well-wisher and hope the best for you.

Please know if you do not heed this warning you do so at your own risk and will fail in achieving your endeavor, which is Paradise.

Please know this is as a warning to you.

Please know I hope you will take heed and enter Paradise with us.

Your prophet is Muhammad, not me, and not Jesus as he has been supplanted with the Quran coming to us.

Please know after the advent of Muhammad, he became the Prophet for all the religions of the world and a guide for them to enter Paradise with him and the rest of the saints and prophets.

Please realize this,

Please know we are not adversaries here in heaven.

Please know we all work for Him and work in unison in His repose.

Please know I am one facet with Him, our Creator, and the wheel’s hub is Muhammad, on him be peace, and peace be to his companion and savior for his people, myself here is meant by me. Omar.


34:26  Say: Our Lord will gather us together, then He will judge between us with truth. And He is the Best Judge, the Knower.

34:27  Say: Show me those whom you join with Him as associates. By no means (can you)! Nay, He is Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

34:28  And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of good news and as a warner to all mankind, but most men know not.


Please know the house he who is Abraham built was in Becca, the ancient valley with Him.

Please see the following caption on my heart,

Please know I am the Prophet’s heart for you in the metaphorical sense when I say he and I are one in repose.

Please know he was above me but I have fused with his repose for the most part here.

Please know it is over if you think I am him in actual as he had far more breadth than me and was deeper but I am a close second in depth that is why I teach you his word.

Please him by pleasing me.

Please know our Prophet Muhammad was given this House as a repository of appeasement for us in Islam and we go around it begging for forgiveness for our sins to Him and His law break by us by him and her.

Please know the place our Prophet was born was the town of Mecca where the ancient house is situated.

Please know this is where Adam went when he was evicted from the Garden,

Please know he built a House.

Please understand this,

Please know he wished to appease Him and the angel directed him to build a House for Him,

Please know this is a repository of appeasement,

Please know he had his family circumambulate it,

Please know this is the first House of worship.

The end occurs if they think an idolaters altar was here,

Please know He was pleased and forgave him and Eve,

Please know Arabia was green at this time,

Please see the following hadith of our Prophet,

Please know our father Adam was one of many,

Please know there were many Adams before him,

Please know we circulate the Kaaba with our heads bowed in reverence to Him,

Please see the following caption there,

Please know we are blessed with it,

Please know it is where our prophet left Ishmael,

Please know Abraham was directed here by an angel,

Please know the well Zamzam occurred because of the cries of the child. Omar.


Please know a new religion has to face adversity.

Please see the following caption here.

Please know the Prophet has appeared in the hearts of people as a savior for them.

Please know we are persecuted against though.

Please know some persecution is from the people who cajole them to take away my things and put me away. In reality they will not succeed as my work here is sacrosanct and people know I am a Muslim and will not be dissuaded to become another faith.

Please know they try though.

Please see this verse from the Quran in chapter two.

Please understand this,

Please know the enemy would not cease hostilities until the Muslims capitulated to idolatry.

Please know that when a new religion is taught people become averse to it and harm those who adhere to it.

Please know that is why our Prophet had to flee from his home town and migrated.

Please know they did not leave them at peace and tried to exterminate the faith of Islam by waging war on them.

Please know all the tribes were united in their attempt to exterminate Islam.

Please understand the believers had to fight to survive.

Please understand the immense pressure they were under and how they fought back to win.

Please know we are the underdogs here as well.

Please know people are kind here and that hatred they had for him is not apparent in this land now. Omar.


2:217  They ask thee about fighting in the sacred month. Say: Fighting in it is a grave (offence). And hindering (men) from Allah’s way and denying Him and the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are still graver with Allah; and persecution is graver than slaughter. And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can. And whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever — these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the Hereafter. And they are the companions of the Fire: therein they will abide.


Please know this is the blasphemy law in Islam.

Please know this verse.

Please know it is from The Family of Amran or chapter three.

Please know this is the injunction from our Creator to him,

Please know we are right in observing it in our lives.

Please know that there were no exceptions made.

Please know this is the injunction against the laws pervading in Muslim countries where they think a person can be killed for insulting them in Islam,

The end comes when you think the Prophet would be disobedient to it.

Please know in Islamic history it common to kill people if they insult the Prophet.

Please know there is shame in following this injunction.

Please know reliable reports have to be dismissed as we know the Prophet’s character and he would not be disobedient to Him,

Please see a requiem for him,

Please know you are unjust if you think I would kill for an insult.

Please know the cases of elimination of enemy combatants come from the verse ‘kill them where you find them.’

Please know it is in that context you take out an enemy combatant.

Please know this verse is applicable to someone who is in a state of war with you.

Please understand this is the norm for warfare.

Please know you do it here when you kill enemy combatants like you did with Osama Bin Laden and others you fight.

Please know the norm there was to use subterfuge.

Please know the only case of death for blasphemy ever recorded refers to a case where an enemy combatant was taken down as he broke a treaty with the Muslims and started war preparations. I know you are sane and know that it good to be fair. I know you find fault with him, but he, himself, was immaculate in war. The end occurs when you think he was not guided in warfare.

Please know it is clear you take me out of context here as I say you don’t kill a person for killing not but insult on him who you call Prophet to us as there is a punishment prescribed for it with jail real or public humiliation with lashes and so forth as sahaba would enact law of such nature there during the life of Muhammad there.

Please see it occur in Muslim lands they enact the aw of blasphemy of Muhammad with such a punishment rather than death as is done currently there. Omar.


3:186  You will certainly be tried in your property and your persons. And you will certainly hear from those who have been given the Book before you and from the idolaters much abuse. And if you are patient and keep your duty, surely this is an affair of great resolution.


Please know truth pervades a man when he sees defeat occur.

Please know the following.

Please know the truth pervades you when you are defeated.

Please know so it is with the judiciary and their defeat has occurred with you.

Please know they are abysmal and they are derided by you as we can see by their attitude.

