Manifest of Passengers
The ship on which Julius Kirmse crossed the Atlantic had previously been found. See Appendix: Finding the Ship on which Julius Kirmse Arrived in New York.
An examination of the Passenger Manifest for the Kosmos which arrived at New York City harbor on 22 Apr 1853 shows that Julius Kirmse is listed among a group of young travelers.

Information Source
Manifest of Passengers – Transcription
A transcription of this section of the Kosmos manifest of passenger is as follows:
Columns represent: passenger name, age, gender (m or f for masculine/feminine), occupation, origin, and destination.
176* Gottfr. Wagenbreidt 27 m carpenter Preussen New-york 177 Hermann Heimke 17 m rustic Preussen Buffalo 178 Justine Titze 24 f serving maid Baiern Missouri 179 Julius Faupert 23 m rustic Baiern Missouri 180 Julius Kirmse 19 m rustic Altenburg Buffalo 181 Louise Franke 23 f Hüringen Buffalo 182 Michael Rau 25 m rustic Altenburg New-york 183* Jus. Reidt 36 m rustic Baiern New-york 184* Herm. Henscher 26 m smith Preussen New-york
The only other passengers whose destination is Buffalo are the 12 members of the Trier (or Frier) family from Weimar:
32* Joh. Peter Trier 59 m rustic Weimar Buffalo 33* An. Barb. Trier 59 f Weimar Buffalo 34* E? Trier 28 m rustic Weimar Buffalo 35 Carl Trier 24 m rustic Weimar Buffalo 36 Theobald Trier 22 m rustic Weimar Buffalo 37 Jacob Trier 18 m rustic Weimar Buffalo 38 Emil Trier 10 m Weimar Buffalo 39 Christina Trier 23 f Weimar Buffalo 40* Margar. Trier 22 f Weimar Buffalo 41 Maria Trier 1y6m f Weimar Buffalo 42* Dorothea Trier 2y6m f Weimar Buffalo
And the last two names on the passenger manifest list are:
196 Anna Frier 16 f Weimar Buffalo 197* Joh. Conr. Dinkel 44 m surgeon Baiern New-york Transcriber's Notes: * An asterisk indicates an error on the part of the original recorder, not the transcriber, or is used to call your attention to additional information in the transcriber's notes.
32 Given name likely Johann. 33 Given name likely Anna Barbara. 34 Given name looks like it may be Enoch. 40 Given name likely Margaretha. 42 Note in far right column: died. 176 Given name likely Gottfried. 183 Given name may be Justus. 184 Given name likely Hermann. 197 Given name likely Johann Conrad.
Information Source
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Downloaded from: http://www.immigrantships.net/v13/1800v13/kosmos18530422.html
Several observations can be made from this passenger manifest:
- Julius Kirmse is not a stow-away. His name is near the middle of the list of passengers. Passenger manifests were created at the time the ship left port – If Julius were a stow-away and he was found, his name would been added at the bottom of the list or as a note.
- There are several other passengers whose destination is Buffalo, New York.
- Several passengers are from or near Altenburg:
- Two passengers whose destinations are Missouri have been identified by Fred Eggers as being from Kriebitzsch (See Appendix: The Perry County Connection for Julius Kirmse)
- Justine Titze – is Justine Dietze (22 Mar 1829-22 Mar 1913))
- Julius Faupert – is Julius Theodor Saupe (4 Mar 1830-31 Oct 1907))
- Julius Kirmse and many other male passengers are listed as being a “rustic” which means that they are “from the country” and do not have a profession such as tanner, carpenter, etc.
- The Anna Frier who appears next to the bottom of the list is likely a daughter belonging to the Tier/Fier family listed as passengers 32-42. She possibly was missed or got separated from her family at the time the family was signed aboard. And, when it was found that the passenger count was off and she was not on the list, her name was added.
- The ship surgeon, Johann Conrad. Dinkel , is from Baiern with the destination New-York – During that time period, New York meant New York City. There are no other medical doctors listed. Hence, it appears that Julius’s benefactor doctor who paid his passage did not travel on the Kosmos.