Please know I am derided for telling you there is a law.

Please know you hate it that Hell is real and you will enter it if you continue your ways.

Please know men know and are certain, while women adapt to them,

Please know Allah kept this harmony with her so there would be families.

Please know it is over and enemy discomfiture results now as they recoup from you.

Please know they decant things to show disgust to them,

Please know it is poison they use.

Please know your child was at threat so that’s why I disclosed it at threat to my car.

Please know the war is over and the enemy is trying to recoup. I know the hearts are won and it is time for the truth to pervade them.

Please see this from chapter eight.

Please know Muslims were subject to war repeatedly however when it was over the Muslims were encouraged to make peace with the people who tried to annihilate them and show mercy to them.

Please know what this is,

Please know it is nobility which you don’t see nowadays.

Please understand this,

Please know when someone initiates war it continues until the superior force wins. I know sometimes truce occurs however in most cases the enemy is humiliated and the attempt is to remove them from power.

The end occurs when you think that our Prophet was not noble and after the battle would incline to peace and put his trust in Allah.

Yours truly knows this is within us to have this peace occur and desist from further attacks when we are safe.

Please understand this is in contrast to people nowadays where there is no inclination to peace until the enemies is thoroughly defeated.

Please know truth pervades the enemy camp when their discomfiture occurs and Allah is enough for us.

Please know that is the reason why Islam won. Omar.


8:61  And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. Surely He is the Hearer, the Knower.

8:62  And if they intend to deceive thee, then surely Allah is sufficient for thee. He it is Who strengthened thee with His help and with the believers,


Please know Muhammad was a World Prophet by way of his sagacity.

Please see this post from 2015 somewhere I wrote Jesus was not a world prophet but a Messiah there though it came about he was Messiah late but it is so it occurred.

Please know he is responsible for the conversion of Bani-Israel during his time but it was later that Christianity was converted to polytheism and law was abrogated by Paul there but it is so many entered the fold of Christianity because of it and many teachings of Jesus remained though altered in substance very much so and it occurred many nations succumbed to them the Christian force on them but it is so they entered hellfire because of polytheism issues.

Please know with my coming and Prophet Muhammad’s teach here on my book on Facebook you have come to realize Jesus taught polytheism not but was a monotheist like Islam say he was and you come into the fold of Islam because of us, all 3 did it for you when your comprehension occur and now you have it Islam of monotheism with you from the Quran to you.

Please see the caption there,

Please know we cannot bear the fact that he was not the World Prophet.

Please see these verses from The Bee or chapter 16.

Please know our Creator has not forsaken mankind.

Please know He sends a messenger to them who guides.

Please know our Creator has sent Muhammad to you, from myself.

Please know he teaches you things you did not have the heart to bear during Jesus’ time,

Please know this,

Please understand Jesus could not give them the prayer we have,

Please know they could not have followed the injunctions of the Quran,

Please know they could not have forsaken the world like we do.

Please know all this is real as when the religion went to the Gentiles they abdicated the truth,

Please understand this,

Please know Jesus was a Prophet of the Bani-Israel.

Please understand he knew that when his teachings went to the Gentiles they would be corrupted as there was no question he was not a Prophet to them,

Please know this is in the scriptures,

Please understand he was telling them his teachings were not for them,

Please know this was the error they made,

Please understand this,

Please know the World Prophet was Muhammad,

Please know the Quran cannot be corrupted in this issue and people will have to fall into line with it. Omar.


16:35 And the idolaters say: If Allah pleased we would not have served aught but Him, (neither) we nor our fathers, nor would we have prohibited aught without (order from) Him. Thus did those before them. But have the messengers any duty except a plain delivery (of the message)?

16:36 And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger, saying: Serve Allah and shun the devil. Then of them was he whom Allah guided, and of them was he whose remaining in error was justly due. So travel in the land, then see what was the end of the rejectors.

16:37 If thou desirest their guidance, yet Allah will not guide him who leads astray, nor have they any helpers.


Please know the Quran affirms the earlier scriptures.

Please know our Creator has sent a Messenger to you, hopeful, and fearful that you won’t come through.

Please know these verses from the chapter The Cattle.

Please know these are injunctions,

Please know all of them are the truth from Him,

Please know the right path,

Please know it is the truth,

Please understand the truth,

Please know the other opinion is false.

Please know there is one truth on the issues discussed here,

Please know it is the same truth that was given to Moses in his book,

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet loved his predecessor Moses,

Please know he was known there,

Please know he foretold them,

Please know the people of Madinah knew it was him they talked about.

Please know the Jews told their brethren it was him that Moses foretold,

Please know they later abdicated,

Please know the Quran confirms the law of Moses and Jesus upheld the law to them, his companion knows it to be so as without law from Him there would be chaos resulting in the land as you saw in your land with rampant abuse of child in you. Omar.


6:151  Say: Come! I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: Associate naught with Him and do good to parents and slay not your children for (fear of) poverty — We provide for you and for them — and draw not nigh to indecencies, open or secret, and kill not the soul which Allah has made sacred except in the course of justice. This He enjoins upon you that you may understand.

6:152  And approach not the property of the orphan except in the best manner, until he attains his maturity. And give full measure and weight with equity — We impose not on any soul a duty except to the extent of its ability. And when you speak, be just, though it be (against) a relative. And fulfill Allah’s covenant. This He enjoins on you that you may be mindful;

6:153  And (know) that this is My path, the right one, so follow it, and follow not (other) ways, for they will lead you away from His way. This He enjoins on you that you may keep your duty.

6:154  Again, We gave the Book to Moses to complete (Our blessings) on him who would do good, and making plain all things and a guidance and a mercy, so that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.


Please see unlettered was the norm there in Arabia during his time but he became lettered very quickly after the verse of Read was relayed to him as the first communication he had from the angel to him.

Please see this verse from The Elevated Plains.

Please know it is our Creator Who decides our roles.

Please understand our Creator raised our Prophet to be the World Prophet predicted in the Gospels and the Torah as well as other religions.

Real time is with him as he converted most of the nation of Arabia during his lifetime.

Yours truly knows that it is only the beginning. In this there is certainty that Islam will prevail over other religions.

Yours truly knows that the time is appropriate to tell mankind that our Prophet still directs affairs on His behalf from his heavenly abode.

The end is there for those who think the prophets can’t communicate with their followers in dreams and in other ways.

Yours truly knows the time is ripe for our Prophet to emerge from his heavenly abode and descend to the world in spirit through the teachings of Muslims like myself.

Yours truly wishes you well as you continue the study of him who was unlettered or ummi and still was wise as he was taught directly by Him in Whose hand is our soul.

The end occurs to him who thinks he was an uncivilized bedouin who did not do any good. I know you are more fair in this country and understand that being unlettered was the norm in those days in his land and the merit of a man does not lie in the books he writes but in the wisdom that emanates there with him. Omar.


7:158  Say: O mankind, surely I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, of Him, Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He; He gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Ummi Prophet who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him so that you may be guided aright.


Please know our Prophet has decreed it you will be pleased here.

Please see it is safe to say it has come about this verse that light emanates from the house of a believer in this town not only but worldwide the move is there.

Please also know that the light is from the blessed oil which came in the form of teachings from his soul who is Muhammad there and I teach from the oil I borrow and it has come about my recognition as his emissary from hard work and dedication to his word here on Facebook and my book here and other material I write.

It has come to pass that his words are true and gradual way is your way but your child is already us and will teach child I am his emissary who is Muhammad, on him be peace that Islam is good and wholesome here.

Please know it is gradual you think but it is not so, most of you read me and the Quran is in many of your houses which you consult some and your child is taught we are good people with truth from Him Who creates, there you have it we are one Christian race like I was telling you that Muhammad on him be peace in that regard was a Christ believer and taught monotheism like he did and so now you have it we are Christians in that regard and our book is different but has the essence of Jesus’ teaching in it from Muhammad to us.

Please know our Prophet has decreed it and he never spoke an untruth.

Please see this verse which talks about a light emanating from the chapter The Light.

Please know it is the light of Islam,

Please know our Prophet is the source of that light.

Please know he is the oil.

Please know our light is superimposed upon the light of the previous scriptures.

Please know it emanates from the houses of the believers,

Please see the characteristic of the believer,

Please know this is you in this land,

Please know this,

Please know your hearts yearn for the truth more than my brethren,

Please know our Prophet decrees it,

Please understand I am your peace,

Please know your peace,

Please know it is to pray as we do.

Please know it will be so. Omar.


24:35  Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lamp — the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shining star — lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it not — light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Knower of all things —

24:36  (It is) in houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and His name to be remembered therein. Therein do glorify Him, in the mornings and the evenings,

24:37  Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the paying of the poor rate — they fear a day in which the hearts and the eyes will turn about,

24:38  That Allah may give them the best reward for what they did, and give them more out of His grace. And Allah provides without measure for whom He pleases.


Please know the sign is that man has peace when he says His verdict is true that there is no god but Allah and me is safe here to allow you this.

Please see the shahada is the sign you are with me in our battlefront against adversary like the devil in us and so forth now you know we are one team on His side when you say so.

Please know our Creator has given us signs in the universe and in His creations that He is One as if there had been more than one God there would have been disorder.

Please see these verses from The Bee or chapter 16.

Please know he was sent to mankind as a mercy to them,

Please understand him,

Please know he was only for their reformation.

Please understand he was not only a messenger but a savior for them as he guided them aright and they followed him,

Please understand a prophet is like rain that comes to a dead earth and gives it growth,

Please know the metaphor is applied here.

Please know that our Prophet will give herbage to the world through the teachings of the Quran,

Please understand he was a Prophet who left a legacy,

Please know his legacy is a Muslim who teaches,

Please know we must try to bring about a change,

Please know what change is,

It is to know the truth and live by it,

Please know we must change our heart,

Please know it is to kill the wrong in us so we may live,

Please understand this,

Please know our heart is dead if we deny the truth,

Please know the devil prospers.

Please know this,

Please know when he teaches man the error, they follow him,

They die in their heart,

Please know they fight for him.

Please see he is able to kill you,

Was this the reason you left your truth?

Please know your truth is Allah,

Please know He is Sublime,

Please know while He is hidden He has given you signs. Omar.


16:63  By Allah! We certainly sent (messengers) to nations before thee, but the devil made their deeds fair-seeming to them. So he is their patron today, and for them is a painful chastisement.

16:64  And We have not revealed to thee the Book except that thou mayest make clear to them that wherein they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe.

16:65  And Allah sends down water from above, and therewith gives life to the earth after its death. Surely there is a sign in this for a people who listen.


Please know the miracle was clear but people walked out calling it enchantment.

Please understand this,

Please know there is wisdom in staying away from performing miracles.

Please see these verses from The Moon,

Please know this is a miracle he performed while talking to them who denied him,

Please understand this,

Please know he did not perform many miracles as he saw what occurred to the People of the Book,

Please know they ascribed Godhead in him,

Please understand the people who saw the miracle said it was enchantment.

Please know they lied,

Please know such it was to the detractors of Jesus,

Please know our Prophet turned away from them,

Please know he said he could do no more,

Please see the caption there,

Please know we are liars,

Please understand he was averse to performing miracles and said the Quran is his miracle with us.

I am similar and don’t perform much in the form of a miracle to us but my teachings coming through his pen who is Allah’s messenger is a miracle to man and wife.

Please know hidden things are my forte as a saint to you and that’s why this land is sacred to us in that they protect my car some from the government who are averse to my teach to continue here. Omar.


54:1  The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent asunder.

54:2  And if they see a sign, they turn away and say: Strong enchantment!

54:3  And they deny and follow their low desires; and every affair is settled.

54:4  And certainly narratives have come to them, which should deter—

54:5  Consummate wisdom — but warnings avail not;

54:6  So turn away from them. On the day when the Inviter invites them to a hard task —

54:7  Their eyes cast down, they will go forth from their graves as if they were scattered locusts,

54:8  Hastening to the Inviter. The disbelievers will say: This is a hard day!


Please know there is no hatred here but a recognition of facts.

Please see the Jewish council is still averse to us but many youths are with us and know their predecessor was hard to Mary and Jesus and know they were innocent in trying to correct their wrongs there and I am similar as I bring reform to Muslim land in that they have gone away from the religion of Muhammad, on him be peace in that regard.

Please know Jews are good people if they accept our Prophet as a prophet of His, 

Please know it is so for all people, 

Please know it is true in your land that you consider him to be His prophet.

Please know Islam has occurred with you.

Please know you will not fight it.

Please know the reason why I say it is because you have accepted the truth of it.

Please know you are averse to the Muslim car because their car is not of the Muslims who forbid wrong things and enjoin good on others.

Please know the Muslims of today are different from the early Muslims of Islam when piety and good character reigned.

Please know Muslims have to improve their lot.

Please give in.

Please know your people are better.

Please know your word is kept and you behave better with those that are downtrodden,

Please know you give rights to people,

Please know your administration is under the people,

Please know there is no proof for some of the things I say yet I am allowed to express my views.

Please know it is your country that allows this.

Please know you hold freedom of speech to be a sacred trust.

Please know there are elements in your government that want me controlled but I am permitted leeway for the most part.

Please know there is injustice here as well but I am permitted peace.

Please know there is a sacred trust with you.

Please know it is to allow people to express their views.

Please know you are the best nation because of this.

Please know there are many in your land who adore Him and do not fight Islam,

Please know the righteous.

Please know it is the one who gives to the poor his due.

Please know he is the downtrodden one here,

Please Him,

Please give Him His due and worship Him alone.

Please know Jesus said this in Matthews and Islam confirms this.

Please know He will come through for you and serve you.

Please know Jesus never said worship me or worship the son.

Please know these are your words from the teaching of Paul and others.

Please know inspiration,

Please know a scholar’s words are inspired at times but are not revealed.

Please know an edict comes from the prophet who is revealed,

Please know a scholar cannot contradict the prophet.

Please know explanations have to be circumspect.

Please know the teachings of Paul contradict the Old Testament and the words of Jesus.

Please know Jesus called himself son of man repeatedly.

Please know Islam is served here so I will speak.

Please know the Quran validates the Old Testament that God will never allow another god to be worshipped and also contradicts the teachings of Paul about Godhead in him,

Please know to hold the Quran as a criterion.

Please know it will guide you about fallacies in the Christian faith that crept in after monotheism was abrogated in the council of Nicaea.

Please know until then monotheism was the mainstay of the Christian faith.

Please give me accolade for bringing it to you.

Please know you have read my book and found it cogent.

Please know the Jews are at fault for fighting it.

Please know there are some who are good though and keep their covenant with Him,

Please know there are many that adore Him.

Please see on other issues they are averse but it is so they consider me a messiah to them and also realize to backtrack on Jesus and Mary is sane as they were good people there.

Please them and teach them that Islam is their religion and their Prophet is him whom we hold dear. Omar.


3:110  You are the best nation raised up for men: you enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah. And if the People of the Book had believed, it would have been better for them. Some of them are believers but most of them are transgressors.

3:111  They will not harm you save a slight hurt. And if they fight you, they will turn (their) backs to you. Then they will not be helped.

3:112  Abasement will be their lot wherever they are found, except under a covenant with Allah and a covenant with men, and they shall incur the wrath of Allah, and humiliation will be made to cling to them. This is because they disbelieved in the messages of Allah and killed the prophets unjustly. This is because they disobeyed and exceeded the limits.

3:113  They are not all alike. Of the People of the Book there is an upright party who recite Allah’s messages in the night-time and they adore (Him).

3:114  They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and they enjoin good and forbid evil and vie one with another in good deeds. And those are among the righteous.

3:115  And whatever good they do, they will not be denied it. And Allah knows those who keep their duty.


Please know the heart gives solace to us in that it needs its comfort.

Please know our Prophet was the best of creations because he was informed of that by Him and because all prophets vouchsafed his coming as their leader and as the World Prophet.

Please see he was truthful to an extreme and would not lie about his magnificence with Him, the Creator, as the best entity He created and the Quran also verifies he was the man chosen for world reform with the Book of Allah to them in the world forum.

Please know the following,

Please understand our Prophet passed away in peace knowing the message had been transmitted to the people who were steadfast.

Please understand his work was over and was handed over to the stewardship of his companion Abu Bakr, the first caliph after him.

Please know he was not harmed as was the promise of our Creator to him.                          

Was this the reason you thought ill of him?

Please know he was the Prophet after your own heart as he was given a promise by Him in the Quran that He would protect him from skirmish and harm.

Please understand I know you don’t wish to die prematurely and you would like to live long lives.

Please know I know you want peace with your family and friends. I know this is possible in Islam as the Prophet had similar aspirations. I know the life of Jesus would be hard for you. I know you wish for peace in a role model.                                                                                       

Please know the following,

Please see the caption on his heart,

Please know I am the best of the creations and it is seemly that I am followed.

Please understand the message of Jesus was too hard for you and you abdicated in favor of peace and comfort. Omar.


3:144  And Muhammad is but a messenger — messengers have already passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels? And he who turns back upon his heels will do no harm at all to Allah. And Allah will reward the grateful.

3:145  And no soul can die but with Allah’s permission — the term is fixed. And whoever desires the reward of this world, We give him of it, and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter, We give him of it. And We shall reward the grateful.

3:146  And how many a prophet has fought, with whom were many worshippers of the Lord. So they did not lose heart on account of that which befell them in Allah’s way, nor did they weaken, nor did they abase themselves. And Allah loves the steadfast.


Please validate this fact that though he said it no one has contradicted him that he was the spirit Jesus spoke of as he had never known a lie.

Please know we must learn to accept certain facts as historical evidence and not try to bring up excuses if we cannot see reason in our viewpoints.

Please see this verse from the chapter The Cave or 18.

Please know our Prophet was a mortal as was his predecessor Jesus.

Please know all the prophets came with the same message.

Please understand that is the Unity of their Creator.

Please understand the role for reformation came to a man.

Please know angels cannot teach mankind.

Please understand when Jesus referred to the Spirit of Truth he referred to a man as a spirit does not teach mankind.

Please know the spirit Jesus referred to was the spirit in a man though it is true here that his spirit pervades us through my pen to you and you have come through in this eon.

Please know we all have a spirit.

Please understand a spirit that has never known an untruth in it is the spirit of our Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace.

Please know his worst enemy had stated he had never spoken a lie.

Please know this was confirmed by the Prophet himself who is the only person who has said that about himself.

Please know when Jesus said that the Spirit of Truth will come to teach you things which you do not have the heart to bear right now he was referring to a man.

Please know he was talking about his followers who did not have the heart to bear the Islam of their times.

Please know when the Prophet taught the Christians agreed with him and accepted his teachings in the Christian world of Asia there and Africa and now in this time he still teaches through pen like mine and you have come forth as a nation of Islam here.

Please know an angel can’t teach masses of people.

Please know there is clarity in the reality of what occurred.

Please know these words of your savior are in the gospel of John.

Please know they fit the description of him, that is Muhammad.

Please know there is no man since Jesus who has made the claim of never speaking a lie and its validation is in history.

Please know your heart,

Please know that you accept the truth,

Please know and learn the message of Muhammad was correct and in your book there are fallacies as you know from your Bible scholars you have faith in. Omar.


18:110  Say: I am only a mortal like you — it is revealed to me that your God is one God. So whoever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds, and join no one in the service of his Lord.


Please know jizyah is sane to do rather than coerce people to a religious belief they were not comfortable in.

Please see the ultimatum of God.

Please understand enchanter.

Please know you would call him that here in order to discredit him to her who seeks.

Please understand the Quran.

Please know at that time it was the most beautiful poetry.

Please see the inscription there.

Please produce something like it.

Please do it!

Please know it is a challenge to all mankind to produce the like of it.

Please know your worth.

Please know you won’t accept the challenge as it is not worthy of you to do this.

Please see the inscription on Heaven.

Please see it says ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger.’

Please realize this is a fact that all will accept, in it.

Please know our Creator was careful about the words He used and indicated that they were conquered.

Please know our Creator wished to show people that they were vanquished.

Please realize this,

Please understand that the people who paid jizyah would stop feeling subjugated to this state if they became Muslims but no compulsion was used.

Please know He knows the psychology of man and knows that a vanquished person would feel good if he accepted the truth of Islam thereby becoming a member of the ruling class of men.

Please understand Allah does this as men and women do not bow to the truth when they feel superior.

Please know He is our Creator and He knows what is best for His servants so that they live the lives of truthful conduct and behavior.

Please see these verses from the chapter The Immunity.

Please know the tax that was obtained was spent on the reformation of the people.

Please know in lieu of the tax the Non-Muslims were told that they would be taken care of.

Please realize this,

Please know that mankind has a need that his property is protected.

Please know it was the job of the Muslim administrator to take care of this need. I know there were examples of people whose jizyah was returned to them when the Muslim army could not take care of their need.

Please know it was not to humiliate the Non-Muslims but to encourage them to come into Islam.

Please know our Prophet used it judiciously and when the enemy was faced they were given an option of paying the jizyah or go to war if they did not wish to convert to Islam.

Please know this is not coercion as Muslims pay a charity tax that is levied in the amount similar to the tax rate for them.

The end occurs that it was humiliating for them.

Please understand they had equal rights as citizens.

Please know they were only taxed to show they were under Muslim rule and the choice was given to them to pay the jizyah or the charity tax.

Please know after learning about Islam they preferred to pay the charity tax as Muslim citizens. Omar.


9:29  Fight those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor follow the Religion of Truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgement of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.


Please know the position of ours is known to Him.

Please know the positions with Him are fixed and cannot be altered by any man or angel.

Please see these verses from the chapter Women.

Please know this is what submission is,

Please know it is to give in to your Creator’s wishes for you.

Please know this is the example of Abraham and Muhammad, on them be peace.

Please try to do this and you will see how difficult it is.

Please know that in the absolute reality of things our Creator is everything to vie for,

Please know our Prophet was similar,

Please know the viers are those who give in to peace with men,

Please know that those who vie for coveted positions with Him do so for themselves,

Please know we all take care of ourselves,

Please know there are infinite positions with Him,

Please know we are created first,

Please know the souls that follow are in a position of decrement in their creation,

Please know the best was Muhammad and was the soul with Him before He created the rest.

Please know this is hadith and not my revelation that you find askance with.

Please know I know it to be true,

Please see why?

Please know it is because He revealed it, just like He writes for us. Omar.


4:125  And who is better in religion than he who submits himself entirely to Allah while doing good (to others) and follows the faith of Abraham, the upright one? And Allah took Abraham for a friend.

4:126  And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And Allah ever encompasses all things.


Please know the akhirat is for those who submit to the truth in His teachings to us.

Please see this verse that our Prophet was a mortal and wished best for you,

Please know he was a knower of the unseen to some extent, as revealed by his Creator, as we all are in Islam when we follow his teachings,

Please know when we learn Islam we gain peace about the unseen.

Please know Islam occurs in our hearts then,

Please know we learn to submit to His presence in us,

Please Him occurs.

Please know our Prophet is a warner to you that you come through.

Please know this verse where the Prophet ascribes mortality to himself.

Please know it is from The Elevated Plains.

Please know our Prophet was a man and knew only what was told to Him from his Creator,

Please know this,

Please know he had a peace for you from Him,

Please understand this,

Please know he was solicitous for you and wished you well.

Please know our Creator wants the best for you.

Please know in His wisdom are who those who submit to Him and some who those who fail to do so.

Please know He created Heaven and Hell before He created mankind and other creatures.

Please know He wished to show you who were the best of submitters and why they have a Heaven that is theirs.

Please know this,

Please know we will all know our station,

Please know I know you know it in your heart,

Please have mercy on yourself and submit to His teachings.

Please know there is only one truth from Him,

Please know everything else is false,

Please know the Prophet’s car,

Please know it followed the Word from Him,

Please do not delete it,

Please read the Quran.

Please know it attests the Old Testament in that there is only One God.

Please know this,

Please know it is the only book that was preserved intact for the most part.

Please check your history book.

Please know the changes made in the scriptures are nullified,

Please know the Word,

Please know there is only one truth on the matter and that is there is no God but the Creator of the Heavens and man,

Please know so say the Quran and the scriptures of Abraham and Moses,

Please know Jesus did not deviate and what they ascribe to him is them, not his word. Omar.


7:187  They ask thee about the Hour,  when will it come to pass? Say: The knowledge thereof is with my Lord only. None but He will manifest it at its time. It is momentous in the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you but of a sudden. They ask thee as if thou wert solicitous about it. Say: Its knowledge is with Allah only, but most people know not.

7:188  Say: I control not benefit or harm for myself except as Allah please. And had I known the unseen, I should have much of good, and no evil would touch me. I am but a warner and the giver of good news to a people who believe.


Please know we all know rancor but He.

Please know I had rancor there when I wrote it but with the passage of time it assuages and becomes clear we are his guests.

Please know this

Please know I am his metaphor, he is real for you to follow.

Please know our Prophet said no one will enter Paradise without being him,

Please know it is worded incorrectly in the hadith that they will look like him,

Please know the Prophet knew he was chosen for His repose in actual and as a guide to man,

Please know repose here means God intent for man to be.

Please know me,

Please know I am a mercy to you,

Please know I bring you the truth,

I am his metaphor as when I write you think it is our Prophet who comes to you and speaks to you.

Please know the reason why our Prophet was given the heavens and earth as his inheritance is because he is the who befits it for himself.

Please know he is only one who does not have an example that he would follow. I know it causes rancor in me as I feel the heavens and earth belong to God but they are given to the Prophet as his. I know it irks some of you but there is peace here,

Please know when you enter Paradise it becomes yours as well.

Please know this,

The end occurs if you think it will not last,

Please know that once you become owner like our Prophet is, it will always be yours.

Please know rancor,

Please know it is when you think it is unjust what is done,

Please realize this,

Please realize the Prophet did not consider Heaven as his but was a place where believers in Him go.

Yours truly has a heart that knows there is peace in this that we are guests of his on His behalf as it behooves not to earn rancor,

Please know I can’t comprehend it to my satisfaction so let the Prophet say to you that when the Creator created him, the Prophet, He knew that he would be mold for all mankind to follow.

Please know in this way he would guide all of mankind to Paradise where once they enter would be inmates of it.

Please know the Prophet was vouchsafed the Heaven as it was his make and character that the Creator would allow in it. I am surprised at you that you think Jesus was the prophet he intended as the role model for you while he himself asked you to wait for the Spirit of Truth who would teach you things he could not teach due to sin of his that had transpired in his youth,

Please know our Prophet is a mercy to you.

Please understand mercy,

Please know he will take you to it,

Please know I too am a mercy to you as I take you to him,

Please know that I am a saint and not a prophet. I only teach his words as they come to me,

Please know a requiem for him,

Please know he is a mercy to mankind,

Please know it is me not who is Rahmat Al-Alimeen but he himself as the Quran says and I am his emissary as I write these words to you that I am great by you and Allah but not the one who is the coveted one by man.

Please know I know you think me unwell but when I started off writing that is what you said but it has happened that you learnt your God was One through my page.

Please see the tasdeeq here of him being the mercy to us is as the words of the Quran say this.

Also know mercy is to enter Heaven and it is through Muhammad you have the message intact that takes you there.

There is no one in history who has the Quran, so there occurs, the proof has occurred here. Omar.


21:107 And We have not sent thee but as a mercy to the nations.

21:108 Say: It is only revealed to me that your God is one God: will you then submit?

21:109 But if they turn back, say: I have warned you in fairness, and I know not whether that which you are promised is near or far.

21:110 Surely He knows what is spoken openly and He knows what you hide.

21:111 And I know not if this may be a trial for you and a provision till a time.

21:112 He said: My Lord, judge Thou with truth. And our Lord is the Beneficent, Whose help is sought against what you ascribe (to Him).


Please know the seal of Allah is His Prophet Muhammad.

Please know our Creator was merciful when He created him, from Himself.

Please know this,

Please know our Prophet is immaculate,

Please know that was his nature,

Please know spotlessly clean,

Please know our Prophet was asked if he wished to represent Him or them, his people,

Please know he chose them,

Please know he is king with them,

Please know this,

Please know he is the one the court asks for,

Please know judge,

Please know him,

Please know he is man’s judge with Him,

Please know Judge,

Please know He is our God,

Please know our Creator is the Judge with him,

Please know your acts,

Please know he will intercede for you with Him,

Please know He will permit you peace if he intercedes,

Please know he was Him in repose and in turn he was His repose,

Please know he cared to bring you truth,

Please know he will intercede for you and Jesus and myself.

Please know why?

Please know we sin at times,

Please know we are human and err,

Please know he erred and was corrected by Him,

Please see a requiem,

Please know it is to bring you peace,

Please know what is this peace,

Please know it is the world order when we are His repose,

Please be like me,

Please know repentant,

Please know to perfect oneself,

Please know it is to repent and forgive oneself.

Please know this verse from the Quran,

Please know it means he was us in consideration,

Please know you know it is over and you know him Prophet, as is Jesus,

Please know he predicted him,

Please know they are all derived from His essence and are with Him in Paradise.

Please know they were special, these two, as they were His essence,

Please know they know it is only the complete makeup of Him they see.

Please know that is why I am incomplete as yet but may be complete before I die.

Please know see the following caption.

Please know I am not he who you worship or used to worship.

Please know it is because I am literal I write this,

Please understand this,

Please know you are raised to your setting in the Hereafter depending upon what you say.

Pleased know you are only human and I relent to you, but desist, he is not your worshipped one anymore,

Please Him,

Please know when you say it, your destination is Hell, unless you repent.

Please know He is not pleased,

Please know it is what your tongue says but consideration is given to your heart,

Please know it is over and now you know.

Please know he was His seal who was Muhammad,

Please know Muhammad was seal and was perfect, so he served Him well.

Please know that is final, as well as seal.

Please know He is literal in this issue and must be taken at face value,

Please know you cannot say he is not as hadith law applies where he says he is last.

Please Him and desist.

Please know they are sons who serve Him,

Please know he was the one close to him, whom you call on, Jesus to you,

Please know I know you are forced, but desist.

Please know I am simple, the words of the Quran are invincible,

Please know if you start to say it, it will be you there,

Please Him and desist. Omar.


33:21  Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Latter day, and remembers Allah much.


Please know to submit is simple if you have the heart to do it.

Please see the following verses from The Bee or chapter 16.

Please know all of us destined to bow down to our Creator, whether we like it or not.

Please come to your Lord willingly and He will show you peace. The end is here for those who think they don’t need Him. I know we are weak and when we are tested will turn to Him for help. 

Please try to remember your place with Him. I know we think we are self-sufficient but when push comes to shove we will not be able to remain so and will ask others for help. I am sad that we cannot come willingly to Him, like the other creatures He has created. In the final analysis we choose to forsake Him and He does not do so in the least. He has provided all the tools for your development and given guidance to mankind but they do not take heed. 

Please know we will all submit eventually so it is better not to go to Hell which is where a denier of Him will end in but rather submit humbly here in our life on earth. In this there is certainty that it take a humble heart to make obeisance to Him. 

Please try to remember your place with Him as you were created out of the ejaculate of a male and female. In this certainty that mankind forgets its humble origin and contends with Him in their arrogance of non-obedience. Omar.


16:48  See they not everything that Allah has created? Its (very) shadows return from right and left, making obeisance to Allah, while they are in utter abasement.

16:49  And to Allah makes obeisance every living creature that is in the heavens and that is in the earth, and the angels (too) and they are not proud.

16:50  They fear their Lord above them and do what they are commanded.


Please regard this notice to you that if you can best him, then try, you will not be able to.

Please know this man who is being revealed to you through his agency.

Please know the following,

Please understand ‘to forgive is divine.’

Please know it means it is a divine deed.

Please know we are not Him but he expects us to follow through and forgive people who have done us wrong. I know it is difficult, but it is possible.

Please realize we must try to learn Divine attributes to be like Him. I know He created us in His Image.

Please know that our Prophet was given certain injunctions and he tried to fulfill them and improved himself.

Please know we are not created perfect.

Please know it is a constant struggle and that is why it is called the greater jihad.

Please know this is him,

Please know his Creator advised him that “whosoever should cut you off, draw him to yourself and whosoever should deprive you, give him. Whosoever should do you wrong, pardon him.”

Please understand this.

Please know it is not a simple task to do and goes against conventional thinking.

Please understand these attributes are divine, and should be learnt.

Please know that you can realize the forgiveness He has if this is what He expects of his servant.

Please understand we cannot give enough in our life here to become him.

Please know this is what he expects of one He has chosen for greatness.

Please know this and realize he lived his life this way.

Please know this was a divine injunction that came to him through an angel.

Please understand that he was tried excessively and our Creator asked him to forgive people who kill others.

Please know this occurred in the battle for Mecca where the whole city was given amnesty and because of the magnanimity of their Prophet they converted to Islam.

Please understand that divine attributes in man can change the hearts of the most ardent of enemies.

Please know this man who effaced himself to develop divine attributes and thereby conquer the hearts of people.

Please know this man who forgave people who had maimed and killed.

Please know when you come into Islam your sins are not accountable.

Please know this man who changed the hearts of humanity to worship his Creator.

Please know he was the most successful man due to these attributes of forgiveness and mercy.

Please realize, this is man I ask you to follow. Omar.

Araf or The Elevated Plains.

7:194  Those whom you call on besides Allah are slaves like yourselves; so call on them, then let them answer you, if you are truthful.

7:195  Have they feet with which they walk, or have they hands with which they hold, or have they eyes with which they see, or have they ears with which they hear? Say: Call upon your associate-gods then plot against me and give me no respite.

7:196  Surely my Friend is Allah, Who revealed the Book, and He befriends the righteous.

7:197  And those whom you call upon besides Him are not able to help you, nor can they help themselves.

7:198  And if you invite them to guidance, they hear not; and thou seest them looking towards thee, yet they see not.

7:199  Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant.


Please know bravery from this man.

Please see that our Prophet receives accolade that he waited until death was written for him.

Please know he feigned his departure by subterfuge and our prophet Jesus feigned his death after the crucifixion by remaining in disguise until the migration occurred there.

Please know both had distinction that they waited until death occurred in their hearts.

Please see this section from chapter eight.

Please know this refers to the assassination attempt on our Prophet.

Please know he was surrounded at night and he walked out from under their very noses.

Please know this occurred at night and after saying a prayer he left. Apparently they all fell asleep.

Please know that he was practically alone in Mecca when this occurred as all his followers had migrated to Medina before.

Please understand this,

Please know he could have migrated before but if he had his companions who were left behind would have been oppressed by them.

The end occurs if you think he was not a soldier of courage.

Please know there was practically no chance for him to escape and stalwarts from the enemy camp had decided to do away with him. In this there is a parallel with Jesus when God saved him despite him being placed on the crucifix.

Please know there is pre-destiny and our Prophet’s departure from Mecca is foretold in the scriptures of the Old Testament, as is the attempted murder of Christ.

Please realize what courage is,

Please know it was at the last moment before their death occurred that the migration occurred. While Jesus was delivered to the enemies my Prophet escaped before that occurred.

Please know they had a planned escape.

Please understand what subterfuge is,

Please see the following caption on their hearts.

Please know Allah is with us. Omar.


8:29  O you who believe, if you keep your duty to Allah, He will grant you a distinction and do away with your evils and protect you. And Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.

8:30  And when those who disbelieved devised plans against thee that they might confine thee or slay thee or drive thee away — and they devised plans and Allah, too, had arranged a plan; and Allah is the best of planners.


Please know decent conduct from him.

Please see the repertoire of his language and see if you see an abuse to anyone.

Please know during the Prophet’s time there were certain Jews who would abuse him by saying the words “death be upon you” instead of the Muslim greeting “peace be upon you.”

Please know it was upsetting to Aisha, who remarked “death be upon you” in return. I know this is the norm for me and I would probably agree with her reply but the Prophet cautioned her and indicated that our Creator does not like the harsh tone in mankind.

Please know he never uttered a word in a harsh tone and has never been on record to say an abuse to anyone.

Please know this man,

Please know this is the mold we have to adopt to enter Paradise.

Please understand our Creator expects all of us not to use harsh language.

Please ask yourself: Are you ready to enter the premises your Creator has created for you?

Please know we must adopt the mold of himself.

Please know you can’t do it even if you tried.

Please understand that is why there is a Hereafter where further amelioration occurs.

Please allow yourself leeway.

Please know we are headed in the direction of Paradise if we commit good deeds and give our Creator His right that He alone we worship.

Please yourself if you fail.

Please know your direction is not that of his and your respective prophet.

Please those who are near you and you will fail.

Please only the Prophet you respect and you will find the answer is with our Prophet who gave us his book and the Quran as the way to Him.

Please know I advise you to review your literature.

Please review and see that we have coherence in our religious belief of Islam where your Creator is One.

Please see and observe the way to Him.

Please know your books were altered after your prophet left you. Omar.


Please know He is Rabb who nurtures us to perfection.

Please know we are accountable if we break the mold in us.

Please know our Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace.

Please know he came to perfect religion and faith.

Please know he did not do it on his own,

Please know he had a Helper.

Please know it was his Creator Who nurtures unto perfection.

Please know He is the Rabb.

Please know that is one who nurtures to perfection.

Please know now that the mold has been perfected we can follow suit,

Please understand this,

Please know our Creator has created the Heavens for His perfect ones.

Please know when we follow him we will perfect ourselves.

Please know all humanity has to go through this process of perfecting themselves after adopting him,

Please know our Creator perfected the obedient one,

Please know he perfected his friend and companion, Abu Bakr there,

Please know our Prophet was grateful he was chosen,

Please know he expressed his gratitude in his prayer to Him,

Please be kind to yourself and accept him as your mold,

Please know you will have no option in the Hereafter. Please know Jesus, Moses and Abraham will accept his mold.

Please know these are the exalted ones.

Please read him,

Please know he is kind and helpful.

Please cut off the one who berates -“he is evil.”

Please know he is the antithesis of ISIS and their like, in Islam they have of disregarding him, their Prophet to them,

Please know he warned us about them indicating they would have ritual but their heart would be devoid of peace.

Please know to know him is to know yourself as you will all obey his instinct.

Please know that he was a believer in Him,

Please know this.

Please know his heart took Him as a Friend and he never broke His trust. Omar.


Please know the abundance of good is in earthly terms as well as we benefit from admiration we receive.

Please know kauthar means abundance that has no limit. It is the place where our Prophet’s rest occurs.

Please see this chapter.

Please know it is called The Abundance of Good and it is one of the last chapters to be revealed, though convention has it that it is an early surah.

Please know that our Prophet is one who is spoken about.

Please realize this,

Please know that our Prophet was rich as the word kauthar means abundance, which he did not have in materialistic values.

Please see that he was only a Messenger of His.

Please know this,

Please know we carry out commands from Him.

Please know the accolade is all His as He gave us the avenue of being admired by others.

Please understand on our own we would have lived and died in ignominy. The end occurs when we say we are anything great. I am only a slave of His servant and that is my claim to greatness. Omar.


108:1  Surely We have given thee abundance of good.

108:2  So pray to thy Lord and sacrifice.

108:3  Surely thy enemy is cut off (from good).


Please know the Prophet was a forlorn traveler but pleased with the result.

Please know our Prophet directs some from his heavenly abode of Al-Kauthar. I know he can do so and it is a miracle I have with you.

Please know it is his well I write for you and so you have it this is his water that sustains here with us in Islam to you,

Please see this chapter from the Quran.

Please know it is titled The Help.

Please know it was revealed close to the demise of our Prophet Muhammad.

Please know when he achieved prophethood he was a forlorn traveler that no one paid any heed to.

Please know before his death a might transformation was wrought as many in the nation of Arabia came into Islam.

Please know it was a single man’s resolve to continue to teach people who were a barbaric race that worshipped idols and killed their young one with no mercy in their hearts.

Please allow him the leeway of time to do the same here through the agency of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. I know I am the spearhead of the group and will be recognized as such in the near future.

Please know it is this position I covet where I can be left alone to write in peace. In this there is certainty that the message has been propagated that we are a clean religion.

Please know our Jamaat has mention in the book of revelations as the four beasts of paradise or horsemen. I know we were meant for you to come through and that is the reason we were mentioned in your liturgy.

Please say a prayer that you can come through. Omar.


110:1  When Allah’s help and victory comes,

110:2  And thou seest men entering the religion of Allah in companies,

110:3  Celebrate the praise of thy Lord and ask His protection. Surely He is ever Returning (to mercy).



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